@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+''' Document Localization using Recursive CNN
+ Maintainer : Khurram Javed
+ Email : kjaved@ualberta.ca '''
+import random
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import Polygon
+def unison_shuffled_copies(a, b):
+ assert len(a) == len(b)
+ p = np.random.permutation(len(a))
+ return a[p], b[p]
+def intersection(a, b, img):
+ img1 = np.zeros_like(img)
+ cv2.fillConvexPoly(img1, a, (255, 0, 0))
+ img1 = np.sum(img1, axis=2)
+ img1 = img1 / 255
+ img2 = np.zeros_like(img)
+ cv2.fillConvexPoly(img2, b, (255, 0, 0))
+ img2 = np.sum(img2, axis=2)
+ img2 = img2 / 255
+ inte = img1 * img2
+ union = np.logical_or(img1, img2)
+ iou = np.sum(inte) / np.sum(union)
+ print(iou)
+ return iou
+def intersection_with_correction(a, b, img):
+ img1 = np.zeros_like(img)
+ cv2.fillConvexPoly(img1, a, (255, 0, 0))
+ img2 = np.zeros_like(img)
+ cv2.fillConvexPoly(img2, b, (255, 0, 0))
+ min_x = min(a[0][0], a[1][0], a[2][0], a[3][0])
+ min_y = min(a[0][1], a[1][1], a[2][1], a[3][1])
+ max_x = max(a[0][0], a[1][0], a[2][0], a[3][0])
+ max_y = max(a[0][1], a[1][1], a[2][1], a[3][1])
+ dst = np.array(((min_x, min_y), (max_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y), (min_x, max_y)))
+ mat = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(a.astype(np.float32), dst.astype(np.float32))
+ img1 = cv2.warpPerspective(img1, mat, tuple((img.shape[0], img.shape[1])))
+ img2 = cv2.warpPerspective(img2, mat, tuple((img.shape[0], img.shape[1])))
+ img1 = np.sum(img1, axis=2)
+ img1 = img1 / 255
+ img2 = np.sum(img2, axis=2)
+ img2 = img2 / 255
+ inte = img1 * img2
+ union = np.logical_or(img1, img2)
+ iou = np.sum(inte) / np.sum(union)
+ return iou
+def intersection_with_correction_smart_doc_implementation(gt, prediction, img):
+ # Reference : https://github.com/jchazalon/smartdoc15-ch1-eval
+ gt = sort_gt(gt)
+ prediction = sort_gt(prediction)
+ img1 = np.zeros_like(img)
+ cv2.fillConvexPoly(img1, gt, (255, 0, 0))
+ target_width = 2100
+ target_height = 2970
+ # Referential: (0,0) at TL, x > 0 toward right and y > 0 toward bottom
+ # Corner order: TL, BL, BR, TR
+ # object_coord_target = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, target_height], [target_width, target_height], [target_width, 0]])
+ object_coord_target = np.array(np.float32([[0, 0], [target_width, 0], [target_width, target_height],[0, target_height]]))
+ # print (gt, object_coord_target)
+ H = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(gt.astype(np.float32).reshape(-1, 1, 2), object_coord_target.reshape(-1, 1, 2))
+ # 2/ Apply to test result to project in target referential
+ test_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(prediction.astype(np.float32).reshape(-1, 1, 2), H)
+ # 3/ Compute intersection between target region and test result region
+ # poly = Polygon.Polygon([(0,0),(1,0),(0,1)])
+ poly_target = Polygon.Polygon(object_coord_target.reshape(-1, 2))
+ poly_test = Polygon.Polygon(test_coords.reshape(-1, 2))
+ poly_inter = poly_target & poly_test
+ area_target = poly_target.area()
+ area_test = poly_test.area()
+ area_inter = poly_inter.area()
+ area_union = area_test + area_target - area_inter
+ # Little hack to cope with float precision issues when dealing with polygons:
+ # If intersection area is close enough to target area or GT area, but slighlty >,
+ # then fix it, assuming it is due to rounding issues.
+ area_min = min(area_target, area_test)
+ if area_min < area_inter and area_min * 1.0000000001 > area_inter:
+ area_inter = area_min
+ print("Capping area_inter.")
+ jaccard_index = area_inter / area_union
+ return jaccard_index
+def __rotateImage(image, angle):
+ rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((image.shape[1] / 2, image.shape[0] / 2), angle, 1)
+ result = cv2.warpAffine(image, rot_mat, (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
+ return result, rot_mat
+def rotate(img, gt, angle):
+ img, mat = __rotateImage(img, angle)
+ gt = gt.astype(np.float64)
+ for a in range(0, 4):
+ gt[a] = np.dot(mat[..., 0:2], gt[a]) + mat[..., 2]
+ return img, gt
+def random_crop(img, gt):
+ ptr1 = (min(gt[0][0], gt[1][0], gt[2][0], gt[3][0]),
+ min(gt[0][1], gt[1][1], gt[2][1], gt[3][1]))
+ ptr2 = ((max(gt[0][0], gt[1][0], gt[2][0], gt[3][0]),
+ max(gt[0][1], gt[1][1], gt[2][1], gt[3][1])))
+ start_x = np.random.randint(0, int(max(ptr1[0] - 1, 1)))
+ start_y = np.random.randint(0, int(max(ptr1[1] - 1, 1)))
+ end_x = np.random.randint(int(min(ptr2[0] + 1, img.shape[1] - 1)), img.shape[1])
+ end_y = np.random.randint(int(min(ptr2[1] + 1, img.shape[0] - 1)), img.shape[0])
+ img = img[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x]
+ myGt = gt - (start_x, start_y)
+ myGt = myGt * (1.0 / img.shape[1], 1.0 / img.shape[0])
+ myGtTemp = myGt * myGt
+ sum_array = myGtTemp.sum(axis=1)
+ tl_index = np.argmin(sum_array)
+ tl = myGt[tl_index]
+ tr = myGt[(tl_index + 1) % 4]
+ br = myGt[(tl_index + 2) % 4]
+ bl = myGt[(tl_index + 3) % 4]
+ return img, (tl, tr, br, bl)
+def get_corners(img, gt):
+ gt = gt.astype(int)
+ list_of_points = {}
+ myGt = gt
+ myGtTemp = myGt * myGt
+ sum_array = myGtTemp.sum(axis=1)
+ tl_index = np.argmin(sum_array)
+ tl = myGt[tl_index]
+ tr = myGt[(tl_index + 1) % 4]
+ br = myGt[(tl_index + 2) % 4]
+ bl = myGt[(tl_index + 3) % 4]
+ list_of_points["tr"] = tr
+ list_of_points["tl"] = tl
+ list_of_points["br"] = br
+ list_of_points["bl"] = bl
+ gt_list = []
+ images_list = []
+ for k, v in list_of_points.items():
+ if (k == "tl"):
+ cords_x = __get_cords(v[0], 0, list_of_points["tr"][0], buf=10, size=abs(list_of_points["tr"][0] - v[0]))
+ cords_y = __get_cords(v[1], 0, list_of_points["bl"][1], buf=10, size=abs(list_of_points["bl"][1] - v[1]))
+ # print cords_y, cords_x
+ gt = (v[0] - cords_x[0], v[1] - cords_y[0])
+ cut_image = img[cords_y[0]:cords_y[1], cords_x[0]:cords_x[1]]
+ if (k == "tr"):
+ cords_x = __get_cords(v[0], list_of_points["tl"][0], img.shape[1], buf=10,
+ size=abs(list_of_points["tl"][0] - v[0]))
+ cords_y = __get_cords(v[1], 0, list_of_points["br"][1], buf=10, size=abs(list_of_points["br"][1] - v[1]))
+ # print cords_y, cords_x
+ gt = (v[0] - cords_x[0], v[1] - cords_y[0])
+ cut_image = img[cords_y[0]:cords_y[1], cords_x[0]:cords_x[1]]
+ if (k == "bl"):
+ cords_x = __get_cords(v[0], 0, list_of_points["br"][0], buf=10,
+ size=abs(list_of_points["br"][0] - v[0]))
+ cords_y = __get_cords(v[1], list_of_points["tl"][1], img.shape[0], buf=10,
