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+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Tools/UserFeekback/View/KMUserFbDespItemView.swift

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class KMUserFbDespItemView: NSView, NibLoadable {
     override func awakeFromNib() {
-        let title = NSLocalizedString("Describe Problem", comment: "")
+        let title = NSLocalizedString("Describe Question", comment: "")
         let attri = NSMutableAttributedString(string: title)
         attri.addAttribute(.font, value: NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13), range: NSMakeRange(0, title.count))
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class KMUserFbDespItemView: NSView, NibLoadable {
         self.textView.isRichText = false
         self.textView.backgroundColor = .clear
-        self.tipLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("请填写详情", comment: "")
+        self.tipLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Please fill in details", comment: "")
         self.tipLabel.textColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#FA1E5D")
         self.tipLabel.font = NSFont(name: "SFProText-Regular", size: 11)
         self.tipLabel.isHidden = true

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Tools/UserFeekback/View/KMUserFbListHeaderItemView.swift

@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ class KMUserFbListHeaderItemView: NSView, NibLoadable { = self
         self.checkButton.action = #selector(_checkButtonAction)
-        self.label.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("添加或删除文档", comment: "")
+        self.label.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Add or delete documents", comment: "") = self
         self.helpButton.action = #selector(_helpButtonAction)
         self.helpButton.coverAction = {[weak self] button, action in
-        self.addButton.title = NSLocalizedString("+ Add Files...", comment: "")
+        self.addButton.title = "+ \(NSLocalizedString("Add Files", comment: ""))" = self
         self.addButton.action = #selector(_addButtonAction)

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Tools/UserFeekback/View/KMUserFbTypeItemView.swift

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class KMUserFbTypeItemView: NSView, NibLoadable {
     override func awakeFromNib() {
-        let title = NSLocalizedString("Problem Type", comment: "")
+        let title = NSLocalizedString("Question Type", comment: "")
         let attri = NSMutableAttributedString(string: title)
         attri.addAttribute(.font, value: NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13), range: NSMakeRange(0, title.count))

+ 5 - 5
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Tools/UserFeekback/Window/KMUserFeekbackWindowController.swift

@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ import Cocoa
         guard let emailString = self.emailItemView_?.string(), emailString.isEmpty == false else {
             // 邮箱为空
-            self.emailItemView_?.showTip(label: NSLocalizedString("请填写Email", comment: ""))
+            self.emailItemView_?.showTip(label: NSLocalizedString("Please enter your email", comment: ""))
@@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ import Cocoa
             self?.comfirmButton.isEnabled = true
             if wrapper.success {
-                self?._showHud(msg: NSLocalizedString("感谢您的反馈!\n客服将在1个工作日内反馈至您的邮箱", comment: ""))
+                self?._showHud(msg: NSLocalizedString("Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day", comment: ""))
-                DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.6) {
+                DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1.8) {
                     self?.despItemView_?.textView.string = ""
                     self?.despItemView_?.textView.placeholderLabel.isHidden = false;
@@ -363,9 +363,9 @@ import Cocoa
         self.filePaths_ = filePaths
         if showFileCountLimit {
-            self.listItemView_?.showTip(tip: NSLocalizedString("添加失败:文件不能超过10", comment: ""))
+            self.listItemView_?.showTip(tip: NSLocalizedString("Add failed: upload up to 10 files", comment: ""))
         } else if showFileSizeLimit {
-            self.listItemView_?.showTip(tip: NSLocalizedString("添加失败:附件大小不能超过20M", comment: ""))
+            self.listItemView_?.showTip(tip: NSLocalizedString("Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M", comment: ""))
         if datas.count >= 10 {

