Localizable.strings 182 KB

  1. /* Window title format */
  2. "%@ (page %ld / %ld)" = "%@ (第 %ld / %ld 页)";
  3. /* Bookmark folder description */
  4. "%ld items" = "%ld 项目";
  5. /* Message in search table header */
  6. "%ld Results" = "%ld 结果";
  7. /* Bookmark folder description */
  8. "1 item" = "1 个项目";
  9. /* Message in alert dialog */
  10. "\"%@\" already exists. Do you want to replace it?" = "\"%@\"已存在。要替换吗?";
  11. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  12. "A file or folder with the same name already exists in %@. Replacing it will overwrite its current contents." = "%@ 有同名文件/文件夹. 替换将会覆盖当前内容。";
  13. /* Menu item title
  14. Tool tip message
  15. Toolbar item label */
  16. "Actual Size" = "实际大小";
  17. /* Tool tip message */
  18. "Add a New Folder" = "新建文件夹";
  19. /* Tool tip message */
  20. "Add a New Separator" = "新增分隔线";
  21. /* Toolbar item label */
  22. "Add Line" = "新增线段";
  23. /* Toolbar item label */
  24. "Add Markup" = "新增标记";
  25. /* Tool tip message */
  26. "Add New Anchored Note" = "加入新便签";
  27. /* Tool tip message */
  28. "Add New Rectangle" = "加入新四边形";
  29. /* Tool tip message */
  30. "Add New Circle" = "加入新圆形";
  31. /* Tool tip message */
  32. "Add New Circle or Rectangle" = "加入新圆形或四边形";
  33. /* Tool tip message */
  34. "Add New Highlight" = "加入新高亮";
  35. /* Tool tip message */
  36. "Add New Line" = "加入新线段";
  37. /* Tool tip message */
  38. "Add New Markup" = "加入新标记";
  39. /* Tool tip message */
  40. "Add New Note" = "加入新笔记";
  41. /* Tool tip message */
  42. "Add New Strikethrough" = "加入新刪除线";
  43. /* Tool tip message */
  44. "Add New Text Note" = "加入新文字";
  45. /* Tool tip message */
  46. "Add New Underline" = "加入新下划线";
  47. /* Toolbar item label
  48. Undo action name */
  49. "Add Note" = "新增笔记";
  50. /* Undo action name */
  51. "Add Notes" = "新增笔记";
  52. /* Toolbar item label */
  53. "Add Shape" = "新增形状";
  54. /* Info label */
  55. "Allows copying:" = "允许复制:";
  56. /* Info label */
  57. "Allows printing:" = "允许打印:";
  58. /* Description for export
  59. Menu item title */
  60. "Anchored Note" = "便签";
  61. /* Menu item title */
  62. "Anchored Note Tool" = "便签工具";
  63. /* Message in alert dialog */
  64. "Are you sure you want to open %lu documents?" = "确定要打开 %lu 文件吗?";
  65. /* Table header title */
  66. "Author" = "作者";
  67. /* Info label */
  68. "Author:" = "作者:";
  69. /* Button title */
  70. "Auto" = "自动";
  71. /* Menu item title */
  72. "Auto Size All" = "自动调整全部大小";
  73. /* Menu item title */
  74. "Auto Size Row" = "自动调整一列";
  75. /* Menu item title */
  76. "Auto Size Rows" = "自动调整列";
  77. /* Menu item title */
  78. "Back" = "向后";
  79. /* Tool tip message
  80. Toolbar item label */
  81. "Back/Forward" = "向后∕向前";
  82. /* Tool tip message */
  83. "Beveled line style" = "斜线样式";
  84. /* Menu item title */
  85. "Book Mode" = "书本模式";
  86. /* Menu item title */
  87. "Bookmarks Menu" = "书签菜单";
  88. /* Description for export
  89. Menu item title */
  90. "Rectangle" = "四边形";
  91. /* Menu item title */
  92. "Rectangle Tool" = "四边形工具";
  93. /* size unit */
  94. "bytes" = "byte";
  95. /* Button title
  96. Menu item title */
  97. "Cancel" = "取消";
  98. /* Tool tip message */
  99. "Cancel download" = "取消下载";
  100. /* Download status message */
  101. "Canceled" = "已取消";
  102. /* Undo action name */
  103. "Change Transitions" = "改变切换效果";
  104. /* Informative text in alert dialog when pressing Reset All button */
  105. "Choosing Reset will restore all settings in this pane to the state they were in when PDF Reader Pro Edition was first installed." = "选择\"重置\" 将使这个面板的所有设定恢复为初始值";
  106. /* Informative text in alert dialog when pressing Reset All button */
  107. "Choosing Reset will restore all settings to the state they were in when PDF Reader Pro Edition was first installed." = "选择\"重置\" 将使所有设定恢复为初始值";
  108. /* Description for export
  109. Menu item title */
  110. "Circle" = "圆形";
  111. /* Tool tip message */
  112. "Circle end line style" = "圆形尾部线段样式";
  113. /* Tool tip message */
  114. "Circle start line style" = "圆形起始线段样式";
  115. /* Menu item title */
  116. "Circle Tool" = "圆形工具";
  117. /* Button title
  118. Tool tip message */
  119. "Close" = "关闭";
  120. /* Tool tip message */
  121. "Closed arrow end line style" = "封闭式箭头尾部样式";
  122. /* Tool tip message */
  123. "Closed arrow start line style" = "封闭式箭头首部样式";
  124. /* size unit */
  125. "cm" = "厘米";
  126. /* Table header title */
  127. "Color" = "颜色";
  128. /* Menu item title
  129. Tool tip message
  130. Toolbar item label */
  131. "Colors" = "颜色";
  132. /* Info label */
  133. "Content Creator:" = "內容作者:";
  134. /* Menu item title
  135. Toolbar item label */
  136. "Contents Pane" = "內容面板";
  137. /* Menu item title
  138. Tool tip message
  139. Toolbar item label */
  140. "Continuous" = "连续";
  141. /* Alert text when trying to convert notes
  142. Undo action name */
  143. "Convert Notes" = "转换笔记";
  144. /* PS conversion progress message */
  145. "Converter already stopped." = "转换已停止";
  146. /* PS conversion progress message */
  147. "Converting %@" = "正在转换 %@";
  148. /* Message for progress sheet */
  149. "Converting notes" = "正在转换笔记";
  150. /* Menu item title */
  151. "Copy" = "复制";
  152. /* Info label */
  153. "Creation date:" = "创建日期:";
  154. /* Menu item title
  155. Tool tip message
  156. Toolbar item label
  157. Undo action name */
  158. "Crop" = "裁剪";
  159. "Crop All Pages" = "裁剪所有页面";
  160. /* Menu item title */
  161. "Crop Box" = "裁剪方框";
  162. /* Undo action name */
  163. "Crop Page" = "裁剪页面";
  164. "Crop Current Page" = "裁剪当前页面";
  165. /* Message for progress sheet */
  166. "Cropping Pages" = "正在裁剪页面";
  167. /* Transition name */
  168. "Cube" = "立方体";
  169. /* Menu item title */
  170. "Current Note Color" = "当前笔记颜色";
  171. /* Menu item title */
  172. "Current Note Line" = "当前笔记线形";
  173. /* Menu item title
  174. Toolbar item label */
  175. "Customize" = "自定义";
  176. /* Tool tip message */
  177. "Customize Toolbar" = "自定义工具栏";
  178. /* Menu item title */
  179. "Cut" = "剪切";
  180. /* Tool tip message */
  181. "Dashed line style" = "虚线样式";
  182. /* Table header title */
  183. "Date" = "日期";
  184. /* Menu item title
  185. Toolbar item label */
  186. "Delete" = "删除";
  187. /* Tool tip message */
  188. "Delete Selected Items" = "删除所选项目";
  189. /* Menu item title */
  190. "Deselect" = "反选";
  191. /* Tool tip message */
  192. "Diamond end line style" = "菱形尾部线条样式";
  193. /* Tool tip message */
  194. "Diamond start line style" = "菱形首部线条样式";
  195. /* Preference pane label */
  196. "Display" = "显示";
  197. /* Tool tip message
  198. Toolbar item label */
  199. "Display Box" = "显示框";
  200. /* Tool tip message
  201. Toolbar item label */
  202. "Display Mode" = "显示模式";
  203. /* Message in alert dialog */
  204. "Do you want to revert to the version of the document \"%@\" on disk?" = "您想撤消修改返回到文件 \"%@\" 在磁盘上的版本吗?";
  205. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  206. "Do you want to save this password in your Keychain?" = "您想将密码存储到 Keychain 中吗?";
  207. /* Default text for new text note */
  208. "Double-click to edit." = "双击以编辑";
  209. /* Tool tip message */
  210. "Download preferences" = "下载选项";
  211. /* Download status message */
  212. "Downloading" = "正在下载";
  213. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  214. "Each document opens in a separate window." = "在单独的窗口中打开各个文档。";
  215. /* size unit */
  216. "EB" = "EB";
  217. /* Menu item title */
  218. "Edit" = "编辑";
  219. /* Menu item title */
  220. "Edit Current Note" = "编辑当前的笔记";
  221. /* Menu item title
  222. Undo action name */
  223. "Edit Note" = "编辑笔记";
  224. /* Info label */
  225. "Encrypted:" = "已加密:";
  226. /* Message for progress sheet */
  227. "Saving PDF" = "正在保存PDF";
  228. /* Transition name */
  229. "Fade" = "渐变";
  230. /* Download status message */
  231. "Failed" = "失败";
  232. /* Tool tip message
  233. Toolbar item label */
  234. "Favorite Colors" = "常用颜色";
  235. /* Info label */
  236. "File name:" = "文件名:";
  237. /* Info label */
  238. "File size:" = "文件大小:";
  239. /* PS conversion progress message */
  240. "File successfully converted!" = "文件已成功转换!";
  241. /* Message in alert dialog */
  242. "File Updated" = "文件已更新";
  243. /* Check button title */
  244. "Fill color" = "填充颜色";
  245. "Fill Color" = "填充颜色";
  246. /* Status message */
  247. "Finding note: \"%@\"" = "正在寻找笔记: \"%@\"";
  248. /* Status message */
  249. "Finding: \"%@\"" = "正在寻找: \"%@\"";
  250. /* Download status message */
  251. "Finished" = "已完成";
  252. /* Menu item title */
  253. "First" = "第一页";
  254. /* Tool tip message */
  255. "Fit to Screen" = "适合屏幕大小";
  256. /* Transition name */
  257. "Flip" = "翻转";
  258. /* default folder name */
  259. "Folder" = "文件夹";
  260. /* Menu item title
  261. Tool tip message
  262. Toolbar item label */
  263. "Fonts" = "字体";
  264. /* Menu item title */
  265. "Forward" = "向前";
  266. /* Message in alert dialog */
  267. "Found Separate Notes" = "找到分离的笔记";
  268. /* Description for export
  269. Menu item title */
  270. "Freehand" = "手绘";
  271. /* Menu item title */
  272. "Freehand Tool" = "手绘工具";
  273. /* Menu item title
  274. Tool tip message
  275. Toolbar item label */
  276. "Full Screen" = "全屏";
  277. /* size unit */
  278. "GB" = "GB";
  279. /* Preference pane label */
  280. "General" = "通用";
  281. /* Tool tip message */
  282. "Get Document Info" = "取得文件信息";
  283. /* Tool tip message */
  284. "Go Back" = "返回上一页";
  285. /* Tool tip message */
  286. "Go Forward" = "前往下一页";
  287. /* Tool tip message */
  288. "Go To First page" = "前往第一页";
  289. /* Tool tip message */
  290. "Go To First, Previous, Next or Last Page" = "前往第一页/上一页/下一页/最后一页";
  291. /* Tool tip message */
  292. "Go To Last page" = "前往最后一页";
  293. /* Menu item title */
  294. "Go To Marked Page" = "前往标记页面";
  295. /* Tool tip message */
  296. "Go To Next Page" = "前往下一页";
  297. /* Tool tip message */
  298. "Go To Page" = "前往页面";
  299. /* Status message */
  300. "Go to page: %@" = "前往页面: %@";
  301. /* Tool tip message */
  302. "Go To Previous Page" = "前往上一页";
  303. /* Tool tip message */
  304. "Group search results by page" = "将搜索结果按页分组";
  305. /* Menu item title */
  306. "Hide" = "隐藏";
  307. /* Menu item title */
  308. "Hide Contents Pane" = "隐藏內容面板";
  309. /* Menu item title */
  310. "Hide Lines" = "隐藏线段";
  311. /* Menu item title */
  312. "Hide Note Type" = "隐藏笔记类型";
  313. /* Menu item title */
  314. "Hide Notes" = "隐藏笔记";
  315. /* Menu item title */
  316. "Hide Notes Pane" = "隐藏笔记面板";
  317. /* Menu item title */
  318. "Hide Reading Bar" = "隐藏阅读栏";
  319. /* Menu item title */
  320. "Hide Split PDF" = "隐藏PDF分屏视图";
  321. /* Menu item title */
  322. "Hide Status Bar" = "隐藏状态栏";
  323. /* Description for export
  324. Menu item title */
  325. "Highlight" = "高亮";
  326. /* Menu item title */
  327. "Highlight Tool" = "高亮工具";
  328. /* Menu item title */
  329. "Ignore Case" = "忽略大小写";
  330. /* size unit */
  331. "in" = "英吋";
  332. /* Menu item title
  333. Toolbar item label */
  334. "Info" = "简介";
  335. /* Tool tip message */
  336. "Inset line style" = "插入线段样式";
  337. /* Undo action name */
  338. "Join Notes" = "合并笔记";
  339. /* Menu item title */
  340. "Jump Back From Marked Page" = "跳回标记页面";
  341. /* size unit */
  342. "kB" = "kB";
  343. /* Info label */
  344. "Keywords:" = "关键字:";
  345. /* Menu item title */
  346. "Last" = "最后一页";
  347. /* Description for export
  348. Menu item title */
  349. "Line" = "线段";
  350. "Arrow" = "箭头";
  351. /* Menu item title */
  352. "Line Tool" = "线段工具";
  353. /* Accessibility description */
  354. "line width" = "线段宽度";
  355. "Line Width" = "线段宽度";
  356. /* Menu item title
  357. Tool tip message
  358. Toolbar item label */
  359. "Lines" = "线段";
  360. /* Menu item title */
  361. "Magnify" = "放大镜";
  362. /* Menu item title
  363. Tool tip message */
  364. "Magnify Tool" = "放大镜工具";
  365. /* size unit */
  366. "MB" = "MB";
  367. /* Menu item title */
  368. "Media Box" = "媒体框";
  369. /* Info label */
  370. "Modification date:" = "修改日期:";
  371. /* Menu item title */
  372. "Move to Trash" = "删除";
  373. /* Menu item title
  374. Toolbar item label */
  375. "New Folder" = "新建文件夹";
  376. /* Error description */
  377. "New markup notes need a selection." = "新增标记笔记需首先选取内容";
  378. /* Default text for new anchored note */
  379. "New note" = "新增笔记";
  380. /* Menu item title */
  381. "New Note or Highlight" = "新增笔记或高亮";
  382. /* Error description */
  383. "New notes need a type." = "新增笔记需指定类型";
  384. /* Menu item title
  385. Toolbar item label */
  386. "New Separator" = "新增分隔线";
  387. /* Menu item title
  388. Tool tip message
  389. Toolbar item label */
  390. "Next" = "下一页";
  391. /* Button title */
  392. "No" = "否";
  393. /* Tool tip message */
  394. "No end line style" = "无末端线段样式";
  395. /* Status message */
  396. "No match: \"%@\"" = "不相符: \"%@\"";
  397. /* Menu item title */
  398. "No Script" = "无脚本命令";
  399. /* Tool tip message */
  400. "No start line style" = "无起始线段样式";
  401. /* Transition name */
  402. "No Transition" = "无切换效果";
  403. /* Menu item title
  404. Tool tip message */
  405. "Non Continuous" = "不连续";
  406. /* Menu item title
  407. Print panel setting */
  408. "None" = "无";
  409. /* Table header title */
  410. "Note" = "笔记";
  411. /* Menu item title */
  412. "Note Color" = "笔记颜色";
  413. /* Menu item title */
  414. "Note Font" = "笔记字体";
  415. /* Menu item title */
  416. "Note Line" = "笔记线段";
  417. /* Tool tip message */
  418. "Note Tool" = "笔记工具";
  419. /* Menu item title */
  420. "Note Type" = "笔记类型";
  421. /* Preference pane label */
  422. "Notes" = "笔记";
  423. /* Menu item title
  424. Toolbar item label */
  425. "Notes Pane" = "笔记面板";
  426. /* Print panel setting */
  427. "Off" = "关闭";
  428. /* Button title */
  429. "OK" = "好";
  430. /* Print panel setting */
  431. "On" = "开启";
  432. /* Print panel setting */
  433. "Only Scale Down Large Pages" = "仅缩小太大页面";
  434. /* Button title
  435. Menu item title */
  436. "Open" = "打开";
  437. /* Tool tip message */
  438. "Open arrow end line style" = "开放式箭头尾部线段样式";
  439. /* Tool tip message */
  440. "Open arrow start line style" = "开放式箭头首部线段样式";
  441. /* Tool tip message */
  442. "Open Associated PDF File" = "打开关联的 PDF 文件";
  443. /* Toolbar item label */
  444. "Open PDF" = "打开 PDF";
  445. /* Menu item title
  446. Table header title
  447. Toolbar item label */
  448. "Page" = "页面";
  449. /* Tool tip label format */
  450. "Page %@" = "第 %@ 页";
  451. /* Status message */
  452. "Page %@ at (%ld, %ld)" = "页面 %@ at (%ld, %ld)";
  453. /* Status message */
  454. "Page %ld / %ld" = "第 %ld / %ld 页";
  455. /* Print panel setting description */
  456. "Page Auto Rotation" = "页面自动旋转";
  457. /* Print panel setting description */
  458. "Page Auto Scaling" = "页面自动缩放";
  459. /* Menu item title */
  460. "Page Breaks" = "分页符";
  461. /* Info label */
  462. "Page count:" = "统计页数:";
  463. /* Info label */
  464. "Page size:" = "页面大小:";
  465. /* Box title */
  466. "Page Transition" = "页面切换效果";
  467. /* Menu item title */
  468. "Paste" = "粘贴";
  469. /* size unit */
  470. "PB" = "PB";
  471. /* Info label */
  472. "PDF Producer:" = "PDF 作者:";
  473. /* Info label */
  474. "PDF Version:" = "PDF 版本:";
  475. /* Menu item title
  476. Tool tip message
  477. Toolbar item label */
  478. "Presentation" = "幻灯片";
  479. /* Menu item title
  480. Tool tip message
  481. Toolbar item label */
  482. "Previous" = "上一页";
  483. /* Tool tip message
  484. Toolbar item label */
  485. "Previous/Next" = "上一页/下一页";
  486. /* Menu item title
  487. Toolbar item label */
  488. "Print" = "打印";
  489. /* Tool tip message */
  490. "Print Document" = "打印文件";
  491. /* size unit */
  492. "pt" = "点";
  493. /* Menu item title */
  494. "Quick Look" = "快速查看";
  495. /* Message for progress sheet */
  496. "Reloading document" = "重新加载文件";
  497. /* Message in alert dialog */
  498. "Remember Password?" = "记住密码?";
  499. /* Menu item title */
  500. "Remove" = "移除";
  501. /* Menu item title */
  502. "Remove Current Note" = "移除当前的笔记";
  503. /* Tool tip message */
  504. "Remove download" = "移除下载";
  505. /* Menu item title */
  506. "Exit Full Screen" = "退出全屏";
  507. /* Menu item title
  508. Undo action name */
  509. "Remove Note" = "移除笔记";
  510. /* Menu item title */
  511. "Exit Presentation" = "退出幻灯片";
  512. /* Check button title */
  513. "Replace existing notes" = "取代现有的笔记";
  514. /* Undo action name */
  515. "Replace Notes" = "取代笔记";
  516. /* Button title */
  517. /* Message in alert dialog when pressing Reset All button */
  518. "Reset %@ preferences to their original values?" = "重置 %@ 选项为初始值";
  519. /* Message in alert dialog when pressing Reset All button */
  520. "Reset all preferences to their original values?" = "重置所有选项为初始值";
  521. /* Menu item title */
  522. "Restore Previous Session" = "恢复上次会话的浏览记录";
  523. /* Menu item title */
  524. "Resume" = "继续";
  525. /* Tool tip message */
  526. "Resume download" = "继续下载";
  527. /* Menu item title
  528. Transition name */
  529. "Reveal" = "显示";
  530. /* Button title */
  531. "Revert" = "撤销";
  532. /* Toolbar item label
  533. Undo action name */
  534. "Rotate" = "旋转";
  535. /* Menu item title
  536. Tool tip message
  537. Toolbar item label */
  538. "Rotate Left" = "向左旋转";
  539. /* Tool tip message */
  540. "Rotate Left or Right" = "向左或向右旋转";
  541. "Rotate Current Page Left" = "当前页面左旋";
  542. "Rotate Current Page Right" = "当前页面右旋";
  543. /* Undo action name */
  544. "Rotate Page" = "旋转页面";
  545. /* Menu item title
  546. Tool tip message
  547. Toolbar item label */
  548. "Rotate Right" = "向右旋转";
  549. /* Button title */
  550. "Save" = "保存";
  551. /* Menu item title
  552. Tool tip message
  553. Toolbar item label */
  554. "Scale" = "缩放比例";
  555. /* Print panel setting */
  556. "Scale Each Page" = "缩放每一页";
  557. /* Menu item title */
  558. "Scroll" = "滚动";
  559. /* Menu item title
  560. Tool tip message */
  561. "Scroll Tool" = "滚动工具";
  562. /* placeholder
  563. Toolbar item label */
  564. "Search" = "搜索";
  565. /* Tool tip message */
  566. "Search Notes" = "搜索笔记";
  567. "Search PDF" = "搜索 PDF";
  568. "Search Snapshots" = "搜索快照";
