@@ -44,12 +44,15 @@ class KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController {
@IBOutlet var pageRadioWidthButton:NSLayoutConstraint!
private var orgDocument:CPDFDocument?
- private var orgPageIndex:Int = 0
- convenience init(_ document: CPDFDocument?, currentPageIndex: Int) {
+ private var selectionIndexPaths:Set<IndexPath>?
+ private var lastUnitString: String = "mm"
+ var callback: ((CGSize, Int) -> Void)?
+ convenience init(_ document: CPDFDocument?, selectionIndexPaths: Set<IndexPath>?) {
self.init(windowNibName: "KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController")
orgDocument = document
- orgPageIndex = currentPageIndex
+ self.selectionIndexPaths = selectionIndexPaths
convenience init(_ filePath: String,password:String?) {
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ class KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController {
private func setUpUnitSelctProperty() {
var menuItemArr: [ComponentMenuitemProperty] = []
- for language in [KMLocalizedString("mm"),KMLocalizedString("cn"),KMLocalizedString("in")] {
+ for language in ["mm","cm","in"] {
let itemProperty: ComponentMenuitemProperty = ComponentMenuitemProperty(multipleSelect: false,
itemSelected: false,
isDisabled: false,
@@ -126,11 +129,23 @@ class KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController {
positionLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("Where to insert?")
positionLabel.font = ComponentLibrary.shared.getFontFromKey("mac/body-m-medium")
positionLabel.textColor = ComponentLibrary.shared.getComponentColorFromKey("colorText/2")
+ var currentPageDex = 0
- let page = self.orgDocument?.page(at: UInt(orgPageIndex)) as? CPDFPage
+ if(selectionIndexPaths?.count ?? 0 > 0) {
+ pageRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .selected
+ let maxmumIndexPath = selectionIndexPaths?.max(by: { $0 < $1 })
+ currentPageDex = maxmumIndexPath?.item ?? 0
+ }
+ let page = self.orgDocument?.page(at: UInt(currentPageDex)) as? CPDFPage
let rect = page?.bounds ?? CGRectZero
- let width = KMNPageSizeTool.conversion(withUnit: "mm", value: (NSWidth(rect)/595 * 210))
- let height = KMNPageSizeTool.conversion(withUnit: "mm", value: (NSHeight(rect)/842 * 297))
+ var width = KMNPageSizeTool.conversion(withUnit: "mm", value: (NSWidth(rect)/595 * 210))
+ var height = KMNPageSizeTool.conversion(withUnit: "mm", value: (NSHeight(rect)/842 * 297))
+ if((page?.rotation ?? 0) % 180 != 0) {
+ width = KMNPageSizeTool.conversion(withUnit: "mm", value: (NSHeight(rect)/595 * 210))
+ height = KMNPageSizeTool.conversion(withUnit: "mm", value: (NSWidth(rect)/842 * 297))
+ }
currentRadioButton.properties = ComponentCheckBoxProperty(size: .s,
state: .normal,
@@ -177,17 +192,17 @@ class KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController {
isDisabled: false,
showhelp: false,
text: KMLocalizedString("Landscape pages"),
- checkboxType: .selected)
+ checkboxType: .normal)
horizontalRadioButton.properties = ComponentCheckBoxProperty(size: .s,
state: .normal,
isDisabled: false,
showhelp: false,
text: KMLocalizedString("Portrait pages"),
- checkboxType: .normal)
+ checkboxType: .selected)
unitSelect.properties = ComponentSelectProperties(size: .s,
state: .normal,
- isDisabled: false,
+ isDisabled: true,
isError: false,
leftIcon: false,
placeholder: nil,
@@ -198,7 +213,7 @@ class KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController {
standardSelect.properties = ComponentSelectProperties(size: .s,
state: .normal,
- isDisabled: false,
+ isDisabled: true,
isError: false,
leftIcon: false,
placeholder: nil,
@@ -263,10 +278,11 @@ class KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController {
showPrefix: false,
showSuffix: false,
showClear: false,
- isDisabled: false,
+ isDisabled: true,
placeholder: "210",