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2874,3 +2874,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "vertikal umdrehen";
 "Keep Proportions" = "Proportionale Anpassung";
 "Redefine" = "neu definieren";
+"Report a Bug" = "Fehlermeldung";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "Vorschläge für neue Funktionen";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "Rückmeldung";
+"Your email" = "Email";
+"Question Type" = "Fragetyp ";
+"General Questions" = "häufiges Problem ";
+"Describe Question" = "Beschreibe das Problem";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "Bitte teilen Sie uns die Details mit, damit wir Ihnen schneller helfen können";
+"With the log file" = "Protokolldatei hinzufügen";
+"Add or delete documents" = "Dokumente hinzufügen oder löschen";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "Die Dateigröße ist auf 20 MB begrenzt und es können maximal 10 Dateien hochgeladen werden.";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "Keine Einschränkungen hinsichtlich der Dateiformate (unterstützt derzeit PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Bilder usw.)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "Fehler beim Hinzufügen: Die Größe des Anhangs darf 20 MB nicht überschreiten";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "Hinzufügen fehlgeschlagen: Es können bis zu 10 Dateien hochgeladen werden";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback! Der Kundendienst wird Ihnen innerhalb eines Arbeitstages eine Rückmeldung per E-Mail geben";
+"Please fill in details" = "Bitte füllen Sie die Details aus";
+"Please enter your email" = "Bitte E-Mail ausfüllen";

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4053,3 +4053,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "Flip vertical";
 "Keep Proportions" = "Keep Proportions";
 "Redefine" = "Redefine";
+"Report a Bug" = "Report a Bug";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "Propose a New Feature";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "Feedback for PDF Reader Pro";
+"Your email" = "Your email";
+"Question Type" = "Question Type";
+"General Questions" = "General Questions";
+"Describe Question" = "Describe Question";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster";
+"With the log file" = "With the log file";
+"Add or delete documents" = "Add or delete documents";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "Add failed: upload up to 10 files";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day";
+"Please fill in details" = "Please fill in details";
+"Please enter your email" = " Please enter your email";

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2966,3 +2966,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "voltear verticalmente";
 "Keep Proportions" = "Ajuste proporcional";
 "Redefine" = "redefinir";
+"Report a Bug" = "reporte de error";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "Nuevas sugerencias de funciones";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "comentario";
+"Your email" = "correo electrónico";
+"Question Type" = "tipo de pregunta ";
+"General Questions" = "problema comun ";
+"Describe Question" = "Describe el problema";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "Por favor cuéntanos los detalles para que podamos ayudarte más rápido.";
+"With the log file" = "Agregar archivo de registro";
+"Add or delete documents" = "Agregar o eliminar documentos";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "El tamaño del archivo está limitado a 20 M y se puede cargar un máximo de 10 archivos.";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "No hay restricciones en los formatos de archivos (actualmente admite PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, imágenes, etc.)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "No se pudo agregar: el tamaño del archivo adjunto no puede exceder los 20 M";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "No se pudo agregar: se pueden cargar hasta 10 archivos";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "¡Gracias por tus comentarios! El servicio de atención al cliente le enviará sus comentarios a su correo electrónico dentro de 1 día hábil.";
+"Please fill in details" = "Por favor complete los detalles";
+"Please enter your email" = "Por favor complete el correo electrónico";

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2837,3 +2837,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "retourner verticalement";
 "Keep Proportions" = "Ajustement proportionnel";
 "Redefine" = "redéfinir";
+"Report a Bug" = "rapport d'erreur";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "Suggestions de nouvelles fonctionnalités";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "retour";
+"Your email" = "e-mail";
+"Question Type" = "Type de question ";
+"General Questions" = "Problème commun ";
+"Describe Question" = "Décris le problème";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "Veuillez nous donner les détails afin que nous puissions vous aider plus rapidement";
+"With the log file" = "Ajouter un fichier journal";
+"Add or delete documents" = "Ajouter ou supprimer des documents";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "La taille du fichier est limitée à 20 Mo et un maximum de 10 fichiers peuvent être téléchargés.";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "Aucune restriction sur les formats de fichiers (prend actuellement en charge PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, images, etc.)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "Échec de l'ajout : la taille de la pièce jointe ne peut pas dépasser 20 Mo.";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "Échec de l'ajout : jusqu'à 10 fichiers peuvent être téléchargés";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "Merci pour vos commentaires! Le service client vous fournira des commentaires par e-mail dans un délai d'un jour ouvrable";
+"Please fill in details" = "Veuillez remplir les détails";
+"Please enter your email" = "Veuillez remplir E-mail";

