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+ 3 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/KMClass/KMPDFViewController/Toolbar/KMPDFSecToolbarController.swift

@@ -147,6 +147,8 @@ class KMPDFSecToolbarController: KMNBaseViewController {
                     button.toolTip = KMLocalizedString("Draw line; draw straight line by holding Shift key", comment: "")
                 } else if buttonProperty.identifier == KMPDFToolbar_sign_Identifier {
                     button.toolTip = KMLocalizedString("Sign document by typing or drawing a signature", comment: "")
+                } else if buttonProperty.identifier == KMPDFToolbar_measure_Identifier {
+                    button.toolTip = KMLocalizedString("Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects.", comment: "")
                 } else if buttonProperty.identifier == KMPDFToolbar_eye_Identifier {
                     button.toolTip = KMLocalizedString("Hide", comment: "")
                     if self.pdfView?.hideNotes == true {
@@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ class KMPDFSecToolbarController: KMNBaseViewController {
                 } else if buttonProperty.identifier == KMPDFToolbar_tools_merge_Identifier {
                     button.toolTip = KMLocalizedString("Combine multiple documents into a new PDF, or borrow individual pages", comment: "")
                 } else if buttonProperty.identifier == KMPDFToolbar_tools_TTS_Identifier {
-                    button.toolTip = KMLocalizedString(buttonProperty.englishTitle ?? "", comment: "")
+                    button.toolTip = KMLocalizedString("Text-to-speech", comment: "")
                 } else if buttonProperty.identifier == KMPDFToolbar_tools_batch_Identifier {
                     button.toolTip = KMLocalizedString(buttonProperty.englishTitle ?? "", comment: "")
                 } else if buttonProperty.identifier == KMPDFToolbar_tools_extractImage_Identifier {

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 64 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings

+ 61 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3491,3 +3491,64 @@
 "PDF Reader Pro Team has incorporated your suggestions into consideration." = "Das PDF Reader Pro-Team hat Ihre Vorschläge berücksichtigt. ";
 "Your attachments are strictly confidential and will only be used for the current operation."= "Ihre Anhänge werden streng vertraulich behandelt und nur für den aktuellen Vorgang verwendet.";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "Schalten Sie Vorteile frei";
+"Batch Compress" = "Batch-Komprimierung";
+"Advanced Optimization" = "Erweiterte Optimierung";
+"Area OCR" = "Bereichs-OCR";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "Die OCR-Lösung wird technisch von Google unterstützt.";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "Die OCR-Lösung wird von Apple technisch unterstützt.";
+"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Bitte laden Sie das OCR-Paket herunter.";
+"Batch Remove" = "Stapelentfernung";
+"Add Folder" = "Ordner hinzufügen";
+"Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Es wurden Berechtigungen festgelegt, um das Kopieren und Drucken von Dokumenten einzuschränken.";
+"Set the open password to restrain the accessibility of the document." = "Legen Sie das Öffnungskennwort fest, um den Zugriff auf das Dokument einzuschränken.";
+"Find and Replace" = "Suchen und ersetzen";
+"Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process. " = "Klicken und ziehen Sie mit der Maus, um den Bereich zu zeichnen, in dem die Signatur erscheinen soll. Sobald Sie mit dem Herausziehen des gewünschten Bereichs fertig sind, gelangen Sie zum nächsten Schritt des Signiervorgangs. ";
+"Redaction requires two steps:\n1. Mark for Redaction\n2. Apply Redactions\n\nNote: Redactions are not applied permanently until you select Apply Redactions." = "Die Schwärzung erfordert zwei Schritte:\n1. Zur Redaktion markieren\n2. Wenden Sie Schwärzungen an\n\nHinweis: Schwärzungen werden erst dann dauerhaft angewendet, wenn Sie „Schwärzungen anwenden“ auswählen.";
+"Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content." = "Mit der Schwärzung können Sie vertrauliche Inhalte dauerhaft maskieren und entfernen.";
+"This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document." = "Durch diese Aktion werden die redigierten Informationen dauerhaft aus diesem Dokument entfernt.";
+"After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "Nachdem Sie dieses Dokument gespeichert haben, können Sie die geschwärzten Informationen nicht mehr abrufen.";
+"At least one file in the list requires a password before you can proceed. Continuing the current operation will skip these undecrypted files. Do you want to continue?" = "Für mindestens eine Datei in der Liste ist ein Kennwort erforderlich, bevor Sie fortfahren können. Wenn Sie den aktuellen Vorgang fortsetzen, werden diese unverschlüsselten Dateien übersprungen. Möchten Sie fortfahren?";
+"OCR component is downloading, please wait..." = "Die OCR-Komponente wird heruntergeladen, bitte warten...";
+"Download failed" = "Der Download ist fehlgeschlagen";
+"Re-download" = "Erneut herunterladen";
+"Copy text" = "Text kopieren";
+"New Window" = "Neues Fenster";
+"This page has already been bookmarked." = "Diese Seite wurde bereits mit einem Lesezeichen versehen.";
+"Are you sure you want to apply edits to this outline?" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Änderungen an dieser Gliederung vornehmen möchten?";
+"Display Field Name" = "Feldname anzeigen";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Messen von Entfernungen, Umfängen und Flächen von Objekten.";
+"Display Label" = "Beschriftung anzeigen";
+"Dynamic Stamp Setting" = "Dynamische Stempeleinstellung";
+"Click + button at the upper right corner to add a new signature." = "Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche „+“, um eine neue Signatur hinzuzufügen.";
+"Don't Apply" = "Bewerben Sie sich nicht";
+"Layout & Content" = "Layout und Inhalt";
+"Button Style" = "Knopfstil";
+"Draw signature here" = "Unterschrift hier zeichnen";
+"Click ESC to exit touchpad mode." = "Klicken Sie auf ESC, um den Touchpad-Modus zu verlassen.";
+"Crop" = "Ernte";
+"Rotate & Flip" = "Drehen und spiegeln";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Messen von Entfernungen, Umfängen und Flächen von Objekten.";
+"Remove Selected Files from your Recent Files?" = "Ausgewählte Dateien aus Ihren zuletzt verwendeten Dateien entfernen?";
+"The file will disappear from the recent list." = "Die Datei verschwindet aus der Liste „Letzte Dateien“.";
+"Remove Files from your Recent Files?" = "Dateien aus Ihren zuletzt verwendeten Dateien entfernen?";
