@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+# Copyright (c) <2015-Present> Tzutalin
+# Copyright (C) 2013 MIT, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Bryan Russell, Antonio Torralba,
+# William T. Freeman. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
+# associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
+# limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
+# Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
+import copy
+from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal, QPointF, QPoint
+from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QBrush, QColor, QPixmap
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QMenu, QApplication
+from libs.shape import Shape
+from libs.utils import distance
+CURSOR_DEFAULT = Qt.ArrowCursor
+CURSOR_POINT = Qt.PointingHandCursor
+CURSOR_DRAW = Qt.CrossCursor
+CURSOR_MOVE = Qt.ClosedHandCursor
+CURSOR_GRAB = Qt.OpenHandCursor
+class Canvas(QWidget):
+ zoomRequest = pyqtSignal(int)
+ scrollRequest = pyqtSignal(int, int)
+ newShape = pyqtSignal()
+ # selectionChanged = pyqtSignal(bool)
+ selectionChanged = pyqtSignal(list)
+ shapeMoved = pyqtSignal()
+ drawingPolygon = pyqtSignal(bool)
+ CREATE, EDIT = list(range(2))
+ _fill_drawing = False # draw shadows
+ epsilon = 5.0
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Canvas, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Initialise local state.
+ self.mode = self.EDIT
+ self.shapes = []
+ self.shapesBackups = []
+ self.current = None
+ self.selectedShapes = []
+ self.selectedShape = None # save the selected shape here
+ self.selectedShapesCopy = []
+ self.drawingLineColor = QColor(0, 0, 255)
+ self.drawingRectColor = QColor(0, 0, 255)
+ self.line = Shape(line_color=self.drawingLineColor)
+ self.prevPoint = QPointF()
+ self.offsets = QPointF(), QPointF()
+ self.scale = 1.0
+ self.pixmap = QPixmap()
+ self.visible = {}
+ self._hideBackround = False
+ self.hideBackround = False
+ self.hShape = None
+ self.hVertex = None
+ self._painter = QPainter()
+ self._cursor = CURSOR_DEFAULT
+ # Menus:
+ self.menus = (QMenu(), QMenu())
+ # Set widget options.
+ self.setMouseTracking(True)
+ self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.WheelFocus)
+ self.verified = False
+ self.drawSquare = False
+ self.fourpoint = True # ADD
+ self.pointnum = 0
+ self.movingShape = False
+ self.selectCountShape = False
+ #initialisation for panning
+ self.pan_initial_pos = QPoint()
+ #lockedshapes related
+ self.lockedShapes = []
+ self.isInTheSameImage = False
+ def setDrawingColor(self, qColor):
+ self.drawingLineColor = qColor
+ self.drawingRectColor = qColor
+ def enterEvent(self, ev):
+ self.overrideCursor(self._cursor)
+ def leaveEvent(self, ev):
+ self.restoreCursor()
+ def focusOutEvent(self, ev):
+ self.restoreCursor()
+ def isVisible(self, shape):
+ return self.visible.get(shape, True)
+ def drawing(self):
+ return self.mode == self.CREATE
+ def editing(self):
+ return self.mode == self.EDIT
+ def setEditing(self, value=True):
+ self.mode = self.EDIT if value else self.CREATE
+ if not value: # Create
+ self.unHighlight()
+ self.deSelectShape()
+ self.prevPoint = QPointF()
+ self.repaint()
+ def unHighlight(self):
+ if self.hShape:
+ self.hShape.highlightClear()
+ self.hVertex = self.hShape = None
+ def selectedVertex(self):
+ return self.hVertex is not None
+ def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev):
+ """Update line with last point and current coordinates."""
+ pos = self.transformPos(ev.pos())
+ # Update coordinates in status bar if image is opened
+ window = self.parent().window()
+ if window.filePath is not None:
+ self.parent().window().labelCoordinates.setText(
+ 'X: %d; Y: %d' % (pos.x(), pos.y()))
+ # Polygon drawing.
+ if self.drawing():
+ self.overrideCursor(CURSOR_DRAW) # ?