+ size=abs(list_of_points["tl"][1] - v[1]))
+ # print cords_y, cords_x
+ gt = (v[0] - cords_x[0], v[1] - cords_y[0])
+ cut_image = img[cords_y[0]:cords_y[1], cords_x[0]:cords_x[1]]
+ if (k == "br"):
+ cords_x = __get_cords(v[0], list_of_points["bl"][0], img.shape[1], buf=10,
+ size=abs(list_of_points["bl"][0] - v[0]))
+ cords_y = __get_cords(v[1], list_of_points["tr"][1], img.shape[0], buf=10,
+ size=abs(list_of_points["tr"][1] - v[1]))
+ # print cords_y, cords_x
+ gt = (v[0] - cords_x[0], v[1] - cords_y[0])
+ cut_image = img[cords_y[0]:cords_y[1], cords_x[0]:cords_x[1]]
+ # cv2.circle(cut_image, gt, 2, (255, 0, 0), 6)
+ mah_size = cut_image.shape
+ cut_image = cv2.resize(cut_image, (300, 300))
+ a = int(gt[0] * 300 / mah_size[1])
+ b = int(gt[1] * 300 / mah_size[0])
+ images_list.append(cut_image)
+ gt_list.append((a, b))
+ return images_list, gt_list
+def __get_cords(cord, min_start, max_end, size=299, buf=5, random_scale=True):
+ # size = max(abs(cord-min_start), abs(cord-max_end))
+ iter = 0
+ if (random_scale):
+ size /= random.randint(1, 4)
+ while (max_end - min_start) < size:
+ size = size * .9
+ temp = -1
+ while (temp < 1):
+ temp = random.normalvariate(size / 2, size / 6)
+ x_start = max(cord - temp, min_start)
+ x_start = int(x_start)
+ if x_start >= cord:
+ print("XSTART AND CORD", x_start, cord)
+ # assert (x_start < cord)
+ while ((x_start < min_start) or (x_start + size > max_end) or (x_start + size <= cord)):
+ # x_start = random.randint(int(min(max(min_start, int(cord - size + buf)), cord - buf - 1)), cord - buf)
+ temp = -1
+ while (temp < 1):
+ temp = random.normalvariate(size / 2, size / 6)
+ temp = max(temp, 1)
+ x_start = max(cord - temp, min_start)
+ x_start = int(x_start)
+ size = size * .995
+ iter += 1
+ if (iter == 1000):
+ x_start = int(cord - (size / 2))
+ print("Gets here")
+ break
+ assert (x_start >= 0)
+ if x_start >= cord:
+ print("XSTART AND CORD", x_start, cord)
+ # assert (x_start < cord)
+ # assert (x_start + size <= max_end)
+ # assert (x_start + size > cord)
+ return (x_start, int(x_start + size))
+def setup_logger(path):
+ import logging
+ logger = logging.getLogger('iCARL')
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ fh = logging.FileHandler(path + ".log")
+ fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ fh2 = logging.FileHandler("../temp.log")
+ fh2.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+ ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
+ fh.setFormatter(formatter)
+ fh2.setFormatter(formatter)
+ logger.addHandler(fh)
+ logger.addHandler(fh2)
+ logger.addHandler(ch)
+ return logger
+def sort_gt(gt):
+ '''
+ Sort the ground truth labels so that TL corresponds to the label with smallest distance from O
+ :param gt:
+ :return: sorted gt
+ '''
+ myGtTemp = gt * gt
+ sum_array = myGtTemp.sum(axis=1)
+ tl_index = np.argmin(sum_array)
+ tl = gt[tl_index]
+ tr = gt[(tl_index + 1) % 4]
+ br = gt[(tl_index + 2) % 4]
+ bl = gt[(tl_index + 3) % 4]
+ return np.asarray((tl, tr, br, bl))