//  KMEditPDfHanddler.swift
//  PDF Reader Pro
//  Created by tangchao on 2024/6/16.

import Cocoa

@objc enum KMRightSideLastState: Int {
    case none = 0
    case open = 1
    case close = 2

// EditPDF处理对象
class KMEditPDfHanddler: NSObject {
    weak var viewC: KMMainViewController?
    static let kRightSideLastStateKey = "KMRightSideLastStateKey"
    // 正在新增文本块
    var addTextAreaing = false
    var fontSizeChanging = false
    var textAlignChanging = false
    weak var listView: CPDFListView? {
        get {
            return self.viewC?.listView
    var annotationType: CAnnotationType {
        get {
            return self.listView?.annotationType ?? .unkown
    weak var rightViewC: KMRightSideViewController? {
        get {
            return self.viewC?.rightSideViewController
    var subViewType: RightSubViewType {
        get {
            return self.rightViewC?.subViewType ?? .None
//    var toolMode: CToolMode {
//        get {
//            return
//        }
//    }
    var isEditImage: Bool {
        get {
            return self.listView?.isEditImage ?? false
    var isEditing: Bool {
        get {
            return self.listView?.isEditing() ?? false
    var editingConfig: CPDFEditingConfig? {
        get {
            return self.listView?.editingConfig()
    var editingAreas: [CPDFEditArea] {
        get {
            return self.listView?.editingAreas() as? [CPDFEditArea] ?? []
    var editingImageAreas: [CPDFEditImageArea] {
        get {
            var areas: [CPDFEditImageArea] = []
            for area in self.editingAreas {
                if let data = area as? CPDFEditImageArea {
            return areas
    var editingTextAreas: [CPDFEditTextArea] {
        get {
            var areas: [CPDFEditTextArea] = []
            for area in self.editingAreas {
                if let data = area as? CPDFEditTextArea {
            return areas
    var rightSideLastState: KMRightSideLastState {
        get {
            let state = KMDataManager.ud_integer(forKey: Self.kRightSideLastStateKey)
            return KMRightSideLastState(rawValue: state) ?? .none
        set {
            KMDataManager.ud_set(newValue.rawValue, forKey: Self.kRightSideLastStateKey)
    private var startPoint_: NSPoint = .zero
    func enterEditPDF() {
        let cnt = self.viewC?.leftSideViewController.leftView.segmentedControl.selectedSegment ?? UInt8.max
        if cnt == 0 {
            self.viewC?.search(searchString: "", isCase: false, display: true, needShowAll: false)
        let toolMode = self.listView?.toolMode ?? .none
        if toolMode != .editPDFToolMode { // 退出
            NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name.init(rawValue: "CPDFDocumentPageCountChangedNotification"), object: self.listView?.document)
        if self.rightSideLastState == .open {
        } else {
        self.listView?.annotationType = .editTextImage
        // 设置边框颜色
        self.editingConfig?.editingBorderColor = .clear
        // 设置边框宽度
//        self.editingConfig?.editingBorderWidth = 10
        // 内容与边框的间距
//        self.editingConfig?.editAreaMargin = .init(floatLiteral: 5)
        // 设置选中块边框颜色
//        self.editingConfig?.editingSelectionBorderColor = .red
        // 显示hover边框
        self.editingConfig?.isShowMouseAreaHover = true
        // hover
        // 边框宽度
//        self.editingConfig?.mouseHoverBorderWidth = 1
        // 边框颜色
        self.editingConfig?.mouseHoverBorderColor = NSColor(hex: "#999999")
        // 边框虚线设置
        self.editingConfig?.mouseHoverBorderDashPattern = [3,3,3]
        // 块填充颜色(拖拽中)
//        self.editingConfig?.editAreaMoveFillColor = .cyan
        // 是否显示位置辅助线
        self.editingConfig?.isShowEditingAreaHover = true
        // 辅助线颜色
//        self.editingConfig?.editingHoverBorderColor = .brown
        // 支持多选
        self.editingConfig?.isSupportMultipleSelectEditingArea = true
        // 图片是否显示8个操作点
        self.editingConfig?.isDrawRectWithDot = true
//        self.editingConfig?.editingMouseSelectionBorderColor
        self.editingConfig?.editingMouseSelectionBorderWidth = 1
        self.editingConfig?.editingMouseSelectionBorderDashPattern = [3, 3, 3]
    func commitEditing() {
        let isEdited = self.listView?.isEdited() ?? false
        let isPDFTextImageEdited = self.viewC?.model.isPDFTextImageEdited ?? false
        if isEdited || isPDFTextImageEdited {
            self.viewC?.model.isPDFTextImageEdited = false
    func openRightPane() {
        let state = self.rightSideLastState
        if state == .none || state == .open {
    func closeRightPane() {
        self.rightViewC?.isHidden = true
    func showPopWindow(positionRect: NSRect, showGuide: Bool) {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
        let show = KMPreference.shared.editPDFPopWindowIsShow
        if !show {
        let win = KMEditPDFPopToolBarWindow.shared
        let areas = self.editingAreas
        win.isMultiple = areas.count > 1
        var hasText = false
        var hasImage = false
        var fontColors: [NSColor] = []
        for area in areas {
            if let data = area as? CPDFEditTextArea {
                hasText = true
                if let color = self.listView?.editingSelectionFontColor(with: data) {
            if area is CPDFEditImageArea {
                hasImage = true
        var style: KMEditPDFToolbarStyle = []
        if hasText {
        if hasImage {
        win.style = style
        win.model.editingAreas = areas
        win.model.fontColors = fontColors
        win.model.fontNames = self._editAreasFontNames()
        win.model.fontSizes = self._editAreasFontSizes()
        win.model.fontBolds = self._editAreasFontBolds()
        win.model.fontItalics = self._editAreasFontItalics()
        win.model.textAlignments = self._editAreasTextAlignments()
        win.model.rotates = self._editAreasRotates()
        win.model.opacitys = self._editAreasOpacitys()
        let area = (self.listView?.editingAreas().first as? CPDFEditArea)
        var areaBounds = (self.listView?.convert(area!.bounds, from: area!.page) as? NSRect) ?? .zero
        var maxX = NSMaxX(areaBounds)
        var maxY = NSMaxY(areaBounds)
        for area in self.editingAreas {
//            let bounds = area.bounds
            let bounds = (self.listView?.convert(area.bounds, from: area.page) as? NSRect) ?? .zero
            areaBounds.origin.x = min(areaBounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.x)
            areaBounds.origin.y = min(areaBounds.origin.y, bounds.origin.y)
            maxX = max(maxX, NSMaxX(bounds))
            areaBounds.size.width = maxX-areaBounds.origin.x
            maxY = max(maxY, NSMaxY(bounds))
            areaBounds.size.height = maxY-areaBounds.origin.y
        self.startPoint_ = self.listView?.documentView().documentVisibleRect.origin ?? .zero
        win.show(relativeTo: areaBounds, of: self.viewC!.listView, preferredEdge: .maxY)
        win.animator().alphaValue = 1
