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+ 4 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/ar.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 "Maximum number of accessible devices" = "الحد الأقصى لعدد الأجهزة التي يمكن الوصول إليها";
 "1-year AI free use" = "استخدام مجاني لمدة عام مع الذكاء الاصطناعي";
 "Free for the 1st year, then auto-renew at $125.99/year" = "مجانًا للسنة الأولى، ثم يتم التجديد تلقائيًا بسعر 125.99 دولارًا سنويًا";
-"Buy without Logging in" = "شراء دون تسجيل الدخول";
-"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "النظام الأساسي المشترك غير مدعوم، ولا يتوفر الذكاء الاصطناعي المجاني لمدة عام واحد";
+//"Buy without Logging in" = "شراء دون تسجيل الدخول";
+//"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "النظام الأساسي المشترك غير مدعوم، ولا يتوفر الذكاء الاصطناعي المجاني لمدة عام واحد";
+"Buy without Logging in" = "Buy without Logging in";
+"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available";

+ 4 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/de.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 "Maximum number of accessible devices" = "Maximale Anzahl zugänglicher Geräte";
 "1-year AI free use" = "1 Jahr kostenlose KI-Nutzung";
 "Free for the 1st year, then auto-renew at $125.99/year" = "Kostenlos für das 1. Jahr, dann automatische Verlängerung für 125,99 $/Jahr";
-"Buy without Logging in" = "Kaufen ohne Anmeldung";
-"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Plattformübergreifend nicht unterstützt, 1 Jahr kostenlose KI nicht verfügbar";
+//"Buy without Logging in" = "Kaufen ohne Anmeldung";
+//"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Plattformübergreifend nicht unterstützt, 1 Jahr kostenlose KI nicht verfügbar";
+"Buy without Logging in" = "Buy without Logging in";
+"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available";

+ 4 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/es.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 "Maximum number of accessible devices" = "Número máximo de dispositivos accesibles";
 "1-year AI free use" = "1 año de uso gratuito de IA";
 "Free for the 1st year, then auto-renew at $125.99/year" = "Gratis durante el primer año, luego se renueva automáticamente por $125,99/año";
-"Buy without Logging in" = "Comprar sin iniciar sesión";
-"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "No se admite multiplataforma, 1 año de IA gratuita no está disponible";
+//"Buy without Logging in" = "Comprar sin iniciar sesión";
+//"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "No se admite multiplataforma, 1 año de IA gratuita no está disponible";
+"Buy without Logging in" = "Buy without Logging in";
+"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available";

+ 4 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/fr.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 "Maximum number of accessible devices" = "Maximale Anzahl zugänglicher Geräte";
 "1-year AI free use" = "1 Jahr kostenlose KI-Nutzung";
 "Free for the 1st year, then auto-renew at $125.99/year" = "Kostenlos für das 1. Jahr, dann automatische Verlängerung für 125,99 $/Jahr";
-"Buy without Logging in" = "Kaufen ohne Anmeldung";
-"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Plattformübergreifend nicht unterstützt, 1 Jahr kostenlose KI nicht verfügbar";
+//"Buy without Logging in" = "Kaufen ohne Anmeldung";
+//"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Plattformübergreifend nicht unterstützt, 1 Jahr kostenlose KI nicht verfügbar";
+"Buy without Logging in" = "Buy without Logging in";
+"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available";

+ 4 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/it.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 "Maximum number of accessible devices" = "Numero massimo di dispositivi accessibili";
 "1-year AI free use" = "1 anno di utilizzo gratuito dell'IA";
 "Free for the 1st year, then auto-renew at $125.99/year" = "Gratuito per il 1° anno, poi rinnovo automatico a $ 125,99/anno";
-"Buy without Logging in" = "Acquista senza effettuare il login";
-"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Multipiattaforma non supportata, 1 anno di IA gratuita non disponibile";
+//"Buy without Logging in" = "Acquista senza effettuare il login";
+//"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Multipiattaforma non supportata, 1 anno di IA gratuita non disponibile";
+"Buy without Logging in" = "Buy without Logging in";
+"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available";