  569. /* Message in search table header */
  570. "Searching" = "正在搜索";
  571. /* Button title
  572. Menu item title */
  573. "Select" = "选择";
  574. /* Menu item title
  575. Tool tip message */
  576. "Select Tool" = "选择工具";
  577. /* Tool tip message */
  578. "Separate search results" = "分离搜索结果";
  579. /* Menu item title */
  580. "Show" = "显示";
  581. /* Menu item title */
  582. "Show All" = "全部显示";
  583. /* Menu item title */
  584. "Show Contents Pane" = "显示內容面板";
  585. /* Menu item title */
  586. "Show Lines" = "显示线段";
  587. /* Menu item title */
  588. "Show Note Type" = "显示笔记类型";
  589. /* Menu item title */
  590. "Show Notes" = "显示笔记";
  591. /* Menu item title */
  592. "Show Notes Pane" = "显示笔记面板";
  593. /* Menu item title */
  594. "Show Reading Bar" = "显示阅读栏";
  595. /* Menu item title */
  596. "Show Split PDF" = "显示PDF分屏视图";
  597. "Split View" = "分屏视图";
  598. "Horizontal" = "水平";
  599. "Vertical" = "垂直";
  600. "Disable Split View" = "禁用分屏视图";
  601. /* Menu item title */
  602. "Show Status Bar" = "显示状态栏";
  603. /* Menu item title
  604. Tool tip message */
  605. "Single Page" = "单页";
  606. /* Menu item title
  607. Tool tip message */
  608. "Single Page Continuous" = "单页连续";
  609. /* Tool tip message
  610. Toolbar item label */
  611. "Single/Two Pages" = "单页/双页";
  612. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  613. "PDF Reader Pro Edition was not able to read the notes at %@. %@ Do you want to continue to open the PDF document anyway?" = "PDF Reader Pro Edition 无法读取 %@. %@ 中的笔记。你要继续打开这个 PDF 文件吗?";
  614. /* Transition name */
  615. "Slide" = "幻灯片";
  616. /* Tool tip message */
  617. "Solid line style" = "实心线段样式";
  618. /* Tool tip message */
  619. "Square end line style" = "方形尾部线段样式";
  620. /* Tool tip message */
  621. "Square start line style" = "方形首部线段样式";
  622. /* Download status message */
  623. "Starting" = "正在启动";
  624. /* Description for export
  625. Menu item title */
  626. "Strikethrough" = "刪除线";
  627. /* Menu item title */
  628. "Strikethrough Tool" = "刪除线工具";
  629. /* Info label */
  630. "Subject:" = "主题:";
  631. /* Transition name */
  632. "Swap" = "交换";
  633. /* Preference pane label */
  634. "Sync" = "同步";
  635. /* Menu item title */
  636. "Take Snapshot" = "拍摄快照";
  637. /* size unit */
  638. "TB" = "TB";
  639. /* Menu item title */
  640. "Text" = "文字";
  641. /* Check button title */
  642. "Text color" = "文字颜色";
  643. "Text Color" = "文字颜色";
  644. "Line Color" = "线段颜色";
  645. /* Description for export
  646. Menu item title */
  647. "Text Note" = "文字";
  648. /* Menu item title */
  649. "Text Note Tool" = "文字工具";
  650. /* Menu item title
  651. Tool tip message */
  652. "Text Tool" = "文字工具";
  653. "The clipboard information cannot be imported as PDF file format. Please try again." = "剪贴板里面的内容无法导出为PDF格式文件,请重试。";
  654. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  655. "The document has unsaved changes, or has not previously been saved to disk." = "文件有尚未保存的更改,或者之前未被存入磁盘。";
  656. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  657. "The notes could not be saved with the PDF at \"%@\"" = "无法存储笔记到 PDF \"%@\"的位置";
  658. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  659. "The notes could not be saved with the PDF at \"%@\". However a companion .PDF Reader Pro Edition file was successfully updated." = "笔记无法和 PDF 珙桐存储于 \"%@\". 但是伴随的 .PDF Reader Pro Edition 文件已成功更新。";
  660. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  661. "The PDF file has changed on disk. Do you want to reload this document now? Choosing Auto will reload this file automatically for future changes." = "磁盘上的 PDF 已经改变,要現在重新加载文件吗?选择“自动”以便以后自动重新加载文件。";
  662. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  663. "The PDF file has changed on disk. If you reload, your changes will be lost. Do you want to reload this document now?" = "磁盘上的 PDF 已经改变,如果重新加载,你目前所作的改动将丢失。要現在重新加载文件吗?";
  664. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  665. "This will convert PDF annotations to PDF Reader Pro Edition notes. Do you want to proceed?" = "这将把 PDF 注解转换为 PDF Reader Pro Edition 笔记,您要继续吗?";
  666. /* Info label */
  667. "Title:" = "标题:";
  668. /* Tool tip message */
  669. "Toggle Contents Pane" = "切换內容面板";
  670. /* Tool tip message */
  671. "Toggle Notes Pane" = "切换笔记面板";
  672. /* Tool tip message
  673. Toolbar item label */
  674. "Tool Mode" = "工具模式";
  675. /* Menu item title */
  676. "Tools" = "工具";
  677. /* Menu item title
  678. Tool tip message */
  679. "Two Pages" = "双页";
  680. /* Menu item title
  681. Tool tip message */
  682. "Two Pages Continuous" = "双页连续";
  683. /* Table header title */
  684. "Type" = "类型";
  685. /* Error description */
  686. "Unable to load data from clipboard" = "无法加载剪贴板中的数据";
  687. /* Error description */
  688. "Unable to load file" = "无法加载文件";
  689. /* Message in alert dialog */
  690. "Unable to Read Notes" = "无法读取笔记";
  691. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  692. "Unable to read notes for %@, but a PDF Reader Pro Edition notes file with the same name was found. Do you want PDF Reader Pro Edition to read the notes from this file?" = "无法读取 %@ 的笔记,但是找到了一个与笔记文件同名的文件。你要用 PDF Reader Pro Edition 从这个文件中读取笔记吗?";
  693. /* Message in alert dialog */
  694. "Unable to save notes" = "无法保存笔记";
  695. /* Error description */
  696. "Unable to write file" = "无法写入文件";
  697. /* Error description */
  698. "Unable to write notes" = "无法写入笔记";
  699. /* Error description */
  700. "Unable to write notes as FDF" = "无法将笔记以 PDF 格式写入";
  701. /* Error description */
  702. "Unable to write notes as RTF" = "无法将笔记以 RTF 格式写入";
  703. /* Error description */
  704. "Unable to write notes as RTFD" = "无法将笔记以 RTFD 格式写入";
  705. /* Error description */
  706. "Unable to write notes as text" = "无法将笔记以文字方式写入";
  707. /* Error description */
  708. "Unable to write notes using template" = "无法将笔记以模版方式写入";
  709. /* Description for export
  710. Menu item title */
  711. "Underline" = "下划线";
  712. /* Tool tip message */
  713. "Underline line style" = "下划线样式";
  714. /* Menu item title */
  715. "Underline Tool" = "下划线工具";
  716. /* Menu item title */
  717. "Use Current View Settings as Default" = "使用当前PDF阅读设置作为默认值";
  718. /* Menu item title */
  719. "Use Current View Settings as Default for Full Screen" = "使用当前PDF阅读设置作为全屏模式的默认设置";
  720. /* Tool tip message */
  721. "View Notes" = "查看笔记";
  722. /* Tool tip message */
  723. "View Snapshots" = "查看快照";
  724. /* Tool tip message */
  725. "View Outline" = "查看大纲";
  726. /* Tool tip message */
  727. "View Thumbnails" = "查看缩略图";
  728. /* Transition name */
  729. "Warp Fade" = "切换淡出";
  730. /* Transition name */
  731. "Warp Switch" = "切换开关";
  732. /* Menu item title */
  733. "Whole Words Only" = "仅完整单词";
  734. /* Button title */
  735. "Yes" = "是";
  736. /* Alert text when trying to create archive for unsaved document */
  737. "You must save this file first" = "您必须先保存文件";
  738. /* Informative text in alert dialog */
  739. "Your current changes will be lost." = "您当前所作改动将丢失";
  740. /* Tool tip message
  741. Toolbar item label
  742. Transition name
  743. Zoom pop-up menu description */
  744. "Zoom" = "缩放";
  745. /* Menu item title
  746. Tool tip message */
  747. "Zoom In" = "放大";
  748. /* Menu item title
  749. Tool tip message */
  750. "Zoom Out" = "缩小";
  751. /* Tool tip message */
  752. "Zoom To Actual Size" = "缩放至实际大小";
  753. /* Menu item title
  754. Tool tip message
  755. Toolbar item label */
  756. "Zoom To Fit" = "缩放至适当大小";
  757. /* Menu item title */
  758. "Zoom To Height" = "缩放至合适高度";
  759. /* Menu item title
  760. Tool tip message
  761. Toolbar item label */
  762. "Zoom To Selection" = "缩放至所选范围";
  763. /* Menu item title */
  764. "Zoom To Width" = "缩放至适当宽度";
  765. "Convert" = "转档";
  766. "Email" = "邮件";
  767. "All" = "整份文件";
  768. "Current Page" = "当前页面";
  769. "Pages" = "页";
  770. "to:" = "至:";
  771. "Choose..." = "选择...";
  772. "Destination Folder:" = "浏览:";
  773. "Format:" = "文件类型:";
  774. "Page Range:" = "页面范围:";
  775. "Output Folder cannot be empty." = "导出文件夹不能为空!";
  776. "Compress" = "压缩";
  777. "Optimization Options" = "优化选项";
  778. "Large file size(300 dpi,medium image quality)" = "大型文件(300 dpi,标准图片)";
  779. "Medium file size(150 dpi,medium image quality)" = "标准文件(150 dpi,标准图片)";
  780. "Small file size(72 dpi,medium image quality)" = "小型文件(72 dpi,标准图片)";
  781. "Minimum file size(50 dpi,low image quality)" = "微型文件(50 dpi,低质量图片)";
  782. "Other" = "其它";
  783. "Select a target output" = "选择导出选项";
  784. "50 dpi,low image quality" = "50 dpi,低质量图片";
  785. "50 dpi,medium image quality" = "50 dpi,标准图片";
  786. "72 dpi,low image quality" = "72 dpi,低质量图片";
  787. "72 dpi,medium image quality" = "72 dpi,标准图片";
  788. "96 dpi,low image quality" = "96 dpi,低质量图片";
  789. "96 dpi,medium image quality" = "96 dpi,标准图片";
  790. "150 dpi,low image quality" = "150 dpi,低质量图片";
  791. "200 dpi,medium image quality" = "200 dpi,标准图片";
  792. "300 dpi,low image quality" = "300 dpi,低质量图片";
  793. "400 dpi,medium image quality" = "400 dpi,标准图片";
  794. "600 dpi,low image quality" = "600 dpi,低质量图片";
  795. "600 dpi,medium image quality" = "600 dpi,标准图片";
  796. "Save as PDF" = "另存为PDF";
  797. "Optimized Size:" = "优化尺寸:";
  798. "Selected item(s) have been successfully compressed." = "所选文件压缩成功。";
  799. "Failed to compress selected item(s)!" = "所选文件压缩失败!";
  800. "Insert" = "插入";
  801. "Insert Pages from Another PDF" = "从其他PDF插入";
  802. "Insert Settings" = "插入设置";
  803. "Select a File" = "选择文件";
  804. "From PDF" = "从其他PDF";
  805. "Page Range:" = "页面范围:";
  806. "Select" = "选择";
  807. "Page(s):" = "页码:";
  808. "Location:" = "位置:";
  809. "All Pages" = "全部页面";
  810. "e.g. 1,3-5,10" = "例如 1,3-5,10";
  811. "After" = "之后";
  812. "Before" = "之前";
  813. "Successfully inserted!" = "插入成功!";
  814. "Failed to insert page(s)!" = "插入失败!";
  815. "Incorrect password. Please check your password and try again." = "密码错误!请检查密码并重试。";
  816. "Open" = "打开";
  817. "Merge" = "合并";
  818. "Clear" = "清空";
  819. "Clear All" = "清空";
  820. "Remove" = "移除";
  821. "Add Files" = "添加文档";
  822. "Item" = "项目";
  823. "File Name" = "文档名";
  824. "Size" = "大小";
  825. "Total Pages" = "页数";
  826. "Page Range" = "页面范围";
  827. "Invalid page range or the page number is out of range. Please try again." = "无效的页面范围或页码超出范围。请再试一次。";
  828. "Merging completed!" = "合并成功!";
  829. "Failed to merge!" = "合并失败!";
  830. "Split" = "拆分";
  831. "Split Options" = "拆分选项";
  832. "Output Folder" = "导出目录";
  833. "Split by every" = "按每个文件";
  834. "Split averagely to" = "平均拆分成";
  835. "Split by specific pages (e.g. 1,3,5,8-10)" = "按页面范围拆分(如:1,3,5,8-10)";
  836. "page(s)" = "页拆分";
  837. "PDF files" = "个PDF文件";
  838. "Splitting completed!" = "PDF文档拆分完成!";
  839. "Failed to split!" = "PDF文档拆分失败!";
  840. "Security" = "安全";
  841. "Remove All" = "全部移除";
  842. "Encrypt" = "加密";
  843. "Close" = "关闭";
  844. "Drag & Drop files here" = "拖拽文档至此";
  845. "Progress:" = "进度:";
  846. "Index" = "索引";
  847. "Status" = "状态";
  848. "Please wait..." = "请稍候...";
  849. "Save as new PDF file" = "另存为新的PDF文档";
  850. "Password Security Settings" = "密码安全设置";
  851. "Document Description" = "文档描述";
  852. "Title:" = "标题:";
  853. "Author:" = "作者:";
  854. "Subject:" = "主题:";
  855. "Keywords:" = "关键词:";
  856. "Require a password to open the document." = "开启文档需要密码。";
  857. "Restrict printing and copying of the document." = "禁止打印和复制文档。";
  858. "Restrict document printing" = "禁止打印";
  859. "Restrict content copying" = "禁止复制";
  860. "Open Password:" = "文档开启密码:";
  861. "Owner Password:" = "权限密码:";
  862. "Please select one file for removal!" = "请选择需要移除的文档!";
  863. "Please select at least one encryption level." = "请至少选择一种加密方式!";
  864. "The Open and Owner passwords cannot be the same. Please change either the Open or the Owner Password." = "文档开启密码和所有者密码不能一致。请更换开启密码或所有者密码。";
  865. "Please select the output folder." = "请选择导出文件夹。";
  866. "Document encrypted." = "文档已加密。";
  867. " encryption failed. The file is already password protected." = "加密失败。文档已受密码保护。";
  868. " encryption failed. The files are already password protected." = "加密失败。文档已受密码保护。";
  869. "This PDF is password protected. Please enter the password below to access this PDF." = "该文档受密码保护。请在下面输入密码开启文档。";
  870. "Permission Password" = "权限密码";
  871. "Share" = "分享";
  872. "Upgrade your PDF Reader Pro and enjoy all the benefits:" = "升级PDF Reader Pro,畅享进阶功能!";
  873. "Free version" = "免费版";
  874. "Full version" = "升级版";
  875. "Upgrade" = "升级";
  876. "Stamp" = "图章";
  877. "Signature" = "签名";
  878. "Standard" = "Standard";
  879. "Standard/Customize" = "标准/自定义";
  880. "Set password to" = "设置密码";
  881. "Advanced/Batch" = "高级/批量转换";
  882. "Advanced" = "高级";
  883. "Standard \n First 10 Pages" = "标准 \n文档前10页";
  884. "Convert PDFs " = "PDF转档";
  885. "PDF Merging" = "PDF合并";
  886. "Sync with Dropbox" = "同步到Dropbox";
  887. "Split Method" = "PDF拆分方式";
  888. "Single File" = "单个文档";
  889. "Page Number, URL, Email" = "页码, URL, 邮箱";
  890. "Page Number" = "页码";
  891. "Link" = "链接";
  892. "Hyperlink" = "超链接";
  893. "First 10 Pages" = "文档前10页";
  894. "2 Files" = "2个文档";
  895. "10 Files/Day" = "10个文档/天";
  896. "Split by number of pages\nSplit by number of files" = "按页面数拆分\n按文档数拆分";
  897. "Multiple Files" = "多个文档";
  898. "Unlimited" = "无限制";
  899. "Split by number of pages\nSplit by number of files\nSplit by specific pages" = "按页面数拆分\n按文档数拆分\n按页面范围拆分";
  900. "Welcome to" = "欢迎使用";
  901. "Show in Finder" = "在Finder中显示";
  902. "Show this window when PDF Reader Pro launches" = "当PDF Reader Pro启动时显示欢迎界面";
  903. "Version" = "版本";
  904. "Upgrade to Pro" ="升级至Pro版本";
  905. "Upgrade" = "升级";
  906. "Online Help" = "在线帮助";
  907. "Quick Start Guide" = "快速教学";
  908. "Select File" = "选择文件";
  909. "Choose PDF to Open" = "选择PDF文件";
  910. "Open another file..." = "打开其它文件...";
  911. "Extract" = "提取";
  912. "Not yet synchronized" = "还未同步";
  913. "Last Sync:" = "近期同步:";
  914. "Invalid Username" = "无效的用户名";
  915. "Please click here to login" = "请点击此处登录";
  916. "User Name:" = "用户名:";
  917. "Logout" = "注销";
  918. "Authenticating..." = "认证中...";
  919. "Connecting to the server..." = "连接服务中...";
  920. "%d files left" = "剩余%d个文档";
  921. "Server Error" = "连接服务器失败";
  922. "Upload Failed!" = "上传失败!";
  923. "Authentication Failed!" = "认证失败!";
  924. "Rate %@" = "为%@打分";
  925. "Share your love to %@! Please take one minute to give us a great review on the App Store." = "感谢您的使用!请您花一分钟的时间给%@一个好评吧。";
  926. "No. I hate it." = "残忍拒绝";
  927. "Give a suggestion" = "反馈建议";
  928. "Give a 5-Star" = "5星好评鼓励";
  929. "Remind me later" = "稍后提醒";
  930. "Batch" = "批量处理";
  931. "This PDF document's user permissions does not allow modifying, content copying and printing." = "此文档的文档权限不允许修改、内容复制和打印.";
  932. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  933. "This PDF document's user permissions does not allow annotation modifications." = "此文档的文档权限不允许注释修改.";
  934. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  935. "This document has a permission password." = "该文档包含权限密码";
  936. "Automatically Resize" = "自动调整大小";
  937. "Stamp" = "图章";
  938. "Standard" = "标准";
  939. "Custom" = "自定义";
  940. "Text Stamp" = "文字图章";
  941. "Image Stamp" = "图片图章";
  942. "Preview" = "预览";
  943. "Signature" = "签名";
  944. "Save & Apply" = "保存&应用";
  945. "Clear" = "清除";
  946. "Library" = "签名库";
  947. "Create" = "新建";
  948. "Unable to add new signatures. Please try again." = "添加签名失败。请重试。";
  949. "Trackpad" = "触摸板";
  950. "Press \"esc\" to disable the Trackpad." = "点击\“Esc\”退出触摸板";
  951. "Set PDF Reader Pro as the default PDF viewer" = "设置为默认PDF文档阅读器";
  952. "Link" = "链接";
  953. "Hyperlink:" = "超链接:";
  954. "Page Number:" = "页码:";
  955. //Image To PDF
  956. "Save as PDF" = "另存为PDF";
  957. "Dimensions" = "尺寸";
  958. "Merge All" = "合并所有为同一份文档";
  959. "No." = "编号";
  960. "Image To PDF" = "图片转PDF";
  961. "PDF To Word" = "PDF转Word";
  962. "PDF To HTML" = "PDF转HTML";
  963. "PDF To Text" = "PDF转Text";
  964. "PDF To JPG" = "PDF转JPG";
  965. "PDF To PNG" = "PDF转PNG";
  966. "Are you sure to delete the selected pages?" = "确定删除已选页面?";
  967. "You can’t undo this action." = "您无法撤销该动作";
  968. "Are you sure to delete page %@ ?" = "您确定要删除第 %@ 页?";
  969. "Warning" = "警告";
  970. //insert
  971. "Insert Pages" = "插入新页";
  972. "Insert" = "插入";
  973. "Blank Page" = "空白页";
  974. "From PDF" = "从其他PDF";
  975. "Where to insert?" = "插入位置?";
  976. //Append
  977. "Append" = "添加";
  978. "Add" = "添加";
  979. "No file added. Click 'Add Files' to continue." = "尚未加入任何文档,点击 '添加文档' 新增文件。";
  980. "To start merging, please select at least 2 files." = "合并文档前,请至少选择2份文件。";
  981. "Page range" = "页面范围";
  982. //Extract界面
  983. "All Pages" = "全部页面";
  984. "Pages from" = "选择页面";
  985. //Split界面
  986. "Split Methods" = "拆分方式";
  987. "Split by every" = "平均每";
  988. "page(s)" = "页拆分为一个PDF文件";
  989. "Split averagely to" = "平均拆分为";
  990. "PDF file(s)" = "个PDF文件";
  991. "Split by page range" = "按特定页面范围拆分";
  992. "File Naming" = "文档命名";
  993. "Separator" = "分隔符";
  994. "Keep the current file name in front of labels" = "将原始档名前置";
  995. "Splitting completed. Tap 'OK' to open the output folder." = "PDF文档拆分完毕,点击确定后即可开启导出文件夹。";
  996. //Rotate界面
  997. "Direction" = "方向";
  998. //Watermark界面
  999. "Add Watermark" = "新增水印";
  1000. "Remove Watermark" = "移除水印";
  1001. "Watermark" = "水印";
  1002. "Tile" = "平铺";
  1003. "Import Image" = "导入图片";
  1004. "Enter Text Here" = "在此输入文字";
  1005. "Opacity" = "不透明度";
  1006. "Ratio" = "比例";
  1007. "Rotation" = "旋转";
  1008. "Position" = "位置";
  1009. "Done" = "完成";
  1010. //Tools
  1011. "Editing Tools" = "编辑工具";
  1012. "Save as Flattened PDF" = "保存为Flatten副本";
  1013. "Page Edit" = "页面编辑";
  1014. "Encrypt PDF" = "加密PDF";
  1015. "Convert PDF" = "转档PDF";
  1016. "Compress PDF" = "压缩PDF";
  1017. "Insert Pages" = "插入页面";
  1018. "Merge PDF Files" = "合并PDF文档";
  1019. "Split PDF" = "拆分PDF文档";
  1020. "Image" = "图片";
  1021. "Annotations" = "注释";
  1022. "Label" = "标签";
  1023. "Editor" = "编辑工具";
  1024. "PDF Editor" = "PDF编辑工具";
  1025. //比较表
  1026. "6 months" = "6个月";
  1027. "6mon" = "6个月";
  1028. "Purchase Completed"= "订阅成功";
  1029. "Failed to Purchase"= "订阅失败";
  1030. "Failed to Refresh"= "更新失败";
  1031. "Failed to restore"= "恢复购买失败";
