// // KMPDFCropWindowController.swift // PDF Reader Pro // // Created by liujiajie on 2024/1/9. // import Foundation @objc enum KMPDFCropType: Int { case CropBox = 0 case ArtBox case TrimBox case BleedBox } typealias cropWindowCloseBlock = (_ doc: CPDFDocument) ->Void class KMPDFCropWindowController: NSWindowController, CPDFViewDelegate, NSWindowDelegate, NSTextFieldDelegate, NSComboBoxDelegate{ var previewDocument: CPDFDocument? var originalDocument: CPDFDocument? var password: String = "" var pagesString: String = "" var pageType: KMPDFSelectPageStringType = .AllPages var currentPage: Int = 0 var cropRect: CGRect = CGRectZero var defaultCropRect: CGRect = CGRectZero var selectPages = NSMutableArray() var cropEdgeInsets: NSEdgeInsets = .init(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0) var drawPageRect: CGRect = CGRectZero @IBOutlet var unitLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var unitPopUpButton: NSPopUpButton! @IBOutlet var marginBox: NSBox! @IBOutlet var marginLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var applyLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var applyPopUpButton: NSPopUpButton! @IBOutlet var topLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var bottomLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var leftLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var rightLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var topDistanceText: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var bottomDistanceText: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var leftDistanceText: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var rightDistanceText: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var topStepper: NSStepper! @IBOutlet var bottomStepper: NSStepper! @IBOutlet var leftStepper: NSStepper! @IBOutlet var rightStepper: NSStepper! @IBOutlet var proportButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var marginsButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var zeroButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var revertButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var pageSizeBox: NSBox! @IBOutlet var pageSizeLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var pageSizePopUpButton: NSPopUpButton! @IBOutlet var fixedSizeButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var customButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var centerButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var widthLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var heightLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var xLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var yLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var widthText: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var heightText: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var xText: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var yText: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var pageRangeLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var pageRangeComboBox: NSComboBox! @IBOutlet var cancelButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var saveButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var printButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var previewPageButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var nextPageButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet var currentPageIndexTextF: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var totalPageCountLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet var pdfView: KMCropPDFView! @IBOutlet var cropLabel: NSTextField! var fileAttribute: KMFileAttribute! var isChangePageSize = false var cropWindowCloseBlock: cropWindowCloseBlock? convenience init(document:CPDFDocument, pwd:String, currentPage:Int, cropSize:CGRect, selectPageString:String) { self.init(windowNibName: "KMPDFCropWindowController") self.currentPage = currentPage self.defaultCropRect = cropRect if selectPageString.count > 0 { self.pagesString = String(format: "%ld", (Int(selectPageString) ?? 0) + 1) self.pageType = .PagesString let nu: NSNumber = Int(selectPageString)! as NSNumber self.selectPages.add(nu) }else { self.pageType = .AllPages } self.password = pwd self.originalDocument = document } convenience init(documentPath: URL, selectPages: String){ self.init(windowNibName: "KMPDFCropWindowController") if selectPages.count > 0 { self.pagesString = String(format: "%ld", (Int(selectPages) ?? 0) + 1) self.pageType = .PagesString let nu: NSNumber = Int(selectPages)! as NSNumber self.selectPages.add(nu) }else { self.pageType = .AllPages } self.originalDocument = CPDFDocument(url: documentPath) } override func windowDidLoad() { super.windowDidLoad() self.cropRect = self.defaultCropRect fileAttribute = KMFileAttribute() fileAttribute.filePath = self.originalDocument?.documentURL.path ?? "" self.pdfView.wantsLayer = true self.pdfView.layer?.borderColor = NSColor.black.cgColor self.pdfView.layer?.borderWidth = 2 self.pdfView.backgroundColor = NSColor.white self.pdfView.autoScales = true self.pdfView.delegate = self self.localizedString() self.fixedSizeButton.state = .on self.customButton.state = .off self.centerButton.isEnabled = false self.xText.isEnabled = false self.yText.isEnabled = false self.widthText.isEnabled = false self.heightText.isEnabled = false self.centerButton.state = .on let numberFormatter = self.currentPageIndexTextF.formatter as! NumberFormatter numberFormatter.maximum = NSNumber(value: self.originalDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) self.totalPageCountLabel.stringValue = String(format: "%ld", self.originalDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) let currentPageIndex = self.pdfView.currentPageIndex//self.pdfView.document!.index(for: self.pdfView.currentPage()!) self.currentPageIndexTextF.stringValue = "\(currentPageIndex + 1)" self.updateSizeView() self.topStepper.minValue = 0 self.leftStepper.minValue = 0 self.rightStepper.minValue = 0 self.bottomStepper.minValue = 0 self.changePrePDFView() self.reloadPDFWithIndex() self.updateCropViewLabel() let tPage = self.previewDocument?.page(at: UInt(self.currentPage)) self.pdfView.go(to: tPage) } func windowShouldClose(_ sender: NSWindow) -> Bool { close() return true } override func close() { if (self.cropWindowCloseBlock != nil) { cropWindowCloseBlock!(originalDocument!) } if ((self.window?.isSheet) != nil) { // self.window?.sheetParent?.endSheet(self.window!) } else { super.close() } } func updateCropViewLabel() { let unitScanl: CGFloat = self.unitConversion() var mat: String = NSLocalizedString("Cropped page size:", comment: "") if (0 == self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem) { mat = NSLocalizedString("Cropped page size:", comment: "") } else if (1 == self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem) { mat = NSLocalizedString("ArtBox size:", comment: "") } else if (2 == self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem) { mat = NSLocalizedString("TrimBox size:", comment: "") } else { mat = NSLocalizedString("BleedBox size:", comment: "") } if (0 == self.pageSizePopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem && self.fixedSizeButton.state == .on) { if (.on == self.marginsButton.state) { let orgPage: CPDFPage = (self.originalDocument?.page(at: UInt(self.currentPage)))! let rect: NSRect = KMCropTools.getPageForegroundBox(orgPage) self.cropLabel.stringValue = String(format: "%@%@ * %@%@", mat, self.formatFloat(Float(rect.size.width/unitScanl)), self.formatFloat(Float(rect.size.height/unitScanl)), self.unitPopUpButton.title) } else { self.cropLabel.stringValue = String(format: "%@%@ * %@%@", mat, self.formatFloat(Float(self.cropRect.size.width/unitScanl)), self.formatFloat(Float(self.cropRect.size.height/unitScanl)), self.unitPopUpButton.title) } } else { self.cropLabel.stringValue = String(format: "%@%@ * %@%@", KMLocalizedString("Expanded page size:", nil), self.formatFloat(Float(self.drawPageRect.size.width/unitScanl)), self.formatFloat(Float(self.drawPageRect.size.height/unitScanl)), self.unitPopUpButton.title) } } func formatFloat(_ f: Float) -> String { if f.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) == 0 { // If there is one decimal place return String(format: "%.0f", f) } else if (f * 10).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) == 0 { // If there are two decimal places return String(format: "%.1f", f) } else { return String(format: "%.2f", f) } } func handlerReDraw() { if drawPageRect.size.width < 0 || drawPageRect.size.height < 0 { NSSound.beep() return } else { for i in 0..<(originalDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) { if selectPages.contains(i) { let page = KMCropPDFPage() page.setBounds(NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: drawPageRect.size.width, height: drawPageRect.size.height), for: .mediaBox) let cropPage = originalDocument?.page(at: i) page.cropDrawingPage = cropPage originalDocument?.insertPageObject(page, at: i) originalDocument?.removePage(at: i) } } } } func updateView() { let page = originalDocument?.page(at: UInt(currentPage)) let pageBounds = page?.bounds(for: .mediaBox) let tCropRect = CGRect(x: cropEdgeInsets.left, y: cropEdgeInsets.bottom, width: (pageBounds?.width ?? 0) - cropEdgeInsets.left - cropEdgeInsets.right, height: (pageBounds?.height ?? 0) - cropEdgeInsets.top - cropEdgeInsets.bottom) cropRect = tCropRect changePrePDFView() } func unitConversion() -> CGFloat { var unitScanl: CGFloat = 1.0 if (0 == self.unitPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem) { unitScanl = 595.0/21.0 } else if (1 == self.unitPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem) { unitScanl = 595.0/210.0 } else { unitScanl = (595.0/21.0) * 2.54 } return unitScanl } func getDrawPages() { let pages = NSMutableArray() if 0 == self.pageRangeComboBox.indexOfSelectedItem { for i in 0..<(self.originalDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) { pages.add(i) } } else if 1 == self.pageRangeComboBox.indexOfSelectedItem { for i in 0..<(self.originalDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) { if i % 2 == 0 { pages.add(i) } } } else if 2 == self.pageRangeComboBox.indexOfSelectedItem { for i in 0..