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+ 57 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/en.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -117,3 +117,60 @@
 "1-Year AI Tools Giveaway" = "1-Year AI Tools Giveaway";
 "Free for the first year, then automatically renew at $125.99 annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "Free for the first year, then automatically renew at $125.99 annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime.";
 "Service Agreement" = "Service Agreement";
+"Invalid token or token has expired." = "Invalid token or token has expired.";
+"Your device logged-in has been limited. Please log out from other devices first." = "Your device logged-in has been limited. Please log out from other devices first.";
+"The user has not logged in. Please login before accessing." = "The user has not logged in. Please login before accessing.";
+"Email code error!" = "Email code error!";
+"Register error!" = "Register error!";
+"The password is wrong, you can check the case status." = "The password is wrong, you can check the case status.";
+"Code action error." = "Code action error.";
+"Code send error." = "Code send error.";
+"Mail send error." = "Mail send error.";
+"Code send too quickly!" = "Code send too quickly!";
+"This email is already associated with an account. please log in." = "This email is already associated with an account. please log in.";
+"The current account is not registered. Click Next and we will register an account for you." = "The current account is not registered. Click Next and we will register an account for you.";
+"The account is being removed and unable to log in. If you have any questions, please get in touch with customer service." = "The account is being removed and unable to log in. If you have any questions, please get in touch with customer service.";
+"Please enter the correct email format." = "Please enter the correct email format.";
+"Password is inconsistent, please re-enter." = "Password is inconsistent, please re-enter.";
+"The password must contain 6 to 24 characters." = "The password must contain 6 to 24 characters.";
+"Please add auth config" = "Please add auth config";
+"You are still subscribing and cannot remove your account at the moment. Please wait until the subscription period is over." = "You are still subscribing and cannot remove your account at the moment. Please wait until the subscription period is over.";
+"Time conversion failed." = "Time conversion failed.";
+"Password cannot contain spaces." = "Password cannot contain spaces.";
+"Abnormal payment method." = "Abnormal payment method.";
+"The current event is not supported yet." = "The current event is not supported yet.";
+"This account has been logged in on other devices." = "This account has been logged in on other devices.";
+"The current email address has been deactivated or is in the account cancellation state." = "The current email address has been deactivated or is in the account cancellation state.";
+"Ticket verification of AppStore failed." = "Ticket verification of AppStore failed.";
+"Ticket verification of AppStore needs to be retried." = "Ticket verification of AppStore needs to be retried.";
+"The user has subscribed to this product." = "The user has subscribed to this product.";
+"Restoring purchases is not supported yet." = "Restoring purchases is not supported yet.";
+"The user's transaction is canceled or failed." = "The user's transaction is canceled or failed.";
+"The current order is not recorded, please try again later." = "The current order is not recorded, please try again later.";
+"Same user, no need to process." = "Same user, no need to process.";
+"Third-party payment is illegal." = "Third-party payment is illegal.";
+"Order does not exist." = "Order does not exist.";
+"Order status abnormal." = "Order status abnormal.";
+"Transaction duplicate." = "Transaction duplicate.";
+"The ticket has been blocked." = "The ticket has been blocked.";
+"The current ticket has created an order." = "The current ticket has created an order.";
+"The user is not an educational user." = "The user is not an educational user.";
+"The user has education purchase orders in the past year." = "The user has education purchase orders in the past year.";
+"The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Standard Plan and cannot purchase the Advance Plan." = "The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Standard Plan and cannot purchase the Advance Plan.";
+"The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Advance Plan and cannot purchase the Standard Plan." = "The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Advance Plan and cannot purchase the Standard Plan.";
