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【Cisdem PDFMaster】测量多语补充

wanjun 8 months ago

+ 53 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2846,3 +2846,56 @@
 "%{title1}@ %{title2}@" = "%{title1}@ %{title2}@";
 "To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel." = "Wenn Sie den AI-Seriencode aktivieren müssen, klicken Sie bitte in der Symbolleiste auf „KI -Werkzeuge“ und dann im rechten Bereich auf „Meine AI-Rechte“.";
+"Measuring tools" = "Messgeräte";
+"No related content found, please change keywords" = "Kein verwandter Inhalt gefunden, bitte Schlüsselwörter ändern";
+"Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty." = "Die Skala darf nicht kleiner als 0 oder leer sein.";
+"Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "Doppelklicken Sie, um das Zeichnen abzuschließen. Drücken Sie ESC, um den kontinuierlichen Messmodus zu verlassen.";
+"ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "Drücken Sie ESC, um den kontinuierlichen Messmodus zu verlassen.";
+"Redact" = "Redigieren";
+"Redact Properties" = "Eigenschaften redigieren";
+"Search" = "Suchen";
+"Replace" = "Ersetzen";
+"Match Whole Word" = "Ganzes Wort abgleichen";
+"Case Sensitive" = "Groß- und Kleinschreibung beachten";
+"Previous" = "Vorherige";
+"Next" = "Nächste";
+"Replace with" = "Ersetzen mit ";
+"Replace All" = "Alles ersetzen";
+"To Json" = "An Json";
+"Json Worksheet Settings" = "Json-Arbeitsblatteinstellungen";
+"Extract text content" = "Textinhalt extrahieren";
+"Extract tables" = "Tabellen extrahieren";
+"White Out PDF" = "White-Out-PDF";
+"Measure" = "Messen";
+"Line" = "Linie";
+"Multilines" = "Mehrzeilig";
+"Polygon" = "Polygon";
+"Rectangle" = "Rechteck";
+"Distance Measurement" = "Entfernungsmessung";
+"Scale" = "Skala";
+"Length" = "Länge";
+"Area" = "Bereich";
+"Precision" = "Präzision";
+"Angle" = "Winkel";
+"X" = "X";
+"Y" = "Y";
+"Settings" = "Einstellungen";
+"Measure Settings" = "Messeinstellungen";
+"Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size" = "Zeichnungsmaße: Tatsächliche Größe";
+"Precision Setting" = "Präzisionseinstellung";
+"Show Caption" = "Untertitel anzeigen";
+"Length" = "Länge";
+"Area" = "Bereich";
+"Line" = "Linie";
+"Multilines" = "Mehrzeilig";
+"Polygon" = "Polygon";
+"Rectangle" = "Rechteck";
+"Measuring Tools" = "Messgeräte";
+"Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs" = "Einfaches Kommentieren von Dimensionsdaten in PDFs";
+"The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs." = "Mit dem Messwerkzeug können Benutzer Entfernungen, Umfang, Fläche und Winkel genau messen, was es zu einer idealen Lösung für die Bauindustrie macht, um Dimensionsdaten in PDFs zu kommentieren.";
+"Measure" = "Messen";
+"You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools." = "Mit den Messwerkzeugen können Sie Entfernung, Umfang, Fläche und Winkel genau messen.";
+"Replace Text" = "Text ersetzen";
+"Click the drop-down button to replace text." = "Klicken Sie auf die Dropdown-Schaltfläche, um Text zu ersetzen.";
+"Measuring Tools" = "Messgeräte";

