@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+// KMBatchManager.swift
+// PDF Master
+// Created by lizhe on 2023/2/17.
+import Cocoa
+enum KMBatchManagerSate: Int, CaseIterable {
+ case unknow = 0
+ case processing
+ case complete
+ case error
+let kBacthFilesProcessNotification = "kBacthFilesProcessNotification"
+let kBacthProcessNotification = "kBacthProcessNotification"
+class KMBatchManager: NSObject {
+ public static let manager = KMBatchManager()
+ fileprivate(set) var state: KMBatchManagerSate = .unknow
+ var filesData: [KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel] = []
+ func batch(type: KMBatchCollectionViewType, data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel) {
+ let panel = NSOpenPanel()
+ panel.canChooseFiles = false
+ panel.canChooseDirectories = true
+ panel.canCreateDirectories = true
+ panel.beginSheetModal(for: NSWindow.currentWindow()) { response in
+ if response == .cancel {
+ return
+ }
+ let outputFolderPath = (panel.url?.path)!
+ //
+ self.batchUnkown()
+ switch type {
+ case .convertPDF:
+ self.convertPDFExport(data: data, outputFolderPath: outputFolderPath)
+ break
+ case .OCR:
+ self.convertOCRExport(data: data, outputFolderPath: outputFolderPath)
+ break
+ case .compress:
+ self.compressExport(data: data, outputFolderPath: outputFolderPath)
+ break
+ case .security:
+ self.securityExport(data: data, outputFolderPath: outputFolderPath)
+ break
+ case .watermark:
+ break
+ case .background:
+ break
+ case .headerAndFooter:
+ break
+ case .batesNumber:
+ break
+ case .batchRemove:
+ self.removeApplay(data: data, outputFolderPath: outputFolderPath)
+ break
+ default:
+ KMPrint("找不到")
+ break
+ }
+ //
+ self.batchProgress()
+ }
+ }
+protocol KMBatchSettingViewExport {}
+extension KMBatchManager: KMBatchSettingViewExport {
+ //MARK: 转档
+ func convertPDFExport(data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel, outputFolderPath: String) {
+ self.convertFile(outputFolderPath: outputFolderPath, data: data, filesData: self.filesData)
+ }
+ func convertFile(outputFolderPath: String, data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel, filesData: [KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel]) {
+ if filesData.count != 0 {
+ DispatchQueue.global().async {
+ for i in 0..<filesData.count {
+ let item = filesData[i]
+ //创建Document
+ let filePath = item.filePath
+ let document = self.fetchDocument(filePath: filePath, model: item)
+ let settingData = data as? KMBatchConvertPDFViewModel ?? KMBatchConvertPDFViewModel()
+ var fileName = filePath.deletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent
+ if ((fileName.isEmpty)) {
+ fileName = NSLocalizedString("Untitled", comment: "")
+ }
+ let convert = self.addConvertParameter(settingData)
+ let pageCount = document.pageCount
+ //获取page
+ var pages:[Int] = []
+ for i in 0..<pageCount {
+ pages.append(Int(i)+1)
+ }
+ convert.outputFolderPath = outputFolderPath
+ convert.filePath = filePath
+ convert.outputFileName = fileName
+ convert.pages = pages
+ convert.isAllowOCR = settingData.needRecognizeText
+ convert.ocrLanguage = settingData.languageType
+ item.state = .clock
+ KMPDFConvertManager.defaultManager.convert(convert: convert, progress: { [unowned self] progressValue in
+ print("转档进度 - \(progressValue)")
+ let progress = Float(progressValue) / Float(pageCount)
+ self.itemProgress(item: item, processValue: progress)
+ }, completion: { [unowned self] finished, error in
+ if finished {
+ if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: outputFolderPath) {
+ NSWorkspace.shared.activateFileViewerSelecting([URL(fileURLWithPath: outputFolderPath)])
+ }
+ self.itemSuccess(item: item)
+ } else {
+ self.itemFailure(item: item, error: error! as NSError)
+ }
+ if i == self.filesData.count - 1 {
+ self.batchSuccess()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ func addConvertParameter(_ data: KMBatchConvertPDFViewModel) -> KMPDFConvert {
+ let settingData = data
+ var convert = KMPDFConvert()
+ switch settingData.convertPDFType {
+ case .word:
+ convert = KMPDFConvertWord()
+ if settingData.layoutSettingType == .flowingText {