+"The Permanent Plan user cannot upgrade to the Standard Plan." = "The Permanent Plan user cannot upgrade to the Standard Plan.";
+"The coupon code does not exist." = "The coupon code does not exist.";
+"Wrong coupon code type." = "Wrong coupon code type.";
+"Coupon-associated product error." = "Coupon-associated product error.";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "The coupon code has expired.";
+"The product does not exist." = "The product does not exist.";
+"Please get in touch with us for the latest discounts." = "Please get in touch with us for the latest discounts.";
+"Verification of Apple's Transaction failed." = "Verification of Apple's Transaction failed.";
+"Verification of Google's Transaction failed." = "Verification of Google's Transaction failed.";
+"Price error." = "Price error.";
+"Order creation failed." = "Order creation failed.";
+"This user is already a subscription member of PDF Reader Pro. Are you sure you want to share benefits?" = "This user is already a subscription member of PDF Reader Pro. Are you sure you want to share benefits?";
+"This user is already a permanent member of PDF Reader Pro. You don't need to share benefits anymore." = "This user is already a permanent member of PDF Reader Pro. You don't need to share benefits anymore.";
+"User does not exist." = "User does not exist.";
+"The user already has a prize draw!" = "The user already has a prize draw!";

+ 57 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/zh-Hans.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -113,3 +113,60 @@
 "1-Year AI Tools Giveaway" = "赠送您一年AI";
 "Free for the first year, then automatically renew at $125.99 annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "首年0元,到期自动续费818.9元/年,可随时取消";
 "Service Agreement" = "服务协议";
+"Invalid token or token has expired." = "无效的token或者token已过期。";
+"Your device logged-in has been limited. Please log out from other devices first." = "您的登录设备已达上限,请退出其他设备重新登录。";
+"The user has not logged in. Please login before accessing." = "用户没有登录,请登录后再访问。";
+"Email code error!" = "验证码错误!";
+"Register error!" = "注册错误!";
+"The password is wrong, you can check the case status." = "密码错误,您可以检查大小写状态。";
+"Code action error." = "验证码操作错误。";
+"Code send error." = "验证码发送错误。";
+"Mail send error." = "邮件发送错误。";
+"Code send too quickly!" = "验证码发送频繁!";
+"This email is already associated with an account. please log in." = "该邮箱已有账号,请前往登录。";
+"The current account is not registered. Click Next and we will register an account for you." = "当前账号未注册,点击下一步我们将为您注册账号。";
+"The account is being removed and unable to log in. If you have any questions, please get in touch with customer service." = "账户注销中,无法登录,若有问题可联系客服。";
+"Please enter the correct email format." = "请输入正确的邮箱格式。";
+"Password is inconsistent, please re-enter." = "密码不一致,请重新输入。";
+"The password must contain 6 to 24 characters." = "密码请包含6~24个字符。";
+"Please add auth config" = "请添加身份验证配置。";
+"You are still subscribing and cannot remove your account at the moment. Please wait until the subscription period is over." = "您目前还在订阅中,暂时无法注销,请订阅结束后再进行操作。";
+"Time conversion failed." = "时间转换失败。";
+"Password cannot contain spaces." = "密码不能包含空格。";
+"Abnormal payment method." = "支付方式异常。";
+"The current event is not supported yet." = "当前事件暂不支持。";
+"This account has been logged in on other devices." = "账号已在其他设备登录。";
+"The current email address has been deactivated or is in the account cancellation state." = "当前邮箱已被停用或者处于注销中状态。";
+"Ticket verification of AppStore failed." = "AppStore票据验证失败。";
+"Ticket verification of AppStore needs to be retried." = "AppStore票据验证需要重试。";
+"The user has subscribed to this product." = "用户已订阅该产品。";
+"Restoring purchases is not supported yet." = "恢复购买暂不支持。";
+"The user's transaction is canceled or failed." = "用户交易取消或失败。";
+"The current order is not recorded, please try again later." = "当前订单未记录,请稍后重试。";
+"Same user, no need to process." = "同一用户,无需处理。";
+"Third-party payment is illegal." = "第三方支付非法。";
+"Order does not exist." = "订单不存在。";
+"Order status abnormal." = "订单状态异常。";
+"Transaction duplicate." = "交易重复。";
+"The ticket has been blocked." = "票据已被冻结。";
+"The current ticket has created an order." = "当前票据已创建订单。";
+"The user is not an educational user." = "用户不是教育用户。";
+"The user has education purchase orders in the past year." = "用户近一年有教育购买订单。";
+"The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Standard Plan and cannot purchase the Advance Plan." = "用户已有标准版订阅,无法购买高级版。";
+"The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Advance Plan and cannot purchase the Standard Plan." = "用户已有高级版订阅,无法购买标准版。";