+ if self.current:
+ # Display annotation width and height while drawing
+ currentWidth = abs(self.current[0].x() - pos.x())
+ currentHeight = abs(self.current[0].y() - pos.y())
+ self.parent().window().labelCoordinates.setText(
+ 'Width: %d, Height: %d / X: %d; Y: %d' % (currentWidth, currentHeight, pos.x(), pos.y()))
+ color = self.drawingLineColor
+ if self.outOfPixmap(pos):
+ # Don't allow the user to draw outside the pixmap.
+ # Clip the coordinates to 0 or max,
+ # if they are outside the range [0, max]
+ size = self.pixmap.size()
+ clipped_x = min(max(0, pos.x()), size.width())
+ clipped_y = min(max(0, pos.y()), size.height())
+ pos = QPointF(clipped_x, clipped_y)
+ elif len(self.current) > 1 and self.closeEnough(pos, self.current[0]):
+ # Attract line to starting point and colorise to alert the
+ # user:
+ pos = self.current[0]
+ color = self.current.line_color
+ self.overrideCursor(CURSOR_POINT)
+ self.current.highlightVertex(0, Shape.NEAR_VERTEX)
+ if self.drawSquare:
+ self.line.points = [self.current[0], pos]
+ self.line.close()
+ elif self.fourpoint:
+ self.line[0] = self.current[-1]
+ self.line[1] = pos
+ else:
+ self.line[1] = pos # pos is the mouse's current position
+ self.line.line_color = color
+ self.prevPoint = QPointF() # ?
+ self.current.highlightClear()
+ else:
+ self.prevPoint = pos
+ self.repaint()
+ return
+ # Polygon copy moving.
+ if Qt.RightButton & ev.buttons():
+ if self.selectedShapesCopy and self.prevPoint:
+ self.overrideCursor(CURSOR_MOVE)
+ self.boundedMoveShape(self.selectedShapesCopy, pos)
+ self.repaint()
+ elif self.selectedShapes:
+ self.selectedShapesCopy = [
+ s.copy() for s in self.selectedShapes
+ ]
+ self.repaint()
+ return
+ # Polygon/Vertex moving.
+ if Qt.LeftButton & ev.buttons():
+ if self.selectedVertex():
+ self.boundedMoveVertex(pos)
+ self.shapeMoved.emit()
+ self.repaint()
+ self.movingShape = True
+ elif self.selectedShapes and self.prevPoint:
+ self.overrideCursor(CURSOR_MOVE)
+ self.boundedMoveShape(self.selectedShapes, pos)
+ self.shapeMoved.emit()
+ self.repaint()
+ self.movingShape = True
+ else:
+ #pan
+ delta_x = pos.x() - self.pan_initial_pos.x()
+ delta_y = pos.y() - self.pan_initial_pos.y()
+ self.scrollRequest.emit(delta_x, Qt.Horizontal)
+ self.scrollRequest.emit(delta_y, Qt.Vertical)
+ self.update()
+ return
+ # Just hovering over the canvas, 2 posibilities:
+ # - Highlight shapes
+ # - Highlight vertex
+ # Update shape/vertex fill and tooltip value accordingly.
+ self.setToolTip("Image")
+ for shape in reversed([s for s in self.shapes if self.isVisible(s)]):
+ # Look for a nearby vertex to highlight. If that fails,
+ # check if we happen to be inside a shape.
+ index = shape.nearestVertex(pos, self.epsilon)
+ if index is not None:
+ if self.selectedVertex():
+ self.hShape.highlightClear()
+ self.hVertex, self.hShape = index, shape
+ shape.highlightVertex(index, shape.MOVE_VERTEX)
+ self.overrideCursor(CURSOR_POINT)
+ self.setToolTip("Click & drag to move point")
+ self.setStatusTip(self.toolTip())
+ self.update()
+ break
+ elif shape.containsPoint(pos):
+ if self.selectedVertex():
+ self.hShape.highlightClear()
+ self.hVertex, self.hShape = None, shape
+ self.setToolTip(
+ "Click & drag to move shape '%s'" % shape.label)
+ self.setStatusTip(self.toolTip())
+ self.overrideCursor(CURSOR_GRAB)
+ self.update()
+ break
+ else: # Nothing found, clear highlights, reset state.
