@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ extension KMBrowserWindowController {
if let mainVc = (self.document as? KMMainDocument)?.mainViewController {
mainVc.fadeInFullScreenWindow(with: backgroundColor, level: level.rawValue)
- mainVc.enterPresentation()
+ mainVc.enterPresentationMode()
mainVc.fadeInFullScreenView(mainVc.listView, inset: 0)
@@ -176,12 +176,11 @@ extension KMBrowserWindowController {
if wasInteractionMode == .SKLegacyFullScreenMode {
let doc = self.document as? KMMainDocument
view = doc?.mainViewController?.pdfSplitView
-// contentView = centerContentView;
contentView = doc?.mainViewController?.centerContentView
} else {
let doc = self.document as? KMMainDocument
view = doc?.mainViewController?.listView
- contentView = doc?.mainViewController?.PDFContendView
+ contentView = doc?.mainViewController?.readContentView
@@ -190,13 +189,20 @@ extension KMBrowserWindowController {
// do this first, otherwise the navigation window may be covered by fadeWindow and then reveiled again, which looks odd
// [pdfView setInteractionMode:SKNormalMode];
-// [self fadeOutFullScreenView:view];
// this should be done before exitPresentationMode to get a smooth transition
- view?.frame = contentView?.bounds ?? .zero
-// [contentView addSubview:view];
if let v = view {
+ self.fadeOutFullScreenView(v)
+ view?.frame = contentView?.bounds ?? .zero
+ v.mas_makeConstraints { make in
+ make?.left.mas_equalTo()(0)
+ make?.right.mas_equalTo()(0)
+ make?.top.mas_equalTo()(0)
+ make?.bottom.mas_equalTo()(0)
+ }
+ (v as? CPDFListView)?.layoutDocumentView()
+ (v as? CPDFListView)?.requiresDisplay()
if let mainVc = (self.document as? KMMainDocument)?.mainViewController {
@@ -219,7 +225,7 @@ extension KMBrowserWindowController {
// if (_isShowToolbar) {
// [self.toolbarViewController hiddenToolbar:NO];
// }
-// [self fadeOutFullScreenWindow];
+ self.fadeOutFullScreenWindow()
// the page number may have changed
@@ -261,4 +267,58 @@ extension KMBrowserWindowController {
// [blankingWindows makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(fadeOut)];
// blankingWindows = nil;
+ func fadeOutFullScreenView(_ view: NSView) {
+ guard let fullScreenWindow = self.window as? KMFullScreenWindow else {
+ NSSound.beep()
+ return
+ }
+ let fadeWindow = KMFullScreenWindow(screen: fullScreenWindow.screen ?? NSScreen.main!, bgColor: fullScreenWindow.backgroundColor, level: fullScreenWindow.level.rawValue, isMain: false)
+ fadeWindow.alphaValue = 0
+ fadeWindow.order(.above, relativeTo: fullScreenWindow.windowNumber)
+ fadeWindow.fadeInBlocking()
+ view.removeFromSuperview()
+ fullScreenWindow.display()
+ fullScreenWindow.delegate = nil
+ fullScreenWindow.makeFirstResponder(nil)
+ fadeWindow.orderOut(nil)
+ }
+ func fadeOutFullScreenWindow() {
+ guard let fullScreenWindow = self.window as? KMFullScreenWindow else {
+ NSSound.beep()
+ return
+ }
+ let mainVc = (self.document as? KMMainDocument)?.mainViewController
+ let mainWindow = mainVc?.mainWindow
+ let collectionBehavior = mainWindow?.collectionBehavior
+ self.window = mainWindow
+ mainWindow?.alphaValue = 0
+ if let data = mainWindow?.responds(to: NSSelectorFromString("setAnimationBehavior:")), data {
+ mainWindow?.animationBehavior = .none
+ }
+ // trick to make sure the main window shows up in the same space as the fullscreen window
+ fullScreenWindow.addChildWindow(mainWindow!, ordered: .below)
+ fullScreenWindow.removeChildWindow(mainWindow!)
+ fullScreenWindow.level = .popUpMenu
+ // these can change due to the child window trick
+ mainWindow?.level = .normal
+ mainWindow?.alphaValue = 1.0
+ mainWindow?.collectionBehavior = collectionBehavior!
+ mainWindow?.display()
+ mainWindow?.makeFirstResponder(mainVc?.listView)
+ mainWindow?.recalculateKeyViewLoop()
+ mainWindow?.delegate = self
+ mainWindow?.makeKey()
+// [NSApp updatePresentationOptionsForWindow:mainWindow];
+ if let data = mainWindow?.responds(to: NSSelectorFromString("setAnimationBehavior:")), data {
+ mainWindow?.animationBehavior = .default
+ }
+ NSApp.removeWindowsItem(fullScreenWindow)
+ fullScreenWindow.fadeOut()
+ }