        win.itemClick = { [weak self] itemKey, obj in
            if itemKey == .color {
                self?.fontColorAction(color: obj as? NSColor)
            } else if itemKey == .fontStyle {
                self?.fontStyleAction(fontName: obj as? String)
            } else if itemKey == .fontAdd {
            } else if itemKey == .fontReduce {
            } else if itemKey == .fontBold {
            } else if itemKey == .fontItalic {
            } else if itemKey == .textAlignment {
                self?.textAlignmentAction(align: obj as? NSTextAlignment ?? .left)
            // 图片
            else if itemKey == .leftRotate {
            } else if itemKey == .rightRotate {
            } else if itemKey == .reverseX {
            } else if itemKey == .reverseY {
            } else if itemKey == .crop {
            } else if itemKey == .replace {
            } else if itemKey == .export {
                if let data = obj as? NSView {
            // 对齐
            else if itemKey == .alignmentLeft {
                self?.alignmentAction(align: .Left)
            } else if itemKey == .alignmentCenterX {
                self?.alignmentAction(align: .Horizontally)
            } else if itemKey == .alignmentRight {
                self?.alignmentAction(align: .Right)
            } else if itemKey == .alignmentjustifiedX {
                self?.alignmentAction(align: .DisHorizontally)
            } else if itemKey == .alignmentTop {
                self?.alignmentAction(align: .Top)
            } else if itemKey == .alignmentCenterY {
                self?.alignmentAction(align: .Vertical)
            } else if itemKey == .alignmentBottom {
                self?.alignmentAction(align: .Bottom)
            } else if itemKey == .alignmentjustifiedY {
                self?.alignmentAction(align: .DisVertical)
        // 显示新手引导
        if let toolbarView = (win.contentViewController as? KMEditPDFPopToolBarController)?.toolbarView {
            if showGuide {
    func hiddenPopWindow() {
        let win = KMEditPDFPopToolBarWindow.shared
    func showCropComfirmWindow() {
        let winC = KMEditPDFCropComfirmWindowController.shared
        if KMEditPDFPopToolBarWindow.shared.isVisible {
            let winFrame = KMEditPDFPopToolBarWindow.shared.frame
            let x = winFrame.origin.x + (NSWidth(winFrame)-84) * 0.5
            let frame = NSMakeRect(x, winFrame.origin.y, 84, 44)
            winC.window?.setFrame(frame, display: true)
        } else {
            let area = (self.listView?.editingAreas().first as? CPDFEditArea)
            let areaBounds = (self.listView?.convert(area!.bounds, from: area!.page) as? NSRect) ?? .zero
            let positioningView = self.listView
            let winFrame = positioningView?.window?.frame ?? .zero
            let toView: NSView? = nil
            var position = positioningView?.convert(areaBounds.origin, to: toView) ?? .zero
            position.x += winFrame.origin.x
            position.y += winFrame.origin.y
            position.y += areaBounds.size.height
            position.y += 26
            let x = position.x + (NSWidth(areaBounds)-84) * 0.5
            let frame = NSMakeRect(x, position.y, 84, 44)
            winC.window?.setFrame(frame, display: true)
        winC.itemAction = { [weak self] idx, _ in
            if idx == 0 { // 确认
            } else if idx == 1 { // 取消
    func hiddenCropComfirmWindow() {
        let winC = KMEditPDFCropComfirmWindowController.shared
    func showGuideView(_ view: NSView) {
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) {
            if KMGuideInfoWindowController.availableShow(.editPDFPopWindow) {
                var winFrame = self.viewC?.view.window?.frame ?? .zero
                winFrame.size.height -= 20
                guard let area = (self.listView?.editingAreas().first as? CPDFEditArea) else {
                var areaBounds = (self.listView?.convert(area.bounds, from: area.page) as? NSRect) ?? .zero
                var maxX = NSMaxX(areaBounds)
                var maxY = NSMaxY(areaBounds)
                for area in self.editingAreas {
    //            let bounds = area.bounds
                    let bounds = (self.listView?.convert(area.bounds, from: area.page) as? NSRect) ?? .zero
                    areaBounds.origin.x = min(areaBounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.x)
                    areaBounds.origin.y = min(areaBounds.origin.y, bounds.origin.y)
                    maxX = max(maxX, NSMaxX(bounds))
                    areaBounds.size.width = maxX-areaBounds.origin.x
                    maxY = max(maxY, NSMaxY(bounds))
                    areaBounds.size.height = maxY-areaBounds.origin.y
                let guideWC = KMGuideInfoWindowController.currentWC()
                guideWC.type = .editPDFPopWindow
                var viewFrame = areaBounds
                let tmpY = areaBounds.origin.y+(areaBounds.size.height-KMEditPDFPopGuideView.kHeight+80)
                if tmpY < 50 {
                    guideWC.editPDFPopWindowFlag = true
                    viewFrame.origin.y += (areaBounds.size.height)
                    viewFrame.origin.x += (areaBounds.size.width*0.5+KMEditPDFPopGuideView.kWidth*0.5)
                    viewFrame.origin.y += 20
                } else {
                    guideWC.editPDFPopWindowFlag = false
                    viewFrame.origin.y += (areaBounds.size.height-KMEditPDFPopGuideView.kHeight+80)
                    viewFrame.origin.x += (areaBounds.size.width*0.5+KMEditPDFPopGuideView.kWidth*0.5)
                    viewFrame.size.height = KMEditPDFPopGuideView.kHeight+80
                    let offsetY = NSMaxY(winFrame)-NSMaxY(viewFrame)-NSMinY(winFrame)
                    if offsetY <= 0 {
                        viewFrame.origin.y += offsetY
                guideWC.digitalBoxRect = viewFrame
                var beh = view.window?.collectionBehavior ?? []
                guideWC.window?.collectionBehavior = beh
                guideWC.window?.setFrame(winFrame, display: false)
                guideWC.window?.minSize = winFrame.size
                guideWC.window?.maxSize = winFrame.size
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    guideWC.interfaceThemeDidChanged(NSApp.appearance?.name ?? .aqua)
                guideWC.settingCallback = {
    func clearData() {
    func hiddenWindows() {

// MARK: - Private Methods

extension KMEditPDfHanddler {
    private func _kAddchildwindow(_ childW: NSWindow?) {
        guard let win = childW else {
        self.viewC?.view.window?.addChildWindow(win, ordered: .above)
    private func _kRemoveChildWindow(_ childW: NSWindow?) {
        guard let win = childW else {
        let contains = self.viewC?.view.window?.childWindows?.contains(win) ?? false
        if contains {
    private func _addNotification() {
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(_scrollViewDidScroll), name: NSScrollView.didLiveScrollNotification, object: self.listView?.documentView())