+ convert.isAllInOneSheet = false
+ } else {
+ convert.isAllInOneSheet = true
+ }
+ case .excel:
+ convert = KMPDFConvertExcel()
+ if settingData.excelSetting == .separate {
+ convert.isAllInOneSheet = false
+ convert.isExtractTable = false
+ } else if settingData.excelSetting == .format {
+ convert.isAllInOneSheet = true
+ convert.isExtractTable = false
+ } else if settingData.excelSetting == .tables {
+ convert.isAllInOneSheet = false
+ convert.isExtractTable = true
+ switch settingData.excelTablesType {
+ case .oneTable:
+ convert.extractTableIndex = 0
+ case .pageTable:
+ convert.extractTableIndex = 1
+ case .allTable:
+ convert.extractTableIndex = 2
+ default:
+ KMPrint("未找到")
+ }
+ }
+ case .ppt:
+ convert = KMPDFConvertPPT()
+ case .csv:
+ convert = KMPDFConvertCSV()
+ if settingData.csvOnlyTables {
+ convert.isExtractTable = true
+ switch settingData.excelTablesType {
+ case .oneTable:
+ convert.extractTableIndex = 0
+ case .pageTable:
+ convert.extractTableIndex = 1
+ case .allTable:
+ convert.extractTableIndex = 2
+ default:
+ KMPrint("未找到")
+ }
+ } else {
+ convert.isExtractTable = false
+ }
+ case .image:
+ convert = KMPDFConvertImage()
+ convert.convertType = data.imageType
+ var dpi: Int = 150
+ if data.imageDpiIndex == 0 {
+ dpi = 50
+ } else if data.imageDpiIndex == 1 {
+ dpi = 72
+ } else if data.imageDpiIndex == 2 {
+ dpi = 96
+ } else if data.imageDpiIndex == 3 {
+ dpi = 150
+ } else if data.imageDpiIndex == 4 {
+ dpi = 300
+ } else if data.imageDpiIndex == 5 {
+ dpi = 600
+ } else {
+ dpi = 150
+ }
+ if (convert.convertType == .jpeg) {
+ (convert as! KMPDFConvertImage).imageType = .JPEG
+ (convert as! KMPDFConvertImage).imageDpi = dpi
+ } else if (convert.convertType == .png) {
+ (convert as! KMPDFConvertImage).imageType = .PNG
+ (convert as! KMPDFConvertImage).imageDpi = dpi
+ } else {
+ (convert as! KMPDFConvertImage).imageDpi = 150
+ }
+ case .html:
+ convert = KMPDFConvertHTML()
+ case .rtf:
+ convert = KMPDFConvertRTF()
+ case .json:
+ convert = KMPDFConvertJson()
+ if settingData.jsonType == .extractText {
+ convert.isAllInOneSheet = false
+ } else {
+ convert.isAllInOneSheet = true
+ }
+ case .text:
+ convert = KMPDFConvertText()
+ default:
+ KMPrint("不清楚")
+ }
+ return convert
+ }
+ func convertOCRExport(data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel, outputFolderPath: String) {
+ self.convertOCR(outputFolderPath: outputFolderPath, data: data as! KMOCRModel, filesData: self.filesData)
+ }
+ func convertOCR(outputFolderPath: String, data: KMOCRModel, filesData: [KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel]?) {
+ let filesData = self.filesData
+ for i in 0..<filesData.count {
+ let item = (filesData[i])
+ let document = CPDFDocument.init(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: item.filePath))
+ if document != nil {
+ //计算需要处理的页面
+ var fileName = item.filePath.deletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent
+ if ((fileName.isEmpty)) {
+ fileName = NSLocalizedString("Untitled", comment: "")
+ }
+ let path = outputFolderPath + "/" + fileName + ".pdf"
+ KMOCRManager.manager.convertBatchOCR(document: document!, saveFilePath: path, model: data, progress: { [unowned self] progress in
+ self.itemProgress(item: item, processValue: progress)
+ }) { [unowned self] document, text, error in
+ if error == nil {
+ self.itemSuccess(item: item)
+ } else {
+ self.itemFailure(item: item, error: error! as NSError)
+ }
+ if i == self.filesData.count - 1 {
+ self.batchSuccess()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //MARK: 压缩
+ func compressExport(data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel, outputFolderPath: String) {
+ self.compressFile(outputFolderPath: outputFolderPath, data: (data as? KMCompressSettingModel)!, filesData: self.filesData)
+ }
+ func compressFile(outputFolderPath: String, data: KMCompressSettingModel, filesData: [KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel]) {
+ if filesData.count != 0 {
+ for i in 0..<filesData.count {
+ let item = filesData[i]
+ let document = CPDFDocument.init(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: item.filePath))