  1032. "Restore successfully"= "恢复购买成功";
  1033. "Restore" = "恢复购买";
  1034. "About Subscriptions" = "关于订阅";
  1035. "Restore Previous Purchase" = "恢复之前购买";
  1036. "Choose your favorite payment and enjoy flexible upgrades." = "月费套餐服务更具弹性";
  1037. "Pricing and Plans" = "订阅方案";
  1038. "Subscribed" = "订阅中";
  1039. "Subscribe" = "订阅";
  1040. "Subscribe to All Access Pack to enjoy more expanded features." = "订阅尊贵特权套餐即可体验所有进阶服务";
  1041. "Key Features" = "主要功能";
  1042. "Create PDFs from the connected scanner and iOS devices" = "直接从连接的扫描仪或ios设备中导入文件来创建PDF";
  1043. "Ad-free" = "无广告";
  1044. "Number of stored files" = "无文件保存数量限制";
  1045. "Remove file restriction" = "移除文档密码和权限限制";
  1046. "Multi-tab viewer" = "多标签视窗";
  1047. "Sync files via Dropbox" = "同步文档到Dropbox";
  1048. "Create flattened copies" = "创建Flatten副本";
  1049. "Batch encrypting PDF documents" = "PDF文件批量加密";
  1050. "Convert JPEG or PNG files to PDFs" = "JPEG或PNG转档为PDF格式";
  1051. "Import images from connected scanners or iOS devices" = "可直接从已连接的扫描仪或iOS的设备中导入图片并转成PDF文件";
  1052. "Convert PDFs to Word, HTML, TXT, JPEG or PNG files" = "PDF转档为Word、HTML、TXT、JPEG、PNG格式";
  1053. "Advanced Editing Tools" = "进阶编辑工具";
  1054. "Add & edit watermark" = "添加&编辑水印";
  1055. "PDF page editor" = "PDF页面编辑";
  1056. "Merge multiple files in one PDF document" = "将多个文档同时合并为一份新的PDF文件";
  1057. "Split and save selected PDF pages as a new separate document" = "将文件按照特定页面拆分为一份新的PDF文件";
  1058. "Customize PDF stamps" = "定制PDF图章";
  1059. "Subscription Based Solution" = "订阅套餐解决方案";
  1060. "Access all premium features in app" = "体验订阅套餐解决方案中所有进阶服务";
  1061. "File converter - pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, epub, html, txt, and more" = "可供转档的格式:pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, epub, html, txt等";
  1062. "Send faxes directly from your Mac or mobile devices." = "直接从Mac和移动设备发送文件传真";
  1063. "Priority customer support" = "优先客服支持";
  1064. "Premium Based Solution" = "高级付费版解决方案";
  1065. "Up to 20 files" = "最多20份文件";
  1066. "Up to 10 files per day" = "每天最多10个文件";
  1067. "Only first 10 pages" = "前10页";
  1068. "Up to 2 files or 20 MB" = "最多2个文件或20MB";
  1069. "Monthly Plan" = "月费套餐";
  1070. "Annual Plan" = "年费套餐";
  1071. "Get Annual Plan and save up to 50%." = "选择年费方案即省50%!";
  1072. "Pay by month and enjoy flexible upgrades." = "月费套餐服务更具弹性";
  1073. "one-time purchase" = "一次付费";
  1074. "Document" = "文档";
  1075. "Flattened Copy" = "Flattened副本";
  1076. "Converter" = "转档工具";
  1077. "Close Tab" = "关闭当前窗口";
  1078. "Close Other Tabs" = "关闭其他标签页";
  1079. "Close All Tabs" = "关闭所有标签页";
  1080. "Verify" = "确认密码";
  1081. "Decrypt" = "解除密码";
  1082. "Please upload the document to Kdan Cloud before sharing the file link." = "请在分享链接之前将文件上传到凯钿云。";
  1083. "Registered Member" = "注册会员";
  1084. "Add Row Above" = "在上方添加一行";
  1085. "Add Row Below" = "在下方添加一行";
  1086. "Add Column Before" = "在前方添加一列";
  1087. "Add Column After" = "在后方添加一列";
  1088. "Delete Row" = "删除行";
  1089. "Delete Column" = "删除列";
  1090. "Delete Cell Contents" = "删除单元格内容";
  1091. "Clear All" = "清除所有";
  1092. "Time" = "时间";
  1093. "Cover Page" = "封面";
  1094. "New documents are not saved." = "新建文件未保存!";
  1095. "Purchase Completed" = "已购买!";
  1096. "Output Folder can not be empty." = "导出文件夹不能为空。";
  1097. "Processing" = "正在处理";
  1098. "Processing..." = "正在处理...";
  1099. "Uploading..." = "上传中...";
  1100. "%d files left." = "剩余 %d 个文档";
  1101. "Upload Failed!" = "上传失败!";
  1102. "Export" = "导出";
  1103. "Remove white background from image" = "去除白色背景";
  1104. "Auto Scroll" = "自动滚动";
  1105. "Time Interval" = "时间间隔";
  1106. "Jump Space" = "移动距离";
  1107. "sec" = "秒";
  1108. "px" = "像素";
  1109. "AutoScroll On" = "开启自动滚动";
  1110. "AutoScroll Off" = "关闭自动滚动";
  1111. "Import From Camera" = "从相机导入";
  1112. "Import" = "导入";
  1113. "Import From %@" = "从%@导入";
  1114. "My Mac" = "我的Mac";
  1115. "Import All" = "全部导入";
  1116. "Import From Clipboard" = "导入剪贴板内容";
  1117. "Confirm" = "确认";
  1118. "Customize Toolbar" = "自定义工具栏";
  1119. "Right click on the tool bar to rearrange your favorite tools." = "在工具栏中点击右键菜单进行定制,即可依喜好设置你的喜好工具。";
  1120. "Purchase completed. You can start using the advanced tools, including PDF to Office, PDF Watermark, Page Editor, and more." = "购买服务包成功! 您可以开始使用服务包中的高级功能啦 (如PDF转换Office, 水印, 页面编辑等 )。";
  1121. "Purchase completed. You can start using the advanced tools, including PDF to Office, and more." = "购买服务包成功! 您可以开始使用服务包中的高级功能啦 (如PDF转换Office等 )。";
  1122. "Failed to restore previous purchases. Please make sure you've made a valid purchase or try again later." = "恢复之前购买的服务包失败. 请确认您之前的购买是否有效,或稍后重试";
  1123. "Purchase failed. Please check your settings and try again." = "购买服务包失败, 请帮忙检查一下您的网络设置及稍后重新试试。";
  1124. "Restore successfully. You can start using the advanced tools, including PDF to Office, PDF Watermark, Page Editor, and more." = "恢复之前购买的 All Access Pack 成功! 您可以开始使用服务包中的高级功能啦 (如PDF转换Office, 水印, 页面编辑等 )。";
  1125. "Failed to restore previous purchases. Please check your settings and try again." = "恢复之前购买的服务包失败, 请帮忙检查一下您的网络设置及稍后重新试试。";
  1126. "Your subscription has expired, please repurchase" = "您的订阅已到期,请重新购买";
  1127. "In-App Purchase FAQ:" = "内购升级常见问题";
  1128. "I bought the in-app purchase, but the app doesn't recognize that automatically. How to recover my purchase?" = "我已经有进行内购升级,但App并未及时自动识别,我该如何处理?";
  1129. "—》If you already completed the payment, simply click the \"Restore Previous Purchase\" button directly from the upgrade page to enable all the advanced features at no cost to you." = "—》若您已经完成付款,只要在升级页面中点击“恢复之前购买内容”即可。无需再额外付费购买。";
  1130. "—》Due to Apple needs to confirm your purchase info, you may be required to sign in with your Apple ID. When you restore your purchase, make sure you use the same Apple ID that you previously used." = "—》由于Apple会需要确认您的购买信息,请先登录之前购买该内容的Apple ID。";
  1131. "—》Once you see the \"Restore Successfully\" message, you will be able to access the advanced features, including PDF to Office, PDF Watermark, Page Editor, and more." = "—》若看到“恢复成功”信息即可使所有进阶功能 (如PDF转换Office, 水印, 页面编辑等 )。";
  1132. "—》Once you see the \"Restore Successfully\" message, you will be able to access the advanced features, including PDF to Office, and more." = "—》若看到“恢复成功”信息即可使所有进阶功能 (如PDF转换Office等 )。";
  1133. "—》Once you see the \"Restore Successfully\" message, you will be able to access the AI tools include AI translate, AI summarize, AI proofread and AI rewrite." = "—》当出现“恢复购买成功”提示后,代表您可以使用所有AI功能,包括AI翻译,AI重写,AI概括,AI校对。";
  1134. "next" = "下一步";
  1135. "Replace" = "替换";
  1136. "Themes" = "主题";
  1137. "Page View" = "页面配置";
  1138. "Page Break" = "分页设置";
  1139. "Add Background" = "添加背景";
  1140. "Remove Background" = "移除背景";
  1141. "Background" = "背景";
  1142. "Add Header & Footer" = "添加页眉页脚";
  1143. "Remove Header & Footer" = "移除页眉页脚";
  1144. "Header & Footer" = "页眉和页脚";
  1145. "Source" = "来源";
  1146. "Odd Pages Only" = "奇数页";
  1147. "Even Pages Only" = "偶数页";
  1148. "Left Header Text" = "左侧页眉文本";
  1149. "Center Header Text" = "中间页眉文本";
  1150. "Right Header Text" = "右侧页眉文本";
  1151. "Left Footer Text" = "左侧页脚文本";
  1152. "Center Footer Text" = "中间页脚文本";
  1153. "Right Footer Text" = "右侧页脚文本";
  1154. "Top" = "上";
  1155. "Bottom" = "下";
  1156. "Left" = "左";
  1157. "Right" = "右";
  1158. "Font Size" = "字体大小";
  1159. "Page Number and Date Format" = "页码与日期格式";
  1160. "Date" = "日期";
  1161. "Page Number" = "页码";
  1162. "Start Page Number" = "起始页";
  1163. "Margin" = "边距";
  1164. "Add Header" = "新增页眉";
  1165. "Add Footer" = "新增页脚";
  1166. "Location" = "位置";
  1167. "Appear on top of page" = "在页面之上";
  1168. "Appear behind page" = "在页面之下";
  1169. "Insert Page Number" = "插入页码";
  1170. "Insert Date" = "插入日期";
  1171. "Header, Footer & Page Number" = "页眉、页脚及页码";
  1172. "Batch Add Watermarks" = "批量新增水印";
  1173. "Batch Remove Watermarks" = "批量移除水印";
  1174. "Manage Templates" = "管理模板";
  1175. "Add to Template" = "新增到模板";
  1176. "Add to" = "新增到";
  1177. "Apply" = "应用";
  1178. "Edit Watermark" = "编辑水印";
  1179. "Template added." = "已新增到模板";
  1180. "Light" = "日间模式";
  1181. "Sepia" = "柔和模式";
  1182. "Dark" = "夜间模式";
  1183. "Reseda" = "护眼模式";
  1184. "Custom" = "自定义";
  1185. "Add Bates Numbers" = "插入贝茨(Bates)码";
  1186. "Remove Bates Numbers" = "移除贝茨(Bates)码";
  1187. "Bates Settings" = "贝茨(Bates)码设置";
  1188. "Prefix" = "前缀";
  1189. "Suffix" = "后缀";
  1190. "Number of Digits" = "位数";
  1191. "Bates Numbers" = "贝茨(Bates)码";
  1192. "Insert Bates" = "插入贝茨(Bates)";
  1193. "Clear All Recents" = "清除所有文件记录";
  1194. "Remove from Recents" = "从文件记录中移除";
  1195. "Drop files here" = "将文件拖至此处";
  1196. "Select Files" = "选择文件";
  1197. "Set PDF Reader as the default PDF viewer" = "将PDF Reader设置为默认PDF阅读器";
  1198. "Insert header, footer, and page numbers to PDF" = "插入页眉、页脚及页码";
  1199. "Insert PDF page background by color or image" = "修改PDF页面背景颜色或图片";
  1200. "Add PDF Bates numbering to your legal, medical, or business documents" = "法律、医疗及商务文件添加贝茨(Bates)码";
  1201. "Need a hand? We offer a Quick Start Guide that shows you how to do the basic operations in PDF Reader Pro. Check it now." = "需要帮忙吗?预设的使用说明文档中已经为您展示所有的基本操作,以便您能快速上手,去看看吧!";
  1202. "Major update released. Now you can enjoy the best PDF app on any Apple device for reading, editing, and signing PDFs!" = "重大更新已释出,现在您可以在任意Apple设备上享受最佳的PDF应用程序,以便阅读,编辑和签署PDF!";
  1203. "Long tap to select other tools. Then drag on the text you'd like to annotate." = "长按即可选择所需的注释工具,选择后即可直接对文字进行连续标记。";
  1204. "Click Here to Import Images" = "点击这里插入图片";
  1205. "New From Clipboard" = "使用剪贴板的內容新增笔记";
  1206. "This document contains interactive form fields." = "该文件包含交互式Form表单";
  1207. "Disable Highlight Effect" = "关闭高亮效果";
  1208. "Highlight Form Fields" = "高亮表单域";
  1209. "Feedback"= "意见回馈";
  1210. "Feed back"= "意见回馈";
  1211. "Contact us" = "联系我们";
  1212. "Contact Us" = "联系我们";
  1213. // 桌机版本
  1214. "Free Trial" = "免费试用";
  1215. "Enter your name" = "请输入您的用户名";
  1216. "Please enter valid username" = "请输入有效的用户名";
  1217. "Enter License" = "输入序列码";
  1218. "Buy Now" = "即刻购买";
  1219. "Upgrade to Permanent License with one time purchase" = "一次付费即可享受永久授权Pro版本";
  1220. "Enter your email to activate 7-Day Trial" = "输入Email即可激活7天试用";
  1221. "Enter your email" = "请输入您的Email";
  1222. "Enter License Number" = "输入序列码";
  1223. "Activate" = "激活";
  1224. "Please enter valid email" = "请输入有效Email地址";
  1225. "Please enter your license" = "请输入序列码";
  1226. "If you have already purchased PDF Reader Pro for Mac, you should find your license in an email confirmation." = "如果您已经购买 PDF Reader Pro for Mac版本,请至确认邮件中查阅您的序列码。";
  1227. "License Number" = "序列码";
  1228. "Continue" = "继续";
  1229. "Successful Activation!" = "激活成功 !";
  1230. "Congrats! You are eligible to enjoy all available features in PDF Reader Pro." = "恭喜! 您可以开始享用PDF Reader Pro中的所有可用功能。";
  1231. "Enjoy all features to annotate and edit PDF for the next 7 days." = "批注、编辑 PDF,七天免费试用完整功能。";
  1232. "Activation Error" = "激活错误";
  1233. "The license you have entered is not correct. Please enter valid license." = "您输入的序列码不正确。请输入有效的序列码。";
  1234. "Try Again" = "重试";
  1235. "%d days left" = "剩余 %d 天";
  1236. "Trial expired" = "试用已过期";
  1237. "Unlock Full Version" = "解锁完整版";
  1238. "Complete the purchase in your web browser to get a license" = "在网络浏览器完成购买即可获得序列码";
  1239. "Thank you for trying PDF Reader Pro" = "感谢您试用 PDF Reader Pro !";
  1240. "Your trial has expired. Buy Full version to annotate and edit PDF files." = "您的试用已过期。请购买完整版本体验批注和编辑功能。";
  1241. "Buy Full Version" = "购买完整版本";
  1242. "Your license was deactivated. Please contact our support team if you are not sure why this happened." = "您的序列码已停用,请和我们的客服联系。";
  1243. "PDF Reader Pro Activation" = "激活 PDF Reader Pro";
  1244. "Buy Full Version to annotate and edit your PDF documents." = "购买完整版即可批注、编辑 PDF 文档。";
  1245. "Later" = "稍后";
  1246. "Check for Updates" = "检查更新";
  1247. "License number can not be empty." = "序列码不能为空.";
  1248. "License number does not exist." = "序列码不存在.";
  1249. "The devices connected to the license number has outnumbered." = "此序列码已超出设备数量限制。";
  1250. "Please deactivate license on one of them, to use PDF Reader Pro on this computer" = "要在此电脑上使用完整功能,请在其中一台设备上停用此序列码。";
  1251. "The network is unavailable." = "当前网络不可用";
  1252. "The license number expired." = "序列码已过期";
  1253. "Activation error. Please try to input correct license, or contact us." = "激活错误,请输入正确的序列码,或联系我们。";
  1254. "The license number is wrong, please input right license which is for this app." = "该序列码不适用于本产品,请输入正确的序列码。";
  1255. "The license format is wrong. Please input correct license." = "序列码格式错误,请输入正确的序列码。";
  1256. "License ID:" = "序列码:";
  1257. "Failed to sign up for the free trial. Please make sure your internet connection is available and try again later." = "该设备激活试用模式失败. 请检查您的网络设置并稍后重试.";
  1258. "Your trial expires in %d days" = "您的试用将于 %d 天后过期";
  1259. "Your trial has expired" = "您的试用已过期";
  1260. "Can't find your license?" = "无法查到您的序列码?";
  1261. "Click here" = "点击此处";
  1262. "Connection Error" = "无法连接";
  1263. "Please make sure your internet connection is available." = "请确认网络连接是否正常。";
  1264. "Check for Updates" = "检查更新";
  1265. "Content Copying:" = "内容复制:";
  1266. "Printing:" = "打印:";
  1267. "Document Assembly:" ="文档组合(插入,删除,旋转页面等):";
  1268. "Content Copying for Accessibility:" = "复制内容用于辅助工具:";
  1269. "Filling of form fields:" ="填写Form表单域:";
  1270. "Commenting:" = "添加/修改注释:";
  1271. "Allowed" = "允许";
  1272. "Not Allowed:" = "不允许";
  1273. "Not Allowed" = "不允许";
  1274. //Dynamic Stamp
  1275. "Dynamic" = "动态";
  1276. "Default" = "默认";
  1277. "Drop image here" = "将图片拖至此处";
  1278. "Keyboard" = "键盘";
  1279. "Sign Here" = "此处签名";
  1280. "My Signatures" = "我的签名";
  1281. "New Signature" = "添加签名";
  1282. "Add here" = "添加到此处";
  1283. "You have not saved your signature yet." = "尚未添加个人签名";
  1284. "Are you sure to delete all signatures?" = "您确定要删除所有签名么?";
  1285. "Select a File" = "选择文件";
  1286. "Add Item" = "新增条目";
  1287. "Add Sub-Item" = "新增子条目";
  1288. "Add To A Higher Level" = "新增上一级";
  1289. "Change Destination" = "更改目标位置";
  1290. "Promote" = "升级";
  1291. "Demote" = "降级";
  1292. "Are you sure you want to set the destination as the current location?" = "您确定要将选定大纲的跳转目标设置为当前位置吗?";
  1293. "Unit:" = "单位:";
  1294. "Poster" = "海报";
  1295. "Tile Scale:" = "平铺百分比:";
  1296. "Overlap:" = "重叠:";
  1297. "Cut Marks" = "剪切标记";
  1298. "Orientation:" = "方向:";
  1299. "Portrait" = "纵向";
  1300. "Landscape" = "横向";
  1301. "Document and Markups" = "文档和标记";
  1302. "Document and Stamps" = "文档和图章";
  1303. "Comments & Forms:" = "注释和表单:";
  1304. "Page Sizing & Handling" = "页面大小调整和处理";
  1305. "Pages:" = "页面:";
  1306. "Scale:" = "缩放:";
  1307. "Multiple" = "多页";
  1308. "Pages per sheet:" = "每张纸显示的页数:";
  1309. "Page order:" = "页面顺序:";
  1310. "Print page border" = "打印页面边框";
  1311. "Horizontal Reversed" = "横向反序";
  1312. "Vertical Reversed" = "纵向反序";
  1313. "Auto-rotate pages within each sheet" = "自动旋转每张纸中的页面";
  1314. "Reverse pages" = "逆页序打印";
  1315. "Spacing" = "间距";
  1316. "Line spacing" = "行间距";
  1317. "Column spacing" = "列间距";
  1318. "Column" = "列";
  1319. "Row" = "行";
  1320. "Booklet" = "小册子";
  1321. "Booklet Subset:" = "小册子子集: ";
  1322. "Sheet from:" = "页面, 从";
  1323. "to:" = "至";
  1324. "Binding:" = "装订:";
  1325. "Both sides" = "双面";
  1326. "Front side only" = "仅正面";
  1327. "Back side only" = "仅背面";
  1328. "Left (Tall)" = "左 (高)";
  1329. "Right (Tall)" = "右 (高)";
  1330. "Failed to generate booklet document!" = "生成小册子时发生错误!";
  1331. "No annotations" = "无注释";
  1332. "No outlines" = "无大纲";
  1333. "No Bookmarks" = "无书签";
  1334. "Text Alignment" = "文本对齐";
  1335. "Left Alignment" = "左对齐";
  1336. "Center" = "居中对齐";
  1337. "Right Alignment" = "右对齐";
  1338. "Direction" = "方向";
  1339. "Horizontal" = "水平";
  1340. "Vertical" = "垂直";
  1341. "Background Color" = "背景颜色";
  1342. "Sample" = "示例";
  1343. "Original Size" = "原始页面尺寸";
  1344. "Password" = "密码";
  1345. "The file has been successfully decrypted." = "文件成功解密!";
  1346. "Incorrect password. Please try again." = "密码错误。请重试。";
  1347. "Decryption failed with unknown error." = "出现未知错误,解密失败!";
  1348. "Rename" = "重命名";
  1349. "Link"="链接";
  1350. "Export"= "导出" ;
  1351. "Show Toolbar" = "显示工具栏";
  1352. "Hide Toolbar" = "隐藏工具栏";
  1353. "Drag over the text to highlight" = "拖动划过文字以增加高亮";
  1354. "Drag over the text to underline" = "拖动划过文字以增加下划线";
  1355. "Drag over the text to strikethrough" = "拖动划过文字以增加删除线";
  1356. "Drag to specify an area where you would like to add a hyperlink to this PDF"= "轻触并拖曳一特定范围可加入超链接至文件中" ;
  1357. "Conversion completed. Please go to the output folder for the converted file." = "转档完成。请前往导出文件夹查看转档文件。";
  1358. "Multiple, Poster, Booklet" = "多页, 海报, 小册子";
  1359. "Show the \"Welcome to\" when app is launched" = "启动时显示\"欢迎使用\"界面";
  1360. "Annotate" = "批注";
  1361. "Read Mode" = "阅读模式";
  1362. "Read Mode On" = "开启阅读模式";
  1363. "Read Mode Off" = "关闭阅读模式";
  1364. "Original PDF" = "原始PDF文件";
  1365. "This will permanently remove all annotations. Are you sure to continue?" = "该动作将永久删除所有注释内容,是否继续?";
  1366. "Waiting..." = "等待中...";
  1367. "Processing..." = "处理中...";
  1368. "Completed" = "完成";
  1369. "Failed"="失败";
  1370. "New Blank Page"="新建空白PDF";
  1371. "New From File"="从文件新建PDF";
  1372. "New From Images"="从图片新建PDF";
  1373. "Set Passwords"="设置密码";
  1374. "Remove Passwords"="移除密码";
  1375. "Remove Password"="移除密码";
  1376. "PDF Password Remover"="移除文件密码和权限限制";
  1377. "PDF Password Remover is an easy-to-use PDF security remover, which helps users decrypt PDF protections and remove restrictions on printing, editing and copying."="PDF密码移除可以轻易的帮助您移除掉文档权限限制,如打印,编辑和复制等";
  1378. "If open password is required, you need to enter the right password first and then remove protections from PDF files."="若您的文档有密码保护,则需要您首先输入对应的正确密码";
  1379. "New"="新功能";
  1380. "Panel"="面板";
  1381. "Add Outline Item"="新增大纲条目";
  1382. "Search History"="搜索历史";
  1383. "Clear Search History"="清除搜索历史";
  1384. "Marquee Zoom"="选框缩放";
  1385. "Recent"="最近";
  1386. "Select Area" = "自定义裁剪区域";
  1387. "Add Bookmark" = "加入书签";
  1388. "Snapshots" = "快照";
  1389. "Snapshot" = "快照";
  1390. "Auto Crop – Separate" = "裁剪所有页面 - 白边距";
  1391. "Auto Crop – Combined" = "裁剪所有页面 - 自动";
  1392. "Zoom To Fit" = "缩放至适当大小";
  1393. "Do you really want to reset the form?" = "您确定要重置Form表单吗?";