    private func _removeNotification() {
        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSScrollView.didLiveScrollNotification, object: self.listView?.documentView())
    @objc private func _scrollViewDidScroll(_ noti: Notification) {
        if let data = self.listView?.documentView().isEqual(to: noti.object), data {
            let win = KMEditPDFPopToolBarWindow.shared
            if win.isVisible == false {
//                return
            guard let area = (self.listView?.editingAreas()?.first as? CPDFEditArea) else {
            let isEditImage = self.listView?.isEditImage ?? false
            if isEditImage {
                let winC = KMEditPDFCropComfirmWindowController.shared
                let winW: CGFloat = 84
                let areaBounds = (self.listView?.convert(area.bounds, from: area.page) as? NSRect) ?? .zero
                let winFrame = self.listView?.window?.frame ?? .zero
                let view: NSView? = nil
                var position = self.listView?.convert(areaBounds.origin, to: view) ?? .zero
                position.x += winFrame.origin.x
                position.y += winFrame.origin.y
                position.y += areaBounds.size.height
                position.y += 26
                var x = position.x + (NSWidth(areaBounds)-84) * 0.5
//                let frame = NSMakeRect(x, position.y, 84, 44)
//                position.x += (areaBounds.size.width*0.5-win.frame.size.width*0.5)
                x = max(0, x)
                var y = max(0, position.y)
                let screenFrame = NSScreen.main?.frame ?? .zero
                if y + 44 + 40 >= screenFrame.size.height {
                    y = screenFrame.size.height - 44 - 40
                let wframe = NSMakeRect(x, y, winW, 44)
                winC.window?.setFrame(wframe, display: true)
                if winFrame.contains(wframe) == false {
                } else {
            var areaBounds = (self.listView?.convert(area.bounds, from: area.page) as? NSRect) ?? .zero
            var maxX = NSMaxX(areaBounds)
            var maxY = NSMaxY(areaBounds)
            for area in self.editingAreas {
    //            let bounds = area.bounds
                let bounds = (self.listView?.convert(area.bounds, from: area.page) as? NSRect) ?? .zero
                areaBounds.origin.x = min(areaBounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.x)
                areaBounds.origin.y = min(areaBounds.origin.y, bounds.origin.y)
                maxX = max(maxX, NSMaxX(bounds))
                areaBounds.size.width = maxX-areaBounds.origin.x
                maxY = max(maxY, NSMaxY(bounds))
                areaBounds.size.height = maxY-areaBounds.origin.y
            let winFrame = self.listView?.window?.frame ?? .zero
            let view: NSView? = nil
            var position = self.listView?.convert(areaBounds.origin, to: view) ?? .zero
            if position.y > winFrame.height {
            position.x += winFrame.origin.x
            position.y += winFrame.origin.y
            position.y += areaBounds.size.height
            position.y += 26
            position.x += (areaBounds.size.width*0.5-win.frame.size.width*0.5)
//            var x = max(0, position.x)
            var x = max(winFrame.origin.x, position.x)
            let width = win.frame.size.width
            let offsetX = x + width - NSMaxX(winFrame)
            if offsetX > 0 { // 超出右编辑
                x -= offsetX
            var y = max(0, position.y)
//            let screenFrame = NSScreen.main?.frame ?? .zero
//            let winMaxY = NSMaxY(winFrame)
            let height = NSHeight(winFrame)
            if y + 44 + 40-20 >= height {
//            if y + 44 + 40 + 40 >= screenFrame.size.height {
//                y = screenFrame.size.height - 44 - 40 - 40
                y = height - 44 - 40 + 20
            let wframe = NSMakeRect(x, y, width, 44)
            win.setFrame(wframe, display: true)
            if winFrame.contains(wframe) == false {
    private func _reloadData_right_text() {
        self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFTextProperty.handdler = self
    private func _reloadData_right_image() {
        self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFImageProperty.handdler = self

// MARK: - Tools

extension KMEditPDfHanddler {
    func editAreasIsEmpty() -> Bool {
        return self.editingAreas.isEmpty
    func editAreasHavTextArea() -> Bool {
        return self.editingTextAreas.isEmpty == false
    func editAreasHavImageArea() -> Bool {
        return self.editingImageAreas.isEmpty == false
    func editAreasFontColorIsEqual() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        let datas = self._editAreasFontColors()
        if datas.count == 1 {
            return true
        let color = datas.first
        for (i, d) in datas.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
            if d != color {
                return false
        return true
    func editAreasFontNameIsEqual() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        let datas = self._editAreasFontNames()
        if datas.count == 1 {
            return true
        let data = datas.first
        for (i, d) in datas.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
            if d != data {
                return false
        return true
    func editAreasFontStyleIsEqual() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        let datas = self._editAreasFontStyles()
        if datas.count == 1 {
            return true
        let data = datas.first
        for (i, d) in datas.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
            if d != data {
                return false
        return true
    func editAreasFontSizeIsEqual() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        let datas = self._editAreasFontSizes()
        if datas.count == 1 {
            return true
        let data = datas.first
        for (i, d) in datas.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
            if d != data {
                return false
        return true
    func editAreasFontBoldIsEqual() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        let datas = self._editAreasFontBolds()
        if datas.count == 1 {
            return true
        let data = datas.first
        for (i, d) in datas.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
            if d != data {
                return false
        return true
    func editAreasFontItalicIsEqual() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        let datas = self._editAreasFontItalics()
        if datas.count == 1 {
            return true
        let data = datas.first
        for (i, d) in datas.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
            if d != data {
                return false
        return true
    func editAreasTextAlignmentIsEqual() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        let datas = self._editAreasTextAlignments()