+ if document != nil {
+ var fileName = item.filePath.deletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent
+ if ((fileName.isEmpty)) {
+ fileName = NSLocalizedString("Untitled", comment: "")
+ }
+ let path = outputFolderPath + "/" + fileName + ".pdf"
+ KMCompressManager.shared.compress(documentURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: item.filePath), fileURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: path), limit: false, model: data) { currentPage, totalPages in
+ let progress = Float(currentPage) / Float(totalPages)
+ self.itemProgress(item: item, processValue: progress)
+ } cancelHandler: {
+ return false
+ } completionHandler: { [unowned self] isFinish in
+ if isFinish {
+ self.itemSuccess(item: item)
+ } else {
+ self.itemFailure(item: item, error: nil)
+ }
+ if i == self.filesData.count - 1 {
+ self.batchSuccess()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //MARK: 安全
+ func securityExport(data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel, outputFolderPath: String) {
+ self.securityFile(outputFolderPath: outputFolderPath, data: data as! KMBatchSecurityViewModel, filesData: self.filesData)
+ }
+ func securityFile(outputFolderPath: String, data: KMBatchSecurityViewModel, filesData: [KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel]) {
+ if filesData.count != 0 {
+ for i in 0..<filesData.count {
+ let item = filesData[i]
+ let docuemt = CPDFDocument.init(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: item.filePath))
+ if (docuemt != nil) {
+ var fileName = item.filePath.deletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent
+ if ((fileName.isEmpty)) {
+ fileName = NSLocalizedString("Untitled", comment: "")
+ }
+ let path = outputFolderPath + "/" + fileName + ".pdf"
+ var options: [CPDFDocumentWriteOption : Any] = [:]
+ //开启密码
+ if data.isOpenPassword &&
+ !data.openPasswordString.isEmpty {
+ options.updateValue(data.openPasswordString, forKey: .userPasswordOption)
+ }
+ //权限密码
+ if data.isPermission &&
+ !data.permissionString.isEmpty {
+ options.updateValue(data.permissionString, forKey: .ownerPasswordOption)
+ }
+ // 限制打印
+ if data.restrictOptions.contains(.print) {
+ options.updateValue(false, forKey: .allowsPrintingOption)
+ } else {
+ options.updateValue(true, forKey: .allowsPrintingOption)
+ }
+ //限制复制
+ if data.restrictOptions.contains(.copy) {
+ options.updateValue(false, forKey: .allowsCopyingOption)
+ } else {
+ options.updateValue(true, forKey: .allowsCopyingOption)
+ }
+ let result = docuemt!.write(toFile: path, withOptions: options)
+// let result = docuemt!.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: path), withOptions: options)
+ if result {
+ KMPrint("成功")
+ self.itemSuccess(item: item)
+ } else {
+ KMPrint("失败")
+ self.itemFailure(item: item, error: nil)
+ }
+ if i == self.filesData.count - 1 {
+ self.batchSuccess()
+ NSWorkspace.shared.activateFileViewerSelecting([URL(fileURLWithPath: outputFolderPath)])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ func waterMarkApplay(data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel) {
+ }
+// func waterMarkFile(data: KMWatermarkAdjectiveBaseModel, filesData: [KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel]?) {
+// }
+ func backgroundApplay(data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel) {
+ }
+ func backgroundFile(outputFolderPath: String, data: KMBackgroundModel, filesData: [KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel]?) {
+ }
+ func headAndFooterApplay(data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel) {
+ }
+// func headAndFooterFile(outputFolderPath: String, data: KMHeaderFooterModel, filesData: [KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel]?) {
+// }
+ func batesApplay(data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel) {
+ }
+ func batesFile(outputFolderPath: String, data: KMBatesModel, filesData: [KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel]?) {
+ }
+ func removeApplay(data: KMBatchSettingItemViewModel, outputFolderPath: String) {
+ if (data == nil) {
