// // DSignatureSaveFolderViewController.swift // PDF Reader Pro Edition // // Created by Niehaoyu on 2023/9/28. // import Cocoa class DSignatureSaveFolderViewController: NSViewController, NSTextFieldDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet weak var subTitleLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet weak var filesLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet weak var passwordLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet weak var confirmPasswordLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet weak var filesTextField: NSTextField! @IBOutlet weak var passwordTextField: NSSecureTextField! @IBOutlet weak var confirmPasswordTextField: NSSecureTextField! @IBOutlet weak var errorLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet weak var openFileButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet weak var promptBox: NSBox! @IBOutlet var promptTextView: NSTextView! @IBOutlet weak var cancelButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet weak var continueButton: NSButton! // @property(nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *bottomOffset; var actionBlock: ((_ saveFolderVC: DSignatureSaveFolderViewController, _ actionType: DSignatureActionType, _ infoDic: NSDictionary)->Void)? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do view setup here. self.titleLabel.textColor = NSColor.labelColor self.subTitleLabel.textColor = NSColor.labelColor self.filesLabel.textColor = NSColor.labelColor self.passwordLabel.textColor = NSColor.labelColor self.confirmPasswordLabel.textColor = NSColor.labelColor self.filesTextField.textColor = NSColor.labelColor self.passwordTextField.textColor = NSColor.labelColor self.confirmPasswordTextField.textColor = NSColor.labelColor self.promptTextView.textColor = NSColor.labelColor // self.bottomOffset.constant = 25.0; self.errorLabel.isHidden = true self.filesTextField.wantsLayer = true self.passwordTextField.wantsLayer = true self.confirmPasswordTextField.wantsLayer = true self.filesTextField.delegate = self; self.filesTextField.isEnabled = false self.filesTextField.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0 self.passwordTextField.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0 self.confirmPasswordTextField.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0; self.filesTextField.updateState(false) self.passwordTextField.layer?.borderColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor self.confirmPasswordTextField.layer?.borderColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor self.filesTextField.layer?.cornerRadius = 5.0 self.passwordTextField.layer?.cornerRadius = 5.0 self.confirmPasswordTextField.layer?.cornerRadius = 5.0; self.filesTextField.delegate = self self.confirmPasswordTextField.delegate = self self.localizedLanguage() if self.filesTextField.stringValue.isEmpty == false { self.continueButton.isEnabled = true } else { self.continueButton.isEnabled = false } } func localizedLanguage() { self.titleLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("Save the Self-signed Digital ID to a File", comment: ""); self.subTitleLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("Your digital ID will be saved at the following location :", comment: "") self.filesLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("File", comment: ""); self.passwordLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("Password", comment: "") self.confirmPasswordLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("Confirm the Password", comment: "") self.promptTextView.string = String(format: "%@\n\n%@",KMLocalizedString("Add a password to protect the private key of the digital ID. You will need this password again to use the digital ID for signing.", comment: ""), KMLocalizedString("Save the digital ID file in a known location so that you can copy or backup it.", comment: "")) self.cancelButton.title = KMLocalizedString("Previous Step", comment: "") self.continueButton.title = KMLocalizedString("Continue", comment: "") self.openFileButton.title = String(format: "%@",KMLocalizedString("Browse", comment: "")) self.errorLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("Passwords do not match", comment: "") } func getUniqueFilePath(_ filePath: String) -> (String) { var i = 0 var isDirectory: ObjCBool = false var uniqueFilePath = filePath let filemanager = FileManager.default filemanager.fileExists(atPath: uniqueFilePath, isDirectory: &isDirectory) if isDirectory.boolValue { while filemanager.fileExists(atPath: uniqueFilePath) { i += 1 uniqueFilePath = String(format: "%@(%d)", filePath, i) } } else { while filemanager.fileExists(atPath: uniqueFilePath) { i += 1 let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath) let path = String(format: "%@(%d)", fileURL.deletingPathExtension().path, i) uniqueFilePath = String(format: "%@.%@", path, fileURL.pathExtension) } } return uniqueFilePath } //MARK: IBAction @IBAction func penFile(_ sender: Any) { let accessoryCtr = PDFCertExportAccessoryView.init() let openPanel = NSOpenPanel() openPanel.accessoryView = accessoryCtr.view openPanel.canChooseDirectories = true openPanel.canChooseFiles = false openPanel.beginSheetModal(for: self.view.window!) { result in if result == .OK { let outputULR = openPanel.url! var filePath = outputULR.path if accessoryCtr.formatMatrix.selectedRow == 0 { filePath = filePath + "/Untitled.p12" } else { filePath = filePath + "/Untitled.pfx" } self.filesTextField.stringValue = self.getUniqueFilePath(filePath) if self.filesTextField.stringValue.isEmpty { self.filesTextField.updateState(true) } else { self.filesTextField.updateState(false) } if self.filesTextField.stringValue.isEmpty == false { self.continueButton.isEnabled = true } else { self.continueButton.isEnabled = false } } } } @IBAction func closeAction(_ sender: Any) { guard let callBack = self.actionBlock else { return } callBack(self, .cancel, NSDictionary()) } @IBAction func previousAction(_ sender: Any) { guard let callBack = self.actionBlock else { return } callBack(self, .previousStep, NSDictionary()) } @IBAction func continueAction(_ sender: Any) { self.view.window?.makeFirstResponder(nil) if self.filesTextField.stringValue.count < 1 { return } if self.confirmPasswordTextField.stringValue == self.passwordTextField.stringValue { var isDir: ObjCBool = false let filePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: self.filesTextField.stringValue) let parentDirectory = filePath.deletingLastPathComponent().path let isExists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: parentDirectory, isDirectory: &isDir) if isDir.boolValue == false || isExists == false { let alert = NSAlert.init() alert.messageText = KMLocalizedString("Output Folder can not be empty.", comment: "") alert.addButton(withTitle: KMLocalizedString("OK", comment: "")) alert.runModal() return } let dic = NSMutableDictionary() dic.setValue(self.filesTextField.stringValue, forKey: SAVEFILEPATH_KEY) if self.passwordTextField.stringValue.count > 0 { dic.setValue(self.passwordTextField.stringValue, forKey: PASSWORD_KEY) } self.errorLabel.isHidden = true // self.bottomOffset.constant = 25.0; guard let callBack = self.actionBlock else { return } callBack(self, .confirm, dic) } else { self.errorLabel.isHidden = false // self.bottomOffset.constant = self.errorLabel.frame.size.height + 10; } } //MARK: NSTextFieldDelegate func controlTextDidChange(_ obj: Notification) { if self.filesTextField.stringValue.isEmpty == false { self.continueButton.isEnabled = true } else { self.continueButton.isEnabled = false } let textField = obj.object as! NSTextField if self.filesTextField.isEqual(textField) { if self.filesTextField.stringValue.isEmpty == false { self.filesTextField.updateState(false) } else { self.filesTextField.updateState(true) } } self.errorLabel.isHidden = true // self.bottomOffset.constant = 25.0; } } extension NSTextField { func updateState(_ isError: Bool) { if isError { self.layer?.borderColor = NSColor.systemRed.cgColor } else { self.layer?.borderColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor } } }