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【2025】【Edit】OCR资源下载提示窗未使用正式文案 & 缺多语翻译

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PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/KMResourceDownload/KMResourceDownloadManager.swift

@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ extension KMResourceDownloadManager {
                     let alert = NSAlert()
                     alert.alertStyle = .critical
-                    alert.messageText = KMLocalizedString("Please DownLoad OCR Package.", comment: "")
+                    alert.messageText = KMLocalizedString("Please Download OCR Package.", comment: "")
                     alert.addButton(withTitle: KMLocalizedString("OK", comment: ""))
                     alert.addButton(withTitle: KMLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: ""))
                     alert.beginSheetModal(for: NSWindow.currentWindow()) {[weak self] response in

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PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -5052,7 +5052,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "منطقة التعرف الضوئي على الحروف";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "يتم دعم حل التعرف الضوئي على الحروف (OCR) تقنيًا بواسطة Google.";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "يتم دعم حل التعرف الضوئي على الحروف (OCR) تقنيًا بواسطة Apple.";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "يرجى تنزيل حزمة التعرف الضوئي على الحروف.";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "يرجى تنزيل حزمة التعرف الضوئي على الحروف.";
 "Batch Remove" = "إزالة الدفعة";
 "Add Folder" = "إضافة مجلد";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "تم تعيين الأذونات لتقييد نسخ المستندات وطباعتها.";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3500,7 +3500,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "Bereichs-OCR";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "Die OCR-Lösung wird technisch von Google unterstützt.";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "Die OCR-Lösung wird von Apple technisch unterstützt.";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Bitte laden Sie das OCR-Paket herunter.";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "Bitte laden Sie das OCR-Paket herunter.";
 "Batch Remove" = "Stapelentfernung";
 "Add Folder" = "Ordner hinzufügen";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Es wurden Berechtigungen festgelegt, um das Kopieren und Drucken von Dokumenten einzuschränken.";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3422,7 +3422,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "OCR de área";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "La solución OCR cuenta con el respaldo técnico de Google.";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "La solución OCR cuenta con el respaldo técnico de Apple.";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Descargue el paquete OCR.";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "Descargue el paquete OCR.";
 "Batch Remove" = "Eliminar lote";
 "Add Folder" = "Agregar carpeta";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Permisos configurados para restringir la copia e impresión de documentos.";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3452,7 +3452,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "Zone OCR";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "La solution OCR est techniquement supportée par Google.";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "La solution OCR est techniquement supportée par Apple.";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Veuillez télécharger le package OCR.";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "Veuillez télécharger le package OCR.";
 "Batch Remove" = "Suppression par lots";
 "Add Folder" = "Ajouter un dossier";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Autorisations définies pour restreindre la copie et l'impression de documents.";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3380,7 +3380,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "OCR di area";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "La soluzione OCR è tecnicamente supportata da Google.";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "La soluzione OCR è tecnicamente supportata da Apple.";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Si prega di scaricare il pacchetto OCR.";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "Si prega di scaricare il pacchetto OCR.";
 "Batch Remove" = "Rimuovi batch";
 "Add Folder" = "Aggiungi cartella";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Autorizzazioni impostate per limitare la copia e la stampa dei documenti.";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3659,7 +3659,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "エリアOCR";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "OCR ソリューションは Google によって技術的にサポートされています。";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "OCR ソリューションは Apple によって技術的にサポートされています。";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "OCRパッケージをダウンロードしてください。";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "OCRパッケージをダウンロードしてください。";
 "Batch Remove" = "一括削除";
 "Add Folder" = "フォルダーの追加";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "ドキュメントのコピーと印刷を制限するために設定された権限。";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3143,7 +3143,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "Gebied-OCR";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "De OCR-oplossing wordt technisch ondersteund door Google.";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "De OCR-oplossing wordt technisch ondersteund door Apple.";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Download het OCR-pakket.";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "Download het OCR-pakket.";
 "Batch Remove" = "Batch verwijderen";
 "Add Folder" = "Map toevoegen";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Machtigingen ingesteld om het kopiëren en afdrukken van documenten te beperken.";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3259,7 +3259,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "Obszar OCR";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "Rozwiązanie OCR jest wspierane technicznie przez Google.";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "Rozwiązanie OCR jest wspierane technicznie przez firmę Apple.";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Proszę pobrać pakiet OCR.";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "Proszę pobrać pakiet OCR.";
 "Batch Remove" = "Usuń partię";
 "Add Folder" = "Dodaj folder";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Uprawnienia ograniczające kopiowanie i drukowanie dokumentów.";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -5052,7 +5052,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "OCR de área";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "A solução OCR é tecnicamente suportada pelo Google.";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "A solução OCR é tecnicamente suportada pela Apple.";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Faça download do pacote OCR.";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "Faça download do pacote OCR.";
 "Batch Remove" = "Remoção em lote";
 "Add Folder" = "Adicionar pasta";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Permissões definidas para restringir a cópia e impressão de documentos.";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3322,7 +3322,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "Область оптического распознавания символов";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "Решение OCR технически поддерживается Google.";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "Решение OCR технически поддерживается Apple.";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "Пожалуйста, загрузите пакет OCR.";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "Пожалуйста, загрузите пакет OCR.";
 "Batch Remove" = "Пакетное удаление";
 "Add Folder" = "Добавить папку";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "Разрешения установлены для ограничения копирования и печати документов.";

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PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4577,7 +4577,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "区域OCR";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "OCR技术由Google提供。";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "OCR技术由Apple提供。";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "请先下载OCR组建。";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "请先下载OCR组建。";
 "Batch Remove" = "批量移除";
 "Add Folder" = "添加文件夹";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "设置权限密码来限制文档的打印和复印。";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4475,7 +4475,7 @@
 "Area OCR" = "區域OCR";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Google." = "OCR技術由Google提供。";
 "The OCR solution is technically supported by Apple." = "OCR技術由Apple提供。";
-"Please DownLoad OCR Package." = "請先下載OCR組成。";
+"Please Download OCR Package." = "請先下載OCR組成。";
 "Batch Remove" = "大量移除";
 "Add Folder" = "新增資料夾";
 "Permissions set to restrict document copying and printing." = "設定權限密碼來限製文件的列印和影印。";