MemberCenterLocalizable.strings 11 KB

  1. /*
  2. MemberCenterLocalizable.strings
  3. PDF Reader Pro
  4. Created by wanjun on 2024/10/21.
  5. */
  6. "Sign in" = "登录";
  7. "Sign in(titile)" = "登录PDF Reader Pro";
  8. "Verification Code" = "验证码登录";
  9. "Password" = "密码登录";
  10. "Welcome to PDF Reader Pro" = "欢迎使用 PDF Reader Pro";
  11. "Please enter email address" = "请输入邮箱";
  12. "Please enter code" = "请输入验证码";
  13. "Send" = "发送";
  14. "Stay signed in" = "保持登录";
  15. "Sign in(button)" = "立即登录";
  16. "I have read and agreed to the %@ and %@. An account will be automatically created after signing in with an unregistered email address." = "我已阅读并同意%@和%@,未注册的邮箱登录后将自动创建账号。";
  17. "Terms of Service" = "用户协议";
  18. "Privacy Policy" = "隐私政策";
  19. "Please agree and check the agreement first." = "请先同意并勾选以下协议。";
  20. "Forgot password?" = "忘记密码?";
  21. "Please enter password" = "请输入密码";
  22. "Email format error. Please enter the correct email." = "邮箱格式错误,请输入正确邮箱。";
  23. "Resend" = "重新发送";
  24. "Verification code error." = "验证码错误";
  25. "Password error." = "密码错误";
  26. "Reset Password" = "重置密码";
  27. "Next" = "下一步";
  28. "Previous Step" = "返回";
  29. "This email has not been registered, please log in through the account verification code, we will automatically register an account for you." = "此邮箱未注册,请通过账号验证码登录,我们会自动为您注册账号。";
  30. "We have sent you a code via email to" = "验证码已通过邮件发送至";
  31. "Please enter a new password" = "请输入新密码";
  32. "Finish" = "完成";
  33. "Sign out" = "退出登录";
  34. "Are you sure to sign out of your account?" = "确定要退出当前账号吗?";
  35. "Cancel" = "取消";
  36. "OK" = "确认";
  37. "Personal Account" = "个人账号";
  38. "Membership Benefits" = "会员权益 ";
  39. "devices" = "设备";
  40. "device" = "设备";
  41. "%d devices" = "%d 设备";
  42. "All-platform Available" = "全平台通用";
  43. "Upgrade Now" = "立即升级";
  44. "Account Center" = "用户中心";
  45. "Platform" = "平台";
  46. "Standard Version" = "标准版";
  47. "Locked" = "未解锁";
  48. "Advanced Version" = "高级版";
  49. "7-Day Free Trial" = "7天免费试用";
  50. "Permanent Plan" = "永久版";
  51. "Annual Plan" = "年订阅";
  52. "Devices Access" = "多设备登录";
  53. "%@ expires" = "%@ 到期";
  54. "Benefits of Functions" = "功能权益";
  55. "Buy Now" = "立即开通 ";
  56. "Hint" = "提示";
  57. "You are currently in a membership subscription. To prevent further deductions in the next cycle, please cancel your subscription on the payment platform before removing your account." = "您当前处于会员订阅中,以防下个周期继续扣费,请先在支付平台取消订阅后,再操作注销账户";
  58. "Got it" = "知道了";
  59. "Warning" = "警告";
  60. "Removing your account will permanently delete all account data, including the membership benefits of PDF Reader Pro across all platforms you purchased under this account. Are you sure you want to continue?" = "注销账号会永久删除一切账号数据,包括您在此账号下购买的其他端的PDF Reader Pro的权益。您确定要继续吗?";
  61. "Continue" = "继续注销";
  62. "Delete your account and related authorizations" = "删除您的账号和相关授权";
  63. "Your products and services:" = "您的产品与服务:";
  64. "Remove Account" = "注销账号";
  65. "Verify your identity" = "验证您的身份";
  66. "Account cancellation application has been submitted" = "账号注销申请已提交";
  67. "Your account will be automatically deleted in %@ days. Welcome to use PDF Reader Pro again!\nYou can log in with this account and choose to Undo Remove Account within %ld days, and continue to use. The benefits and product services you enjoy will be retained." = "您的帐户将于%@天后自动注销。欢迎您再次使用PDF Reader Pro的产品与服务!\n%@天内您可以使用此帐户登入并选择「撤销注销账号」,然后继续使用帐户,您享有的权益与产品服务将会保留。";
  68. "You have already submitted an account removal request. Please Undo Remove Account before making a purchase." = "您已提交注销账号申请。请先撤销注销账户,再进行购买。";
  69. "Undo Remove Account" = "撤销注销账户";
  70. "Restore your account successfully! Enjoy PDF Reader Pro now." = "撤销注销账户成功";
  71. "Renew now" = "立即续费";
  72. "Successfully subscribe PDF Reader Pro Advanced - Annual Plan!" = "成功购买 PDF Reader Pro 高级版 - 年订阅套餐!";
  73. "You get the chance to use AI Tools free for a year on the desktop version" = "赠送您一年AI,可在PDF Reader Pro PC版使用";
  74. "Free for the first year, then auto-renewal at $125.99 per year. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "首年0元,到期自动续费818.9元/年,可随时取消";
  75. "Pick up free AI Tools before 23:59:00, or it will be invalid" = "领取时间截至当日23:59:00";
  76. "Get 1-Year AI Tools with $0" = "0元领取一年AI";
  77. "Later" = "稍后领取";
  78. "Free to Get 7-Day VIP Now" = "即刻免费获得7天VIP!";
  79. "Use all functions without restrictions" = "无限制地使用所有功能";
  80. "Get 7-Day VIP Free" = "免费领取7天VIP";
  81. "Already have an account? %@" = "已经有账户了? %@";
  82. "Device Management" = "设备管理";
  83. "Device name" = "设备名称";
  84. "Action" = "操作";
  85. "Can keep %d devices online at the same time" = "可以保持%d台设备同时在线";
  86. "Can keep %d device online at the same time" = "可以保持%d台设备同时在线";
  87. "Do not log in to the current device" = "暂不登录当前设备";
  88. "Log in to the current device" = "登录当前设备";
  89. "Unbind" = "解绑";
  90. "PDF Reader Pro Standard - Annual Plan" = "PDF Reader Pro 标准版 - 年订阅";
  91. "PDF Reader Pro Advanced - Annual Plan" = "PDF Reader Pro 高级版 - 年订阅";
  92. "PDF Reader Pro Permanent" = "PDF Reader Pro 永久版";
  93. "Subscribe to All Access Pack to Enjoy More Expanded Features" = "升级会员套餐解锁更多功能";
  94. "Auto-renewal | Billed yearly" = "自动续费 | 年订阅";
  95. "(Tax Incl.)" = "(含税)";
  96. "6-Month Plan" = "半年订阅";
  97. "Monthly Plan" = "月订阅";
  98. "Permanent" = "永久使用";
  99. "Subscription" = "订阅";
  100. "expires" = "到期";
  101. "Free Use 1-Year AI Tools" = "0元领取1年AI";
  102. "Password cannot exceed 30 characters." = "密码不能超过30个字符。";
  103. "1-Year AI Tools Giveaway" = "赠送您一年AI";
  104. "Free for the first year, then automatically renew at $125.99 annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "首年0元,到期自动续费818.9元/年,可随时取消";
  105. "Service Agreement" = "服务协议";
  106. "Invalid token or token has expired." = "无效的token或者token已过期。";
  107. "Your device logged-in has been limited. Please log out from other devices first." = "您的登录设备已达上限,请退出其他设备重新登录。";
  108. "The user has not logged in. Please login before accessing." = "用户没有登录,请登录后再访问。";
  109. "Email code error!" = "验证码错误!";
  110. "Register error!" = "注册错误!";
  111. "The password is wrong, you can check the case status." = "密码错误,您可以检查大小写状态。";
  112. "Code action error." = "验证码操作错误。";
  113. "Code send error." = "验证码发送错误。";
  114. "Mail send error." = "邮件发送错误。";
  115. "Code send too quickly!" = "验证码发送频繁!";
  116. "This email is already associated with an account. please log in." = "该邮箱已有账号,请前往登录。";
  117. "The current account is not registered. Click Next and we will register an account for you." = "当前账号未注册,点击下一步我们将为您注册账号。";