        if datas.count == 1 {
            return true
        let data = datas.first?.rawValue ?? 0
        for (i, d) in datas.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
            if d.rawValue != data {
                return false
        return true
    func editAreasBoundsIsEqualForWidth() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        let rects = self._editAreasBounds()
        if rects.count == 1 {
            return true
        let width = rects.first?.width ?? 0
        for (i, rect) in rects.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
            if abs(width-rect.size.width) > 0.01 {
//            if width != rect.size.width {
                return false
        return true
    func editAreasBoundsIsEqualForHeight() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        let rects = self._editAreasBounds()
        if rects.count == 1 {
            return true
        let height = rects.first?.height ?? 0
        for (i, rect) in rects.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
//            if height != rect.size.height {
            if abs(height-rect.size.height) > 0.01 {
                return false
        return true
    func editAreasRotateIsEqual() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        if self.editAreasHavTextArea() {
            return false
        let datas = self._editAreasRotates()
        if datas.count == 1 {
            return true
        let data = datas.first ?? 0
        for (i, d) in datas.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
            if data != d {
                return false
        return true
    func editAreasOpacityIsEqual() -> Bool {
        if self.editAreasIsEmpty() {
            return false
        let datas = self._editAreasOpacitys()
        if datas.count == 1 {
            return true
        let data = datas.first ?? 0
        for (i, d) in datas.enumerated() {
            if i == 0 {
            if data != d {
                return false
        return true
    private func _editAreasFontColors() -> [NSColor] {
        var datas: [NSColor] = []
        for area in self.editingTextAreas {
            if let data = self.listView?.editingSelectionFontColor(with: area) {
//            if let data = self.listView?.editingSelectionFontColor(byRangeEdit: area) {
        return datas
    private func _editAreasFontStyles() -> [String] {
        var datas: [String] = []
        for area in self.editingTextAreas {
            if let data = self.listView?.editingSelectionCFont(byRangeEdit: area)?.styleName {
//            if let data = self.listView?.editingSelectionCFont(with: area)?.familyName {
        return datas
    private func _editAreasFontNames() -> [String] {
        var datas: [String] = []
        for area in self.editingTextAreas {
            if let data = self.listView?.editingSelectionCFont(byRangeEdit: area)?.familyName {
//            if let data = self.listView?.editingSelectionCFont(with: area)?.familyName {
        return datas
    private func _editAreasFontSizes() -> [CGFloat] {
        var datas: [CGFloat] = []
        for area in self.editingTextAreas {
            if let data = self.listView?.editingSelectionFontSize(byRangeEdit: area) {
        return datas
    private func _editAreasFontBolds() -> [Bool] {
        var datas: [Bool] = []
        for area in self.editingTextAreas {
            if let data = self.listView?.isBoldCurrentSelection(byRangeEdit: area) {
        return datas
    private func _editAreasFontItalics() -> [Bool] {
        var datas: [Bool] = []
        for area in self.editingTextAreas {
            if let data = self.listView?.isItalicCurrentSelection(byRangeEdit: area) {
        return datas
    private func _editAreasTextAlignments() -> [NSTextAlignment] {
        var datas: [NSTextAlignment] = []
        for area in self.editingTextAreas {
            if let data = self.listView?.currentSelectionAlignment(byRangeEdit: area) {
        return datas
    private func _editAreasBounds() -> [NSRect] {
        var rects: [NSRect] = []
        for area in self.editingAreas {
        return rects
    private func _editAreasRotates() -> [CGFloat] {
        var arr: [CGFloat] = []
        for area in self.editingImageAreas {
            if let data = self.listView?.getRotateWith(area) {
        return arr
    private func _editAreasOpacitys() -> [CGFloat] {
        var arr: [CGFloat] = []
        for area in self.editingAreas {
            if let data = self.listView?.opacityByRange(for: area) {
        return arr

// MARK: - Action

extension KMEditPDfHanddler {
    func fontColorAction(color: NSColor?) {
        guard let theColor = color else {
        let areas = self.editingTextAreas
        for area in areas {
            self.listView?.setEditingSelectionFontColor(theColor, with: area)
    func fontStyleAction(fontName: String?) {
        guard let font = CPDFFont.mappingFont(withFontString: fontName) else {
        let areas = self.editingTextAreas
        for area in areas {
            self.listView?.setEditSelectionCFont(font, with: area)
    func fontAddAction() {
        let areas = self.editingTextAreas
        for area in areas {
            if let fontSize = self.listView?.editingSelectionFontSize(byRangeEdit: area) {
                self.fontSizeChanging = true
                self.listView?.setEditingSelectionFontSize(fontSize+1, with: area, isAutoSize: false)
                self.fontSizeChanging = false
    func fontReduceAction() {
        let areas = self.editingTextAreas
        for area in areas {
            if let fontSize = self.listView?.editingSelectionFontSize(byRangeEdit: area) {
                self.fontSizeChanging = true
                self.listView?.setEditingSelectionFontSize(fontSize-1, with: area, isAutoSize: false)
                self.fontSizeChanging = false
    func fontBoldAction() {
        let areas = self.editingTextAreas
        var needTip = false
        for area in areas {
            if let data = self.listView?.isBoldCurrentSelection(byRangeEdit: area) {
                let result = self.listView?.setCurrentSelectionIsBold(!data, with: area)
                if (result == nil || result == false) && needTip == false {
                    needTip = true
        if needTip {
            if let data = self.viewC?.view {
                _ = CustomAlertView.alertView(message: NSLocalizedString("Please reset the font weight via the drop-down box", comment: ""), fromView: data, withStyle: .black)
    func fontItalicAction() {
        let areas = self.editingTextAreas
        var needTip = false
        for area in areas {
            if let data = self.listView?.isItalicCurrentSelection(byRangeEdit: area) {
                let result = self.listView?.setCurrentSelectionIsItalic(!data, with: area)
                if (result == nil || result == false) && needTip == false {
                    needTip = true
