@@ -9,23 +9,155 @@ import Cocoa
typealias KMSecurityViewBatchAction = (_ view: KMSecurityView, _ files: [KMFileAttribute]) -> Void
typealias KMSecurityViewCancelAction = (_ view: KMSecurityView) -> Void
+typealias KMSecurityViewDoneAction = (_ view: KMSecurityView, _ model: KMSecureEncryptModel, _ files: [KMFileAttribute]) -> Void
class KMSecurityView: KMBaseXibView {
@IBOutlet weak var batchButton: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var cancelButton: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var doneButton: NSButton!
+ @IBOutlet weak var box1: NSBox!
+ @IBOutlet weak var boxLabel1: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var openPwdCheckBtn: NSButton!
+ @IBOutlet weak var openPasswordPLabel: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var openPassword: NSSecureTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var ownerPwdCheckBtn: NSButton!
+ @IBOutlet weak var ownerPasswordLabel: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var ownerPassword: NSSecureTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var notPrintCheckBtn: NSButton!
+ @IBOutlet weak var notCopyCheckBtn: NSButton!
+ @IBOutlet weak var box2: NSBox!
+ @IBOutlet weak var boxLabel2: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var titleTextField: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var authorTextField: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var subjectTextField: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var keywordTextField: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var authorLabel: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var subjectLabel: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var keywordLabel: NSTextField!
var batchAction: KMSecurityViewBatchAction?
var cancelAction: KMSecurityViewCancelAction?
+ var doneAction: KMSecurityViewDoneAction?
+ var openPasswordString: String?
+ var ownerPasswordString: String?
var files: [KMFileAttribute] = []
+ private var model: KMSecureEncryptModel = KMSecureEncryptModel()
+ var canEncrypt: Bool = false
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
// Drawing code here.
+ override func setup() {
+ openPassword.delegate = self
+ ownerPassword.delegate = self
+ self.updateOwnerButtonState()
+ }
+ override func updateLanguage() {
+ batchButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Batch", comment: "")
+// cancelButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Remove All", comment: "")
+ doneButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Encrypt", comment: "")
+ cancelButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Close", comment: "")
+ boxLabel1.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Password Security Settings", comment: "")
+ boxLabel2.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Document Description", comment: "")
+ openPwdCheckBtn.title = NSLocalizedString("Require a password to open the document.", comment: "")
+ ownerPwdCheckBtn.title = NSLocalizedString("Restrict printing and copying of the document.", comment: "")
+ notPrintCheckBtn.title = NSLocalizedString("Restrict document printing", comment: "")
+ notCopyCheckBtn.title = NSLocalizedString("Restrict content copying", comment: "")
+ openPasswordPLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Open Password:", comment: "")
+ ownerPasswordLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Owner Password:", comment: "")
+ titleLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Title:", comment: "")
+ authorLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Author:", comment: "")
+ subjectLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Subject:", comment: "")
+ keywordLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Keywords:", comment: "")
+ }
+ override func reloadData() {
+ openPassword.isEnabled = model.openPasswordOn
+ ownerPassword.isEnabled = model.ownerPasswordOn
+ notPrintCheckBtn.isEnabled = model.printEnabled
+ notCopyCheckBtn.isEnabled = model.editEnabled
+ notPrintCheckBtn.state = model.printAllowed ?.off:.on
+ notCopyCheckBtn.state = model.editAllowed ?.off:.on
+ self.updateEncryptButtonEnabledState()
+ }
+extension KMSecurityView {
+ func updateEncryptButtonEnabledState() {
+ var enabled = false
+ if model.openPasswordOn {
+ if !model.openPassword.isEmpty {
+ enabled = true
+ }
+ }
+ if enabled {
+ if model.ownerPasswordOn {
+ if (!model.ownerPassword.isEmpty && (!model.printAllowed || !model.editAllowed)) {
+ enabled = false
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if model.ownerPasswordOn {
+ if !model.ownerPassword.isEmpty && (!model.printAllowed || !model.editAllowed) {
+ enabled = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.canEncrypt = enabled
+ if enabled {
+ self.doneButton.isEnabled = true
+ } else {
+ self.doneButton.isEnabled = false
+ }
+ }
+ func updatePasswordState() {
+ self.model.openPassword = openPassword.stringValue
+ self.model.ownerPassword = ownerPassword.stringValue
+ self.model.title = titleTextField.stringValue
+ self.model.author = titleTextField.stringValue
+ self.model.subject = titleTextField.stringValue
+ self.model.keywords = titleTextField.stringValue
+ self.reloadData()
+ }
+ func updateOwnerButtonState() {
+ if self.model.ownerPasswordOn {
+ self.model.printEnabled = true
+ self.model.editEnabled = true
+ self.model.printAllowed = false
+ self.model.editAllowed = false
+ } else {
+ self.model.printEnabled = false
+ self.model.editEnabled = false
+ self.model.printAllowed = true
+ self.model.editAllowed = true
+ }
+ self.reloadData()
+ }
+extension KMSecurityView {
@IBAction func batchButtonAction(_ sender: Any) {
guard let callBack = batchAction else { return }
@@ -39,7 +171,39 @@ class KMSecurityView: KMBaseXibView {
@IBAction func doneButtonAction(_ sender: Any) {
+ self.updatePasswordState()
+ guard let callBack = doneAction else { return }
+ callBack(self, model, files)
+ }
+ @IBAction func openPasswordButtonAction(_ sender: Any) {
+ self.model.openPasswordOn = self.openPwdCheckBtn.state == .on ? true:false
+ self.reloadData()
+ @IBAction func ownerPaasswordButtonAction(_ sender: Any) {
+ self.model.ownerPasswordOn = self.ownerPwdCheckBtn.state == .on ? true:false
+ self.updateOwnerButtonState()
+ }
+ @IBAction func printButtonAction(_ sender: Any) {
+ self.model.printAllowed = self.notPrintCheckBtn.state == .on ? false:true
+ self.reloadData()
+ }
+ @IBAction func copyButtonAction(_ sender: Any) {
+ self.model.editAllowed = self.notCopyCheckBtn.state == .on ? false:true
+ self.reloadData()
+ }
+extension KMSecurityView: NSTextFieldDelegate {
+ func controlTextDidEndEditing(_ obj: Notification) {
+ self.updatePasswordState()
+ }
+ func controlTextDidChange(_ obj: Notification) {
+ self.updatePasswordState()
+ }