123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479 |
- # Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- from __future__ import print_function
- from __future__ import division
- try:
- from collections.abc import Sequence
- except Exception:
- from collections import Sequence
- from numbers import Number, Integral
- import cv2
- import numpy as np
- import math
- import copy
- from .operators import register_op, BaseOperator
- from ppdet.modeling.rbox_utils import poly2rbox_le135_np, poly2rbox_oc_np, rbox2poly_np
- from ppdet.utils.logger import setup_logger
- logger = setup_logger(__name__)
- @register_op
- class RRotate(BaseOperator):
- """ Rotate Image, Polygon, Box
- Args:
- scale (float): rotate scale
- angle (float): rotate angle
- fill_value (int, tuple): fill color
- auto_bound (bool): whether auto bound or not
- """
- def __init__(self, scale=1.0, angle=0., fill_value=0., auto_bound=True):
- super(RRotate, self).__init__()
- self.scale = scale
- self.angle = angle
- self.fill_value = fill_value
- self.auto_bound = auto_bound
- def get_rotated_matrix(self, angle, scale, h, w):
- center = ((w - 1) * 0.5, (h - 1) * 0.5)
- matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, -angle, scale)
- # calculate the new size
- cos = np.abs(matrix[0, 0])
- sin = np.abs(matrix[0, 1])
- new_w = h * sin + w * cos
- new_h = h * cos + w * sin
- # calculate offset
- n_w = int(np.round(new_w))
- n_h = int(np.round(new_h))
- if self.auto_bound:
- ratio = min(w / n_w, h / n_h)
- matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, -angle, ratio)
- else:
- matrix[0, 2] += (new_w - w) * 0.5
- matrix[1, 2] += (new_h - h) * 0.5
- w = n_w
- h = n_h
- return matrix, h, w
- def get_rect_from_pts(self, pts, h, w):
- """ get minimum rectangle of points
- """
- assert pts.shape[-1] % 2 == 0, 'the dim of input [pts] is not correct'
- min_x, min_y = np.min(pts[:, 0::2], axis=1), np.min(pts[:, 1::2],
- axis=1)
- max_x, max_y = np.max(pts[:, 0::2], axis=1), np.max(pts[:, 1::2],
- axis=1)
- min_x, min_y = np.clip(min_x, 0, w), np.clip(min_y, 0, h)
- max_x, max_y = np.clip(max_x, 0, w), np.clip(max_y, 0, h)
- boxes = np.stack([min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y], axis=-1)
- return boxes
- def apply_image(self, image, matrix, h, w):
- return cv2.warpAffine(
- image, matrix, (w, h), borderValue=self.fill_value)
- def apply_pts(self, pts, matrix, h, w):
- assert pts.shape[-1] % 2 == 0, 'the dim of input [pts] is not correct'
- # n is number of samples and m is two times the number of points due to (x, y)
- _, m = pts.shape
- # transpose points
- pts_ = pts.reshape(-1, 2).T
- # pad 1 to convert the points to homogeneous coordinates
- padding = np.ones((1, pts_.shape[1]), pts.dtype)
- rotated_pts = np.matmul(matrix, np.concatenate((pts_, padding), axis=0))
- return rotated_pts[:2, :].T.reshape(-1, m)
- def apply(self, sample, context=None):
- image = sample['image']
- h, w = image.shape[:2]
- matrix, h, w = self.get_rotated_matrix(self.angle, self.scale, h, w)
- sample['image'] = self.apply_image(image, matrix, h, w)
- polys = sample['gt_poly']
- # TODO: segment or keypoint to be processed
- if len(polys) > 0:
- pts = self.apply_pts(polys, matrix, h, w)
- sample['gt_poly'] = pts
- sample['gt_bbox'] = self.get_rect_from_pts(pts, h, w)
- return sample
- @register_op
- class RandomRRotate(BaseOperator):
- """ Random Rotate Image
- Args:
- scale (float, tuple, list): rotate scale
- scale_mode (str): mode of scale, [range, value, None]
- angle (float, tuple, list): rotate angle
- angle_mode (str): mode of angle, [range, value, None]
- fill_value (float, tuple, list): fill value
- rotate_prob (float): probability of rotation
- auto_bound (bool): whether auto bound or not
- """
- def __init__(self,
- scale=1.0,
- scale_mode=None,
- angle=0.,
- angle_mode=None,
- fill_value=0.,
- rotate_prob=1.0,
- auto_bound=True):
- super(RandomRRotate, self).__init__()
- self.scale = scale
- self.scale_mode = scale_mode
- self.angle = angle