+"No annotations" = "Keine Anmerkungen";
+"No Outlines" = "Keine Umrisse";
+"Click + button to add an outline for the current page." = "Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „+“, um eine Gliederung für die aktuelle Seite hinzuzufügen.";
+"Grid" = "Netz";
+"Icon" = "Symbol";
+"Text-to-speech" = "Text-zu-Sprache";
+"Replace" = "Ersetzen";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark." = "Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche „+“, um ein Wasserzeichen zu erstellen.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark template." = "Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche „+“, um eine Wasserzeichenvorlage zu erstellen.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a background template." = "Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche „+“, um eine Hintergrundvorlage zu erstellen.";
+"Typing text here to customize header&footer " = "Geben Sie hier Text ein, um die Kopf- und Fußzeile anzupassen ";
+"Log in to Unlock 2025 Beta's Benefits." = "Melden Sie sich an, um die Vorteile der Beta 2025 freizuschalten.";
+"Get Coupon or AI Credits For Free." = "Holen Sie sich kostenlos Gutscheine oder AI-Credits.";
+"Template Save Successfully." = "Vorlage erfolgreich gespeichert.";
+"Create Stamp" = "Stempel erstellen";
+"Create Sigature" = "Signatur erstellen";
+"Mark Color" = "Farbe markieren";
+"Enter text..." = "Text eingeben...";
+"Area OCR" = "Bereichs-OCR";
+"Field Name" = "Feldname";

+ 61 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3414,3 +3414,64 @@
 "PDF Reader Pro Team has incorporated your suggestions into consideration." = "El equipo de PDF Reader Pro ha tenido en cuenta sus sugerencias. ";
 "Your attachments are strictly confidential and will only be used for the current operation."= "Sus archivos adjuntos son estrictamente confidenciales y sólo se utilizarán para la operación actual.";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "Desbloquear beneficios";
+"Batch Compress" = "Compresión por lotes";
+"Advanced Optimization" = "Optimización avanzada";
+"Area OCR" = "OCR de área";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "La solución OCR cuenta con el respaldo técnico de Google.";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "La solución OCR cuenta con el respaldo técnico de Apple.";
+"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Descargue el paquete OCR.";
+"Batch Remove" = "Eliminar lote";
+"Add Folder" = "Agregar carpeta";
+"Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Permisos configurados para restringir la copia e impresión de documentos.";
+"Set the open password to restrain the accessibility of the document." = "Establezca la contraseña de apertura para restringir la accesibilidad del documento.";
+"Find and Replace" = "Buscar y reemplazar";
+"Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process. " = "Con el mouse, haga clic y arrastre para dibujar el área donde desea que aparezca la firma. Una vez que termine de arrastrar el área deseada, pasará al siguiente paso del proceso de firma. ";
+"Redaction requires two steps:\n1. Mark for Redaction\n2. Apply Redactions\n\nNote: Redactions are not applied permanently until you select Apply Redactions." = "La redacción requiere dos pasos:\n1. Marcar para redacción\n2. Aplicar redacciones\n\nNota: Las redacciones no se aplican de forma permanente hasta que seleccione Aplicar redacciones.";
+"Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content." = "La redacción le permite enmascarar y eliminar permanentemente contenido confidencial.";
+"This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document." = "Esta acción eliminará permanentemente la información redactada de este documento.";
+"After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "Después de guardar este documento, no podrá recuperar la información redactada.";
+"At least one file in the list requires a password before you can proceed. Continuing the current operation will skip these undecrypted files. Do you want to continue?" = "Al menos un archivo de la lista requiere una contraseña antes de poder continuar. Si continúa con la operación actual, se omitirán estos archivos no cifrados. ¿Quieres continuar?";
+"OCR component is downloading, please wait..." = "El componente OCR se está descargando, espere...";
+"Download failed" = "Descarga fallida";
+"Re-download" = "Volver a descargar";
+"Copy text" = "Copiar texto";
+"New Window" = "Nueva ventana";
+"This page has already been bookmarked." = "Esta página ya ha sido marcada como favorita.";
+"Are you sure you want to apply edits to this outline?" = "¿Está seguro de que desea aplicar modificaciones a este esquema?";
+"Display Field Name" = "Nombre del campo mostrado";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Medición de distancias, perímetros y áreas de objetos.";
+"Display Label" = "Etiqueta de visualización";
+"Dynamic Stamp Setting" = "Configuración de sello dinámico";
+"Click + button at the upper right corner to add a new signature." = "Haga clic en el botón + en la esquina superior derecha para agregar una nueva firma.";
+"Don't Apply" = "No aplicar";
+"Layout & Content" = "Diseño y contenido";
+"Button Style" = "Estilo de botón";
+"Draw signature here" = "Dibujar firma aquí";
+"Click ESC to exit touchpad mode." = "Haga clic en ESC para salir del modo de panel táctil.";
+"Crop" = "Cultivo";
+"Rotate & Flip" = "Girar y voltear";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Medición de distancias, perímetros y áreas de objetos.";
+"Remove Selected Files from your Recent Files?" = "¿Eliminar archivos seleccionados de sus archivos recientes?";
+"The file will disappear from the recent list." = "El archivo desaparecerá de la lista reciente.";
+"Remove Files from your Recent Files?" = "¿Eliminar archivos de sus archivos recientes?";
+"No annotations" = "Sin anotaciones";
+"No Outlines" = "Sin contornos";
+"Click + button to add an outline for the current page." = "Haga clic en el botón + para agregar un esquema para la página actual.";
+"Grid" = "Red";
+"Icon" = "Icono";
+"Text-to-speech" = "Texto a voz";
+"Replace" = "Reemplazar";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark." = "Haga clic en el botón + en la esquina superior derecha para crear una marca de agua.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark template." = "Haga clic en el botón + en la esquina superior derecha para crear una plantilla de marca de agua.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a background template." = "Haga clic en el botón + en la esquina superior derecha para crear una plantilla de fondo.";
+"Typing text here to customize header&footer " = "Escribiendo texto aquí para personalizar el encabezado y pie de página ";