+ 53 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4026,3 +4026,56 @@
 "To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel." = "To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel.";
 "You're up-to-date! %@ is currently the newest version available." = "You're up-to-date! %@ is currently the newest version available.";
+"Measuring tools" = "Measuring tools";
+"No related content found, please change keywords" = "No related content found, please change keywords";
+"Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty." = "Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty.";
+"Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode.";
+"Press/Users/kdanwj/Git/Mac/PDF Office/PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode.";
+"Redact" = "Redact";
+"Redact Properties" = "Redact Properties";
+"Search" = "Search";
+"Replace" = "Replace";
+"Match Whole Word" = "Match Whole Word";
+"Case Sensitive" = "Case Sensitive";
+"Previous" = "Previous";
+"Next" = "Next";
+"Replace with" = "Replace with";
+"Replace All" = "Replace All";
+"To Json" = "To Json";
+"Json Worksheet Settings" = "Json Worksheet Settings";
+"Extract text content" = "Extract text content";
+"Extract tables" = "Extract tables";
+"White Out PDF" = "White Out PDF";
+"Measure" = "Measure";
+"Line" = "Line";
+"Multilines" = "Multilines";
+"Polygon" = "Polygon";
+"Rectangle" = "Rectangle";
+"Distance Measurement" = "Distance Measurement";
+"Scale" = "Scale";
+"Length" = "Length";
+"Area" = "Area";
+"Precision" = "Precision";
+"Angle" = "Angle";
+"X" = "X";
+"Y" = "Y";
+"Settings" = "Settings";
+"Measure Settings" = "Measure Settings";
+"Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size" = "Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size";
+"Precision Setting" = "Precision Setting";
+"Show Caption" = "Show Caption";
+"Length" = "Length";
+"Area" = "Area";
+"Line" = "Line";
+"Multilines" = "Multilines";
+"Polygon" = "Polygon";
+"Rectangle" = "Rectangle";
+"Measuring Tools" = "Measuring Tools";
+"Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs" = "Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs";
+"The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs." = "The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs.";
+"Measure" = "Measure";
+"You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools." = "You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools.";
+"Replace Text" = "Replace Text";
+"Click the drop-down button to replace text." = "Click the drop-down button to replace text.";
+"Measuring Tools" = "Measuring Tools";

+ 53 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2938,3 +2938,56 @@
 "Distinct page transitions" = "Transiciones de página distintas";
 "To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel." = "Si necesita activar el código de serie de AI, haga clic en \"Herramientas AI\" en la barra de herramientas y luego haga clic en \"Mis derechos de AI\" en el panel derecho.";
+"Measuring tools" = "Herramientas de medición";
+"No related content found, please change keywords" = "No se encontró contenido relacionado, cambie las palabras clave";
+"Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty." = "La escala no puede ser menor que 0 ni estar vacía.";
+"Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "Haga doble clic para terminar de dibujar. Presione ESC para salir del modo de medición continua.";
+"ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "Presione ESC para salir del modo de medición continua.";
+"Redact" = "Redactar";
+"Redact Properties" = "Redactar propiedades";
+"Search" = "Buscar";
+"Replace" = "Reemplazar";
+"Match Whole Word" = "Compare la palabra completa";
+"Case Sensitive" = "Distingue mayúsculas y minúsculas";
+"Previous" = "Anterior";
+"Next" = "Próximo";
+"Replace with" = "Reemplazar con ";
+"Replace All" = "Reemplaza todo";
+"To Json" = "A json";
+"Json Worksheet Settings" = "Configuración de la hoja de trabajo Json";
+"Extract text content" = "Extraer contenido de texto";
+"Extract tables" = "Extraer tablas";
+"White Out PDF" = "PDF en blanco";
+"Measure" = "Medida";
+"Line" = "Línea";
+"Multilines" = "Líneas múltiples";
+"Polygon" = "Polígono";
+"Rectangle" = "Rectángulo";
+"Distance Measurement" = "Medida de distancia";
+"Scale" = "Escala";
+"Length" = "Longitud";
+"Area" = "Área";
+"Precision" = "Precisión";
+"Angle" = "Ángulo";
+"X" = "X";
+"Y" = "Y";
+"Settings" = "Ajustes";
+"Measure Settings" = "Configuración de medidas";
+"Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size" = "Dimensiones del dibujo: tamaño real";
+"Precision Setting" = "Ajuste de precisión";
+"Show Caption" = "Mostrar título";
+"Length" = "Longitud";
+"Area" = "Área";
+"Line" = "Línea";
+"Multilines" = "Líneas múltiples";
+"Polygon" = "Polígono";
+"Rectangle" = "Rectángulo";
+"Measuring Tools" = "Herramientas de medición";
+"Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs" = "Anote fácilmente datos dimensionales en archivos PDF";
+"The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs." = "La herramienta de medición permite a los usuarios medir distancias, perímetros, áreas y ángulos con precisión, lo que la convierte en una solución ideal para que la industria de la construcción anote datos dimensionales en archivos PDF.";
+"Measure" = "Medida";
+"You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools." = "Puede medir distancias, perímetros, áreas y ángulos con precisión con las herramientas de medición.";
+"Replace Text" = "Reemplazar texto";
+"Click the drop-down button to replace text." = "Haga clic en el botón desplegable para reemplazar el texto.";
+"Measuring Tools" = "Herramientas de medición";

