/* Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE #import #endif //#import #import "GTLRService.h" //#import //#import //#import #import "GTLRFramework.h" #import "GTLRURITemplate.h" #import "GTLRUtilities.h" #import "GTLRDefines.h" // TODO: Simplify when the 2.0 SessionFetcher is the min dependency. #if __has_include() // 2.x & CocoaPods #import #import #else // SwiftPM 1.x // #import "../GTMSessionUploadFetcher.h" // #import "../GTMMIMEDocument.h" #import "GTMSessionUploadFetcher.h" #import "GTMMIMEDocument.h" #endif #ifndef STRIP_GTM_FETCH_LOGGING #error GTMSessionFetcher headers should have defaulted this if it wasn't already defined. #endif #ifndef GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG #if DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS) static __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline)) void GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG_IMPL(dispatch_queue_t targetQueue) { if (@available(iOS 10, *)) { dispatch_assert_queue(targetQueue); } } #define GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG(targetQueue) \ GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG_IMPL(targetQueue) #else #define GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG(targetQueue) do { } while (0) #endif // DEBUG && !defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS) #endif // GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG NSString *const kGTLRServiceErrorDomain = @"com.google.GTLRServiceDomain"; NSString *const kGTLRErrorObjectDomain = @"com.google.GTLRErrorObjectDomain"; NSString *const kGTLRServiceErrorBodyDataKey = @"body"; NSString *const kGTLRServiceErrorContentIDKey = @"contentID"; NSString *const kGTLRStructuredErrorKey = @"GTLRStructuredError"; NSString *const kGTLRETagWildcard = @"*"; NSString *const kGTLRServiceTicketStartedNotification = @"kGTLRServiceTicketStartedNotification"; NSString *const kGTLRServiceTicketStoppedNotification = @"kGTLRServiceTicketStoppedNotification"; NSString *const kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStartedNotification = @"kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStartedNotification"; NSString *const kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStoppedNotification = @"kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStoppedNotification"; NSString *const kXIosBundleIdHeader = @"X-Ios-Bundle-Identifier"; static NSString *const kDeveloperAPIQueryParamKey = @"key"; static const NSUInteger kMaxNumberOfNextPagesFetched = 25; static const NSUInteger kMaxGETURLLength = 2048; // we'll enforce 50K chunks minimum just to avoid the server getting hit // with too many small upload chunks static const NSUInteger kMinimumUploadChunkSize = 50000; // Helper to get the ETag if it is defined on an object. static NSString *ETagIfPresent(GTLRObject *obj) { NSString *result = [obj.JSON objectForKey:@"etag"]; return result; } // Merge two dictionaries. Either may be nil. // If both are nil, return nil. // In case of a key collision, values of the second dictionary prevail. static NSDictionary *MergeDictionaries(NSDictionary *recessiveDict, NSDictionary *dominantDict) { if (!dominantDict) return recessiveDict; if (!recessiveDict) return dominantDict; NSMutableDictionary *worker = [recessiveDict mutableCopy]; [worker addEntriesFromDictionary:dominantDict]; return worker; } @interface GTLRServiceTicket () - (instancetype)initWithService:(GTLRService *)service executionParameters:(GTLRServiceExecutionParameters *)params NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; // Thread safety: ticket properties are all publicly exposed as read-only. // // Service execution of a ticket is serial (started by the app, then executing on the fetcher // callback queue and then the parse queue), so we don't need to worry about synchronization. // // One important exception is when the user invoked cancelTicket. During cancellation, ticket // properties are released. This should be harmless even during the fetch start-parse-callback // phase because nothing released in cancelTicket is used to begin a fetch, and the cancellation // flag will prevent any application callbacks from being invoked. // // The cancel and objectFetcher properties are synchronized on the ticket. // Ticket properties exposed publicly as readonly. @property(atomic, readwrite, nullable) id originalQuery; @property(atomic, readwrite, nullable) id executingQuery; @property(atomic, readwrite, nullable) GTMSessionFetcher *objectFetcher; @property(nonatomic, readwrite, nullable) NSURLRequest *fetchRequest; @property(nonatomic, readwrite, nullable) GTLRObject *postedObject; @property(nonatomic, readwrite, nullable) GTLRObject *fetchedObject; @property(nonatomic, readwrite, nullable) NSError *fetchError; @property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasCalledCallback; @property(nonatomic, readwrite) NSUInteger pagesFetchedCounter; @property(readwrite, atomic, strong) id objectClassResolver; // Internal properties copied from the service. @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowInsecureQueries; @property(nonatomic, strong) GTMSessionFetcherService *fetcherService; #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated" @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) id authorizer; #pragma clang diagnostic pop // Internal properties copied from serviceExecutionParameters. @property(nonatomic, getter=isRetryEnabled) BOOL retryEnabled; @property(nonatomic, readwrite) NSTimeInterval maxRetryInterval; @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) GTLRServiceRetryBlock retryBlock; @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) GTLRServiceUploadProgressBlock uploadProgressBlock; @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) GTLRServiceTestBlock testBlock; @property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL shouldFetchNextPages; // Internal properties used by the service. #if GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING // Access to backgroundTaskIdentifier should be protected by @synchronized(self). @property(nonatomic, assign) UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier backgroundTaskIdentifier; #endif // GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING // Dispatch group enabling waitForTicket: to delay until async callbacks and notifications // related to the ticket have completed. @property(nonatomic, readonly) dispatch_group_t callbackGroup; // startBackgroundTask and endBackgroundTask do nothing if !GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING - (void)startBackgroundTask; - (void)endBackgroundTask; - (void)notifyStarting:(BOOL)isStarting; - (void)releaseTicketCallbacks; // Posts a notification on the main queue using the ticket's dispatch group. - (void)postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:(NSString *)name object:(id)object userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo; @end @interface GTLRObject (StandardProperties) // Common properties on GTLRObject that are invoked below. @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *nextPageToken; @end // This class encapsulates the pieces of a single batch response, including // inner http response code and message, inner headers, JSON body (parsed as a dictionary), // or parsing NSError. // // See responsePartsWithMIMEParts: for an example of the wire format data used // to populate this object. @interface GTLRBatchResponsePart : NSObject @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *contentID; @property(nonatomic, assign) NSInteger statusCode; @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *statusString; @property(nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *headers; @property(nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *JSON; @property(nonatomic, strong) NSError *parseError; @end @implementation GTLRBatchResponsePart @synthesize contentID = _contentID, headers = _headers, JSON = _JSON, parseError = _parseError, statusCode = _statusCode, statusString = _statusString; #if DEBUG - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %p: %@\n%ld %@\nheaders:%@\nJSON:%@\nerror:%@", [self class], self, self.contentID, (long)self.statusCode, self.statusString, self.headers, self.JSON, self.parseError]; } #endif @end // GTLRResourceURLQuery is an internal class used as a query object placeholder // when fetchObjectWithURL: is invoked by the client app. This lets the service's // plumbing treat the request like other queries, without allowing users to // set arbitrary query properties that may not work as anticipated. @interface GTLRResourceURLQuery : GTLRQuery @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSURL *resourceURL; + (instancetype)queryWithResourceURL:(NSURL *)resourceURL objectClass:(nullable Class)objectClass; @end @implementation GTLRService { NSString *_userAgent; NSString *_overrideUserAgent; NSDictionary *_serviceProperties; // Properties retained for the convenience of the client app. NSUInteger _uploadChunkSize; // Only applies to resumable chunked uploads. } @synthesize additionalHTTPHeaders = _additionalHTTPHeaders, additionalURLQueryParameters = _additionalURLQueryParameters, allowInsecureQueries = _allowInsecureQueries, callbackQueue = _callbackQueue, APIKey = _apiKey, APIKeyRestrictionBundleID = _apiKeyRestrictionBundleID, batchPath = _batchPath, dataWrapperRequired = _dataWrapperRequired, fetcherService = _fetcherService, maxRetryInterval = _maxRetryInterval, parseQueue = _parseQueue, prettyPrintQueryParameterNames = _prettyPrintQueryParameterNames, resumableUploadPath = _resumableUploadPath, retryBlock = _retryBlock, retryEnabled = _retryEnabled, rootURLString = _rootURLString, servicePath = _servicePath, shouldFetchNextPages = _shouldFetchNextPages, simpleUploadPath = _simpleUploadPath, objectClassResolver = _objectClassResolver, testBlock = _testBlock, uploadProgressBlock = _uploadProgressBlock, userAgentAddition = _userAgentAddition; + (Class)ticketClass { return [GTLRServiceTicket class]; } - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { _parseQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.google.GTLRServiceParse", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); _callbackQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); _fetcherService = [[GTMSessionFetcherService alloc] init]; // Make the session fetcher use a background delegate queue instead of bouncing // through the main queue for its callbacks from NSURLSession. This should improve // performance, and eventually be the default behavior for the fetcher. NSOperationQueue *delegateQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; delegateQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1; delegateQueue.name = @"com.google.GTLRServiceFetcherDelegate"; _fetcherService.sessionDelegateQueue = delegateQueue; NSDictionary *kindMap = [[self class] kindStringToClassMap]; _objectClassResolver = [GTLRObjectClassResolver resolverWithKindMap:kindMap]; } return self; } - (NSString *)requestUserAgent { if (_overrideUserAgent != nil) { return _overrideUserAgent; } NSString *userAgent = self.userAgent; if (userAgent.length == 0) { // The service instance is missing an explicit user-agent; use the bundle ID // or process name. The check for the specific bundle is basically a noop as // it was the hardcoded value from the framework when the project included // and Xcode project. It is kept just incase someone happened to use the // same bundle id so the behavior remains consistent. NSBundle *owningBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]; if (owningBundle == nil || [owningBundle.bundleIdentifier isEqual:@"com.google.GTLR"]) { owningBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; } userAgent = GTMFetcherApplicationIdentifier(owningBundle); } NSString *requestUserAgent = userAgent; // if the user agent already specifies the library version, we'll // use it verbatim in the request NSString *libraryString = @"google-api-objc-client"; NSRange libRange = [userAgent rangeOfString:libraryString options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch]; if (libRange.location == NSNotFound) { // the user agent doesn't specify the client library, so append that // information, and the system version NSString *libVersionString = GTLRFrameworkVersionString(); NSString *systemString = GTMFetcherSystemVersionString(); // We don't clean this with GTMCleanedUserAgentString so spaces are // preserved NSString *userAgentAddition = self.userAgentAddition; NSString *customString = userAgentAddition ? [@" " stringByAppendingString:userAgentAddition] : @""; // Google servers look for gzip in the user agent before sending gzip- // encoded responses. See Service.java requestUserAgent = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@/%@ %@%@ (gzip)", userAgent, libraryString, libVersionString, systemString, customString]; } return requestUserAgent; } - (void)setMainBundleIDRestrictionWithAPIKey:(NSString *)apiKey { self.APIKey = apiKey; self.APIKeyRestrictionBundleID = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]; } - (NSMutableURLRequest *)requestForURL:(NSURL *)url ETag:(NSString *)etag httpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket { // subclasses may add headers to this NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData timeoutInterval:60]; NSString *requestUserAgent = self.requestUserAgent; [request setValue:requestUserAgent forHTTPHeaderField:@"User-Agent"]; if (httpMethod.length > 0) { [request setHTTPMethod:httpMethod]; } if (etag.length > 0) { // it's rather unexpected for an etagged object to be provided for a GET, // but we'll check for an etag anyway, similar to HttpGDataRequest.java, // and if present use it to request only an unchanged resource BOOL isDoingHTTPGet = (httpMethod == nil || [httpMethod caseInsensitiveCompare:@"GET"] == NSOrderedSame); if (isDoingHTTPGet) { // set the etag header, even if weak, indicating we don't want // another copy of the resource if it's the same as the object [request setValue:etag forHTTPHeaderField:@"If-None-Match"]; } else { // if we're doing PUT or DELETE, set the etag header indicating // we only want to update the resource if our copy matches the current // one (unless the etag is weak and so shouldn't be a constraint at all) BOOL isWeakETag = [etag hasPrefix:@"W/"]; BOOL isModifying = [httpMethod caseInsensitiveCompare:@"PUT"] == NSOrderedSame || [httpMethod caseInsensitiveCompare:@"DELETE"] == NSOrderedSame || [httpMethod caseInsensitiveCompare:@"PATCH"] == NSOrderedSame; if (isModifying && !isWeakETag) { [request setValue:etag forHTTPHeaderField:@"If-Match"]; } } } return request; } // objectRequestForURL returns an NSMutableURLRequest for a GTLRObject // // the object is the object being sent to the server, or nil; // the http method may be nil for get, or POST, PUT, DELETE - (NSMutableURLRequest *)objectRequestForURL:(NSURL *)url object:(GTLRObject *)object contentType:(NSString *)contentType contentLength:(NSString *)contentLength ETag:(NSString *)etag httpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod additionalHeaders:(NSDictionary *)additionalHeaders ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket { if (object) { // if the object being sent has an etag, add it to the request header to // avoid retrieving a duplicate or to avoid writing over an updated // version of the resource on the server // // Typically, delete requests will provide an explicit ETag parameter, and // other requests will have the ETag carried inside the object being updated if (etag == nil) { etag = ETagIfPresent(object); } } NSMutableURLRequest *request = [self requestForURL:url ETag:etag httpMethod:httpMethod ticket:ticket]; [request setValue:@"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept"]; [request setValue:contentType forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"]; [request setValue:@"no-cache" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Cache-Control"]; if (contentLength) { [request setValue:contentLength forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Length"]; } // Add the additional http headers from the service, and then from the query NSDictionary *headers = self.additionalHTTPHeaders; for (NSString *key in headers) { NSString *value = [headers objectForKey:key]; [request setValue:value forHTTPHeaderField:key]; } headers = additionalHeaders; for (NSString *key in headers) { NSString *value = [headers objectForKey:key]; [request setValue:value forHTTPHeaderField:key]; } return request; } #pragma mark - - (NSMutableURLRequest *)requestForQuery:(GTLRQuery *)query { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(query.bodyObject == nil, @"requestForQuery: supports only GET methods, but was passed: %@", query); GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(query.uploadParameters == nil, @"requestForQuery: does not support uploads, but was passed: %@", query); NSURL *url = [self URLFromQueryObject:query usePartialPaths:NO includeServiceURLQueryParams:YES]; // If there is a developer key, add it onto the url. NSString *apiKey = self.APIKey; if (apiKey.length > 0) { NSDictionary *queryParameters; queryParameters = @{ kDeveloperAPIQueryParamKey : apiKey }; url = [GTLRService URLWithString:url.absoluteString queryParameters:queryParameters]; } NSMutableURLRequest *request = [self requestForURL:url ETag:nil httpMethod:query.httpMethod ticket:nil]; NSString *apiRestriction = self.APIKeyRestrictionBundleID; if ([apiRestriction length] > 0) { [request setValue:apiRestriction forHTTPHeaderField:kXIosBundleIdHeader]; } NSDictionary *headers = self.additionalHTTPHeaders; for (NSString *key in headers) { NSString *value = [headers objectForKey:key]; [request setValue:value forHTTPHeaderField:key]; } headers = query.additionalHTTPHeaders; for (NSString *key in headers) { NSString *value = [headers objectForKey:key]; [request setValue:value forHTTPHeaderField:key]; } return request; } // common fetch starting method - (GTLRServiceTicket *)fetchObjectWithURL:(NSURL *)targetURL objectClass:(Class)objectClass bodyObject:(GTLRObject *)bodyObject dataToPost:(NSData *)dataToPost ETag:(NSString *)etag httpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod mayAuthorize:(BOOL)mayAuthorize completionHandler:(GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)completionHandler executingQuery:(id)executingQuery ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket { // Once inside this method, we should not access any service properties that may reasonably // be changed by the app, as this method may execute multiple times during query execution // and we want consistent behavior. Service properties should be copied to the ticket. GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(executingQuery != nil, @"no query? service additionalURLQueryParameters needs to be added to targetURL"); GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(targetURL != nil, @"no url?"); if (targetURL == nil) return nil; BOOL hasExecutionParams = [executingQuery hasExecutionParameters]; GTLRServiceExecutionParameters *executionParams = (hasExecutionParams ? executingQuery.executionParameters : nil); // We need to create a ticket unless one was created earlier (like during authentication.) if (!ticket) { ticket = [[[[self class] ticketClass] alloc] initWithService:self executionParameters:executionParams]; [ticket notifyStarting:YES]; } // If there is a developer key, add it onto the URL. NSString *apiKey = ticket.APIKey; if (apiKey.length > 0) { NSDictionary *queryParameters; queryParameters = @{ kDeveloperAPIQueryParamKey : apiKey }; targetURL = [GTLRService URLWithString:targetURL.absoluteString queryParameters:queryParameters]; } NSString *contentType = @"application/json; charset=utf-8"; NSString *contentLength; // nil except for single-request uploads. if ([executingQuery isBatchQuery]) { contentType = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"multipart/mixed; boundary=%@", ((GTLRBatchQuery *)executingQuery).boundary]; } GTLRUploadParameters *uploadParams = executingQuery.uploadParameters; if (uploadParams.shouldUploadWithSingleRequest) { NSData *uploadData = uploadParams.data; NSString *uploadMIMEType = uploadParams.MIMEType; if (!uploadData) { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(0, @"Uploading with a single request requires bytes to upload as NSData"); } else { if (uploadParams.shouldSendUploadOnly) { contentType = uploadMIMEType; dataToPost = uploadData; contentLength = @(dataToPost.length).stringValue; } else { GTMMIMEDocument *mimeDoc = [GTMMIMEDocument MIMEDocument]; if (dataToPost) { // Include the object as metadata with the upload. [mimeDoc addPartWithHeaders:@{ @"Content-Type" : contentType } body:dataToPost]; } [mimeDoc addPartWithHeaders:@{ @"Content-Type" : uploadMIMEType } body:uploadData]; dispatch_data_t mimeDispatchData; unsigned long long mimeLength; NSString *mimeBoundary; [mimeDoc generateDispatchData:&mimeDispatchData length:&mimeLength boundary:&mimeBoundary]; contentType = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"multipart/related; boundary=%@", mimeBoundary]; dataToPost = (NSData *)mimeDispatchData; contentLength = @(mimeLength).stringValue; } } } NSDictionary *additionalHeaders = nil; NSString *restriction = self.APIKeyRestrictionBundleID; if ([restriction length] > 0) { additionalHeaders = @{ kXIosBundleIdHeader : restriction }; } NSDictionary *queryAdditionalHeaders = executingQuery.additionalHTTPHeaders; if (queryAdditionalHeaders) { if (additionalHeaders) { NSMutableDictionary *builder = [additionalHeaders mutableCopy]; [builder addEntriesFromDictionary:queryAdditionalHeaders]; additionalHeaders = builder; } else { additionalHeaders = queryAdditionalHeaders; } } NSURLRequest *request = [self objectRequestForURL:targetURL object:bodyObject contentType:contentType contentLength:contentLength ETag:etag httpMethod:httpMethod additionalHeaders:additionalHeaders ticket:ticket]; ticket.postedObject = bodyObject; ticket.executingQuery = executingQuery; GTLRQuery *originalQuery = (GTLRQuery *)ticket.originalQuery; if (originalQuery == nil) { originalQuery = (GTLRQuery *)executingQuery; ticket.originalQuery = originalQuery; } // Some proxy servers (and some web servers) have issues with GET URLs being // too long, trap that and move the query parameters into the body. The // uploadParams and dataToPost should be nil for a GET, but playing it safe // and confirming. NSString *requestHTTPMethod = request.HTTPMethod; BOOL isDoingHTTPGet = (requestHTTPMethod == nil || [requestHTTPMethod caseInsensitiveCompare:@"GET"] == NSOrderedSame); if (isDoingHTTPGet && (request.URL.absoluteString.length >= kMaxGETURLLength) && (uploadParams == nil) && (dataToPost == nil)) { NSString *urlString = request.URL.absoluteString; NSRange range = [urlString rangeOfString:@"?"]; if (range.location != NSNotFound) { NSURL *trimmedURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[urlString substringToIndex:range.location]]; NSString *urlArgsString = [urlString substringFromIndex:(range.location + 1)]; if (trimmedURL && (urlArgsString.length > 0)) { dataToPost = [urlArgsString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSMutableURLRequest *mutableRequest = [request mutableCopy]; mutableRequest.URL = trimmedURL; mutableRequest.HTTPMethod = @"POST"; [mutableRequest setValue:@"GET" forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-HTTP-Method-Override"]; [mutableRequest setValue:@"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"]; [mutableRequest setValue:@(dataToPost.length).stringValue forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Length"]; request = mutableRequest; } } } ticket.fetchRequest = request; GTLRServiceTestBlock testBlock = ticket.testBlock; if (testBlock) { [self simulateFetchWithTicket:ticket testBlock:testBlock dataToPost:dataToPost completionHandler:completionHandler]; return ticket; } GTMSessionFetcherService *fetcherService = ticket.fetcherService; GTMSessionFetcher *fetcher; if (uploadParams == nil || uploadParams.shouldUploadWithSingleRequest) { // Create a single-request fetcher. fetcher = [fetcherService fetcherWithRequest:request]; } else { fetcher = [self uploadFetcherWithRequest:request fetcherService:fetcherService params:uploadParams]; } if (ticket.allowInsecureQueries) { fetcher.allowLocalhostRequest = YES; fetcher.allowedInsecureSchemes = @[ @"http" ]; } NSString *loggingName = executingQuery.loggingName; if (loggingName.length > 0) { NSUInteger pageNumber = ticket.pagesFetchedCounter + 1; if (pageNumber > 1) { loggingName = [loggingName stringByAppendingFormat:@", page %lu", (unsigned long)pageNumber]; } fetcher.comment = loggingName; } if (!mayAuthorize) { fetcher.authorizer = nil; } else { fetcher.authorizer = ticket.authorizer; } // copy the ticket's retry settings into the fetcher fetcher.retryEnabled = ticket.retryEnabled; fetcher.maxRetryInterval = ticket.maxRetryInterval; BOOL shouldExamineRetries = (ticket.retryBlock != nil); if (shouldExamineRetries) { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(ticket.retryEnabled, @"Setting retry block without retry enabled."); fetcher.retryBlock = ^(BOOL suggestedWillRetry, NSError *error, GTMSessionFetcherRetryResponse response) { // The object fetcher may call into this retry block; this one invokes the // selector provided by the user. GTLRServiceRetryBlock retryBlock = ticket.retryBlock; if (!retryBlock) { response(suggestedWillRetry); } else { dispatch_group_async(ticket.callbackGroup, ticket.callbackQueue, ^{ if (ticket.cancelled) { response(NO); return; } BOOL willRetry = retryBlock(ticket, suggestedWillRetry, error); response(willRetry); }); } }; } // Remember the object fetcher in the ticket. ticket.objectFetcher = fetcher; // Set the upload data. fetcher.bodyData = dataToPost; // Have the fetcher call back on the parse queue. fetcher.callbackQueue = self.parseQueue; // If this ticket is paging, end any ongoing background task immediately, and // rely on the fetcher's background task now instead. [ticket endBackgroundTask]; [fetcher beginFetchWithCompletionHandler:^(NSData * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error) { // We now have the JSON data for an object, or an error. GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG(self.parseQueue); // Until now, the only async operation has been the fetch, and we rely on the fetcher's // background task on iOS to get us here if the app was backgrounded. // // Now we'll let the ticket create a background task so that the async parsing and call back to // the app will happen if the app is sent to the background. The ticket is responsible for // ending the background task. [ticket startBackgroundTask]; if (ticket.cancelled) { // If the user cancels the ticket, then cancelTicket will stop the fetcher so this // callback probably won't occur. // // But just for safety, if we get here, skip any parsing steps by fabricating an error. data = nil; error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSURLErrorDomain code:NSURLErrorCancelled userInfo:nil]; } if (error == nil) { // Successful fetch. if (data.length > 0) { [self prepareToParseObjectForFetcher:fetcher executingQuery:executingQuery ticket:ticket error:error defaultClass:objectClass completionHandler:completionHandler]; } else { // no data (such as when deleting) [self handleParsedObjectForFetcher:fetcher executingQuery:executingQuery ticket:ticket error:nil parsedObject:nil hasSentParsingStartNotification:NO completionHandler:completionHandler]; } return; } // Failed fetch. NSInteger status = [error code]; if (status >= 300) { // Return the HTTP error status code along with a more descriptive error // from within the HTTP response payload. NSData *responseData = fetcher.downloadedData; if (responseData.length > 0) { NSDictionary *responseHeaders = fetcher.responseHeaders; NSString *responseContentType = [responseHeaders objectForKey:@"Content-Type"]; if (data.length > 0) { if ([responseContentType hasPrefix:@"application/json"]) { NSError *parseError = nil; NSMutableDictionary *jsonWrapper = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:(NSData * _Nonnull)data options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&parseError]; // If the json parse worked, then extract potentially better // information. if (!parseError) { // HTTP Streaming defined by Google services is is an array // of requests and replies. This code never makes one of // these requests; but, some GET apis can actually be to // a Streaming result (for media?), so the errors can still // come back in an array. if ([jsonWrapper isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { NSArray *jsonWrapperAsArray = (NSArray *)jsonWrapper; #if DEBUG if (jsonWrapperAsArray.count > 1) { GTLR_DEBUG_LOG(@"Got error array with >1 item, only using first. Full list: %@", jsonWrapperAsArray); } #endif // Use the first. jsonWrapper = [jsonWrapperAsArray firstObject]; } // Convert the JSON error payload into a structured error NSMutableDictionary *errorJSON = [jsonWrapper valueForKey:@"error"]; if (errorJSON) { GTLRErrorObject *errorObject = [GTLRErrorObject objectWithJSON:errorJSON]; error = [errorObject foundationError]; } } } else { // No structured JSON error was available; make a plaintext server // error response visible in the error object. NSString *reasonStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:(NSData * _Nonnull)data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : reasonStr }; error = [NSError errorWithDomain:kGTMSessionFetcherStatusDomain code:status userInfo:userInfo]; } } else { // Response data length is zero; we'll settle for returning the // fetcher's error. } } } [self handleParsedObjectForFetcher:fetcher executingQuery:executingQuery ticket:ticket error:error parsedObject:nil hasSentParsingStartNotification:NO completionHandler:completionHandler]; }]; // fetcher completion handler // If something weird happens and the networking callbacks have been called // already synchronously, we don't want to return the ticket since the caller // will never know when to stop retaining it, so we'll make sure the // success/failure callbacks have not yet been called by checking the // ticket if (ticket.hasCalledCallback) { return nil; } return ticket; } - (GTMSessionUploadFetcher *)uploadFetcherWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request fetcherService:(GTMSessionFetcherService *)fetcherService params:(GTLRUploadParameters *)uploadParams { // Hang on to the user's requested chunk size, and ensure it's not tiny NSUInteger uploadChunkSize = [self serviceUploadChunkSize]; if (uploadChunkSize < kMinimumUploadChunkSize) { uploadChunkSize = kMinimumUploadChunkSize; } NSString *uploadMIMEType = uploadParams.MIMEType; NSData *uploadData = uploadParams.data; NSURL *uploadFileURL = uploadParams.fileURL; NSFileHandle *uploadFileHandle = uploadParams.fileHandle; NSURL *uploadLocationURL = uploadParams.uploadLocationURL; // Create the upload fetcher. GTMSessionUploadFetcher *fetcher; if (uploadLocationURL) { // Resuming with the session fetcher and a file URL. GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(uploadFileURL != nil, @"Resume requires a file URL"); fetcher = [GTMSessionUploadFetcher uploadFetcherWithLocation:uploadLocationURL uploadMIMEType:uploadMIMEType chunkSize:(int64_t)uploadChunkSize fetcherService:fetcherService]; fetcher.uploadFileURL = uploadFileURL; } else { fetcher = [GTMSessionUploadFetcher uploadFetcherWithRequest:request uploadMIMEType:uploadMIMEType chunkSize:(int64_t)uploadChunkSize fetcherService:fetcherService]; if (uploadFileURL) { fetcher.uploadFileURL = uploadFileURL; } else if (uploadData) { fetcher.uploadData = uploadData; } else if (uploadFileHandle) { #if DEBUG if (uploadParams.useBackgroundSession) { GTLR_DEBUG_LOG(@"Warning: GTLRUploadParameters should be supplied an uploadFileURL rather" @" than a file handle to support background uploads.\n %@", uploadParams); } #endif fetcher.uploadFileHandle = uploadFileHandle; } } fetcher.useBackgroundSession = uploadParams.useBackgroundSession; return fetcher; } #pragma mark - - (GTLRServiceTicket *)executeBatchQuery:(GTLRBatchQuery *)batchObj completionHandler:(GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)completionHandler ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket { // Copy the original batch object and each query inside so our working queries cannot be modified // by the caller, and release the callback blocks from the supplied query objects. GTLRBatchQuery *batchCopy = [batchObj copy]; [batchObj invalidateQuery]; NSArray *queries = batchCopy.queries; NSUInteger numberOfQueries = queries.count; if (numberOfQueries == 0) return nil; // Create the batch of REST calls. NSMutableSet *requestIDs = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:numberOfQueries]; NSMutableSet *loggingNames = [NSMutableSet set]; GTMMIMEDocument *mimeDoc = [GTMMIMEDocument MIMEDocument]; // Each batch part has two "header" sections, an outer and inner. // The inner headers are preceded by a line specifying the http request. // So a part looks like this: // // --END_OF_PART // Content-ID: gtlr_3 // Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary // Content-Type: application/http // // POST https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/ // Content-Length: 0 // Content-Type: application/json // // { // "id": "04109509152946699072k" // } for (GTLRQuery *query in queries) { GTLRObject *bodyObject = query.bodyObject; NSDictionary *bodyJSON = bodyObject.JSON; NSString *requestID = query.requestID; if (requestID.length == 0) { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(0, @"Invalid query ID: %@", [query class]); return nil; } if ([requestIDs containsObject:requestID]) { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(0, @"Duplicate request ID in batch: %@", requestID); return nil; } [requestIDs addObject:requestID]; // Create the inner request, body, and headers. NSURL *requestURL = [self URLFromQueryObject:query usePartialPaths:YES includeServiceURLQueryParams:NO]; NSString *requestURLString = requestURL.absoluteString; NSError *error = nil; NSData *bodyData; if (bodyJSON) { bodyData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:bodyJSON options:0 error:&error]; if (bodyData == nil) { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(0, @"JSON generation error: %@\n JSON: %@", error, bodyJSON); return nil; } } NSString *httpRequestString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@\r\n", query.httpMethod ?: @"GET", requestURLString]; NSDictionary *innerPartHeaders = @{ @"Content-Type" : @"application/json", @"Content-Length" : @(bodyData.length).stringValue }; innerPartHeaders = MergeDictionaries(query.additionalHTTPHeaders, innerPartHeaders); NSData *innerPartHeadersData = [GTMMIMEDocument dataWithHeaders:innerPartHeaders]; NSMutableData *innerData = [[httpRequestString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] mutableCopy]; [innerData appendData:innerPartHeadersData]; if (bodyData) { [innerData appendData:bodyData]; } // Combine the outer headers with the inner headers and body data. NSDictionary *outerPartHeaders = @{ @"Content-Type" : @"application/http", @"Content-ID" : requestID, @"Content-Transfer-Encoding" : @"binary" }; [mimeDoc addPartWithHeaders:outerPartHeaders body:innerData]; NSString *loggingName = query.loggingName ?: [[query class] description]; [loggingNames addObject:loggingName]; } #if !STRIP_GTM_FETCH_LOGGING // Set the fetcher log comment. if (!batchCopy.loggingName) { NSUInteger pageNumber = ticket.pagesFetchedCounter; NSString *pageStr = @""; if (pageNumber > 0) { pageStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"page %lu, ", (unsigned long)(pageNumber + 1)]; } batchCopy.loggingName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"batch: %@ (%@%lu queries)", [loggingNames.allObjects componentsJoinedByString:@", "], pageStr, (unsigned long)numberOfQueries]; } #endif dispatch_data_t mimeDispatchData; unsigned long long mimeLength; NSString *mimeBoundary; [mimeDoc generateDispatchData:&mimeDispatchData length:&mimeLength boundary:&mimeBoundary]; batchCopy.boundary = mimeBoundary; BOOL mayAuthorize = (batchCopy ? !batchCopy.shouldSkipAuthorization : YES); NSString *rootURLString = self.rootURLString; NSString *batchPath = self.batchPath ?: @""; NSString *batchURLString = [rootURLString stringByAppendingString:batchPath]; GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(![batchPath hasPrefix:@"/"], @"batchPath shouldn't start with a slash: %@", batchPath); // Query parameters override service parameters. NSDictionary *mergedQueryParams = MergeDictionaries(self.additionalURLQueryParameters, batchObj.additionalURLQueryParameters); NSURL *batchURL; if (mergedQueryParams.count > 0) { batchURL = [GTLRService URLWithString:batchURLString queryParameters:mergedQueryParams]; } else { batchURL = [NSURL URLWithString:batchURLString]; } GTLRServiceTicket *resultTicket = [self fetchObjectWithURL:batchURL objectClass:[GTLRBatchResult class] bodyObject:nil dataToPost:(NSData *)mimeDispatchData ETag:nil httpMethod:@"POST" mayAuthorize:mayAuthorize completionHandler:completionHandler executingQuery:batchCopy ticket:ticket]; return resultTicket; } #pragma mark - // Raw REST fetch