+"Log in to Unlock 2025 Beta's Benefits." = "Inicie sesión para desbloquear los beneficios de la Beta 2025.";
+"Get Coupon or AI Credits For Free." = "Obtenga cupones o créditos AI gratis.";
+"Template Save Successfully." = "La plantilla se guardó correctamente.";
+"Create Stamp" = "Crear sello";
+"Create Sigature" = "Crear firma";
+"Mark Color" = "Color de marca";
+"Enter text..." = "Introduzca texto...";
+"Area OCR" = "OCR de área";
+"Field Name" = "Nombre del campo";

+ 61 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3443,3 +3443,64 @@
 "PDF Reader Pro Team has incorporated your suggestions into consideration." = "L'équipe PDF Reader Pro a pris en compte vos suggestions.";
 "Your attachments are strictly confidential and will only be used for the current operation."= "Vos pièces jointes sont strictement confidentielles et ne seront utilisées que pour l'opération en cours.";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "Bénéficiez d'avantages";
+"Batch Compress" = "Compresser par lots";
+"Advanced Optimization" = "Optimisation avancée";
+"Area OCR" = "Zone OCR";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "La solution OCR est techniquement supportée par Google.";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "La solution OCR est techniquement supportée par Apple.";
+"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Veuillez télécharger le package OCR.";
+"Batch Remove" = "Suppression par lots";
+"Add Folder" = "Ajouter un dossier";
+"Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Autorisations définies pour restreindre la copie et l'impression de documents.";
+"Set the open password to restrain the accessibility of the document." = "Définissez le mot de passe d'ouverture pour restreindre l'accessibilité du document.";
+"Find and Replace" = "Rechercher et remplacer";
+"Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process. " = "À l'aide de votre souris, cliquez et faites glisser pour dessiner la zone où vous souhaitez que la signature apparaisse. Une fois que vous avez fini de faire glisser la zone souhaitée, vous serez redirigé vers l'étape suivante du processus de signature. ";
+"Redaction requires two steps:\n1. Mark for Redaction\\n2. Apply Redactions\n\nNote: Redactions are not applied permanently until you select Apply Redactions." = "La rédaction nécessite deux étapes :\n1. Marquer pour rédaction\n2. Appliquer les expurgations\n\nRemarque : Les expurgations ne sont pas appliquées de manière permanente tant que vous n'avez pas sélectionné Appliquer les expurgations.";
+"Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content." = "La rédaction vous permet de masquer et de supprimer définitivement le contenu sensible.";
+"This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document." = "Cette action supprimera définitivement les informations expurgées de ce document.";
+"After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "Après avoir enregistré ce document, vous ne pourrez plus récupérer les informations expurgées.";
+"At least one file in the list requires a password before you can proceed. Continuing the current operation will skip these undecrypted files. Do you want to continue?" = "Au moins un fichier de la liste nécessite un mot de passe avant de pouvoir continuer. La poursuite de l'opération en cours ignorera ces fichiers non déchiffrés. Voulez-vous continuer ?";
+"OCR component is downloading, please wait..." = "Le composant OCR est en cours de téléchargement, veuillez patienter...";
+"Download failed" = "Le téléchargement a échoué";
+"Re-download" = "Re-télécharger";
+"Copy text" = "Copier le texte";
+"New Window" = "Nouvelle fenêtre";
+"This page has already been bookmarked." = "Cette page a déjà été ajoutée à vos favoris.";
+"Are you sure you want to apply edits to this outline?" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir appliquer les modifications à ce plan ?";
+"Display Field Name" = "Afficher le nom du champ";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Mesurer les distances, les périmètres et les zones d'objets.";
+"Display Label" = "Afficher l'étiquette";
+"Dynamic Stamp Setting" = "Paramètre de tampon dynamique";
+"Click + button at the upper right corner to add a new signature." = "Cliquez sur le bouton + dans le coin supérieur droit pour ajouter une nouvelle signature.";
+"Don't Apply" = "Ne postulez pas";
+"Layout & Content" = "Mise en page et contenu";
+"Button Style" = "Style de bouton";
+"Draw signature here" = "Dessinez votre signature ici";
+"Click ESC to exit touchpad mode." = "Cliquez sur ESC pour quitter le mode pavé tactile.";
+"Crop" = "Recadrer";
+"Rotate & Flip" = "Faire pivoter et retourner";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Mesurer les distances, les périmètres et les zones d'objets.";
+"Remove Selected Files from your Recent Files?" = "Supprimer les fichiers sélectionnés de vos fichiers récents ?";
+"The file will disappear from the recent list." = "Le fichier disparaîtra de la liste récente.";
+"Remove Files from your Recent Files?" = "Supprimer des fichiers de vos fichiers récents ?";
+"No annotations" = "Aucune annotation";
+"No Outlines" = "Aucun contour";
+"Click + button to add an outline for the current page." = "Cliquez sur le bouton + pour ajouter un plan pour la page actuelle.";
+"Grid" = "Grille";
+"Icon" = "Icône";
+"Text-to-speech" = "Synthèse vocale";
+"Replace" = "Remplacer";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark." = "Cliquez sur le bouton + dans le coin supérieur droit pour créer un filigrane.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark template." = "Cliquez sur le bouton + dans le coin supérieur droit pour créer un modèle de filigrane.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a background template." = "Cliquez sur le bouton + dans le coin supérieur droit pour créer un modèle d'arrière-plan.";
+"Typing text here to customize header&footer " = "Saisir du texte ici pour personnaliser l'en-tête et le pied de page ";
+"Log in to Unlock 2025 Beta's Benefits." = "Connectez-vous pour débloquer les avantages de la version bêta 2025.";
+"Get Coupon or AI Credits For Free." = "Obtenez un coupon ou des crédits AI gratuitement.";
+"Template Save Successfully." = "Modèle enregistré avec succès.";
+"Create Stamp" = "Créer un tampon";
+"Create Sigature" = "Créer une signature";
+"Mark Color" = "Couleur de la marque";
+"Enter text..." = "Saisissez le texte...";
+"Area OCR" = "Zone OCR";
+"Field Name" = "Nom du champ";

+ 61 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3371,3 +3371,64 @@
 "PDF Reader Pro Team has incorporated your suggestions into consideration." = "Il PDF Reader Pro Team ha preso in considerazione i tuoi suggerimenti. ";
