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- <title>PDF Reader Pro's Changelog</title>
- <link>https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/downloads/pdfreaderprocast.xml</link>
- <description>Most recent changes with links to updates.</description>
- <language>en</language>
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- <title>Version 4.6.3(202410250)</title>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[
- <ul>
- <h3>Welcome you to the all-in-one PDF Reader Pro, fully compatible with macOS Sonoma to fulfill all your document needs! it's just like a great Mac app. </h3>
- <li>Optimize Document Rendering: Improve document clarity and resolve any blurriness issues for a better reading experience. </li>
- <li>Optimizations improve stability and compatibility and enhance user experience.</li>
- <h4>NOTE: The latest version is only compatible with macOS 11.0 and above. MacOS 10+ users should update with caution!</h4>
- <h4>PDF Reader Pro powered by ComPDFKit. Have any feedback, comments, or issues? Please drop a line at support@pdfreaderpro.com</h4>
- </ul>
- ]]>
- </description>
- <pubDate>Fri, 25 Oct 2024 15:20:11 +0000</pubDate>
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