method. - (GTLRServiceTicket *)fetchObjectWithURL:(NSURL *)targetURL objectClass:(Class)objectClass bodyObject:(GTLRObject *)bodyObject ETag:(NSString *)etag httpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod mayAuthorize:(BOOL)mayAuthorize completionHandler:(GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)completionHandler executingQuery:(id)executingQuery ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket { // if no URL was supplied, treat this as if the fetch failed (below) // and immediately return a nil ticket, skipping the callbacks // // this might be considered normal (say, updating a read-only entry // that lacks an edit link) though higher-level calls may assert or // return errors depending on the specific usage if (targetURL == nil) return nil; NSData *dataToPost = nil; if (bodyObject != nil && !executingQuery.uploadParameters.shouldSendUploadOnly) { NSError *error = nil; NSDictionary *whatToSend; NSDictionary *json = bodyObject.JSON; if (json == nil) { // Since a body object was provided, we'll ensure there's at least an empty dictionary. json = [NSDictionary dictionary]; } if (_dataWrapperRequired) { // create the top-level "data" object whatToSend = @{ @"data" : json }; } else { whatToSend = json; } dataToPost = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:whatToSend options:0 error:&error]; if (dataToPost == nil) { GTLR_DEBUG_LOG(@"JSON generation error: %@", error); } } return [self fetchObjectWithURL:targetURL objectClass:objectClass bodyObject:bodyObject dataToPost:dataToPost ETag:etag httpMethod:httpMethod mayAuthorize:mayAuthorize completionHandler:completionHandler executingQuery:executingQuery ticket:ticket]; } - (void)invokeProgressCallbackForTicket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket deliveredBytes:(unsigned long long)numReadSoFar totalBytes:(unsigned long long)total { GTLRServiceUploadProgressBlock block = ticket.uploadProgressBlock; if (block) { dispatch_group_async(ticket.callbackGroup, ticket.callbackQueue, ^{ if (ticket.cancelled) return; block(ticket, numReadSoFar, total); }); } } // Three methods handle parsing of the fetched JSON data: // - prepareToParse posts a start notification and then spawns off parsing // on the operation queue (if there's an operation queue) // - parseObject does the parsing of the JSON string // - handleParsedObject posts the stop notification and calls the callback // with the parsed object or an error // // The middle method may run on a separate thread. - (void)prepareToParseObjectForFetcher:(GTMSessionFetcher *)fetcher executingQuery:(id)executingQuery ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket error:(NSError *)error defaultClass:(Class)defaultClass completionHandler:(GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)completionHandler { GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG(self.parseQueue); [ticket postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStartedNotification object:ticket userInfo:nil]; // For unit tests to cancel during parsing, we need a synchronous notification posted. // Because this notification is intended only for unit tests, there is no public symbol // for the notification name. NSNotificationCenter *nc =[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [nc postNotificationName:@"kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStartedForTestNotification" object:ticket userInfo:nil]; NSDictionary *batchClassMap; if ([executingQuery isBatchQuery]) { // build a dictionary of expected classes for the batch responses GTLRBatchQuery *batchQuery = (GTLRBatchQuery *)executingQuery; NSArray *queries = batchQuery.queries; batchClassMap = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:queries.count]; for (GTLRQuery *singleQuery in queries) { [batchClassMap setValue:singleQuery.expectedObjectClass forKey:singleQuery.requestID]; } } [self parseObjectFromDataOfFetcher:fetcher executingQuery:executingQuery ticket:ticket error:error defaultClass:defaultClass batchClassMap:batchClassMap hasSentParsingStartNotification:YES completionHandler:completionHandler]; } - (void)parseObjectFromDataOfFetcher:(GTMSessionFetcher *)fetcher executingQuery:(id)executingQuery ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket error:(NSError *)error defaultClass:(Class)defaultClass batchClassMap:(NSDictionary *)batchClassMap hasSentParsingStartNotification:(BOOL)hasSentParsingStartNotification completionHandler:(GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)completionHandler { GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG(self.parseQueue); NSError *fetchError = error; NSString *downloadAsDataObjectType = nil; if (![executingQuery isBatchQuery]) { GTLRQuery *singleQuery = (GTLRQuery *)executingQuery; downloadAsDataObjectType = singleQuery.downloadAsDataObjectType; } NSDictionary *responseHeaders = fetcher.responseHeaders; NSString *contentType = [responseHeaders objectForKey:@"Content-Type"]; NSData *data = fetcher.downloadedData; BOOL hasData = data.length > 0; BOOL isJSON = [contentType hasPrefix:@"application/json"]; GTLRObject *parsedObject; if (hasData) { #if GTLR_LOG_PERFORMANCE NSTimeInterval secs1, secs2; secs1 = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; #endif id objectClassResolver = ticket.objectClassResolver; if ((downloadAsDataObjectType.length != 0) && fetchError == nil) { GTLRDataObject *dataObject = [GTLRDataObject object]; dataObject.data = data; dataObject.contentType = contentType; parsedObject = dataObject; } else if (isJSON) { NSError *parseError = nil; NSMutableDictionary *jsonWrapper = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&parseError]; if (jsonWrapper == nil) { fetchError = parseError; } else { NSMutableDictionary *json; if (_dataWrapperRequired) { json = [jsonWrapper valueForKey:@"data"]; } else { json = jsonWrapper; } if (json != nil) { parsedObject = [GTLRObject objectForJSON:json defaultClass:defaultClass objectClassResolver:objectClassResolver]; } } } else { // Has non-JSON data; it may be batch data. NSString *boundary; BOOL isBatchResponse = [self isContentTypeMultipart:contentType boundary:&boundary]; if (isBatchResponse) { NSArray *mimeParts = [GTMMIMEDocument MIMEPartsWithBoundary:boundary data:data]; NSArray *responseParts = [self responsePartsWithMIMEParts:mimeParts]; GTLRBatchResult *batchResult = [self batchResultWithResponseParts:responseParts batchClassMap:batchClassMap objectClassResolver:objectClassResolver]; parsedObject = batchResult; } else { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(0, @"Got unexpected content type '%@'", contentType); } } // isJSON #if GTLR_LOG_PERFORMANCE secs2 = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; NSLog(@"allocation of %@ took %f seconds", objectClass, secs2 - secs1); #endif } [self handleParsedObjectForFetcher:fetcher executingQuery:executingQuery ticket:ticket error:fetchError parsedObject:parsedObject hasSentParsingStartNotification:hasSentParsingStartNotification completionHandler:completionHandler]; } - (void)handleParsedObjectForFetcher:(GTMSessionFetcher *)fetcher executingQuery:(id)executingQuery ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket error:(NSError *)error parsedObject:(GTLRObject *)object hasSentParsingStartNotification:(BOOL)hasSentParsingStartNotification completionHandler:(GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)completionHandler { GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG(self.parseQueue); BOOL isResourceURLQuery = [executingQuery isKindOfClass:[GTLRResourceURLQuery class]]; // There may not be an object due to a fetch or parsing error BOOL shouldFetchNextPages = ticket.shouldFetchNextPages && !isResourceURLQuery; GTLRObject *previousObject = ticket.fetchedObject; BOOL isFirstPage = (previousObject == nil); if (shouldFetchNextPages && !isFirstPage && (object != nil)) { // Accumulate new results object = [self mergedNewResultObject:object oldResultObject:previousObject forQuery:executingQuery ticket:ticket]; } ticket.fetchedObject = object; ticket.fetchError = error; if (hasSentParsingStartNotification) { // we want to always balance the start and stop notifications [ticket postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStoppedNotification object:ticket userInfo:nil]; } BOOL shouldCallCallbacks = YES; if (error == nil) { ++ticket.pagesFetchedCounter; // Use the nextPageToken to fetch any later pages for non-batch queries // // This assumes a pagination model where objects have entries in a known "items" // field and a "nextPageToken" field, and queries support a "pageToken" // parameter. if (shouldFetchNextPages) { // Determine if we should fetch more pages of results GTLRQuery *nextPageQuery = (GTLRQuery *)[self nextPageQueryForQuery:executingQuery result:object ticket:ticket]; if (nextPageQuery) { BOOL isFetchingMore = [self fetchNextPageWithQuery:nextPageQuery completionHandler:completionHandler ticket:ticket]; if (isFetchingMore) { shouldCallCallbacks = NO; } } else { // nextPageQuery == nil; no more page tokens are present #if DEBUG && !GTLR_SKIP_PAGES_WARNING // Each next page followed to accumulate all pages of a feed takes up to // a few seconds. When multiple pages are being fetched, that // usually indicates that a larger page size (that is, more items per // feed fetched) should be requested. // // To avoid fetching many pages, set query.maxResults so the feed // requested is large enough to rarely need to follow next links. NSUInteger pageCount = ticket.pagesFetchedCounter; if (pageCount > 2) { NSString *queryLabel; if ([executingQuery isBatchQuery]) { queryLabel = @"batch query"; } else { queryLabel = [[executingQuery class] description]; } GTLR_DEBUG_LOG(@"Executing %@ query required fetching %lu pages; use a query with" @" a larger maxResults for faster results", queryLabel, (unsigned long)pageCount); } #endif } // nextPageQuery } else { // !ticket.shouldFetchNextPages #if DEBUG && !GTLR_SKIP_PAGES_WARNING // Let the developer know that there were additional pages that would have been // fetched if shouldFetchNextPages was enabled. // // The client may specify a larger page size with the query's maxResults property, // or enable automatic pagination by turning on shouldFetchNextPages on the service // or on the query's executionParameters. if ([executingQuery respondsToSelector:@selector(pageToken)] && [object isKindOfClass:[GTLRCollectionObject class]] && [object respondsToSelector:@selector(nextPageToken)] && object.nextPageToken.length > 0) { GTLR_DEBUG_LOG(@"Executing %@ has additional pages of results not fetched because" @" shouldFetchNextPages is not enabled", [executingQuery class]); } #endif } // ticket.shouldFetchNextPages } // error == nil if (!isFirstPage) { // Release callbacks from this completed page's query. [executingQuery invalidateQuery]; } // We no longer care about the queries for page 2 or later, so for the client // inspecting the ticket in the callback, the executing query should be // the original one ticket.executingQuery = ticket.originalQuery; if (!shouldCallCallbacks) { // More fetches are happening. } else { dispatch_group_async(ticket.callbackGroup, ticket.callbackQueue, ^{ // First, call query-specific callback blocks. We do this before the // fetch callback to let applications do any final clean-up (or update // their UI) in the fetch callback. GTLRQuery *originalQuery = (GTLRQuery *)ticket.originalQuery; if (!ticket.cancelled) { if (![originalQuery isBatchQuery]) { // Single query GTLRServiceCompletionHandler completionBlock = originalQuery.completionBlock; if (completionBlock) { completionBlock(ticket, object, error); } } else { [self invokeBatchCompletionsWithTicket:ticket batchQuery:(GTLRBatchQuery *)originalQuery batchResult:(GTLRBatchResult *)object error:error]; } if (completionHandler) { completionHandler(ticket, object, error); } ticket.hasCalledCallback = YES; } // !ticket.cancelled [ticket releaseTicketCallbacks]; [ticket endBackgroundTask]; // Even if the ticket has been cancelled, it should notify that it's stopped. [ticket notifyStarting:NO]; // Release query callback blocks. [originalQuery invalidateQuery]; }); } } - (BOOL)isContentTypeMultipart:(NSString *)contentType boundary:(NSString **)outBoundary { NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:contentType]; // By default, the scanner skips leading whitespace. if ([scanner scanString:@"multipart/mixed; boundary=" intoString:NULL] && [scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet] intoString:outBoundary]) { return YES; } return NO; } - (NSArray *)responsePartsWithMIMEParts:(NSArray *)mimeParts { NSMutableArray *resultParts = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:mimeParts.count]; for (GTMMIMEDocumentPart *mimePart in mimeParts) { GTLRBatchResponsePart *responsePart = [self responsePartWithMIMEPart:mimePart]; [resultParts addObject:responsePart]; } return resultParts; } - (GTLRBatchResponsePart *)responsePartWithMIMEPart:(GTMMIMEDocumentPart *)mimePart { // The MIME part body looks like // // Headers (from the MIME part): // Content-Type: application/http // Content-ID: response-gtlr_5 // // Body (including inner headers): // HTTP/1.1 200 OK // Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 // Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2016 18:57:05 GMT // Expires: Sat, 16 Jan 2016 18:57:05 GMT // Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 // Content-Length: 13459 // // {"kind":"drive#fileList", ...