  1394. "mon"= "月";
  1395. "Thumbnails" = "缩略图";
  1396. "Outline" = "大纲";
  1397. "Page Display" = "页面显示";
  1398. "Draw line; draw straight line by holding Shift key" = "绘制线条; 按住 Shift 键可绘制直线";
  1399. "Draw arrow; draw straight arrow by holding Shift key" = "绘制箭头; 按住 Shift 键可绘制直箭头";
  1400. "Draw rectangle; draw square by holding Shift key" = "绘制矩形; 按住 Shift 键可绘制正方形";
  1401. "Draw oval; draw circle by holding Shift key" = "绘制椭圆形; 按住 Shift 键可绘制圆形";
  1402. "Choose tools to add:" = "选择要添加的工具:";
  1403. "Tools to show in Toolbar:" = "工具栏中显示的工具:";
  1404. "Add to Toolbar" = "添加至工具栏";
  1405. "Remove from Toolbar" = "从工具栏中移除";
  1406. "Reset Toolbars" = "重置工具栏";
  1407. "Drag-and-drop tools to change their order" = "拖拽工具项即可改变他们在工具栏中的显示顺序";
  1408. "Icon" = "图标";
  1409. "Line Style" = "线段样式";
  1410. "Line and Border Style" = "线段和边框样式";
  1411. "Zoom to selected area" = "缩放至选定的区域";
  1412. "Continuous Scroll"="连续滚动";
  1413. "Show Panel" = "显示面板";
  1414. "Hide Panel" = "隐藏面板";
  1415. "To create outline item select header in contents, right click it and select \"Add Outline Item\" or click \"+\" below." = "若需创建大纲项目,请选定内容标题,右击并选择 \"新增大纲条目\",或者点击下方 \"+\"。";
  1416. "To create snapshot select an area in contents, right click it and select \"Snapshot\" ." = "若需创建快照,请选定对应的区域,右击并选择\"快照\"。";
  1417. "No Results" = "无匹配的结果";
  1418. "Click \"Text Stamp\" button below to create a custom stamp." = "点击下方 \"图片/文字图章\" 按钮来新建自定义图章。";
  1419. "Click \"New Signature\" button top to create a signature." = "点击上方 \"添加签名\" 按钮来新建签名。";
  1420. "Click \"New Signature\" button below to create a signature." = "点击下方 \"添加签名\" 按钮来新建签名。";
  1421. "No Annotations" = "无批注";
  1422. "Select files to merge. To select multiple files press cmd ⌘ button on keyboard and click on the target files one by one." = "选择并合并文件。按下键盘上的命令按钮 ⌘,逐次点击目标文件,即可选择多个文件。";
  1423. "Select images to create a new document. To select multiple files press cmd ⌘ button on keyboard and click on the target files one by one." = "选择图即可新建文档。按下键盘上的命令按钮 ⌘,逐次点击目标文件,即可选择多个文件。";
  1424. "To select multiple files press cmd ⌘ button on keyboard and click on the target files one by one." = "按下键盘上的命令按钮 ⌘,逐次点击目标文件,即可选择多个文件。";
  1425. "Select an area or text on a page for a link to be inserted." = "在页面上选定区域或文本来插入链接。";
  1426. "Apply a stamp to a PDF in the same way you apply a rubber stamp to a paper document." = "将图章应用到 PDF,感觉跟在纸质文档上的操作一样。";
  1427. "Add text annotation directly on the page." = "直接添加批注到页面。";
  1428. "Add Images to PDF" = "将图片添加到 PDF";
  1429. "Choose an image to insert in a page." = "选择图片插入页面。";
  1430. "Just open images and photos in PDF Reader to create a multipage PDF document." = "只需在 PDF Reader 中打开图像和照片即可创建多页 PDF 文档。";
  1431. "Convert photos and images to PDF" = "将照片和图片转换成 PDF";
  1432. "Use strikeout to show that something is unavailable, wrong or deleted." = "使用删除线既表示该内容错误或已删除。";
  1433. "Use underline tool to emphasize a word or phrase within a sentence." = "使用下划线既表示强调句子里的单词或短语。";
  1434. "Highlight text to easily find important information inside your document." = "组织笔记并轻松定位文档内的重要信息。";
  1435. "Highlight Text" = "高亮文本";
  1436. "Draw with Pen" = "使用笔绘画";
  1437. "Add freehand drawings by hand writing just like you do with a pen." = "就像使用笔一样自由绘画。";
  1438. "Add beautiful handwriting or use your trackpad to create your own signature." = "添加手写签名或通过触摸板创建签名。";
  1439. "A text annotation represents a sticky note attached to a point in the PDF document." = "文本批注是 PDF 文档内表达某一观点的特定笔记。";
  1440. "Content Selection Tool" = "内容选择工具";
  1441. "Note: Cropping a PDF hides some of the PDF’s content without removing it." = "注:裁剪 PDF 会隐藏 PDF 的某些内容,但不会移除它们。";
  1442. "We would appreciate your input! \nPlease take one minute to give us a great review on the App Store to help other people make a right decision." = "非常感谢您的支持!\n请花一分钟时间在App Store中给 PDF Reader Pro 一个5星好评鼓励,这将为其他人在下载前提供参考";
  1443. "Home" = "主页";
  1444. "Reduce file size" = "压缩文件容量大小,自定义导出质量,使文档更轻便";
  1445. "Combine multiple documents into a new PDF, or borrow individual pages" = "将多个文件同时合并为一份新的PDF文件";
  1446. "Inserting pages into an existing PDF" = "在现有的PDF文档中插入新的页面,保存为新的PDF文档";
  1447. "Booklet puts your pages side by side re-sorted for booklet printing, no matter what printer you have" = "无论您使用什么打印机,小册子都会将您的页面并排重新排序以进行小册子打印";
  1448. "You can print more than one page of a PDF on a single sheet of paper" = "你可以在一张纸上打印多页PDF";
  1449. "Poster divide large PDF page(s) into multiple smaller Pages" = "海报将大型PDF页面划分为多个较小的页面";
  1450. "You can print a large format document, such as a poster or banner, by splitting the page across multiple sheets of paper (called \"tiling\")." = "您可以通过在多张纸上分割页面(称为\”拼贴\“)来打印大幅面文档,例如海报或横幅.";
  1451. "Convert JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP or PSD files to PDFs" = "将JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP或PSD等图片格式转档为PDF格式";
  1452. "PDF page editor: insert, delete, extract, rotate, reposition, and replace pages in a PDF" = "PDF页面编辑器:插入,删除,提取,旋转,拖拽排序和替换PDF中的页面";
  1453. "Insert, delete, extract, rotate, reposition, and replace pages in a PDF" = "插入,删除,提取,旋转,拖拽排序和替换PDF中的页面";
  1454. "Print a multipage document as a booklet" = "您可选择将多页文档打印为小册子,并自定义页面大小";
  1455. "Printer" = "打印机";
  1456. "Pages to Print" = "自定义打印的页面";
  1457. "The All-New PDF Reader Pro, Be More Productive" = "全新的 PDF Reader Pro, 更具效率";
  1458. "All in One PDF Office, Enjoy Efficiency on All Platforms" = "跨平台支持 iPhone, iPad, 和 Mac";
  1459. "+ Convert scanned PDF files or pictures into editable and searchable PDFs or TXT files. 50+ languages supported!" = "+ 使用OCR将扫描件转换为文本文件或可搜索的PDF文件, 支持 50+ 种语言, 包括英语,德语,中文,法语,西班牙语,意大利语等";
  1460. "+ Now you can enjoy the best PDF to Office Converter! Export from PDF to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, HTML, Text, Image, CSV, and more Offline" = "+ 最好的 PDF转Office 转换器,全面支持离线转换模式。不仅仅是全面升级的 PDF转Word 功能,还有全新支持了PDF转换为 PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, HTML, Text, Image, CSV等文件格式";
  1461. "+ Major update for PDF rendering engine" = "+ PDF渲染引擎全面升级";
  1462. "Open a document in" = "文档打开于";
  1463. "a new tab in the same window" = "同一窗口的新标签";
  1464. "a new window" = "新窗口";
  1465. "Properties" = "属性";
  1466. "Show/Hide Annotation Properties Panel" = "显示/隐藏注释属性面板";
  1467. "Multi-tab viewer" = "多页签视窗";
  1468. "Width" = "宽度";
  1469. "Height" = "高度";
  1470. "Take Screenshot" = "截屏";
  1471. "From Entire Screen" = "从整个屏幕";
  1472. "From Selection…" = "从所选部分…";
  1473. "Window" = "窗口";
  1474. "From Window…" = "从窗口…";
  1475. "Drag the crosshair over the area you want to capture." = "将十字拖移过您想要捕捉的区域。";
  1476. "Move the camera over the window you want to capture." = "将相机移到您想要捕捉的窗口上。";
  1477. "Countdown to screenshot has started." = "已开始屏幕快照倒计时。";
  1478. "The feature requires Mac OS 10.12 or later." = "该功能需要Mac OS 10.12或更高版本。";
  1479. "New Tab" = "新标签";
  1480. "Add New Stamp" = "加入新图章";
  1481. "Encrypt with Password" = "使用口令加密";
  1482. "Remove Security" = "删除安全性设置";
  1483. "Permission Details" = "权限详细信息";
  1484. "Paper Size:" = "纸张大小:";
  1485. "Destination paper Size:" = "目的纸张大小:";
  1486. "Tile" = "平铺";
  1487. "Continuous Annotations. You can continuously add Markup Highlight/Notes/Text Box/Shapes rather than clicking these options one at a time. " = "连续注释模式: 您可以连续添加高亮/便签/文本/形状/Link等注释.";
  1488. "Billed every 6 months at %@" = "按每半年%@收费";
  1489. "Billed every 6 months at %@ after 7-day trial ends." = "7天免费试用后,按每半年%@收费";
  1490. "Billed every 6 months at %@ after %@-day trial ends." = "按每半年%@收费,免费试用%@天后开始收费";
  1491. "Untitled" = "未命名";
  1492. "Open the document after saving" = "保存后打开文档";
  1493. "No longer prompt" = "不再提示";
  1494. "Open the document after saving" = "保存后打开文档";
  1495. "Show PDF Reader Pro in menu bar" = "在菜单栏中显示 PDF Reader Pro";
  1496. "Window Screenshot" = "窗口截图";
  1497. "Crosshair Screenshot" = "十字框截图";
  1498. "Fullscreen Screenshot" = "全屏截图";
  1499. "List Box" = "列表";
  1500. "List" = "列表";
  1501. "Name:" = "名称:";
  1502. "Item:" = "项目:";
  1503. "Value:" = "值:";
  1504. "Value" = "值";
  1505. "Up" = "向上";
  1506. "Down" = "向下";
  1507. "The list cannot be empty." = "列表不能为空。";
  1508. "Action" = "事件";
  1509. "Button Field" = "按钮区域";
  1510. "Label" = "标签";
  1511. "Print" = "打印";
  1512. "Visible" = "可见";
  1513. "Hidden" = "隐藏";
  1514. "Visible but doesn't print" = "可见但禁止打印";
  1515. "Submit to Email" = "发送邮件";
  1516. "Submit to URL" = "添加超链接";
  1517. "Submit" = "提交";
  1518. "Form" = "Form表单";
  1519. "Forms" = "Form表单";
  1520. "Button" = "按钮";
  1521. "Check Box" = "复选框";
  1522. "Combo Box" = "下拉菜单";
  1523. "List Box" = "列表框";
  1524. "Radio Button" = "单选按钮";
  1525. "Edit Form" = "编辑Form表单";
  1526. "Close Form Editing" = "关闭表单编辑";
  1527. "Text Field" = "文本域";
  1528. "Add form fields" = "插入Form表单域";
  1529. "Edit PDF Form" = "编辑 PDF Form 表单";
  1530. "Create & Edit & Fill Adobe Fillable PDF Forms" = "创建&编辑&填写PDF Form表单";
  1531. "Create digital signature" = "创建数字签名";
  1532. "Table Styles" = "表格样式";
  1533. "Cell Width" = "单元格宽度";
  1534. "Cell Height" = "单元格高度";
  1535. "Header" = "页眉";
  1536. "Table" = "表格";
  1537. "Sidebar" = "侧边栏";
  1538. "Footer" = "页脚";
  1539. "Border Color" = "边框颜色";
  1540. "Alternate" = "交替行颜色";
  1541. "Paste and Match Style"="粘贴并匹配样式";
  1542. "Reverse" = "倒序";
  1543. "All pages in one file" = "全部页面在单个文件";
  1544. "Each page in a separate file" = "每页作为单个文件";
  1545. "Extract Methods" = "提取方式";
  1546. "New From Web Page" = "从网页新建PDF";
  1547. "Web Page To PDF" = "网页转PDF";
  1548. "The URL is invalid. Please enter a valid URL address." = "URL无效。请重新输入有效的URL";
  1549. "Output" = "导出";
  1550. "New PDF Document" = "新建PDF";
  1551. "Append To Existing File" = "插入现有PDF文档";
  1552. "Save as TXT" = "另存为TXT";
  1553. "Some problems occurred during the last operation:" = "上一个操作期间遇到问题:";
  1554. "Search Outline" = "搜索大纲";
  1555. "Import From Scanner" = "从扫描仪导入";
  1556. "Import From Camera" = "从相机导入";
  1557. "Recognize text from Image-based or Scanned PDF with OCR" = "对扫描档或基于图片的PDF文件进行OCR(光学字符识别)";
  1558. "Recognize text from Scanned PDF with OCR" = "对扫描PDF文档进行OCR(光学字符识别)";
  1559. "Copy and edit text from documents with OCR." = "复制并编辑从OCR中释出的文字内容";
  1560. "Export as a searchable PDF or text file." = "可导出为可搜索内文的PDF或TXT格式";
  1561. "Select OCR Language:" = "选择OCR识别语言:";
  1562. "Auto Detection" = "语言自动识别";
  1563. "Performing OCR..." = "OCR处理中...";
  1564. "Unable to perform OCR on this document. Please try again later." = "目前无法执行OCR文字识别,请稍后重试。";
  1565. "Choose automatic language detection for better OCR results." = "选择自动语言识别可获得更佳的文字辨识效果";
  1566. "OCR Results" = "OCR结果";
  1567. "Tap the “OCR” button from the top menu bar, and the extracted text will display here." = "点击上方主菜单列表OCR按钮,辨识出的文字内容将显示在这里。";
  1568. "The OCR service works via an internet connection. We would suggest you to perform OCR using a VPN connection while the service is limited." = "OCR工具需配合网络链接使用。如遇服务受限时,建议通过VPN进行网络连接。";
  1569. "Copy successful!" = "已复制入剪贴板";
  1570. "Conversion Failed" = "转档失败";
  1571. "Converted Successfully" = "转档成功";
  1572. "An error occurred while opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired." = "打开文档时出错。该文档已损坏,无法修复。";
  1573. "File" = "文件";
  1574. "Subscribe to get the latest news and special offers!" = "订阅官方邮件,获取最新产品资讯和优惠信息!";
  1575. "Subscribe Now" = "立即订阅";
  1576. "50+ Languages Supported." = "支持50+语言";
  1577. "Supports 50+ languages including English, German, Chinese, etc." = "支持 50+ 种语言, 包括英语,德语,中文,法语,西班牙语,意大利语等";
  1578. "This document appears to be a scanned PDF. Do you want to perform OCR?" = "此文件可能为扫描PDF文件。是否执行OCR进行文字识别?";
  1579. "Bring to Front" = "移动到最上层";
  1580. "Bring Forward" = "上移";
  1581. "Send Backward" = "下移";
  1582. "Send to Back" = "移动到最下层";
  1583. "Join the 60M users who are already working with PDF Reader Pro on their devices for reading, editing, annotating, OCR, signing, filling form, creating, and converting PDFs" = "全球超过 6000万 用户使用 PDF Reader Pro 来进行 阅读, 注释, 编辑, 页面重组, OCR, 签名, 填写Form表单, 水印, 创建和转换PDF文档";
  1584. "Convert PDFs to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, Text, Image, CSV, and more Offline" = "PDF离线转档为 Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, Text, Image, CSV 及更多其他格式";
  1585. "Convert PDF to PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, CSV, and more Offline" = "PDF离线转档为 Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, CSV及更多其他格式";
  1586. "To Word" = "PDF转Word";
  1587. "To Excel" = "PDF转Excel";
  1588. "PDF To Excel" = "PDF转Excel";
  1589. "To PPT" = "PDF转PPT";
  1590. "PDF To PPT" = "PDF转PPT";
  1591. "To RTF" = "PDF转RTF";
  1592. "PDF To RTF" = "PDF转RTF";
  1593. "To CSV" = "PDF转CSV";
  1594. "PDF To CSV" = "PDF转CSV";
  1595. "To HTML" = "PDF转HTML";
  1596. "PDF To HTML" = "PDF转HTML";
  1597. "To Text" = "PDF转Text";
  1598. "PDF To Text" = "PDF转Text";
  1599. "To Image" = "PDF转图片";
  1600. "PDF to Image" = "PDF转图片";
  1601. "PDF To JPEG" = "PDF转JPEG";
  1602. "PDF To GIF" = "PDF转GIF";
  1603. "PDF To TIFF" = "PDF转TIFF";
  1604. "PDF To TGA" = "PDF转TGA";
  1605. "PDF To BMP" = "PDF转BMP";
  1606. "PDF To JPEG-2000" = "PDF转JPEG-2000";
  1607. "PDF to Office" = "PDF转换Office";
  1608. "Learn More"="了解更多";
  1609. "Convert PDF to JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF or TGA files" = "将PDF转档为JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF或TGA等图片格式";
  1610. "Convert PDF to TIFF, BMP, GIF or TGA files" = "将PDF转档为TIFF, BMP, GIF或TGA等图片格式";
  1611. "Major update released. Now you can enjoy the best PDF to Office Converter! Export from PDF to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, HTML, Text, Image, CSV, and more Offline" = "重大版本更新发布,最好的 PDF转Office 转换器,全面支持离线转换模式。不仅仅是全面升级的 PDF转Word 功能,还有全新支持了PDF转换为 PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, HTML, Text, Image, CSV等文件格式";
  1612. "Turn your PDF into a formatted PPT file that you can edit" = "将PDF转换为可编辑且保留对应排版格式的PPT文件";
  1613. "Convert PDFs to Word, Fonts & formatting get converted" = "将PDF转为可编辑的Word文档。保持字体/版式不动";
  1614. "Turn PDF table into a formatted Excel file" = "将PDF转为Excel,数据将与列,版式和格式一起保留";
  1615. "Turn PDF documents into Rich Text Format (RTF) files that can be opened in virtually any word processor." = "将PDF文档转换为可在几乎任何文字处理器中打开的RTF格式文件.";
  1616. "First 10 pages of each document for free." = "免费转换每份文档的前10页.";
  1617. "The Best PDF Converter Pro" = "最好的,高质量的,极速PDF转换器";
  1618. "Does exactly what you want and retains all formatting. The best quality and most accurate PDF to DOCX/PPTX/XLSX conversion for keeping the fonts and layouts intact, including bullets and tables." = "将存储在 PDF 中的所有出色工作转换为易于更新的 Word 文档. 保持字体和版式原封不动, 包括项目符号和表格. 跳过数据输入步骤和重新设置格式的乏味任务. 当使用 PDF转换Excel 时, 数据将与列、版式和格式一起保留.";
  1619. "Export PDF to Word and other Microsoft Office formats" = "将PDF转换为Word和其他Microsoft Office格式(如PPT,Excel等)";
  1620. "The first 10 pages for free. More precise one." = "免费转换前10页. 更精确,高质量的离线PDF转Office转换器";
  1621. "Stop retyping. Start making progress." = "停止重新键入,开始不断改进。";
  1622. "Convert all the great work stored in your PDF to a Word document that’s easy to update. Keep the fonts and layouts intact — including bullets and tables." = "将存储在 PDF 中的所有出色工作转换为易于更新的 Word 文档。保持字体和版式原封不动,包括项目符号和表格。";
  1623. "Convert PDF files to Excel." = "将 PDF 文件转换为 Excel。";
  1624. "Skip the data entry steps and tedious reformatting tasks, too. When you convert to Excel, your data is preserved along with your columns, layouts, and formatting." = "跳过数据输入步骤和重新设置格式的乏味任务。当使用 PDF 转换为 Excel 时,数据将与列、版式和格式一起保留。";
  1625. "Quickly convert PDF files to PPTX." = "将 PDF 文件快速转换为 PPTX。";
  1626. "When you use PDF Reader Pro to convert PDFs to PowerPoint, you know your formats will be saved, too. So you don’t have to bother redoing bullets, tables, objects, or master layouts." = "当您将 PDF 转换为 PowerPoint 时,格式也将保留下来。因此,您不必再去制作项目符号、表格、对象或母版布局。";
  1627. "Allow a few seconds to turn your PDF pages into high-quality images. All image quality and resolution will remain intact. No file size limit nor registration is required." = "只需几秒钟即可将您的PDF文档转换为高质量图片。 所有图片质量和分辨率将保持不变。 没有文件大小限制也不需要注册。";
  1628. "With the best PDF to Office Converter Offline, Does exactly what you want and retains all formatting. The best quality and most accurate PDF to DOCX/PPTX/XLSX conversion for keeping the fonts and layouts intact, including bullets and tables." = "最好的离线 PDF转Office 转换器, 将存储在 PDF 中的所有出色工作转换为易于编辑和更新的 Word/Excel/PowerPoint 文档。 保持字体和版式原封不动,包括项目符号和表格。";
  1629. "Create PDF" = "创建 PDF";
  1630. "Click to refresh"= "点击刷新" ;
  1631. "Multi-line" = "多行";
  1632. //Fill & Sign
  1633. "Fill & Sign" = "填写和签名";
  1634. "Fill and sign forms" = "填写和签署Form表单";
  1635. "Sign document by typing or drawing a signature" = "通过键入或绘制签名的方式对文档进行签名";
  1636. "Add text" = "添加文本";
  1637. "Add X" = "添加 X 形";
  1638. "Add check mark" = "添加勾形";
  1639. "Add circle" = "添加圆形";
  1640. "Add line" = "添加直线";
  1641. "Add dot" = "添加圆点";
  1642. "X" = "X形";
  1643. "SpeedX" = "倍速";
  1644. "Check mark" = "勾形";
  1645. "Dot" = "圆点";
  1646. "Sign" = "签名";
  1647. "Name" = "姓名";
  1648. "Full Name" = "全名";
  1649. "Enter Full Name" = "输入全名";
  1650. "Last Name" = "姓氏";
  1651. "Email" = "电子邮箱";
  1652. "Enter Email" = "输入电子邮箱";
  1653. "Tel." = "电话";
  1654. "Enter Tel." = "输入电话";
  1655. "Company" = "公司";
  1656. "Address" = "地址";
  1657. "Enter Address" = "输入地址";
  1658. "Nationality" = "国籍";
  1659. "ex. United States" = "ex. 美国";
  1660. "Add to Doc" = "新增至文件";
  1661. "ex. Amy Rose Jones" = "ex. 王大明";
  1662. "ex. Jones" = "ex. 王";
  1663. "My Profile" = "我的配置文件";
  1664. "Date Format" = "日期格式";
  1665. "Email Error!" = "电子邮箱输入错误";
  1666. "Include Time" = "加入时间";
  1667. "Add Full Name" = "添加";
  1668. "Add First Name" = "添加";
  1669. "Add Middle Name" = "添加";
  1670. "Add Last Name" = "添加";
  1671. "Add Street 1" = "添加";
  1672. "Add Street 2" = "添加";
  1673. "Add City" = "添加";
  1674. "Add State" = "添加";
  1675. "Add Zip" = "添加";
  1676. "Add Country" = "添加";
  1677. "Add Email" = "添加";
  1678. "Add Tel" = "添加";
  1679. "Add Date" = "添加";
  1680. "Add Birth Date" = "添加";
  1681. "First Name" = "名字";
  1682. "Middle Name" = "中间名";
  1683. "Street 1" = "街道 1";
  1684. "Street 2" = "街道 2";
  1685. "City" = "城市";
  1686. "Zip" = "邮政编码";
  1687. "State " = "省/市/自治区";
  1688. "Country" = "国家/地区";
  1689. "Contact Information" = "联系信息";
  1690. "Tel" = "电话号码";
  1691. "Dates" = "日期 ";//这里在日期末尾加空格是有原因的。别删除了!