+"The Permanent Plan user cannot upgrade to the Standard Plan." = "买断用户无法升级为标准版订阅。";
+"The coupon code does not exist." = "优惠券不存在。";
+"Wrong coupon code type." = "优惠券类型错误。";
+"Coupon-associated product error." = "优惠券关联产品错误。";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "优惠券已失效。";
+"The product does not exist." = "产品不存在。";
+"Please get in touch with us for the latest discounts." = "请联系我们获取最新折扣。";
+"Verification of Apple's Transaction failed." = "验证苹果交易失败。";
+"Verification of Google's Transaction failed." = "验证谷歌交易失败。";
+"Price error." = "价格错误。";
+"Order creation failed." = "订单创建失败。";
+"This user is already a subscription member of PDF Reader Pro. Are you sure you want to share benefits?" = "该用户已经是PDF Reader Pro订阅版会员,确定再赠送吗?";
+"This user is already a permanent member of PDF Reader Pro. You don't need to share benefits anymore." = "该用户已经是PDF Reader Pro永久版会员,无需再赠送哦~";
+"User does not exist." = "用户不存在。";
+"The user already has a prize draw!" = "用户已经抽过奖啦!";

+ 57 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/zh-Hant.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -114,3 +114,60 @@
 "1-Year AI Tools Giveaway" = "贈送您一年AI";
 "Free for the first year, then automatically renew at $125.99 annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "首年0元,到期自動續約818.9元/年,可隨時取消";
 "Service Agreement" = "服務協議";
+"Invalid token or token has expired." = "無效的token或token已過期。";
+"Your device logged-in has been limited. Please log out from other devices first." = "您的登入裝置已達上限,請登出其他裝置重新登入。";
+"The user has not logged in. Please login before accessing." = "用戶沒有登錄,請登入後再訪問。";
+"Email code error!" = "驗證碼錯誤!";
+"Register error!" = "註冊錯誤!";
+"The password is wrong, you can check the case status." = "密碼錯誤,您可以檢查大小寫狀態。";
+"Code action error." = "驗證碼操作錯誤。";
+"Code send error." = "驗證碼發送錯誤。";
+"Mail send error." = "郵件發送錯誤。";
+"Code send too quickly!" = "驗證碼發送頻繁!";
+"This email is already associated with an account. please log in." = "信箱已有帳號,請前往登入。";
+"The current account is not registered. Click Next and we will register an account for you." = "目前帳號未註冊,點選下一步我們將為您註冊帳號。";
+"The account is being removed and unable to log in. If you have any questions, please get in touch with customer service." = "帳戶登出中,無法登入,若有問題可聯絡客服。";
+"Please enter the correct email format." = "請輸入正確的郵箱格式。";
+"Password is inconsistent, please re-enter." = "密碼不一致,請重新輸入。";
+"The password must contain 6 to 24 characters." = "密碼請包含6~24個字元。";
+"Please add auth config" = "請新增身份驗證配置。";
+"You are still subscribing and cannot remove your account at the moment. Please wait until the subscription period is over." = "您目前仍在訂閱中,暫時無法註銷,請訂閱結束後再進行操作。";
+"Time conversion failed." = "時間轉換失敗。";
+"Password cannot contain spaces." = "密碼不能包含空格。";
+"Abnormal payment method." = "支付方式異常。";
+"The current event is not supported yet." = "當前事件暫不支援。";
+"This account has been logged in on other devices." = "帳號已在其他裝置登入。";
+"The current email address has been deactivated or is in the account cancellation state." = "目前郵箱已停用或處於登出中狀態。";
+"Ticket verification of AppStore failed." = "AppStore票據驗證失敗。";
+"Ticket verification of AppStore needs to be retried." = "AppStore票據驗證需要重試。";
+"The user has subscribed to this product." = "用戶已訂閱該產品。";
+"Restoring purchases is not supported yet." = "恢復購買暫不支援。";
+"The user's transaction is canceled or failed." = "用戶交易取消或失敗。";
+"The current order is not recorded, please try again later." = "當前訂單未記錄,請稍後重試。";
+"Same user, no need to process." = "同一用戶,無需處理。";
+"Third-party payment is illegal." = "第三方支付非法。";
+"Order does not exist." = "訂單不存在。";
+"Order status abnormal." = "訂單狀態異常。";
+"Transaction duplicate." = "交易重複。";
+"The ticket has been blocked." = "票據已被凍結。";
+"The current ticket has created an order." = "目前票據已建立訂單。";
+"The user is not an educational user." = "用戶不是教育用戶。";
+"The user has education purchase orders in the past year." = "用戶近一年有教育購買訂單。";
+"The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Standard Plan and cannot purchase the Advance Plan." = "用戶已有標準版訂閱,無法購買高級版。";
+"The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Advance Plan and cannot purchase the Standard Plan." = "用戶已有高級版訂閱,無法購買標準版。";
+"The Permanent Plan user cannot upgrade to the Standard Plan." = "買斷用戶無法升級為標準版訂閱。";
+"The coupon code does not exist." = "優惠券不存在。";
+"Wrong coupon code type." = "優惠券類型錯誤。";
+"Coupon-associated product error." = "優惠券關聯產品錯誤。";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "優惠券失效。";
+"The product does not exist." = "產品不存在。";
+"Please get in touch with us for the latest discounts." = "請聯絡我們以取得最新折扣。";
+"Verification of Apple's Transaction failed." = "驗證蘋果交易失敗。";