<(self.originalDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) { if i % 2 != 0 { pages.add(i) } } } else { fileAttribute.bAllPage = false fileAttribute.pagesType = .custom fileAttribute.pagesString = self.pageRangeComboBox.stringValue for num in fileAttribute.fetchSelectPages() { pages.add(num - 1) } } if pages.count < 1 { let alert = NSAlert() alert.alertStyle = .critical alert.messageText = String(format: "%@%@", self.originalDocument?.documentURL.lastPathComponent ?? "", KMLocalizedString("Invalid page range or the page number is out of range. Please try again.", nil)) alert.runModal() } else { self.selectPages = pages } } func reloadPDFWithIndex() { self.pdfView.documentView().enclosingScrollView?.hasVerticalScroller = false self.pdfView.documentView().enclosingScrollView?.hasHorizontalScroller = false let pageCount = self.previewDocument?.pageCount let currentPageIndex = self.previewDocument?.index(for: self.pdfView.currentPage()) self.currentPageIndexTextF.stringValue = "\((currentPageIndex ?? 0)+1)" self.totalPageCountLabel.stringValue = String(format:NSLocalizedString(" / %ld", comment: ""), pageCount ?? 0) } func updateLocationXY() { guard centerButton.state == .on else { return } let unitScanl = unitConversion() let page = originalDocument?.page(at: UInt(currentPage)) let pageBounds = page?.bounds(for: .mediaBox) let x = (drawPageRect.size.width - (pageBounds?.size.width ?? 0)) / (2 * unitScanl) let y = (drawPageRect.size.height - (pageBounds?.size.height ?? 0)) / (2 * unitScanl) xText.stringValue = formatFloat(Float(x)) yText.stringValue = formatFloat(Float(y)) } func handerReDraw() { if drawPageRect.size.width < 0 || drawPageRect.size.height < 0 { NSSound.beep() return } else { for i in 0..<(originalDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) { if selectPages.contains(i) { let newPage = KMCropPDFPage() newPage.setBounds(NSMakeRect(0, 0, drawPageRect.size.width, drawPageRect.size.height), for: .mediaBox) let cropPage = self.originalDocument?.page(at: i) newPage.cropDrawingPage = cropPage self.originalDocument?.insertPageObject(newPage, at: i) self.originalDocument?.removePage(at: i) } } } } @IBAction func buttonItemClick_Proport(_ sender: NSButton) { var mint = min(cropEdgeInsets.bottom, cropEdgeInsets.top) mint = min(mint, cropEdgeInsets.left) mint = min(mint, cropEdgeInsets.right) cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsets(top: mint, left: mint, bottom: mint, right: mint) let unitScanl = unitConversion() rightStepper.stringValue = formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.right/unitScanl)) topDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.top/unitScanl)))" leftDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.left/unitScanl)))" bottomDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.bottom/unitScanl)))" rightDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.right/unitScanl)))" if proportButton.state == .on { marginsButton.state = .off } updateView() updateCropViewLabel() } @IBAction func buttonClicked_Margin(_ sender: NSButton) { if marginsButton.state == .on { proportButton.state = .off topDistanceText.isEnabled = false bottomDistanceText.isEnabled = false leftDistanceText.isEnabled = false rightDistanceText.isEnabled = false topStepper.isEnabled = false bottomStepper.isEnabled = false leftStepper.isEnabled = false rightStepper.isEnabled = false previewDocument = CPDFDocument() for i in 0..<(originalDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) { var page: CPDFPage? = nil if selectPages.contains(i) { page = CPDFPage() let orgPage = originalDocument?.page(at: i) let rect = KMCropTools.getPageForegroundBox(orgPage ?? CPDFPage()) let pageBounds = orgPage?.bounds(for: .mediaBox) ?? NSRect.zero page?.setBounds(pageBounds, for: .mediaBox) page?.cropDrawingPage = orgPage page?.cropRect = rect } else { page = originalDocument?.page(at: i) } previewDocument?.insertPageObject(page, at: previewDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) } pdfView.document = previewDocument pdfView.needsDisplay = true } else { topDistanceText.isEnabled = true bottomDistanceText.isEnabled = true leftDistanceText.isEnabled = true rightDistanceText.isEnabled = true topStepper.isEnabled = true bottomStepper.isEnabled = true leftStepper.isEnabled = true rightStepper.isEnabled = true cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsets(top: CGFloat(topDistanceText.floatValue), left: CGFloat(leftDistanceText.floatValue), bottom: CGFloat(bottomDistanceText.floatValue), right: CGFloat(rightDistanceText.floatValue)) let unitScanl = unitConversion() rightStepper.stringValue = formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.right/unitScanl)) topDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.top/unitScanl)))" leftDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.left/unitScanl)))" bottomDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.bottom/unitScanl)))" rightDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.right/unitScanl)))" updateView() } updateCropViewLabel() } @IBAction func buttonItemClick_Zero(_ sender: NSButton) { cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0) let unitScanl = unitConversion() rightStepper.stringValue = formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.right/unitScanl)) topDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.top/unitScanl)))" leftDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.left/unitScanl)))" bottomDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.bottom/unitScanl)))" rightDistanceText.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(cropEdgeInsets.right/unitScanl)))" marginsButton.state = .off proportButton.state = .off updateView() updateCropViewLabel() } @IBAction func buttonItemClick_Revert(_ sender: NSButton) { cropRect = defaultCropRect marginsButton.state = .off proportButton.state = .off changePrePDFView() updateCropViewLabel() } @IBAction func buttonItemClick_Cancel(_ sender: NSButton) { self.km_quick_endSheet() super.close() } @IBAction func buttonItemClick_Save(_ sender: NSButton) { self.window?.makeFirstResponder(nil) self.getDrawPages() if self.selectPages.count < 1 { let alert = NSAlert() alert.alertStyle = .critical alert.messageText = "\(self.originalDocument?.documentURL.path.lastPathComponent ?? "") \(NSLocalizedString("Invalid page range or the page number is out of range. Please try again.", comment: ""))" alert.runModal() return } if self.pageSizePopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem == 0 && self.fixedSizeButton.state == .on { var box = CPDFDisplayBox.mediaBox if self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem == 0 { box = .cropBox } else if self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem == 1 { box = .artBox } else if self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem == 2 { box = .trimBox } else { box = .bleedBox } let page = self.originalDocument?.page(at: UInt(currentPage)) let pageBounds = page?.bounds(for: .mediaBox) if self.marginsButton.state == .on { for i in 0..<(selectPages.count) { let num: NSNumber = selectPages[i] as! NSNumber let page = self.originalDocument?.page(at: UInt((num.intValue))) let rect = KMCropTools.getPageForegroundBox(page ?? CPDFPage()) page?.setBounds(rect, for: .cropBox) } } else { let tCropRect = NSMakeRect( self.cropEdgeInsets.left, self.cropEdgeInsets.bottom, pageBounds!.size.width - self.cropEdgeInsets.left - self.cropEdgeInsets.right, pageBounds!.size.height - self.cropEdgeInsets.top - self.cropEdgeInsets.bottom ) self.selectPages.forEach { num in let page = self.originalDocument?.page(at: UInt((num as! NSNumber).intValue)) page?.setBounds(tCropRect, for: box) if self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem != 0 { page?.setBounds(tCropRect, for: .cropBox) } } } } else { var isAllow = true for num in self.selectPages { let page = self.originalDocument?.page(at: UInt((num as! NSNumber).intValue)) let pageBounds = page?.bounds(for: .mediaBox) if self.drawPageRect.size.width < pageBounds!.size.width || self.drawPageRect.size.height < pageBounds!.size.height { isAllow = false break } } if !isAllow { NSSound.beep() return } self.handerReDraw() } self.close() } @IBAction func buttonItemClick_Print(_ sender: NSButton) { self.window?.makeFirstResponder(nil) self.getDrawPages() if self.selectPages.count < 1 { let alert = NSAlert() alert.alertStyle = .critical alert.messageText = "\(String(describing: self.originalDocument?.documentURL.path.lastPathComponent)) \(NSLocalizedString("Invalid page range or the page number is out of range. Please try again.", comment: ""))" alert.runModal() return } var fileName: String = "" if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: kCropPrintFolderPath()) == false { let success: ()? = try?FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: kCropPrintFolderPath(), withIntermediateDirectories: false) if success == nil { return } } fileName = "cropPDF.pdf" fileName = kCropPrintFolderPath().stringByAppendingPathComponent(fileName) let tDocuemnt = CPDFDocument() for i in 0..<(self.originalDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) { if let page = self.originalDocument?.page(at: i) { tDocuemnt?.insertPageObject(page as? CPDFPage, at: tDocuemnt?.pageCount ?? 0) } } if 0 == self.pageSizePopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem && self.fixedSizeButton.state == .on { var box: CPDFDisplayBox = .mediaBox if 0 == self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem { box = .cropBox } else if 1 == self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem { box = .artBox } else if 2 == self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem { box = .trimBox } else { box = .bleedBox } if let page = self.originalDocument?.page(at: UInt(self.currentPage)) { let pageBounds = page.bounds(for: .mediaBox) if self.marginsButton.state == .on { for i in 0..<self.selectPages.count { let num: NSNumber = self.selectPages[i] as! NSNumber if let page = tDocuemnt?.page(at: UInt(num.intValue)) { let rect = KMCropTools.getPageForegroundBox(page) page.setBounds(rect, for: .cropBox) } } } else { let tCropRect = CGRect(x: self.cropEdgeInsets.left, y: self.cropEdgeInsets.bottom, width: pageBounds.size.width - self.cropEdgeInsets.left - self.cropEdgeInsets.right , height: pageBounds.size.height - self.cropEdgeInsets.top - self.cropEdgeInsets.bottom) for i in 0..