+ 53 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2809,3 +2809,56 @@
 "Distinct page transitions" = "Transitions de pages distinctes";
 "To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel." = "Si vous devez activer le code de série AI, veuillez cliquer sur « Outils d'IA » dans la barre d'outils, puis cliquez sur « Mes droits AI » dans le panneau de droite.";
+"Measuring tools" = "Outils de mesure";
+"No related content found, please change keywords" = "Aucun contenu associé trouvé, veuillez modifier les mots-clés";
+"Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty." = "L'échelle ne peut pas être inférieure à 0 ou vide.";
+"Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "Double-cliquez pour terminer le dessin. Appuyez sur ESC pour quitter le mode de mesure continue.";
+"ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "Appuyez sur ESC pour quitter le mode de mesure continue.";
+"Redact" = "Rédiger";
+"Redact Properties" = "Propriétés de rédaction";
+"Search" = "Recherche";
+"Replace" = "Remplacer";
+"Match Whole Word" = "Correspond à un mot entier";
+"Case Sensitive" = "Sensible aux majuscules et minuscules";
+"Previous" = "Précédent";
+"Next" = "Suivant";
+"Replace with" = "Remplacer par ";
+"Replace All" = "Remplace tout";
+"To Json" = "À Json";
+"Json Worksheet Settings" = "Paramètres de la feuille de calcul Json";
+"Extract text content" = "Extraire le contenu du texte";
+"Extract tables" = "Extraire des tableaux";
+"White Out PDF" = "PDF blanc";
+"Measure" = "Mesure";
+"Line" = "Doubler";
+"Multilines" = "Multilignes";
+"Polygon" = "Polygone";
+"Rectangle" = "Rectangle";
+"Distance Measurement" = "Mesure de distance";
+"Scale" = "Échelle";
+"Length" = "Longueur";
+"Area" = "Zone";
+"Precision" = "Précision";
+"Angle" = "Angle";
+"X" = "X";
+"Y" = "Oui";
+"Settings" = "Paramètres";
+"Measure Settings" = "Paramètres de mesure";
+"Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size" = "Dimensions du dessin : taille réelle";
+"Precision Setting" = "Réglage de précision";
+"Show Caption" = "Afficher la légende";
+"Length" = "Longueur";
+"Area" = "Zone";
+"Line" = "Doubler";
+"Multilines" = "Multilignes";
+"Polygon" = "Polygone";
+"Rectangle" = "Rectangle";
+"Measuring Tools" = "Outils de mesure";
+"Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs" = "Annotez facilement les données dimensionnelles sur les PDF";
+"The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs." = "L'outil de mesure permet aux utilisateurs de mesurer avec précision la distance, le périmètre, la surface et l'angle, ce qui en fait une solution idéale pour le secteur de la construction pour annoter les données dimensionnelles sur des PDF.";
+"Measure" = "Mesure";
+"You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools." = "Vous pouvez mesurer avec précision la distance, le périmètre, la surface et l'angle avec les outils de mesure.";
+"Replace Text" = "Remplacer le texte";
+"Click the drop-down button to replace text." = "Cliquez sur le bouton déroulant pour remplacer le texte.";
+"Measuring Tools" = "Outils de mesure";