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2762,3 +2762,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "capovolgere verticalmente";
 "Keep Proportions" = "Adeguamento proporzionale";
 "Redefine" = "ridefinire";
+"Report a Bug" = "rapporto di errore";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "Suggerimenti per nuove funzionalità";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "feedback";
+"Your email" = "e-mail";
+"Question Type" = "tipo di domanda ";
+"General Questions" = "problema comune ";
+"Describe Question" = "Descrivi il problema";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "Per favore comunicaci i dettagli in modo che possiamo aiutarti più velocemente";
+"With the log file" = "Aggiungi file di registro";
+"Add or delete documents" = "Aggiungi o elimina documenti";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "La dimensione del file è limitata a 20 MB ed è possibile caricare un massimo di 10 file.";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "Nessuna restrizione sui formati di file (attualmente supporta PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, immagini, ecc.)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "Impossibile aggiungere: la dimensione dell'allegato non può superare i 20 milioni";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "Impossibile aggiungere: è possibile caricare fino a 10 file";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "Grazie per il tuo feedback! Il servizio clienti fornirà un feedback alla tua email entro 1 giorno lavorativo";
+"Please fill in details" = "Si prega di compilare i dettagli";
+"Please enter your email" = "Si prega di compilare l'e-mail";

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3029,3 +3029,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "垂直方向に反転";
 "Keep Proportions" = "比例調整";
 "Redefine" = "再定義する";
+"Report a Bug" = "エラーレポート";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "新機能の提案";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "フィードバック";
+"Your email" = "Eメール";
+"Question Type" = "質問の種類 ";
+"General Questions" = "よくある問題";
+"Describe Question" = "問題を説明してください";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "より早くお手伝いできるよう、詳細を教えてください";
+"With the log file" = "ログファイルの追加";
+"Add or delete documents" = "ドキュメントの追加または削除";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "ファイルサイズは20Mに制限されており、最大10ファイルまでアップロードできます。";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "ファイル形式に制限はありません(現在、PDF、Excel、Word、Powerpoint、TXT、HTML、MP4、写真などをサポートしています)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "追加できませんでした: 添付ファイルのサイズは 20M を超えることはできません";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "追加に失敗しました: 最大 10 個のファイルをアップロードできます";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "ご意見ありがとうございます!カスタマー サービスは 1 営業日以内にメールでフィードバックをお送りします";
+"Please fill in details" = "詳細をご記入ください";
+"Please enter your email" = "メールアドレスをご記入ください";

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3039,3 +3039,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "verticaal omdraaien";
 "Keep Proportions" = "Proportionele aanpassing";
 "Redefine" = "herdefiniëren";
+"Report a Bug" = "foutenrapport";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "Suggesties voor nieuwe functies";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "feedback";
+"Your email" = "e-mail";
+"Question Type" = "vraag type ";
+"General Questions" = "vaak voorkomend probleem ";
+"Describe Question" = "Beschrijf het probleem";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "Vertel ons de details, zodat we u sneller kunnen helpen";
+"With the log file" = "Logbestand toevoegen";
+"Add or delete documents" = "Documenten toevoegen of verwijderen";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "De bestandsgrootte is beperkt tot 20M en er kunnen maximaal 10 bestanden worden geüpload.";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "Geen beperkingen op bestandsformaten (ondersteunt momenteel PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, afbeeldingen, enz.)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "Kan niet worden toegevoegd: de grootte van het hulpstuk mag niet groter zijn dan 20M";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "Kan niet worden toegevoegd: Er kunnen maximaal 10 bestanden worden geüpload";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "Bedankt voor je feedback! De klantenservice geeft binnen 1 werkdag feedback op uw e-mail";
+"Please fill in details" = "Vul de gegevens in";
+"Please enter your email" = "Vul alstublieft uw e-mailadres in";

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2978,3 +2978,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "obrócić w pionie";
 "Keep Proportions" = "Regulacja proporcjonalna";
 "Redefine" = "przedefiniować";
+"Report a Bug" = "błędny raport";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "Sugestie nowych funkcji";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "informacja zwrotna";
+"Your email" = "e-mail";
+"Question Type" = "typ pytania ";
+"General Questions" = "powszechny problem ";
+"Describe Question" = "Opisz problem";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "Podaj nam szczegóły, abyśmy mogli szybciej Ci pomóc";
+"With the log file" = "Dodaj plik dziennika";
+"Add or delete documents" = "Dodaj lub usuń dokumenty";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "Rozmiar pliku jest ograniczony do 20 MB i można przesłać maksymalnie 10 plików.";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "Brak ograniczeń dotyczących formatów plików (obecnie obsługuje formaty PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, zdjęcia itp.)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "Nie udało się dodać: Rozmiar załącznika nie może przekraczać 20M";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "Nie udało się dodać: można przesłać maksymalnie 10 plików";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "Dziekuję za odpowiedź! Dział obsługi klienta prześle informację zwrotną na Twój adres e-mail w ciągu 1 dnia roboczego";
+"Please fill in details" = "Vul de gegevens in";
+"Please enter your email" = "Vul alstublieft uw e-mailadres in";

