// // ASIDataCompressor.h // Part of ASIHTTPRequest -> http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest // // Created by Ben Copsey on 17/08/2010. // Copyright 2010 All-Seeing Interactive. All rights reserved. // // This is a helper class used by ASIHTTPRequest to handle deflating (compressing) data in memory and on disk // You may also find it helpful if you need to deflate data and files yourself - see the class methods below // Most of the zlib stuff is based on the sample code by Mark Adler available at http://zlib.net #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <zlib.h> @interface ASIDataCompressor : NSObject { BOOL streamReady; z_stream zStream; } // Convenience constructor will call setupStream for you + (id)compressor; // Compress the passed chunk of data // Passing YES for shouldFinish will finalize the deflated data - you must pass YES when you are on the last chunk of data - (NSData *)compressBytes:(Bytef *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length error:(NSError **)err shouldFinish:(BOOL)shouldFinish; // Convenience method - pass it some data, and you'll get deflated data back + (NSData *)compressData:(NSData*)uncompressedData error:(NSError **)err; // Convenience method - pass it a file containing the data to compress in sourcePath, and it will write deflated data to destinationPath + (BOOL)compressDataFromFile:(NSString *)sourcePath toFile:(NSString *)destinationPath error:(NSError **)err; // Sets up zlib to handle the inflating. You only need to call this yourself if you aren't using the convenience constructor 'compressor' - (NSError *)setupStream; // Tells zlib to clean up. You need to call this if you need to cancel deflating part way through // If deflating finishes or fails, this method will be called automatically - (NSError *)closeStream; @property (atomic, assign, readonly) BOOL streamReady; @end