        if needTip {
            if let data = self.viewC?.view {
                _ = CustomAlertView.alertView(message: NSLocalizedString("Please reset the font weight via the drop-down box", comment: ""), fromView: data, withStyle: .black)
    func textAlignmentAction(align: NSTextAlignment) {
        let areas = self.editingTextAreas
        self.textAlignChanging = true
        for area in areas {
            self.listView?.setCurrentSelectionAlignment(align, with: area)
        self.textAlignChanging = false
    func leftRotateAction() {
        let areas = self.editingImageAreas
        for area in areas {
            self.listView?.rotate(with: area, rotate: -90)
    func rightRotateAction() {
        let areas = self.editingImageAreas
        for area in areas {
            self.listView?.rotate(with: area, rotate: 90)
    func reverseXAction() {
        let areas = self.editingImageAreas
        for area in areas {
            self.listView?.horizontalMirror(with: area)
    func reverseYAction() {
        let areas = self.editingImageAreas
        for area in areas {
            self.listView?.verticalMirror(with: area)
    func cropAction() {
        let areas = self.editingImageAreas
        if areas.isEmpty {
        self.listView?.isEditImage = true
        for area in areas {
            self.listView?.enterCrop(with: area)
        Task { @MainActor in
        self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFImageProperty.handdler = self
        self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFImageProperty.updateButtonState(hidden: false)
    func cropCancelAction() {
        let areas = self.editingImageAreas
        if areas.isEmpty {
        for area in areas {
            self.listView?.exitCrop(with: area)
        self.listView?.cropAreas = nil
        self.listView?.isEditImage = false
        self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFImageProperty.handdler = self
        self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFImageProperty.updateButtonState(hidden: true)
        Task { @MainActor [weak self] in
            if let data = self?.listView?.selectImageAreas {
                self?.showPopWindow(positionRect:data.bounds, showGuide: false)
    func cropComfirmAction() {
        guard let selectImageAreas = self.listView?.selectImageAreas else {
        self.listView?.cropEditImageArea(selectImageAreas, withBounds: self.listView?.cropAreas.cropRect ?? .zero)
    func replaceAction() {
        let areas = self.editingImageAreas
        if areas.isEmpty {
        let panel = NSOpenPanel()
        panel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
        panel.allowedFileTypes = ["png","jpg"]
        panel.beginSheetModal(for: NSApp.mainWindow!) { response in
            if response == .OK {
                let openPath = panel.url?.path
                for area in areas {
                        // , rect: data.bounds
                    self.listView?.replace(area, imagePath: openPath!)
    func showExportMenu(_ sender: NSView) {
//        let menuI = NSMenuItem()
        let submenu = NSMenu(title: "")
        let jpgMI = submenu.addItem(withTitle: "jpg", action: #selector(exportMenuItemAction), keyEquivalent: "")
        jpgMI.target = self
        jpgMI.tag = 1
        let pngMI = submenu.addItem(withTitle: "png", action: #selector(exportMenuItemAction), keyEquivalent: "")
        pngMI.target = self
        pngMI.tag = 2
        let pdfMI = submenu.addItem(withTitle: "pdf", action: #selector(exportMenuItemAction), keyEquivalent: "")
        pdfMI.target = self
        pdfMI.tag = 3
        let p = NSPoint(x: NSMidX(sender.frame), y: NSMidY(sender.frame))
        submenu.popUp(positioning: nil, at: p, in: sender.superview)
    @objc func exportMenuItemAction(_ sender: NSMenuItem) {
        var format = ""
        if sender.tag == 1 {
            format = "jpg"
        } else if sender.tag == 2 {
            format = "png"
        } else if sender.tag == 3 {
            format = "pdf"
        self.exportAction(format: format)
    func exportAction(format: String) {
        let areas = self.editingImageAreas
        if areas.isEmpty {
        if areas.count == 1 {
            if KMTools.isPDFType(format) {
                guard let image = areas.first?.thumbnailImage else {
                let pdfdocument = CPDFDocument()
                pdfdocument?.km_insert(image: image, at: 0)
                let savePanel = NSSavePanel()
                savePanel.allowedFileTypes = ["pdf"]
                savePanel.beginSheetModal(for: self.viewC!.view.window!) { response in
                    if (response != .OK) {
                    if let data = pdfdocument?.write(to: savePanel.url!), data {
                        NSWorkspace.shared.selectFile(savePanel.url?.path, inFileViewerRootedAtPath: "");
            let panel = NSSavePanel()
            panel.nameFieldStringValue = "\(NSLocalizedString("Untitled", comment: "")).\(format)"
            panel.isExtensionHidden = true
            let response = panel.runModal()
            if response == .OK {
                let url = panel.url
                if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url!.path) {
                    try?FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: url!.path)
                let result = self.listView?.extractImage(with: areas.first, toImagePath: url!.path) ?? false
                if result {
        } else if areas.count > 1 {
            let panel = NSOpenPanel()
            panel.canChooseFiles = false
            panel.canChooseDirectories = true
            panel.canCreateDirectories = true
            panel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
            panel.beginSheetModal(for: NSApp.mainWindow!) { response in
                if response == .OK {
                    let outputURL = panel.url
                    let s = self.listView?.document?.documentURL.lastPathComponent
                    let folderPath = (self.listView?.document?.documentURL.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent ?? "") + "_extract"
                    var filePath = outputURL?.path.stringByAppendingPathComponent(folderPath)
                    var i = 1
                    let testFilePath = filePath
                    while FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: filePath!) {
                        filePath = testFilePath! + "\(i)"
                        i = i + 1
                    try? FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: filePath!, withIntermediateDirectories: false, attributes: nil)
                    var saveURLs : [URL] = []
                    let pageIndex = self.listView?.currentPageIndex ?? 0
                    for j in 0 ..< areas.count {
                        let documentFileName = self.listView?.document?.documentURL.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent ?? ""
                        var outPath = filePath!
