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tangchao 7 months ago

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Toolbar/KMToolbarViewController.swift

@@ -1573,7 +1573,7 @@ extension KMToolbarViewController {
             item?.btnAction = #selector(_itemAction)
             item?.promptIdentifier = identifier
-            let menuItem = NSMenuItem.init(title: NSLocalizedString("Digital Sign", comment: ""), action: #selector(_menuItemAction), target: self)
+            let menuItem = NSMenuItem.init(title: NSLocalizedString("Signature", comment: ""), action: #selector(_menuItemAction), target: self)
             menuItem.tag = item!.btnTag
             menuItem.representedObject = identifier
             item?.menuFormRepresentation = menuItem

+ 10 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Toolbar/Model/KMToolbarConfigModel.swift

@@ -448,10 +448,18 @@ extension KMToolbarConfigModel {
 //            item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Redact", comment: "")
             item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Redact", comment: "")
             item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox
-        } else if identifier == KMDocumentDigitalSignToolbarItemIdentifier {
+        }
+//        else if identifier == KMDocumentDigitalSignToolbarItemIdentifier {
+//            item?.image = NSImage(named: "DigitalSign_icon")
+////            item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Digital signature ensures the authenticity and integrity of digital files. Click and drag the cursor to create a signature field on the page.", comment: "")
+//            item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Digital Sign", comment: "")
+//            item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox
+//            item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove
+//        }
+        else if identifier == KMDocumentSignToolbarItemIdentifier {
             item?.image = NSImage(named: "DigitalSign_icon")
 //            item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Digital signature ensures the authenticity and integrity of digital files. Click and drag the cursor to create a signature field on the page.", comment: "")
-            item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Digital Sign", comment: "")
+            item?.titleName = NSLocalizedString("Signature", comment: "")
             item?.selectBackgroundType = .imageBox
             item?.boxImagePosition = .imageAbove
         } else if identifier == KMDocumentPreviousBackToolbarItemIdentifier {