@@ -87,12 +87,22 @@ class KMSubscribeWaterMarkWindowController: NSWindowController {
//MARK: 打开文件
- static func show(window: NSWindow, isContinue: Bool = false, isAI: Bool = false, type: KMSubscribeWaterMarkType = .none, subscribeDidClick: (()->Void)? = nil, completion: @escaping (_ isSubscribeSuccess: Bool, _ isWaterMarkExport: Bool, _ isClose: Bool) -> Void) -> KMSubscribeWaterMarkWindowController {
+ static func show(window: NSWindow, isContinue: Bool = false, type: KMSubscribeWaterMarkType = .none, subscribeDidClick: (()->Void)? = nil, completion: @escaping (_ isSubscribeSuccess: Bool, _ isWaterMarkExport: Bool, _ isClose: Bool) -> Void) -> KMSubscribeWaterMarkWindowController {
+ var isAI = false
+ if type == .aiCorrect ||
+ type == .aiRewrite ||
+ type == .aiTranslate {
+ isAI = true
+ } else {
+ isAI = false
+ }
if KMLightMemberManager.manager.isLogin() {
let subscribeWaterMarkWindowController: KMSubscribeWaterMarkWindowController = KMSubscribeWaterMarkWindowController.init(windowNibName: "KMSubscribeWaterMarkWindowController")
subscribeWaterMarkWindowController.isContinue = isContinue
subscribeWaterMarkWindowController.isAI = isAI
@@ -179,7 +189,20 @@ class KMSubscribeWaterMarkWindowController: NSWindowController {
subscribeWaterMarkMainWindow = window
return subscribeWaterMarkWindowController
} else {
- KMLoginWindowController.show(window: NSApp.mainWindow!,.equity)
+ let controller = KMLoginWindowController.show(window: NSApp.mainWindow!,.equity)
+ if isAI {
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Please login or register to proceed to the next step", comment: "")
+ alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString("As a PDF Master member, you can subscribe to use AI features as needed.", comment: "")
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("OK", comment: ""))
+ alert.beginSheetModal(for: (controller?.window)!) { result in
+// if (result == .alertFirstButtonReturn) {
+// } else if result == .alertSecondButtonReturn {
+// return
+// }
+ }
+ }
return KMSubscribeWaterMarkWindowController.init()