@@ -98,18 +98,17 @@ class KMInAppPurchaseManager: NSObject {
var orderId: String?
var orderId: String?
deinit {
deinit {
- SKPaymentQueue.default().remove(self)
override init() {
override init() {
// 注册购买交易观察者
// 注册购买交易观察者
- SKPaymentQueue.default().add(self)
func updatePurchaseState() -> KMPurchaseManagerState {
func updatePurchaseState() -> KMPurchaseManagerState {
- let receipt: [String: Any] = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "kInAppPurchaseReceipt") as? [String : Any] ?? [:]
- return self.verifyPurchase(purchase: receipt)
+ return .unknow
func fetchProducts(completion: @escaping KMPurchaseFetchProductCompletion) {
func fetchProducts(completion: @escaping KMPurchaseFetchProductCompletion) {
@@ -266,398 +265,6 @@ extension KMInAppPurchaseManager: SKProductsRequestDelegate {
-extension KMInAppPurchaseManager: SKPaymentTransactionObserver {
- func paymentQueueDidChangeStorefront(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue) {
- // 用户更改了 storefront
- // 在这里可以执行相关的操作,例如更新价格信息或用户订阅选项
- // 你可以根据新的 storefront 来调整你的 App 内购买或订阅流程
- KMPrint("paymentQueueDidChangeStorefront")
- }
- // Sent when entitlements for a user have changed and access to the specified IAPs has been revoked.
- func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, didRevokeEntitlementsForProductIdentifiers productIdentifiers: [String]) {
- KMPrint("didRevokeEntitlementsForProductIdentifiers")
- }
- func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, shouldAddStorePayment payment: SKPayment, for product: SKProduct) -> Bool {
- // Handle the purchase intent here
- // Return true to allow the purchase or false to deny it
- return true
- }
- func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) {
- KMPrint("苹果服务器返回数据")
- if transactions.count > 0 {
- var restored = false
- var purchased = false
- var failed = false
- for transaction in transactions {
- debugPrint(transaction.original?.payment.productIdentifier)
- if transaction.original?.payment.productIdentifier != nil {
- SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction)
- }
- if kPRODUCTS.contains(transaction.payment.productIdentifier) {
- // 检查购买的产品是否是订阅产品
- switch transaction.transactionState {
- case .purchased:
- debugPrint("purchased")
- purchased = true
- SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction)
- break
- case .failed:
- debugPrint("failed")
- failed = true
- break
- case .restored:
- debugPrint("restored")
- restored = true
- isPurchaseed = true
- SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction)
- break
- case .purchasing:
- debugPrint("purchasing")
- tempTransaction = transaction
- break
- default:
- debugPrint("default")
- break
- }
- } else {
- debugPrint("其他状态")
- }
- }
- if purchased {
- debugPrint("恢复购买,进行本地二次验证")
- validatePurchase(transaction: nil)
- } else if restored {
- if self.type == .restore {
- KMPrint("购买成功,进行本地二次验证")
- validatePurchase(transaction: nil)
- } else if self.type == .check {
- KMPrint("恢复购买 checkSubscriptionStatusCompletion")
- handleAction(state: .checkSubscriptionSuccess)
- } else if self.type == .purchase {
- validatePurchase(transaction: nil)
- }
- } else if failed {
- debugPrint("回调失败")
- if self.type == .check {
- handleAction(state: .checkSubscriptionFailed)
- } else if self.type == .restore {
- handleAction(state: .restoreFailed)
- } else if self.type == .purchase {
- handleAction(state: .productFailed)
- }
- } else {
- debugPrint("其他原因")
- }
- } else {