+ if self.hShape:
+ self.hShape.highlightClear()
+ self.update()
+ self.hVertex, self.hShape = None, None
+ self.overrideCursor(CURSOR_DEFAULT)
+ def mousePressEvent(self, ev):
+ pos = self.transformPos(ev.pos())
+ if ev.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
+ if self.drawing():
+ # self.handleDrawing(pos) # OLD
+ if self.current:
+ if self.fourpoint: # ADD IF
+ # Add point to existing shape.
+ # print('Adding points in mousePressEvent is ', self.line[1])
+ self.current.addPoint(self.line[1])
+ self.line[0] = self.current[-1]
+ if self.current.isClosed():
+ # print('1111')
+ self.finalise()
+ elif self.drawSquare:
+ assert len(self.current.points) == 1
+ self.current.points = self.line.points
+ self.finalise()
+ elif not self.outOfPixmap(pos):
+ # Create new shape.
+ self.current = Shape()
+ self.current.addPoint(pos)
+ self.line.points = [pos, pos]
+ self.setHiding()
+ self.drawingPolygon.emit(True)
+ self.update()
+ else:
+ group_mode = int(ev.modifiers()) == Qt.ControlModifier
+ self.selectShapePoint(pos, multiple_selection_mode=group_mode)
+ self.prevPoint = pos
+ self.pan_initial_pos = pos
+ elif ev.button() == Qt.RightButton and self.editing():
+ group_mode = int(ev.modifiers()) == Qt.ControlModifier
+ self.selectShapePoint(pos, multiple_selection_mode=group_mode)
+ self.prevPoint = pos
+ self.update()
+ def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev):
+ if ev.button() == Qt.RightButton:
+ menu = self.menus[bool(self.selectedShapesCopy)]
+ self.restoreCursor()
+ if not menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(ev.pos()))\
+ and self.selectedShapesCopy:
+ # Cancel the move by deleting the shadow copy.
+ # self.selectedShapeCopy = None
+ self.selectedShapesCopy = []
+ self.repaint()
+ elif ev.button() == Qt.LeftButton and self.selectedShapes:
+ if self.selectedVertex():
+ self.overrideCursor(CURSOR_POINT)
+ else:
+ self.overrideCursor(CURSOR_GRAB)
+ elif ev.button() == Qt.LeftButton and not self.fourpoint:
+ pos = self.transformPos(ev.pos())
+ if self.drawing():
+ self.handleDrawing(pos)
+ else:
+ #pan
+ QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() # ?
+ if self.movingShape and self.hShape:
+ if self.hShape in self.shapes:
+ index = self.shapes.index(self.hShape)
+ if (
+ self.shapesBackups[-1][index].points
+ != self.shapes[index].points
+ ):
+ self.storeShapes()
+ self.shapeMoved.emit() # connect to updateBoxlist in PPOCRLabel.py
+ self.movingShape = False
+ def endMove(self, copy=False):
+ assert self.selectedShapes and self.selectedShapesCopy
+ assert len(self.selectedShapesCopy) == len(self.selectedShapes)
+ if copy:
+ for i, shape in enumerate(self.selectedShapesCopy):
+ shape.idx = len(self.shapes) # add current box index
+ self.shapes.append(shape)
+ self.selectedShapes[i].selected = False
+ self.selectedShapes[i] = shape
+ else:
+ for i, shape in enumerate(self.selectedShapesCopy):
+ self.selectedShapes[i].points = shape.points
+ self.selectedShapesCopy = []
+ self.repaint()
+ self.storeShapes()
+ return True
+ def hideBackroundShapes(self, value):
+ self.hideBackround = value
+ if self.selectedShapes:
+ # Only hide other shapes if there is a current selection.
+ # Otherwise the user will not be able to select a shape.