- self.angle_mode = angle_mode
- self.fill_value = fill_value
- self.rotate_prob = rotate_prob
- self.auto_bound = auto_bound
- def get_angle(self, angle, angle_mode):
- assert not angle_mode or angle_mode in [
- 'range', 'value'
- ], 'angle mode should be in [range, value, None]'
- if not angle_mode:
- return angle
- elif angle_mode == 'range':
- low, high = angle
- return np.random.rand() * (high - low) + low
- elif angle_mode == 'value':
- return np.random.choice(angle)
- def get_scale(self, scale, scale_mode):
- assert not scale_mode or scale_mode in [
- 'range', 'value'
- ], 'scale mode should be in [range, value, None]'
- if not scale_mode:
- return scale
- elif scale_mode == 'range':
- low, high = scale
- return np.random.rand() * (high - low) + low
- elif scale_mode == 'value':
- return np.random.choice(scale)
- def apply(self, sample, context=None):
- if np.random.rand() > self.rotate_prob:
- return sample
- angle = self.get_angle(self.angle, self.angle_mode)
- scale = self.get_scale(self.scale, self.scale_mode)
- rotator = RRotate(scale, angle, self.fill_value, self.auto_bound)
- return rotator(sample)
- @register_op
- class Poly2RBox(BaseOperator):
- """ Polygon to Rotated Box, using new OpenCV definition since 4.5.1
- Args:
- filter_threshold (int, float): threshold to filter annotations
- filter_mode (str): filter mode, ['area', 'edge']
- rbox_type (str): rbox type, ['le135', 'oc']
- """
- def __init__(self, filter_threshold=4, filter_mode=None, rbox_type='le135'):
- super(Poly2RBox, self).__init__()
- self.filter_fn = lambda size: self.filter(size, filter_threshold, filter_mode)
- self.rbox_fn = poly2rbox_le135_np if rbox_type == 'le135' else poly2rbox_oc_np
- def filter(self, size, threshold, mode):
- if mode == 'area':
- if size[0] * size[1] < threshold:
- return True
- elif mode == 'edge':
- if min(size) < threshold:
- return True
- return False
- def get_rbox(self, polys):
- valid_ids, rboxes, bboxes = [], [], []
- for i, poly in enumerate(polys):
- cx, cy, w, h, angle = self.rbox_fn(poly)
- if self.filter_fn((w, h)):
- continue
- rboxes.append(np.array([cx, cy, w, h, angle], dtype=np.float32))
- valid_ids.append(i)
- xmin, ymin = min(poly[0::2]), min(poly[1::2])
- xmax, ymax = max(poly[0::2]), max(poly[1::2])
- bboxes.append(np.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], dtype=np.float32))
- if len(valid_ids) == 0:
- rboxes = np.zeros((0, 5), dtype=np.float32)
- bboxes = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32)
- else:
- rboxes = np.stack(rboxes)
- bboxes = np.stack(bboxes)
- return rboxes, bboxes, valid_ids
- def apply(self, sample, context=None):
- rboxes, bboxes, valid_ids = self.get_rbox(sample['gt_poly'])
- sample['gt_rbox'] = rboxes
- sample['gt_bbox'] = bboxes
- for k in ['gt_class', 'gt_score', 'gt_poly', 'is_crowd', 'difficult']:
- if k in sample:
- sample[k] = sample[k][valid_ids]
- return sample
- @register_op
- class Poly2Array(BaseOperator):
- """ convert gt_poly to np.array for rotated bboxes
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(Poly2Array, self).__init__()
- def apply(self, sample, context=None):
- if 'gt_poly' in sample:
- sample['gt_poly'] = np.array(
- sample['gt_poly'], dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, 8))
- return sample
- @register_op
- class RResize(BaseOperator):
- def __init__(self, target_size, keep_ratio, interp=cv2.INTER_LINEAR):
- """
- Resize image to target size. if keep_ratio is True,
- resize the image's long side to the maximum of target_size
- if keep_ratio is False, resize the image to target size(h, w)
- Args:
- target_size (int|list): image target size
- keep_ratio (bool): whether keep_ratio or not, default true
- interp (int): the interpolation method
- """
- super(RResize, self).__init__()
- self.keep_ratio = keep_ratio
- self.interp = interp
- if not isinstance(target_size, (Integral, Sequence)):
- raise TypeError(
- "Type of target_size is invalid. Must be Integer or List or Tuple, now is {}".