<self.selectPages.count { let num: NSNumber = self.selectPages[i] as! NSNumber if let page = tDocuemnt?.page(at: UInt(num.intValue)) { page.setBounds(tCropRect, for: box) if 0 != self.applyPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem { page.setBounds(tCropRect, for: .cropBox) } } } } } } else { var isAllow = true for num in self.selectPages { if let page = self.originalDocument?.page(at: UInt((num as! NSNumber).intValue)) { let pageBounds = page.bounds(for: .mediaBox) if self.drawPageRect.size.width < pageBounds.size.width || self.drawPageRect.size.height < pageBounds.size.height { isAllow = false break } } } if !isAllow { NSSound.beep() return } if self.drawPageRect.size.width < 0 || self.drawPageRect.size.height < 0 { NSSound.beep() return } else { for i in 0..<(tDocuemnt?.pageCount ?? 0) { let page: KMCropPDFPage? if self.selectPages.contains(NSNumber(value: i)) { page = KMCropPDFPage() page?.setBounds(NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.drawPageRect.size.width, height: self.drawPageRect.size.height), for: .mediaBox) if let cropPage = tDocuemnt?.page(at: i) { page?.cropDrawingPage = cropPage } if let thePage = page { tDocuemnt?.insertPageObject(thePage, at: i) tDocuemnt?.removePage(at: i+1) } } } } } guard let isSuc = tDocuemnt?.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: fileName )) else { return } if isSuc { let pdf = PDFDocument(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: fileName )) let printInfo = NSPrintInfo.shared var printOperation: NSPrintOperation? printOperation = pdf?.printOperation(for: printInfo, scalingMode: .pageScaleNone, autoRotate: true) printOperation?.runModal(for: self.window!, delegate: self, didRun: nil, contextInfo: nil) } } @IBAction func buttonItemClick_FixedSize(_ sender: NSButton) { self.fixedSizeButton.state = .on self.customButton.state = .off self.pageSizePopUpButton.isEnabled = true self.widthText.isEnabled = false self.heightText.isEnabled = false if self.pageSizePopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem != 0 { self.centerButton.isEnabled = true self.xText.isEnabled = true self.yText.isEnabled = true self.xText.stringValue = "0" self.yText.stringValue = "0" self.isChangePageSize = false self.topDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.bottomDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.leftDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.rightDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.topStepper.isEnabled = false self.bottomStepper.isEnabled = false self.leftStepper.isEnabled = false self.rightStepper.isEnabled = false self.marginsButton.isEnabled = false self.zeroButton.isEnabled = false self.revertButton.isEnabled = false self.proportButton.isEnabled = false self.applyPopUpButton.isEnabled = false } else { self.isChangePageSize = true self.centerButton.isEnabled = false self.xText.isEnabled = false self.yText.isEnabled = false let tSize = KMPageSizeTool.getPaperSize(paperName: self.pageSizePopUpButton.stringValue) self.drawPageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: tSize.width * 595.0/210, height: tSize.height * 842.0/297.0) self.topDistanceText.isEnabled = true self.bottomDistanceText.isEnabled = true self.leftDistanceText.isEnabled = true self.rightDistanceText.isEnabled = true self.topStepper.isEnabled = true self.bottomStepper.isEnabled = true self.leftStepper.isEnabled = true self.rightStepper.isEnabled = true self.marginsButton.isEnabled = true self.zeroButton.isEnabled = true self.revertButton.isEnabled = true self.proportButton.isEnabled = true self.applyPopUpButton.isEnabled = true } updateCropViewLabel() } @IBAction func buttonClicked_PageSize(_ sender: NSPopUpButton) { if (0 == sender.indexOfSelectedItem) { self.isChangePageSize = false self.centerButton.isEnabled = false self.xText.isEnabled = false self.yText.isEnabled = false self.xText.floatValue = 0 self.yText.floatValue = 0 self.marginsButton.state = NSControl.StateValue.off if (NSControl.StateValue.on != self.marginsButton.state) { self.topDistanceText.isEnabled = true self.bottomDistanceText.isEnabled = true self.leftDistanceText.isEnabled = true self.rightDistanceText.isEnabled = true self.topStepper.isEnabled = true self.bottomStepper.isEnabled = true self.leftStepper.isEnabled = true self.rightStepper.isEnabled = true } else { self.topDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.bottomDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.leftDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.rightDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.topStepper.isEnabled = false self.bottomStepper.isEnabled = false self.leftStepper.isEnabled = false self.rightStepper.isEnabled = false } self.marginsButton.isEnabled = true self.zeroButton.isEnabled = true self.revertButton.isEnabled = true self.proportButton.isEnabled = true self.applyPopUpButton.isEnabled = true } else { self.topDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.bottomDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.leftDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.rightDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.topStepper.isEnabled = false self.bottomStepper.isEnabled = false self.leftStepper.isEnabled = false self.rightStepper.isEnabled = false self.marginsButton.isEnabled = false self.zeroButton.isEnabled = false self.revertButton.isEnabled = false