                        outPath = outPath.stringByAppendingPathComponent(documentFileName)
                        outPath = outPath + "_page\(pageIndex+1)_\(j+1)"
                        outPath = outPath.stringByAppendingPathExtension(format)
                        if KMTools.isPDFType(format) {
                            if let image = areas[j].thumbnailImage {
                                let pdfdocument = CPDFDocument()
                                pdfdocument?.km_insert(image: image, at: 0)
                                let suc = pdfdocument?.write(toFile: outPath) ?? false
                                if suc {
                                    saveURLs.append(URL(fileURLWithPath: outPath))
                        } else {
                            let result = self.listView?.extractImage(with: areas[j], toImagePath: outPath) ?? false
                            if result {
                                saveURLs.append(URL(fileURLWithPath: outPath))
    func alignmentAction(align: CPDFActiveAreasAlignType) {
        let stype = align
        let editingAreas = self.editingAreas
        if editingAreas.count >= 2 {
            var zeroRect = NSRect.null
            var highestRect = NSZeroRect
            var widthestRect = NSZeroRect
            let fristArea : CPDFEditArea = editingAreas.first as! CPDFEditArea
            var leftestRect = fristArea.bounds
            var rightestRect = fristArea.bounds
            var topestRect = fristArea.bounds
            var bottomestRect = fristArea.bounds
            var leftestArea : CPDFEditArea = fristArea
            var rightestArea : CPDFEditArea = fristArea
            var topestArea : CPDFEditArea = fristArea
            var bottomestArea : CPDFEditArea = fristArea
            var totalWidth = 0.0
            var totalHeight = 0.0
            for i in 0 ... editingAreas.count-1 {
                let area : CPDFEditArea = editingAreas[i] as! CPDFEditArea
                zeroRect = zeroRect.union(area.bounds)
                totalWidth = totalWidth + area.bounds.width
                totalHeight = totalHeight + area.bounds.height
                if area.bounds.height > highestRect.height {
                    highestRect = area.bounds
                if area.bounds.width > widthestRect.width {
                    widthestRect = area.bounds
                if leftestRect.minX > area.bounds.minX {
                    leftestRect = area.bounds
                    leftestArea = area
                if area.bounds.maxX > rightestRect.maxX {
                    rightestRect = area.bounds
                    rightestArea = area
                if area.bounds.maxY > topestRect.maxY {
                    topestRect = area.bounds
                    topestArea = area
                if bottomestRect.minY > area.bounds.minY {
                    bottomestRect = area.bounds
                    bottomestArea = area
            var resultAreasArray: [Any] = []
            var newBoundsArray: [String] = []
            if stype == .Left {
                for i in 0 ... editingAreas.count-1 {
                    let areas = editingAreas[i] as! CPDFEditArea
                    var bounds = areas.bounds
                    bounds.origin.x = zeroRect.origin.x
                resultAreasArray = editingAreas
            } else if stype == .Right {
                for i in 0 ... editingAreas.count-1 {
                    let areas = editingAreas[i] as! CPDFEditArea
                    var bounds = areas.bounds
                    bounds.origin.x = zeroRect.maxX - bounds.size.width
                resultAreasArray = editingAreas
            } else if stype == .Top {
                for i in 0 ... editingAreas.count-1 {
                    let areas = editingAreas[i] as! CPDFEditArea
                    var bounds = areas.bounds
                    bounds.origin.y = zeroRect.maxY - bounds.size.height
                resultAreasArray = editingAreas
            } else if stype == .Bottom {
                for i in 0 ... editingAreas.count-1 {
                    let areas = editingAreas[i] as! CPDFEditArea
                    var bounds = areas.bounds
                    bounds.origin.y = zeroRect.minY
                resultAreasArray = editingAreas
            } else if stype == .Horizontally {
                for i in 0 ... editingAreas.count-1 {
                    let areas = editingAreas[i] as! CPDFEditArea
                    var bounds = areas.bounds
                    bounds.origin.y = highestRect.midY - bounds.height/2
                resultAreasArray = editingAreas
            } else if stype == .Vertical {
                for i in 0 ... editingAreas.count-1 {
                    let areas = editingAreas[i] as! CPDFEditArea
                    var bounds = areas.bounds
                    bounds.origin.x = widthestRect.midX - bounds.width/2
                resultAreasArray = editingAreas
            } else if stype == .DisHorizontally {
                let middleGap = zeroRect.width - leftestRect.width - rightestRect.width
                let otherAreasTotalWidth = totalWidth - leftestRect.width - rightestRect.width
                let gap = (middleGap - otherAreasTotalWidth)/CGFloat(editingAreas.count - 1)
                var areasCopyArray : [CPDFEditArea] = editingAreas as! [CPDFEditArea]
                areasCopyArray.sorted(by: { obj1, obj2 in
                    let area1 = obj1
                    let area2 = obj2
                    if area1.bounds.origin.x < area2.bounds.origin.x {
                        return true
                    } else {
                        return false
                if let index = areasCopyArray.firstIndex(of: leftestArea) {
                    areasCopyArray.remove(at: index)
                if let index = areasCopyArray.firstIndex(of: rightestArea) {
                    areasCopyArray.remove(at: index)
                var leftStartX = leftestRect.maxX + gap
                for i in 0 ..< areasCopyArray.count {
                    let areas = areasCopyArray[i]
                    var bounds = areas.bounds
                    bounds.origin.x = leftStartX
                    leftStartX = leftStartX + bounds.width + gap
                resultAreasArray = areasCopyArray
            } else if stype == .DisVertical {
                let middleGap = zeroRect.height - topestRect.height - bottomestRect.height
                let otherAreasTotalHeight = totalHeight - topestRect.height - bottomestRect.height
                let gap = (middleGap - otherAreasTotalHeight)/CGFloat(editingAreas.count - 1)
                var areasCopyArray : [CPDFEditArea] = editingAreas as! [CPDFEditArea]
                areasCopyArray.sorted(by: { obj1, obj2 in
