// // KMToolbarConfigModel.swift // PDF Reader Pro // // Created by tangchao on 2024/5/28. // import Cocoa class KMToolbarConfigModel: NSObject { var leftCellIdentifiers: [String]? { didSet { let ids = self.leftCellIdentifiers ?? [] self.leftWidth = 0 if ids.isEmpty == false { self.leftWidth += self.leftMargin + 5 } for itemId in ids { let item = KMToolbarItemView(itemIdentifier: itemId) self.setupMainItem(item) self.leftWidth += (item.itemWidth + 5) } } } var leftCount: Int { get { return self.leftCellIdentifiers?.count ?? 0 } } var centerCellIdentifiers: [String]? { didSet { let ids = self.centerCellIdentifiers ?? [] self.centerWidth = 0 for itemId in ids { let item = KMToolbarItemView(itemIdentifier: itemId) self.setupMainItem(item) self.centerWidth += (item.itemWidth + 5) } } } var centerCount: Int { get { return self.centerCellIdentifiers?.count ?? 0 } } var rightCellIdentifiers: [String]? { didSet { let ids = self.rightCellIdentifiers ?? [] self.rightWidth = 0 if ids.isEmpty == false { self.rightWidth += self.rightMargin + 5 } for itemId in ids { let item = KMToolbarItemView(itemIdentifier: itemId) self.setupMainItem(item) self.rightWidth += (item.itemWidth + 5) } } } var rightCount: Int { get { return self.rightCellIdentifiers?.count ?? 0 } } var defaultCellIdentifiers: [String]? var allowedCellIdentifiers: [String]? { get { let left = self.leftCellIdentifiers ?? [] let center = self.centerCellIdentifiers ?? [] let right = self.rightCellIdentifiers ?? [] return left + center + right } } var leftWidth: CGFloat = 0 var centerWidth: CGFloat = 0 var rightWidth: CGFloat = 0 var leftMargin: CGFloat = 10 var rightMargin: CGFloat = 10 var itemH: CGFloat = 48 var contentWidth: CGFloat { get { return self.leftWidth + self.centerWidth + self.rightWidth } } var windowWidth: CGFloat = 1480 var segItemWidth: CGFloat { get { return (self.windowWidth - self.contentWidth - 26 * 2) * 0.5 } } func isLeft(at idx: Int) -> Bool { if self.leftCount <= 0 { return false } let stardIdx = 0 let endIdx = self.leftCount if idx >= stardIdx && idx < endIdx { return true } return false } func isCenter(at idx: Int) -> Bool { if self.centerCount <= 0 { return false } let stardIdx = self.leftCount+1 let endIdx = stardIdx+self.centerCount if idx >= stardIdx && idx < endIdx { return true } return false } func isRight(at idx: Int) -> Bool { if self.rightCount <= 0 { return false } let stardIdx = self.leftCount+self.centerCount+2 let endIdx = stardIdx+self.rightCount if idx >= stardIdx && idx < endIdx { return true } return false } func isFirstSegI(at idx: Int) -> Bool { return idx == self.leftCount } func isSecondSegI(at idx: Int) -> Bool { return idx == (self.leftCount+self.centerCount+1) } } extension KMToolbarConfigModel { func setupMainItem(_ item: KMToolbarItemView?) { let identifier = item?.itemIdentifier if identifier == KMLeftControlToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBtnTriLeftNor") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Panel", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("View Settings", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox } else if identifier == KMDocumentZoomToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarZoominNor") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.btnTag = 1 item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Zoom In", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove } else if identifier == KMDocumentZoomOutToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarZoomoutNor") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.btnTag = 0 item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Zoom Out", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove } else if identifier == KMDocumentZoomViewToolbarItemIdentifier{ item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Zoom", comment: "") item?.target = self let view = KMToolbarZoomItemView(zoomView: nil) item?.customizeView = view } else if identifier == KMDocumentNextPageToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameToolbarPagenextNor") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Next", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Go To Next Page", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove } else if identifier == KMDocumentPreviousPageToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Zoom", comment: "") item?.target = self let view = KMToolbarPreviousNextItemView() item?.customizeView = view } else if identifier == KMDocumentHomeToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameToolbarHomeNor") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Home", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("A Welcome Gift from Us", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox } else if identifier == KMDocumentAnnotationToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Tools", comment: "") item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarMytoolsNor") item?.target = self item?.toolTip = String(format: "%@: %@, %@, %@, %@", KMLocalizedString("Tool Mode", nil),KMLocalizedString("Annotate", nil),KMLocalizedString("Scroll", nil),KMLocalizedString("Magnify", nil),KMLocalizedString("Select", nil)) item?.btnTag = KMToolbarViewType.Annatiton.rawValue item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox } else if identifier == KMDocumentPageToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Page Edit", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarPageeditNor") item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("PDF page editor: insert, delete, extract, rotate, reposition, and replace pages in a PDF", comment: "") item?.btnTag = KMToolbarViewType.Page.rawValue item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox } else if identifier == KMDocumentConversonToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Converter", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarConvertNor") item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Convert PDFs to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, Text, Image, CSV, and more Offline", comment: "") item?.btnTag = KMToolbarViewType.Conversion.rawValue item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentScanOCRToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("OCR", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameToolbarOCRNor") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Recognize text from Image-based or Scanned PDF with OCR", comment: "") item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMToolbarToolEnhancedScanIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameMainToolEnhancedScan") item?.target = self item?.btnTag = 0 item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Enhanced Scan", comment: "") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Enhanced Scan", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageLeft item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox } else if identifier == KMToolbarToolOCRTextIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameMainToolOCRText") item?.target = self item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("OCR Text Recognition", comment: "") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("OCR Text Recognition", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageLeft item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentEditToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Edit PDF", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarEditNor") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.btnTag = KMToolbarViewType.editPDF.rawValue item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Edit text and image in PDF ", comment: "") item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentFormToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Forms", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarFormNor") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.btnTag = KMToolbarViewType.Form.rawValue item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Edit PDF Form", comment: "") item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentFillSginToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Fill & Sign", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarFillsignNor") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.btnTag = KMToolbarViewType.FillSign.rawValue item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Fill and sign forms", comment: "") item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentToolToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Editor", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarEdittoolNor") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.btnTag = KMToolbarViewType.Tool.rawValue item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Edit, delete, cut, copy, paste, and insert text in PDFs", comment: "") item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentRedactToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Redact Text", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarRedactNor") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Mark for redaction", comment: "") item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentAITranslationToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "ic_function_other_AITranslation") item?.titleName = "AI Translation" item?.target = self item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("AI Translation", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageOnly item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentPrintToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameMainToolbarPrint") item?.titleName = "Print" item?.target = self item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Print", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageOnly } else if identifier == KMDocumentViewDisplayToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarPageviewNor") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Page Display", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Page Display", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentAIToolsToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconAINor") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("AI Tools", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("AI Tools", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentShareToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconToolbarShareNor") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Share", comment: "") item?.target = self // item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Share the file with others", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox } else if identifier == KMDocumentSearchToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Search", comment: "") item?.target = self let view = NSView() view.frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 150, 40) let boxView = NSView() boxView.frame = NSMakeRect(0, 16, 150, 22) view.addSubview(boxView) let searchView = NSSearchField() searchView.frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 150, 22) searchView.placeholderString = NSLocalizedString("Search", comment: "") searchView.sendsWholeSearchString = true searchView.sendsSearchStringImmediately = true searchView.drawsBackground = false // searchView.delegate = self // self.searchField = searchView // self.refreshSearchBarMenu() boxView.addSubview(searchView) let titleLabel = NSTextField(labelWithString: NSLocalizedString("Search", comment: "")) view.addSubview(titleLabel) titleLabel.frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 130, 14) titleLabel.alignment = .center titleLabel.textColor = KMAppearance.subtitleColor() titleLabel.font = KMToolbarMainItemView.textFont item?.customizeView = view } else if identifier == KMRightControlToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBtnTriRightNor") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Properties", comment: "") item?.target = self item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Show/Hide Annotation Properties Panel", comment: "") item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox } else if identifier == KMToolbarToolRedactItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameMainToolsRedact") item?.target = self item?.btnTag = KMToolbarType.redact.rawValue item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Redact", comment: "") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Redact", comment: "") item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } else if identifier == KMDocumentDigitalSignToolbarItemIdentifier { item?.image = NSImage(named: "DigitalSign_icon") item?.target = self item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Digital signature ensures the authenticity and integrity of digital files. Click and drag the cursor to create a signature field on the page.", comment: "") item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Digital Sign", comment: "") item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove item?.promptIdentifier = identifier } } }