 "Your attachments are strictly confidential and will only be used for the current operation."= "I tuoi allegati sono strettamente confidenziali e verranno utilizzati solo per l'operazione corrente.";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "Sblocca i vantaggi";
+"Batch Compress" = "Compressione batch";
+"Advanced Optimization" = "Ottimizzazione avanzata";
+"Area OCR" = "OCR di area";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "La soluzione OCR è tecnicamente supportata da Google.";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "La soluzione OCR è tecnicamente supportata da Apple.";
+"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Si prega di scaricare il pacchetto OCR.";
+"Batch Remove" = "Rimuovi batch";
+"Add Folder" = "Aggiungi cartella";
+"Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Autorizzazioni impostate per limitare la copia e la stampa dei documenti.";
+"Set the open password to restrain the accessibility of the document." = "Imposta la password di apertura per limitare l'accessibilità del documento.";
+"Find and Replace" = "Trova e sostituisci";
+"Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process. " = "Usando il mouse, fai clic e trascina per disegnare l'area in cui desideri che appaia la firma. Una volta terminato di trascinare l'area desiderata, verrai portato al passaggio successivo del processo di firma. ";
+"Redaction requires two steps:\n1. Mark for Redaction\n2. Apply Redactions\n\nNote: Redactions are not applied permanently until you select Apply Redactions." = "La redazione richiede due passaggi:\n1. Contrassegnare per la redazione\n2. Applicare le revisioni\n\nNota: le oscurazioni non vengono applicate in modo permanente finché non si seleziona Applica oscurazioni.";
+"Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content." = "La redazione consente di mascherare e rimuovere in modo permanente i contenuti sensibili.";
+"This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document." = "Questa azione rimuoverà permanentemente le informazioni oscurate da questo documento.";
+"After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "Dopo aver salvato questo documento, non sarai in grado di recuperare le informazioni oscurate.";
+"At least one file in the list requires a password before you can proceed. Continuing the current operation will skip these undecrypted files. Do you want to continue?" = "Almeno un file nell'elenco richiede una password prima di poter procedere. Continuando l'operazione corrente salterai questi file non decrittografati. Vuoi continuare?";
+"OCR component is downloading, please wait..." = "È in corso il download del componente OCR, attendere...";
+"Download failed" = "Download non riuscito";
+"Re-download" = "Scarica nuovamente";
+"Copy text" = "Copia testo";
+"New Window" = "Nuova finestra";
+"This page has already been bookmarked." = "Questa pagina è già stata aggiunta ai segnalibri.";
+"Are you sure you want to apply edits to this outline?" = "Sei sicuro di voler applicare le modifiche a questa struttura?";
+"Display Field Name" = "Visualizza nome campo";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Misurare distanze, perimetri e aree di oggetti.";
+"Display Label" = "Etichetta di visualizzazione";
+"Dynamic Stamp Setting" = "Impostazione timbro dinamico";
+"Click + button at the upper right corner to add a new signature." = "Fare clic sul pulsante + nell'angolo in alto a destra per aggiungere una nuova firma.";
+"Don't Apply" = "Non applicare";
+"Layout & Content" = "Layout e contenuto";
+"Button Style" = "Stile pulsante";
+"Draw signature here" = "Disegna qui la firma";
+"Click ESC to exit touchpad mode." = "Fare clic su ESC per uscire dalla modalità touchpad.";
+"Crop" = "Raccolto";
+"Rotate & Flip" = "Ruota e capovolgi";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Misurare distanze, perimetri e aree di oggetti.";
+"Remove Selected Files from your Recent Files?" = "Rimuovere i file selezionati dai file recenti?";
+"The file will disappear from the recent list." = "Il file scomparirà dall'elenco recente.";
+"Remove Files from your Recent Files?" = "Rimuovere file dai file recenti?";
+"No annotations" = "Nessuna annotazione";
+"No Outlines" = "Nessun contorno";
+"Click + button to add an outline for the current page." = "Fare clic sul pulsante + per aggiungere una struttura per la pagina corrente.";
+"Grid" = "Griglia";
+"Icon" = "Icona";
+"Text-to-speech" = "Sintesi vocale";
+"Replace" = "Sostituire";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark." = "Fare clic sul pulsante + nell'angolo in alto a destra per creare una filigrana.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark template." = "Fare clic sul pulsante + nell'angolo in alto a destra per creare un modello di filigrana.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a background template." = "Fare clic sul pulsante + nell'angolo in alto a destra per creare un modello di sfondo.";
+"Typing text here to customize header&footer " = "Digitando qui il testo per personalizzare intestazione e piè di pagina ";
+"Log in to Unlock 2025 Beta's Benefits." = "Accedi per sbloccare i vantaggi della Beta 2025.";
+"Get Coupon or AI Credits For Free." = "Ottieni coupon o crediti AI gratuitamente.";
+"Template Save Successfully." = "Salvataggio del modello riuscito.";
+"Create Stamp" = "Crea timbro";
+"Create Sigature" = "Crea firma";
+"Mark Color" = "Segna colore";
+"Enter text..." = "Inserisci il testo...";
+"Area OCR" = "OCR di area";
+"Field Name" = "Nome del campo";

+ 61 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3651,3 +3651,64 @@
 "Your attachments are strictly confidential and will only be used for the current operation."= "إن添付ファイルは極秘に扱われ、現在の操作にのみ使用されます。";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "ログイン";
 "Paste unformatted Text" = "書式設定されていないテキストを貼り付ける";
+"Batch Compress" = "バッチ圧縮";
+"Advanced Optimization" = "高度な最適化";
+"Area OCR" = "エリアOCR";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "OCR ソリューションは Google によって技術的にサポートされています。";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "OCR ソリューションは Apple によって技術的にサポートされています。";
+"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "OCRパッケージをダウンロードしてください。";
+"Batch Remove" = "一括削除";
+"Add Folder" = "フォルダーの追加";
+"Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "ドキュメントのコピーと印刷を制限するために設定された権限。";
+"Set the open password to restrain the accessibility of the document." = "文書へのアクセスを制限するには、公開パスワードを設定します。";
+"Find and Replace" = "検索と置換";
+"Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process. " = "マウスを使用して、クリックしてドラッグし、署名を表示する領域を描画します。目的の領域のドラッグアウトが完了すると、署名プロセスの次のステップに進みます。 ";
