@@ -1212,12 +1212,77 @@ class KMProductCompareWC: NSWindowController {
+ private func _loginAfterAction() {
+ let info = KMMemberInfo.shared
+ var expired = info.vip_status == 2 || info.vip_status == 4
+ let state = info.userScenarioType
+ let platforms = info.userPlatforms()
+ let vip_levels = info.vip_levels
+ let vip_paymentModel = info.vip_paymentModel
+ if platforms.count == 1 && platforms.first == "ios" && info.vip_levels == "3" && vip_paymentModel == "2" { // ios单平台高级版永久账户
+ KMMemberInfo.shared.productCompareShow()
+ return
+ } else if platforms.count == 1 && platforms.first == "mac" { // Mac 单平台高级版永久账户
+ // 关闭比较表,可以直接使用高级功能
+ window?.close()
+ return
+ } else if platforms.count == 2 && platforms.contains("windows") && platforms.contains("mac") && vip_paymentModel == "2" { // Mac & Windows 双平台高级永久账户
+ // 关闭比较表,可以直接使用高级功能
+ window?.close()
+ return
+ } else if platforms.count == 1 && platforms.first == "android" && info.vip_levels == "3" && vip_paymentModel == "1" { // Android单平台高级版月订阅账户
+ // 关闭比较表,可以直接使用高级功能
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.alertStyle = .critical
+ alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString("Sorry, you do not have the rights to this paid feature and cannot use it. If you have any questions, please contact customer service at support@pdfreaderpro.com", comment: "")
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Got it", comment: ""))
+ alert.runModal()
+ window?.close()
+ return
+ } else if platforms.count == 4 && vip_levels == "2" && vip_paymentModel == "1" { // 全平台标准版年订阅账户 不支持升级,关闭比较表,可以直接使用非转档的高级功能
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.alertStyle = .critical
+ alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString("Sorry, you do not have the rights to this paid feature and cannot use it. If you have any questions, please contact customer service at support@pdfreaderpro.com", comment: "")
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Got it", comment: ""))
+ alert.runModal()
+ window?.close()
+ return
+ }
+ }
// MARK: Button Actions
@IBAction func buttonItemClicked_Subscribe(_ sender: Any) {
if KMIsAppStoreFreeVersion() && subscribeType != nil && KMMemberInfo.shared.isLogin == false { // AppStore 免费版 + 付费功能进入 + 未登陆,跳转登陆
- KMLoginWindowsController.shared.newOpenWindow(type: subscribeType) { success in
+ var product = IAPProductsManager.default().fourDevicesAllAccessPackNew6Months_lite
+ if model.isPurchaseSwitch {
+ product = IAPProductsManager.default().fourDevicesAllAccessPackNew12months_lite
+ }
+ KMLoginWindowsController.shared.newOpenWindow(type: subscribeType, product: product, needDiscount: model.isCancelAutoRenew) { success in
+ if KMMemberInfo.shared.isLogin == false {
+ return
+ }
+ let info = KMMemberInfo.shared
+ var expired = info.vip_status == 2 || info.vip_status == 4
+ let state = info.userScenarioType
+ let platforms = info.userPlatforms()
+ let vip_levels = info.vip_levels
+ let vip_paymentModel = info.vip_paymentModel
+ if info.vip_levels == "1" || expired {
+ if self.model.isPurchaseSwitch { // 免费账户/订阅过期账户
+ IAPProductsManager.default().makeSubProduct(IAPProductsManager.default().fourDevicesAllAccessPackNew12months_lite, discount: self.model.isCancelAutoRenew)
+ } else {
+ IAPProductsManager.default().makeSubProduct(IAPProductsManager.default().fourDevicesAllAccessPackNew6Months_lite, discount: self.model.isCancelAutoRenew)
+ }
+ return
+ } else {
+ self._loginAfterAction()
+ }
@@ -1338,14 +1403,73 @@ class KMProductCompareWC: NSWindowController {
KMMemberPromptWC.shared.tipType = .signouting
} else {
- addWaitingView(to: window?.contentView ?? NSView())
+// addWaitingView(to: window?.contentView ?? NSView())
if KMIsAppStoreFreeVersion() && subscribeType != nil && KMMemberInfo.shared.isLogin == false { // AppStore 免费版 + 付费功能进入 + 未登陆,跳转登陆
- KMLoginWindowsController.shared.newOpenWindow(type: subscribeType) { success in
+ let state = model.state
+ let tag = sender.tag
+ var product: IAPProduct?
+ let isPurchaseSwitch = model.isPurchaseSwitch
+ if state == .lite_Base {
+ if tag == 0 {
+ if isPurchaseSwitch {
+ product = IAPProductsManager.default().fourDevicesAllAccessPackNew12months_lite
+ } else {
+ product = IAPProductsManager.default().fourDevicesAllAccessPackNew6Months_lite
+ }
+ } else if tag == 3 {
+ product = IAPProductsManager.default().allAccessPackPermanent_lite
+ } else {
+ product = IAPProductsManager.default().fourDevicesAllAccessPackNew12months_lite
+ }
+ } else if state == .lite_MacWindows {
+ if tag == 2 {
+ let platforms = KMMemberInfo.shared.vip_platforms
+ let platformsArray = platforms
+ .components(separatedBy: ",")
+ .map { $0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) }
+ if KMMemberInfo.shared.userScenarioType == .lite_type5 {
+ if platformsArray.count == 1 {
+ product = IAPProductsManager.default().advancedAddDevicesAllAccessPack12months_lite
+ } else if platformsArray.count == 2 {
+ product = IAPProductsManager.default().advancedAdd2DevicesAllAccessPack12months_lite
+ }
+ } else {
+ if platformsArray.count == 1 {
+ product = IAPProductsManager.default().advancedAddDevicesAllAccessPack12months_lite
+ } else if platformsArray.count == 2 {
+ product = IAPProductsManager.default().advancedAdd2DevicesAllAccessPack12months_lite
+ } else {
+ product = IAPProductsManager.default().advancedAdd2DevicesAllAccessPack12months_lite
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ KMLoginWindowsController.shared.newOpenWindow(type: subscribeType, product: product, needDiscount: model.isCancelAutoRenew) { success in
+ if KMMemberInfo.shared.isLogin == false {
+ return
+ }
+ let info = KMMemberInfo.shared
+ var expired = info.vip_status == 2 || info.vip_status == 4
+ let state = info.userScenarioType
+ let platforms = info.userPlatforms()
+ let vip_levels = info.vip_levels
+ let vip_paymentModel = info.vip_paymentModel
+ if info.vip_levels == "1" || expired {
+ self.model.appstorePurchaseAction(sender.tag) { [weak self] success, msg in
+ }
+ return
+ } else {
+ self._loginAfterAction()
+ return
+ }
+ addWaitingView(to: window?.contentView ?? NSView())
model.appstorePurchaseAction(sender.tag) { [weak self] success, msg in
guard let self = self else { return }