  1692. "Birth Date" = "生日";
  1693. "Add custom field" = "添加自定义字段";
  1694. "Type Label Here" = "在此输入标签";
  1695. "Type Value Here" = "在此输入相关内容";
  1696. "Convert each page to a separate worksheet" = "将每个页面转换为一个单独的工作表";
  1697. "Convert all pages to a single worksheet" = "将所有的页面到一个工作表格式";
  1698. "By clicking the buttons below you confirm that you have read our %@." = "点击下方按钮后,即表示您确认您本人已阅读并了解此%@。";
  1699. "Privacy Policy" = "隐私政策";
  1700. "Exit" = "退出";
  1701. "You are under pdf edit mode" = "已进入PDF编辑模式";
  1702. "Your changes are not saved. Do you want to quit?" = "您的编辑尚未保存,是否退出?";
  1703. "Do you want to save as the changes separately?" = "您是否需要另存此更改?";
  1704. "Edit PDF" = "编辑PDF";
  1705. "Edit, delete, cut, copy, paste, and insert text in PDFs" = "在PDF原始文件中编辑,删除,剪切,复制,粘贴和插入文字";
  1706. "Envelope #10" = "10号信封";
  1707. "Envelope Choukei 3" = "Choukei 3信封";
  1708. "Super B/A3" = "超大B/A3型";
  1709. "Tabloid" = "小报用纸";
  1710. "Tabloid Oversize" = "小报用纸(特大)";
  1711. "US Legal" = "美国法定用纸";
  1712. "US Letter" = "美国信纸";
  1713. "Envelope DL" = "DL信封";
  1714. "It’s super simple to organize your PDF file into a professional-looking document. Insert, replace, extract, split, rotate, copy, delete, rearrange PDF pages and organize those pages just the way you like it, all in a matter of seconds. Drag-and-drop makes it more efficient." = "轻松管理您的PDF文档。只需几秒钟即可插入,替换,提取,拆分,旋转,复制,删除,重新排列PDF页面,并按照自己喜欢的方式组合这些页面。拖拽页面使效率更高。";
  1715. "Use the PDF splitter to separate one or more PDFs into multiple documents by simply specifying the number of pages, file size, or top-level bookmarks. Or combine more documents into a new PDF." = "使用PDF拆分器,只需选定页面数,即可将一个PDF拆分为多个文档。或者您也可以使用PDF Reader Pro,将多个PDF文档合并为一个新的PDF。";
  1716. "The best PDF Editor for you to edit PDF documents. Insert, merge or split PDF pages; Compress and shrink PDF to make it smaller; Add background, watermark, password to protect sensitive PDFs, or header, footer and bates numberings." = "最好的PDF编辑器让您自由编辑PDF文件。插入,合并或拆分PDF页面;压缩PDF以使其体积更小;添加背景,水印,密码以保护PDF;添加页眉,页脚,贝茨码等,让您的文件更专业。";
  1717. "Watermark your PDF documents with text or an image that appears either in front of or behind existing document content, like a stamp, to protect your PDF pages from plagiarism. It's a great way to avoid any copyright infringement." = "使用文字或者图片为现有文档内容添加水印,以保护PDF页面免遭遭窃。支持移除水印。创建水印模版,和批量添加水印,让您更高效的工作。";
  1718. "Bates numbering is a method of indexing legal documents for easy identification and retrieval. The Bates identifier is referred to as a number, but it can include an alphanumeric prefix and suffix, making it easier to recognize the central subject matter of the files." = "贝茨编号用于索引法律,医疗等文件,以方便识别和检索的一种方法。Bates标识符称为数字,它可以包含字母,数字前缀和后缀。快速定位文档,检索繁杂页面中最重要的部分。";
  1719. "Easily batch encrypt PDF documents with password and apply permissions that recipients have to enter before they can open or view them to prevent unauthorized access. Also, PDF Reader Pro is a password remover helping decrypt the protected files." = "使用密码轻松批量加密PDF文档,以防止他人未经授权访问,复制,或打印您的PDF文件。PDF Reader Pro也可移除密码权限,助您快速访问,编辑文档。";
  1720. "Create fillable PDF forms with all kinds of interactive form controls. Easily fill and sign PDF forms, like business forms. Using Fill & Sign to complete flat forms. You can manually add text and other symbols anywhere on the form." = "使用各种交互式表单控件创建可填写的PDF表单。轻松填写税单,发票等form文件,并签署PDF。使用“Fill & Sign”来完成简单表单,您可以在表单上的任何位置手动添加文本和其他符号,并签名。";
  1721. "Change orignal text right in your PDF. Just click or tap to add a new paragraph, fix a typo, or rearrange pages. Add, delete, move or modify texts. With page editing, paragraphs and formatting adjust when you add new text or lines." = "直接在PDF中更改原始文本。只需单击添加新段落,修正拼写错误或重新排列页面。添加,删除,移动或修改文本。通过页面编辑,当您添加新文本或新行时,段落和格式会调整。";
  1722. "With optical character recognition (OCR), PDF Reader Pro works as a text converter, automatically extracting text from any scanned paper document or image and converting it to a PDF or Text document." = "PDF Reader Pro可以用来文本转换,OCR将自动提取任何扫描PDF纸质文档或图像中的文本,并将其转换为可搜索可编辑的PDF或Text文档。50+种语言,99%以上精确度。";
  1723. "Insert blank page into the exsiting PDF" = "将空白页插入现有的PDF";
  1724. "Extract selected pages to a new PDF" = "将选定的页面提取为新的PDF";
  1725. "Split selected pages as another PDF" = "将所选页面拆分为另一个PDF";
  1726. "Select pages and rotate left or right" = "选择页面并向左或向右旋转";
  1727. "No pages selected. Please select one or more pages first to organize." = "未选中页面。请先选择一个或多个页面进行编辑操作。";
  1728. "The Best PDF Editor" = "最好的PDF编辑器";
  1729. "It’s super simple to organize your PDF file into a professional-looking document. Insert, replace, extract, split, rotate, copy, delete, rearrange PDF pages and organize those pages just the way you like it, all in a matter of seconds. Drag-and-drop makes it more efficient." = "轻松管理您的PDF文档。只需几秒钟即可插入,替换,提取,拆分,旋转,复制,删除,重新排列PDF页面,并按照自己喜欢的方式组合这些页面。拖拽页面使效率更高。";
  1730. "Right click a color and select “Change Color...“." = "右击一个颜色并选择“更改颜色…”。";
  1731. "Restore Default Colors" = "恢复默认颜色";
  1732. "Change Color..." = "更改颜色...";
  1733. "Customize colors" = "自定义颜色";
  1734. "Continuous Reading"= "连续阅读" ;
  1735. "Speed" = "朗读速度";
  1736. "Purchase" = "购买";
  1737. "Convert PDFs to Word/HTML/TXT/JPEG/PNG files" = "PDF转档为Word/Html/TXT/JPEG/PNG格式";
  1738. "Convert JPEG/JPG/PNG/TIFF/BMP/PSD files to PDFs" = "将JPEG/JPG/PNG/TIFF/BMP/PSD等图片格式转为PDF";
  1739. "Recognize text from images or scanned PDF with OCR" = "对扫描档或基于图片的PDF进行OCR文字识别";
  1740. "Insert/delete/extract/rotate/reposition/replace PDF pages" = "插入/删除/提取/旋转/排序或替换PDF页面";
  1741. "Combine multiple documents into a new PDF file" = "将多个文档重新合并为一份新的PDF文件";
  1742. "Split and save selected PDF pages as a new document" = "将文件按照特定页面拆分为一份新的PDF文件";
  1743. "Easily batch encrypt PDFs or decrypt the protected files" = "为PDF文件批量添加密码或移除文档密码权限";
  1744. "Protect PDFs with image/text watermarks from plagiarism" = "为文档内容批量添加水印或移除水印,免遭剽窃";
  1745. "Customize PDFs background with colors or images" = "为PDF页面添加颜色/图片背景,舒适眼睛";
  1746. "Customize PDFs header & footer or add page numbers" = "自定义PDF页眉/页脚,或为PDF文档添加页码";
  1747. "Easily retrieval indexing legal documents by Bates Numbers" = "通过贝茨码编号快速检索法律,医疗等文件页面";
  1748. "Divide large PDF page(s) into multiple smaller pages" = "海报将大型PDF页面划分为多个较小的页面";
  1749. "Print multiple PDF pages on a single sheet of paper" = "您可以在一张纸上打印多页PDF的内容,方便阅读和查看";
  1750. "No recently opened file" = "暂无最近打开文件";
  1751. "Click Open File or drag-and-drop file here to open them." = "点击“打开文件”或者直接将文件拖拽到此处以打开文件。";
  1752. "Watermark" = "水印";
  1753. "Page Editor" = "页面编辑";
  1754. "Advanced Editing Tools" = "高级编辑工具";
  1755. "TTS (Text-to-speech)" = "语音朗读文本 (TTS)";
  1756. "Previous Page" = "上一页";
  1757. "Next Page" = "下一页";
  1758. "Pause" = "暂停";
  1759. "Play" = "播放";
  1760. "Set successfully!" = "设置成功!";
  1761. "Free PDF Templates" = "免费PDF模板";
  1762. "PDF Pro Series" = "PDF Pro系列";
  1763. "Font Color" = "字体颜色";
  1764. "No copied page selected. Please select and copy a page first." = "没有已复制的页面,请先选择复制页面。";
  1765. "Reduce files size to make sure you can easily send them by email." = "压缩文件容量大小,自定义导出质量,使文档更轻便";
  1766. "Open File" = "打开文件";
  1767. "Drop to open it" = "拖拽打开";
  1768. "This will permanently remove all outlines. Are you sure to continue?" = "该动作将永久删除所有大纲,是否继续?";
  1769. "Delete pages after extraction"= "在提取后删除页面";
  1770. "Delete Table" = "删除表格";
  1771. "Remove All Outlines" = "删除所有大纲";
  1772. //OCR
  1773. "Formats:" = "导出格式:";
  1774. "TXT document" = "Text文本";
  1775. "PDF document" = "PDF文本";
  1776. "OCR failed" = "识别失败";
  1777. "You can go Preference to change your OCR plan." = "您可以前往偏好设置更换OCR方案。";
  1778. "OCR Successfully" = "识别成功";
  1779. "OCR completed. Please go to the output folder for the OCRed file." = "OCR识别完成。请前往导出文件夹查看文件。";
  1780. //Split
  1781. "Replace File" = "替换文件";
  1782. "Split View" = "分屏视图";
  1783. "Drag File Here Or Select File" = "拖拽文件至此处 或 选择文件";
  1784. "No page selected. Please select at least two pages to organize." = "未选中页面。请先选择至少两个页面进行编辑操作。";
  1785. "Form fields only" = "仅表单域";
  1786. //Form Alignment
  1787. "Align Top" = "上对齐";
  1788. "Align Vertically" = "垂直对齐";
  1789. "Align Bottom" = "下对齐";
  1790. "Align Left" = "左对齐";
  1791. "Align Horizontally" = "水平对齐";
  1792. "Align Right" = "右对齐";
  1793. "Distribute Vertically" = "垂直均分";
  1794. "Distribute Horizontally" = "水平均分";
  1795. "Alignment" = "对齐";
  1796. "Common Properties" = "一般属性";
  1797. "Select Action" = "选择动作";
  1798. "Item List" = "项目清单";
  1799. "Default Value" = "预设值";
  1800. "Button is checked by default" = "预设为已选取";
  1801. "Add Text" = "加入文字";
  1802. "Select Action" = "选择动作";
  1803. "Send email to" = "发送邮件至";
  1804. "Add URL" = "加入链接";
  1805. "Submit the form" = "送出表格";
  1806. "Open a web link" = "打开网页链接";
  1807. "Form Field" = "表格栏位";
  1808. "Hidden but printable" = "隐藏但可打印";
  1809. "Appearance" = "外观";
  1810. "Preferences" = "选项";
  1811. "Invalid URL. Please try again." = "无效网址,请再试一次。";
  1812. "Invalid Email. Please try again." = "无效邮箱地址,请再试一次。";
  1813. "Language"="语言";
  1814. "CropBox" = "裁剪框";
  1815. "ArtBox" = "作品框";
  1816. "TrimBox" = "裁切框";
  1817. "BleedBox" = "出血框";
  1818. "Margin Controls" = "页面边距控制";
  1819. "Apply to:" = "应用到:";
  1820. "Top:" = "上:";
  1821. "Bottom:" = "下:";
  1822. "Left:" = "左:";
  1823. "Right:" = "右:";
  1824. "Constrain Proport"= "约束比列";
  1825. "Remove White Margins"= "删除白边框";
  1826. "Set To Zero"= "设置为零";
  1827. "Revert To Selection"= "恢复为选取范围";
  1828. "Change Page Size"= "更改大小";
  1829. "Fixed Sizes"= "固定大小";
  1830. "Custom" = "自定义";
  1831. "Width:" = "宽度:";
  1832. "Height:" = "高度:";
  1833. "Center" = "居中";
  1834. "XOffset:" = "X轴偏移量:";
  1835. "YOffset:" = "Y轴偏移量:";
  1836. "Cropped page size:"="裁剪后页面大小:";
  1837. "ArtBox size:"="作品框大小:";
  1838. "TrimBox size:"="裁切框大小:";
  1839. "BleedBox size:"= "出血框大小:";
  1840. "Expanded page size:"= "扩展的页面大小:";
  1841. "Add Open Files..." = "添加打开的文件...";
  1842. //new ux Add
  1843. "Upgrade to Pro" = "升级至Pro";
  1844. "Settings" = "设置";
  1845. ", Total %ld Pages" = ",共 %ld页";
  1846. "Landscape pages" = "横向页面";
  1847. "Portrait pages" = "纵向页面";
  1848. "Extract selected pages" = "提取选中页面";
  1849. "Split selected pages" = "分割选中页面";
  1850. "PDF Reader Pro is a PDF watermark remover helping you to remove textual and image watermarks from PDF files. The quality of the final output is same as the original files." = "PDF Reader Pro支持移除水印,帮助您删除PDF文件中的文字或图像水印。最终输出的质量与原始文件相同。";
  1851. "The PDF background remover helps you to remove images and color backgrounds from PDF files for an easy reading experience." = "PDF背景移除可以帮助您删除PDF文件中的图片或颜色背景,以获得轻松的阅读体验。";
  1852. "Add Recent Files" = "添加打开的文件";
  1853. "Delete All Snapshots" = "删除所有快照";
  1854. "Collapse All" = "全部折叠";
  1855. "Manage Quick Tools" = "管理快捷工具";
  1856. "Batch convert, compress, secure, watermark PDFs" = "批量转换、压缩、加密、水印PDF文件。";
  1857. "Font Weight" = "字重";
  1858. "Drag and drop to add, remove and reorder the tools." = "拖拽即可添加、移动和排列工具的显示顺序。";
  1859. "Cell Size" = "单元格大小";
  1860. "Headers & Footers" = "标题与表尾";
  1861. "Borders & Colors" = "表格外框和颜色";
  1862. "Fill" = "填充";
  1863. "Scroll long text" = "滚动显示长文本";
  1864. "Batch Remove Background" = "批量移除背景";
  1865. "Batch Add Background" = "批量添加背景";
  1866. "Batch Add Header & Footer" = "批量添加页眉页脚";
  1867. "Batch Remove Header & Footer" = "批量移除页眉页脚";
  1868. "Batch Add Batch Numbers" = "批量插入贝茨(Bates)码";
  1869. "Batch Remove Bates Numbers" = "批量移除贝茨(Bates)码";
  1870. "Crop Options..." = "裁剪选项...";
  1871. "Cannot add conversion tasks." = "无法添加转档任务";
  1872. "The conversion is in progress... Please wait for the conversion to be completed before proceeding." = "转档任务正在进行中。请等待当前转档任务完成后再进行操作。";
  1873. "Remove Color" = "移除颜色";
  1874. "To create a set of mutually exclusive radio buttons (i.e., where only one can be selected at a time), give the fields the same name but different button choices." = "要创建一组互斥的单选钮(即,一次只能选择一个),请确保各域名称相同但按钮选项不同。";
  1875. "Radio Button Choice" = "单选钮选项";
  1876. "Drop files here or Click Add Files at upper left corner. You can drag files to reorder as you need." = "拖拽文件到此处 或 点击左上角\"添加文档\"。您可以拖拽调整文档列表顺序。";
  1877. "You can add to template." = "您可以新增到模版";
  1878. "Expand All" = "全部展开";
  1879. "Collapse All" = "全部折叠";
  1880. "Expand" = "展开";
  1881. "Collapse" = "折叠";
  1882. "Show Note" = "显示注释";
  1883. "Please select a title of content and right click to choose \"Add Outline Item\"; Or click \"+\" at the upper right corner to create outline." = "请选择一个内容标题,右击选择\"添加大纲条目\";或 点击右上角的\"+\"按钮创建大纲。";
  1884. "This password will be required to open the document." = "打开文档时需要输入此密码。";
  1885. "Restrict printing and copying of the document. A password will be required in order to change these permission settings." = "限制文档打印和复制。改变许可设置需要此权限密码。";
  1886. "No Custom Stamps" = "未创建自定义图章";
  1887. "No Signatures" = "未添加签名";
  1888. "No Snapshots" = "未创建快照";
  1889. "1 button in group. At lease 2 buttons needed." = "组中只有1个按钮。至少需要2个按钮。";
  1890. "Select an item in the list to make it the default choice." = "在列表中选择一个项目使其成为默认选项。";
  1891. "Default Style" = "预设样式";
  1892. "Restore Default Style" = "恢复默认预设样式";
  1893. "The Headlines" = "大标题";
  1894. "Title (small)" = "标题(小)";
  1895. "Subtitle (Bold)" = "副标题(加粗)";
  1896. "Subtitle" = "副标题";
  1897. "Text (small)" = "正文(小)";
  1898. "Text (grey)" = "正文(灰)";
  1899. "Instructions" = "说明";
  1900. "Instructions (red)" = "说明(红色)";
  1901. "Restrict printing and copying of the document. A password will be required in order to change these permission settings." = "限制文档打印和复制。改变许可设置需要此权限密码。";
  1902. "Add Template" = "新增模版";
  1903. "No Templates" = "无模版";
  1904. "Single" = "单屏";
  1905. "Select All" = "全选";
  1906. "Hide Page Size" = "隐藏页面大小";
  1907. "Display Page Size" = "显示页面大小";
  1908. "Tooltip" = "工具提示";
  1909. "File Not Exist" = "当前文件不存在";
  1910. "Delete style" = "删除样式";
  1911. "Rename Style" = "重命名样式";
  1912. "Redefine from Selection" = "用所选部分重新定义";
  1913. "Page number out of range" = "页码超出范围";
  1914. "View Settings" = "视图";
  1915. "Sort" = "筛选";
  1916. "Page Settings" = "页面设置";
  1917. "The file \"%@\" could not be opened." = "未能打开文件 \"%@\".";
  1918. "It may be damaged or use a file format that PDF Reader Pro doesn’t recognize." = "它可能已损坏,或者可能使用了\"PDF Reader Pro\"无法识别的文件格式。";
  1919. "Large File Size(High Quality)" = "大型文件(高质量)";
  1920. "Medium File Size(Medium Quality)" = "标准文件(中质量)";
  1921. "Small File Size(Recommended Quality)" = "小型文件(推荐质量)";
  1922. "Minimum File Size(Low Quality)" = "微型文件(低质量)";
  1923. "High Quality"="高质量";
  1924. "Low Quality"="低质量";
  1925. "Sorry, we do not support to compress the encrypted file." = "抱歉,当前的文档已加密,暫不支援压缩功能。";
  1926. "Horizontal Distance" = "水平距离";
  1927. "Vertical Distance" = "垂直距离";
  1928. "Do you want to cancel compressing?" = "您确定要取消压缩吗?";
  1929. "Documents which have been compressed will still be retained." = "已经压缩成功的文件将会保留。";
  1930. "Cancel Compressing" = "取消压缩";
  1931. "Continue compressing" = "继续压缩";
  1932. "To create outline item select header in contents, right click it and select \"Add Outline Item\" or click \"+\" above." = "若需创建大纲项目,请选定内容标题,右击并选择 \"新增大纲条目\",或者点击上方 \"+\"。";
  1933. "Make video editing simplified! Create fantastic videos and share with Filmage Editor anytime." = "简化视频编辑,创建出精彩的视频,并一键分享您的大作!";
  1934. "Fast and light eSign PDF Editor lets you read, annotate, edit, esign PDF documents anytime." = "轻量,快捷的PDF编辑器让您随时阅读、注释、编辑、电子签署PDF文档。";
  1935. "Fast & light eSign PDF Editor lets you read, annotate, edit, esign PDF documents anytime." = "SignFlow电子签名工具支持数字签署PDF文档、创建并填写form、编辑、阅读、注释PDF文档,轻松解决您的文档需求!";
  1936. "First-rate PDF SDK Library for Developers" = "ComPDFKit PDF SDK软件开发工具包";
  1937. "OCR Plan" = "OCR识别方案";
  1938. "Plan 1 (Online)" = "方案 1(在线)";
  1939. "Plan 2 (Offline)" = "方案 2(离线)";
  1940. "Customize theme colors: Light Mode, Dark Mode, Sepia Mode and more" = "自定义主题色:日间模式, 夜间模式以及护眼模式等更多主题颜色随心切换";
  1941. "Split View to compare files" = "分屏视图同时打开对比不同文件";
  1942. "OCR failed.Please try to change the OCR Plan to \"Plan 2 (Offline)\"" = "OCR失败,请尝试更改OCR方案至“方案2(离线)”";
  1943. "OCR failed, please try again.Note: OCR Plan 2(Offline) is supported in macOS 10.15+." = "OCR失败,请重试。注意:OCR 方案2(离线)目前仅 macOS 10.15及以上支持。";
  1944. "Can not delete all pages."="无法删除所有页面";
  1945. "Redact sensitive information" = "标记密文,保护敏感信息";
  1946. "Markdown" = "Markdown";
  1947. "Export Outlines..." = "导出大纲...";
  1948. "Remove All Outlines" = "移除所有大纲";
  1949. "Redact" = "标记密文";
  1950. "Mark for redaction" = "标记为密文";
  1951. "You are under pdf edit mode" = "已进入PDF编辑模式";
  1952. "Add Text" = "添加文本";
  1953. "Exit Edit PDF?" = "退出编辑?";
  1954. "Your changes are not saved. Do you want to Exit?" = "您的更改尚未保存,您确认要退出吗?";
  1955. "You are under redact mode" = "已进入标记密文模式";
  1956. "Redact Text" = "标记密文";
  1957. "Properties" = "属性";
  1958. "Properties..." = "属性";
  1959. "Make Current Properties Default" = "设置当前属性为默认值";
  1960. "Repeat Mark Across Pages" = "跨页重复标记";
  1961. "Apply Redactions" = "应用密文";
  1962. "Redaction Mark Outline Color:" = "密文标记外观:";
  1963. "Redact Area Fill Color:" = "密文区域填充颜色:";
  1964. "Use Overlay Text" = "使用覆盖文本";
  1965. "Overlay Text:" = "覆盖文本";
  1966. "Repeat Text" = "重复覆盖文本";
  1967. "Auto-Size text to fit redaction region" = "自动调整文本大小以适合密文区域";
  1968. "Make Properties Default" = "设置属性为默认值";
  1969. "This will permanently remove the redacted information from this document. Once you save this document, you won’t be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "此操作将从此文档中永久删除已标记密文的信息。保存此文档后,您将无法检索已标记密文的信息。";
  1970. "There are unapplied redactions in this file. Any content associated with them will not be redacted until applied." = "此文件中尚有未应用的密文。在应用密文前,这些密文关联的内容都不会被抹除。";
  1971. "There are unapplied redactions in this file. Exit will not save redaction." = "此文件中尚有未应用的密文。点击「退出」将不会保存更改。";
  1972. "Remove All Watermark Templates" = "移除所有水印模板";
  1973. "Are you sure to delete all templates?" = "您确定要移除所有模板吗?";
  1974. "Batch Add Header & Footer" = "批量添加页眉页脚";
  1975. "Batch Add Bates Numbers" = "批量添加贝茨码";
  1976. "Remove All Header & Footer Templates" = "移除所有页眉页脚模板";
  1977. "Remove All Bates Numbers Templates" = "移除所有贝茨码模板";
  1978. "Remove All Background Templates" = "移除所有背景模板";
  1979. "The range you can extract images includes current page, odd page, even page, custom page, and all pages." = "您可以提取图片的范围包括当前页面,奇数页,偶数页,自定义页面,全部页面。";
  1980. "Extract All Images" = "提取所有图片";
  1981. "Extract Images from..." = "从...提取图片";
  1982. "Total number of pictures extracted" = "提取图片总数";
  1983. "Extracting all pictures..." = "正在提取所有图片";
  1984. "Blank Page - Custom..." = "空白页-自定义…";
  1985. "From PDF" = "从其他PDF";
  1986. "Current Size" = "当前尺寸";
  1987. "Extract Images" = "提取图片";
  1988. "Insert by Custom Direction" = "由自定义方向插入";
  1989. "Portrait Pages" = "竖向页面";
  1990. "Landscape Pages" = "横向页面";
  1991. "Extract completed. Please go to the output folder for the converted file." = "提取完成,请跳转至转换后文件所在输出文件夹。";
  1992. "Please enter the correct size." = "请输入正确的尺寸。";
  1993. "Page Size" = "页面大小";
  1994. "Orientation" = "方向";
  1995. "Select files to merge, only one file can be selected at a time." = "选择要合并的文件,一次只能选择一个文件。";
  1996. "Physical Size" = "实物大小";
  1997. "1 file" = "1张图片";
  1998. "ComVideoKit Video SDK Library for Developers" = "ComVideoKit Video SDK软件开发工具包";
  1999. "Layout Settings" = "布局设置";
  2000. "Retain Flowing Text" = "保留流排文本";
  2001. "Retain Page Layout" = "保留页面布局";
  2002. "Excel Worksheet Settings" = "Excel工作表设置";
  2003. "Extract Tables Only" = "只提取表格";
  2004. "Extract tables" = "提取表格";
  2005. "Unknown error in processing conversion. Please try again later" = "转档时发生未知错误。 请稍后再试。";
  2006. "Password required or incorrect password. Please re-enter your password and try again" = "密码错误。 请重新输入您的密码,再次尝试。";
  2007. "Conversion process interrupted. Please do not cancel the conversion until it is completed" = "转档过程中断。在转档完成之前,请不要手动取消。";
  2008. "The license doesn't allow the permission" = "此序列码没有权限使用转档功能。";
  2009. "Malloc failure" = "Malloc错误";
  2010. "NDK error" = "NDK错误";