- format(type(target_size)))
- if isinstance(target_size, Integral):
- target_size = [target_size, target_size]
- self.target_size = target_size
- def apply_image(self, image, scale):
- im_scale_x, im_scale_y = scale
- return cv2.resize(
- image,
- None,
- None,
- fx=im_scale_x,
- fy=im_scale_y,
- interpolation=self.interp)
- def apply_pts(self, pts, scale, size):
- im_scale_x, im_scale_y = scale
- resize_w, resize_h = size
- pts[:, 0::2] *= im_scale_x
- pts[:, 1::2] *= im_scale_y
- pts[:, 0::2] = np.clip(pts[:, 0::2], 0, resize_w)
- pts[:, 1::2] = np.clip(pts[:, 1::2], 0, resize_h)
- return pts
- def apply(self, sample, context=None):
- """ Resize the image numpy.
- """
- im = sample['image']
- if not isinstance(im, np.ndarray):
- raise TypeError("{}: image type is not numpy.".format(self))
- if len(im.shape) != 3:
- raise ImageError('{}: image is not 3-dimensional.'.format(self))
- # apply image
- im_shape = im.shape
- if self.keep_ratio:
- im_size_min = np.min(im_shape[0:2])
- im_size_max = np.max(im_shape[0:2])
- target_size_min = np.min(self.target_size)
- target_size_max = np.max(self.target_size)
- im_scale = min(target_size_min / im_size_min,
- target_size_max / im_size_max)
- resize_h = im_scale * float(im_shape[0])
- resize_w = im_scale * float(im_shape[1])
- im_scale_x = im_scale
- im_scale_y = im_scale
- else:
- resize_h, resize_w = self.target_size
- im_scale_y = resize_h / im_shape[0]
- im_scale_x = resize_w / im_shape[1]
- im = self.apply_image(sample['image'], [im_scale_x, im_scale_y])
- sample['image'] = im.astype(np.float32)
- sample['im_shape'] = np.asarray([resize_h, resize_w], dtype=np.float32)
- if 'scale_factor' in sample:
- scale_factor = sample['scale_factor']
- sample['scale_factor'] = np.asarray(
- [scale_factor[0] * im_scale_y, scale_factor[1] * im_scale_x],
- dtype=np.float32)
- else:
- sample['scale_factor'] = np.asarray(
- [im_scale_y, im_scale_x], dtype=np.float32)
- # apply bbox
- if 'gt_bbox' in sample and len(sample['gt_bbox']) > 0:
- sample['gt_bbox'] = self.apply_pts(sample['gt_bbox'],
- [im_scale_x, im_scale_y],
- [resize_w, resize_h])
- # apply polygon
- if 'gt_poly' in sample and len(sample['gt_poly']) > 0:
- sample['gt_poly'] = self.apply_pts(sample['gt_poly'],
- [im_scale_x, im_scale_y],
- [resize_w, resize_h])
- return sample
- @register_op
- class RandomRFlip(BaseOperator):
- def __init__(self, prob=0.5):
- """
- Args:
- prob (float): the probability of flipping image
- """
- super(RandomRFlip, self).__init__()
- self.prob = prob
- if not (isinstance(self.prob, float)):
- raise TypeError("{}: input type is invalid.".format(self))
- def apply_image(self, image):
- return image[:, ::-1, :]
- def apply_pts(self, pts, width):
- oldx = pts[:, 0::2].copy()
- pts[:, 0::2] = width - oldx - 1
- return pts
- def apply(self, sample, context=None):
- """Filp the image and bounding box.