+ self.setHiding(True)
+ self.repaint()
+ def handleDrawing(self, pos):
+ if self.current and self.current.reachMaxPoints() is False:
+ if self.fourpoint:
+ targetPos = self.line[self.pointnum]
+ self.current.addPoint(targetPos)
+ print('current points in handleDrawing is ', self.line[self.pointnum])
+ self.update()
+ if self.pointnum == 3:
+ self.finalise()
+ else:
+ initPos = self.current[0]
+ print('initPos', self.current[0])
+ minX = initPos.x()
+ minY = initPos.y()
+ targetPos = self.line[1]
+ maxX = targetPos.x()
+ maxY = targetPos.y()
+ self.current.addPoint(QPointF(maxX, minY))
+ self.current.addPoint(targetPos)
+ self.current.addPoint(QPointF(minX, maxY))
+ self.finalise()
+ elif not self.outOfPixmap(pos):
+ print('release')
+ self.current = Shape()
+ self.current.addPoint(pos)
+ self.line.points = [pos, pos]
+ self.setHiding()
+ self.drawingPolygon.emit(True)
+ self.update()
+ def setHiding(self, enable=True):
+ self._hideBackround = self.hideBackround if enable else False
+ def canCloseShape(self):
+ return self.drawing() and self.current and len(self.current) > 2
+ def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, ev):
+ # We need at least 4 points here, since the mousePress handler
+ # adds an extra one before this handler is called.
+ if self.canCloseShape() and len(self.current) > 3:
+ if not self.fourpoint:
+ self.current.popPoint()
+ self.finalise()
+ def selectShapes(self, shapes):
+ for s in shapes: s.seleted = True
+ self.setHiding()
+ self.selectionChanged.emit(shapes)
+ self.update()
+ def selectShapePoint(self, point, multiple_selection_mode):
+ """Select the first shape created which contains this point."""
+ if self.selectedVertex(): # A vertex is marked for selection.
+ index, shape = self.hVertex, self.hShape
+ shape.highlightVertex(index, shape.MOVE_VERTEX)
+ return self.hVertex
+ else:
+ for shape in reversed(self.shapes):
+ if self.isVisible(shape) and shape.containsPoint(point):
+ self.calculateOffsets(shape, point)
+ self.setHiding()
+ if multiple_selection_mode:
+ if shape not in self.selectedShapes: # list
+ self.selectionChanged.emit(
+ self.selectedShapes + [shape]
+ )
+ else:
+ self.selectionChanged.emit([shape])
+ return
+ self.deSelectShape()
+ def calculateOffsets(self, shape, point):
+ rect = shape.boundingRect()
+ x1 = rect.x() - point.x()
+ y1 = rect.y() - point.y()
+ x2 = (rect.x() + rect.width()) - point.x()
+ y2 = (rect.y() + rect.height()) - point.y()
+ self.offsets = QPointF(x1, y1), QPointF(x2, y2)
+ def snapPointToCanvas(self, x, y):
+ """
+ Moves a point x,y to within the boundaries of the canvas.
+ :return: (x,y,snapped) where snapped is True if x or y were changed, False if not.