text: "210")
widthInput.properties = inputWidthProperty
+ widthInput.delegate = self
let inputHeightProperty: ComponentInputProperty = ComponentInputProperty(size: .s,
state:.pressed ,
@@ -274,11 +290,12 @@ class KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController {
showPrefix: false,
showSuffix: false,
showClear: false,
- isDisabled: false,
+ isDisabled: true,
placeholder: "297",
text: "297")
heightInput.properties = inputHeightProperty
+ heightInput.delegate = self
pageCountLabel.stringValue = "/" + String(format: "%d", orgDocument?.pageCount ?? 0)
@@ -301,14 +318,30 @@ class KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController {
- pageRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .selected
- pageRadioButton.reloadData()
- pageNumInput.properties.text = String((orgPageIndex+1))
- pageNumInput.reloadData()
+ pageCountLabel.stringValue = "/" + String(format: "%d", orgDocument?.pageCount ?? 0)
- pageCountLabel.stringValue = "/" + String(format: "%d", orgDocument?.pageCount ?? 0)
+ if(selectionIndexPaths?.count ?? 0 > 0) {
+ pageRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .selected
+ let maxmumIndexPath = selectionIndexPaths?.max(by: { $0 < $1 })
+ pageNumInput.properties.text = String((maxmumIndexPath?.item ?? 0)+1)
+ pageRadioButton.reloadData()
+ pageNumInput.reloadData()
+ } else {
+ firstRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .selected
+ pageRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .normal
+ positionSelect.properties.isDisabled = true
+ pageNumInput.properties.isDisabled = true
+ firstRadioButton.reloadData()
+ pageRadioButton.reloadData()
+ pageNumInput.reloadData()
+ positionSelect.reloadData()
+ }
//MARK: - Action
@@ -317,6 +350,85 @@ class KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController {
@objc func insertButtonClicked(_ sender: NSView) {
+ self.window?.makeFirstResponder(nil)
+ var currentPageDex = 0
+ if(selectionIndexPaths?.count ?? 0 > 0) {
+ pageRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .selected
+ let maxmumIndexPath = selectionIndexPaths?.max(by: { $0 < $1 })
+ currentPageDex = maxmumIndexPath?.item ?? 0
+ }
+ var height: CGFloat = 0
+ var width: CGFloat = 0
+ if currentRadioButton.properties.checkboxType == .selected {
+ let page = self.orgDocument?.page(at: UInt(currentPageDex)) as? CPDFPage
+ let rect = page?.bounds ?? .zero
+ width = rect.size.width
+ height = rect.size.height
+ let w = KMPageSizeTool.conversion(withUnit: "mm", value: (NSWidth(rect)/595 * 210))
+ let h = KMPageSizeTool.conversion(withUnit: "mm", value: (NSHeight(rect)/842 * 297))
+ width = w.stringToCGFloat()
+ height = h.stringToCGFloat()
+ if((page?.rotation ?? 0) % 180 != 0) {
+ width = h.stringToCGFloat()
+ height = w.stringToCGFloat()
+ }
+ } else if standardRadioButton.properties.checkboxType == .selected {
+ let sizeString = standardSelect.properties.text ?? KMNPaperSizeNameA4
+ let tSize = KMPageSizeTool.getPaperSize(paperName: sizeString)
+ width = KMPageSizeTool.conversion(withUnit: "mm", value: tSize.width).stringToCGFloat()
+ height = KMPageSizeTool.conversion(withUnit: "mm", value: tSize.height).stringToCGFloat()
+ } else if customizationRadioButton.properties.checkboxType == .selected {
+ let unitString = unitSelect.properties.text ?? "mm"
+ height = widthInput.properties.text.stringToCGFloat()
+ width = heightInput.properties.text.stringToCGFloat()
+ width = KMPageSizeTool.conversion(with: "mm", from: unitString, value: width).stringToCGFloat()
+ height = KMPageSizeTool.conversion(with: "mm", from: unitString, value: height).stringToCGFloat()
+ if(!(width > 0 && height > 0)) {
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.alertStyle = .critical
+ alert.messageText = KMLocalizedString("Please enter the correct size.")