+"Verification of Google's Transaction failed." = "驗證谷歌交易失敗。";
+"Price error." = "價格錯誤。";
+"Order creation failed." = "訂單創建失敗。";
+"This user is already a subscription member of PDF Reader Pro. Are you sure you want to share benefits?" = "該用戶已經是PDF Reader Pro訂閱版會員,確定再贈送嗎?";
+"This user is already a permanent member of PDF Reader Pro. You don't need to share benefits anymore." = "該用戶已經是PDF Reader Pro永久版會員,不用再贈送~";
+"User does not exist." = "用戶不存在。";
+"The user already has a prize draw!" = "用戶已經抽獎啦!";

+ 58 - 59
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Model/KMMemberCenterManager.swift

@@ -1621,9 +1621,9 @@ class KMMemberCenterManager: NSObject {
     static func getCodeMessage(code: KMMemberCenterErrorCodeType?, message: String?) -> String {
         var string = self.typeOfMessage(type: code)
-//        if string.isEmpty {
+        if string.isEmpty {
             string = message ?? ""
-//        }
+        }
         return string
@@ -1631,141 +1631,140 @@ class KMMemberCenterManager: NSObject {
         var result: String = ""
         switch type {
-            result = "无效的token或者token已过期"
+            result = "Invalid token or token has expired."
-            result = "您的登录设备已达上限,请退出其他设备重新登录"
+            result = "Your device logged-in has been limited. Please log out from other devices first."
-            result = "用户没有登录,请登录后再访问"
+            result = "The user has not logged in. Please login before accessing."
-            result = "email code error!"
+            result = "Email code error!"
         case .EMAIL_REGISTER_ERROR:
             result = "Register error!"
-            result = NSLocalizedString("Password error.", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: "")
+            result = "The password is wrong, you can check the case status."
-            result = "code action error"
+            result = "Code action error."
-            result = "code send error"
+            result = "Code send error."
-            result = "mail send error"
+            result = "Mail send error."
-            result = "code send too quickly"
+            result = "Code send too quickly!"
-            result = "该邮箱已有账号,请前往登录"
+            result = "This email is already associated with an account. please log in."
-            result = NSLocalizedString("This email has not been registered, please log in through the account verification code, we will automatically register an account for you.", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: "")
+            result = "The current account is not registered. Click Next and we will register an account for you."
-            result = "注销中,无法登录,若有问题可联系客服"
+            result = "The account is being removed and unable to log in. If you have any questions, please get in touch with customer service."
-            result = NSLocalizedString("Email format error. Please enter the correct email.", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: "")
+            result = "Please enter the correct email format."
-            result = "密码不一致,请重新输入"
+            result = "Password is inconsistent, please re-enter."
-            result = "密码请包含6~24个字符"
+            result = "The password must contain 6 to 24 characters."
-            result = "密码请包含6~24个字符"
+            result = "The password must contain 6 to 24 characters."
-            result = "please add auth config"
+            result = "Please add auth config"
-            result = "您目前还在订阅期内,暂时无法注销,请订阅期结束后再点击注销账号"
+            result = "You are still subscribing and cannot remove your account at the moment. Please wait until the subscription period is over."
-            result = "时间转换失败"
+            result = "Time conversion failed."
-            result = "密码不能包含空格"
+            result = "Password cannot contain spaces."
-            result = ""
+            result = "Abnormal payment method."
-            result = ""
+            result = "The current event is not supported yet."
-            result = ""
+            result = "This account has been logged in on other devices."
         case .EXCEPTION_MSG_ABNORMAL_USER_STATUS: // 当前邮箱已被停用或者处于注销中状态
-            result = ""
+            result = "The current email address has been deactivated or is in the account cancellation state."
-            result = ""
+            result = "Ticket verification of AppStore failed."
-            result = ""
+            result = "Ticket verification of AppStore needs to be retried."
         case .EXCEPTION_MSG_REPEAT_SUBSCRIPTION: // 用户已订阅该产品
-            result = ""
+            result = "The user has subscribed to this product."