+ """
+ if x < 0 or x > self.pixmap.width() or y < 0 or y > self.pixmap.height():
+ x = max(x, 0)
+ y = max(y, 0)
+ x = min(x, self.pixmap.width())
+ y = min(y, self.pixmap.height())
+ return x, y, True
+ return x, y, False
+ def boundedMoveVertex(self, pos):
+ index, shape = self.hVertex, self.hShape
+ point = shape[index]
+ if self.outOfPixmap(pos):
+ size = self.pixmap.size()
+ clipped_x = min(max(0, pos.x()), size.width())
+ clipped_y = min(max(0, pos.y()), size.height())
+ pos = QPointF(clipped_x, clipped_y)
+ if self.drawSquare:
+ opposite_point_index = (index + 2) % 4
+ opposite_point = shape[opposite_point_index]
+ min_size = min(abs(pos.x() - opposite_point.x()), abs(pos.y() - opposite_point.y()))
+ directionX = -1 if pos.x() - opposite_point.x() < 0 else 1
+ directionY = -1 if pos.y() - opposite_point.y() < 0 else 1
+ shiftPos = QPointF(opposite_point.x() + directionX * min_size - point.x(),
+ opposite_point.y() + directionY * min_size - point.y())
+ else:
+ shiftPos = pos - point
+ if [shape[0].x(), shape[0].y(), shape[2].x(), shape[2].y()] \
+ == [shape[3].x(),shape[1].y(),shape[1].x(),shape[3].y()]:
+ shape.moveVertexBy(index, shiftPos)
+ lindex = (index + 1) % 4
+ rindex = (index + 3) % 4
+ lshift = None
+ rshift = None
+ if index % 2 == 0:
+ rshift = QPointF(shiftPos.x(), 0)
+ lshift = QPointF(0, shiftPos.y())
+ else:
+ lshift = QPointF(shiftPos.x(), 0)
+ rshift = QPointF(0, shiftPos.y())
+ shape.moveVertexBy(rindex, rshift)
+ shape.moveVertexBy(lindex, lshift)
+ else:
+ shape.moveVertexBy(index, shiftPos)
+ def boundedMoveShape(self, shapes, pos):
+ if type(shapes).__name__ != 'list': shapes = [shapes]
+ if self.outOfPixmap(pos):
+ return False # No need to move
+ o1 = pos + self.offsets[0]
+ if self.outOfPixmap(o1):
+ pos -= QPointF(min(0, o1.x()), min(0, o1.y()))
+ o2 = pos + self.offsets[1]
+ if self.outOfPixmap(o2):
+ pos += QPointF(min(0, self.pixmap.width() - o2.x()),
+ min(0, self.pixmap.height() - o2.y()))
+ # The next line tracks the new position of the cursor
+ # relative to the shape, but also results in making it
+ # a bit "shaky" when nearing the border and allows it to
+ # go outside of the shape's area for some reason. XXX
+ #self.calculateOffsets(self.selectedShape, pos)
+ dp = pos - self.prevPoint
+ if dp:
+ for shape in shapes:
+ shape.moveBy(dp)
+ shape.close()
+ self.prevPoint = pos
+ return True
+ return False
+ def deSelectShape(self):
+ if self.selectedShapes:
+ for shape in self.selectedShapes: shape.selected=False
+ self.setHiding(False)
+ self.selectionChanged.emit([])
+ self.update()
+ def deleteSelected(self):
+ deleted_shapes = []
+ if self.selectedShapes:
+ for shape in self.selectedShapes:
+ self.shapes.remove(shape)
+ deleted_shapes.append(shape)
+ self.storeShapes()
+ self.selectedShapes = []
+ self.update()
+ self.updateShapeIndex()
+ return deleted_shapes
+ def storeShapes(self):
+ shapesBackup = []
+ for shape in self.shapes:
+ shapesBackup.append(shape.copy())
+ if len(self.shapesBackups) >= 10:
+ self.shapesBackups = self.shapesBackups[-9:]
+ self.shapesBackups.append(shapesBackup)
+ def copySelectedShape(self):
+ if self.selectedShapes:
+ self.selectedShapesCopy = [s.copy() for s in self.selectedShapes]
+ self.boundedShiftShapes(self.selectedShapesCopy)
+ self.endMove(copy=True)
+ return self.selectedShapes
+ def boundedShiftShapes(self, shapes):
+ # Try to move in one direction, and if it fails in another.
+ # Give up if both fail.
