// // KMMemberCenterManager.swift // PDF Reader Pro // // Created by wanjun on 2024/10/21. // import Cocoa enum KMMemberCenterErrorCodeType: Int, CaseIterable { case UNKNOWN = 0 //未知 case SUCCESS = 200 //正确 case EXCEPTION_MSG_TOKEN_IS_INVALID = 304 // 无效的token或者token已过期 case EXCEPTION_MSG_DEVICE_NUM_MAX = 305 // 您的登录设备已达上限,请退出其他设备重新登录 case EXCEPTION_MSG_USER_NOT_LOGIN = 306 // 用户没有登录,请登录后再访问 case EMAIL_VERIFY_CODE_KEY_ERROR = 309 // email code error! case EMAIL_REGISTER_ERROR = 310 // Register error! case EXCEPTION_MSG_PASSWORD_ERROR = 311 // 密码错误,您可以检查大小写状态 case EXCEPTION_MSG_CODE_ACTION_ERROR = 312 // code action error case EXCEPTION_MSG_CODE_SEND_ERROR = 313 // code send error case EXCEPTION_MAIL_CODE_SEND_ERROR = 314 // mail send error case VERIFY_CODE_SEND_TOO_QUICKLY = 315 // code send too quickly case EXCEPTION_MSG_EMAIL_EXIST = 316 // 该邮箱已有账号,请前往登录 case EXCEPTION_MSG_EMAIL_NOT_REGISTER = 317 // 当前账号未注册,点击下一步我们将为您注册账号 case EXCEPTION_MSG_EMAIL_LOGOUT_ING = 318 // 注销中,无法登录,若有问题可联系客服 case EXCEPTION_MSG_EMAIL_INVALID = 319 // 请输入正确的邮箱格式 case EXCEPTION_MSG_PASSWORD_NOT_INCONSISTENT = 320 // 密码不一致,请重新输入 case EXCEPTION_MSG_PASSWORD_SIZE_MIN = 321 // 密码请包含6~24个字符 case EXCEPTION_MSG_PASSWORD_SIZE_MAX = 322 // 密码请包含6~24个字符 case EXCEPTION_MSG_PLEASE_ADD_AUTH_CONFIG = 323 // please add auth config case EXCEPTION_MSG_USER_SUBSCRIPTION_IN_PROGRESS = 324 // 您目前还在订阅期内,暂时无法注销,请订阅期结束后再点击注销账号 case EXCEPTION_TIME_TRANSFER_ERROR = 326 // 时间转换失败 case EXCEPTION_MSG_PASSWORD_CONTAIN_EMPTY = 327 // 密码不能包含空格 case EXCEPTION_MSG_CREATE_ORDER_PARAMETER = 328 // 支付方式异常 case EXCEPTION_MSG_EVENT_IS_CURRENTLY_NOT_SUPPORTED = 329 // 当前事件暂不支持 case EXCEPTION_MSG_THE_ACCOUNT_IS_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN_ON_OTHER_DEVICES = 330 // 账号已在其他设备登录 case EXCEPTION_MSG_ABNORMAL_USER_STATUS = 331 // 当前邮箱已被停用或者处于注销中状态 case EXCEPTION_MSG_APP_STORE_TICKET_VALIDATION_FAILED = 332 // Appstore票据验证失败" case EXCEPTION_MSG_APP_STORE_TICKET_VALIDATION_NEED_TO_RETRY = 333 //Appstore票据验证需要重试 case EXCEPTION_MSG_REPEAT_SUBSCRIPTION = 334 // 用户已订阅该产品 case EXCEPTION_MSG_RESTORING_PURCHASES_IS_NOT_CURRENTLY_SUPPORTED = 335 // 恢复购买暂不支持 case EXCEPTION_MSG_USER_TRANSACTION_CANCELED_OR_FAILED = 336 // 用户交易取消或失败 case EXCEPTION_MSG_CURRENT_ORDER_NOT_RECORDED = 337 // 当前订单末记录,请稍后重试 case EXCEPTION_MSG_THE_SAME_USER = 338 //同一用户,无需处理 case EXCEPTION_MSG_THIRD_PAY_ID_ILLEGAL = 339 //thirdPayld非法 case EXCEPTION_MSG_ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 340 //订单不存在 case EXCEPTION_MSG_THE_ORDER_STATUS_IS_ABNORMAL = 341 // 订单状态异常 case EXCEPTION_MSG_TRANSACTION_ID_REPEAT = 342 // transactionld重复 case EXCEPTION_TICKET_HAS_BEEN_BLOCKED = 343 // The ticket has been blocked case EXCEPTION_TICKET_HAS_BEEN_CREATED = 344 // 当前票据已创建订单 case EXCEPTION_USER_IS_NOT_EDUCATION_USER = 345 // 用户不是教育用户 case EXCEPTION_USER_HAS_EDUCATION = 346 // 用户近一年有教育购买订单 case EXCEPTION_USER_CANNOT_BUY_PREMIUM = 347 // 用户已有标准版订阅,无法购买高级版 case EXCEPTION_USER_CANNOT_BUY_VIP = 348 // 用户已有高级版订阅,无法购买标准版 case EXCEPTION_USER_CANNOT_UPGRADE_VIP = 349 // 买断用户无法升级为标准版 case EXCEPTION_COUPON_NOT_EXISTS = 350 // 优惠券不存在 case EXCEPTION_COUPONTYPE_ERROR = 351 // 优惠券类型错误 case EXCEPTION_COUPON_PRODUCT_ERROR = 352 // 优惠券关联产品错误 case EXCEPTION_COUPON_INVALID = 353 // 优惠券已失效 case EXCEPTION_PRODUCT_NOT_EXIST = 354 // 产品不存在 case EXCEPTION_MSG_CONTACT_US = 355 //请联系我们获取最新折扣 case EXCEPTION_MSG_APP_STORE_TRANSACTION_ID_VALIDATION_FAILED = 356 // 验证苹果交易失败 case EXCEPTION_MSG_GOOGLE_STORE_TRANSACTION_ID_VALIDATION_FAILED = 357 // 验证谷歌交易失败 case EXCEPTION_PRICE_ERROR = 358 // 价格错误 case EXCEPTION_MSG_ORDER_CREATE_FAILED = 359 // 订单创建失败 case USER_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED_PLAN = 360 // 该用户已经是PDF Reader Pro订阅版会员,确定再赠送吗 case USER_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED_PACKAGE = 361 // 该用户已经是PDF Reader Pro永久版会员,无需再赠送哦 case EXCEPTION_MSG_USER_NOT_EXIST = 400 //用户不存在 case EXCEPTION_USER_ALREADY_LOTTERY = 364 // 用户已经抽过奖啦 } @objc enum KMVerificationCodeType : Int { case login = 0 // 登录验证码 case reset // 重置密码验证码 case logout // 注销验证码 } @objc enum KMBuyPlatformType : Int { case web = 0 // 官网 case dmg // 重置密码验证码 case macLite // Mac store免费版 case exe case macPro // Mac store付费版 case iOSLite // iOS免费版 case iOSPro // iOS付费版 case Android } typealias KMMemberCenterComplete = (_ success: Bool, _ result: KMMemberCenterResult?) -> Void typealias KMMemberProductComplete = (_ success: Bool, _ result: KMMemberProductResult?) -> Void typealias KMMemberRequestInfoComplete = (_ success: Bool, _ info: NSDictionary?) -> Void @objc class KMMemberCenterManager: NSObject { @objc static let manager = KMMemberCenterManager() private let configuration: KMMemberCenterConfig = KMMemberCenterConfig() private func _getModelDetail() -> String { #if VERSION_FREE #if VERSION_DMG #if VERSION_BETA return "DMG_5_BETA" #else return "DMG_DOWNLOAD" #endif #else return "MAC_APP_STORE_FREE" #endif #else return "MAC_APP_STORE_PAID" #endif } // MARK: 判断有无网络 func isConnectionAvailable() -> Bool { let reachability = Reachability(hostname: "www.apple.com") let state = reachability?.currentReachabilityStatus() if(state == NotReachable) { return false } return true } // MARK: 拼接URL(为Get类型) func constructURLString(baseURLString: String, parameters: [String: Any]) -> String? { // Ensure the base URL is valid guard var components = URLComponents(string: baseURLString) else { return nil } // Convert parameters to query items components.queryItems = parameters.map { key, value in URLQueryItem(name: key, value: "\(value)") } // Return the complete URL as a string return components.url?.absoluteString } // MARK: 登录模块 /** @abstract 新会员系统重置密码 @param email 邮箱 @param verifyCode 验证码 @param password 密码 @param complete 回调 */ func resetPassword(email: String, verifyCode: String, password: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso/auth/memberResetPassword" // var escapedString = q // escapedString = String(data: escapedString.data(using: .utf8)!, encoding: .utf8)! let paraDict: [String: Any] = ["email": email, "verifyCode": verifyCode, "appId": "1", "password": password] let postData = try! JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: paraDict) var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: urlString)!,timeoutInterval: Double.infinity) request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") request.httpMethod = "POST" request.httpBody = postData let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in guard let data = data else { print(String(describing: error)) return } let jsonObject = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? NSDictionary ?? [:] if jsonObject != nil { let code: Int = jsonObject!["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_bool: Bool = jsonObject!["result"] as? Bool ?? false let message: String = jsonObject!