+"Redaction requires two steps:\n1. Mark for Redaction\n2. Apply Redactions\n\nNote: Redactions are not applied permanently until you select Apply Redactions." = "編集には 2 つの手順が必要です。\n1. 墨消しのマークを付ける\n2.墨消しを適用する\n\n注: 墨消しは、[墨消しの適用] を選択するまで永続的に適用されません。";
+"Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content." = "墨消しを使用すると、機密コンテンツを永久にマスクして削除できます。";
+"This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document." = "この操作により、編集された情報がこの文書から完全に削除されます。";
+"After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "この文書を保存すると、編集された情報を取得できなくなります。";
+"At least one file in the list requires a password before you can proceed. Continuing the current operation will skip these undecrypted files. Do you want to continue?" = "続行するには、リスト内の少なくとも 1 つのファイルにパスワードが必要です。現在の操作を続行すると、これらの復号化されていないファイルはスキップされます。続けますか?";
+"OCR component is downloading, please wait..." = "OCR コンポーネントをダウンロード中です。お待​​ちください...";
+"Download failed" = "ダウンロードに失敗しました";
+"Re-download" = "再ダウンロード";
+"Copy text" = "テキストをコピーする";
+"New Window" = "新しいウィンドウ";
+"This page has already been bookmarked." = "このページはすでにブックマークされています。";
+"Are you sure you want to apply edits to this outline?" = "このアウトラインに編集を適用してもよろしいですか?";
+"Display Field Name" = "表示フィールド名";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "物体の距離、周長、面積を測定します。";
+"Display Label" = "表示ラベル";
+"Dynamic Stamp Setting" = "ダイナミックスタンプ設定";
+"Click + button at the upper right corner to add a new signature." = "右上隅にある + ボタンをクリックして、新しい署名を追加します。";
+"Don't Apply" = "申請しないでください";
+"Layout & Content" = "レイアウトとコンテンツ";
+"Button Style" = "ボタンのスタイル";
+"Draw signature here" = "ここにサインを描きます";
+"Click ESC to exit touchpad mode." = "ESC をクリックしてタッチパッド モードを終了します。";
+"Crop" = "作物";
+"Rotate & Flip" = "回転と反転";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "物体の距離、周長、面積を測定します。";
+"Remove Selected Files from your Recent Files?" = "選択したファイルを最近使ったファイルから削除しますか?";
+"The file will disappear from the recent list." = "ファイルが最近のリストから消えます。";
+"Remove Files from your Recent Files?" = "最近使ったファイルからファイルを削除しますか?";
+"No annotations" = "注釈なし";
+"No Outlines" = "アウトラインなし";
+"Click + button to add an outline for the current page." = "+ ボタンをクリックして、現在のページのアウトラインを追加します。";
+"Grid" = "グリッド";
+"Icon" = "アイコン";
+"Text-to-speech" = "テキスト読み上げ";
+"Replace" = "交換する";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark." = "右上隅の + ボタンをクリックしてウォーターマークを作成します。";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark template." = "右上隅の + ボタンをクリックして、ウォーターマーク テンプレートを作成します。";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a background template." = "右上隅の + ボタンをクリックして背景テンプレートを作成します。";
+"Typing text here to customize header&footer " = "ここにテキストを入力してヘッダーとフッターをカスタマイズします ";
+"Log in to Unlock 2025 Beta's Benefits." = "ログインして 2025 ベータ版の特典を解除してください。";
+"Get Coupon or AI Credits For Free." = "クーポンまたは AI クレジットを無料で入手してください。";
+"Template Save Successfully." = "テンプレートが正常に保存されました。";
+"Create Stamp" = "スタンプの作成";
+"Create Sigature" = "署名の作成";
+"Mark Color" = "マークカラー";
+"Enter text..." = "テキストを入力してください...";
+"Area OCR" = "エリアOCR";
+"Field Name" = "フィールド名";

+ 61 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3135,3 +3135,64 @@
 "PDF Reader Pro Team has incorporated your suggestions into consideration." = "Het PDF Reader Pro Team heeft uw suggesties in overweging genomen.";
 "Your attachments are strictly confidential and will only be used for the current operation."= "Uw bijlagen zijn strikt vertrouwelijk en zullen alleen worden gebruikt voor de huidige operatie.";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "Ontgrendel voordelen";
+"Batch Compress" = "Batchcomprimeren";
+"Advanced Optimization" = "Geavanceerde optimalisatie";
+"Area OCR" = "Gebied-OCR";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "De OCR-oplossing wordt technisch ondersteund door Google.";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "De OCR-oplossing wordt technisch ondersteund door Apple.";
+"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Download het OCR-pakket.";
+"Batch Remove" = "Batch verwijderen";
+"Add Folder" = "Map toevoegen";
+"Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Machtigingen ingesteld om het kopiëren en afdrukken van documenten te beperken.";
+"Set the open password to restrain the accessibility of the document." = "Stel het open wachtwoord in om de toegankelijkheid van het document te beperken.";
+"Find and Replace" = "Zoek en vervang";
+"Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process. " = "Klik en sleep met uw muis om het gebied te tekenen waar u de handtekening wilt laten verschijnen. Zodra u klaar bent met het slepen van het gewenste gebied, gaat u naar de volgende stap van het ondertekenproces. ";
+"Redaction requires two steps:\n1. Mark for Redaction\n2. Apply Redactions\n\nNote: Redactions are not applied permanently until you select Apply Redactions." = "Voor redactie zijn twee stappen nodig:\n1. Markeren voor redactie\n2. Pas redacties toe\n\nOpmerking: Redacties worden pas permanent toegepast als u Redacties toepassen selecteert.";
+"Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content." = "Met redactie kunt u gevoelige inhoud permanent maskeren en verwijderen.";
+"This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document." = "Met deze actie wordt de geredigeerde informatie definitief uit dit document verwijderd.";
+"After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "Nadat u dit document heeft opgeslagen, kunt u de geredigeerde informatie niet meer ophalen.";
+"At least one file in the list requires a password before you can proceed. Continuing the current operation will skip these undecrypted files. Do you want to continue?" = "Voor ten minste één bestand in de lijst is een wachtwoord vereist voordat u verder kunt gaan. Als u doorgaat met de huidige bewerking, worden deze niet-gedecodeerde bestanden overgeslagen. Wil je doorgaan?";
+"OCR component is downloading, please wait..." = "Het OCR-onderdeel wordt gedownload. Even geduld a.u.b....";
+"Download failed" = "Downloaden mislukt";
+"Re-download" = "Opnieuw downloaden";
+"Copy text" = "Kopieer tekst";
+"New Window" = "Nieuw venster";
+"This page has already been bookmarked." = "Deze pagina is al gemarkeerd als bladwijzer.";
+"Are you sure you want to apply edits to this outline?" = "Weet u zeker dat u bewerkingen op dit overzicht wilt toepassen?";
+"Display Field Name" = "Veldnaam weergeven";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Meten van afstanden, omtrekken en oppervlakken van objecten.";
+"Display Label" = "Etiket weergeven";
+"Dynamic Stamp Setting" = "Dynamische stempelinstelling";
+"Click + button at the upper right corner to add a new signature." = "Klik op de + knop in de rechterbovenhoek om een ​​nieuwe handtekening toe te voegen.";
+"Don't Apply" = "Niet solliciteren";
+"Layout & Content" = "Lay-out & inhoud";