+ 54 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2734,3 +2734,57 @@
 "Distinct page transitions" = "Transizioni di pagina distinte";
 "To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel." = "Se è necessario attivare il codice seriale AI, fare clic su \"Strumenti AI\" nella barra degli strumenti, quindi su \"I miei diritti AI\" nel pannello di destra.";
+"Measuring tools"="Strumenti di misurazione";
+"No related content found, please change keywords"="Nessun contenuto correlato trovato, modifica le parole chiave";
+"Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty."="La scala non può essere inferiore a 0 o vuota.";
+"Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode."="Fare doppio clic per terminare il disegno. Premere ESC per uscire dalla modalità di misurazione continua.";
+"Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode."="Premere ESC per uscire dalla modalità di misurazione continua.";
+"Redact Properties"="Proprietà oscuramento";
+"Match Whole Word"="Corrisponde all'intera parola";
+"Case Sensitive"="Maiuscole e minuscole";
+"Replace with "="Sostituirlo con ";
+"Replace All"="Sostituisci tutto";
+"To Json"="A Json";
+"Json Worksheet Settings"="Impostazioni del foglio di lavoro Json";
+"Extract text content"="Estrai contenuto testuale";
+"Extract tables"="Estrai tabelle";
+"White Out PDF"="PDF bianco";
+"Distance Measurement"="Misurazione della distanza";
+"Area"="La zona";
+"Measure Settings"="Impostazioni di misura";
+"Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size"="Dimensioni del disegno: dimensioni reali";
+"Precision Setting"="Impostazione di precisione";
+"Show Caption"="Mostra didascalia";
+"Area"="La zona";
+"Measuring Tools"="Strumenti di misurazione";
+"Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs"="Annota facilmente i dati dimensionali sui PDF";
+"The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs."="Lo strumento di misurazione consente agli utenti di misurare con precisione distanza, perimetro, area e angolo, rendendolo una soluzione ideale per il settore edile per annotare dati dimensionali sui PDF.";
+"You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools."="Puoi misurare con precisione distanza, perimetro, area e angolo con gli strumenti di misurazione.";
+"Replace Text"="Sostituisci testo";
+"Click the drop-down button to replace text."="Fare clic sul pulsante a discesa per sostituire il testo.";
+"Measuring Tools"="Strumenti di misurazione";

+ 54 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3001,3 +3001,57 @@
 "Distinct page transitions" = "効果を個別のページに適用する";
 "To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel." = "AI シリアルコードを有効にする必要がある場合は、ツールバーの「AIツール」をクリックし、右側のパネルから「My AI Rights」をクリックしてください。";
+"Measuring tools"="測定ツール";
+"No related content found, please change keywords"="関連するコンテンツが見つかりませんでした。キーワードを変更してください";
+"Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty."="スケールを 0 未満にしたり、空にしたりすることはできません。";
+"Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode."="ダブルクリックして描画を終了します。 ESC を押して連続測定モードを終了します。";
+"Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode."="ESC を押して連続測定モードを終了します。";
+"Redact Properties"="編集プロパティ";
+"Match Whole Word"="単語全体に一致";
+"Case Sensitive"="大文字と小文字を区別";
+"Replace with "="と置換する ";
+"Replace All"="すべて置換";
+"To Json"="ジェイソンへ";
+"Json Worksheet Settings"="Json ワークシートの設定";
+"Extract text content"="テキストコンテンツを抽出する";
+"Extract tables"="テーブルの抽出";
+"White Out PDF"="ホワイトアウトPDF";
+"Distance Measurement"="距離測定";
+"Measure Settings"="測定設定";
+"Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size"="図面寸法: 実寸";
+"Precision Setting"="精密設定";
+"Show Caption"="キャプションを表示";
+"Measuring Tools"="測定ツール";
+"Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs"="PDF 上の寸法データに簡単に注釈を付ける";
+"The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs."="この測定ツールを使用すると、ユーザーは距離、周長、面積、角度を正確に測定できるため、建設業界が PDF に寸法データに注釈を付けるための理想的なソリューションとなります。";
+"You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools."="測定ツールを使用すると、距離、周長、面積、角度を正確に測定できます。";
+"Replace Text"="テキストを置換する";
+"Click the drop-down button to replace text."="テキストを置換するには、ドロップダウン ボタンをクリックします。";
+"Measuring Tools"="測定ツール";