["msg"] as? String ?? "" let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, result: result_bool) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } else { complete(false, KMMemberCenterResult(code: 0, msg: "unknown error", result: false)) } } task.resume() // let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso/auth/memberResetPassword" // let params: [String: Any] = ["email": email, // "verifyCode": verifyCode, // "appId": "1", // "password": password] // KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: params) { requestSerializer in // // } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in // var dic: NSDictionary = [:] // if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { // dic = responseObject // } else { // var info = responseObject // if let error = error { // if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { // info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary // } // } // dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] // } // // let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 // let result_bool: Bool = dic["result"] as? Bool ?? false // let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" // // let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, result: result_bool) //// let error = NSError(domain: message, code: code) // if code == 200 { // complete(true, result) // } else { // complete(false, result) // } // } } /** @abstract 验证邮箱(重置密码输入邮箱点击下一步时校验邮箱是否注册) @param email 邮箱 @param complete 回调 */ func emailVerification(email: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let urlString = String(format: "%@/member-system-sso/auth/validEmail?email=%@", configuration.activityBaseURL(), email) KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: nil) { requestSerializer in } completion: { (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_bool: Bool = dic["result"] as? Bool ?? false let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, result: result_bool) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } /** @abstract 获取邮箱验证码 @param action 验证码用途 @param receiver 邮箱号 @param complete 回调 */ func getVerificationCode(action: KMVerificationCodeType, receiver: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso/auth/getVerifyCode" var actionType = "member_login" if action == .reset { actionType = "member_reset_password" } else if action == .logout { actionType = "member_log_off" } let params: [String: Any] = ["action": actionType, "type": 0, "receiver": receiver, "appId": "1"] KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .get, params: params) { requestSerializer in } completion: { (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_bool: Bool = dic["result"] as? Bool ?? false let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, result: result_bool) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } /** @abstract 实时检查邮件验证码 @param type 验证码用途 @param account 账户 @param code 验证码 @param complete 回调 */ func checkVerificationCode(type: KMVerificationCodeType, account: String, code: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso/auth/isEmailCodeValid" var actionType = "member_login" if type == .reset { actionType = "member_reset_password" } else if type == .logout { actionType = "user_log_off" } let params: [String: Any] = ["type": actionType, "account": account, "code": code, "appId": "1"] KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .get, params: params) { requestSerializer in } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_bool: Bool = dic["result"] as? Bool ?? false let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, result: result_bool) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } /** @abstract 邮箱验证码登录 & 密码登录 @param email 邮箱 @param code 验证码/密码 @param type 密码类型(验证码?密码?) @param complete 回调 */ func emailLogin(email: String, code: String, type: KMSignUpState, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso/auth/memberLogin" let uuid: String = GetHardwareUUID() ?? "" var params: [String: Any] = [:] if type == .verificationCode { params = ["email": email, "code": code, "appId": "1", "deviceSign": uuid, "deviceName": NSFullUserName(), "model": "mac", "modelDetail":KMMemberCenterManager.manager._getModelDetail()] } else { params = ["email": email, "password": code, "appId": "1", "deviceSign": uuid, "deviceName": NSFullUserName(), "model": "mac", "modelDetail":KMMemberCenterManager.manager._getModelDetail()] } KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: params) { requestSerializer in // requestSerializer.setValue("Apifox/1.0.0 (https://www.apifox.cn)", forHTTPHeaderField: "User-Agent") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_dict: NSDictionary = dic["result"] as? NSDictionary ?? [:] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" var refresh_token = "" var access_token = "" var token_type = "" var expires_in = "" var scope = "" if let token = result_dict["refresh_token"] { refresh_token = token as! String } if let token = result_dict["access_token"] { access_token = token as! String } if let token = result_dict["token_type"] { token_type = token as! String } if let token = result_dict["expires_in"] { expires_in = token as! String } let loginResult = KMMemberLoginResult(refreshToken: refresh_token, accessToken: access_token, tokenType: token_type, expiresIn: expires_in) let result = KMMemberCenterResult(loginResult: loginResult) result.code = code result.msg = message // let error = NSError(domain: message, code: code) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } /** @abstract 获取用户登录设备列表 @param email 邮箱 @param complete 回调 */ func getUserDeviceList(email: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso/auth/getLoginDeviceList?email=\(email)&appId=1" KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: [:]) { requestSerializer in } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_dict: Dictionary = dic["result"] as? Dictionary ?? [:] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" let deviceList: [Dictionary] = result_dict["deviceList"] as? [Dictionary] ?? [[:]] var deviceLists: [KMMemberDeviceList] = [] for dict in deviceList { var device_id = "" var productId = "" var uniqueSn = "" var deviceName = "" var id = "" var model = "" if let token = dict["device_id"] { device_id = token as? String ?? "" } if let token = dict["productId"] { productId = token as? String ?? "" } if let token = dict["uniqueSn"] { uniqueSn = token as? String ?? "" } if let token = dict["deviceName"] { deviceName = token as? String ?? "" } if let token = dict["model"] { model = token as? String ?? "" } if let token = dict["id"] { id = token as? String ?? "" } let list = KMMemberDeviceList(deviceId: device_id, productId: productId, uniqueSn: uniqueSn, appId: "", device_model:model, deviceName: deviceName) list.id = id deviceLists.append(list) } var maxDeviceNum = 0 if let token = result_dict["maxDeviceNum"] { maxDeviceNum = token as! Int } let result = KMMemberCenterResult(deviceListResult: deviceLists, maxDeviceNum: maxDeviceNum) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } /** @abstract 登出用户的指定设备 @param deviceId 设备记录ID @param complete 回调 */ func logoutDevice(deviceId: String, complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso/auth/logoutDevice?deviceId=\(deviceId)" KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: [:]) { requestSerializer in } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let resultStr: String = dic["result"] as? String ?? "" let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, resultStr: resultStr) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } // MARK: 个人信息模块 /** @abstract 获取老带新已邀请人数 @param complete 回调 */ func getInviteNum(_ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso/user/getInviteNum" KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: nil) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let resultInt: Int = dic["result"] as? Int ?? 0 let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, resultInt: resultInt) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } /** @abstract 获取用户个人信息 @param complete 回调 */ func userInfo(_ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso/user/info" KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .get, params: nil) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_dict: NSDictionary = dic["result"] as? NSDictionary ?? [:] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" var userId = "" var email = "" var fullName = "" var activeVIP = KMMemberUserInfo() var aiPoint = 0 var validFlag = "" var isHaveAIDiscount = "" var canTrail = "" if let token = result_dict["id"] { userId = token as! String } if let token = result_dict["email"] { email = token as! String } if let token = result_dict["fullName"] { fullName = token as! String } let activeVIP_dict: [String : Any] = result_dict["activeVIP"] as? [String : Any] ?? [:] let userInfoActiveVIP = KMMemberUserInfoActiveVIP(dict: activeVIP_dict) if let token = activeVIP_dict["endDate"] as? String { // 创建一个日期格式化器 let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" // 将字符串转换为日期对象 if let date = dateFormatter.date(from: token) { // 创建一个新的日期格式化器,用于只显示天 let dayFormatter = DateFormatter() dayFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd" // 只保留年月日部分 userInfoActiveVIP.endDate = dayFormatter.string(from: date) } } let activeAI_dict: [String : Any] = result_dict["activeAI"] as? [String : Any] ?? [:] let userInfoActiveAI = KMMemberUserInfoActiveVIP(dict: activeAI_dict) if let token = result_dict["aiPoint"] { aiPoint = token as! Int } if let token = result_dict["validFlag"] { validFlag = token as! String } if let token = result_dict["isHaveAIDiscount"] { isHaveAIDiscount = token as! String } if let token = result_dict["canTrail"] { canTrail = token as! String } let userInfo = KMMemberUserInfo(id: userId, email: email, fullName: fullName, activeVIP: [userInfoActiveVIP], activeAI: [userInfoActiveAI], aiPoint: aiPoint, validFlag: validFlag, isHaveAIDiscount: isHaveAIDiscount, canTrail: canTrail) if let data = result_dict["avatarUrl"] as? String { userInfo.avatarUrl = data } if let data = result_dict["isFreeAccount"] as? String { userInfo.isFreeAccount = data } let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, userInfo: userInfo) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } /** @abstract 退出登录 @param complete 回调 */ func userLogout(_ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let uuid: String = GetHardwareUUID() ?? "" let urlString = String(format: "%@/member-system-sso/user/logout?deviceSign=%@&appId=1", configuration.activityBaseURL(),uuid) KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: nil) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_bool: Bool = dic["result"] as? Bool ?? false let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, result: result_bool) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } /** @abstract 获取用户当前会员情况 @param complete 回调 */ func userRightList(_ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso//user/rightList" KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .get, params: nil) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_Array: [NSDictionary] = dic["result"] as? [NSDictionary] ?? [[:]] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" var results: [KMMemberUserInfoActiveVIP] = [] for dict1 in result_Array { let userInfoActiveVIP = KMMemberUserInfoActiveVIP(dict: dict1 as? [String : Any] ?? [:]) results.append(userInfoActiveVIP) } let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, activeVIPs: results) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } /** @abstract 用户手动注销 @param code 邮箱验证码 @param complete 回调 */ func userLogOffForUser(code: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = String(format: "%@/member-system-sso/user/logOffForUser?code=%@&appId=1", configuration.activityBaseURL(), code) KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: nil) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" let result_dict: NSDictionary = dic["result"] as? NSDictionary ?? [:] var currentTime = "" var logOffTime = "" if let token = result_dict["currentTime"] { currentTime = token as! String } if let token = result_dict["logOffTime"] { logOffTime = token as! String } let logOff = KMMemberLogOff(currentTime: currentTime, logOffTime: logOffTime) let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, logOff: logOff) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } /** @abstract 撤销注销申请 @param complete 回调 */ func userRevokeCancel(_ complete: @escaping KMMemberCenterComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-sso/user/revokeCancel" KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: nil) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let code: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" let result_Bool: Bool = dic["result"] as? Bool ?? false let result = KMMemberCenterResult(code: code, msg: message, result: result_Bool) if code == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } // MARK: 商品模块 /** @abstract 获取上架中的产品 @param isEducation 是否教育优惠 @param complete 回调 */ func getListingProducts(isEducation: Int, discountCode: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberProductComplete) { let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/pdf-office-website/web/getListingProducts" var platformId = "2" #if VERSION_FREE #if VERSION_DMG // DMG platformId = "2" #else // AppStore 免费版本 #endif #else // AppStore 付费版 platformId = "5" #endif let params: [String: Any] = ["isEducation": NSNumber(value: Int32(isEducation)), "platformId": platformId, "code" : discountCode] if