- self.handleAction(state: .productCorrespondenceFailed)
- }
- for transaction in queue.transactions {
- if transaction.transactionState != .purchasing {
- SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction)
- }
- }
- }
- func validatePurchase(_ isTestServer: Bool = true, isDebug: Bool = false, transaction: SKPaymentTransaction?) {
- // 获取购买凭证
- if let receiptURL = Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL,
- let receiptData = try? Data(contentsOf: receiptURL) {
- // 将购买凭证发送到服务器进行验证
-// sendReceiptToServer(receiptData: receiptData, transaction: transaction)
- sendReceiptToAppleServer(isTestServer, isDebug: isDebug, receiptData: receiptData, transaction: transaction)
- } else {
- self.handleAction(state: .noReceipt)
- }
- }
- func appStoreEquityVerification(receiptData: Data, type: KMInAppPurchaseType) {
- // 构建请求
- let receiptString = receiptData.base64EncodedString(options: [])
- KMPrint(receiptString)
- if type == .purchase {
- KMRequestServerManager.manager.appStoreBuyComplete(applePayProductId: PRODUCT_1, receipt: receiptString, complete: { [unowned self] success, result in
- if success, let data = result?.result {
- } else if result?.error != nil {
- }
- })
- } else {
- KMRequestServerManager.manager.appStoreEquityVerification(applePayProductId: PRODUCT_1, receipt: receiptString, complete: { [unowned self] success, result in
- if success, let data = result?.result {
- } else if result?.error != nil {
- }
- })
- }
- }
- /**
- 1.根据字段 environment = sandbox。
- 2.根据验证接口返回的状态码,如果status=21007,则表示当前为沙盒环境。
- 苹果反馈的状态码:
- 21000App Store无法读取你提供的JSON数据
- 21002 订单数据不符合格式
- 21003 订单无法被验证
- 21004 你提供的共享密钥和账户的共享密钥不一致
- 21005 订单服务器当前不可用
- 21006 订单是有效的,但订阅服务已经过期。当收到这个信息时,解码后的收据信息也包含在返回内容中
- 21007 订单信息是测试用(sandbox),但却被发送到产品环境中验证
- 21008 订单信息是产品环境中使用,但却被发送到测试环境中验证
- */
- func sendReceiptToServer(receiptData: Data, transaction: SKPaymentTransaction?) {
- // 构建请求
- let receiptString = receiptData.base64EncodedString(options: [])
- let tempOrderId = self.orderId ?? ""
- KMPrint(receiptString)
-// if transaction.transactionState == .restored {
- if let restore = restoreCompletion {
- KMRequestServerManager.manager.parseVerification(applePayProductId: PRODUCT_1, orderId: tempOrderId, receipt: receiptString, restore: 1) { [unowned self] success, result in
- if success, let data = result?.result {
- // 处理服务器返回的验证结果
- //解析数据
- KMLightMemberUserInfo.parseData(data: data) { tData in
- KMLightMemberManager.manager.reloadUserInfo()
- self.handleAction(state: .restoreVerSuccess)
- }
- } else if result?.error != nil {
- // 处理网络请求错误
- // ...
- self.handleAction(state: .restoreVerFailed)
- }
- }
- } else if let purchase = purchaseProductCompletion {
- KMRequestServerManager.manager.parseVerification(applePayProductId: PRODUCT_1, orderId: tempOrderId, receipt: receiptString) { [unowned self] success, result in
- if success, let data = result?.result {
- // 处理服务器返回的验证结果
- //解析数据
- KMLightMemberUserInfo.parseData(data: data) { tData in
- KMLightMemberManager.manager.reloadUserInfo()
- self.handleAction(state: .verSuccess)
- }
- } else if result?.error != nil {
- // 处理网络请求错误
- // ...
- self.handleAction(state: .failed)
- }
- }
- }
-// SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction)
- }
- func sendReceiptToAppleServer(_ isTestServer: Bool = false, isDebug: Bool = false, receiptData: Data, transaction: SKPaymentTransaction?) {
- // 构建请求
-// let url = URL(string: "https://your-server.com/verify-receipt")!