-            result = ""
+            result = "Restoring purchases is not supported yet."
-            result = ""
+            result = "The user's transaction is canceled or failed."
         case .EXCEPTION_MSG_CURRENT_ORDER_NOT_RECORDED: // 当前订单末记录,请稍后重试
-            result = ""
+            result = "The current order is not recorded, please try again later."
         case .EXCEPTION_MSG_THE_SAME_USER: //同一用户,无需处理
-            result = ""
+            result = "Same user, no need to process."
         case .EXCEPTION_MSG_THIRD_PAY_ID_ILLEGAL: //thirdPayld非法
-            result = ""
+            result = "Third-party payment is illegal."
         case .EXCEPTION_MSG_ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST: //订单不存在
-            result = ""
+            result = "Order does not exist."
-            result = ""
+            result = "Order status abnormal."
         case .EXCEPTION_MSG_TRANSACTION_ID_REPEAT: // transactionld重复
-            result = ""
+            result = "Transaction duplicate."
         case .EXCEPTION_TICKET_HAS_BEEN_BLOCKED: // The ticket has been blocked
-            result = ""
+            result = "The ticket has been blocked."
         case .EXCEPTION_TICKET_HAS_BEEN_CREATED: // 当前票据已创建订单
-            result = ""
+            result = "The current ticket has created an order."
         case .EXCEPTION_USER_IS_NOT_EDUCATION_USER: // 用户不是教育用户
-            result = ""
+            result = "The user is not an educational user."
         case .EXCEPTION_USER_HAS_EDUCATION: // 用户近一年有教育购买订单
-            result = ""
+            result = "The user has education purchase orders in the past year."
         case .EXCEPTION_USER_CANNOT_BUY_PREMIUM: // 用户已有标准版订阅,无法购买高级版
-            result = ""
+            result = "The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Standard Plan and cannot purchase the Advance Plan."
         case .EXCEPTION_USER_CANNOT_BUY_VIP: // 用户已有高级版订阅,无法购买标准版
-            result = ""
+            result = "The user already has a PDF Reader Pro Advance Plan and cannot purchase the Standard Plan."
         case .EXCEPTION_USER_CANNOT_UPGRADE_VIP: // 买断用户无法升级为标准版
-            result = ""
+            result = "The Permanent Plan user cannot upgrade to the Standard Plan."
         case .EXCEPTION_COUPON_NOT_EXISTS: // 优惠券不存在
-            result = ""
+            result = "The coupon code does not exist."
         case .EXCEPTION_COUPONTYPE_ERROR: // 优惠券类型错误
-            result = ""
+            result = "Wrong coupon code type."
         case .EXCEPTION_COUPON_PRODUCT_ERROR: // 优惠券关联产品错误
-            result = ""
+            result = "Coupon-associated product error."
         case .EXCEPTION_COUPON_INVALID: // 优惠券已失效
-            result = ""
+            result = "The coupon code has expired."
         case .EXCEPTION_PRODUCT_NOT_EXIST: // 产品不存在
-            result = ""
+            result = "The product does not exist."
         case .EXCEPTION_MSG_CONTACT_US: //请联系我们获取最新折扣
-            result = ""
+            result = "Please get in touch with us for the latest discounts."
-            result = ""
+            result = "Verification of Apple's Transaction failed."
-            result = ""
+            result = "Verification of Google's Transaction failed."
         case .EXCEPTION_PRICE_ERROR: // 价格错误
-            result = ""
+            result = "Price error."
         case .EXCEPTION_MSG_ORDER_CREATE_FAILED: // 订单创建失败
-            result = ""
+            result = "Order creation failed."
         case .USER_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED_PLAN:  // 该用户已经是PDF Reader Pro订阅版会员,确定再赠送吗
-            result = ""
+            result = "This user is already a subscription member of PDF Reader Pro. Are you sure you want to share benefits?"
         case .USER_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED_PACKAGE:  // 该用户已经是PDF Reader Pro永久版会员,无需再赠送哦
-            result = ""
+            result = "This user is already a permanent member of PDF Reader Pro. You don't need to share benefits anymore."
         case .EXCEPTION_MSG_USER_NOT_EXIST:  //用户不存在
-            result = ""
+            result = "User does not exist."
         case .EXCEPTION_USER_ALREADY_LOTTERY:  // 用户已经抽过奖啦
-            result = ""
+            result = "The user already has a prize draw!"
         case .UNKNOWN:
             result = "UNKNOWN"