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2902,3 +2902,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "перевернуть вертикально";
 "Keep Proportions" = "Пропорциональная регулировка";
 "Redefine" = "переопределить";
+"Report a Bug" = "сообщение об ошибке";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "Предложения по новым функциям";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "обратная связь";
+"Your email" = "электронная почта";
+"Question Type" = "тип вопроса ";
+"General Questions" = "Общая проблема ";
+"Describe Question" = "Опишите проблему";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "Пожалуйста, сообщите нам подробности, чтобы мы могли помочь вам быстрее";
+"With the log file" = "Добавить файл журнала";
+"Add or delete documents" = "Добавить или удалить документы";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "Размер файла ограничен 20 МБ, можно загрузить максимум 10 файлов.";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "Никаких ограничений на форматы файлов (в настоящее время поддерживается PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, изображения и т. д.)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "Не удалось добавить: размер вложения не может превышать 20 М.";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "Не удалось добавить: можно загрузить до 10 файлов.";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "Спасибо за ваш отзыв! Служба поддержки клиентов предоставит ответ на ваше электронное письмо в течение 1 рабочего дня.";
+"Please fill in details" = "Пожалуйста, заполните детали";
+"Please enter your email" = "Пожалуйста, заполните адрес электронной почты";

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3939,3 +3939,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "垂直翻转";
 "Keep Proportions" = "等比调整";
 "Redefine" = "重定义";
+"Report a Bug" = "错误报告";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "新功能建议";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "反馈";
+"Your email" = "电子邮件";
+"Question Type" = "问题类型 ";
+"General Questions" = "常见问题 ";
+"Describe Question" = "描述问题";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "请告诉我们详细信息,以便我们更快地为您提供帮助";
+"With the log file" = "添加日志文件";
+"Add or delete documents" = "添加或删除文档";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "限制文件大小20M,最高上传10份文件";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "不限制文件格式(目前支持PDF,Excel,Word,Powerpoint,TXT,HTML,MP4,图片等)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "添加失败:附件大小不能超过20M";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "添加失败:最多上传10份文件";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "感谢您的反馈!客服将在1个工作日内反馈至您的邮箱";
+"Please fill in details" = "请填写详情";
+"Please enter your email" = "请填写Email";

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4069,3 +4069,21 @@
 "Flip vertical" = "垂直翻轉";
 "Keep Proportions" = "等比調整";
 "Redefine" = "重定義";
+"Report a Bug" = "錯誤報告";
+"Propose a New Feature" = "新功能建議";
+"Feedback for PDF Reader Pro" = "回饋";
+"Your email" = "電子郵件";
+"Question Type" = "問題類型";
+"General Questions" = "常見問題";
+"Describe Question" = "描述問題";
+"Please tell us the details so that we can help you faster" = "請告訴我們詳細信息,以便我們更快地為您提供幫助";
+"With the log file" = "新增日誌文件";
+"Add or delete documents" = "新增或刪除文檔";
+"Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files" = "限製檔案大小20M,最高上傳10份文件";
+"No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)" = "不限製檔案格式(圖片+PDF+Office(Excel/Word/Powerpoint)+TXT+HTML+MP4…)";
+"Add failed: attachment size cannot exceed 20M" = "新增失敗:附件大小不能超過20M";
+"Add failed: upload up to 10 files" = "新增失敗:最多上傳10份文件";
+"Thank you for your feedback! Customer service will feedback to your email within 1 working day" = "感謝您的回饋!客服將在1個工作天內回饋至您的信箱";
+"Please fill in details" = "請填寫詳情";
+"Please enter your email" = "請填寫Email";