yangjun dfa27afb39 提交PaddleDetection develop 分支 d56cf3f7c294a7138013dac21f87da4ea6bee829 2 年 前
CMakeLists.txt dfa27afb39 提交PaddleDetection develop 分支 d56cf3f7c294a7138013dac21f87da4ea6bee829 2 年 前
README.md dfa27afb39 提交PaddleDetection develop 分支 d56cf3f7c294a7138013dac21f87da4ea6bee829 2 年 前
keypoint_detector.cpp dfa27afb39 提交PaddleDetection develop 分支 d56cf3f7c294a7138013dac21f87da4ea6bee829 2 年 前
keypoint_detector.h dfa27afb39 提交PaddleDetection develop 分支 d56cf3f7c294a7138013dac21f87da4ea6bee829 2 年 前
keypoint_postprocess.cpp dfa27afb39 提交PaddleDetection develop 分支 d56cf3f7c294a7138013dac21f87da4ea6bee829 2 年 前
keypoint_postprocess.h dfa27afb39 提交PaddleDetection develop 分支 d56cf3f7c294a7138013dac21f87da4ea6bee829 2 年 前
main.cpp dfa27afb39 提交PaddleDetection develop 分支 d56cf3f7c294a7138013dac21f87da4ea6bee829 2 年 前
picodet_openvino.cpp dfa27afb39 提交PaddleDetection develop 分支 d56cf3f7c294a7138013dac21f87da4ea6bee829 2 年 前
picodet_openvino.h dfa27afb39 提交PaddleDetection develop 分支 d56cf3f7c294a7138013dac21f87da4ea6bee829 2 年 前


TinyPose OpenVINO Demo

This fold provides TinyPose inference code using Intel's OpenVINO Toolkit. Most of the implements in this fold are same as demo_ncnn.

  1. To use the xxx.tar.gz file to install instead of github method, link.
  2. Your can also deploy openvino with docker, the command is : docker pull openvino/ubuntu18_dev:2021.4.1

Install OpenVINO Toolkit

Go to OpenVINO HomePage

Download a suitable version and install.

Follow the official Get Started Guides: https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/get_started_guides.html

Set the Environment Variables


Run this command in cmd. (Every time before using OpenVINO)


Or set the system environment variables once for all:

And add this to Path



Run this command in shell. (Every time before using OpenVINO)

source /opt/intel/openvino_2021/bin/setupvars.sh

Or edit .bashrc

vi ~/.bashrc

Add this line to the end of the file

source /opt/intel/openvino_2021/bin/setupvars.sh

Convert model

1. Conver to onnx

Create picodet_m_416_coco.onnx and tinypose256.onnx


# export model
python tools/export_model.py \
        -c configs/picodet/${modelName}.yml \
        -o weights=${modelName}.pdparams \
# convert to onnx
paddle2onnx --model_dir inference_model/${modelName} \
        --model_filename model.pdmodel  \
        --params_filename model.pdiparams \
        --opset_version 11 \
        --save_file ${modelName}.onnx
# onnxsim
python -m onnxsim ${modelName}.onnx ${modelName}_sim.onnx

2.Convert to OpenVINO

   cd <INSTSLL_DIR>/openvino_2021/deployment_tools/model_optimizer

Install requirements for convert tool

   cd ./install_prerequisites
   sudo install_prerequisites_onnx.sh

Then convert model. Notice: mean_values and scale_values should be the same with your training settings in YAML config file.

   mo_onnx.py --input_model <ONNX_MODEL> --mean_values [103.53,116.28,123.675] --scale_values [57.375,57.12,58.395] --input_shape [1,3,256,192]

Note: The new version of openvino convert tools may cause error in Resize op. If you has problem with this, please try the version: openvino_2021.4.689



mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
msbuild tinypose_demo.vcxproj /p:configuration=release /p:platform=x64


source /opt/intel/openvino_2021/bin/setupvars.sh
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Run demo

Download PicoDet openvino model PicoDet openvino model download link.

Download TinyPose openvino model TinyPose openvino model download link, the origin paddlepaddle model is Tinypose256.

move picodet and tinypose openvino model files to the demo's weight folder.


  1. The model output node name may update by new version of paddle\paddle2onnx\onnxsim\openvino, please checkout your own model output node when the code can't find "conv2d_441.tmp_1"\"argmax_0.tmp_0".
  2. If you happened with this error "Cannot find blob with name: transpose_1.tmp_0", it means your picodet model is oldversion. you can modify the below code to fix it.
#picodet_openvino.h line 50-54

  std::vector<HeadInfo> heads_info_{
      // cls_pred|dis_pred|stride
      {"transpose_0.tmp_0", "transpose_1.tmp_0", 8},
      {"transpose_2.tmp_0", "transpose_3.tmp_0", 16},
      {"transpose_4.tmp_0", "transpose_5.tmp_0", 32},
      {"transpose_6.tmp_0", "transpose_7.tmp_0", 64},

  modify to:

  std::vector<HeadInfo> heads_info_{
    // cls_pred|dis_pred|stride
    {"save_infer_model/scale_0.tmp_1", "save_infer_model/scale_4.tmp_1", 8},
    {"save_infer_model/scale_1.tmp_1", "save_infer_model/scale_5.tmp_1", 16},
    {"save_infer_model/scale_2.tmp_1", "save_infer_model/scale_6.tmp_1", 32},
    {"save_infer_model/scale_3.tmp_1", "save_infer_model/scale_7.tmp_1", 64},
  1. you can view your onnx model with Netron.

Edit file

#define image_size 416
  cv::Mat image(256, 192, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(1, 1, 1));
  std::vector<float> center = {128, 96};
  std::vector<float> scale = {256, 192};
  auto detector = PicoDet("../weight/picodet_m_416.xml");
  auto kpts_detector = new KeyPointDetector("../weight/tinypose256.xml", -1, 256, 192);
#define image_size 416


Run command:

./tinypose_demo [mode] [image_file]
Name Value
INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR \openvino_2021
InferenceEngine_DIR %INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR%\deployment_tools\inference_engine\share
HDDL_INSTALL_DIR %INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR%\deployment_tools\inference_engine\external\hddl
ngraph_DIR %INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR%\deployment_tools\ngraph\cmake
param detail
--mode input mode,0:camera;1:image;2:video;3:benchmark
--image_file input image path


tinypose_demo 0 0

Inference images

tinypose_demo 1 IMAGE_FOLDER/*.jpg

Inference video

tinypose_demo 2 VIDEO_PATH


tinypose_demo 3 0

Plateform: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v4 @ 2.20GHz x 24(核) Model: Tinypose256_Openvino

param Min Max Avg
infer time(s) 0.018 0.062 0.028