// // ASIInputStream.m // Part of ASIHTTPRequest -> http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest // // Created by Ben Copsey on 10/08/2009. // Copyright 2009 All-Seeing Interactive. All rights reserved. // #import "ASIInputStream.h" #import "ASIHTTPRequest.h" // Used to ensure only one request can read data at once static NSLock *readLock = nil; @implementation ASIInputStream + (void)initialize { if (self == [ASIInputStream class]) { readLock = [[NSLock alloc] init]; } } + (id)inputStreamWithFileAtPath:(NSString *)path request:(ASIHTTPRequest *)theRequest { ASIInputStream *theStream = [[[self alloc] init] autorelease]; [theStream setRequest:theRequest]; [theStream setStream:[NSInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:path]]; return theStream; } + (id)inputStreamWithData:(NSData *)data request:(ASIHTTPRequest *)theRequest { ASIInputStream *theStream = [[[self alloc] init] autorelease]; [theStream setRequest:theRequest]; [theStream setStream:[NSInputStream inputStreamWithData:data]]; return theStream; } - (void)dealloc { [stream release]; [super dealloc]; } // Called when CFNetwork wants to read more of our request body // When throttling is on, we ask ASIHTTPRequest for the maximum amount of data we can read - (NSInteger)read:(uint8_t *)buffer maxLength:(NSUInteger)len { [readLock lock]; unsigned long toRead = len; if ([ASIHTTPRequest isBandwidthThrottled]) { toRead = [ASIHTTPRequest maxUploadReadLength]; if (toRead > len) { toRead = len; } else if (toRead == 0) { toRead = 1; } [request performThrottling]; } [readLock unlock]; NSInteger rv = [stream read:buffer maxLength:toRead]; if (rv > 0) [ASIHTTPRequest incrementBandwidthUsedInLastSecond:(NSUInteger)rv]; return rv; } /* * Implement NSInputStream mandatory methods to make sure they are implemented * (necessary for MacRuby for example) and avoid the overhead of method * forwarding for these common methods. */ - (void)open { [stream open]; } - (void)close { [stream close]; } - (id)delegate { return [stream delegate]; } - (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate { [stream setDelegate:delegate]; } - (void)scheduleInRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)aRunLoop forMode:(NSString *)mode { [stream scheduleInRunLoop:aRunLoop forMode:mode]; } - (void)removeFromRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)aRunLoop forMode:(NSString *)mode { [stream removeFromRunLoop:aRunLoop forMode:mode]; } - (id)propertyForKey:(NSString *)key { return [stream propertyForKey:key]; } - (BOOL)setProperty:(id)property forKey:(NSString *)key { return [stream setProperty:property forKey:key]; } - (NSStreamStatus)streamStatus { return [stream streamStatus]; } - (NSError *)streamError { return [stream streamError]; } // If we get asked to perform a method we don't have (probably internal ones), // we'll just forward the message to our stream - (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector { return [stream methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector]; } - (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation { [anInvocation invokeWithTarget:stream]; } @synthesize stream; @synthesize request; @end