+ for shape in shapes:
+ point = shape[0]
+ offset = QPointF(5.0, 5.0)
+ self.calculateOffsets(shape, point)
+ self.prevPoint = point
+ if not self.boundedMoveShape(shape, point - offset):
+ self.boundedMoveShape(shape, point + offset)
+ def paintEvent(self, event):
+ if not self.pixmap:
+ return super(Canvas, self).paintEvent(event)
+ p = self._painter
+ p.begin(self)
+ p.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing)
+ p.setRenderHint(QPainter.HighQualityAntialiasing)
+ p.setRenderHint(QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform)
+ p.scale(self.scale, self.scale)
+ p.translate(self.offsetToCenter())
+ p.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.pixmap)
+ Shape.scale = self.scale
+ for shape in self.shapes:
+ if (shape.selected or not self._hideBackround) and self.isVisible(shape):
+ shape.fill = shape.selected or shape == self.hShape
+ shape.paint(p)
+ if self.current:
+ self.current.paint(p)
+ self.line.paint(p)
+ if self.selectedShapesCopy:
+ for s in self.selectedShapesCopy:
+ s.paint(p)
+ # Paint rect
+ if self.current is not None and len(self.line) == 2 and not self.fourpoint:
+ # print('Drawing rect')
+ leftTop = self.line[0]
+ rightBottom = self.line[1]
+ rectWidth = rightBottom.x() - leftTop.x()
+ rectHeight = rightBottom.y() - leftTop.y()
+ p.setPen(self.drawingRectColor)
+ brush = QBrush(Qt.BDiagPattern)
+ p.setBrush(brush)
+ p.drawRect(leftTop.x(), leftTop.y(), rectWidth, rectHeight)
+ # ADD:
+ if (
+ self.fillDrawing()
+ and self.fourpoint
+ and self.current is not None
+ and len(self.current.points) >= 2
+ ):
+ print('paint event')
+ drawing_shape = self.current.copy()
+ drawing_shape.addPoint(self.line[1])
+ drawing_shape.fill = True
+ drawing_shape.paint(p)
+ if self.drawing() and not self.prevPoint.isNull() and not self.outOfPixmap(self.prevPoint):
+ p.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0))
+ p.drawLine(int(self.prevPoint.x()), 0, int(self.prevPoint.x()), self.pixmap.height())
+ p.drawLine(0, int(self.prevPoint.y()), self.pixmap.width(), int(self.prevPoint.y()))
+ self.setAutoFillBackground(True)
+ if self.verified:
+ pal = self.palette()
+ pal.setColor(self.backgroundRole(), QColor(184, 239, 38, 128))
+ self.setPalette(pal)
+ else:
+ pal = self.palette()
+ pal.setColor(self.backgroundRole(), QColor(232, 232, 232, 255))
+ self.setPalette(pal)
+ # adaptive BBOX label & index font size
+ if self.pixmap:
+ h, w = self.pixmap.size().height(), self.pixmap.size().width()
+ fontszie = int(max(h, w) / 48)
+ for s in self.shapes:
+ s.fontsize = fontszie
+ p.end()
+ def fillDrawing(self):
+ return self._fill_drawing
+ def transformPos(self, point):
+ """Convert from widget-logical coordinates to painter-logical coordinates."""
+ return point / self.scale - self.offsetToCenter()
+ def offsetToCenter(self):
+ s = self.scale
+ area = super(Canvas, self).size()
+ w, h = self.pixmap.width() * s, self.pixmap.height() * s
+ aw, ah = area.width(), area.height()
+ x = (aw - w) / (2 * s) if aw > w else 0
+ y = (ah - h) / (2 * s) if ah > h else 0
+ return QPointF(x, y)
+ def outOfPixmap(self, p):
+ w, h = self.pixmap.width(), self.pixmap.height()
+ return not (0 <= p.x() <= w and 0 <= p.y() <= h)
+ def finalise(self):
+ assert self.current
+ if self.current.points[0] == self.current.points[-1]:
+ # print('finalse')
+ self.current = None
+ self.drawingPolygon.emit(False)
+ self.update()
+ return
+ self.current.close()
+ self.current.idx = len(self.shapes) # add current box index
+ self.shapes.append(self.current)
+ self.current = None
+ self.setHiding(False)
+ self.newShape.emit()
+ self.update()
+ def closeEnough(self, p1, p2):
+ #d = distance(p1 - p2)
+ #m = (p1-p2).manhattanLength()
+ # print "d %.2f, m %d, %.2f" % (d, m, d - m)
+ return distance(p1 - p2) < self.epsilon
+ # These two, along with a call to adjustSize are required for the
+ # scroll area.
+ def sizeHint(self):
+ return self.minimumSizeHint()
+ def minimumSizeHint(self):
+ if self.pixmap:
+ return self.scale * self.pixmap.size()
+ return super(Canvas, self).minimumSizeHint()
+ def wheelEvent(self, ev):
+ qt_version = 4 if hasattr(ev, "delta") else 5
+ if qt_version == 4:
+ if ev.orientation() == Qt.Vertical:
+ v_delta = ev.delta()
+ h_delta = 0
+ else:
+ h_delta = ev.delta()
+ v_delta = 0
+ else:
+ delta = ev.angleDelta()
+ h_delta = delta.x()
+ v_delta = delta.y()
+ mods = ev.modifiers()
+ if Qt.ControlModifier == int(mods) and v_delta:
+ self.zoomRequest.emit(v_delta)
+ else:
+ v_delta and self.scrollRequest.emit(v_delta, Qt.Vertical)
+ h_delta and self.scrollRequest.emit(h_delta, Qt.Horizontal)
+ ev.accept()
+ def keyPressEvent(self, ev):
+ key = ev.key()
+ shapesBackup = copy.deepcopy(self.shapes)
+ if len(shapesBackup) == 0:
+ return
+ self.shapesBackups.pop()
+ self.shapesBackups.append(shapesBackup)
+ if key == Qt.Key_Escape and self.current:
+ print('ESC press')
+ self.current = None
+ self.drawingPolygon.emit(False)
+ self.update()
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Return and self.canCloseShape():
+ self.finalise()
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Left and self.selectedShapes:
+ self.moveOnePixel('Left')
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Right and self.selectedShapes:
+ self.moveOnePixel('Right')
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Up and self.selectedShapes:
+ self.moveOnePixel('Up')
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Down and self.selectedShapes:
+ self.moveOnePixel('Down')
+ elif key == Qt.Key_X and self.selectedShapes:
+ for i in range(len(self.selectedShapes)):
+ self.selectedShape = self.selectedShapes[i]
+ if self.rotateOutOfBound(0.01):
+ continue
+ self.selectedShape.rotate(0.01)
+ self.shapeMoved.emit()
+ self.update()
+ elif key == Qt.Key_C and self.selectedShapes:
+ for i in range(len(self.selectedShapes)):
+ self.selectedShape = self.selectedShapes[i]
+ if self.rotateOutOfBound(-0.01):
+ continue
+ self.selectedShape.rotate(-0.01)
+ self.shapeMoved.emit()
+ self.update()
+ def rotateOutOfBound(self, angle):
+ for shape in range(len(self.selectedShapes)):
+ self.selectedShape = self.selectedShapes[shape]
+ for i, p in enumerate(self.selectedShape.points):
+ if self.outOfPixmap(self.selectedShape.rotatePoint(p, angle)):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def moveOnePixel(self, direction):
+ # print(self.selectedShape.points)
+ self.selectCount = len(self.selectedShapes)
+ self.selectCountShape = True
+ for i in range(len(self.selectedShapes)):
+ self.selectedShape = self.selectedShapes[i]
+ if direction == 'Left' and not self.moveOutOfBound(QPointF(-1.0, 0)):
+ # print("move Left one pixel")
+ self.selectedShape.points[0] += QPointF(-1.0, 0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[1] += QPointF(-1.0, 0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[2] += QPointF(-1.0, 0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[3] += QPointF(-1.0, 0)
+ elif direction == 'Right' and not self.moveOutOfBound(QPointF(1.0, 0)):
+ # print("move Right one pixel")
+ self.selectedShape.points[0] += QPointF(1.0, 0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[1] += QPointF(1.0, 0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[2] += QPointF(1.0, 0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[3] += QPointF(1.0, 0)
+ elif direction == 'Up' and not self.moveOutOfBound(QPointF(0, -1.0)):
+ # print("move Up one pixel")