  2011. "A file is being converted, so other files could not be converted at the same time. Please try again after the file has been converted" = "已有文件正在转档中,其他文件无法同时转档。请在该转档完成后重试。";
  2012. "Unknown error in processing PDF. Please try again later" = "处理PDF时发生未知错误。请稍后再试。";
  2013. "File not found or could not be opened. Check if your file exists or choose another file to convert" = "文件未找到,无法打开。请检查您的文件或选择其他文件进行转档。";
  2014. "File not in PDF format or corruptead. Change a PDF file and try again" = "非PDF格式,或文件已损坏。请更换PDF文件,再试一次。";
  2015. "Unsupported security scheme" = "不支持的安全方案。";
  2016. "Page not found or content error" = "页面无法找到,内容错误。";
  2017. "Table not found" = "未检测到表格";
  2018. "needs to access this path to continue. Click Allow to continue." = "需要访问此路径才能继续,请点击允许。";
  2019. "This document has a permission password." = "该文档包含权限密码。";
  2020. "Enter Password" = "输入密码";
  2021. "Please enter the password to unlock this" = "请输入密码后解锁该文档";
  2022. "Password" = "密码";
  2023. "Incorrect Password" = "密码不正确";
  2024. "This is a secured document. Editing is not permitted." = "此文档为加密文档,不允许编辑";
  2025. "Only Text" = "只提取文本";
  2026. "Only Table" = "只提取表格";
  2027. "All Content" = "所有内容";
  2028. "Create Sheet for each Table" = "为每个表格创建工作表";
  2029. "Create Sheet for each Page" = "为每个页面创建工作表";
  2030. "Create single Sheet for File" = "为文档创建单个工作表";
  2031. "Get PDF Reader Pro for iOS" = "获取最新PDF Reader Pro iOS版本";
  2032. "PDF to Office" = "PDF 转换 Office";
  2033. "Convert PDFs to Word, HTML, TXT, JPEG or PNG files" = "PDF转档为Word, HTML, TXT, JPEG, PNG格式";
  2034. "Turn PDF to PPT, Excel, RTF, CSV, and more" = "PDF转档为PPT, Excel, RTF, CSV及更多其他格式";
  2035. "Convert PDF to TIFF, BMP, GIF or TGA files" = "PDF转档为TIFF, BMP, GIF 或TGA等图片格式";
  2036. "Edit PDF" = "编辑PDF";
  2037. "Add and edit text in PDF" = "编辑,新增和删除PDF原文档中的文字";
  2038. "OCR" = "OCR";
  2039. "Extract texts from image-based or scanned PDF" = "识别并提取图片或扫描版PDF文档中的文字";
  2040. "Organize Pages" = "页面调整";
  2041. "Extract, rotate, rearrange, replace, add, delete pages" = "插入,删除,提取,旋转,拖拽排序和替换PDF页面";
  2042. "Split PDFs into multiple files" = "将PDF页面拆分为多个文件";
  2043. "Advanced Editing Tools" = "高级编辑工具";
  2044. "Merge multiple documents into a new PDF" = "合并多个PDF文档";
  2045. "Add & edit watermark" = "添加&编辑水印";
  2046. "Add header, footer, page numbers" = "插入页眉、页脚及页码";
  2047. "Add Bates Number" = "添加贝茨(Bates)码";
  2048. "Insert PDF page background by color or image" = "修改PDF页面背景颜色或图片";
  2049. "Create fattened copies" = "创建Flatten副本";
  2050. "Extract images" = "提取图片";
  2051. "Extract tables" = "提取表格";
  2052. "Forms" = "Form表单";
  2053. "Create & Edit & Fill Adobe Fillable PDF Forms" = "创建&编辑&填写PDF表单";
  2054. "Security" = "安全";
  2055. "Batch encrypting PDF documents" = "PDF文件批量加密";
  2056. "PDF Password Remover" = "移除文件密码和权限限制";
  2057. "Redact sensitive information" = "标记密文,保护敏感信息";
  2058. "Create PDF" = "创建PDF";
  2059. "Convert JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP or PSD files to PDFs" = "将JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP或PSD等图片格式转档为PDF";
  2060. "Create PDFs from a scanner and iOS devices" = "直接从连接的扫描仪或ios设备中导入文件来创建PDF";
  2061. "Annotations" = "注释";
  2062. "Customize PDF stamps" = "定制PDF图章";
  2063. "Hyperlink" = "超链接";
  2064. "Signature" = "签名";
  2065. "Table" = "表格";
  2066. "View PDF" = "阅读PDF";
  2067. "Multi-tab viewer" = "多页签视窗";
  2068. "Various printing types: poster, booklet, multi-page printing" = "小册子打印,海报打印,多页打印";
  2069. "Customize theme colors: Light Mode, Dark Mode, Sepia Mode and more" = "日间模式,夜间模式以及护眼模式等更多主题模式";
  2070. "Split View to compare files" = "分屏视图同时打开对比不同文件";
  2071. "Subscription Based Solution" = "订阅套餐解决方案";
  2072. "Access all premium features in app" = "体验订阅套餐解决方案中所有进阶服务";
  2073. "Priority customer support" = "优先客服支持";
  2074. "Ad-free" = "无广告";
  2075. "A Welcome Gift from Us" = "欢迎使用PDF Reader Pro";
  2076. "Enjoy PDF Reader Pro, free for 7 days" = "PDF Reader Pro 7天免费试用";
  2077. "Convert PDF from/to Word/Excel/PPT/HTML/Image, etc." = "将PDF文档转换成Word/Excel/PPT/HTML/图片等格式文件";
  2078. "Edit and Modify Texts in PDFs" = "编辑PDF中的文本内容";
  2079. "Optical Character Recognition (OCR)" = "识别并提取图片或扫描版PDF中的文本(OCR)";
  2080. "Create, Fill Forms, Sign PDFs" = "创建,填写表格,添加签名";
  2081. "Unlock All Advanced Features" = "解锁所有高级功能";
  2082. "Your trial has expired. Please ugrade to enjoy more." = "您的试用已到期,请升级套餐";
  2083. "PDF to Office Pack" = "PDF to Office转档包";
  2084. "Convert PDF to Word/Excel/PPT without any limitations, ensuring high quality and accuracy of documents." = "将PDF转档为高质量Word/Excel/PPT等格式文件,转档次数不受任何限制";
  2085. "Volume Discount" = "批量折扣";
  2086. "PDF Reader Pro offers up to 50% off to business or education organizations" = "团队批量购买,最高可获得5折优惠";
  2087. "Edit Text" = "编辑文本";
  2088. "Edit Image" = "编辑图片";
  2089. "Text" = "文本";
  2090. "Flip" = "翻转";
  2091. "Fold" = "折叠";
  2092. "Edit, crop, replace image in PDF" = "编辑,裁剪,替换PDF中的图片";
  2093. "Convert PDFs to Word, PPT, Excel, RTF, Text, HTML, CSV and more" = "PDF转档为Word, PPT, Excel, CSV,RTF, Text, HTML等格式";
  2094. "Add Image" = "添加图片";
  2095. "Box the cropping area, then press 'Enter' to crop images" = "框选裁剪区域后,按 “Enter” 键执行裁剪";
  2096. "Bottom Toolbar" = "底部工具栏";
  2097. "Total Changes: " = "总更改数:";
  2098. "Page %@ VS Page %@" = "页面%@ 对比 页面%@";
  2099. "Synchronous Scrolling" = "同步滚动";
  2100. "Compare Files" = "对比文档";
  2101. "Compare the differences between two files" = "对比并标出两个PDF文档的不同之处";
  2102. "Compare" = "对比";
  2103. "Side-by-Side View" = "分屏对比";
  2104. "Compare by File Overlay" = "叠加对比";
  2105. "Old File" = "旧文件";
  2106. "New File" = "新文件";
  2107. "Choose..." = "选择...";
  2108. "Select File" = "选择文件";
  2109. "Click to add" = "点击此处添加文件";
  2110. "Page Range" = "页面范围";
  2111. "Old File:" = "旧文件:";
  2112. "New File:" = "新文件:";
  2113. "Compare text" = "对比文本内容";
  2114. "Compare image" = "对比图片内容";
  2115. "Settings..." = "设置...";
  2116. "Cancel" = "取消";
  2117. "Compare" = "对比";
  2118. "Comparing documents..." = "文件对比中...";
  2119. "Replace Color" = "替换提示颜色";
  2120. "Insert Color" = "插入提示颜色";
  2121. "Delete Color" = "删除提示颜色";
  2122. "Document Opacity" = "文档不透明度";
  2123. "Stroke Color:" = "描边颜色:";
  2124. "Blend Mode:" = "混合模式:";
  2125. "Normal" = "正常模式";
  2126. "Multiply" = "正片叠底";
  2127. "Darken" = "变暗模式";
  2128. "ColorBurn" = "颜色加深模式";
  2129. "Hard Light" = "强光模式";
  2130. "Difference" = "差值模式";
  2131. "Exclusion" = "排除模式";
  2132. "Luminosity" = "亮色模式";
  2133. "Invalid page range. Please reselect the page range." = "无效页面,请重新选择页面范围。";
  2134. "There is no difference between the two documents." = "两个文件未检测出区别";
  2135. "Please select two files to compare" = "请选择两个文件进行对比";
  2136. "Comparison completed" = "对比完成";
  2137. "The file has been deleted, please reselect a file." = "文件被删除,请重新选择文件";
  2138. "Whether the white box is Filled" = "白框是否填充";
  2139. "Fill the white box (some content will be covered)" = "填充白色方框(部分内容将被覆盖)";
  2140. "Insert Page" = "插入页面";
  2141. "Delete Page" = "删除页面";
  2142. "Delete Text" = "删除文本";
  2143. "Delete Image" = "删除图片";
  2144. "Insert Text" = "插入文本";
  2145. "Insert Image" = "插入图片";
  2146. "Replace Text" = "替换文本";
  2147. "Replace Image" = "替换图片";
  2148. "Modify Text" = "修改文本";
  2149. "Modify Image" = "修改图片";
  2150. "Save as" = "另存为";
  2151. "Old File" = "旧文件";
  2152. "New File" = "新文件";
  2153. "Merge into a New File" = "合并成一个新文件";
  2154. "File Location:" = "文件位置:";
  2155. "Choose" = "选择";
  2156. "New Feature: Easily compare two versions of a PDF and catch every change" = "新功能:利用文档比较工具快速找到不同文件版本之间的差别";
  2157. "Upgrade to Permanent Version" = "升级至永久授权Pro版本";
  2158. "Free Version" = "免费版";
  2159. "Permanent License" = "永久序列码";
  2160. "View PDFs" = "查看PDF文件";
  2161. "Unlimited file conversion" = "无限制转档";
  2162. "Edit PDF text and images" = "编辑PDF中的文本和图片";
  2163. "Merge, split, extract, delete pages" = "合并,拆分,提取,删除页面";
  2164. "Batch process" = "批量处理";
  2165. "OCR PDFs" = "OCR扫描文档";
  2166. "Scroll Sync" = "同步滚动";
  2167. "There is no difference between two documents." = "两个文档没有存在不同之处。";
  2168. //SUFeedURL
  2169. "pdfreaderprocast.xml" = "pdfreaderprocast_zh_Hans.xml";
  2170. "Unbind License Code" = "解绑序列码";
  2171. "Office document open failed" = "Office文档打开失败";
  2172. "File accidentally closed" = "文件被意外关闭";
  2173. "Document cache records will be cleared if you choose 'Cancel'" = "取消后,会清除文档的缓存记录";
  2174. "File Name" = "文件名";
  2175. "Autosave Time" = "自动保存时间";
  2176. "Verification:" = "验证:";
  2177. "Unbind License Code:" = "解绑序列码:";
  2178. "Hi PDF Reader Pro Team, I need to unbind my license code, thanks!\nNotice: Please do not modify the subtitle content" = "PDF Reader Pro团队您好,请帮我解绑序列码,谢谢!\n\n注意:请不要修改标题内容。";
  2179. "Autosave Documents" = "自动保存文件";
  2180. "Upgrade to Cross-platform License" = "升级为跨平台序列码";
  2181. "minute(s)" = "分钟";
  2182. "Education Discount" = "教育优惠专享折扣";
  2183. "Free Trial All Features for 7 days!" = "7天免费试用全功能";
  2184. "Newly updated PDF Reader Pro for you. Click “Start Free Trial” to enjoy all premium features!\nEdit, convert, organize, compare, secure, and OCR your PDFs totally free!" = "免费体验全新升级的PDF Reader Pro。点击“免费试用”解锁全功能。\n轻松编辑,转换,组织,对比,OCR,加密PDF文件!";
  2185. "Start Free Trial" = "免费试用";
  2186. "Your Trial Has Expired" = "您的试用已到期";
  2187. "Please upgrade PDF Reader Pro to enjoy all features." = "请升级PDF Reader Pro来解锁全部功能。";
  2188. "Upgrade Benefits" = "升级权益";
  2189. "Convert PDF to Word/Excel/PPT/Image and more" = "将PDF转档为Word/Excel/PPT/图片等格式文件";
  2190. "Edit PDF text, images and pages" = "编辑PDF中的文本,图片和页面";
  2191. "Combine multiple PDFs" = "合并多个PDF文件";
  2192. "Create, fill, and sign PDF forms" = "创建,填写,签名PDF表格";
  2193. "Remove All Annotations" = "删除所有注释";
  2194. //数字签名
  2195. "Please box an area for the signature to be added, then you can add a new digital signature."="请先在页面上选定一个区域来插入数字签名。";
  2196. "Digital Sign"="数字签名";
  2197. "Digital Signature"="数字签名";
  2198. "Digital Signature"="数字签名";
  2199. "View Details"="查看详情";
  2200. "Enter Email"="请输入电子邮件...";
  2201. "Configure a Digital ID for Signing"="创建用于签名的数字身份证";
  2202. "Select the type of Digital ID:"="选择数字身份证的类型:";
  2203. "Use a Digital ID from a File"="使用文件中的数字身份证";
  2204. "Import an existing digital ID that you have obtained as a file"="从文件中导入现有数字身份证";
  2205. "Create a New Digital ID"="创建一个新的数字身份证";
  2206. "Create your self-signed digital ID"="创建您的自签名数字身份证";
  2207. "A digital ID is required to create a digital signature.The most secure digital ID are issued by trusted Certificate authorities and are based on secure devices like smart card or token. Some are based on files."="创建数字签名需要数字身份证。最安全的数字身份证由受信任的证书机构发行,并基于智能卡或令牌等安全设备。有些是基于文件。";
  2208. "You can also create a new digital ID, but they provide a low level of identity assurance."="您还可以创建一个新的数字身份证,但是它们仅提供较低级别的身份保证。";
  2209. "Continue"="继续";
  2210. "Find a Digital ID File"="查找数字身份证文件";
  2211. "Browse for a digital ID file. Digital ID files are password protected. You cannot access the digital ID if you don't know its password."="浏览数字身份证文件。数字身份证文件受密码保护。如果您不知道其密码,则无法访问数字身份证。";
  2212. "File"="文件";
  2213. "Password"="密码";
  2214. "Select a file"="选择一个文件";
  2215. "Browse"="浏览";
  2216. "Previous Step"="上一步";
  2217. "Digital ID files generally have a P12 extension and contain the public key file (Certificate) and the associated private key file."="数字身份证文件通常具有P12扩展名,并包含公共密钥文件(证书)和关联的私钥文件。";
  2218. "To sign with a digital ID available as a file, follow the prompts to browse and select the file and type the password protecting the private key."="要使用可作为文件提供的数字身份证,请按照提示进行浏览并选择文件,然后输入保护私钥的密码。";
  2219. "Location to Save the Digital ID"="保存数字身份证的位置";
  2220. "Select the location to save the digital ID card:"="请选择保存数字身份证的位置:";
  2221. "Save to File"="保存到文件";
  2222. "Save the digital ID to a file in your computer"="将数字身份证保存到计算机中的文件";
  2223. "Save to Apple Keychain"="保存到Apple Keychain";
  2224. "Save the digital ID to Apple Keychain to be shared"="将数字身份证保存到Apple Keychain中以共享";
  2225. "Digital IDs are typically issued by trusted providers that assure the validity of the identity. Self-signed digital ID may not provide the same level of assurance and may not be accepted in some use cases."="数字身份证通常由可信赖的提供商发行,以确保身份的有效性。自签名的数字身份证可能无法提供相同的保证,并且在某些场景中可能不会被接受。";
  2226. "Consult with your recipients if this is an acceptable form of authentication."="如果这是可接受的身份验证形式,请咨询您的收件人。";
  2227. "Create a Self-signed Digital ID"="创建一个自签名的数字身份证";
  2228. "Name"="姓名";
  2229. "Organization Name"="机构名称";
  2230. "Organization Unit"="组织部门";
  2231. "Email Address"="电子邮件地址";
  2232. "Country/Region"="国家/地区";
  2233. "Enter name..."="输入名字...";
  2234. "Enter organization unit..."="输入组织部门...";
  2235. "Enter organization name..."="输入组织名称...";
  2236. "Enter the identity information to be used for creating the self-signed digital ID."="输入用于创建自签名数字身份证的身份信息。";
  2237. "Digital IDs that are self-signed by individuals do not provide the assurance that the identity information is valid. For this reason they may not be accepted in some use cases."="自签名的数字身份证并不能保证身份信息有效。因此他们在某些场景中可能不会被承认。";
  2238. "Save the Self-signed Digital ID to a File"="将自签名的数字身份证保存到文件";
  2239. "Your digital ID will be saved at the following location :"="您的数字身份证将保存在以下位置:";
  2240. "Confirm the Password"="确认密码";
  2241. "Add a password to protect the private key of the digital ID. You will need this password again to use the digital ID for signing."="添加密码以保护数字身份证的私钥。当您要使用数字身份证进行签名时,您需要再次输入该密码。";
  2242. "Save the digital ID file in a known location so that you can copy or backup it."="将数字身份证文件保存在已知位置,以便您可以复制或备份它。";
  2243. "Sign with a Digital ID"="用数字身份证签名";
  2244. "Choose the digital ID that you want to use for signing:"="选择您要使用的数字身份证:";
  2245. "Configure New Digital ID"="配置新数字身份证";
  2246. "Expires"="到期";
  2247. "Issued by:"="签署人:";
  2248. "Refresh"="刷新";
  2249. "Add digital IDs from a file:"="从文件中添加数字身份证:";
  2250. "The following digital ID will be added to your list of digital ID that you can use for digitally signing:"="以下数字身份证将添加到您的数字身份证列表中,您可以将其用于数字签名:";
  2251. "Sign as"="签名为";
  2252. "Appearance"="外观";
  2253. "Edit"="编辑";
  2254. "Create"="创建";
  2255. "Lock document after signing"="签名后锁定文件";
  2256. "View Certificate Details"="查看证书详细信息";
  2257. "Enter the digital signature ID card PIN or password"="输入数字签名身份证 PIN 码或密码";
  2258. "Customize the Signature Appearance"="自定义签名外观";
  2259. "Text"="文本";
  2260. "Image"="图像";
  2261. "Draw"="绘制";
  2262. "None"="无";
  2263. "Preset Name"="预设名称";
  2264. "Click here to draw"="点击这里绘制";
  2265. "Clear"="清除";
  2266. "Apply"="应用";
  2267. "Show all certification paths found"="显示所有认证路径";
  2268. "Certificate Viewer"="查看证书";
  2269. "Add to Trusted Certificates..."="添加到值得信赖的证书...";
  2270. "This dialog allows you to view the details of a certificate and its entire issuance chain. The details correspond to the selected entry. Multiple issuance chains are being displayed because none of the chains were issued by a trust anchor."="通过此对话框可以查看证书及其整个签发链的详细信息。详细信息与所选条目相对应。显示多个签发链是因为没有一个链是由信任锚签发的。";
  2271. "The path validation checks were done as of "="路径验证检查已完成";
  2272. "This is a self-signed certificate. The selected certificate path is valid."="这是一个自签名的证书。选定的证书路径有效。";
  2273. "The selected certificate path has errors: lssuer name mismatch"="选定的证书路径有错误:发布者名称不匹配";
  2274. "Summary"="概括";
  2275. "Details"="细节";
  2276. "Issued by:"="签署人:";
  2277. "Export"="导出";
  2278. "Valid from:"="有效期自:";
  2279. "Valid to:"="有效期至:";
  2280. "Intended usage:"="用于:";
  2281. "Certificate Data:"="证书数据:";
  2282. "Signatures will be valid if the certificate matches this policy restriction. Policy restrictions are provided by your computer administrator or the certificate authority that issued this certificate. Certificates sometimes contain an identifier to indicate the certificate authority's policy for issuing the certificate. An example policy might be one which indicates that the signer was required to be personally present when issued his or her certificate. Only certificates that have been directly trusted can have policy restrictions."="如果证书符合此策略限制,签名才有效。策略限制由您的计算机管理员或发行此证书的证书管理机构提供。证书有时包含标识符,以指示证书机构发行证书的政策。例如,有一项政策可能会说明,在签发证书时,签字人必须亲自到场。只有被直接信任的证书才有政策限制。";
  2283. "Legal Disclaimer:"="法律免责声明:";
  2284. "Validation of a digitally signed document may require certificate-related services provided by independent third-party service vendors. PDF Reader Pro does not provide any warranties of any kind with respect to digitally signed documents, certificates used to create digitally signed documents, and any related services. "="数字签名文档的验证可能需要独立第三方服务供应商提供的证书相关服务。PDF Reader Pro 不对数字签名文档、用于创建数字签名文档的证书以及任何相关服务提供任何形式的保证。";
  2285. "Version"="版本";
  2286. "Signature algorithm"="签名算法";
  2287. "Subject"="主题";
  2288. "Issuer"="发行人";
  2289. "Serial number"="序列号";
  2290. "Validity Starts"="有效起始日期";
  2291. "Validity ends"="有效截止日期";
  2292. "Authority info access"="权威信息访问";
  2293. "Subject key identifier"="主题关键标识符";
  2294. "Key usage"="密钥用法";
  2295. "Certificate policies"="证书政策";
  2296. "Authority key identifier"="权威密钥标识符";
  2297. "CRL distribution points"="CRL分配点";
  2298. "Basic constraints"="基本约束";
  2299. "Public key"="公钥";
  2300. "SHA1 digest of Public key"="SHA1公共密钥的摘要";
  2301. "X.509 data"="X.509数据";
  2302. "SHA1 digest"="SHA1 摘要";
  2303. "MD5 digest"="MD5摘要";
  2304. "<<see details>>"="<<请参阅详细信息>>";
  2305. "Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process."="使用鼠标,单击并拖动以绘制您希望签名出现的区域。框选所需区域后,您将可以进行签名的下一步。";
  2306. "Are you sure you want to clear all signature fields in this document?"="您确定要清除本文档中的所有签名字段吗?";
  2307. "You cannot undo this operation."="您不能撤消此操作。";
  2308. "Do not show this message again"="不要再显示此消息";
  2309. "Include Text"="包含文本";
  2310. "Text Alignment"="文本对齐方式";
  2311. "Direction"="方向";
  2312. "Date"="日期";
  2313. "Location"="地点";
  2314. "Distinguished Name"="可分辨名称";
  2315. "Reason"="原因";
  2316. "PDF Reader Pro Version"="PDF Reader Pro版本";
  2317. "PDF Reader Pro Lite Version"="PDF Reader Pro Lite版本";
  2318. "Logo"="徽标";
  2319. "The name already exists, please enter another one."="该名称已经存在,请输入另一个。";
  2320. "<your common name here>"="<您的通用名称在这里>";
  2321. "<your signing location here>"="<您的签名位置在这里>";
  2322. "<your signing reason here>"="<您的签名原因在这里>";
  2323. "<your distinguished name here>"="<您的可分辨名称在这里>";
  2324. "none"="无";
  2325. "I am the author of this document"="我是本文档的作者";
  2326. "I have reviewed this document"="我已审查本文档";
  2327. "I'm in the process of approving this document"="我正在审批本文档";
  2328. "I certify the accuracy and authenticity of this document"="我证明本文档的准确性和真实性";
  2329. "I have signed this document to indicate that I agree to the terms defined"="我在本文档上签字,表示我同意以下条款";
  2330. "I agree with the specified portions of this document"="我同意本文档的指定部分";
  2331. "Email address is not valid"="电子邮件地址无效";
  2332. "Passwords do not match"="密码不匹配";
  2333. "This file cannot be found."="无法找到该文档";
  2334. "Output Folder can not be empty."="输出文件夹不能为空。";
  2335. "Password is incorrect. Please re-enter the password."="密码不正确。请重新输入密码。";
  2336. "Failed to import the P12 file!"="无法导入P12文件!";
  2337. "Failed to get certificate details!"="无法获得证书详细信息!";
  2338. "Signature processing error."="签名处理错误。";
  2339. "Error during signature verification."="签名验证期间发生错误。";
  2340. "Error Information"="错误信息";
  2341. "Digital ID Configuration Required"="需要数字身份证配置";
  2342. "This signature field requires a digital signature identity. Would you like to configure one now?"="此签名域需要一个数字签名标身份证。您想现在就配置一个吗?";
  2343. "Help"="帮助";
  2344. "Configure Digital ID"="配置数字身份证";
  2345. "Digital ID Configuration Required"="需要数字身份证配置";
  2346. "Are you sure you want to validate all signatures?"="您确定要验证所有签名吗?";
  2347. "This may take a while for large documents."="大型文件可能需要一段时间。";
  2348. "Completed validating all signatures."="完成验证所有签名。";
  2349. "At least one signature is invalid."="至少一个签名无效。";
  2350. "Revocation"="吊销";
  2351. "Trust"="信任";
  2352. "This certificate is trusted because you have the corresponding private key."="该证书被信任,因为您具有相应的私钥。";