- Operators:
- 1. Flip the image numpy.
- 2. Transform the bboxes' x coordinates.
- (Must judge whether the coordinates are normalized!)
- 3. Transform the segmentations' x coordinates.
- (Must judge whether the coordinates are normalized!)
- Output:
- sample: the image, bounding box and segmentation part
- in sample are flipped.
- """
- if np.random.uniform(0, 1) < self.prob:
- im = sample['image']
- height, width = im.shape[:2]
- im = self.apply_image(im)
- if 'gt_bbox' in sample and len(sample['gt_bbox']) > 0:
- sample['gt_bbox'] = self.apply_pts(sample['gt_bbox'], width)
- if 'gt_poly' in sample and len(sample['gt_poly']) > 0:
- sample['gt_poly'] = self.apply_pts(sample['gt_poly'], width)
- sample['flipped'] = True
- sample['image'] = im
- return sample
- @register_op
- class VisibleRBox(BaseOperator):
- """
- In debug mode, visualize images according to `gt_box`.
- (Currently only supported when not cropping and flipping image.)
- """
- def __init__(self, output_dir='debug'):
- super(VisibleRBox, self).__init__()
- self.output_dir = output_dir
- if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
- os.makedirs(output_dir)
- def apply(self, sample, context=None):
- image = Image.fromarray(sample['image'].astype(np.uint8))
- out_file_name = '{:012d}.jpg'.format(sample['im_id'][0])
- width = sample['w']
- height = sample['h']
- # gt_poly = sample['gt_rbox']
- gt_poly = sample['gt_poly']
- gt_class = sample['gt_class']
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
- for i in range(gt_poly.shape[0]):
- x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 = gt_poly[i]
- draw.line(
- [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4), (x1, y1)],
- width=2,
- fill='green')
- # draw label
- xmin = min(x1, x2, x3, x4)
- ymin = min(y1, y2, y3, y4)
- text = str(gt_class[i][0])
- tw, th = draw.textsize(text)
- draw.rectangle(
- [(xmin + 1, ymin - th), (xmin + tw + 1, ymin)], fill='green')
- draw.text((xmin + 1, ymin - th), text, fill=(255, 255, 255))
- if 'gt_keypoint' in sample.keys():
- gt_keypoint = sample['gt_keypoint']
- if self.is_normalized:
- for i in range(gt_keypoint.shape[1]):
- if i % 2:
- gt_keypoint[:, i] = gt_keypoint[:, i] * height
- else:
- gt_keypoint[:, i] = gt_keypoint[:, i] * width
- for i in range(gt_keypoint.shape[0]):
- keypoint = gt_keypoint[i]
- for j in range(int(keypoint.shape[0] / 2)):
- x1 = round(keypoint[2 * j]).astype(np.int32)
- y1 = round(keypoint[2 * j + 1]).astype(np.int32)
- draw.ellipse(
- (x1, y1, x1 + 5, y1 + 5), fill='green', outline='green')
- save_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, out_file_name)
- image.save(save_path, quality=95)
- return sample
- @register_op
- class Rbox2Poly(BaseOperator):
- """
- Convert rbbox format to poly format.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(Rbox2Poly, self).__init__()
- def apply(self, sample, context=None):
- assert 'gt_rbox' in sample
- assert sample['gt_rbox'].shape[1] == 5
- rboxes = sample['gt_rbox']
- polys = rbox2poly_np(rboxes)
- sample['gt_poly'] = polys
- xmin, ymin = polys[:, 0::2].min(1), polys[:, 1::2].min(1)
- xmax, ymax = polys[:, 0::2].max(1), polys[:, 1::2].max(1)
- sample['gt_bbox'] = np.stack([xmin, ymin, xmin, ymin], axis=1)
- return sample