+ self.selectedShape.points[0] += QPointF(0, -1.0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[1] += QPointF(0, -1.0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[2] += QPointF(0, -1.0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[3] += QPointF(0, -1.0)
+ elif direction == 'Down' and not self.moveOutOfBound(QPointF(0, 1.0)):
+ # print("move Down one pixel")
+ self.selectedShape.points[0] += QPointF(0, 1.0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[1] += QPointF(0, 1.0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[2] += QPointF(0, 1.0)
+ self.selectedShape.points[3] += QPointF(0, 1.0)
+ shapesBackup = []
+ shapesBackup = copy.deepcopy(self.shapes)
+ self.shapesBackups.append(shapesBackup)
+ self.shapeMoved.emit()
+ self.repaint()
+ def moveOutOfBound(self, step):
+ points = [p1+p2 for p1, p2 in zip(self.selectedShape.points, [step]*4)]
+ return True in map(self.outOfPixmap, points)
+ def setLastLabel(self, text, line_color=None, fill_color=None, key_cls=None):
+ assert text
+ self.shapes[-1].label = text
+ if line_color:
+ self.shapes[-1].line_color = line_color
+ if fill_color:
+ self.shapes[-1].fill_color = fill_color
+ if key_cls:
+ self.shapes[-1].key_cls = key_cls
+ self.storeShapes()
+ return self.shapes[-1]
+ def undoLastLine(self):
+ assert self.shapes
+ self.current = self.shapes.pop()
+ self.current.setOpen()
+ self.line.points = [self.current[-1], self.current[0]]
+ self.drawingPolygon.emit(True)
+ def undoLastPoint(self):
+ if not self.current or self.current.isClosed():
+ return
+ self.current.popPoint()
+ if len(self.current) > 0:
+ self.line[0] = self.current[-1]
+ else:
+ self.current = None
+ self.drawingPolygon.emit(False)
+ self.repaint()
+ def resetAllLines(self):
+ assert self.shapes
+ self.current = self.shapes.pop()
+ self.current.setOpen()
+ self.line.points = [self.current[-1], self.current[0]]
+ self.drawingPolygon.emit(True)
+ self.current = None
+ self.drawingPolygon.emit(False)
+ self.update()
+ def loadPixmap(self, pixmap):
+ self.pixmap = pixmap
+ self.shapes = []
+ self.repaint()
+ def loadShapes(self, shapes, replace=True):
+ if replace:
+ self.shapes = list(shapes)
+ else:
+ self.shapes.extend(shapes)
+ self.current = None
+ self.hShape = None
+ self.hVertex = None
+ # self.hEdge = None
+ self.storeShapes()
+ self.updateShapeIndex()
+ self.repaint()
+ def setShapeVisible(self, shape, value):
+ self.visible[shape] = value
+ self.repaint()
+ def currentCursor(self):
+ cursor = QApplication.overrideCursor()
+ if cursor is not None:
+ cursor = cursor.shape()
+ return cursor
+ def overrideCursor(self, cursor):
+ self._cursor = cursor
+ if self.currentCursor() is None:
+ QApplication.setOverrideCursor(cursor)
+ else:
+ QApplication.changeOverrideCursor(cursor)
+ def restoreCursor(self):
+ QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
+ def resetState(self):
+ self.restoreCursor()
+ self.pixmap = None
+ self.update()
+ self.shapesBackups = []
+ def setDrawingShapeToSquare(self, status):
+ self.drawSquare = status
+ def restoreShape(self):
+ if not self.isShapeRestorable:
+ return
+ self.shapesBackups.pop() # latest
+ shapesBackup = self.shapesBackups.pop()
+ self.shapes = shapesBackup
+ self.selectedShapes = []
+ for shape in self.shapes:
+ shape.selected = False
+ self.updateShapeIndex()
+ self.repaint()
+ @property
+ def isShapeRestorable(self):
+ if len(self.shapesBackups) < 2:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def updateShapeIndex(self):
+ for i in range(len(self.shapes)):
+ self.shapes[i].idx = i
+ self.update()