  2353. "This certificate is not trusted."="该证书不受信任。";
  2354. "Trust Settings"="信任设置";
  2355. "This certificate is trusted to:"="该证书被信任:";
  2356. "Sign documents or data"="签署文档或数据";
  2357. "Certify documents"="认证文件";
  2358. "Enter the Digital ID PIN or Password..."="输入数字身份证PIN码或密码...";
  2359. "(Digital ID file)"="(数字身份证文件)";
  2360. "(Keychain Digital ID)"="(Keychain数字身份证)";
  2361. "Signature Validation Status"="签名验证状态";
  2362. "Signature validity is UNKNOWN."="签名有效性未知。";
  2363. "The document has not been modified since this signature was applied."="该签名使用后,文件未被修改。";
  2364. "The revision of the document that was covered by this signature has not been altered; however, there have been subsequent changes to the document."="本签名所涉及的文件修订本未作改动,但随后对文件进行了修改。";
  2365. "The signer's identity is invalid."="签名者的身份无效。";
  2366. "Click Signature Properties, then it will show what is covered by this signature."="单击签名属性以显示此签名所涵盖的内容。";
  2367. ""="";
  2368. "The signer's identity is unknown because it has not been included in your list of trusted certificates and none of its parent certificates are trusted certificates."="签名者身份未知,因为它没有被列入受信任证书列表,而且其父证书都不是受信任证书。";
  2369. "Signature Properties..."="签名属性...";
  2370. "The signer's identity is valid."="签名者身份有效。";
  2371. "Signature is VALID, signed by %@."="签名有效,由%@签署。";
  2372. "Signature Properties"="签名属性";
  2373. "Signing Time:"="签名时间:";
  2374. "Validity Summary"="有效性摘要";
  2375. "The certifier has specified that Form Fill-in, Signing and Commenting are allowed for this document. No other changes are permitted."="证明人已确认可对该文档进行表格填写、签名和注释。但不允许进行其他更改。";
  2376. "Signing time is from the clock on the signer's computer."="签名时间来自签名计算机上的时钟。";
  2377. "Signature was validated as of the signing time:"="签名已在签署时生效:";
  2378. "Signer Info"="签名者信息";
  2379. "Revocation checking is not performed for Certificates that you have directly trusted."="对于您直接信任的证书,不进行撤销检查。";
  2380. "Policies"="政策";
  2381. "Legal Notice"="法律声明";
  2382. "Signature Panel"="签名面板";
  2383. "Signature is invalid"="签名无效";
  2384. "Signature is valid"="签名有效";
  2385. "Signature is valid."="签名有效";
  2386. "Signer's identity is valid"="签名者身份有效";
  2387. "Signer's identity is invalid"="签名者身份无效";
  2388. "The signature includes an embedded timestamp."="签名中包含一个嵌入式时间戳。";
  2389. "The signature includes an embedded timestamp but it could not be verified."="签名中包含一个嵌入式时间戳,但无法验证。";
  2390. "Certificate Details..."="证书详细信息...";
  2391. "Signature Details"="签名详情";
  2392. "Last Checked:%@"="上次检查:%@";
  2393. "Never"="从不";
  2394. "Signature Field:%@"="签名域:%@";
  2395. "%@ on Page %ld"="%@位于第%ld页";
  2396. "No digital signature was added"="没有添加数字签名";
  2397. "Validate All Signatures"="验证所有签名";
  2398. "Signature by %@"="签署人:%@";
  2399. "Jump To The Signature Field"="跳至签名字段";
  2400. "Remove Signature"="删除签名";
  2401. "Validate Signature"="验证签名";
  2402. "Show Signature Properties…"="显示签名属性…";
  2403. "File"="文件";
  2404. "Save failed!"="保存失败!";
  2405. "Purpose" = "目的";
  2406. "Digital Signature"="数字签名";
  2407. "Data Encryption"="数据保护";
  2408. "Digital Signatures and Data Encryption"="数字签名和数据保护";
  2409. "You are Under Digital Sign Mode"="您正处于数字签名创建模式";
  2410. "Digital signature ensures the authenticity and integrity of digital files. Click and drag the cursor to create a signature field on the page."="数字签名可确保数字文档的真实性和完整性。单击并拖动鼠标即可在页面上创建签名域。";
  2411. "Signed"="已签名";
  2412. "Add to Trusted Certificate Successfully!"="添加至受信任证书成功";
  2413. "Add to Trusted Certificate Failed!"="添加至受信任证书失败";
  2414. "Free Trial Newly Released Digital Signature!" = "全新发布:数字签名免费试用!";
  2415. "Quickly sign your contracts and documents with legally-binding signatures. Accelerate your business with PDF Reader Pro digital signature." = "快速签署具有法律约束力的合同和文件。PDF Reader Pro数字签名功能加速您的商务合作。";
  2416. "7-day Free Trial" = "7天免费试用";
  2417. "Later" = "稍后";
  2418. "Signed by"="数字签名者";
  2419. "Digital Signature"="数字签名";
  2420. "Fill & Sign"="签名&填写表单";
  2421. "Create digital signature"="创建数字签名";
  2422. "Standard Text" = "标准文本";
  2423. "Please upgrade your system to macOS 10.14 or later for this feature."="请将您的系统升级至macOS 10.14 及以上,以便于使用此功能。";
  2424. "First 10 Pages Converted Only"="仅转档前10页";
  2425. "The premium version only supports converting first 10 pages. Purchase PDF to Office Pack to enjoy unlimited conversion."="PDF Reader Pro标准版仅支持转档文件前10页。购买PDF to Office转档包可享受无限制转档。";
  2426. "PDF to Office Pack Benefits"="PDF to Office转档包权益";
  2427. "Unlimited PDF file conversion"="无限制转档";
  2428. "Get converted files in high quality"="获得高质量转换文件";
  2429. "Batch Convert PDFs"="批量转档";
  2430. "Unlimited Convert"="无限制转档";
  2431. "Purchase PDF to Office Pack"="购买PDF to Office转档包";
  2432. "No Cost! \nUnlock PDF Reader Pro All Features Now"="免费\n解锁 PDF Reader Pro 所有功能";
  2433. "Free Trial Newly Released Digital Signature!"="全新发布:数字签名免费试用!";
  2434. "Sign your contracts and documents with legally-binding signatures. Fast verify the identiity of the signer."="签署具有法律约束力的合同和文件。快速验证签名者的身份。";
  2435. "Key Features"="核心功能";
  2436. "Digital signature"="数字签名";
  2437. "Edit PDF text and images"="编辑 PDF 文本和图像";
  2438. "Create & fill form"="创建和填写表格";
  2439. "OCR"="OCR";
  2440. "7-day Free Trial"="7天免费试用";
  2441. "Learn More"="更多信息";
  2442. "7-day Free Trial "="7天免费试用";
  2443. "PDF Reader Pro offers a 7-day free trial of the full functions, making reading, editing, and annotating PDFs a breeze."="PDF Reader Pro 提供为期7天的全功能免费试用,轻松阅读、编辑和注释PDF文件。";
  2444. "Terms of Service"="服务条款";
  2445. "6-Month Plan"="半年订阅";
  2446. "USD $6.66/month"="USD $6.66/月";
  2447. "Billed every 6 month at $39.99 after 3-day free trial"="3天免费试用后,按每半年US$39.99收费";
  2448. "Permanent Version"="高级版";
  2449. "USD $79.99"="USD $79.99";
  2450. "one-time purchase"="一次性付费";
  2451. "Premium Version"="标准版";
  2452. "USD $59.99"="USD $59.99";
  2453. "one-time purchase"="一次性付费";
  2454. "PDF Reader Pro offers a 7-day free trial of the full functions, making reading, editing, and annotating PDFs a breeze." = "PDF Reader Pro 提供7天全功能免费试用。让您轻松阅读、编辑和注释PDF文件。";
  2455. "Continue within 10 Pages"="轉檔前10頁";
  2456. "Upgrade to Pro Version"="升级至永久授权Pro版本";
  2457. "Free Version"="免费版";
  2458. "Permanent License"="永久序列码";
  2459. "one-time purchase"="一次性付费";
  2460. "Annotate PDFs (basic)"="注释(基础)";
  2461. "Annotate PDFs (advanced)"="注释(高级)";
  2462. "Support insert links and custom stamps"="支持插入链接和图章";
  2463. "Unlimited file conversion"="无限制转档";
  2464. "Digital Signature"="数字签名";
  2465. "Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version"="试用已过期,升级至永久授权Pro版本";
  2466. "Upgrade PDF Reader Pro to enjoy the full functions."="升级PDF Reader Pro,一键解锁全部功能。";
  2467. "Free trial expired. Upgrade PDF Reader Pro to enjoy the full functions."="免费试用已过期,升级PDF Reader Pro,一键解锁全部功能。";
  2468. "Create&Fill Forms, digital sign PDFs"="创建&填写表格,添加数字签名";
  2469. "Convert first 10 pages only. Purchase PDF to Office Pack to convert all pages."="仅支持转档文件前10页。购买PDF to Office转档包,一键转档全部页面。";
  2470. "PDF to Office Pack Benefits"="PDF to Office转档包权益";
  2471. "Unlimited PDF file conversion"="无限制转档";
  2472. "Get converted files in high quality"="获得高质量转换文件";
  2473. "Batch Convert PDFs"="批量转档";
  2474. "Upgrade"="升级";
  2475. "Refresh Purchase Status"="刷新购买状态";
  2476. "The first 10 pages for free"="免费转档前10页";
  2477. "Unlimited Convert"="无限制转档";
  2478. "PDF Reader Pro offers a 7-day free trial of the full functions." = "点击申请,一键获取PDF Reader Pro全功能7天免费试用权益!";
  2479. "Enter your email to get free trial:" = "输入邮箱申请试用:";
  2480. "User name" = "用户名";
  2481. "Email" = "邮箱";
  2482. "By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "申请免费试用,代表您同意隐私协议";
  2483. "Privacy Policy." = "隐私协议";
  2484. "Buy Now" = "立即购买";
  2485. "Unlock All Features for Free"="免费解锁全部功能!";
  2486. "7-day Free Trial"="免费领取试用权益";
  2487. "PDF Reader Pro offers a 7-day free trial of the full functions."="点击免费试用,一键获取PDF Reader Pro全功能7天免费试用权益!";
  2488. "Key Features"="核心功能";
  2489. "Digital signature"="数字签名";
  2490. "Edit PDF"="编辑 PDF";
  2491. "Organize pages"="组织页面";
  2492. "Convert PDF"="转档PDF";
  2493. "Create & fill form"="创建和填写表格";
  2494. "OCR"="OCR";
  2495. "Free Trial"="免费试用";
  2496. "Buy Now"="立即购买";
  2497. "Subscription plans:\nSubscriptions: %@\n\n- Subscriptions will be charged through your iTunes account at the confirmation of purchase.\n- Your subscriptions will automatically renew unless cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of current subscription period.\n- Your iTunes account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, for the same duration and at the current subscription price.\n- You may manage your subscriptions in your iTunes Account Settings after purchase.\n- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during an active subscription period.\n\n- Terms of service:\nhttps://www.pdfreaderpro.com/terms_of_service\n- Privacy Policy:\nhttps://www.pdfreaderpro.com/privacy-policy" = "订阅计划:\n订阅: %@\n\n- 订阅费用将在确认购买时通过您的 iTunes 账户收取。\n- 请在当前订阅期结束前至少24小时取消订阅,否则订阅将自动续订。\n- 您的 iTunes 帐户将在当前订阅期结束前24小时内按照相同的订阅期限和当前的订阅价格收取续订费用。\n- 购买后,您可在您的 iTunes帐户设置中管理您的订阅。\n- 在有效订阅期内,不得取消当前订阅。\n\n- 服务条款:\nhttps://www.pdfreaderpro.com/terms_of_service\n- 隐私政策\nhttps://www.pdfreaderpro.com/privacy-policy";
  2498. "USD $39.99/(6 months), USD $79.99/(one-time purchase)" = "39.99 美元/(6 个月),79.99 美元/(一次性付费)";
  2499. "USD $39.99/(6 months), USD$59.99/(12 months), USD $59.99/(one-time purchase)" = "39.99 美元/(6 个月),59.99美元/(12个月),79.99 美元/(一次性付费)";
  2500. "Congrats! You can start enjoying the advanced features of PDF Reader Pro." = "恭喜!您可以开始享用PDF Reader Pro高级功能。";
  2501. "Show/Hide Panel"="显示/隐藏面板";
  2502. "Click “Panel” to expand and collapse the left navigation panel."="单击“面板”来展开或折叠左侧导航面板。";
  2503. "Previous"="上一步";
  2504. "Next"="下一步";
  2505. "Show/Hide Properties"="显示/隐藏属性";
  2506. "Click “Properties” to expand and collapse the right properties panel."="单击“属性”来展开或折叠右侧属性面板。";
  2507. "Skip"="跳过";
  2508. "Previous"="上一步";
  2509. "Next"="下一步";
  2510. "Customize Toolbar"="自定义工具栏";
  2511. "Right-click on the toolbar, select “Customize Toolbar“ in drop-down bar. Then reorder, add or remove tools displayed in the toolbar by simple drag and drop."="右键单击工具栏,在下拉栏中选择 “自定义工具栏”。通过拖放操作来重排、添加或删除工具栏中的工具。";
  2512. "Previous"="上一步";
  2513. "Finish"="完成";
  2514. "Digital Signature"="数字签名";
  2515. "Digital signature provides proof of the signer's identity and intent, ensuring a high level of security and authenticity, making you more productive to sign digital documents."="数字签名功能可验证签名者的身份和意图,确保文档的安全性和真实性,帮助您高效签署数字文档。";
  2516. "Compare PDFs"="文档对比";
  2517. "The document compare feature lets you quickly spot differences between two versions of a PDF for a better review process."="文档对比功能帮助您快速找出不同PDF之间的差异,从而更好地进行文档审核。";
  2518. "Got it"="知道了";
  2519. "Customize Color"="自定义颜色";
  2520. "Click on the color palette to choose more colors. "="单击调色板选择更多颜色。";
  2521. "Right click a color and select “Change Color...”"="右击一个颜色并选择 “更改颜色...”";
  2522. "Got it"="知道了";
  2523. "The Best PDF Converter"="最佳PDF转档器";
  2524. "Free convert first 10 pages."="免费转换文件前10页。";
  2525. "Convert PDFs to various file formats in high accuracy."="高质量地将PDF转换成各种文件格式。";
  2526. "Create PDFs from images or Office files."="从图像或Office文件创建 PDF。";
  2527. "Batch convert PDFs to improve productivity."="批量转换PDF,提高工作效率。";
  2528. "Close"="关闭";
  2529. "Convert All Pages"="转换所有页面";
  2530. "Free Trial PDF Reader Pro for 7 Days!"="PDF Reader Pro 7天免费试用!";
  2531. "Congrats! You are eligible to enjoy all advanced features in PDF Reader Pro."="恭喜!您现在可以使用PDF Reader Pro所有高级功能!";
  2532. "Start Now"="开始使用";
  2533. "What‘s New"="新功能";
  2534. "Digital Signature"="数字签名";
  2535. "Digital signature verify the authenticity and integrity of documents, agreements, or contract, ensuring that the signature cannot be tampered with and provides a higher level of security."="数字签名可验证文件、协议或合同的真实性和完整性,确保签名不会被篡改,并为文档提供更高级别的安全性。";
  2536. "Learn More"="了解更多";
  2537. "Purchase PDF to Office Pack"="购买PDF to Office转档包";
  2538. "The premium version can only convert first 10 pages."="标准版仅支持转档文件前10页。";
  2539. "Purchase PDF to Office Pack to convert all pages in high quality."="购买PDF to Office转档包,一键转档全部页面。";
  2540. "USD XXX"="USD XXX";
  2541. "One-time purchase"="一次性付费";
  2542. "Restore"="恢复购买";
  2543. "Privacy Policy"="隐私政策";
  2544. "Terms of Service"="服务条款";
  2545. "Double-click on the boxed area or tap Enter to confirm." = "通过双击裁剪区域或是Enter键来确认裁剪。";
  2546. "This document is not saved, are you sure you want to exit?" = "当前文档未保存,您确定要退出吗?";
  2547. "AI Tools"="AI工具";
  2548. "AI Summarize"="AI概括";
  2549. "AI Rewrite"="AI重写";
  2550. "AI Proofread"="AI校对";
  2551. "AI Translate"="AI翻译";
  2552. "My AI Credit"="我的AI权益";
  2553. "You have no credit"="暂无权益";
  2554. "Enter AI License"="输入AI序列码";
  2555. "Available credits this month"="本月可用权益点";
  2556. "Total credits"="总权益点";
  2557. "%@ days left on subscription"="订阅还剩%@天";
  2558. "Start by uploading a document (pdf)."="请上传一个PDF文件";
  2559. "Redo (1 credit)"="重做(1权益点)";
  2560. "(1 credit)"="(1权益点)";
  2561. "Please upload a file smaller than 10M."="请上传一个小于10M的文件";
  2562. "Summarize"="概括";
  2563. "Rewrite"="重写";
  2564. "Proofread"="校对";
  2565. "Translate"="翻译";
  2566. "Start by typing, pasting (⌘ + V) text"="请输入或粘贴(⌘ + V)一段文本";
  2567. "Start by typing, pasting (⌘ + V) text, or uploading a document (pdf)."="请输入或粘贴(⌘ + V)一段文本,或上传一个PDF文件";
  2568. "Purchase AI Tools"="购买AI工具";
  2569. "Level up your PDF workflow with AI assistant. Unlock advanced features like AI Summarize, AI Translate, AI Rewrite, AI Proofread. "="解锁 AI概括、AI翻译、AI重写、AI校对等高级功能。利用 AI助手提升文档处理效率。";
  2570. "Purchase for 50 credits within 30 days"="购买50权益点,30天内可用";
  2571. "AI Tools"="AI助手";
  2572. "Experience the Power of PDF AI Tools"="体验 PDF AI 的强大功能";
  2573. "• AI Summarize with a deep understanding of document"="• 将冗长的PDF文档提取为简洁、准确的摘要";
  2574. "• AI Translate your document without leaving a PDF"="• AI翻译文档,轻松翻译多国语言";
  2575. "• Check grammar, fix spelling errors to ensure a professional file"="• 智能校对文档,确保文件的专业性";
  2576. "• Rewrite your PDF to enhance style and polish content"="• 重写文本或段落,增强内容可读性";
  2577. "Learn More"="了解更多";
  2578. "Buy Now"="立刻购买";
  2579. "Translation Completion" = "翻译完成";
  2580. "You can click the \"Save as...\" button below to save the translated document." = "点击“另存为...”按钮,将翻译结果保存为TXT或PDF文件";
  2581. "Recommended file size: 10M or less."="文档建议大小:10M以内。";
  2582. "No more than 750 words in Chinese; no more than 2000 words in English."="中文不超过750字,英文不超过2000词。";
  2583. "No more than 750 words in Chinese; no more than 2000 words in English."="中文不超过750字,英文不超过2000词。";
  2584. "No more than 30 pages of a document."="文档不超过30页。";
  2585. "The results are not saved. Do you want to save them in other formats?"="结果未保存,是否将结果另存为其他格式?";
  2586. "Congratulations! You can start using PDF Reader Pro AI features."="恭喜!您可以开始使用PDF Reader Pro AI功能。";
  2587. "Click \"Save as PDF\" to save the result as a PDF file."="点击“另存为PDF”,将翻译结果保存为PDF文件。";
  2588. "PDF Reader Pro offers a 7-day free trial of the full functions (excluding AI)."="点击免费试用,一键获取PDF Reader Pro全功能 (不含AI) 7天免费试用权益!";
  2589. "Upgrade PDF Reader Pro to enjoy the full functions (excluding AI)."="升级PDF Reader Pro,一键解锁全部功能(不含AI) 。";
  2590. "Free trial expired. Upgrade PDF Reader Pro to enjoy the full functions (excluding AI)."="免费试用已过期,升级PDF Reader Pro,一键解锁全部功能(不含AI) 。";
  2591. "https://forms.gle/crjCAW4cnF7eq1vQ6" = "https://www.wjx.cn/vm/wDh2kYr.aspx#";
  2592. "Available credits this month"="本月可用权益点";
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  2942. "Complete screen & audio recorder and basic editing tool on Mac. " = "集录屏、录音、编辑、转换于一身的屏幕录制软件。高清录制,场景编辑!";
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  2962. //help
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  2976. "To set the initial PDF view settings, choose \"Use Current View Settings as Default\" from the PDF menu." = "选择“使用当前PDF阅读设置作为默认值”以设置初始 PDF 查看设置";
  2977. "Automatically save PDF Reader Pro Edition notes backups" = "自动保存 PDF Reader Pro Edition 笔记的备份";
  2978. "Keep snapshot windows on top" = "快照窗口置頂";
  2979. "Save passwords in Keychain:" = "在 Keychain 中保存密码:";
  2980. "Always" = "总是使用";
  2981. "Never" = "永不";
  2982. "Ask" = "询问";
  2983. "Reset" = "重置";
  2984. "Reset All" = "重置全部";
  2985. "Set the size of the thumbnails" = "设定缩略图大小";
  2986. "Restrict thumbnail sizes to discrete values" = "限制缩略图大小为离散值";
  2987. "Render smooth text" = "渲染平滑文字";
  2988. "Don't render characters smaller than this size" = "不渲染小于此大小的字符";
  2989. "Color to use for the background of the PDF view in normal mode" = "PDF普通查看模式下使用背景色";
  2990. "Color to use for the background of the PDF view in full screen mode" = "PDF全屏查看模式下使用背景色";
  2991. "Color to use for the reading bar" = "阅读栏的颜色";
  2992. "Select to mask the text outside the reading bar" = "选择阅读栏以外的文字遮罩";
  2993. "Font size to use for outlines" = "大纲的字体大小";
  2994. "Outline font size:" = "大纲的字体大小:";
  2995. "Color:" = "颜色:";
  2996. "Invert bar" = "反转栏:";
  2997. "Reading bar:" = "阅读栏:";
  2998. "Full Screen:" = "全屏:";
  2999. "Normal:" = "正常:";
  3000. "Background color:" = "背景颜色:";
  3001. "PDF display:" = "PDF 显示:";
  3002. "Greeking threshold:" = "Greeking 阀值:";
  3003. "Anti-alias text and line art" = "平滑文字和线条样式";
  3004. "Thumbnail sizes:" = "缩略图大小:";
  3005. "Discrete sizes" = "离散值大小";
  3006. "Snapshots:" = "快照:";
  3007. "Pages:" = "页面:";
  3008. "Color to use for new text notes" = "新文字的颜色";
  3009. "Color to use for new anchored notes" = "新便签的颜色";
  3010. "Color to use for new circle highlights" = "新圆形的颜色";
  3011. "Color to use for new box highlights" = "新四边形的颜色";
  3012. "Color to use for new highlights" = "新高亮的颜色";
  3013. "Color to use for new underlines" = "新下划线的颜色";
  3014. "Color to use for new strike-outs" = "新刪除线的颜色";
  3015. "Color to use for new freehand notes" = "新手绘笔记的颜色";
  3016. "Color to use for new lines" = "新线段的颜色";
  3017. "Border styles to use for new text notes" = "新文字的边框样式";
  3018. "Line styles to use for new lines" = "新线段的样式";
  3019. "Line styles to use for new freehand notes" = "新手绘笔记的线段样式";
  3020. "Line styles to use for new circle highlights" = "新圆形的线段样式";
  3021. "Line styles to use for new box highlights" = "新四边形的线段样式";
  3022. "Color to use for the interior of new circle highlights" = "新圆形內部的颜色";
  3023. "Color to use for the interior of new box highlights" = "新四边形内部的颜色";
  3024. "Font to use for new text notes" = "文字的字体";
  3025. "Font to use for new anchored notes" = "新便签的字体";
  3026. "Anchored:" = "便签:";
  3027. "Text:" = "文字:";
  3028. "Rect interior:" = "四边形內部:";
  3029. "Circle interior:" = "圆形內部:";
  3030. "Note lines and borders:" = "笔记线段以及边框:";
  3031. "Rect:"= "四边形:";
  3032. "Circle:" = "圆形:";
  3033. "Freehand:" = "手绘:";
  3034. "Line:" = "线段:";
  3035. "Note fonts:" = "笔记字体:";
  3036. "Note colors:" = "笔记颜色:";
  3037. "Strikethrough:" = "刪除线:";
  3038. "Underline:" = "下划线:";
  3039. "Highlight:" = "高亮:";
  3040. "Color to use for the interior of new lines" = "新线段内部的颜色";
  3041. "Line interior:" = "线段內部:";
  3042. "Align left" = "左对齐";
  3043. "Center" = "居中";
  3044. "Align right" = "右对齐";
  3045. "AI Tools"="AI工具";
  3046. "AI Summarize"="AI概括";
  3047. "AI Rewrite"="AI重写";
  3048. "AI Proofread"="AI校对";
  3049. "AI Translate"="AI翻译";
  3050. "My AI Credit"="我的AI权益";
  3051. "You have no credit"="暂无权益";
  3052. "Enter AI License"="输入AI序列码";
  3053. "Available credits this month"="本月可用权益点";
  3054. "Total credits"="总权益点";
  3055. "%@ days left on subscription"="订阅还剩%@天";
  3056. "Start by uploading a document (pdf)."="请上传一个PDF文件";
  3057. "Redo (1 credit)"="重做(1权益点)";
  3058. "(1 credit)"="(1权益点)";
  3059. "Please upload a file smaller than 10M."="请上传一个小于10M的文件";
  3060. "Summarize"="概括";
  3061. "Rewrite"="重写";
  3062. "Proofread"="校对";
  3063. "Translate"="翻译";
  3064. "Start by typing, pasting (⌘ + V) text"="请输入或粘贴(⌘ + V)一段文本";