+ 54 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2950,3 +2950,57 @@
 "Distinct page transitions" = "Rozdziel przejścia stron";
 "To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel." = "Jeśli chcesz aktywować kod seryjny AI, kliknij „Narzędzia AI” na pasku narzędzi, a następnie w prawym panelu kliknij „Moje prawa AI”.";
+"Measuring tools"="Narzędzia pomiarowe";
+"No related content found, please change keywords"="Nie znaleziono powiązanej treści. Zmień słowa kluczowe";
+"Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty."="Skala nie może być mniejsza niż 0 ani pusta.";
+"Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode."="Kliknij dwukrotnie, aby zakończyć rysowanie. Naciśnij ESC, aby wyjść z trybu pomiaru ciągłego.";
+"Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode."="Naciśnij ESC, aby wyjść z trybu pomiaru ciągłego.";
+"Redact Properties"="Redaguj właściwości";
+"Match Whole Word"="Dopasować całe słowo";
+"Case Sensitive"="Wielkość liter uwzględniana";
+"Replace with "="Zamienić ";
+"Replace All"="Zamień wszystko";
+"To Json"="Do Jsona";
+"Json Worksheet Settings"="Ustawienia arkusza Json";
+"Extract text content"="Wyodrębnij treść tekstową";
+"Extract tables"="Wyodrębnij tabele";
+"White Out PDF"="Wybielanie PDF";
+"Distance Measurement"="Pomiar odległości";
+"Measure Settings"="Ustawienia pomiaru";
+"Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size"="Wymiary rysunku: Rzeczywisty rozmiar";
+"Precision Setting"="Ustawienie precyzji";
+"Show Caption"="Pokaż podpis";
+"Measuring Tools"="Narzędzia pomiarowe";
+"Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs"="Z łatwością dodawaj adnotacje do danych wymiarowych w plikach PDF";
+"The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs."="Narzędzie pomiarowe umożliwia użytkownikom dokładny pomiar odległości, obwodu, powierzchni i kąta, co czyni go idealnym rozwiązaniem dla branży budowlanej do opisywania danych wymiarowych w plikach PDF.";
+"You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools."="Za pomocą narzędzi pomiarowych możesz dokładnie zmierzyć odległość, obwód, powierzchnię i kąt.";
+"Replace Text"="Zastąp tekst";
+"Click the drop-down button to replace text."="Kliknij przycisk rozwijany, aby zastąpić tekst.";
+"Measuring Tools"="Narzędzia pomiarowe";

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 54 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

+ 53 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3912,3 +3912,56 @@
 "Extent:" = "扩展:";
 "Distinct page transitions" = "独特的页面切换特效";
 "You're up-to-date! %@ is currently the newest version available." = "您已有最新版本!%@ 已是目前最新的版本。";
+"Measuring tools" = "测量工具";
+"No related content found, please change keywords" = "未找到您所查找的内容,请更换关键词";
+"Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty." = "比例不能小于0或为空。";
+"Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "双击完成绘制。按Esc退出连续测量模式。";
+"ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "按Esc完成绘制并退出连续测量模式。";
+"Redact" = "标记密文";
+"Redact Properties" = "密文属性";
+"Search" = "搜索";
+"Replace" = "替换";
+"Match Whole Word" = "仅完整单词";
+"Case Sensitive" = "区分大小写";
+"Previous" = "上一个";
+"Next" = "下一个";
+"Replace with" = "替换为";
+"Replace All" = "全部替换";
+"To Json" = "PDF转Json";
+"Json Worksheet Settings" = "Json工作表设置";
+"Extract text content" = "提取文本内容";
+"Extract tables" = "提取表格";
+"White Out PDF" = "涂白";
+"Measure" = "测量";
+"Line" = "线段";
+"Multilines" = "多线段";
+"Polygon" = "多边形";
+"Rectangle" = "矩形";
+"Distance Measurement" = "距离测量";
+"Scale" = "比例";
+"Length" = "长度";
+"Area" = "面积";
+"Precision" = "精度";
+"Angle" = "角度";
+"X" = "X";
+"Y" = "Y";
+"Settings" = "设置";
+"Measure Settings" = "测量设置";
+"Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size" = "绘图尺寸: 实际尺寸";
+"Precision Setting" = "精度设置";
+"Show Caption" = "显示说明";
+"Length" = "长度";
+"Area" = "面积";
+"Line" = "线段";
+"Multilines" = "多线段";
+"Polygon" = "多边形";
+"Rectangle" = "矩形";
+"Measuring Tools" = "测量工具";
+"Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs" = "轻松在PDF文件上标注尺寸";
+"The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs." = "利用测量工具,您可以精确测量PDF中图形的距离,周长、面积和角度,为工程师在PDF文件上标注尺寸数据提供理想解决方案。";
+"Measure" = "测量";
+"You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools." = "您可以使用测量工具精确测量图形距离、周长、面积和角度。";
+"Replace Text" = "文本替换";
+"Click the drop-down button to replace text." = "点击下拉按钮,轻松替换文本。";
+"Measuring Tools" = "测量工具";