+"Button Style" = "Knopstijl";
+"Draw signature here" = "Teken hier uw handtekening";
+"Click ESC to exit touchpad mode." = "Klik op ESC om de touchpad-modus te verlaten.";
+"Crop" = "Gewas";
+"Rotate & Flip" = "Draaien en spiegelen";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Meten van afstanden, omtrekken en oppervlakken van objecten.";
+"Remove Selected Files from your Recent Files?" = "Geselecteerde bestanden verwijderen uit uw recente bestanden?";
+"The file will disappear from the recent list." = "Het bestand verdwijnt uit de recente lijst.";
+"Remove Files from your Recent Files?" = "Bestanden verwijderen uit uw recente bestanden?";
+"No annotations" = "Geen annotaties";
+"No Outlines" = "Geen contouren";
+"Click + button to add an outline for the current page." = "Klik op de knop + om een ​​overzicht voor de huidige pagina toe te voegen.";
+"Grid" = "Rooster";
+"Icon" = "Icon";
+"Text-to-speech" = "Tekst-naar-spraak";
+"Replace" = "Vervangen";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark." = "Klik op de + knop in de rechterbovenhoek om een ​​watermerk te maken.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark template." = "Klik op de knop + in de rechterbovenhoek om een ​​watermerksjabloon te maken.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a background template." = "Klik op de + knop in de rechterbovenhoek om een ​​achtergrondsjabloon te maken.";
+"Typing text here to customize header&footer " = "Typ hier tekst om de kop- en voettekst aan te passen ";
+"Log in to Unlock 2025 Beta's Benefits." = "Log in om de voordelen van de bèta van 2025 te ontgrendelen.";
+"Get Coupon or AI Credits For Free." = "Ontvang gratis coupons of AI-credits.";
+"Template Save Successfully." = "Sjabloon succesvol opgeslagen.";
+"Create Stamp" = "Stempel maken";
+"Create Sigature" = "Handtekening maken";
+"Mark Color" = "Markeer kleur";
+"Enter text..." = "Tekst invoeren...";
+"Area OCR" = "Gebied-OCR";
+"Field Name" = "Veldnaam";

+ 61 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3250,3 +3250,64 @@
 "PDF Reader Pro Team has incorporated your suggestions into consideration." = "Zespół PDF Reader Pro uwzględnił Twoje sugestie. ";
 "Your attachments are strictly confidential and will only be used for the current operation."= "إنTwoje załączniki są ściśle poufne i zostaną wykorzystane wyłącznie w bieżącej operacji.";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "Odblokuj korzyści";
+"Batch Compress" = "Kompres wsadowy";
+"Advanced Optimization" = "Zaawansowana optymalizacja";
+"Area OCR" = "Obszar OCR";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "Rozwiązanie OCR jest wspierane technicznie przez Google.";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "Rozwiązanie OCR jest wspierane technicznie przez firmę Apple.";
+"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Proszę pobrać pakiet OCR.";
+"Batch Remove" = "Usuń partię";
+"Add Folder" = "Dodaj folder";
+"Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Uprawnienia ograniczające kopiowanie i drukowanie dokumentów.";
+"Set the open password to restrain the accessibility of the document." = "Ustaw otwarte hasło, aby ograniczyć dostępność dokumentu.";
+"Find and Replace" = "Znajdź i zamień";
+"Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process. " = "Za pomocą myszy kliknij i przeciągnij, aby narysować obszar, w którym chcesz umieścić podpis. Po zakończeniu przeciągania żądanego obszaru zostaniesz przeniesiony do następnego kroku procesu podpisywania. ";
+"Redaction requires two steps:\n1. Mark for Redaction\n2. Apply Redactions\n\nNote: Redactions are not applied permanently until you select Apply Redactions." = "Redakcja wymaga dwóch kroków:\n1. Zaznacz do redakcji\n2. Zastosuj redakcje\n\nUwaga: Redakcje nie zostaną zastosowane na stałe, dopóki nie wybierzesz opcji Apply Redakcje.";
+"Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content." = "Redakcja umożliwia trwałe maskowanie i usuwanie wrażliwych treści.";
+"This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document." = "Ta czynność spowoduje trwałe usunięcie zredagowanych informacji z tego dokumentu.";
+"After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "Po zapisaniu tego dokumentu nie będzie można odzyskać zredagowanych informacji.";
+"At least one file in the list requires a password before you can proceed. Continuing the current operation will skip these undecrypted files. Do you want to continue?" = "Co najmniej jeden plik na liście wymaga hasła, zanim będzie można kontynuować. Kontynuowanie bieżącej operacji spowoduje pominięcie tych niezaszyfrowanych plików. Czy chcesz kontynuować?";
+"OCR component is downloading, please wait..." = "Trwa pobieranie komponentu OCR, proszę czekać...";
+"Download failed" = "Pobieranie nie powiodło się";
+"Re-download" = "Pobierz ponownie";
+"Copy text" = "Skopiuj tekst";
+"New Window" = "Nowe okno";
+"This page has already been bookmarked." = "Ta strona została już dodana do zakładek.";
+"Are you sure you want to apply edits to this outline?" = "Czy na pewno chcesz zastosować zmiany w tym konspekcie?";
+"Display Field Name" = "Wyświetl nazwę pola";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Pomiar odległości, obwodów i powierzchni obiektów.";
+"Display Label" = "Wyświetl etykietę";
+"Dynamic Stamp Setting" = "Dynamiczne ustawienie stempla";
+"Click + button at the upper right corner to add a new signature." = "Kliknij przycisk + w prawym górnym rogu, aby dodać nowy podpis.";
+"Don't Apply" = "Nie aplikuj";
+"Layout & Content" = "Układ i zawartość";
+"Button Style" = "Styl przycisku";
+"Draw signature here" = "Narysuj tutaj podpis";
+"Click ESC to exit touchpad mode." = "Kliknij ESC, aby wyjść z trybu touchpada.";
+"Crop" = "Przyciąć";
+"Rotate & Flip" = "Obróć i odwróć";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Pomiar odległości, obwodów i powierzchni obiektów.";
+"Remove Selected Files from your Recent Files?" = "Usunąć wybrane pliki z ostatnich plików?";
+"The file will disappear from the recent list." = "Plik zniknie z listy ostatnich.";
+"Remove Files from your Recent Files?" = "Usunąć pliki z ostatnich plików?";
+"No annotations" = "Brak adnotacji";
+"No Outlines" = "Brak konturów";
+"Click + button to add an outline for the current page." = "Kliknij przycisk +, aby dodać kontur bieżącej strony.";
+"Grid" = "Siatka";
+"Icon" = "Ikona";
+"Text-to-speech" = "Zamiana tekstu na mowę";
+"Replace" = "Zastępować";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark." = "Kliknij przycisk + w prawym górnym rogu, aby utworzyć znak wodny.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark template." = "Kliknij przycisk + w prawym górnym rogu, aby utworzyć szablon znaku wodnego.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a background template." = "Kliknij przycisk + w prawym górnym rogu, aby utworzyć szablon tła.";