self.proportButton.isEnabled = false self.applyPopUpButton.isEnabled = false self.isChangePageSize = true let menuItem = self.pageSizePopUpButton.itemTitle(at: self.pageSizePopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem) let tSize = KMPageSizeTool.getPaperSize(paperName: menuItem) self.drawPageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: tSize.width * 595.0/210, height: tSize.height * 842.0/297.0) self.centerButton.isEnabled = true self.xText.isEnabled = true self.yText.isEnabled = true } updateLocationXY() changePrePDFView() updateCropViewLabel() } @IBAction func buttonItemClick_CustomSize(_ sender: NSButton) { self.fixedSizeButton.state = NSControl.StateValue.off self.customButton.state = NSControl.StateValue.on self.widthText.isEnabled = true self.heightText.isEnabled = true self.centerButton.isEnabled = true self.xText.isEnabled = true self.yText.isEnabled = true self.topDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.bottomDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.leftDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.rightDistanceText.isEnabled = false self.topStepper.isEnabled = false self.bottomStepper.isEnabled = false self.leftStepper.isEnabled = false self.rightStepper.isEnabled = false self.marginsButton.isEnabled = false self.zeroButton.isEnabled = false self.revertButton.isEnabled = false self.proportButton.isEnabled = false self.applyPopUpButton.isEnabled = false self.pageSizePopUpButton.isEnabled = false self.isChangePageSize = true self.drawPageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: Int(self.widthText.floatValue), height: Int(self.heightText.floatValue)) updateLocationXY() changePrePDFView() updateCropViewLabel() } @IBAction func buttonItemClick_Center(_ sender: NSButton) { if (NSControl.StateValue.on == sender.state) { updateLocationXY() } else { self.xText.stringValue = "0 \(self.unitPopUpButton.title)" self.yText.stringValue = "0 \(self.unitPopUpButton.title)" } } @IBAction func comboBoxItemClick_PageRange(_ sender: NSButton) { if (0 == self.pageRangeComboBox.indexOfSelectedItem || 1 == self.pageRangeComboBox.indexOfSelectedItem || 2 == self.pageRangeComboBox.indexOfSelectedItem) { self.pageRangeComboBox.delegate = nil self.window?.makeFirstResponder(self) self.pageRangeComboBox.isEditable = false self.getDrawPages() self.changePrePDFView() } else if (3 == self.pageRangeComboBox.indexOfSelectedItem) { self.pageRangeComboBox.delegate = self self.pageRangeComboBox.stringValue = "" self.pageRangeComboBox.isEditable = true self.window?.makeFirstResponder(self.pageRangeComboBox) } } @IBAction func buttonClicked_Unit(_ sender: NSPopUpButton) { if self.unitPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem == 1 { self.cropLabel.stringValue = "(\(NSLocalizedString("mm", comment: "")))" } else if self.unitPopUpButton.indexOfSelectedItem == 0 { self.cropLabel.stringValue = "(\(NSLocalizedString("cm", comment: "")))" } else { self.cropLabel.stringValue = "(\(NSLocalizedString("in", comment: "")))" } updateSizeView() updateCropViewLabel() } @IBAction func buttonClicked_AppleType(_ sender: NSPopUpButton) { if (0 == sender.indexOfSelectedItem) { self.marginsButton.isEnabled = true } else { self.marginsButton.isEnabled = false } updateCropViewLabel() } @IBAction func stepperItemClick_Distance(_ sender: NSButton) { let unitScanl: CGFloat = unitConversion() if sender == topStepper { self.topDistanceText.stringValue = String(format: "%.2f", self.topStepper.floatValue) let formatter = self.topStepper.floatValue * Float(unitScanl) self.cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(CGFloat(formatter), self.cropEdgeInsets.left, self.cropEdgeInsets.bottom, self.cropEdgeInsets.right) } else if sender == bottomStepper { self.bottomDistanceText.stringValue = String(format: "%.2f", self.bottomStepper.floatValue) let formatter = self.bottomStepper.floatValue * Float(unitScanl) self.cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(self.cropEdgeInsets.top, self.cropEdgeInsets.left, CGFloat(formatter), self.cropEdgeInsets.right) } else if sender == leftStepper { self.leftDistanceText.stringValue = String(format: "%.2f", self.leftStepper.floatValue) let formatter = self.leftStepper.floatValue * Float(unitScanl) self.cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(self.cropEdgeInsets.top, CGFloat(formatter), self.cropEdgeInsets.bottom, self.cropEdgeInsets.right) } else if sender == rightStepper { self.rightDistanceText.stringValue = String(format: "%.2f", self.rightStepper.floatValue) let formatter = self.rightStepper.floatValue * Float(unitScanl) self.cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(self.cropEdgeInsets.top, self.cropEdgeInsets.left, self.cropEdgeInsets.bottom, CGFloat(formatter)) } updateView() updateCropViewLabel() } @IBAction func goPrevious(_ sender: NSButton) { if self.pdfView.canGoToPreviousPage() { self.pdfView.goToPreviousPage(nil) } self.reloadPDFWithIndex() } @IBAction func goNext(_ sender: NSButton) { if self.pdfView.canGoToNextPage() { self.pdfView.goToNextPage(nil) } self.reloadPDFWithIndex() } //MARK: NSTextFieldDelegate func controlTextDidEndEditing(_ obj: Notification) { guard let textField = obj.object as? NSTextField else { return } guard let page = originalDocument?.page(at: UInt(currentPage)) else { return } let pageBounds = page.bounds(for: .mediaBox) if textField == topDistanceText { let unitScale = unitConversion() var unitMax = CGFloat(textField.floatValue) * CGFloat(unitScale) if unitMax > pageBounds.size.height { unitMax = pageBounds.size.width textField.stringValue = "\(Float(pageBounds.size.height/unitScale))" } else if unitMax <= 0 { unitMax = 0 textField.stringValue = "0" } topStepper.stringValue = textField.stringValue cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(unitMax, cropEdgeInsets.left, cropEdgeInsets.bottom, cropEdgeInsets.right) updateView() } else if textField == bottomDistanceText { let unitScale = unitConversion() var unitMax = CGFloat(textField.floatValue) * CGFloat(unitScale) if unitMax > pageBounds.size.height { unitMax = pageBounds.size.height textField.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(pageBounds.size.height/unitScale)))" } else if unitMax <= 0 { unitMax = 0 textField.stringValue = "0" } bottomStepper.stringValue = textField.stringValue cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(cropEdgeInsets.top, cropEdgeInsets.left, unitMax, cropEdgeInsets.right) updateView() } else if textField == leftDistanceText { let unitScale = unitConversion() var unitMax = CGFloat(textField.floatValue) * CGFloat(unitScale) if unitMax > pageBounds.size.width { unitMax = pageBounds.size.width textField.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(pageBounds.size.width/unitScale)))" } else if unitMax <= 0 { unitMax = 0 textField.stringValue = "0" } leftStepper.stringValue = textField.stringValue cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(cropEdgeInsets.top, unitMax, cropEdgeInsets.bottom, cropEdgeInsets.right) updateView() } else if textField == rightDistanceText { let unitScale = unitConversion() var unitMax = CGFloat(textField.floatValue) * CGFloat(unitScale) if unitMax > pageBounds.size.height { unitMax = pageBounds.size.width textField.stringValue = "\(formatFloat(Float(pageBounds.size.width/unitScale)))" } else if unitMax <= 0 { unitMax = 0 textField.stringValue = "0" } rightStepper.stringValue = textField.stringValue cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(cropEdgeInsets.top, cropEdgeInsets.left, cropEdgeInsets.bottom, unitMax) updateView() } else if textField == widthText { let unitScale = unitConversion() let unitMax = CGFloat(textField.floatValue) * CGFloat(unitScale) drawPageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: unitMax, height: drawPageRect.size.height) updateLocationXY() changePrePDFView() } else if textField == heightText { let unitScale = unitConversion() let unitMax = CGFloat(textField.floatValue) * CGFloat(unitScale) drawPageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: drawPageRect.size.width, height: unitMax) updateLocationXY() changePrePDFView() } else if textField == currentPageIndexTextF { pdfView.go(to: originalDocument?.page(at: UInt(Int(currentPageIndexTextF.stringValue)! - 1))!) } else if textField == pageRangeComboBox { getDrawPages() changePrePDFView() } updateCropViewLabel() } func changePrePDFView() { previewDocument = CPDFDocument() for i in 0..<(self.originalDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) { var page: CPDFPage! if self.selectPages.contains(i) { let doc = CPDFDocument() if self.marginsButton.state == .on { page = CPDFPage() let orgPage: CPDFPage = (self.originalDocument?.page(at: i))! let rect = KMCropTools.getPageForegroundBox(orgPage) let pageBounds = orgPage.bounds(for: .mediaBox) page?.setBounds(pageBounds, for: .mediaBox) page?.cropDrawingPage = orgPage page?.cropRect = rect } else { page = self.originalDocument?.page(at: i)! let orgPage = self.originalDocument?.page(at: i)! if self.isChangePageSize { page?.setBounds(self.drawPageRect, for: .mediaBox) page?.isChangePageSize = true } else { let pageBounds = orgPage?.bounds(for: .mediaBox) page.setBounds(pageBounds ?? .zero, for: .mediaBox) } page?.cropRect = self.cropRect page?.cropDrawingPage = orgPage page?.cropOffsetX = CGFloat(self.xText.floatValue) page?.cropOffsetY = CGFloat(self.yText.floatValue) // // let info = KMCropInfo() // info.drawPage = page // self.pdfView.drawInfo.append(info) } } else { page = self.originalDocument?.page(at: i)! } self.previewDocument?.insertPageObject(page, at: self.previewDocument?.pageCount ?? 0) } self.pdfView.document = self.previewDocument self.pdfView.layoutDocumentView() self.pdfView.needsDisplay = true let tPage = self.previewDocument?.page(at: 0)! self.pdfView.go(to: tPage) self.currentPageIndexTextF.stringValue = "\(1)" } func updateSizeView() { let page = self.originalDocument?.page(at: UInt(self.currentPage))! let pageBounds = page?.bounds(for: .mediaBox) self.cropEdgeInsets = NSEdgeInsets(top: (pageBounds?.size.height ?? 0) - self.cropRect.maxY, left: self.cropRect.origin.x, bottom: self.cropRect.origin.y, right: (pageBounds?.size.width ?? 