                    let area1 = obj1
                    let area2 = obj2
                    if area1.bounds.origin.x < area2.bounds.origin.x {
                        return true
                    } else {
                        return false
                if let index = areasCopyArray.firstIndex(of: topestArea) {
                    areasCopyArray.remove(at: index)
                if let index = areasCopyArray.firstIndex(of: bottomestArea) {
                    areasCopyArray.remove(at: index)
                var bottomStartY = bottomestRect.maxY + gap
                for i in 0 ... areasCopyArray.count-1 {
                    let areas = areasCopyArray[i]
                    var bounds = areas.bounds
                    bounds.origin.y = bottomStartY
                    bottomStartY = bottomStartY + bounds.height + gap
                resultAreasArray = areasCopyArray
            var oldBounds : [String] = []
            for i in 0 ..< resultAreasArray.count {
                let area : CPDFEditArea = resultAreasArray[i] as! CPDFEditArea
                self.listView?.setBoundsEditArea(area, withBounds: NSRectFromString(newBoundsArray[i]))

// MARK: - CPDFViewDelegate

extension KMEditPDfHanddler: CPDFViewDelegate {
    // 编辑区块已经改变
    func pdfViewEditingAreaDidChanged(_ pdfView: CPDFView!) {
        let isEdited = self.listView?.isEdited() ?? false
        if isEdited {
            // 记录编辑状态
            self.viewC?.recordIsPDFDocumentEdited(type: .editText)
        if annotationType != .addText {
            NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "kPDFViewEditingAreaDidChanged"), object: self.listView?.document)
        let areas = self.listView?.editingAreas() as? [CPDFEditArea] ?? []
        if areas.isEmpty {
            let toolMode = self.listView?.toolMode ?? .none
            let annotationType = self.annotationType
            if toolMode == .editPDFToolMode {
                if annotationType == .addImage || annotationType == .addText {
                    if self.isEditImage {
                        self.viewC?.menuItemEditingClick_CropImage(sender: NSMenuItem())
                    } else {
//                        if self.listView.annotationType == .addImage {
//                            self.closeRightPane()
//                        }
                        if annotationType == .addImage {
                            if self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFImageProperty != nil {
                                self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFImageProperty.handdler = self
//                        self.openRightPane()
                } else {
//                    self.viewC?.closeRightPane()
                    self.rightViewC?.isHidden = true
                self.listView?.isEditImage = false
            } else {
                self.rightViewC?.isHidden = true
                if self.subViewType == .EditPDFAddText && annotationType == .addText {
                    self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFTextProperty.handdler = self
        self.viewC?.model.isPDFTextImageEdited = true
        let subViewType = self.rightViewC?.subViewType ?? .None
        if self.annotationType == .addImage {
            var isImageArea = false
            for i in 0 ..< areas.count {
                if areas[i] is CPDFEditImageArea {
                    isImageArea = true
            if isImageArea {
                self.rightViewC?.isHidden = false
                if self.subViewType == .EditPDFAddImage {
                    self.rightViewC?.subViewType = .EditPDFAddImage
                    self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFImageProperty.handdler = self
            } else {
                self.rightViewC?.isHidden = true
//                self.viewC?.closeRightPane()
        } else if self.subViewType == .EditPDFAddText && annotationType == .addText {
            self.rightViewC?.isHidden = false
            let count = self.listView?.editingSelectionString()?.count ?? 0
            self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFTextProperty.handdler = self
            if count != 0 {
            } else {
                self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFTextProperty.refreshSelectAreaProperty(needDefaultData: true)
        } else {
            var textsAreas : [CPDFEditTextArea] = []
            var imagesAreas : [CPDFEditImageArea] = []
            let count = self.listView?.editingAreas()?.count ?? 0
            if count < 1 {
            for i in 0 ..< areas.count {
                if areas[i] is CPDFEditTextArea {
                    textsAreas.append(areas[i] as! CPDFEditTextArea)
                if areas[i] is CPDFEditImageArea {
                    imagesAreas.append(areas[i] as! CPDFEditImageArea)
            if textsAreas.count > 0 && textsAreas.count == areas.count {
                self.rightViewC?.isHidden = false
                self.rightViewC?.subViewType = .EditPDFAddText
                self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFTextProperty.handdler = self
            } else if imagesAreas.count > 0 {
                self.rightViewC?.isHidden = false
                self.rightViewC?.subViewType = .EditPDFAddImage
                self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFImageProperty.handdler = self
        if self.addTextAreaing == false {
            var flag: CPDFEditArea?
            for area in areas {
                if flag == nil {
                    flag = area
                if let data = flag, data.bounds.maxY < area.bounds.maxY {
                    flag = area
            if let data = flag {
                self.showPopWindow(positionRect: data.bounds, showGuide: true)
    func pdfViewEditingCropBoundsDidChanged(_ pdfView: CPDFView!, editing editArea: CPDFEditArea!) {
        if  editArea != nil && (editArea is CPDFEditImageArea){
            self.listView?.cropAreas = editArea as? CPDFEditImageArea
    func pdfViewEditingAddImageArea(_ pdfView: CPDFView!, add page: CPDFPage!, add rect: CGRect) {
        if self.isEditImage {
            self.viewC?.menuItemEditingClick_CropImage(sender: NSMenuItem())
        } else {
            let window = KMEditPDFPopToolBarWindow.shared
            if (window.isVisible) {
            let panel = NSOpenPanel()
            panel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
            panel.allowedFileTypes = ["png","jpg"]
            panel.beginSheetModal(for: NSApp.mainWindow!) { response in
                if response == .OK {
                    var filePath = panel.url?.path
                    var image = NSImage.init(contentsOf: panel.url!)
