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+ 3 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/AppDelegate.swift

@@ -260,6 +260,9 @@ class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate, iRateDelegate{
+        // 退订挽回窗口
+        KMCheckInManager.default.openCancelSubscribeWindow()
     func initDidFinish() {

+ 14 - 4
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Account/NewUserGift/Window/KMNewUserGiftWindowController.swift

@@ -94,11 +94,21 @@ import Cocoa
         giftItemView2_.titleLabel.font = .SFProTextRegularFont(20)
         if KMIsDMGVersion() {
-            giftItemView2_.titleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("%@ Coupons in Total", comment: ""), "$60")
-            giftItemView2_.subTitleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan.", comment: ""), "$60")
+            if NSLocalizedString("USD", comment: "") == "USD" {
+                giftItemView2_.titleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("%@ Coupons in Total", comment: ""), "$60")
+                giftItemView2_.subTitleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan.", comment: ""), "$60")
+            } else {
+                giftItemView2_.titleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("%@ Coupons in Total", comment: ""), "360元")
+                giftItemView2_.subTitleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan.", comment: ""), "360元")
+            }
         } else {
-            giftItemView2_.titleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("%@ Coupons in Total", comment: ""), "$30")
-            giftItemView2_.subTitleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan.", comment: ""), "$30")
+            if NSLocalizedString("USD", comment: "") == "USD" {
+                giftItemView2_.titleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("%@ Coupons in Total", comment: ""), "$30")
+                giftItemView2_.subTitleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan.", comment: ""), "$30")
+            } else {
+                giftItemView2_.titleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("%@ Coupons in Total", comment: ""), "180元")
+                giftItemView2_.subTitleLabel.stringValue = String(format: NSLocalizedString("New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan.", comment: ""), "180元")
+            }
         giftItemView2_.subTitleLabel.font = .SFProTextRegularFont(14)

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/ViewController/KMUserInfoViewController.swift

@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ class KMUserInfoViewController: NSViewController {
                 self?.removeWaitingView(from: self?.view ?? NSView())
                 if(success) {
                     if KMMemberInfo.shared.isLogin {
+                        KMCheckInManager.default.checkIn(refreshData: false, callback: nil)
                 } else {
                     let code = resDic?.code

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4787,12 +4787,12 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "%d هبة من اعتمادات الذكاء الاصطناعي";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "هدية ترحيبية للمستخدمين الجدد!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "أهلاً! نحن سعداء بلقائك. انغمس واستمتع برحلة PDF الخاصة بك معنا!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "كوبونات بقيمة 60 دولارًا إجمالاً";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "كوبونات بقيمة %@ دولارًا إجمالاً";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "تجربة مجانية لكبار الشخصيات لمدة %d أيام";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "استمتع بالوظائف الكاملة لبرنامج PDF Reader Pro.
 تحرير وتحويل وإضافة تعليقات توضيحية ودمج ملفات PDF.";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "قم بتسجيل الدخول للحصول على هدية->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "يمكن للمستخدمين الجدد الحصول على كوبونات بقيمة 60 دولارًا لترقية الخطة.";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "يمكن للمستخدمين الجدد الحصول على كوبونات بقيمة %@ دولارًا لترقية الخطة.";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "هدايا الترحيب";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "جرب أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي الآن";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "هدية الترحيب بالنسبة لك";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3153,11 +3153,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "%d AI-Credits als Geschenk";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "Willkommensgeschenk für neue Benutzer!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "Hallo! Wir freuen uns, Sie kennenzulernen. Tauchen Sie ein und genießen Sie Ihre PDF-Reise!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "Gutscheine im Wert von insgesamt $60";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "Gutscheine im Wert von insgesamt %@";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "%d-tägige kostenlose VIP-Testversion";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "Genießen Sie die Funktionen von PDF Reader Pro. Bearbeiten, konvertieren und kommentieren Sie PDFs.";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "Geschenk bekommen->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Neue Benutzer können $60 Gutscheine erhalten, um den Plan zu aktualisieren.";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Neue Benutzer können %@ Gutscheine erhalten, um den Plan zu aktualisieren.";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "Geschenke";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "Probieren Sie AI jetzt aus";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "Willkommensgeschenk";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4325,11 +4325,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "%d AI Credits Giveaway";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "Welcome Gift For New Users!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "$60 Coupons in Total";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "%@ Coupons in Total";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "%d-day VIP Free Trial";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs.";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "Sign in to Get Gift->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan.";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan.";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "Welcome Gifts";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "Try AI Tools Now";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "Welcome Gift For You";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3233,11 +3233,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "Sorteo de %d créditos de AI";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "¡Regalo de bienvenida para nuevos usuarios!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "¡Hola! Estamos encantados de conocerte. ¡Sumérgete y disfruta de tu viaje en PDF!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "Cupones de $60 en total";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "Cupones de %@ en total";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "Prueba gratuita VIP de %d días";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "Disfrute de las funciones de PDF Reader Pro. Edite, convierta y anote archivos PDF.";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "Regístrate gana Regalo->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Los nuevos usuarios pueden obtener cupones de $60 para actualizar el plan.";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Los nuevos usuarios pueden obtener cupones de %@ para actualizar el plan.";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "Regalos";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "Pruebe la AI ahora";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "Regalo de bienvenida para ti";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3119,11 +3119,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "%d crédits AI offerts";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "Cadeau de bienvenue pour vous !";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "Salut! Nous sommes ravis de vous rencontrer. Plongez et profitez de votre voyage PDF !";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "$60 de coupons au total";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "%@ de coupons au total";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "Essai gratuit VIP de %d jours";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "Profitez des fonctions de PDF Reader Pro. Modifiez, convertissez et annotez des PDF.";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "Gagnez un cadeau ->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Les nouveaux utilisateurs peuvent obtenir des coupons de $60 pour mettre à niveau le plan.";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Les nouveaux utilisateurs peuvent obtenir des coupons de %@ pour mettre à niveau le plan.";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "Cadeaux";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "Essayez l'AI maintenant";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "Cadeau de bienvenue pour vous";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3029,11 +3029,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "%d crediti AI in omaggio";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "Regalo di benvenuto per i nuovi utenti!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "CIAO! Siamo lieti di incontrarti. Immergiti e goditi il ​​tuo viaggio PDF con noi!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "Buoni da $ 60 in totale";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "Buoni da %@ in totale";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "Prova gratuita VIP di %d giorni";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "Goditi tutte le funzioni di PDF Reader Pro. Modifica, converti, annota e combina PDF.";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "Accedi e vinci regalo->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "I nuovi utenti possono ottenere coupon da $60 per aggiornare il piano.";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "I nuovi utenti possono ottenere coupon da %@ per aggiornare il piano.";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "Regali di benvenuto";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "Prova subito gli strumenti AI";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "Regalo di benvenuto per te";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3309,11 +3309,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "%d AI クレジット無料";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "新規ユーザーへのウェルカムギフト!