} GTLRBatchResponsePart *responsePart = [[GTLRBatchResponsePart alloc] init]; // The only header in the actual (outer) MIME multipart headers we want is Content-ID. // // The content ID in the response looks like // // Content-ID: response-gtlr_5 // // but we will strip the "response-" prefix. NSDictionary *mimeHeaders = mimePart.headers; NSString *responseContentID = mimeHeaders[@"Content-ID"]; if ([responseContentID hasPrefix:@"response-"]) { responseContentID = [responseContentID substringFromIndex:@"response-".length]; } responsePart.contentID = responseContentID; // Split the body from the inner headers at the first CRLFCRLF. NSArray *offsets; NSData *mimePartBody = mimePart.body; [GTMMIMEDocument searchData:mimePartBody targetBytes:"\r\n\r\n" targetLength:4 foundOffsets:&offsets]; if (offsets.count == 0) { // Parse error. NSMutableDictionary *userInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [userInfo setValue:mimePartBody forKey:kGTLRServiceErrorBodyDataKey]; [userInfo setValue:responseContentID forKey:kGTLRServiceErrorContentIDKey]; responsePart.parseError = [NSError errorWithDomain:kGTLRServiceErrorDomain code:GTLRServiceErrorBatchResponseUnexpected userInfo:userInfo]; } else { // Separate the status/inner headers and the actual body. NSUInteger partBodyLength = mimePartBody.length; NSUInteger separatorOffset = offsets[0].unsignedIntegerValue; NSData *innerHeaderData = [mimePartBody subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, (NSUInteger)separatorOffset)]; NSData *partBodyData; if (separatorOffset + 4 < partBodyLength) { NSUInteger offsetToBodyData = separatorOffset + 4; NSUInteger bodyLength = mimePartBody.length - offsetToBodyData; partBodyData = [mimePartBody subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(offsetToBodyData, bodyLength)]; } // Parse to separate the status line and the inner headers (though we don't // really do much with either.) [GTMMIMEDocument searchData:innerHeaderData targetBytes:"\r\n" targetLength:2 foundOffsets:&offsets]; NSData *statusLine; NSData *actualInnerHeaderData; if (offsets.count) { NSRange statusRange = NSMakeRange(0, offsets[0].unsignedIntegerValue); statusLine = [innerHeaderData subdataWithRange:statusRange]; NSUInteger actualInnerHeaderOffset = offsets[0].unsignedIntegerValue + 2; if (innerHeaderData.length - actualInnerHeaderOffset > 0) { NSRange actualInnerHeaderRange = NSMakeRange(actualInnerHeaderOffset, innerHeaderData.length - actualInnerHeaderOffset); actualInnerHeaderData = [innerHeaderData subdataWithRange:actualInnerHeaderRange]; } } else { // There appears to only be a status line. // // This means there were no reponse headers. "Date" seems like it should // be required, but https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section- // lets even that be left off if a server doesn't have a clock it knows // to be correct. statusLine = innerHeaderData; } NSString *statusString; NSInteger statusCode; [self getResponseLineFromData:statusLine statusCode:&statusCode statusString:&statusString]; responsePart.statusCode = statusCode; responsePart.statusString = statusString; if (actualInnerHeaderData) { responsePart.headers = [GTMMIMEDocument headersWithData:actualInnerHeaderData]; } // Create JSON from the body. // (if there is any, methods like delete return nothing) NSMutableDictionary *json; if (partBodyData) { NSError *parseError = nil; json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:partBodyData options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&parseError]; if (!json) { if (!parseError) { // There should be an error, but just incase... parseError = [NSError errorWithDomain:kGTLRServiceErrorDomain code:GTLRServiceErrorBatchResponseUnexpected userInfo:nil]; } // Add our content ID and part body data to the parse error. NSMutableDictionary *userInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:parseError.userInfo]; [userInfo setValue:mimePartBody forKey:kGTLRServiceErrorBodyDataKey]; [userInfo setValue:responseContentID forKey:kGTLRServiceErrorContentIDKey]; responsePart.parseError = [NSError errorWithDomain:parseError.domain code:parseError.code userInfo:userInfo]; } } responsePart.JSON = json; } return responsePart; } - (void)getResponseLineFromData:(NSData *)data statusCode:(NSInteger *)outStatusCode statusString:(NSString **)outStatusString { // Sample response line: // HTTP/1.1 200 OK *outStatusCode = -1; *outStatusString = @"???"; NSString *responseLine = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; if (!responseLine) return; NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:responseLine]; // Scanner by default skips whitespace when locating the start of the next characters to // scan. NSCharacterSet *wsSet = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]; NSCharacterSet *newlineSet = [NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]; NSString *httpVersion; if ([scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:wsSet intoString:&httpVersion] && [scanner scanInteger:outStatusCode] && [scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:newlineSet intoString:outStatusString]) { // Got it all. #if DEBUG if (![httpVersion hasPrefix:@"HTTP/"]) { GTLR_DEBUG_LOG(@"GTLRService: Non-standard HTTP Version: %@", httpVersion); } #endif } } - (GTLRBatchResult *)batchResultWithResponseParts:(NSArray *)parts batchClassMap:(NSDictionary *)batchClassMap objectClassResolver:(id)objectClassResolver { // Allow the resolver to override the batch rules class also. Class resultClass = GTLRObjectResolveClass(objectClassResolver, [NSDictionary dictionary], [GTLRBatchResult class]); GTLRBatchResult *batchResult = [resultClass object]; NSMutableDictionary *successes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSMutableDictionary *failures = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSMutableDictionary *responseHeaders = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; for (GTLRBatchResponsePart *responsePart in parts) { NSString *contentID = responsePart.contentID; NSDictionary *json = responsePart.JSON; NSError *parseError = responsePart.parseError; NSInteger statusCode = responsePart.statusCode; [responseHeaders setValue:responsePart.headers forKey:contentID]; if (parseError) { GTLRErrorObject *parseErrorObject = [GTLRErrorObject objectWithFoundationError:parseError]; [failures setValue:parseErrorObject forKey:contentID]; } else { // There is JSON. NSMutableDictionary *errorJSON = [json objectForKey:@"error"]; if (errorJSON) { // A JSON error body should be the most informative error. GTLRErrorObject *errorObject = [GTLRErrorObject objectWithJSON:errorJSON]; [failures setValue:errorObject forKey:contentID]; } else if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 399) { // Report a fetch failure for this part that lacks a JSON error. NSString *errorStr = responsePart.statusString; NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : (errorStr ?: @""), }; NSError *httpError = [NSError errorWithDomain:kGTLRServiceErrorDomain code:GTLRServiceErrorBatchResponseStatusCode userInfo:userInfo]; GTLRErrorObject *httpErrorObject = [GTLRErrorObject objectWithFoundationError:httpError]; [failures setValue:httpErrorObject forKey:contentID]; } else { // The JSON represents a successful response. Class defaultClass = batchClassMap[contentID]; id resultObject = [GTLRObject objectForJSON:[json mutableCopy] defaultClass:defaultClass objectClassResolver:objectClassResolver]; if (resultObject == nil) { // Methods like delete return no object. resultObject = [NSNull null]; } [successes setValue:resultObject forKey:contentID]; } // errorJSON } // parseError } // for batchResult.successes = successes; batchResult.failures = failures; batchResult.responseHeaders = responseHeaders; return batchResult; } - (void)invokeBatchCompletionsWithTicket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket batchQuery:(GTLRBatchQuery *)batchQuery batchResult:(GTLRBatchResult *)batchResult error:(NSError *)error { // Batch query // // We'll step through the queries of the original batch, not of the // batch result GTLR_ASSERT_CURRENT_QUEUE_DEBUG(ticket.callbackQueue); NSDictionary *successes = batchResult.successes; NSDictionary *failures = batchResult.failures; for (GTLRQuery *oneQuery in batchQuery.queries) { GTLRServiceCompletionHandler completionBlock = oneQuery.completionBlock; if (completionBlock) { // If there was no networking error, look for a query-specific // error or result GTLRObject *oneResult = nil; NSError *oneError = error; if (oneError == nil) { NSString *requestID = [oneQuery requestID]; GTLRErrorObject *gtlrError = [failures objectForKey:requestID]; if (gtlrError) { oneError = [gtlrError foundationError]; } else { oneResult = [successes objectForKey:requestID]; if (oneResult == nil) { // We found neither a success nor a failure for this query, unexpectedly. GTLR_DEBUG_LOG(@"GTLRService: Batch result missing for request %@", requestID); oneError = [NSError errorWithDomain:kGTLRServiceErrorDomain code:GTLRServiceErrorQueryResultMissing userInfo:nil]; } } } completionBlock(ticket, oneResult, oneError); } } } - (void)simulateFetchWithTicket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket testBlock:(GTLRServiceTestBlock)testBlock dataToPost:(NSData *)dataToPost completionHandler:(GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)completionHandler { GTLRQuery *originalQuery = (GTLRQuery *)ticket.originalQuery; ticket.executingQuery = originalQuery; testBlock(ticket, ^(id testObject, NSError *testError) { dispatch_group_async(ticket.callbackGroup, ticket.callbackQueue, ^{ if (!ticket.cancelled) { if (testError) { // During simulation, we invoke any retry block, but ignore the result. const BOOL willRetry = NO; GTLRServiceRetryBlock retryBlock = ticket.retryBlock; if (retryBlock) { (void)retryBlock(ticket, willRetry, testError); } } else { // Simulate upload progress, calling back up to three times. if (ticket.uploadProgressBlock) { GTLRQuery *query = (GTLRQuery *)ticket.originalQuery; unsigned long long uploadLength = [self simulatedUploadLengthForQuery:query dataToPost:dataToPost]; unsigned long long sendReportSize = uploadLength / 3 + 1; unsigned long long totalSentSoFar = 0; while (totalSentSoFar < uploadLength) { unsigned long long bytesRemaining = uploadLength - totalSentSoFar; sendReportSize = MIN(sendReportSize, bytesRemaining); totalSentSoFar += sendReportSize; [self invokeProgressCallbackForTicket:ticket deliveredBytes:(unsigned long long)totalSentSoFar totalBytes:(unsigned long long)uploadLength]; } [ticket postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStartedNotification object:ticket userInfo:nil]; [ticket postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:kGTLRServiceTicketParsingStoppedNotification object:ticket userInfo:nil]; } } if (![originalQuery isBatchQuery]) { // Single query GTLRServiceCompletionHandler completionBlock = originalQuery.completionBlock; if (completionBlock) { completionBlock(ticket, testObject, testError); } } else { // Batch query GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!testObject || [testObject isKindOfClass:[GTLRBatchResult class]], @"Batch queries should have result objects of type GTLRBatchResult (not %@)", [testObject class]); [self invokeBatchCompletionsWithTicket:ticket batchQuery:(GTLRBatchQuery *)originalQuery batchResult:(GTLRBatchResult *)testObject error:testError]; } // isBatchQuery if (completionHandler) { completionHandler(ticket, testObject, testError); } ticket.hasCalledCallback = YES; } // !ticket.cancelled // Even if the ticket has been cancelled, it should notify that it's stopped. [ticket notifyStarting:NO]; // Release query callback blocks. [originalQuery invalidateQuery]; }); // dispatch_group_async }); // testBlock } - (unsigned long long)simulatedUploadLengthForQuery:(GTLRQuery *)query dataToPost:(NSData *)dataToPost { // We're uploading the body object and other posted metadata, plus optionally the // data or file specified in the upload parameters. unsigned long long uploadLength = dataToPost.length; GTLRUploadParameters *uploadParameters = query.uploadParameters; if (uploadParameters) { NSData *uploadData = uploadParameters.data; if (uploadData) { uploadLength += uploadData.length; } else { NSURL *fileURL = uploadParameters.fileURL; if (fileURL) { NSError *fileError = nil; NSNumber *fileSizeNum = nil; if ([fileURL getResourceValue:&fileSizeNum forKey:NSURLFileSizeKey error:&fileError]) { uploadLength += fileSizeNum.unsignedLongLongValue; } } else { NSFileHandle *fileHandle = uploadParameters.fileHandle; unsigned long long fileLength = [fileHandle seekToEndOfFile]; uploadLength += fileLength; } } } return uploadLength; } #pragma mark - // Given a single or batch query and its result, make a new query // for the next pages, if any. Returns nil if there's no additional // query to make. // // This method calls itself recursively to make the individual next page // queries for a batch query. - (id )nextPageQueryForQuery:(id)query result:(GTLRObject *)object ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket { if (![query isBatchQuery]) { // This is a single query GTLRQuery *currentPageQuery = (GTLRQuery *)query; // Determine if we should fetch more pages of results GTLRQuery *nextPageQuery = nil; NSString *nextPageToken = nil; if ([object respondsToSelector:@selector(nextPageToken)] && [currentPageQuery respondsToSelector:@selector(pageToken)]) { nextPageToken = [object performSelector:@selector(nextPageToken)]; } if (nextPageToken && [object isKindOfClass:[GTLRCollectionObject class]]) { NSString *itemsKey = [[object class] collectionItemsKey]; GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(itemsKey != nil, @"Missing accumulation items key for %@", [object class]); SEL itemsSel = NSSelectorFromString(itemsKey); if ([object respondsToSelector:itemsSel]) { // Make a query for the next page, preserving the request ID nextPageQuery = [currentPageQuery copy]; nextPageQuery.requestID = currentPageQuery.requestID; [nextPageQuery performSelector:@selector(setPageToken:) withObject:nextPageToken]; } else { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(0, @"%@ does not implement its collection items property \"%@\"", [object class], itemsKey); } } return nextPageQuery; } else { // This is a batch query // // Check if there's a next page to fetch for any of the success // results by invoking this method recursively on each of those results GTLRBatchResult *batchResult = (GTLRBatchResult *)object; GTLRBatchQuery *nextPageBatchQuery = nil; NSDictionary *successes = batchResult.successes; for (NSString *requestID in successes) { GTLRObject *singleObject = [successes objectForKey:requestID]; GTLRQuery *singleQuery = [ticket queryForRequestID:requestID]; GTLRQuery *newQuery = (GTLRQuery *)[self nextPageQueryForQuery:singleQuery result:singleObject ticket:ticket]; if (newQuery) { // There is another query to fetch if (nextPageBatchQuery == nil) { nextPageBatchQuery = [GTLRBatchQuery batchQuery]; } [nextPageBatchQuery addQuery:newQuery]; } } return nextPageBatchQuery; } } // When a ticket is set to fetch more pages for feeds, this routine // initiates the fetch for each additional feed page // // Returns YES if fetching of the next page has started. - (BOOL)fetchNextPageWithQuery:(GTLRQuery *)query completionHandler:(GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)handler ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket { // Sanity check the number of pages fetched already if (ticket.pagesFetchedCounter > kMaxNumberOfNextPagesFetched) { // Sanity check failed: way too many pages were fetched, so the query's // page size should be bigger to avoid driving up networking and server // overhead. // // The client should be querying with a higher max results per page // to avoid this. GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(0, @"Fetched too many next pages executing %@;" @" increase maxResults page size to avoid this.", [query class]); return NO; } GTLRServiceTicket *newTicket; if ([query isBatchQuery]) { newTicket = [self executeBatchQuery:(GTLRBatchQuery *)query completionHandler:handler ticket:ticket]; } else { BOOL mayAuthorize = !query.shouldSkipAuthorization; NSURL *url = [self URLFromQueryObject:query usePartialPaths:NO includeServiceURLQueryParams:YES]; newTicket = [self fetchObjectWithURL:url objectClass:query.expectedObjectClass bodyObject:query.bodyObject ETag:nil httpMethod:query.httpMethod mayAuthorize:mayAuthorize completionHandler:handler executingQuery:query ticket:ticket]; } // In the bizarre case that the fetch didn't begin, newTicket will be // nil. So long as the new ticket is the same as the ticket we're // continuing, then we're happy. NSAssert(newTicket == ticket || newTicket == nil, @"Pagination should not create an additional ticket: %@", newTicket); BOOL isFetchingNextPageWithCurrentTicket = (newTicket == ticket); return isFetchingNextPageWithCurrentTicket; } // Given a new single or batch result (meaning additional pages for a previous // query result), merge it into the old result, and return the updated object. // // For a single result, this inserts the old result items into the new result. // For batch results, this replaces some of the old items with new items. // // This method changes the objects passed in (the old result for batches, the new result // for individual objects.) - (GTLRObject *)mergedNewResultObject:(GTLRObject *)newResult oldResultObject:(GTLRObject *)oldResult forQuery:(id)query ticket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT([oldResult isMemberOfClass:[newResult class]], @"Trying to merge %@ and %@", [oldResult class], [newResult class]); if ([query isBatchQuery]) { // Batch query result // // The new batch results are a subset of the old result's queries, since // not all queries in the batch necessarily have additional pages. // // New success objects replace old success objects, with the old items // prepended; new failure objects replace old success objects. // We will update the old batch results with accumulated items, using the // new objects, and return the old batch. // // We reuse the old batch results object because it may include some earlier // results which did not have additional pages. GTLRBatchResult *newBatchResult = (GTLRBatchResult *)newResult; GTLRBatchResult *oldBatchResult = (GTLRBatchResult *)oldResult; NSDictionary *newSuccesses = newBatchResult.successes; if (newSuccesses.count > 0) { NSDictionary *oldSuccesses = oldBatchResult.successes; NSMutableDictionary *mutableOldSuccesses = [oldSuccesses mutableCopy]; for (NSString *requestID in newSuccesses) { GTLRObject *newObj = [newSuccesses objectForKey:requestID]; GTLRObject *oldObj = [oldSuccesses objectForKey:requestID]; GTLRQuery *thisQuery = [ticket queryForRequestID:requestID]; // Recursively merge the single query's result object, appending new items to the old items. GTLRObject *updatedObj = [self mergedNewResultObject:newObj oldResultObject:oldObj forQuery:thisQuery ticket:ticket]; // In the old batch, replace the old result object with the new one. [mutableOldSuccesses setObject:updatedObj forKey:requestID]; } // for requestID oldBatchResult.successes = mutableOldSuccesses; } // newSuccesses.count > 0 NSDictionary *newFailures = newBatchResult.failures; if (newFailures.count > 0) { NSMutableDictionary *mutableOldSuccesses = [oldBatchResult.successes mutableCopy]; NSMutableDictionary *mutableOldFailures = [oldBatchResult.failures mutableCopy]; for (NSString *requestID in newFailures) { // In the old batch, replace old successes or failures with the new failure. GTLRErrorObject *newError = [newFailures objectForKey:requestID]; [mutableOldFailures setObject:newError forKey:requestID]; [mutableOldSuccesses removeObjectForKey:requestID]; } oldBatchResult.failures = mutableOldFailures; oldBatchResult.successes = mutableOldSuccesses; } // newFailures.count > 0 return oldBatchResult; } else { // Single query result // // Merge the items into the new object, and return the new object. NSString *itemsKey = [[oldResult class] collectionItemsKey]; GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT([oldResult respondsToSelector:NSSelectorFromString(itemsKey)], @"Collection items key \"%@\" not implemented by %@", itemsKey, oldResult); if (itemsKey) { // Append the new items to the old items. NSArray *oldItems = [oldResult valueForKey:itemsKey]; NSArray *newItems = [newResult valueForKey:itemsKey]; NSMutableArray *items = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:oldItems]; [items addObjectsFromArray:newItems]; [newResult setValue:items forKey:itemsKey]; } else { // This shouldn't happen. newResult = oldResult; } return newResult; } } #pragma mark - // GTLRQuery methods. // Helper to create the URL from the parts. - (NSURL *)URLFromQueryObject:(GTLRQuery *)query usePartialPaths:(BOOL)usePartialPaths includeServiceURLQueryParams:(BOOL)includeServiceURLQueryParams { NSString *rootURLString = self.rootURLString; // Skip URI template expansion if the resource URL was provided. if ([query isKindOfClass:[GTLRResourceURLQuery class]]) { // Because the query is created by the service rather than by the user, // query.additionalURLQueryParameters must be nil, and usePartialPaths // is irrelevant as the query is not in a batch. GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!usePartialPaths, @"Batch not supported with resource URL fetch"); GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!query.uploadParameters && !query.useMediaDownloadService && !query.downloadAsDataObjectType && !query.additionalURLQueryParameters, @"Unsupported query properties"); NSURL *result = ((GTLRResourceURLQuery *)query).resourceURL; if (includeServiceURLQueryParams) { NSDictionary *additionalParams = self.additionalURLQueryParameters; if (additionalParams.count) { result = [GTLRService URLWithString:result.absoluteString queryParameters:additionalParams]; } } return result; } // This is all the dance needed due to having query and path parameters for // REST based queries. NSDictionary *params = query.JSON; NSString *queryFilledPathURI = [GTLRURITemplate expandTemplate:query.pathURITemplate values:params]; // Per https://developers.google.com/discovery/v1/using#build-compose and // https://developers.google.com/discovery/v1/using#discovery-doc-methods-mediadownload // glue together the parts. NSString *servicePath = self.servicePath ?: @""; NSString *uploadPath = @""; NSString *downloadPath = @""; GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT([rootURLString hasSuffix:@"/"], @"rootURLString should end in a slash: %@", rootURLString); GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(((servicePath.length == 0) || (![servicePath hasPrefix:@"/"] && [servicePath hasSuffix:@"/"])), @"servicePath shouldn't start with a slash but should end with one: %@", servicePath); GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(![query.pathURITemplate hasPrefix:@"/"], @"the queries's pathURITemplate should not start with a slash: %@", query.pathURITemplate); GTLRUploadParameters *uploadParameters = query.uploadParameters; if (uploadParameters != nil) { // If there is an override, clear all the parts and just use it with the // the rootURLString. NSString *override = (uploadParameters.shouldUploadWithSingleRequest ? query.simpleUploadPathURITemplateOverride : query.resumableUploadPathURITemplateOverride); if (override.length > 0) { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(![override hasPrefix:@"/"], @"The query's %@UploadPathURITemplateOverride should not start with a slash: %@", (uploadParameters.shouldUploadWithSingleRequest ? @"Simple" : @"resumable"), override); queryFilledPathURI = [GTLRURITemplate expandTemplate:override values:params]; servicePath = @""; } else { if (uploadParameters.shouldUploadWithSingleRequest) { uploadPath = self.simpleUploadPath ?: @""; } else { uploadPath = self.resumableUploadPath ?: @""; } GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(((uploadPath.length == 0) || (![uploadPath hasPrefix:@"/"] && [uploadPath hasSuffix:@"/"])), @"%@UploadPath shouldn't start with a slash but should end with one: %@", (uploadParameters.shouldUploadWithSingleRequest ? @"Simple" : @"Redefine"), uploadPath); } } if (query.useMediaDownloadService && (query.downloadAsDataObjectType.length > 0)) { downloadPath = @"download/"; GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(uploadPath.length == 0, @"Uploading while also downloading via mediaDownService" @" is not well defined."); } if (usePartialPaths) rootURLString = @"/"; NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", rootURLString, downloadPath, uploadPath, servicePath, queryFilledPathURI]; // Remove the path parameters from the dictionary. NSMutableDictionary *workingQueryParams = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:params]; NSArray *pathParameterNames = query.pathParameterNames; if (pathParameterNames.count > 0) { [workingQueryParams removeObjectsForKeys:pathParameterNames]; } // Note: A developer can override the uploadType and alt query parameters via // query.additionalURLQueryParameters since those are added afterwards. if (uploadParameters.shouldUploadWithSingleRequest) { NSString *uploadType = uploadParameters.shouldSendUploadOnly ? @"media" : @"multipart"; [workingQueryParams setObject:uploadType forKey:@"uploadType"]; } NSString *downloadAsDataObjectType = query.downloadAsDataObjectType; if (downloadAsDataObjectType.length > 0) { [workingQueryParams setObject:downloadAsDataObjectType forKey:@"alt"]; } // Add any parameters the user added directly to the query. NSDictionary *mergedParams = MergeDictionaries(workingQueryParams, query.additionalURLQueryParameters); if (includeServiceURLQueryParams) { // Query parameters override service parameters. mergedParams = MergeDictionaries(self.additionalURLQueryParameters, mergedParams); } NSURL *result = [GTLRService URLWithString:urlString queryParameters:mergedParams]; return result; } - (GTLRServiceTicket *)executeQuery:(id)queryObj delegate:(id)delegate didFinishSelector:(SEL)finishedSelector { GTMSessionFetcherAssertValidSelector(delegate, finishedSelector, @encode(GTLRServiceTicket *), @encode(GTLRObject *), @encode(NSError *), 0); GTLRServiceCompletionHandler completionHandler = ^(GTLRServiceTicket *ticket, id object, NSError *error) { if (delegate && finishedSelector) { NSMethodSignature *sig = [delegate methodSignatureForSelector:finishedSelector]; NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:sig]; [invocation setSelector:(SEL)finishedSelector]; [invocation setTarget:delegate]; [invocation setArgument:&ticket atIndex:2]; [invocation setArgument:&object atIndex:3]; [invocation setArgument:&error atIndex:4]; [invocation invoke]; } }; return [self executeQuery:queryObj completionHandler:completionHandler]; } - (GTLRServiceTicket *)executeQuery:(id)queryObj completionHandler:(void (^)(GTLRServiceTicket *ticket, id object, NSError *error))handler { if ([queryObj isBatchQuery]) { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT([queryObj isKindOfClass:[GTLRBatchQuery class]], @"GTLRBatchQuery required for batches (passed %@)", [queryObj class]); return [self executeBatchQuery:(GTLRBatchQuery *)queryObj completionHandler:handler ticket:nil]; } GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT([queryObj isKindOfClass:[GTLRQuery class]], @"GTLRQuery required for single queries (passed %@)", [queryObj class]); // Copy the original query so our working query cannot be modified by the caller, // and release the callback blocks from the supplied query object. GTLRQuery *query = [(GTLRQuery *)queryObj copy]; GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!query.queryInvalid, @"Query has already been executed: %@", query); [queryObj invalidateQuery]; // For individual queries, we rely on the fetcher's log formatting so pretty-printing // is not needed. Developers may override this in the query's additionalURLQueryParameters. NSArray *prettyPrintNames = self.prettyPrintQueryParameterNames; NSString *firstPrettyPrintName = prettyPrintNames.firstObject; if (firstPrettyPrintName && (query.downloadAsDataObjectType.length == 0) && ![query isKindOfClass:[GTLRResourceURLQuery class]]) { NSDictionary *queryParams = query.additionalURLQueryParameters; BOOL foundOne = NO; for (NSString *name in prettyPrintNames) { if ([queryParams objectForKey:name] != nil) { foundOne = YES; break; } } if (!foundOne) { NSMutableDictionary *worker = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:queryParams]; [worker setObject:@"false" forKey:firstPrettyPrintName]; query.additionalURLQueryParameters = worker; } } BOOL mayAuthorize = !query.shouldSkipAuthorization; NSURL *url = [self URLFromQueryObject:query usePartialPaths:NO includeServiceURLQueryParams:YES]; return [self fetchObjectWithURL:url objectClass:query.expectedObjectClass bodyObject:query.bodyObject ETag:nil httpMethod:query.httpMethod mayAuthorize:mayAuthorize completionHandler:handler executingQuery:query ticket:nil]; } - (GTLRServiceTicket *)fetchObjectWithURL:(NSURL *)resourceURL objectClass:(nullable Class)objectClass executionParameters:(nullable GTLRServiceExecutionParameters *)executionParameters completionHandler:(nullable GTLRServiceCompletionHandler)handler { GTLRResourceURLQuery *query = [GTLRResourceURLQuery queryWithResourceURL:resourceURL objectClass:objectClass]; query.executionParameters = executionParameters; return [self executeQuery:query completionHandler:handler]; } #pragma mark - - (NSString *)userAgent { return _userAgent; } - (void)setExactUserAgent:(NSString *)userAgent { _userAgent = [userAgent copy]; } - (void)setUserAgent:(NSString *)userAgent { // remove whitespace and unfriendly characters NSString *str = GTMFetcherCleanedUserAgentString(userAgent); [self setExactUserAgent:str]; } - (void)overrideRequestUserAgent:(nullable NSString *)requestUserAgent { _overrideUserAgent = [requestUserAgent copy]; } #pragma mark - + (NSDictionary *)kindStringToClassMap { // Generated services will provide custom ones. return [NSDictionary dictionary]; } #pragma mark - // The service properties becomes the initial value for each future ticket's // properties - (void)setServiceProperties:(NSDictionary *)dict { _serviceProperties = [dict copy]; } - (NSDictionary *)serviceProperties { // be sure the returned pointer has the life of the autorelease pool, // in case self is released immediately __autoreleasing id props = _serviceProperties; return props; } #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated" - (void)setAuthorizer:(id )authorizer { self.fetcherService.authorizer = authorizer; } - (id )authorizer { return self.fetcherService.authorizer; } #pragma clang diagnostic pop + (NSUInteger)defaultServiceUploadChunkSize { // Subclasses may override this method. // The upload server prefers multiples of 256K. const NSUInteger kMegabyte = 4 * 256 * 1024; #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE // For iOS, we're balancing a large upload size with limiting the memory // used for the upload data buffer. return 4 * kMegabyte; #else // A large upload chunk size minimizes http overhead and server effort. return 25 * kMegabyte; #endif } - (NSUInteger)serviceUploadChunkSize { if (_uploadChunkSize > 0) { return _uploadChunkSize; } return [[self class] defaultServiceUploadChunkSize]; } - (void)setServiceUploadChunkSize:(NSUInteger)val { _uploadChunkSize = val; } - (void)setSurrogates:(NSDictionary *)surrogates { NSDictionary *kindMap = [[self class] kindStringToClassMap]; self.objectClassResolver = [GTLRObjectClassResolver resolverWithKindMap:kindMap surrogates:surrogates]; } #pragma mark - Internal helper // If there are already query parameters on urlString, the new ones are simply // appended after them. + (NSURL *)URLWithString:(NSString *)urlString queryParameters:(NSDictionary *)queryParameters { if (urlString.length == 0) return nil; NSString *fullURLString; if (queryParameters.count > 0) { // Use GTLRURITemplate by building up a template and then feeding in the // values. The template is query expansion ('?'), and any key that is // an array or dictionary gets tagged to explode them ('+'). NSArray *sortedQueryParamKeys = [queryParameters.allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]; NSMutableString *template = [@"{" mutableCopy]; char joiner = '?'; for (NSString *key in sortedQueryParamKeys) { [template appendFormat:@"%c%@", joiner, key]; id value = [queryParameters objectForKey:key]; if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] || [value isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { [template appendString:@"+"]; } joiner = ','; } [template appendString:@"}"]; NSString *urlArgs = [GTLRURITemplate expandTemplate:template values:queryParameters]; urlArgs = [urlArgs substringFromIndex:1]; // Drop the '?' and use the joiner. BOOL missingQMark = ([urlString rangeOfString:@"?"].location == NSNotFound); joiner = missingQMark ? '?' : '&'; fullURLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%c%@", urlString, joiner, urlArgs]; } else { fullURLString = urlString; } NSURL *result = [NSURL URLWithString:fullURLString]; return result; } @end @implementation GTLRService (TestingSupport) + (instancetype)mockServiceWithFakedObject:(id)objectOrNil fakedError:(NSError *)errorOrNil { GTLRService *service = [[GTLRService alloc] init]; service.rootURLString = @"https://example.invalid/"; service.testBlock = ^(GTLRServiceTicket *ticket, GTLRServiceTestResponse testResponse) { testResponse(objectOrNil, errorOrNil); }; return service; } - (BOOL)waitForTicket:(GTLRServiceTicket *)ticket timeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutInSeconds { // Loop until the fetch completes or is cancelled, or until the timeout has expired. NSDate *giveUpDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:timeoutInSeconds]; BOOL hasTimedOut = NO; while (1) { int64_t delta = (int64_t)(100 * NSEC_PER_MSEC); // 100 ms BOOL areCallbacksPending = (dispatch_group_wait(ticket.callbackGroup, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delta)) != 0); if (!areCallbacksPending && (ticket.hasCalledCallback || ticket.cancelled)) break; hasTimedOut = (giveUpDate.timeIntervalSinceNow <= 0); if (hasTimedOut) { if (areCallbacksPending) { // A timeout while waiting for the dispatch group to finish is seriously unexpected. GTLR_DEBUG_LOG(@"%s timed out while waiting for the dispatch group", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } else { GTLR_DEBUG_LOG(@"%s timed out without callbacks pending", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } break; } // Run the current run loop 1/1000 of a second to give the networking // code a chance to work. NSDate *stopDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.001]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:stopDate]; } return !hasTimedOut; } @end @implementation GTLRServiceTicket { GTLRService *_service; NSDictionary *_ticketProperties; GTLRServiceUploadProgressBlock _uploadProgressBlock; BOOL _needsStopNotification; } @synthesize APIKey = _apiKey, APIKeyRestrictionBundleID = _apiKeyRestrictionBundleID, allowInsecureQueries = _allowInsecureQueries, authorizer = _authorizer, cancelled = _cancelled, callbackGroup = _callbackGroup, callbackQueue = _callbackQueue, creationDate = _creationDate, executingQuery = _executingQuery, fetchedObject = _fetchedObject, fetchError = _fetchError, fetchRequest = _fetchRequest, fetcherService = _fetcherService, hasCalledCallback = _hasCalledCallback, maxRetryInterval = _maxRetryInterval, objectFetcher = _objectFetcher, originalQuery = _originalQuery, pagesFetchedCounter = _pagesFetchedCounter, postedObject = _postedObject, retryBlock = _retryBlock, retryEnabled = _retryEnabled, shouldFetchNextPages = _shouldFetchNextPages, objectClassResolver = _objectClassResolver, testBlock = _testBlock; #if GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING @synthesize backgroundTaskIdentifier = _backgroundTaskIdentifier; #endif #if DEBUG - (instancetype)init { [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; self = nil; return self; } #endif #if GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING && DEBUG - (void)dealloc { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(_backgroundTaskIdentifier == UIBackgroundTaskInvalid, @"Background task not ended"); } #endif // GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING && DEBUG - (instancetype)initWithService:(GTLRService *)service executionParameters:(GTLRServiceExecutionParameters *)params { self = [super init]; if (self) { // ivars set at init time and never changed are exposed as atomic readonly properties. _service = service; _fetcherService = service.fetcherService; _authorizer = service.authorizer; _ticketProperties = MergeDictionaries(service.serviceProperties, params.ticketProperties); _objectClassResolver = params.objectClassResolver ?: service.objectClassResolver; _retryEnabled = ((params.retryEnabled != nil) ? params.retryEnabled.boolValue : service.retryEnabled); _maxRetryInterval = ((params.maxRetryInterval != nil) ? params.maxRetryInterval.doubleValue : service.maxRetryInterval); _shouldFetchNextPages = ((params.shouldFetchNextPages != nil)? params.shouldFetchNextPages.boolValue : service.shouldFetchNextPages); GTLRServiceUploadProgressBlock uploadProgressBlock = params.uploadProgressBlock ?: service.uploadProgressBlock; _uploadProgressBlock = [uploadProgressBlock copy]; GTLRServiceRetryBlock retryBlock = params.retryBlock ?: service.retryBlock; _retryBlock = [retryBlock copy]; if (_retryBlock) { _retryEnabled = YES; } _testBlock = params.testBlock ?: service.testBlock; _callbackQueue = ((_Nonnull dispatch_queue_t)params.callbackQueue) ?: service.callbackQueue; _callbackGroup = dispatch_group_create(); _apiKey = [service.APIKey copy]; _apiKeyRestrictionBundleID = [service.APIKeyRestrictionBundleID copy]; _allowInsecureQueries = service.allowInsecureQueries; #if GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING _backgroundTaskIdentifier = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid; #endif _creationDate = [NSDate date]; } return self; } - (NSString *)description { NSString *devKeyInfo = @""; if (_apiKey != nil) { devKeyInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" devKey:%@", _apiKey]; } NSString *keyRestrictionInfo = @""; if (_apiKeyRestrictionBundleID != nil) { keyRestrictionInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" restriction:%@", _apiKeyRestrictionBundleID]; } NSString *authorizerInfo = @""; #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated" id authorizer = self.objectFetcher.authorizer; #pragma clang diagnostic pop if (authorizer != nil) { authorizerInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" authorizer:%@", authorizer]; } return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %p: {service:%@%@%@%@ fetcher:%@ }", [self class], self, _service, devKeyInfo, keyRestrictionInfo, authorizerInfo, _objectFetcher]; } - (void)postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:(NSString *)name object:(id)object userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo { // We always post these async to ensure they remain in order. dispatch_group_async(self.callbackGroup, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:name object:object userInfo:userInfo]; }); } - (void)pauseUpload { GTMSessionFetcher *fetcher = self.objectFetcher; BOOL canPause = [fetcher respondsToSelector:@selector(pauseFetching)]; GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(canPause, @"tickets can be paused only for chunked resumable uploads"); if (canPause) { [(GTMSessionUploadFetcher *)fetcher pauseFetching]; } } - (void)resumeUpload { GTMSessionFetcher *fetcher = self.objectFetcher; BOOL canResume = [fetcher respondsToSelector:@selector(resumeFetching)]; GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(canResume, @"tickets can be resumed only for chunked resumable uploads"); if (canResume) { [(GTMSessionUploadFetcher *)fetcher resumeFetching]; } } - (BOOL)isUploadPaused { BOOL isPausable = [_objectFetcher respondsToSelector:@selector(isPaused)]; GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(isPausable, @"tickets can be paused only for chunked resumable uploads"); if (isPausable) { return [(GTMSessionUploadFetcher *)_objectFetcher isPaused]; } return NO; } - (BOOL)isCancelled { @synchronized(self) { return _cancelled; } } - (void)cancelTicket { @synchronized(self) { _cancelled = YES; } [_objectFetcher stopFetching]; self.objectFetcher = nil; self.fetchRequest = nil; _ticketProperties = nil; [self releaseTicketCallbacks]; [self endBackgroundTask]; [self.executingQuery invalidateQuery]; id originalQuery = self.originalQuery; self.executingQuery = originalQuery; [originalQuery invalidateQuery]; _service = nil; _fetcherService = nil; _authorizer = nil; _testBlock = nil; } #if GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING // When the fetcher's substitute UIApplication object is present, GTLRService // will use that instead of UIApplication. This is just to reduce duplicating // that plumbing for testing. + (nullable id)fetcherUIApplication { id app = [GTMSessionFetcher substituteUIApplication]; if (app) return app; static Class applicationClass = nil; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ BOOL isAppExtension = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] hasSuffix:@".appex"]; if (!isAppExtension) { Class cls = NSClassFromString(@"UIApplication"); if (cls && [cls respondsToSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"sharedApplication")]) { applicationClass = cls; } } }); if (applicationClass) { app = (id)[applicationClass sharedApplication]; } return app; } #endif // GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING - (void)startBackgroundTask { #if GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(self.backgroundTaskIdentifier == UIBackgroundTaskInvalid, @"Redundant GTLRService background task: %lu", (unsigned long)self.backgroundTaskIdentifier); NSString *taskName = [[self.executingQuery class] description]; id app = [[self class] fetcherUIApplication]; // We'll use a locally-scoped task ID variable so the expiration block is guaranteed // to refer to this task rather than to whatever task the property has. // Since a request can be started from any thread, we also have to ensure the // variable for accessing it is safe across the initial thread and the handler // (incase it gets failed immediately from the app already heading into the // background). __block UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier guardedTaskID = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid; UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier returnedTaskID = [app beginBackgroundTaskWithName:taskName expirationHandler:^{ // Background task expiration callback. This block is always invoked by // UIApplication on the main thread. UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier localTaskID; @synchronized(self) { localTaskID = guardedTaskID; } if (localTaskID != UIBackgroundTaskInvalid) { @synchronized(self) { if (localTaskID == self.backgroundTaskIdentifier) { self.backgroundTaskIdentifier = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid; } } // This explicitly ends the captured localTaskID rather than the backgroundTaskIdentifier // property to ensure expiration is handled even if the property has changed. [app endBackgroundTask:localTaskID]; } }]; @synchronized(self) { guardedTaskID = returnedTaskID; self.backgroundTaskIdentifier = returnedTaskID; } #endif // GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING } - (void)endBackgroundTask { #if GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING // Whenever the connection stops or a next page is about to be fetched, // tell UIApplication we're done. UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier bgTaskID; @synchronized(self) { bgTaskID = self.backgroundTaskIdentifier; self.backgroundTaskIdentifier = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid; } if (bgTaskID != UIBackgroundTaskInvalid) { [[[self class] fetcherUIApplication] endBackgroundTask:bgTaskID]; } #endif // GTM_BACKGROUND_TASK_FETCHING } - (void)releaseTicketCallbacks { self.uploadProgressBlock = nil; self.retryBlock = nil; } - (void)notifyStarting:(BOOL)isStarting { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!GTLR_AreBoolsEqual(isStarting, _needsStopNotification), @"Notification mismatch (isStarting=%d)", isStarting); if (GTLR_AreBoolsEqual(isStarting, _needsStopNotification)) return; NSString *name; if (isStarting) { name = kGTLRServiceTicketStartedNotification; _needsStopNotification = YES; } else { name = kGTLRServiceTicketStoppedNotification; _needsStopNotification = NO; } [self postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:name object:self userInfo:nil]; } - (id)service { return _service; } - (void)setObjectFetcher:(GTMSessionFetcher *)fetcher { @synchronized(self) { _objectFetcher = fetcher; } [self updateObjectFetcherProgressCallbacks]; } - (GTMSessionFetcher *)objectFetcher { @synchronized(self) { return _objectFetcher; } } - (NSDictionary *)ticketProperties { // be sure the returned pointer has the life of the autorelease pool, // in case self is released immediately __autoreleasing id props = _ticketProperties; return props; } - (GTLRServiceUploadProgressBlock)uploadProgressBlock { return _uploadProgressBlock; } - (void)setUploadProgressBlock:(GTLRServiceUploadProgressBlock)block { if (_uploadProgressBlock != block) { _uploadProgressBlock = [block copy]; [self updateObjectFetcherProgressCallbacks]; } } - (void)updateObjectFetcherProgressCallbacks { // Internal method. Do not override. GTMSessionFetcher *fetcher = [self objectFetcher]; if (_uploadProgressBlock) { // Use a local block variable to avoid a spurious retain cycle warning. GTMSessionFetcherSendProgressBlock fetcherSentDataBlock = ^(int64_t bytesSent, int64_t totalBytesSent, int64_t totalBytesExpectedToSend) { [self->_service invokeProgressCallbackForTicket:self deliveredBytes:(unsigned long long)totalBytesSent totalBytes:(unsigned long long)totalBytesExpectedToSend]; }; fetcher.sendProgressBlock = fetcherSentDataBlock; } else { fetcher.sendProgressBlock = nil; } } - (NSInteger)statusCode { return [_objectFetcher statusCode]; } - (GTLRQuery *)queryForRequestID:(NSString *)requestID { id queryObj = self.executingQuery; if ([queryObj isBatchQuery]) { GTLRBatchQuery *batch = (GTLRBatchQuery *)queryObj; GTLRQuery *result = [batch queryForRequestID:requestID]; return result; } else { GTLR_DEBUG_ASSERT(0, @"just use ticket.executingQuery"); return nil; } } @end @implementation GTLRServiceExecutionParameters @synthesize maxRetryInterval = _maxRetryInterval, retryEnabled = _retryEnabled, retryBlock = _retryBlock, shouldFetchNextPages = _shouldFetchNextPages, objectClassResolver = _objectClassResolver, testBlock = _testBlock, ticketProperties = _ticketProperties, uploadProgressBlock = _uploadProgressBlock, callbackQueue = _callbackQueue; - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { GTLRServiceExecutionParameters *newObject = [[self class] allocWithZone:zone]; newObject.maxRetryInterval = self.maxRetryInterval; newObject.retryEnabled = self.retryEnabled; newObject.retryBlock = self.retryBlock; newObject.shouldFetchNextPages = self.shouldFetchNextPages; newObject.objectClassResolver = self.objectClassResolver; newObject.testBlock = self.testBlock; newObject.ticketProperties = self.ticketProperties; newObject.uploadProgressBlock = self.uploadProgressBlock; newObject.callbackQueue = self.callbackQueue; return newObject; } - (BOOL)hasParameters { if (self.maxRetryInterval != nil) return YES; if (self.retryEnabled != nil) return YES; if (self.retryBlock) return YES; if (self.shouldFetchNextPages != nil) return YES; if (self.objectClassResolver) return YES; if (self.testBlock) return YES; if (self.ticketProperties) return YES; if (self.uploadProgressBlock) return YES; if (self.callbackQueue) return YES; return NO; } @end @implementation GTLRResourceURLQuery @synthesize resourceURL = _resourceURL; + (instancetype)queryWithResourceURL:(NSURL *)resourceURL objectClass:(Class)objectClass { GTLRResourceURLQuery *query = [[self alloc] initWithPathURITemplate:@"_usingGTLRResourceURLQuery_" HTTPMethod:nil pathParameterNames:nil]; query.expectedObjectClass = objectClass; query.resourceURL = resourceURL; return query; } - (instancetype)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { GTLRResourceURLQuery *result = [super copyWithZone:zone]; result->_resourceURL = self->_resourceURL; return result; } // TODO: description @end @implementation GTLRObjectCollectionImpl @dynamic nextPageToken; @end