0) - self.cropRect.maxX) let unitScale = self.unitConversion() self.topStepper.stringValue = self.formatFloat(Float(self.cropEdgeInsets.top / unitScale)) self.leftStepper.stringValue = self.formatFloat(Float(self.cropEdgeInsets.left / unitScale)) self.bottomStepper.stringValue = self.formatFloat(Float(self.cropEdgeInsets.bottom / unitScale)) self.rightStepper.stringValue = self.formatFloat(Float(self.cropEdgeInsets.right / unitScale)) self.topDistanceText.stringValue = "\(self.formatFloat(Float(self.cropEdgeInsets.top / unitScale)))" self.leftDistanceText.stringValue = "\(self.formatFloat(Float(self.cropEdgeInsets.left / unitScale)))" self.bottomDistanceText.stringValue = "\(self.formatFloat(Float(self.cropEdgeInsets.bottom / unitScale)))" self.rightDistanceText.stringValue = "\(self.formatFloat(Float(self.cropEdgeInsets.right / unitScale)))" self.leftStepper.maxValue = (pageBounds?.size.width ?? 0) / unitScale self.rightStepper.maxValue = (pageBounds?.size.width ?? 0) / unitScale self.topStepper.maxValue = (pageBounds?.size.height ?? 0) / unitScale self.bottomStepper.maxValue = (pageBounds?.size.height ?? 0) / unitScale } func localizedString() { self.unitLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Unit:", comment: "") self.marginLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Margin Controls", comment: "") self.applyLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Apply to:", comment: "") self.pageSizeLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Change Page Size", comment: "") self.pageRangeLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Page Range:", comment: "") self.widthLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Width:", comment: "") self.heightLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Height:", comment: "") self.xLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("XOffset:", comment: "") self.yLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("YOffset:", comment: "") self.topLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Top:", comment: "") self.bottomLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Bottom:", comment: "") self.leftLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Left:", comment: "") self.rightLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Right:", comment: "") self.zeroButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Set To Zero", comment: "") self.marginsButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Remove White Margins", comment: "") self.proportButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Constrain Proport", comment: "") self.revertButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Revert To Selection", comment: "") self.fixedSizeButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Fixed Sizes", comment: "") self.customButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Custom", comment: "") self.centerButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Center", comment: "") self.cancelButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "") self.saveButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Done", comment: "") self.printButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Print", comment: "") self.pageRangeComboBox.addItems(withObjectValues: [NSLocalizedString("All Pages", comment: ""), NSLocalizedString("Odd Pages Only", comment: ""), NSLocalizedString("Even Pages Only", comment: ""), NSLocalizedString("e.g. 1,3-5,10", comment: "")]) self.pageRangeComboBox.placeholderString = NSLocalizedString("e.g. 1,3-5,10", comment: "") if (.AllPages == self.pageType) { self.pageRangeComboBox.selectItem(at: 0) self.pageRangeComboBox.isEditable = false } else if(.OnlyOdd == self.pageType){ self.pageRangeComboBox.selectItem(at: 1) self.pageRangeComboBox.isEditable = false } else if(.AllPages == self.pageType){ self.pageRangeComboBox.selectItem(at: 2) self.pageRangeComboBox.isEditable = false } else { self.pageRangeComboBox.selectItem(at: 3) self.pageRangeComboBox.isEditable = true self.pageRangeComboBox.stringValue = self.pagesString } self.unitPopUpButton.removeAllItems() let items = [NSLocalizedString("cm", comment: ""), NSLocalizedString("mm", comment: ""), NSLocalizedString("in", comment: "")] self.unitPopUpButton.addItems(withTitles: items) self.unitPopUpButton.selectItem(at: 0) self.xText.stringValue = "0" + self.unitPopUpButton.title self.yText.stringValue = "0" + self.unitPopUpButton.title self.widthText.stringValue = "0" + self.unitPopUpButton.title self.heightText.stringValue = "0" + self.unitPopUpButton.title self.applyPopUpButton.removeAllItems() let applyItems = [NSLocalizedString("CropBox", comment: ""), NSLocalizedString("ArtBox", comment: ""), NSLocalizedString("TrimBox", comment: ""), NSLocalizedString("BleedBox", comment: "")] self.applyPopUpButton.addItems(withTitles: applyItems) self.applyPopUpButton.selectItem(at: 0) let paperArray = KMPageSizeTool.paperSize() var pageSizeItems = [Any]() pageSizeItems.append(contentsOf: paperArray) self.pageSizePopUpButton.removeAllItems() self.pageSizePopUpButton.addItems(withTitles: pageSizeItems as! [String]) self.pageSizePopUpButton.insertItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("None", comment: ""), at: 0) self.pageSizePopUpButton.selectItem(at: 0) } func kCropPrintFolderPath() -> String { let rootPath = KMDataManager.fetchAppSupportOfBundleIdentifierDirectory().path return rootPath.stringByAppendingPathComponent("Crop") } }