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "こんにちは!お会いできて光栄です。早速、PDF の旅を楽しんでください!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "合計 $60 クーポン";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "合計 %@ クーポン";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "%d日間のVIP無料トライアル";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "PDF Reader Pro の全機能をお楽しみください。 PDF を編集、変換、注釈付け、結合します。";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "ギフトをゲット->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "新規ユーザーはプランをアップグレードするための $60 クーポンを入手できます。";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "新規ユーザーはプランをアップグレードするための %@ クーポンを入手できます。";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "贈り物";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "AIを試してみる";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "贈り物";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3191,11 +3191,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "%d AI-credits weggeefactie";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "Welkomstcadeau voor nieuwe gebruikers!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "Hoi! We zijn blij je te ontmoeten. Duik erin en geniet van je PDF-reis!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "$60 coupons in totaal";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "%@ coupons in totaal";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "Gratis VIP-proefperiode van %d dagen";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "Geniet van de functies van PDF Reader Pro. Bewerk, converteer en annoteer PDF's.";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "Inloggen Win cadeau->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Nieuwe gebruikers kunnen $60 coupons krijgen om het abonnement te upgraden.";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Nieuwe gebruikers kunnen %@ coupons krijgen om het abonnement te upgraden.";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "Geschenken";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "Probeer nu AI-tools";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "Welkomstcadeau voor jou";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3245,11 +3245,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "Rozdanie %d kredytów AI";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "Prezent powitalny dla nowych użytkowników!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "Cześć! Cieszymy się, że możemy Cię poznać. Zanurz się i ciesz się podróżą z plikami PDF!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "Łącznie kupony o wartości $60";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "Łącznie kupony o wartości %@";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "%d-dniowy bezpłatny okres próbny VIP";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "Korzystaj z funkcji PDF Reader Pro. Edytuj, konwertuj i dodawaj adnotacje do plików PDF.";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "Zaloguj się Wygraj prezent->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Nowi użytkownicy mogą otrzymać kupony o wartości $60 na uaktualnienie planu.";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Nowi użytkownicy mogą otrzymać kupony o wartości %@ na uaktualnienie planu.";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "Prezenty";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "Wypróbuj narzędzia AI";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "Prezent powitalny dla Ciebie";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4708,11 +4708,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "Sorteio de %d créditos de AI";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "Presente de boas-vindas para novos usuários!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "Oi! Estamos muito felizes em conhecê-lo. Mergulhe e aproveite sua jornada em PDF!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "Cupons de $60 no total";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "Cupons de %@ no total";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "Teste VIP gratuito de %d dias";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "Aproveite todas as funções do PDF Reader Pro. Edite, converta, anote e combine PDFs.";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "Faça login Ganhe presente->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Novos usuários podem obter cupons de $60 para atualizar o plano.";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Novos usuários podem obter cupons de %@ para atualizar o plano.";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "Presentes";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "Experimente AI agora";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "Presente de boas-vindas para você";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3179,11 +3179,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "Розыгрыш %d кредитов AI";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "Приветственный подарок для новых пользователей!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "Привет! Мы рады встрече с вами. Погрузитесь и наслаждайтесь путешествием в формате PDF!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "Всего купонов на $60";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "Всего купонов на %@";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "%d-дневная бесплатная VIP-пробная версия";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "Наслаждайтесь функциями PDF Reader Pro. Редактируйте, конвертируйте и комментируйте PDF-файлы.";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "Войти Выиграй подарок->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Новые пользователи могут получить купоны на $60 для обновления плана.";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "Новые пользователи могут получить купоны на %@ для обновления плана.";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "Подарки";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "Попробуйте ИИ сейчас";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "Приветственный подарок для вас";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4226,11 +4226,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "赠送您 %d AI积分";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "新用户见面礼!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "您好!欢迎您的加入,一起开启PDF编辑之旅吧!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "360元优惠券";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "%@优惠券";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "%d天VIP免费试用";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "享受 PDF Reader Pro 全功能。 编辑、转换、注释和合并 PDF。";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "登录领取礼品->";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "新用户可获得总共360元优惠券来升级订阅。";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "新用户可获得总共%@优惠券来升级订阅。";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "新人礼";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "立即使用AI工具";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "新人礼包";

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4359,11 +4359,11 @@
 "%d AI Credits Giveaway" = "贈送您 %d AI積分";
 "Welcome Gift For New Users!" = "新用戶見面禮!";
 "Hi! We’re delighted to meet you. Dive in and enjoy your PDF journey with us!" = "您好!歡迎您的加入,一起開啟PDF編輯之旅吧!";
-"$60 Coupons in Total" = "360元優惠券";
+"%@ Coupons in Total" = "%@優惠券";
 "%d-day VIP Free Trial" = "%d天VIP免費試用";
 "Enjoy the full functions of PDF Reader Pro. Edit, convert, annotate, and combine PDFs." = "享受 PDF Reader Pro 全功能。 編輯、轉換、註釋和合併 PDF。 ";
 "Sign in to Get Gift->" = "登入領取禮品";
-"New users can get $60 Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "新用戶可獲得總共360元優惠券來升級訂閱。";
+"New users can get %@ Coupons to upgrade the plan." = "新用戶可獲得總共%@優惠券來升級訂閱。";
 "Welcome Gifts" = "新人禮";
 "Try AI Tools Now" = "立即使用AI工具";
 "Welcome Gift For You" = "新用戶禮包";