-// let requestContents = ["receipt-data" : receipt.base64EncodedString()]
- let receiptString = receiptData.base64EncodedString(options: [])
- let requestContents: [String: Any] = ["receipt-data": receiptString,
- "password": kStoreLiteKitSecret]
- guard let requestData = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: requestContents, options: []) else {
- // 交易凭证为空验证失败
- self.handleAction(state: .failed)
- return
- }
- var url = URL(string: KMLightMemberManager.manager.config.kAppleServerURL)!
- if isDebug {
- if isTestServer {
- url = URL(string: "https://sandbox.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt")!
- } else {
- url = URL(string: "https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt")!
- }
- }
- print(url)
- var request = URLRequest(url: url)
- request.httpMethod = "POST"
- request.httpBody = requestData
- // 发送请求
- let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
- if let data = data {
- // 处理服务器返回的验证结果
- self.parseVerificationResult(data: data)
- } else if error != nil {
- // 处理网络请求错误
- // ...
- self.handleAction(state: .verFailed)
- }
-// SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction)
- }
- task.resume()
- }
- func paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue) {
- KMPrint("paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished")
- // 获取购买凭证
- if let receiptURL = Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL,
- let receiptData = try? Data(contentsOf: receiptURL) {
- if SKPaymentQueue.default().transactions.count > 0 {
- } else {
- self.handleAction(state: .noReceipt)
- }
- } else {
- self.handleAction(state: .noReceipt)
- }
- }
- func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError error: Error) {
- KMPrint("restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError")
- self.handleAction(state: .restoreFailed)
- self.handleAction(state: .checkSubscriptionFailed)
- }
- func parseVerificationResult(data: Data) {
- // 解析服务器返回的验证结果
- // 如果验证成功返回 true,否则返回 false
- // ...
- if tempTransaction != nil {
- SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(tempTransaction!)
- tempTransaction = nil
- }
- let receipt: [String: Any] = self.parseReceipt(receiptData: data) ?? [:]
- KMPrint(receipt)
- let status: Int = receipt["status"] as! Int
- if status == 21007 {
-// self.handleAction(state: .verFailed)
- self.validatePurchase(true, isDebug: true, transaction: nil)
-// [self verifyPurchaseWithPaymentTransaction:transaction isTestServer:YES];
- } else if status == 21008 {
- self.validatePurchase(false, isDebug: true, transaction: nil)
- } else if status == 0 {
-// if let receiptURL = Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL,
-// let receiptData = try? Data(contentsOf: receiptURL) {
-// //给服务器发送票据验证
-// appStoreEquityVerification(receiptData:receiptData, type: self.type)
-// }
- let state = self.verifyPurchase(purchase: receipt)
- if state == .subscription {
- //保存票据信息
- self.saveReceiptInfo(receipt: receipt)
- self.handleAction(state: .verSuccess)
- } else {
- self.handleAction(state: .verFailed)
- }
- } else {
- self.handleAction(state: .verFailed)
- }
- }
- func handleError(transaction: SKPaymentTransaction?) {
- // 处理购买失败的逻辑
- if let t = transaction {
- SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(t)
- if t.transactionState == .restored {
- self.handleAction(state: .restoreFailed)
- } else {
- self.handleAction(state: .failed)
- }
- } else {
- self.handleAction(state: .failed)
- }
- }
- func verifyPurchase(purchase: [String: Any]) -> KMPurchaseManagerState {
- // 执行购买凭证验证的逻辑,例如验证产品标识符、购买日期等
- // 如果验证成功返回 true,否则返回 false
- // ...