+ alert.runModal()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ width *= 595 / 210
+ height *= 842 / 297
+ var insertSize = CGSize(width: width, height: height)
+ if(verticalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType == .selected) {
+ if(width < height) {
+ insertSize = CGSize(width: height, height: width)
+ }
+ } else if(horizontalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType == .selected){
+ if(width > height) {
+ insertSize = CGSize(width: height, height: width)
+ }
+ }
+ var insetPageDex:Int = 0
+ if firstRadioButton.properties.checkboxType == .selected {
+ insetPageDex = 0
+ } else if lastRadioButton.properties.checkboxType == .selected {
+ insetPageDex = Int(orgDocument?.pageCount ?? 0)
+ } else if pageRadioButton.properties.checkboxType == .selected {
+ insetPageDex = Int(pageNumInput.properties.text ?? "0") ?? 0
+ let positionSelectIndex = positionSelect.indexOfSelect()
+ if (1 == positionSelectIndex) {
+ insetPageDex -= 1
+ }
+ }
+ callback?(insertSize, insetPageDex)
@@ -379,6 +491,29 @@ class KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController {
oldSelectRadioBtn?.properties.checkboxType = .normal
+ let widthString = widthInput.properties.text
+ let heightString = heightInput.properties.text
+ var width = widthString.stringToCGFloat()
+ var height = heightString.stringToCGFloat()
+ if(verticalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType == .selected) {
+ if(width < height) {
+ widthInput.properties.text = heightString
+ heightInput.properties.text = widthString
+ widthInput.reloadData()
+ heightInput.reloadData()
+ }
+ } else if(horizontalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType == .selected){
+ if(width > height) {
+ widthInput.properties.text = heightString
+ heightInput.properties.text = widthString
+ widthInput.reloadData()
+ heightInput.reloadData()
+ }
+ }
@objc func insertPageSizeAction(_ sender: NSView) {
@@ -450,7 +585,14 @@ extension KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: ComponentInputNumberDelegate {
extension KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: ComponentSelectDelegate {
func componentSelectDidSelect(view: ComponentSelect?, menuItemProperty: ComponentMenuitemProperty?) {
if(view == unitSelect) {
+ let width = widthInput.properties.text.stringToCGFloat()
+ let height = heightInput.properties.text.stringToCGFloat()
+ widthInput.properties.text = KMNPageSizeTool.conversion(with: unitSelect.properties.text ?? "mm", from: lastUnitString, value: width)
+ heightInput.properties.text = KMNPageSizeTool.conversion(with: unitSelect.properties.text ?? "mm", from: lastUnitString, value: height)
+ lastUnitString = unitSelect.properties.text ?? "mm"
+ widthInput.reloadData()
+ heightInput.reloadData()
} else if (view == standardSelect) {
} else if (view == positionSelect) {
@@ -458,4 +600,36 @@ extension KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: ComponentSelectDelegate {
+extension KMNPDFInsertBlankWindowController: ComponentInputDelegate {
+ //文字变化
+ func componentInputDidChanged(inputView: ComponentInput) {
+ if (inputView == widthInput) {
+ let fValue = widthInput.properties.text.stringToCGFloat()
+ if fValue > heightInput.properties.text.stringToCGFloat() {
+ verticalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .selected
+ horizontalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .normal
+ } else {
+ verticalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .normal
+ horizontalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .selected
+ }
+ verticalRadioButton.reloadData()
+ horizontalRadioButton.reloadData()
+ } else if (inputView == heightInput) {
+ let fValue = heightInput.properties.text.stringToCGFloat()
+ if fValue > widthInput.properties.text.stringToCGFloat() {
+ verticalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .normal
+ horizontalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .selected
+ } else {
+ verticalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .selected
+ horizontalRadioButton.properties.checkboxType = .normal
+ }
+ verticalRadioButton.reloadData()
+ horizontalRadioButton.reloadData()
+ }
+ }