+ 4 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/ja.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 "Maximum number of accessible devices" = "アクセス可能なデバイスの最大数";
 "1-year AI free use" = "AIを1年間無料で利用可能";
 "Free for the 1st year, then auto-renew at $125.99/year" = "初年度は無料、その後は年間 125.99 ドルで自動更新されます";
-"Buy without Logging in" = "ログインせずに購入する";
-"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "クロスプラットフォームはサポートされていません。1 年間の無料 AI は利用できません";
+//"Buy without Logging in" = "ログインせずに購入する";
+//"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "クロスプラットフォームはサポートされていません。1 年間の無料 AI は利用できません";
+"Buy without Logging in" = "Buy without Logging in";
+"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available";

+ 4 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/nl.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 "Maximum number of accessible devices" = "Maximaal aantal toegankelijke apparaten";
 "1-year AI free use" = "1 jaar AI-vrij gebruik";
 "Free for the 1st year, then auto-renew at $125.99/year" = "Gratis voor het eerste jaar, daarna automatisch verlengen voor $ 125,99/jaar";
-"Buy without Logging in" = "Koop zonder in te loggen";
-"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform niet ondersteund, 1 jaar gratis AI niet beschikbaar";
+//"Buy without Logging in" = "Koop zonder in te loggen";
+//"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform niet ondersteund, 1 jaar gratis AI niet beschikbaar";
+"Buy without Logging in" = "Buy without Logging in";
+"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available";

+ 4 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/pl.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 "Maximum number of accessible devices" = "Maksymalna liczba dostępnych urządzeń";
 "1-year AI free use" = "1 rok bezpłatnego korzystania z AI";
 "Free for the 1st year, then auto-renew at $125.99/year" = "Bezpłatnie przez pierwszy rok, następnie automatyczne odnowienie za 125,99 USD rocznie";
-"Buy without Logging in" = "Kupuj bez logowania";
-"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Nie obsługuje wielu platform, nie jest dostępna bezpłatna sztuczna inteligencja przez 1 rok";
+//"Buy without Logging in" = "Kupuj bez logowania";
+//"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Nie obsługuje wielu platform, nie jest dostępna bezpłatna sztuczna inteligencja przez 1 rok";
+"Buy without Logging in" = "Buy without Logging in";
+"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available";

+ 4 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/pt.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 "Maximum number of accessible devices" = "Número máximo de dispositivos acessíveis";
 "1-year AI free use" = "1 ano de uso gratuito de IA";
 "Free for the 1st year, then auto-renew at $125.99/year" = "Gratuito no primeiro ano, depois com renovação automática por US$ 125,99/ano";
-"Buy without Logging in" = "Compre sem fazer login";
-"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Plataforma cruzada não suportada, IA gratuita de 1 ano não disponível";
+//"Buy without Logging in" = "Compre sem fazer login";
+//"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Plataforma cruzada não suportada, IA gratuita de 1 ano não disponível";
+"Buy without Logging in" = "Buy without Logging in";
+"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available";

+ 4 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/ru.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 "Maximum number of accessible devices" = "Максимальное количество доступных устройств";
 "1-year AI free use" = "1 год бесплатного использования ИИ";
 "Free for the 1st year, then auto-renew at $125.99/year" = "Бесплатно в течение 1-го года, затем автоматическое продление за 125,99 долларов США в год.";
-"Buy without Logging in" = "Купить без входа в систему";
-"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Кроссплатформенность не поддерживается, бесплатный искусственный интеллект на 1 год недоступен.";
+//"Buy without Logging in" = "Купить без входа в систему";
+//"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Кроссплатформенность не поддерживается, бесплатный искусственный интеллект на 1 год недоступен.";
+"Buy without Logging in" = "Buy without Logging in";
+"Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available" = "Cross-platform not supported, 1-year free AI not available";

+ 2 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/View/KMSignUpBuyView.swift

@@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ class KMSignUpBuyView: KMHoverView {
         subTitleLabel_.km_add_leading_constraint(constant: contentInset.left)
-        subTitleLabel_.km_add_top_constraint(equalTo: titleLabel_, attribute: .bottom)
+//        subTitleLabel_.km_add_top_constraint(equalTo: titleLabel_, attribute: .bottom, constant: 4)
+        subTitleLabel.km_add_centerY_constraint(constant: 8)
         subTitleLabel_.km_add_trailing_constraint(equalTo: arrowButton_, attribute: .leading, constant: hSpace)