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.alertStyle = .critical
+ alert.messageText = "没有找到"
+ alert.runModal()
+ return
+ }
+ let panel = NSOpenPanel()
+ let button = NSButton.init(checkboxWithTitle: "保存后打开文档", target: nil, action: nil)
+ button.state = .on
+ panel.accessoryView = button
+ panel.canChooseFiles = false
+ panel.canChooseDirectories = true
+ panel.canCreateDirectories = true
+ panel.beginSheetModal(for: NSWindow.currentWindow()) { [self] response in
+ if response == .cancel {
+ return
+ }
+ let outputFolderPath = panel.url?.path
+ self.removeFile(outputFolderPath: outputFolderPath!, data: data as! KMBatchRemoveViewModel, filesData: self.filesData)
+ }
+ }
+ func removeFile(outputFolderPath: String, data: KMBatchRemoveViewModel, filesData: [KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel]) {
+ if filesData.count != 0 {
+ for i in 0..<filesData.count {
+ let item = filesData[i]
+// DispatchQueue.global().async {
+ var fileName = item.filePath.deletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent
+ if ((fileName.isEmpty)) {
+ fileName = NSLocalizedString("Untitled", comment: "")
+ }
+ let path = outputFolderPath + "/" + fileName + ".pdf"
+ let document = CPDFDocument.init(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: item.filePath))
+ if document != nil {
+ if (document!.allowsPrinting == false || document!.allowsCopying == false) {
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.alertStyle = .critical
+ alert.messageText = "此文档不允许修改"
+ alert.runModal()
+ return
+ }
+ if (data.options.contains(.security)) {
+ }
+ if (data.options.contains(.batesNumber)) {
+ let property = document!.bates()
+ property?.clear()
+ }
+ if (data.options.contains(.headerAndFooter)) {
+ let property = document!.headerFooter()
+ property?.clear()
+ }
+ if (data.options.contains(.background)) {
+ let property = document!.background()
+ property?.clear()
+ }
+ if (data.options.contains(.watermark)) {
+ let array: Array<CPDFWatermark> = document!.watermarks() ?? []
+ for model in array {
+ document!.removeWatermark(model)
+ }
+ }
+ if (FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path)) {
+ try?FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: path)
+ }
+ let result = document!.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
+ if (result) {
+ KMPrint("removeFile成功")
+ self.itemSuccess(item: item)
+ } else {
+ KMPrint("removeFile失败")
+ self.itemFailure(item: item, error: nil)
+ }
+ if i == self.filesData.count - 1 {
+ self.batchSuccess()
+ }
+ NSWorkspace.shared.activateFileViewerSelecting([URL(fileURLWithPath: outputFolderPath)])
+ }
+// }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//MARK: private
+extension KMBatchManager {
+ func fetchDocument(filePath: String, model: KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel) -> CPDFDocument {
+ var document = CPDFDocument(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath))
+ if model.pageRange == .all {
+ } else {
+ let data = KMOCRModel()
+ data.pageRangeType = model.pageRange
+ data.pageRangeString = model.pageRangeString
+ let pages:[Int] = KMOCRManager.manager.fetchPageIndex(document: document!, model: data)
+ var tempDocument = CPDFDocument()
+ for i in 0..<pages.count {
+ let page = document?.page(at: UInt(i))
+ tempDocument?.insertPageObject(page, at: tempDocument?.pageCount ?? 0)
+ }
+ let fileName = filePath.deletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent
+ let isSuccess = tempDocument?.write(toFile: self.fetchTempFilePath(fileName: fileName))
+ if isSuccess != nil {
+ document = tempDocument
+ }
+ }
+ return document ?? CPDFDocument()
+ }
+ func fetchTempFilePath(fileName: String) -> String {
+ let floderPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.applicationSupportDirectory, FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.userDomainMask, true).last?.stringByAppendingPathComponent(Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!).stringByAppendingPathComponent("BatchTemp")
+ let filePath = floderPath?.stringByAppendingPathComponent("\(fileName).pdf")
