@@ -1286,14 +1286,17 @@ extension KMPDFToolbarController: KMRedactToolbarControllerDelegate {
delegate?.kmPDFToolbarControllerDidToolbarItemClicked?(self, KMPDFToolbar_protect_redact_Property_Identifier)
} else if buttonIndex == 2 {
- viewManager?.subToolMode = .None
- cancelSelectedSecondToolbarItems(.Protect)
- delegate?.kmPDFToolbarControllerDidToolbarItemClicked?(self, KMPDFToolbar_protect_redact_Apply_Identifier)
+ self.applyRedactAlert()
+// viewManager?.subToolMode = .None
+// cancelSelectedSecondToolbarItems(.Protect)
+// delegate?.kmPDFToolbarControllerDidToolbarItemClicked?(self, KMPDFToolbar_protect_redact_Apply_Identifier)
} else if buttonIndex == 3 {
- viewManager?.subToolMode = .None
- cancelSelectedSecondToolbarItems(.Protect)
- delegate?.kmPDFToolbarControllerDidToolbarItemClicked?(self, KMPDFToolbar_protect_redact_Exit_Identifier)
+ self.exitRedactAlert()
+// viewManager?.subToolMode = .None
+// cancelSelectedSecondToolbarItems(.Protect)
+// delegate?.kmPDFToolbarControllerDidToolbarItemClicked?(self, KMPDFToolbar_protect_redact_Exit_Identifier)
@@ -1301,4 +1304,64 @@ extension KMPDFToolbarController: KMRedactToolbarControllerDelegate {
+ func exitRedactAlert() {
+ if UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "kExitRedactAlert") != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.alertStyle = .informational
+// alert.informativeText = KMLocalizedString("Redaction allows you to permanently mask and remove sensitive content.")
+ alert.messageText = KMLocalizedString("""
+ There are unapplied redactions in this file. Any content associated with them will not be redacted until applied.
+ """)
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: KMLocalizedString("Exit"))
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: KMLocalizedString("Cancel"))
+ alert.showsSuppressionButton = true
+ let response = alert.runModal()
+ if response.rawValue == 1000 {
+ if alert.suppressionButton?.state == .on {
+ UserDefaults.standard.set("YES", forKey: "kExitRedactAlert")
+ UserDefaults.standard.synchronize()
+ }
+ //退出
+ viewManager?.subToolMode = .None
+ cancelSelectedSecondToolbarItems(.Protect)
+ delegate?.kmPDFToolbarControllerDidToolbarItemClicked?(self, KMPDFToolbar_protect_redact_Exit_Identifier)
+ } else if response.rawValue == 1001 {
+ //取消
+ }
+ }
+ func applyRedactAlert() {
+ if UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "kApplyRedactAlert") != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.alertStyle = .informational
+ alert.messageText = KMLocalizedString("This action will permanently remove the redacted information from this document.")
+ alert.informativeText = KMLocalizedString("""
+ After you save this document, you will not be able to retrieve the redacted information.
+ """)
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: KMLocalizedString("Apply"))
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: KMLocalizedString("Cancel"))
+ alert.showsSuppressionButton = true
+ let response = alert.runModal()
+ if response.rawValue == 1000 {
+ if alert.suppressionButton?.state == .on {
+ UserDefaults.standard.set("YES", forKey: "kApplyRedactAlert")
+ UserDefaults.standard.synchronize()
+ }
+ //应用
+ viewManager?.subToolMode = .None
+ cancelSelectedSecondToolbarItems(.Protect)
+ delegate?.kmPDFToolbarControllerDidToolbarItemClicked?(self, KMPDFToolbar_protect_redact_Apply_Identifier)
+ } else if response.rawValue == 1001 {
+ //取消
+ }
+ }