let urlNewString = constructURLString(baseURLString: urlString, parameters: params) { KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlNewString, method: .get, params: nil) { requestSerializer in } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let requestCode: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_Array: [NSDictionary] = dic["result"] as? [NSDictionary] ?? [[:]] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" var results: [KMListingProductsModel] = [] for dict1 in result_Array { var id = "" var productName = "" var maxDeviceNum = 0 var levels = "" var platforms = "" var productLineId = 0 var paymentModel = 0 var cycle = 0 var code = "" var price = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var displayPrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var upgradePrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var cnyPrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var displayCnyPrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var priceString:String? var displayPriceString:String? var upgradePriceString:String? var cnyPriceString:String? var displayCnyPriceString:String? var upgradecnyPriceString:String? if let token = dict1["id"] { id = token as? String ?? id } if let token = dict1["productName"] { productName = token as? String ?? productName } if let token = dict1["maxDeviceNum"] { maxDeviceNum = token as? Int ?? maxDeviceNum } if let token = dict1["levels"] { levels = token as? String ?? levels } if let token = dict1["platforms"] { platforms = token as? String ?? platforms } if let token = dict1["productLineId"] { productLineId = token as? Int ?? productLineId } if let token = dict1["paymentModel"] { paymentModel = token as? Int ?? paymentModel } if let token = dict1["cycle"] { cycle = token as? Int ?? cycle } if let token = dict1["code"] { code = token as? String ?? code } if let token = dict1["price"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) priceString = string price = token } if let token = dict1["displayPrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) displayPriceString = string displayPrice = token } if let token = dict1["cnyUpgradePrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) upgradecnyPriceString = string } if let token = dict1["upgradePrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) upgradePriceString = string upgradePrice = token } if let token = dict1["cnyPrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) cnyPriceString = string cnyPrice = token } if let token = dict1["cnyDisplayPrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) displayCnyPriceString = string displayCnyPrice = token } let products = KMListingProductsModel(id: id, productName: productName, price: priceString, maxDeviceNum: maxDeviceNum, displayPrice: displayPriceString, levels: levels, platforms: platforms, productLineId: productLineId, paymentModel: paymentModel, cycle: cycle, cnyPrice: cnyPriceString, displayCnyPrice: displayCnyPriceString, upgradePrice: upgradePriceString, code: code) products.individualPriceString = priceString products.individualCnyPriceString = cnyPriceString products.cnyUpgradePriceString = upgradecnyPriceString if let data = dict1["displayAmount"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(data, to: 2) products.displayAmount = string } if let data = dict1["cnyDisplayAmount"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(data, to: 2) products.cnyDisplayAmount = string } results.append(products) } let result = KMMemberProductResult(code: requestCode, msg: message, listingProducts: results) if requestCode == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } else { print("Invalid URL") complete(false, nil) } } /** @abstract 获取已登录用户购买商品价格 @param productId 购买的产品id @param isEducation 是否教育优惠 @param complete 回调 */ func getProductPriceForBuy(productId: String, isEducation: Int, userId: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberProductComplete) { let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/pdf-office-website/web/getProductPriceForBuy" let params: [String: Any] = ["productId": productId, "isEducation": isEducation, "userId": userId] if let urlNewString = constructURLString(baseURLString: urlString, parameters: params) { KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlNewString, method: .get, params: nil) { requestSerializer in } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let requestCode: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result_Array: [NSDictionary] = [dic["result"]] as? [NSDictionary] ?? [[:]] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" var results: [KMListingProductsModel] = [] for dict1 in result_Array { var id = "" var productName = "" var maxDeviceNum = 0 var levels = "" var platforms = "" var productLineId = 0 var paymentModel = 0 var cycle = 0 var code = "" var price = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var displayPrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var upgradePrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var cnyPrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var displayCnyPrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var priceString:String? var displayPriceString:String? var upgradePriceString:String? var cnyPriceString:String? var displayCnyPriceString:String? var upgradecnyPriceString:String? if let token = dict1["id"] { id = token as? String ?? id } if let token = dict1["productName"] { productName = token as? String ?? productName } if let token = dict1["maxDeviceNum"] { maxDeviceNum = token as? Int ?? maxDeviceNum } if let token = dict1["levels"] { levels = token as? String ?? levels } if let token = dict1["platforms"] { platforms = token as? String ?? platforms } if let token = dict1["productLineId"] { productLineId = token as? Int ?? productLineId } if let token = dict1["paymentModel"] { paymentModel = token as? Int ?? paymentModel } if let token = dict1["cycle"] { cycle = token as? Int ?? cycle } if let token = dict1["code"] { code = token as? String ?? code } if let token = dict1["price"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) priceString = string price = token } if let token = dict1["displayPrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) displayPriceString = string displayPrice = token } if let token = dict1["upgradePrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) upgradePriceString = string upgradePrice = token } if let token = dict1["cnyPrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) cnyPriceString = string cnyPrice = token } if let token = dict1["cnyDisplayPrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) displayCnyPriceString = string displayCnyPrice = token } if let token = dict1["cnyUpgradePrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) upgradecnyPriceString = string } let products = KMListingProductsModel(id: id, productName: productName, price: priceString, maxDeviceNum: maxDeviceNum, displayPrice: displayPriceString, levels: levels, platforms: platforms, productLineId: productLineId, paymentModel: paymentModel, cycle: cycle, cnyPrice: cnyPriceString, displayCnyPrice: displayCnyPriceString, upgradePrice: upgradePriceString, code: code) products.cnyUpgradePriceString = upgradecnyPriceString products.individualPriceString = priceString products.individualCnyPriceString = cnyPriceString results.append(products) } let result = KMMemberProductResult(code: requestCode, msg: message, listingProducts: results) if requestCode == 200 { complete(true, result) } else { complete(false, result) } } } else { print("Invalid URL") complete(false, nil) } } /** @abstract 获取批量阶段购买价格 @param productId 购买的产品id @param num 批量个数 @param complete 回调 */ func getBatchProductPrice(productId: String, num: Int, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberProductComplete) { let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/pdf-office-website/web/getBatchProductPrice" let params: [String: Any] = ["productId": productId, "num": NSNumber(value: Int32(num))] if let urlNewString = constructURLString(baseURLString: urlString, parameters: params) { KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlNewString, method: .get, params: nil) { requestSerializer in } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let requestCode: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result: NSDictionary = dic["result"] as? NSDictionary ?? [:] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" var productId = "" var totalPrice = "" var price = "" var batchPrice = "" var cnyPrice = "" var cnyBatchPrice = "" var cnyTotalPrice = "" if let token = result["productId"] { productId = token as? String ?? productId} if let token = result["totalPrice"] { totalPrice = token as? String ?? totalPrice} if let token = result["price"] { price = token as? String ?? price} if let token = result["batchPrice"] { batchPrice = token as? String ?? batchPrice} if let token = result["cnyPrice"] { cnyPrice = token as? String ?? cnyPrice} if let token = result["cnyBatchPrice"] { cnyBatchPrice = token as? String ?? cnyBatchPrice} if let token = result["cnyTotalPrice"] { cnyTotalPrice = token as? String ?? cnyTotalPrice} let products = KMBatchProductPriceModel(productId: productId, totalPrice: totalPrice, price: price, batchPrice: batchPrice, cnyPrice: cnyPrice, cnyBatchPrice: cnyBatchPrice, cnyTotalPrice: cnyTotalPrice) let result1 = KMMemberProductResult(code: requestCode, msg: message, batchProductPrice: products) if requestCode == 200 { complete(true, result1) } else { complete(false, result1) } } } else { print("Invalid URL") } } /** @abstract 验证商品优惠券,返回商品优惠后价格 @param productId 购买的产品id @param userId 用户ID @param code 优惠券 @param complete 回调 */ func checkCoupon(productId: String, userId: String, code: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberProductComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/pdf-office-website/web/checkCoupon" let params: [String: Any] = ["productId": productId, "userId": userId, "code": code] if let urlNewString = constructURLString(baseURLString: urlString, parameters: params) { KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlNewString, method: .get, params: nil) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let requestCode: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result: NSDictionary = dic["result"] as? NSDictionary ?? [:] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" var id = "" var productName = "" var maxDeviceNum = 0 var levels = "" var platforms = "" var productLineId = 0 var paymentModel = 0 var cycle = 0 var code = "" var price = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var displayPrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var upgradePrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var cnyPrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var displayCnyPrice = NSNumber(value: 0.0) var priceString:String? var displayPriceString:String? var upgradePriceString:String? var cnyPriceString:String? var displayCnyPriceString:String? var upgradecnyPriceString:String? if let token = result["id"] { id = token as? String ?? id } if let token = result["productName"] { productName = token as? String ?? productName } if let token = result["maxDeviceNum"] { maxDeviceNum = token as? Int ?? maxDeviceNum } if let token = result["levels"] { levels = token as? String ?? levels } if let token = result["platforms"] { platforms = token as? String ?? platforms } if let token = result["productLineId"] { productLineId = token as? Int ?? productLineId } if let token = result["paymentModel"] { paymentModel = token as? Int ?? paymentModel } if let token = result["cycle"] { cycle = token as? Int ?? cycle } if let token = result["code"] { code = token as? String ?? code } if let token = result["price"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) priceString = string price = token } if let token = result["displayPrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) displayPriceString = string displayPrice = token } if let token = result["upgradePrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) upgradePriceString = string upgradePrice = token } if let token = result["cnyPrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) cnyPriceString = string cnyPrice = token } if let token = result["cnyDisplayPrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) displayCnyPriceString = string displayCnyPrice = token } if let token = result["cnyUpgradePrice"] as? NSNumber { let string = KMFormatNSNumber(token, to: 2) upgradecnyPriceString = string } let products = KMCheckCouponModel(id: id, productName: productName, price: priceString, maxDeviceNum: maxDeviceNum, displayPrice: displayPriceString, levels: levels, platforms: platforms, productLineId: productLineId, paymentModel: paymentModel, cycle: cycle, cnyPrice: cnyPriceString, displayCnyPrice: displayCnyPriceString, upgradePrice: upgradePriceString, code: code) products.upgradecnyPriceString = upgradecnyPriceString let result1 = KMMemberProductResult(code: requestCode, msg: message, checkCoupon: products) if requestCode == 200 { complete(true, result1) } else { complete(false, result1) } } } else { print("Invalid URL") complete(false, nil) } } /** @abstract 检查邮箱教育优惠资格 @param email 邮箱 @param complete 回调 */ func checkEducation(email: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberProductComplete) { let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/pdf-office-website/web/checkEducation" let params: [String: Any] = ["email": email] if let urlNewString = constructURLString(baseURLString: urlString, parameters: params) { KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlNewString, method: .get, params: nil) { requestSerializer in } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let requestCode: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result: NSDictionary = dic["result"] as? NSDictionary ?? [:] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" var productId = "" var totalPrice = "" var price = "" var batchPrice = "" var cnyPrice = "" var cnyBatchPrice = "" var cnyTotalPrice = "" if let token = result["productId"] { productId = token as? String ?? productId} if let token = result["totalPrice"] { totalPrice = token as? String ?? totalPrice} if let token = result["price"] { price = token as? String ?? price} if let token = result["batchPrice"] { batchPrice = token as? String ?? batchPrice} if let token = result["cnyPrice"] { cnyPrice = token as? String ?? cnyPrice} if let token = result["cnyBatchPrice"] { cnyBatchPrice = token as? String ?? cnyBatchPrice} if let token = result["cnyTotalPrice"] { cnyTotalPrice = token as? String ?? cnyTotalPrice} let products = KMBatchProductPriceModel(productId: productId, totalPrice: totalPrice, price: price, batchPrice: batchPrice, cnyPrice: cnyPrice, cnyBatchPrice: cnyBatchPrice, cnyTotalPrice: cnyTotalPrice) let result1 = KMMemberProductResult(code: requestCode, msg: message, batchProductPrice: products) if requestCode == 200 { complete(true, result1) } else { complete(false, result1) } } } else { print("Invalid URL") complete(false, nil) } } // MARK: 个人中心模块 // MARK: 订单模块 /** @abstract 支付后查询订单状态 @param orderId 订单id @param complete 回调 */ func getStateByOrderId(orderId: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberRequestInfoComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/pdf-office-website/order/getStateByOrderId" let params: [String: Any] = ["orderId": orderId] if let urlNewString = constructURLString(baseURLString: urlString, parameters: params) { KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlNewString, method: .get, params: nil) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let requestCode: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let requestDic: NSDictionary = dic["result"] as? NSDictionary ?? [:] let status:String = requestDic["status"] as? String ?? "" if requestCode == 200{ complete(true, dic) } else { complete(false, dic) } } } else { print("Invalid URL") complete(false, nil) } } /** @abstract 创建订单(买断) @param productId 产品id @param paymentMethod 支付方式 PAYPAL(0),ALIPAY(1),WXPAY(2),PADDLE(3) @param price 价格 @param discountFlag 0原价,1优惠券,2升级,3教育优惠,4批量购买,5黑五折扣 @param couponCode 优惠卷 @param num 批量购买数量 @param complete 回调 */ func createOrder(productId: String, paymentMethod: Int, price: String, discountFlag: Int, couponCode: String, num: Int, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberProductComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/pdf-office-website/order/createOrder" let params: [String: Any] = ["productId": productId, "paymentMethod": paymentMethod, "price": price, "discountFlag": discountFlag, "couponCode": couponCode, "num": num] KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: params) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let requestCode: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result: NSDictionary = dic["result"] as? NSDictionary ?? [:] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" var thirdOrderNo = "" var orderId = "" var payHref = "" var qrCode = "" if requestCode == 200 { if let token = result["thirdOrderNo"] { thirdOrderNo = token as? String ?? thirdOrderNo} if let token = result["orderId"] { orderId = token as? String ?? orderId} if let token = result["payHref"] { payHref = token as? String ?? payHref} if let token = result["qrcode"] { qrCode = token as? String ?? qrCode} let products = KMCreateOrderModel(thirdOrderNo: thirdOrderNo, orderId: orderId, payHref: payHref, qrCode: qrCode) let result1 = KMMemberProductResult(code: requestCode, msg: message, createOrder: products) complete(true, result1) } else { let result1 = KMMemberProductResult(code: requestCode, msg: message, createOrder: KMCreateOrderModel(thirdOrderNo: thirdOrderNo, orderId: orderId, payHref: payHref, qrCode: qrCode)) complete(false, result1) } } } /** @abstract 创建订单(订阅) @param productId 产品id @param paymentMethod 支付方式 PAYPAL(0),ALIPAY(1),WXPAY(2),PADDLE(3) @param price 价格 @param discountFlag 0原价,1优惠券,2升级,3教育优惠,4批量购买,5黑五折扣 @param couponCode 优惠卷 @param num 批量购买数量 @param complete 回调 */ func createSubscriber(productId: String, paymentMethod: Int, price: String, discountFlag: Int, couponCode: String, num: Int, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberProductComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/pdf-office-website/order/createSubscription" let params: [String: Any] = ["productId": productId, "paymentMethod": paymentMethod, "price": price, "discountFlag": discountFlag, "couponCode": couponCode, "num": num] KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlString, method: .post, params: params) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let requestCode: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result: NSDictionary = dic["result"] as? NSDictionary ?? [:] let message: String = dic["msg"] as? String ?? "" var thirdOrderNo = "" var orderId = "" var payHref = "" var qrCode = "" if requestCode == 200 { if let token = result["thirdOrderNo"] { thirdOrderNo = token as? String ?? thirdOrderNo} if let token = result["orderId"] { orderId = token as? String ?? orderId} if let token = result["payHref"] { payHref = token as? String ?? payHref} if let token = result["qrcode"] { qrCode = token as? String ?? qrCode} let products = KMCreateOrderModel(thirdOrderNo: thirdOrderNo, orderId: orderId, payHref: payHref, qrCode: qrCode) let result1 = KMMemberProductResult(code: requestCode, msg: message, createOrder: products) complete(true, result1) } else { let result1 = KMMemberProductResult(code: requestCode, msg: message, createOrder: KMCreateOrderModel(thirdOrderNo: thirdOrderNo, orderId: orderId, payHref: payHref, qrCode: qrCode)) complete(false, result1) } } } /** @abstract 获取订单列表 @param orderStatus 0全部1待支付 @param complete 回调 */ func getOrderListByStatus(orderStatus: Int, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberRequestInfoComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/pdf-office-website/order/getOrderListByStatus" let params: [String: Any] = ["orderStatus": orderStatus] if let urlNewString = constructURLString(baseURLString: urlString, parameters: params) { KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlNewString, method: .get, params: nil) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let