+"Typing text here to customize header&footer " = "Wpisz tutaj tekst, aby dostosować nagłówek i stopkę ";
+"Log in to Unlock 2025 Beta's Benefits." = "Zaloguj się, aby odblokować korzyści wersji beta 2025.";
+"Get Coupon or AI Credits For Free." = "Zdobądź kupon lub kredyty AI za darmo.";
+"Template Save Successfully." = "Szablon zapisano pomyślnie.";
+"Create Stamp" = "Utwórz pieczęć";
+"Create Sigature" = "Utwórz podpis";
+"Mark Color" = "Zaznacz kolor";
+"Enter text..." = "Wpisz tekst...";
+"Area OCR" = "Obszar OCR";
+"Field Name" = "Nazwa pola";

+ 61 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -5044,3 +5044,64 @@
 "PDF Reader Pro Team has incorporated your suggestions into consideration." = "A equipe do PDF Reader Pro incorporou suas sugestões em consideração. ";
 "Your attachments are strictly confidential and will only be used for the current operation."= "Seus anexos são estritamente confidenciais e serão usados ​​apenas para a operação atual.";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "Desbloquear benefícios";
+"Batch Compress" = "Compactação de lote";
+"Advanced Optimization" = "Otimização Avançada";
+"Area OCR" = "OCR de área";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "A solução OCR é tecnicamente suportada pelo Google.";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "A solução OCR é tecnicamente suportada pela Apple.";
+"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Faça download do pacote OCR.";
+"Batch Remove" = "Remoção em lote";
+"Add Folder" = "Adicionar pasta";
+"Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Permissões definidas para restringir a cópia e impressão de documentos.";
+"Set the open password to restrain the accessibility of the document." = "Defina a senha de abertura para restringir a acessibilidade do documento.";
+"Find and Replace" = "Localizar e substituir";
+"Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process. " = "Usando o mouse, clique e arraste para desenhar a área onde deseja que a assinatura apareça. Assim que terminar de arrastar a área desejada, você será levado para a próxima etapa do processo de assinatura. ";
+"Redaction requires two steps:\n1. Mark for Redaction\n2. Apply Redactions\n\nNote: Redactions are not applied permanently until you select Apply Redactions." = "A redação requer duas etapas:\n1. Marcar para Redação\n2. Aplicar redações\n\nObservação: as redações não serão aplicadas permanentemente até que você selecione Aplicar redações.";
+"Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content." = "A redação permite mascarar e remover permanentemente conteúdo confidencial.";
+"This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document." = "Esta ação removerá permanentemente as informações editadas deste documento.";
+"After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "Depois de salvar este documento, você não poderá recuperar as informações editadas.";
+"At least one file in the list requires a password before you can proceed. Continuing the current operation will skip these undecrypted files. Do you want to continue?" = "Pelo menos um arquivo na lista requer uma senha antes de prosseguir. Continuar a operação atual irá ignorar esses arquivos não criptografados. Você quer continuar?";
+"OCR component is downloading, please wait..." = "O componente OCR está sendo baixado. Aguarde...";
+"Download failed" = "Falha no download";
+"Re-download" = "Baixar novamente";
+"Copy text" = "Copiar texto";
+"New Window" = "Nova janela";
+"This page has already been bookmarked." = "Esta página já foi marcada.";
+"Are you sure you want to apply edits to this outline?" = "Tem certeza de que deseja aplicar edições a este esboço?";
+"Display Field Name" = "Exibir nome do campo";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Medir distâncias, perímetros e áreas de objetos.";
+"Display Label" = "Etiqueta de exibição";
+"Dynamic Stamp Setting" = "Configuração de carimbo dinâmico";
+"Click + button at the upper right corner to add a new signature." = "Clique no botão + no canto superior direito para adicionar uma nova assinatura.";
+"Don't Apply" = "Não se inscreva";
+"Layout & Content" = "Layout e conteúdo";
+"Button Style" = "Estilo de botão";
+"Draw signature here" = "Desenhe a assinatura aqui";
+"Click ESC to exit touchpad mode." = "Clique em ESC para sair do modo touchpad.";
+"Crop" = "Cortar";
+"Rotate & Flip" = "Girar e virar";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "Medir distâncias, perímetros e áreas de objetos.";
+"Remove Selected Files from your Recent Files?" = "Remover arquivos selecionados de seus arquivos recentes?";
+"The file will disappear from the recent list." = "O arquivo desaparecerá da lista recente.";
+"Remove Files from your Recent Files?" = "Remover arquivos dos seus arquivos recentes?";
+"No annotations" = "Sem anotações";
+"No Outlines" = "Sem contornos";
+"Click + button to add an outline for the current page." = "Clique no botão + para adicionar um contorno à página atual.";
+"Grid" = "Grade";
+"Icon" = "Ícone";
+"Text-to-speech" = "Conversão de texto para fala";
+"Replace" = "Substituir";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark." = "Clique no botão + no canto superior direito para criar uma marca d'água.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark template." = "Clique no botão + no canto superior direito para criar um modelo de marca d'água.";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a background template." = "Clique no botão + no canto superior direito para criar um modelo de plano de fundo.";
+"Typing text here to customize header&footer " = "Digitando texto aqui para personalizar cabeçalho e rodapé ";
+"Log in to Unlock 2025 Beta's Benefits." = "Faça login para desbloquear os benefícios do 2025 Beta.";
+"Get Coupon or AI Credits For Free." = "Obtenha cupom ou créditos de IA gratuitamente.";
+"Template Save Successfully." = "Modelo salvo com sucesso.";
+"Create Stamp" = "Criar carimbo";
+"Create Sigature" = "Criar Sigatura";
+"Mark Color" = "Marcar cor";
+"Enter text..." = "Digite o texto...";
+"Area OCR" = "OCR de área";
+"Field Name" = "Nome do campo";

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 61 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

+ 57 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4568,3 +4568,60 @@
 "Feedback to get a" = "参与测评获取";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "解锁权益";
 "Paste unformatted Text" = "粘贴无格式文本";
+"Batch Compress" = "批量压缩";
+"Advanced Optimization" = "自定义压缩参数";