  118. "The account is being removed and unable to log in. If you have any questions, please get in touch with customer service." = "账户注销中,无法登录,若有问题可联系客服。";
  119. "Please enter the correct email format." = "请输入正确的邮箱格式。";
  120. "Password is inconsistent, please re-enter." = "密码不一致,请重新输入。";
  121. "The password must contain 6 to 24 characters." = "密码请包含6~24个字符。";
  122. "Please add auth config" = "请添加身份验证配置。";
  123. "You are still subscribing and cannot remove your account at the moment. Please wait until the subscription period is over." = "您目前还在订阅中,暂时无法注销,请订阅结束后再进行操作。";
  124. "Time conversion failed." = "时间转换失败。";
  125. "Password cannot contain spaces." = "密码不能包含空格。";
  126. "Abnormal payment method." = "支付方式异常。";
  127. "The current event is not supported yet." = "当前事件暂不支持。";
  128. "This account has been logged in on other devices." = "账号已在其他设备登录。";
  129. "The current email address has been deactivated or is in the account cancellation state." = "当前邮箱已被停用或者处于注销中状态。";
  130. "Ticket verification of AppStore failed." = "AppStore票据验证失败。";
  131. "Ticket verification of AppStore needs to be retried." = "AppStore票据验证需要重试。";
  132. "The user has subscribed to this product." = "用户已订阅该产品。";
  133. "Restoring purchases is not supported yet." = "恢复购买暂不支持。";
  134. "The user's transaction is canceled or failed." = "用户交易取消或失败。";
  135. "The current order is not recorded, please try again later." = "当前订单未记录,请稍后重试。";
  136. "Same user, no need to process." = "同一用户,无需处理。";
  137. "Third-party payment is illegal." = "第三方支付非法。";
  138. "Order does not exist." = "订单不存在。";
  139. "Order status abnormal." = "订单状态异常。";
  140. "Transaction duplicate." = "交易重复。";
  141. "The ticket has been blocked." = "票据已被冻结。";
  142. "The current ticket has created an order." = "当前票据已创建订单。";
  143. "The user is not an educational user." = "用户不是教育用户。";
  144. "The user has education purchase orders in the past year." = "用户近一年有教育购买订单。";
  145. "The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Standard Plan and cannot purchase the Advance Plan." = "用户已有标准版订阅,无法购买高级版。";
  146. "The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Advance Plan and cannot purchase the Standard Plan." = "用户已有高级版订阅,无法购买标准版。";
  147. "The Permanent Plan user cannot upgrade to the Standard Plan." = "买断用户无法升级为标准版订阅。";
  148. "The coupon code does not exist." = "优惠券不存在。";
  149. "Wrong coupon code type." = "优惠券类型错误。";
  150. "Coupon-associated product error." = "优惠券关联产品错误。";
  151. "The coupon code has expired." = "优惠券已失效。";
  152. "The product does not exist." = "产品不存在。";
  153. "Please get in touch with us for the latest discounts." = "请联系我们获取最新折扣。";
  154. "Verification of Apple's Transaction failed." = "验证苹果交易失败。";
  155. "Verification of Google's Transaction failed." = "验证谷歌交易失败。";
  156. "Price error." = "价格错误。";
  157. "Order creation failed." = "订单创建失败。";
  158. "This user is already a subscription member of PDF Reader Pro. Are you sure you want to share benefits?" = "该用户已经是PDF Reader Pro订阅版会员,确定再赠送吗?";
  159. "This user is already a permanent member of PDF Reader Pro. You don't need to share benefits anymore." = "该用户已经是PDF Reader Pro永久版会员,无需再赠送哦~";
  160. "User does not exist." = "用户不存在。";
  161. "The user already has a prize draw!" = "用户已经抽过奖啦!";