requestCode: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 if requestCode == 200 { complete(true, dic) } else { complete(false, dic) } // var thirdOrderNo = "" // var orderId = "" // var payHref = "" // if code == 200 { // if let token = result["thirdOrderNo"] { thirdOrderNo = token as! String } // if let token = result["orderId"] { orderId = token as! String } // if let token = result["payHref"] { payHref = token as! String } // let products = KMCreateOrderModel(thirdOrderNo: thirdOrderNo, orderId: orderId, payHref: payHref) // let result1 = KMMemberProductResult(code: code, msg: message, createOrder: products) // complete(true, result1) // } else { // let result1 = KMMemberProductResult(code: code, msg: message, createOrder: KMCreateOrderModel(thirdOrderNo: thirdOrderNo, orderId: orderId, payHref: payHref)) // complete(false, result1) // } } } else { complete(false, nil) } } /** @abstract 关闭订单 @param orderId 订单id @param complete 回调 */ func closeByOrderId(orderId: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberRequestInfoComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/pdf-office-website/order/closeOrder" let params: [String: Any] = ["orderId": orderId] if let urlNewString = constructURLString(baseURLString: urlString, parameters: params) { KMRequestServer.requestServer.request(urlString: urlNewString, method: .post, params: nil) { requestSerializer in requestSerializer.setValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") } completion: { [weak self] (task, responseObject, error) in var dic: NSDictionary = [:] if error == nil, let responseObject = responseObject as? NSDictionary { dic = responseObject } else { var info = responseObject if let error = error { if let data = error.userInfo["com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.data"] as? Data { info = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } } dic = (info as? NSDictionary) ?? [:] } let requestCode: Int = dic["code"] as? Int ?? 0 if requestCode == 200 { complete(true, dic) } else { complete(false, dic) } } } else { complete(false, nil) } } // MARK: 苹果支付 /** @abstract APPstore 权益校验 @param applePayProductId @param transactionId @param productCode @param complete 回调 */ func appStoreEquityVerification(applePayProductId: String, transactionId: String, productCode: String, _ complete: @escaping KMMemberProductComplete) { let token: String = KMMemberInfo.shared.access_token if token == "" { complete(false, nil) return } let urlString = configuration.activityBaseURL() + "/member-system-website/applePay/appStoreEquityVerification" let bundleID = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleIdentifier") ?? "" let params: [String: Any] = ["appBundleId": bundleID, "applePayProductId": applePayProductId, "transactionId": transactionId, "productCode": productCode] let postData = try! JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: params) var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: urlString)!,timeoutInterval: Double.infinity) request.addValue("Bearer " + token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") request.httpMethod = "POST" request.httpBody = postData let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in guard let data = data else { print(String(describing: error)) return } let jsonObject = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? NSDictionary ?? [:] if jsonObject != nil { let code: Int = jsonObject!["code"] as? Int ?? 0 let result: NSDictionary = jsonObject!["result"] as? NSDictionary ?? [:] let message: String = jsonObject!["msg"] as? String ?? "" let result1 = KMMemberProductResult(code: code, msg: message, result: "") if code == 200 { complete(true, result1) } else { complete(false, result1) } } else { complete(false, KMMemberProductResult(code: 0, msg: "", result: "")) } } task.resume() } // MARK: 评估模块 // MARK: 活动模块 // 签到 static func checkIn(callback: @escaping ((_ success: Bool, _ resultModel: KMRequestResultModel?, _ error: NSError?)->Void)) { let uuid = GetHardwareUUID() ?? "" var model = "MAC_APP_STORE_FREE" if KMIsDMGVersion() { model = "DMG_DOWNLOAD" } else if KMIsAppStoreProVersion() { model = "MAC_APP_STORE_PAID" } // let (major, minor, bugFix) = KMTools.getSystemVersion() // let versionInfoString = "\(KMTools.getRawSystemInfo()) - \(major).\(minor).\(bugFix)" let appVersion = KMTools.getAppVersion() let language = NSLocale.current.identifier let timeZone = NSTimeZone.local.localizedName(for: .shortDaylightSaving, locale: .current) ?? "" let params = ["uniqueSn" : uuid, "model" : model, "os" : "", "language" : language, "timeZone" : timeZone, "appVersion" : appVersion] KMRequestServer.Member_POST(url: kURLAPI_memberSystemWebsite_activity_signIn, params: params, callback: callback) } // 判断用户是否处于试用后退订 static func judgeTrailCancel(callback: @escaping ((_ success: Bool, _ resultModel: KMRequestResultModel?, _ error: NSError?)->Void)) { KMRequestServer.Member_GET(url: kURLAPI_memberSystemSSO_user_judgeTrailCancel, params: nil, callback: callback) } // MARK: 翻译模块 // MARK: AI模块 // MARK: 会员赠送模块 // MARK: Error Code static func quickShowAlert(result: KMMemberProductResult?, callback: ((NSApplication.ModalResponse?, Any ...)->Void)?) { guard let data = result else { return } showAlert(code: .init(rawValue: data.code ?? 0), message: data.msg, callback: callback) } static func showAlert(code: KMMemberCenterErrorCodeType?, message: String?, callback: ((NSApplication.ModalResponse?, Any ...)->Void)?) { let string = self.getCodeMessage(code: code, message: message) KMMainThreadExecute { let alert = NSAlert() alert.messageText = KMLocalizedString(string, tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: "") let resp = alert.runModal() callback?(resp) } } static func getCodeMessage(code: KMMemberCenterErrorCodeType?, message: String?) -> String { var string = self.typeOfMessage(type: code) if string.isEmpty { string = message ?? "" } return string } static func typeOfMessage(type: KMMemberCenterErrorCodeType?) -> String { var result: String = "" switch type { case .EXCEPTION_MSG_TOKEN_IS_INVALID: result = "Invalid token or token has expired." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_DEVICE_NUM_MAX: result = "Your device logged-in has been limited. Please log out from other devices first." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_USER_NOT_LOGIN: result = "The user has not logged in. Please login before accessing." break; case .EMAIL_VERIFY_CODE_KEY_ERROR: result = "Email code error!" break; case .EMAIL_REGISTER_ERROR: result = "Register error!" break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_PASSWORD_ERROR: result = "The password is wrong, you can check the case status." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_CODE_ACTION_ERROR: result = "Code action error." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_CODE_SEND_ERROR: result = "Code send error." break; case .EXCEPTION_MAIL_CODE_SEND_ERROR: result = "Mail send error." break; case .VERIFY_CODE_SEND_TOO_QUICKLY: result = "Code send too quickly!" break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_EMAIL_EXIST: result = "This email is already associated with an account. please log in." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_EMAIL_NOT_REGISTER: result = "The current account is not registered. Please sign up using the verification code directly." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_EMAIL_LOGOUT_ING: result = "The account is being removed and unable to log in. If you have any questions, please get in touch with customer service." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_EMAIL_INVALID: result = "Please enter the correct email format." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_PASSWORD_NOT_INCONSISTENT: result = "Password is inconsistent, please re-enter." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_PASSWORD_SIZE_MIN: result = "The password must contain 6 to 24 characters." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_PASSWORD_SIZE_MAX: result = "The password must contain 6 to 24 characters." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_PLEASE_ADD_AUTH_CONFIG: result = "Please add auth config" break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_USER_SUBSCRIPTION_IN_PROGRESS: result = "You are still subscribing and cannot remove your account at the moment. Please wait until the subscription period is over." break; case .EXCEPTION_TIME_TRANSFER_ERROR: result = "Time conversion failed." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_PASSWORD_CONTAIN_EMPTY: result = "Password cannot contain spaces." break; case .EXCEPTION_MSG_CREATE_ORDER_PARAMETER: // 支付方式异常 result = "Abnormal payment method." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_EVENT_IS_CURRENTLY_NOT_SUPPORTED: // 当前事件暂不支持 result = "The current event is not supported yet." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_THE_ACCOUNT_IS_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN_ON_OTHER_DEVICES: // 账号已在其他设备登录 result = "This account has been logged in on other devices." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_ABNORMAL_USER_STATUS: // 当前邮箱已被停用或者处于注销中状态 result = "The current email address has been deactivated or is in the account cancellation state." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_APP_STORE_TICKET_VALIDATION_FAILED: // Appstore票据验证失败" result = "Ticket verification of AppStore failed." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_APP_STORE_TICKET_VALIDATION_NEED_TO_RETRY: //Appstore票据验证需要重试 result = "Ticket verification of AppStore needs to be retried." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_REPEAT_SUBSCRIPTION: // 用户已订阅该产品 result = "The user has subscribed to this product." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_RESTORING_PURCHASES_IS_NOT_CURRENTLY_SUPPORTED: // 恢复购买暂不支持 result = "Restoring purchases is not supported yet." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_USER_TRANSACTION_CANCELED_OR_FAILED: // 用户交易取消或失败 result = "The user's transaction is canceled or failed." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_CURRENT_ORDER_NOT_RECORDED: // 当前订单末记录,请稍后重试 result = "The current order is not recorded, please try again later." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_THE_SAME_USER: //同一用户,无需处理 result = "Same user, no need to process." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_THIRD_PAY_ID_ILLEGAL: //thirdPayld非法 result = "Third-party payment is illegal." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST: //订单不存在 result = "Order does not exist." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_THE_ORDER_STATUS_IS_ABNORMAL: // 订单状态异常 result = "Order status abnormal." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_TRANSACTION_ID_REPEAT: // transactionld重复 result = "Transaction duplicate." case .EXCEPTION_TICKET_HAS_BEEN_BLOCKED: // The ticket has been blocked result = "The ticket has been blocked." case .EXCEPTION_TICKET_HAS_BEEN_CREATED: // 当前票据已创建订单 result = "The current ticket has created an order." case .EXCEPTION_USER_IS_NOT_EDUCATION_USER: // 用户不是教育用户 result = "The user is not an educational user." case .EXCEPTION_USER_HAS_EDUCATION: // 用户近一年有教育购买订单 result = "The user has education purchase orders in the past year." case .EXCEPTION_USER_CANNOT_BUY_PREMIUM: // 用户已有标准版订阅,无法购买高级版 result = "The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Standard Plan and cannot purchase the Advance Plan." case .EXCEPTION_USER_CANNOT_BUY_VIP: // 用户已有高级版订阅,无法购买标准版 result = "The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Advance Plan and cannot purchase the Standard Plan." case .EXCEPTION_USER_CANNOT_UPGRADE_VIP: // 买断用户无法升级为标准版 result = "The Permanent Plan user cannot upgrade to the Standard Plan." case .EXCEPTION_COUPON_NOT_EXISTS: // 优惠券不存在 result = "The coupon code does not exist." case .EXCEPTION_COUPONTYPE_ERROR: // 优惠券类型错误 result = "Wrong coupon code type." case .EXCEPTION_COUPON_PRODUCT_ERROR: // 优惠券关联产品错误 result = "Coupon-associated product error." case .EXCEPTION_COUPON_INVALID: // 优惠券已失效 result = "The coupon code has expired." case .EXCEPTION_PRODUCT_NOT_EXIST: // 产品不存在 result = "The product does not exist." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_CONTACT_US: //请联系我们获取最新折扣 result = "Please get in touch with us for the latest discounts." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_APP_STORE_TRANSACTION_ID_VALIDATION_FAILED: // 验证苹果交易失败 result = "Verification of Apple's Transaction failed." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_GOOGLE_STORE_TRANSACTION_ID_VALIDATION_FAILED: // 验证谷歌交易失败 result = "Verification of Google's Transaction failed." case .EXCEPTION_PRICE_ERROR: // 价格错误 result = "Price error." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_ORDER_CREATE_FAILED: // 订单创建失败 result = "Order creation failed." case .USER_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED_PLAN: // 该用户已经是PDF Reader Pro订阅版会员,确定再赠送吗 result = "This user is already a subscription member of PDF Reader Pro. Are you sure you want to share benefits?" case .USER_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED_PACKAGE: // 该用户已经是PDF Reader Pro永久版会员,无需再赠送哦 result = "This user is already a permanent member of PDF Reader Pro. You don't need to share benefits anymore." case .EXCEPTION_MSG_USER_NOT_EXIST: //用户不存在 result = "User does not exist." case .EXCEPTION_USER_ALREADY_LOTTERY: // 用户已经抽过奖啦 result = "The user already has a prize draw!" case .UNKNOWN: result = "UNKNOWN" break; case .SUCCESS: result = "SUCCESS" break; default: result = "Network error" } return result } }