+"Area OCR" = "区域OCR";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "OCR技术由Google提供。";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "OCR技术由Apple提供。";
+"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "请先下载OCR组建。";
+"Batch Remove" = "批量移除";
+"Add Folder" = "添加文件夹";
+"Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "设置权限密码来限制文档的打印和复印。";
+"Set the open password to restrain the accessibility of the document." = "设置开启密码来限制文档的获取权限。";
+"Find and Replace" = "查找&替换";
+"Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process. " = "先框选出需要签名的区域,然后再继续签名操作。";
+"Redaction requires two steps:\n1. Mark for Redaction\n2. Apply Redactions\n\nNote: Redactions are not applied permanently until you select Apply Redactions." = "密文标记将包含2个步骤:\n1. 框选需要移除的内容或直接选中文本;\n2. 点击 “应用”,来应用此密文标记。\n\n注意:密文标记将帮助您永久移除私密内容。";
+"Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content." = "密文标记将帮助你永久移除私密信息。";
+"This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document." = "应用密文标记后,私密内容将被永久移除。";
+"After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "应用此更改意味着被移除的信息将无法恢复。";
+"At least one file in the list requires a password before you can proceed. Continuing the current operation will skip these undecrypted files. Do you want to continue?" = "该批量文件中存在加密文档,加密文档将无法参与批量操作。您是否要跳过加密文档继续进行批量处理?";
+"OCR component is downloading, please wait..." = "OCR组建下载中,请等待...";
+"Download failed" = "下载失败";
+"Re-download" = "重新下载";
+"Copy text" = "复制文本";
+"New Window" = "新窗口";
+"This page has already been bookmarked." = "此页面已有书签。";
+"Are you sure you want to apply edits to this outline?" = "您确定要保存此更改吗?";
+"Display Field Name" = "显示表单域名称";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "测量物体距离,周长和面积。";
+"Display Label" = "显示标签";
+"Dynamic Stamp Setting" = "动态图章设置";
+"Click + button at the upper right corner to add a new signature." = "点击右上角+号,创建新的签名。";
+"Don't Apply" = "不应用";
+"Layout & Content" = "布局 & 内容";
+"Button Style" = "按钮样式";
+"Draw signature here" = "在此区域新建签名";
+"Click ESC to exit touchpad mode." = "点击ESC键,退出手绘板模式。";
+"Crop" = "裁剪";
+"Rotate & Flip" = "旋转 & 翻转";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "测量物体距离,周长和面积。";
+"Remove Selected Files from your Recent Files?" = "您确定要从最近文件中删除选中的文档吗?";
+"The file will disappear from the recent list." = "此文档将不再显示在最近文件中。";
+"Remove Files from your Recent Files?" = "您确定要从最近文件中删除这些文档吗?";
+"No annotations" = "无注释内容";
+"No Outlines" = "无大纲";
+"Click + button to add an outline for the current page." = "点击+号按钮,为当前页添加大纲。";
+"Grid" = "网格视图";
+"Icon" = "图标";
+"Text-to-speech" = "文字转语音朗读";
+"Replace" = "替换";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark." = "点击右上角+号,创建新的水印。";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark template." = "点击右上角+号,创建水印模版。";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a background template." = "点击右上角+号,创建背景模版。";
+"Typing text here to customize header&footer " = "在此处输入页眉&页脚内容。";
+"Log in to Unlock 2025 Beta's Benefits." = "登录即可解锁 2025 Beta 权益";
+"Get Coupon or AI Credits For Free." = "免费领取 “优惠券” 或 “AI积分” 好礼";
+"Template Save Successfully." = "模版保存成功";
+"Create Stamp" = "创建图章";
+"Create Sigature" = "创建签名";

+ 63 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4466,3 +4466,66 @@
 "Feedback to get" = "參與測評取得";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "解鎖權益";
 "Paste unformatted Text" = "贴上无格式文本";
+"Batch Compress" = "批量壓縮";
+"Advanced Optimization" = "自訂壓縮參數";
+"Area OCR" = "區域OCR";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "OCR技術由Google提供。";
+"The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "OCR技術由Apple提供。";
+"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "請先下載OCR組成。";
+"Batch Remove" = "大量移除";
+"Add Folder" = "新增資料夾";
+"Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "設定權限密碼來限製文件的列印和影印。";
+"Set the open password to restrain the accessibility of the document." = "設定開啟密碼來限製文件的取得權限。";
+"Find and Replace" = "尋找&替換";
+"Using your mouse, click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear. Once you finish dragging out the desired area, you will be taken to the next step of the signing process. " = "先框選出需要簽名的區域,然後再繼續簽章操作。";
+"Redaction requires two steps:\n1. Mark for Redaction\n2. Apply Redactions\n\nNote: Redactions are not applied permanently until you select Apply Redactions." = "密文標記將包含2個步驟:\n1. 框選需要移除的內容或直接選取文字;\n2. 點選 “應用”,來套用此密文標記。\n\n注意:密文標記將幫助您永久移除私密內容。";
+"Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content." = "密文標記將幫助你永久移除私密資訊。";
+"This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document." = "套用密文標記後,私密內容將永久移除。";
+"After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information." = "應用此變更意味著移除的資訊將無法恢復。";
+"At least one file in the list requires a password before you can proceed. Continuing the current operation will skip these undecrypted files. Do you want to continue?" = "該批次文件中存在加密文檔,加密文檔將無法參與批次操作。您是否要跳過加密文件繼續進行批次處理?";
+"OCR component is downloading, please wait..." = "OCR組成下載中,請等待...";
+"Download failed" = "下載失敗";
+"Re-download" = "重新下載";
+"Copy text" = "複製文字";
+"New Window" = "新視窗";
+"This page has already been bookmarked." = "此頁面已有書籤。";
+"Are you sure you want to apply edits to this outline?" = "您確定要儲存此變更嗎?";
+"Display Field Name" = "顯示表單域名稱";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "測量物體距離,週長和麵積。";
+"Display Label" = "顯示標籤";
+"Dynamic Stamp Setting" = "動態圖章設定";
+"Click + button at the upper right corner to add a new signature." = "點選右上角+號,建立新的簽名。";
+"Don't Apply" = "不應用";
+"Layout & Content" = "版面 & 內容";
+"Button Style" = "按鈕樣式";
+"Draw signature here" = "在此區域新建簽名";
+"Click ESC to exit touchpad mode." = "點選ESC鍵,退出手繪板模式。";
+"Crop" = "裁切";
+"Rotate & Flip" = "旋轉 & 翻轉";
+"Measuring distances, perimeters and areas of objects." = "測量物體距離,週長和麵積。";
+"Remove Selected Files from your Recent Files?" = "您確定要從最近文件中刪除選取的文件嗎?";
+"The file will disappear from the recent list." = "此文件將不再顯示在最近文件中。";
+"Remove Files from your Recent Files?" = "您確定要從最近文件中刪除這些文件嗎?";
+"No annotations" = "無註釋內容";
+"No Outlines" = "無大綱";
+"Click + button to add an outline for the current page." = "點選+號按鈕,為目前頁面新增大綱。";
+"Grid" = "網格視圖";
+"Icon" = "圖示";
+"Text-to-speech" = "文字轉語音朗讀";
+"Replace" = "替換";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark." = "點選右上角+號,建立新的浮水印。";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a watermark template." = "點選右上角+號,建立浮水印模版。";
+"Click + button at upper right corner to create a background template." = "點選右上角+號,建立背景模版。";
+"Typing text here to customize header&footer " = "在此輸入頁首&頁尾內容。";
+"Log in to Unlock 2025 Beta's Benefits." = "登入即可解鎖 2025 Beta 權益";
+"Get Coupon or AI Credits For Free." = "免費領取 “優惠券” 或 “AI積分” 好禮";
+"Template Save Successfully." = "模版保存成功";
+"Create Stamp" = "創建圖章";
+"Create Sigature" = "建立簽名";
+"Mark Color" = "標記顏色";
+"Enter text..." = "輸入文字...";
+"Area OCR" = "區域OCR";
+"Field Name" = "名稱";