  3065. "Start by typing, pasting (⌘ + V) text, or uploading a document (pdf)."="请输入或粘贴(⌘ + V)一段文本,或上传一个PDF文件";
  3066. "Purchase AI Tools"="购买AI工具";
  3067. "Level up your PDF workflow with AI assistant. Unlock advanced features like AI Summarize, AI Translate, AI Rewrite, AI Proofread. "="解锁 AI概括、AI翻译、AI重写、AI校对等高级功能。利用 AI助手提升文档处理效率。";
  3068. "Purchase for 50 credits within 30 days"="购买50权益点,30天内可用";
  3069. "AI Tools"="AI助手";
  3070. "Experience the Power of PDF AI Tools"="体验 PDF AI 的强大功能";
  3071. "• AI Summarize with a deep understanding of document"="• 将冗长的PDF文档提取为简洁、准确的摘要";
  3072. "• AI Translate your document without leaving a PDF"="• AI翻译文档,轻松翻译多国语言";
  3073. "• Check grammar, fix spelling errors to ensure a professional file"="• 智能校对文档,确保文件的专业性";
  3074. "• Rewrite your PDF to enhance style and polish content"="• 重写文本或段落,增强内容可读性";
  3075. "Learn More"="了解更多";
  3076. "Buy Now"="立刻购买";
  3077. "To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel." = "如果您需要激活AI序列码,请点击工具栏中的“AI工具” ,然后从右侧面板中点击“我的AI权益”。";
  3078. "Translation Completion" = "翻译完成";
  3079. "You can click the \"Save as...\" button below to save the translated document." = "点击“另存为...”按钮,将翻译结果保存为TXT或PDF文件";
  3080. "Recommended file size: 10M or less."="文档建议大小:10M以内。";
  3081. "No more than 750 words in Chinese; no more than 2000 words in English."="中文不超过750字,英文不超过2000词。";
  3082. "No more than 750 words in Chinese; no more than 2000 words in English."="中文不超过750字,英文不超过2000词。";
  3083. "No more than 30 pages of a document."="文档不超过30页。";
  3084. "The results are not saved. Do you want to save them in other formats?"="结果未保存,是否将结果另存为其他格式?";
  3085. "Congratulations! You can start using PDF Reader Pro AI features."="恭喜!您可以开始使用PDF Reader Pro AI功能。";
  3086. "Click \"Save as PDF\" to save the result as a PDF file."="点击“另存为PDF”,将翻译结果保存为PDF文件。";
  3087. "PDF Reader Pro offers a 7-day free trial of the full functions (excluding AI)."="点击免费试用,一键获取PDF Reader Pro全功能 (不含AI) 7天免费试用权益!";
  3088. "Upgrade PDF Reader Pro to enjoy the full functions (excluding AI)."="升级PDF Reader Pro,一键解锁全部功能(不含AI) 。";
  3089. "Free trial expired. Upgrade PDF Reader Pro to enjoy the full functions (excluding AI)."="免费试用已过期,升级PDF Reader Pro,一键解锁全部功能(不含AI) 。";
  3090. "https://forms.gle/crjCAW4cnF7eq1vQ6" = "https://www.wjx.cn/vm/wDh2kYr.aspx#";
  3091. "Available credits this month"="本月可用权益点";
  3092. "Credits to be unlocked"="待解锁权益点";
  3093. "Each use of the AI tools costs 1 credit." = "每使用一次AI工具将消耗一个权益点。";
  3094. "No more than 2000 characters." = "不超过2000字符。";
  3095. "Congrats! You are eligible to enjoy all advanced features (excluding AI) in PDF Reader Pro." = "恭喜!您現在可以使用PDF Reader Pro所有高級功能(不含AI)!";
  3096. "The task is already in process, if you cancel the process, AI Credit will not be returned, please confirm if you still need to cancel?" = "AI任务已经在处理中,如果您取消进程,AI 资产将不会被返还,请确认您是否仍要取消? ";
  3097. "Back " = "返回";
  3098. "Confirm Cancel" = "确认取消";
  3099. "Show AI robot icon"="显示AI快捷入口";
  3100. "Show/Hide AI robot icon"="显示/隐藏AI快捷入口";
  3101. "Right-click to hide AI robot icon. Show the icon again from the top right corner “My AI Credit”. "="右键隐藏AI快捷入口。点击右上角 \"我的AI权益 \"再次显示图标。";
  3102. "Hide AI robot icon"="隐藏AI快捷入口";
  3103. "1 credit for every 10,000 characters"="每10,000字符消耗1个权益点";
  3104. "You will cost:"="你将消耗:";
  3105. "(Total %@ characters)"="(共%@字符)";
  3106. "Insufficient credit"="权益点不足";
  3107. "Credits to be unlocked: "="待解锁权益点:";
  3108. "Error license. Please enter an AI license."="序列码错误。请输入AI序列码。";
  3109. "%@ credits" = "%@ 权益点";
  3110. "Each use of the AI tools costs 1 or more credits."="每使用一次AI工具将消耗一个或多个权益点。";
  3111. "Please Enter AI License"="请输入AI序列码";
  3112. "For PDF Reader Pro Permanent/Premium License, please click PDF Reader Pro on the menubar, then tap \"Enter License\"."="如果您购买的是PDF Reader Pro高级版/标准版序列码,请点击菜单栏中“PDF Reader Pro” - “输入序列码”激活。";
  3113. "en-new" = "zh";
  3114. "Comment" = "注释";
  3115. "Key" = "关键字";
  3116. "New Paragraph" = "新增段落";
  3117. "Paragraph" = "段落";
  3118. "Line Width:" = "线段宽度:";
  3119. "Line Style:" = "线段样式:";
  3120. "Dash Pattern:" = "虚线:";
  3121. "Start:" = "开始:";
  3122. "End:" = "结束:";
  3123. "Line and Border Style" = "线段和边框样式";
  3124. "Line Ending Style" = "线段尾部样式";
  3125. "Each use of the AI tools costs 1 or more credits."="每使用一次AI工具将消耗一个或多个权益点。";
  3126. "Please Enter AI License"="请输入AI序列码";
  3127. "For PDF Reader Pro Permanent/Premium License, please click PDF Reader Pro on the menubar, then tap \"Enter License\"."="如果您购买的是PDF Reader Pro高级版/标准版序列码,请点击菜单栏中“PDF Reader Pro” - “输入序列码”激活。";
  3128. "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "每10,000字符消耗1个权益点,文档不超过10M。";
  3129. "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "该序列码已被另一台设备使用,请更换AI序列码。";
  3130. "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "请前往您购买时提供的邮箱,确认PDF Reader Pro AI序列码。";
  3131. //MARK: - PreferenceWindow
  3132. /* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
  3133. "Revert all preferences to their original values" = "撤消所有的选项设置为原始值";
  3134. /* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492"; */
  3135. "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "撤消所有当前显示的选项设置为原始值";
  3136. "Select an area on the page to insert the image." = "在页面中框选区域,并添加图像";
  3137. "ascending sort" = "升序排列";
  3138. "descending sort" = "降序排列";
  3139. "Please add notes" = "请新增笔记内容";
  3140. "Confirm crop" = "确认裁剪";
  3141. "Cancel crop" = "取消裁剪";
  3142. "Restore crop" = "重新裁剪";
  3143. "1 button in group. At least 2 buttons needed." = "群组内至少包含2个按钮。";
  3144. "Close All Tabs" = "关闭所有页签";
  3145. "Anto" = "自适配";
  3146. "Edit text and image in PDF " = "编辑PDF中的文本和图片";
  3147. "Show All" = "展示所有";
  3148. "Done" = "完成";
  3149. "State" = "州";
  3150. "Page" = "页面";
  3151. "Cancel" = "取消";
  3152. "Ok" = "确认";
  3153. "Note" = "笔记";
  3154. "Text" = "文本";
  3155. "Highlight" = "高亮";
  3156. "Anchored" = "便签";
  3157. "Underline" = "下划线";
  3158. "Circle" = "圆形";
  3159. "Rectangle" = "矩形";
  3160. "Strikethrough" = "删除线";
  3161. "Line" = "直线";
  3162. "Close Current Tab" = "关闭当前页签";
  3163. /* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "Document Info"; ObjectID = "5"; */
  3164. "Document Info" = "文件简介";
  3165. /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Attributes"; ObjectID = "92"; */
  3166. "Attributes" = "属性";
  3167. /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94"; */
  3168. "Summary" = "摘要";
  3169. "This PDF has password protect." = "这是一个加密文档。";
  3170. "The password is invalid !" = "密码无效";
  3171. "AI Tools"="AI工具";
  3172. "Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="AI概括,AI翻译,AI重写,AI校对帮助您高效处理文档。";
  3173. "AI Summarize"="AI概括";
  3174. "AI Rewrite"="AI重写";
  3175. "AI Proofread"="AI校对";
  3176. "AI Translate"="AI翻译";
  3177. "Redo"="重做";
  3178. "Copy"="复制";
  3179. "Save as"="另存为";
  3180. "Select the AI tool"="请选择AI工具";
  3181. "Current File"="当前文档";
  3182. "Choose"="选择";
  3183. "Start (1 credit)"="开始(1权益点)";
  3184. "File size: 10M or less"="文档大小:10M以内";
  3185. "Please upload a file under 10M"="请选择10M以内的文档";
  3186. "You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="您可以概括当前文档,也可以点击“选择”来概括其他文件。";
  3187. "Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="重做将消耗1个权益点,您确定要重做吗?";
  3188. "Redo (1 credit)"="重做(1权益点)";
  3189. "Copy Successfully!"="复制成功!";
  3190. "Save as Text"="另存为Text";
  3191. "Save as PDF"="另存为PDF";
  3192. "Enter or paste content here..."="请输入或粘贴文本...";
  3193. "The translation is canceled."="本次翻译已取消";
  3194. "Start" = "开始";
  3195. "Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="AI概括,AI翻译,AI重写,AI校对帮助您高效处理文档。";
  3196. "Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="您可以概括当前文档,也可以点击“选择”来概括其他文件。";
  3197. "Clear session"="清除会话";
  3198. "All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="所有AI内容将会被清除。你确定要清除会话吗?";
  3199. "Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="您可以概括当前文档,也可以点击“选择”来概括其他文件。";
  3200. "Clear session"="清除会话";
  3201. "All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="所有AI内容将会被清除。你确定要清除会话吗?";
  3202. "Clear"="清除";
  3203. "Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "提示:每10,000字符消耗1个权益点。";
  3204. "Page" = "页面";
  3205. "Screen" = "屏幕";
  3206. "Synchronized Notes Document" = "同步过的笔记文件";
  3207. "OK" = "好";
  3208. "Cancel" = "取消";
  3209. "Effect:" = "效果:";
  3210. "Duration:" = "期间:";
  3211. "Extent:" = "扩展:";
  3212. "Distinct page transitions" = "独特的页面切换特效";
  3213. "Add a new hover quick entrance." = "新增悬浮快捷入口。";
  3214. "You can hide the hover bar in Settings." = "您可以在“设置”中隐藏悬停窗口。";
  3215. "Larger font size" = "字体放大";
  3216. "Reduce font size" = "字体缩小";
  3217. "Bold font" = "加粗字体";
  3218. "Italic font" = "倾斜字体";
  3219. "Center text" = "居中对齐文本";
  3220. "Rotate left" = "左旋转";
  3221. "Rotate right" = "右旋转";
  3222. "Crop" = "剪裁";
  3223. "Replace" = "替换";
  3224. "Export file" = "导出文件";
  3225. "Align left" = "左对齐";
  3226. "Align center" = "居中对齐";
  3227. "Align right" = "右对齐";
  3228. "Align both ends" = "两端对齐";
  3229. "Align top" = "上对齐";
  3230. "Align center in vertical" = "垂直居中对齐";
  3231. "Align bottom" = "下对齐";
  3232. "Align ends in vertical" = "垂直两端对齐";
  3233. "Flip" = "翻转";
  3234. "Align" = "对齐";
  3235. "Show quick entrance while editing content" = "编辑内容时显示快捷操作入口";
  3236. "Flip horizontal" = "水平翻转";
  3237. "Flip vertical" = "垂直翻转";
  3238. "Keep Proportions" = "等比调整";
  3239. "Redefine" = "重定义";
  3240. "Report a Bug" = "错误报告";
  3241. "Propose a New Feature" = "新功能建议";
  3242. "Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "反馈";
  3243. "Your email" = "电子邮件";
  3244. "Question Type" = "问题类型 ";
  3245. "General Questions" = "常见问题 ";
  3246. "Describe Question" = "描述问题";
  3247. "Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "请告诉我们详细信息,以便我们更快地为您提供帮助";
  3248. "With the log file" = "添加日志文件";
  3249. "Add or delete documents" = "添加或删除文档";
  3250. "Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "限制文件大小20M,最高上传10份文件";
  3251. "No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "不限制文件格式(目前支持PDF,Excel,Word,Powerpoint,TXT,HTML,MP4,图片等)";
  3252. "Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "添加失败:附件大小不能超过20M";
  3253. "Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "添加失败:最多上传10份文件";
  3254. "Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "感谢您的反馈!客服将在1个工作日内反馈至您的邮箱";
  3255. "Please fill in details" = "请填写详情";
  3256. "Please enter your email" = "请填写Email";
  3257. "Please reset the font weight via the drop-down box" = "请通过下拉框重设字重";
  3258. "General Properties" = "属性";
  3259. "From Image"="从图像";
  3260. "Measuring tools" = "测量工具";
  3261. "No related content found, please change keywords" = "未找到您所查找的内容,请更换关键词";
  3262. "Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty." = "比例不能小于0或为空。";
  3263. "Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "双击完成绘制。按Esc退出连续测量模式。";
  3264. "ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "按Esc完成绘制并退出连续测量模式。";
  3265. "Redact" = "标记密文";
  3266. "Redact Properties" = "密文属性";
  3267. "Search" = "搜索";
  3268. "Replace" = "替换";
  3269. "Match Whole Word" = "仅完整单词";
  3270. "Case Sensitive" = "区分大小写";
  3271. "Previous" = "上一个";
  3272. "Next" = "下一个";
  3273. "Replace with" = "替换为";
  3274. "Replace All" = "全部替换";
  3275. "To Json" = "PDF转Json";
  3276. "Json Worksheet Settings" = "Json工作表设置";
  3277. "Extract text content" = "提取文本内容";
  3278. "Extract tables" = "提取表格";
  3279. "White Out PDF" = "涂白";
  3280. "Measure" = "测量";
  3281. "Line" = "线段";
  3282. "Multilines" = "多线段";
  3283. "Polygon" = "多边形";
  3284. "Rectangle" = "矩形";
  3285. "Distance Measurement" = "距离测量";
  3286. "Scale" = "比例";
  3287. "Length" = "长度";
  3288. "Area" = "面积";
  3289. "Precision" = "精度";
  3290. "Angle" = "角度";
  3291. "X" = "X";
  3292. "Y" = "Y";
  3293. "Settings" = "设置";
  3294. "Measure Settings" = "测量设置";
  3295. "Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size" = "绘图尺寸: 实际尺寸";
  3296. "Precision Setting" = "精度设置";
  3297. "Show Caption" = "显示说明";
  3298. "Length" = "长度";
  3299. "Area" = "面积";
  3300. "Line" = "线段";
  3301. "Multilines" = "多线段";
  3302. "Polygon" = "多边形";
  3303. "Rectangle" = "矩形";
  3304. "Measuring Tools" = "测量工具";
  3305. "Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs" = "轻松在PDF文件上标注尺寸";
  3306. "The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs." = "利用测量工具,您可以精确测量PDF中图形的距离,周长、面积和角度,为工程师在PDF文件上标注尺寸数据提供理想解决方案。";
  3307. "Measure" = "测量";
  3308. "You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools." = "您可以使用测量工具精确测量图形距离、周长、面积和角度。";
  3309. "Replace Text" = "文本替换";
  3310. "Click the drop-down button to replace text." = "点击下拉按钮,轻松替换文本。";
  3311. "Measuring Tools" = "测量工具";
  3312. "Add Electronic Signature" = "添加电子签名";
  3313. "AI Tools Title" = "AI工具";
  3314. "Replace All" = "全部替换";
  3315. "Replace with" = "替换为";
  3316. "Previous" = "上一个";
  3317. "Next" = "下一个";
  3318. "No related content found, please change keyword." = "未找到您所查找的内容,请更换关键词。";
  3319. "Remove All Bookmarks" = "删除所有书签";
  3320. "Are you sure you want to set the selected page as the bookmark location?" = "您确定要将书签目标位置更改为当前页吗?";
  3321. "Squiggly" = "波浪线";
  3322. "Eraser" = "橡皮擦";
  3323. "From Clipboard" = "从剪切板";
  3324. "Contact Support" = "联系客服";
  3325. "You can unbind your license through our website." = "您可以通过我们的官网解绑您的序列码。";
  3326. "You have reached the maximum number of unbindings, please contact us." = "您已达到最大解绑次数,请联系我们。";
  3327. //链接处理
  3328. "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/store" = "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/zh-cn/store";
  3329. "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/store?utm_source=appdmg&utm_medium=pricingcard&utm_campaign=upgrade" = "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/zh-cn/store?utm_source=appdmg&utm_medium=pricingcard&utm_campaign=upgrade";
  3330. "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/store/upgrade?utm_source=appdmg&utm_medium=toptbr&utm_campaign=pdftooffice" = "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/zh-cn/store/upgrade?utm_source=appdmg&utm_medium=toptbr&utm_campaign=pdftooffice";
  3331. "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/store/pdf-pro-permanent-cross-platform-package?utm_source=appdmg&utm_medium=toptbr&utm_campaign=crossplatform" = "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/zh-cn/store/pdf-pro-permanent-cross-platform-package?utm_source=appdmg&utm_medium=toptbr&utm_campaign=crossplatform";
  3332. "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/store/aitools?utm_source=appdmg&utm_medium=allapp&utm_campaign=aitool" = "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/zh-cn/store/aitools?utm_source=appdmg&utm_medium=allapp&utm_campaign=aitool";
  3333. "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/store?mode=edu&utm_source=appdmg&utm_medium=toptbr&utm_campaign=edu" = "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/zh-cn/store?mode=edu&utm_source=appdmg&utm_medium=toptbr&utm_campaign=edu";
  3334. "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com" = "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/zh-cn";
  3335. "Distance" = "距离";
  3336. "Custom Scale" = "自定义比例";
  3337. "Start & End" = "开始&结束";
  3338. "Drop image here" = "将图片拖至此处";
  3339. "or" = "或";
  3340. "Select a File" = "选择文件";
  3341. "New Document" = "新文件";
  3342. "Old Document" = "旧文件";
  3343. "Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "无法在本文件中找到可删除的水印。如果您看到水印,其不是使用PDF Reader Pro 添加的,因此无法被检测到。";
  3344. "Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "确定要删除文件水印吗?";
  3345. "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/store?mode=edu" = "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/zh-cn/store?mode=edu";
  3346. "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/vpp-purchase-program" = "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/zh-cn/vpp-purchase-program";
  3347. "1-year Plan" = "一 年订阅";
  3348. "12 months" = "12个月";
  3349. "Billed every 12 months at %@ after %@-day trial ends." = "%@ 天试用期结束后,每 12 个月按 %@计费。";
  3350. "Billed every 12 months at %@" = "每 12 个月按 %@ 计费";
  3351. "%@ for the first year's subscription" = "首年订阅支付%@";
  3352. "%@ for the first 6-month subscription" = "首个半年订阅支付%@";
  3353. "Experience Now" = "立即体验";
  3354. "USD" = "CNY";
  3355. "Free" = "免费版";
  3356. "Permanent" = "高级版";
  3357. "Premium" = "标准版";
  3358. "Apply" = "应用";
  3359. "Billing Information" = "订单信息";
  3360. "Discount" = "优惠";
  3361. "Email to receive license code" = "用于接收序列码的邮箱";
  3362. "Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "邮箱地址无效,请重试";
  3363. "Email could not be null." = "邮箱地址不能为空";
  3364. "Extended Device Access" = "多设备权限升级包";
  3365. "Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "一个序列码可同时在两台设备上激活使用。";
  3366. "Support Mac or Windows device" = "支持激活平台:Windows/Mac";
  3367. "I have a coupon?" = "我有优惠券?";
  3368. "List Price" = "订单价";
  3369. "Name" = "姓名";
  3370. "PDF to Office Pack" = "PDF to Office转档包";
  3371. "One time purchase" = "一次性购买,即可永久无限制地转换多种格式。";
  3372. "Payment Method" = "支付方式";
  3373. "PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "PDF Reader Pro for Windows";
  3374. "Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "标准版+PDF转档包";
  3375. "One license for one device. One time purchase." = "一个序列码支持一台设备,一次购买永久授权。";
  3376. "Premium version" = "标准版";
  3377. "One license for one device. One time purchase." = "一个序列码支持一台设备,一次购买永久授权。";
  3378. "Your Order" = "您的订单";
  3379. "Total" = "总计";
  3380. "Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "试用已过期,升级至永久授权Pro版本";
  3381. "By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "申请免费试用,代表您同意隐私协议";
  3382. "Payment is being verified..." = "正在验证支付信息…";
  3383. "The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "当前订单页面已关闭,如果您已成功付款,请在您的邮箱中查看订单的当前状态。";
  3384. "AI Add-on" = "AI工具";
  3385. "Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "个人包月计划。手动续费。";
  3386. "PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "PDF Reader Pro AI工具包";
  3387. "50 credits for 30 days" = "50权益点,30天内可用";
  3388. "Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "手动续费,每月99元";
  3389. "PDF to Office" = "PDF to Office转档包";
  3390. "Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "离线将PDF转换成Word(.docx), Excel,(.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)";
  3391. "and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "等其他格式文件。一次购买永久授权";
  3392. "License Code" = "序列码";
  3393. "Not Found?" = "未找到?";
  3394. "Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "请检查信息是否正确或者网络是否异常。";
  3395. "The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "优惠劵代码无效、请重试。";
  3396. "Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "请输入正确的许可证代码。如何检索许可证。";
  3397. "Input license code previously activated the app" = "输入先前激活应用程序的许可证代码。";
  3398. "Continue to Pay" = "继续支付";
  3399. "1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "一个序列码可激活两台桌机设备(Mac和Windows)";
  3400. "Pay sum" = "支付金额";
  3401. "Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "点击此处申请教育折扣。申请批量采购折扣请联系我们。";
  3402. "Applied" = "已应用";
  3403. "Please enter a coupon code." = "请输入优惠券码。";
  3404. "Please enter your email for license receiving." = "请输入邮箱,用于接收序列码。";
  3405. "Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "暂未获取到支付状态,若已完成支付,请从邮箱查收序列码。";
  3406. "Postcode" = "邮编";
  3407. "Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "完成支付并成功激活软件,订单详情请前往邮箱查看。";
  3408. "Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "打开支付宝扫描二维码";
  3409. "Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "打开微信扫描二维码";
  3410. "The coupon code has expired." = "您的优惠券已过期。";
  3411. "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "您的优惠券已被使用,请更换优惠券码。";
  3412. "Purchased" = "购买";
  3413. "Successfully" = "成功";
  3414. "New Feature" = "新功能";
  3415. "By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "通过提交此订单,我同意订阅产品的%@和%@";
  3416. "Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "点击此处%@。申请批量采购折扣请%@。";
  3417. "Get Special Offer" = "申请教育折扣";
  3418. "Contact Us" = "联系我们";