                    if image != nil {
                        var imageRect = rect
                        let imageSize = image!.size
                        var previewSize = rect.size
                        var isChangeSize = false
                        if previewSize.width == 0 && previewSize.height == 0 {
                            previewSize = CGSize(width: 500, height: 500)
                            isChangeSize = true
                        var scale = min(previewSize.width / imageSize.width, previewSize.height / imageSize.height)
                        if scale < 1 { // 大于 500
                        } else {
                            let wh = max(imageSize.width, imageSize.height)
                            if wh >= 72 {
                                scale = min(scale, 1)
                            } else {
                                scale = min(72 / imageSize.width, 72 / imageSize.height)
                        let newSize = CGSize(width: imageSize.width * scale, height: imageSize.height * scale)
                        if isChangeSize {
                            imageRect.origin.x = imageRect.origin.x - newSize.width / 2
                            imageRect.origin.y = imageRect.origin.y - newSize.height / 2
                        } else {
                            imageRect.origin.x = imageRect.origin.x + imageRect.width / 2 - newSize.width / 2
                            imageRect.origin.y = imageRect.origin.y + imageRect.height / 2 - newSize.height / 2
                        imageRect.size = newSize
                        let limitWidth = 1920.0
                        if imageSize.width > limitWidth || imageSize.height > limitWidth {
                            filePath = KMImageOptimization.needCompressImageLosslessly(image: image!,
                                                                                       targetSize: CGSize(width: limitWidth, height: limitWidth),
                                                                                       maxSizeInBytes: 1024 * 1024 * 5,
                                                                                       targetCompression: 1.0)
                        let pageRect = self.listView?.currentPage().bounds ?? .zero
                        if imageRect.width > pageRect.width ||
                            imageRect.height > pageRect.height {
                            let pageScale = min(pageRect.width / imageSize.width, pageRect.height / imageSize.height)
                            imageRect = CGRect(x: imageRect.origin.x,
                                               y: imageRect.origin.y,
                                               width: imageRect.width * pageScale,
                                               height: imageRect.height * pageScale)
                        if imageRect.origin.x < 0 {
                            imageRect.origin.x = 5
                        if imageRect.origin.y < 0 {
                            imageRect.origin.y = 5
                        if imageRect.origin.x + imageRect.width > pageRect.width ||
                            imageRect.origin.y + imageRect.height > pageRect.height {
                            let offsetX = imageRect.origin.x + imageRect.width - pageRect.width
                            let offsetY = imageRect.origin.y + imageRect.height - pageRect.height
                            imageRect.origin.x = imageRect.origin.x - offsetX - 5
                            imageRect.origin.y = imageRect.origin.y - offsetY - 5
                        DispatchQueue.main.async {
                            self.listView?.createImagePath(filePath, rect: imageRect, page: pdfView.currentPage())
                            self.viewC?.model.isPDFTextImageEdited = true
                            self.viewC?.recordIsPDFDocumentEdited(type: .editImage)
                            self.showPopWindow(positionRect: imageRect, showGuide: true)
    func pdfViewEditingAddTextArea(_ pdfView: CPDFView!, add page: CPDFPage!, add rect: CGRect) {
        let window = KMEditPDFPopToolBarWindow.shared
        if (window.isVisible) {
            let areas = self.listView?.editingAreas() as? [CPDFEditArea] ?? []
            if let area = areas.last {
                if let data = area as? CPDFEditTextArea {
                    if let str = data.editTextAreaString(), str.isEmpty {
                        self.listView?.remove(with: [area])
                    } else {
        var newRect = rect
        if rect.size.equalTo(.zero) {
            newRect = CGRect(x: rect.origin.x, y: rect.origin.y - 12, width: 20, height: 12)
        } else {
            newRect = CGRect(x: rect.origin.x, y: rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - 12, width: rect.size.width, height: 12)
        let model = KMEditPDFTextManager.manager.fetchUserDefaultData(type: .commonly)
//        let fontName = KMEditPDFTextManager.manager.fetchFontName(fontName: model.fontName)
        let fontSize = model.fontSize
        let fontColor = model.color
        let fontAlign = model.alignment
//        let fontStyle = KMEditPDFTextManager.manager.fetchFontStyle(fontName: model.fontName)
        NSColorPanel.shared.color = fontColor

//        let font = KMEditPDFTextManager.manager.fetchFont(fontName: fontName, style: fontStyle, size: fontSize)
        let cfont = CPDFFont(familyName: model.fontName, fontStyle: model.fontStyle)
        let fontNameZ = CPDFFont.convertAppleFont(cfont)
        let font = NSFont(name: fontNameZ ?? "Helvetica", size: fontSize)

        let attri = CEditAttributes()
        attri.font = font!
        attri.fontColor = fontColor
        attri.alignment = fontAlign
        attri.isBold = model.bold
        attri.isItalic = model.italic
        self.addTextAreaing = true
        self.listView?.createStringBounds(newRect, with: attri, page: page)
        self.addTextAreaing = false
        // self.rightViewC != nil &&
        if self.subViewType == .EditPDFAddText && self.annotationType == .addText {
            self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFTextProperty.handdler = self
            self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFTextProperty.refreshSelectAreaProperty(needDefaultData: true)
        self.showPopWindow(positionRect: newRect, showGuide: true)
    // 文本区块 选中文本已经变化
    func pdfViewEditingSelectionDidChanged(_ pdfView: CPDFView!) {
        // self.viewC?.rightSideViewController != nil &&
        if self.subViewType == .EditPDFAddText {
            self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFTextProperty.handdler = self
            self.showPopWindow(positionRect: .zero, showGuide: false)
    func pdfViewEditingOperationDidChanged(_ pdfView: CPDFView!) {
        let areas = self.editingAreas
        if areas.count == 1 {
            if let data = areas.first as? CPDFEditImageArea {
                let updating = self.listView?.editAreaBoundUpdating ?? false
                if updating {
                    self.listView?.editAreaBoundUpdating = false
                } else {
                    self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFImageProperty.handdler = self
    func pdfViewEditingDoubleClick(_ pdfView: CPDFView!, imageArea editArea: CPDFEditArea!) {
    func pdfViewMobileEditingBegan(_ point: CGPoint, for pdfView: CPDFView!, forEditing editingAreas: [CPDFEditArea]!) {
    func pdfViewMobileEditingMove(_ point: CGPoint, for pdfView: CPDFView!, forEditing editingAreas: [CPDFEditArea]!) {
    func pdfViewMobileEditingEnd(_ point: CGPoint, for pdfView: CPDFView!, forEditing editingAreas: [CPDFEditArea]!) {
        self.showPopWindow(positionRect: .zero, showGuide: false)
    func pdfViewEditingSelectCharDidChanged(_ pdfView: CPDFView!) {
        let areas = self.editingTextAreas
        if areas.isEmpty {
        if self.subViewType == .EditPDFAddText {
//            self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFTextProperty.reloadData()
//            self.rightViewC?.eidtPDFTextProperty.updateTextTextPresuppositionState()
            if self.addTextAreaing == false && self.fontSizeChanging == false && self.textAlignChanging == false {
                self.showPopWindow(positionRect: .zero, showGuide: false)
    func pdfViewEditingExitCropMode(_ pdfView: CPDFView!, forEditing editingArea: CPDFEditImageArea!) {