@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ class KMWatermarkView: KMBaseXibView, NSTextFieldDelegate, NSComboBoxDelegate, N
var pdfDocument: CPDFDocument? {
didSet {
self._fileAttri = KMFileAttribute()
+ self._fileAttri?.password = self.pdfDocument?.password ?? ""
self._fileAttri?.filePath = self.pdfDocument?.documentURL?.path ?? ""
self.password = pdfDocument?.password ?? ""
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() + 0.3) {
@@ -446,11 +447,16 @@ class KMWatermarkView: KMBaseXibView, NSTextFieldDelegate, NSComboBoxDelegate, N
func checkPageRangeValidate(_ pageRangeString: String) -> Bool {
- let fileAttribute = KMFileAttribute()
- fileAttribute.filePath = (self.pdfDocument?.documentURL.path)!
- fileAttribute.password = self.pdfDocument?.password ?? ""
- fileAttribute.bAllPage = false
- fileAttribute.pagesString = self.pageRangeComboBox.stringValue
+ var fileAttribute = self._fileAttri
+ if fileAttribute == nil {
+ fileAttribute = KMFileAttribute()
+ fileAttribute?.password = self.pdfDocument?.password ?? ""
+ fileAttribute?.filePath = self.pdfDocument?.documentURL.path ?? ""
+ self._fileAttri = fileAttribute
+ }
+ fileAttribute?.bAllPage = false
+ fileAttribute?.pagesString = self.pageRangeComboBox.stringValue
var pageRange: KMPageRange = .all
let pageRangeType: KMWatermarkeModelPageRangeType = watermark.pageRangeType
@@ -464,9 +470,9 @@ class KMWatermarkView: KMBaseXibView, NSTextFieldDelegate, NSComboBoxDelegate, N
pageRange = .custom
- fileAttribute.pagesType = pageRange
+ fileAttribute?.pagesType = pageRange
- if fileAttribute.fetchSelectPages().count == 0 {
+ if let cnt = fileAttribute?.fetchSelectPages().count, cnt == 0 {
return false
return true
@@ -782,20 +788,25 @@ extension KMWatermarkView {
case 2:
pages = Array(stride(from: 1, to: Int(pdfDocument.pageCount), by: 2))
- let fileAttribute = KMFileAttribute()
- fileAttribute.filePath = pdfDocument.documentURL?.path ?? ""
- fileAttribute.bAllPage = false
- fileAttribute.pagesType = .custom
- fileAttribute.password = pdfDocument.password ?? ""
- fileAttribute.pagesString = pageRangeComboBox.stringValue
+ var fileAttribute = self._fileAttri
+ if fileAttribute == nil {
+ fileAttribute = KMFileAttribute()
+ fileAttribute?.password = pdfDocument.password ?? ""
+ fileAttribute?.filePath = pdfDocument.documentURL?.path ?? ""
+ self._fileAttri = fileAttribute
+ }
+ fileAttribute?.bAllPage = false
+ fileAttribute?.pagesType = .custom
+ fileAttribute?.pagesString = pageRangeComboBox.stringValue
- let selectPages = fileAttribute.fetchSelectPages()
+ let selectPages = fileAttribute?.fetchSelectPages() ?? []
if selectPages.count != 0 {
pages = selectPages.map { $0 - 1 }
} else {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.alertStyle = .critical
- alert.messageText = "\(fileAttribute.filePath.lastPathComponent) \(NSLocalizedString("Invalid page range or the page number is out of range. Please try again.", comment: ""))"
+ alert.messageText = "\(fileAttribute?.filePath.lastPathComponent ?? "") \(NSLocalizedString("Invalid page range or the page number is out of range. Please try again.", comment: ""))"
@@ -1022,14 +1033,18 @@ extension KMWatermarkView {
let wm = KMWatermarkView()
wm.pdfView = KMWatermarkPDFView()
wm.pdfView.document = document
+ wm.password = document.password ?? ""
wm.addWatermark(model: model, toPath: toPath, completion: completion)
func addWatermark(model: KMWatermarkModel, toPath: String, completion: @escaping (_ result: Bool) -> ()) {
DispatchQueue.global().async {
let waterDocument = CPDFDocument(url: self.pdfView.document.documentURL)
guard let waterDocumentT = waterDocument else { return }
- waterDocumentT.unlock(withPassword: self.password)
+ if self.password.isEmpty == false {
+ waterDocumentT.unlock(withPassword: self.password)
+ }
var property: CPDFWatermark!
var scale: CGFloat = model.scale
if (!model.text.isEmpty) {