- /**
- "expires_date" = "2023-06-27 09:28:20 Etc/GMT";
- "expires_date_ms" = 1687858100000;
- "expires_date_pst" = "2023-06-27 02:28:20 America/Los_Angeles";
- "in_app_ownership_type" = PURCHASED;
- "is_in_intro_offer_period" = false;
- "is_trial_period" = false;
- "original_purchase_date" = "2023-06-27 07:27:22 Etc/GMT";
- "original_purchase_date_ms" = 1687850842000;
- "original_purchase_date_pst" = "2023-06-27 00:27:22 America/Los_Angeles";
- "original_transaction_id" = 2000000357748210;
- "product_id" = "com.pdftechnologies.pdfreader.mac.yearly.001";
- "purchase_date" = "2023-06-27 08:28:20 Etc/GMT";
- "purchase_date_ms" = 1687854500000;
- "purchase_date_pst" = "2023-06-27 01:28:20 America/Los_Angeles";
- quantity = 1;
- "transaction_id" = 2000000357808638;
- "web_order_line_item_id" = 2000000030580071;
- */
- let receipt: [String: Any] = purchase["receipt"] as? [String : Any] ?? [:]
- let in_app: [NSDictionary] = receipt["in_app"] as? [NSDictionary] ?? []
- let request_date_ms: Int = Int(receipt["request_date_ms"] as? String ?? "0") ?? 0
- for item in in_app {
- let expires_date_ms: Int = Int(item["expires_date_ms"] as? String ?? "-1") ?? -1
- let product_id: String = item["product_id"] as? String ?? ""
- let now_date_ms: Int = Int(NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970) * 1000
- if product_id == PRODUCT_1 &&
-// expires_date_ms > request_date_ms &&
- expires_date_ms > now_date_ms {
- return .subscription
- }
- }
- return .unknow
- }
- func verifyApplePurchase(purchase: [String: Any]) -> KMPurchaseManagerState {
- // 执行购买凭证验证的逻辑,例如验证产品标识符、购买日期等
- // 如果验证成功返回 true,否则返回 false
- // ...
- /**
- "expires_date" = "2023-06-27 09:28:20 Etc/GMT";
- "expires_date_ms" = 1687858100000;
- "expires_date_pst" = "2023-06-27 02:28:20 America/Los_Angeles";
- "in_app_ownership_type" = PURCHASED;
- "is_in_intro_offer_period" = false;
- "is_trial_period" = false;
- "original_purchase_date" = "2023-06-27 07:27:22 Etc/GMT";
- "original_purchase_date_ms" = 1687850842000;
- "original_purchase_date_pst" = "2023-06-27 00:27:22 America/Los_Angeles";
- "original_transaction_id" = 2000000357748210;
- "product_id" = "com.pdftechnologies.pdfreader.mac.yearly.001";
- "purchase_date" = "2023-06-27 08:28:20 Etc/GMT";
- "purchase_date_ms" = 1687854500000;
- "purchase_date_pst" = "2023-06-27 01:28:20 America/Los_Angeles";
- quantity = 1;
- "transaction_id" = 2000000357808638;
- "web_order_line_item_id" = 2000000030580071;
- */
- let receipt: [String: Any] = purchase["receipt"] as? [String : Any] ?? [:]
- let in_app: [NSDictionary] = receipt["in_app"] as? [NSDictionary] ?? []
- let request_date_ms: Int = Int(receipt["request_date_ms"] as? String ?? "0") ?? 0
- for item in in_app {
- let expires_date_ms: Int = Int(item["expires_date_ms"] as? String ?? "-1") ?? -1
- let product_id: String = item["product_id"] as? String ?? ""
- let now_date_ms: Int = Int(NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970) * 1000
- if product_id == PRODUCT_1 &&
-// expires_date_ms > request_date_ms &&
- expires_date_ms > now_date_ms {
- return .subscription
- }
- }
- return .unknow
- }
- func parseReceipt(receiptData: Data) -> [String: Any]? {
- guard let receipt = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: receiptData, options: []) as? [String: Any] else {
- return nil
- }
- return receipt
- }
extension KMInAppPurchaseManager {
extension KMInAppPurchaseManager {
func saveReceiptInfo(receipt: [String: Any]) {
func saveReceiptInfo(receipt: [String: Any]) {