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tangchao 6 місяців тому

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4406,3 +4406,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "Arraste a imagem aqui";
 "or" = "ou";
 "Select a File" = "Selecione o arquivo";
+"New Document" = "ملف جديد";
+"Old Document" = "الملفات القديمة";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "لم يتم العثور على علامة مائية قابلة للإزالة في هذا الملف. إذا رأيت علامة مائية، فهذا يعني أنه لم تتم إضافتها باستخدام PDF Reader Pro وبالتالي لا يمكن اكتشافها.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف العلامة المائية للملف؟";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2986,3 +2986,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "Bild hierher ziehen";
 "or" = "oder";
 "Select a File" = "Datei auswählen";
+"New Document" = "neue Datei";
+"Old Document" = "alte Dateien";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "In dieser Datei wurde kein entfernbares Wasserzeichen gefunden. Wenn Sie ein Wasserzeichen sehen, wurde es nicht mit PDF Reader Pro hinzugefügt und kann daher nicht erkannt werden.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Dateiwasserzeichen löschen möchten?";

+ 4 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4149,3 +4149,7 @@
 "Drop image here" = "Drop image here";
 "or" = "or";
 "Select a File" = "Select a File";
+"New Document" = "New Document";
+"Old Document" = "Old Document";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3068,3 +3068,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "Arrastra la imagen aquí";
 "or" = "o";
 "Select a File" = "Seleccionar archivo";
+"New Document" = "nuevo archivo";
+"Old Document" = "archivos antiguos";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "No se encontró ninguna marca de agua extraíble en este archivo. Si ve una marca de agua, no se agregó con PDF Reader Pro y, por lo tanto, no se puede detectar.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar la marca de agua del archivo?";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2948,3 +2948,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "Faites glisser l'image ici";
 "or" = "ou";
 "Select a File" = "Sélectionner un fichier";
+"New Document" = "nouveau fichier";
+"Old Document" = "anciens fichiers";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "Aucun filigrane amovible trouvé dans ce fichier. Si vous voyez un filigrane, cela signifie qu'il n'a pas été ajouté à l'aide de PDF Reader Pro et ne peut donc pas être détecté.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le filigrane du fichier ?";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2865,3 +2865,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "Trascina l'immagine qui";
 "or" = "O";
 "Select a File" = "Seleziona file";
+"New Document" = "nuovo file";
+"Old Document" = "vecchi file";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "Nessuna filigrana rimovibile trovata in questo file. Se vedi una filigrana, non è stata aggiunta utilizzando PDF Reader Pro e pertanto non può essere rilevata.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare la filigrana del file?";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3141,3 +3141,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "ここに画像をドラッグします";
 "or" = "または";
 "Select a File" = "ファイルを選択";
+"New Document" = "新しいドキュメント";
+"Old Document" = "古い文書";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "このファイルには削除可能な透かしが見つかりません。ウォーターマークが表示された場合、それは PDF Reader Pro を使用して追加されたものではないため、検出できません。";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "ファイルのウォーターマークを削除してもよろしいですか?";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3083,3 +3083,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "Sleep de afbeelding hierheen";
 "or" = "of";
 "Select a File" = "Selecteer bestand";
+"New Document" = "nieuw bestand";
+"Old Document" = "oude bestanden";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "Er is geen verwijderbaar watermerk gevonden in dit bestand. Als u een watermerk ziet, is dit niet toegevoegd met PDF Reader Pro en kan het daarom niet worden gedetecteerd.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Weet u zeker dat u het bestandswatermerk wilt verwijderen?";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3081,3 +3081,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "Przeciągnij obraz tutaj";
 "or" = "Lub";
 "Select a File" = "Wybierz plik";
+"New Document" = "nowy plik";
+"Old Document" = "stare pliki";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "W tym pliku nie znaleziono usuwalnego znaku wodnego. Jeśli widzisz znak wodny, oznacza to, że nie został on dodany przy użyciu programu PDF Reader Pro i dlatego nie można go wykryć.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć znak wodny pliku?";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4327,3 +4327,8 @@
 "or" = "ou";
 "Select a File" = "Selecione o arquivo";
+"New Document" = "novo arquivo";
+"Old Document" = "arquivos antigos";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "Nenhuma marca d'água removível encontrada neste arquivo. Se você vir uma marca d'água, ela não foi adicionada usando o PDF Reader Pro e, portanto, não pode ser detectada.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir a marca d'água do arquivo?";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3014,3 +3014,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "Перетащите изображение сюда";
 "or" = "или";
 "Select a File" = "Выберите файл";
+"New Document" = "новый файл";
+"Old Document" = "старые файлы";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "В этом файле не обнаружено удаляемых водяных знаков. Если вы видите водяной знак, значит, он не был добавлен с помощью PDF Reader Pro и поэтому не может быть обнаружен.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить водяной знак файла?";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4048,3 +4048,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "将图片拖至此处";
 "or" = "或";
 "Select a File" = "选择文件";
+"New Document" = "nuevo archivo";
+"Old Document" = "archivos antiguos";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "No se encontró ninguna marca de agua extraíble en este archivo. Si ve una marca de agua, no se agregó con PDF Reader Pro y, por lo tanto, no se puede detectar.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar la marca de agua del archivo?";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4181,3 +4181,8 @@
 "Drop image here" = "將圖片拖至此處";
 "or" = "或";
 "Select a File" = "選擇文件";
+"New Document" = "New Document";
+"Old Document" = "Old Document";
+"Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected.";
+"Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?";