+ 53 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4042,3 +4042,56 @@
 "Extent:" = "延伸:";
 "Distinct page transitions" = "不同頁面過場特效";
 "You're up-to-date! %@ is currently the newest version available." = "您已有最新版本!%@ 已是目前最新的版本。";
+"Measuring tools" = "測量工具";
+"No related content found, please change keywords" = "找不到您要找的內容,請更換關鍵字";
+"Scale cannot be less than 0 or empty." = "比例不能小於0或為空。";
+"Double-click to finish drawing. Press ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "雙擊完成繪製。按Esc退出連續測量模式。";
+"ESC to exit continuous measuring mode." = "按Esc完成繪製並退出連續測量模式。";
+"Redact" = "標記密文";
+"Redact Properties" = "密文屬性";
+"Search" = "搜尋";
+"Replace" = "替換";
+"Match Whole Word" = "僅完整單字";
+"Case Sensitive" = "區分大小寫";
+"Previous" = "上一個";
+"Next" = "下一個";
+"Replace with" = "替換為";
+"Replace All" = "全部替換";
+"To Json" = "PDF轉Json";
+"Json Worksheet Settings" = "Json工作表設定";
+"Extract text content" = "提取文字內容";
+"Extract tables" = "提取表格";
+"White Out PDF" = "塗白";
+"Measure" = "測量";
+"Line" = "線段";
+"Multilines" = "多線段";
+"Polygon" = "多邊形";
+"Rectangle" = "長方形";
+"Distance Measurement" = "距離測量";
+"Scale" = "比例";
+"Length" = "長度";
+"Area" = "面積";
+"Precision" = "精確度";
+"Angle" = "角度";
+"X" = "X";
+"Y" = "Y";
+"Settings" = "設定";
+"Measure Settings" = "測量設定";
+"Drawing Dimensions: Actual Size" = "繪圖尺寸: 實際尺寸";
+"Precision Setting" = "精度設定";
+"Show Caption" = "顯示說明";
+"Length" = "長度";
+"Area" = "面積";
+"Line" = "線段";
+"Multilines" = "多線段";
+"Polygon" = "多邊形";
+"Rectangle" = "長方形";
+"Measuring Tools" = "測量工具";
+"Easily Annotate Dimensional Data on PDFs" = "輕鬆在PDF文件上標註尺寸";
+"The measuring tool allows users to measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately, making it an ideal solution for the construction industry to annotate dimensional data on PDFs." = "利用測量工具,您可以精確測量PDF中圖形的距離、周長、面積和角度,為工程師在PDF文件上標註尺寸資料提供理想解決方案。";
+"Measure" = "測量";
+"You can measure distance, perimeter, area and angle accurately with the measuring tools." = "您可以使用測量工具精確測量圖形的距離、周長、面積和角度。";
+"Replace Text" = "替換文字";
+"Click the drop-down button to replace text." = "点击下拉按鈕,輕鬆替換文字。";
+"Measuring Tools" = "測量工具";