+ if let data = floderPath, !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: data) {
+ try?FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: data, withIntermediateDirectories: false)
+ }
+ if let data = filePath, !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: data) {
+ FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: data, contents: nil)
+ }
+ return filePath ?? ""
+ }
+ func removeTempFilePath(filePath: String) {
+ let fileName = filePath.deletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent
+ let path = self.fetchTempFilePath(fileName: fileName)
+ if (FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path)) {
+ try?FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: path)
+ }
+ }
+//MARK: Alert
+extension KMBatchManager {
+ func batchUnkown() {
+ self.state = .unknow
+ NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(kBacthProcessNotification), object: nil)
+ }
+ func batchProgress() {
+ self.state = .processing
+ NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(kBacthProcessNotification), object: nil)
+ }
+ func batchSuccess() {
+ self.state = .complete
+ NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(kBacthProcessNotification), object: nil)
+ }
+ func batchFailure() {
+ self.state = .error
+ NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(kBacthProcessNotification), object: nil)
+ }
+ func itemProgress(item: KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel, processValue: Float) {
+ if processValue > 0.7 {
+ item.state = .loading70
+ } else {
+ item.state = .loading
+ }
+ NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(kBacthFilesProcessNotification), object: item)
+ }
+ func itemSuccess(item: KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel) {
+ self.removeTempFilePath(filePath: item.filePath)
+ item.state = .success
+ NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(kBacthFilesProcessNotification), object: item)
+ }
+ func itemFailure(item: KMBatchProcessingTableViewModel, error: NSError?) {
+ self.removeTempFilePath(filePath: item.filePath)
+ item.state = .error
+ NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(kBacthFilesProcessNotification), object: item)
+ guard let error = error else { return }
+ var errorString = ""
+ let myError: NSError = error as NSError
+ if myError.code == 1 {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString("Password required or incorrect password. Please re-enter your password and try again", comment: "")
+ } else if myError.code == 2 {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString("The license doesn't allow the permission", comment: "")
+ } else if myError.code == 3 {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString("Malloc failure", comment: "")
+ } else if myError.code == 4 {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString("Unknown error in processing conversion. Please try again later", comment: "")
+ } else if myError.code == 5 {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString("Unknown error in processing PDF. Please try again later", comment: "")
+ } else if myError.code == 6 {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString("File not found or could not be opened. Check if your file exists or choose another file to convert", comment: "")
+ } else if myError.code == 7 {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString("File not in PDF format or corruptead. Change a PDF file and try again", comment: "")
+ } else if myError.code == 8 {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString("Unsupported security scheme", comment: "")
+ } else if myError.code == 9 {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString("Page not found or content error", comment: "")
+ } else {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString("Table not found", comment: "")
+ }
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.alertStyle = .critical
+ alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Conversion Failed", comment: "")
+ alert.informativeText = errorString
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("OK", comment: ""))
+ alert.runModal()
+ }