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+ 10 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Appearance/KMAppearance.swift

@@ -616,6 +616,16 @@ let KMImageNameElsei = "KMImageNameElsei";
         return NSColor.km_init(hex: "#DFE1E5")
+    @objc class func controlBackgroundColor() -> NSColor {
+        if (!KMAppearance.isSupportNewColor()) {
+            return NSColor(white: 246/255.0, alpha: 1)
+        }
+        if let _color = NSColor(named: "KMControlBackgroundColor") {
+            return _color
+        }
+        return NSColor(white: 246/255.0, alpha: 1)
+    }
     class func isSupportNewColor() -> Bool {
         if #available(macOS 10.14, *) {
             return true

+ 69 - 19
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/ChromiumTabs/KMBrowserWindowController.swift

@@ -20,12 +20,29 @@ import Cocoa
     var rightToolbarItemView: NSView!
     private var homeVC: KMHomeViewController?
+    deinit {
+        KMPrint("KMBrowserWindowController deinit...")
+//        self.removeObserverForAppearanceChange()
+        DistributedNotificationCenter.default().removeObserver(self)
+        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self)
+    }
+    override func loadWindow() {
+        super.loadWindow()
+//        self.window?.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
+    }
     override func windowDidLoad() {
         window?.backgroundColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#DFE1E5")
+        self.window?.appearance = NSApp.appearance
+        self.window?.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
+//        self.window?.standardWindowButton(.closeButton)?.superview?.needsLayout = true
 //        window?.setFrameAutosaveName("")
         rightTabStripView_.delete = self
@@ -35,12 +52,13 @@ import Cocoa
         homeRightTabStripView_.homeRightSearchField.delegate = self
         isMultiTabMode = true
-        addObserverForAppearanceChange()
+//        self.addObserverForAppearanceChange()
         refreshToolBar(homeToolState: .Home)
         NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(closeAllTabs(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name.init(rawValue: "KMTabControllerCloseAllTabs"), object: nil)
         NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(openNewWindow(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name.init(rawValue: "KMTabControllerOpenNewWindow"), object: nil)
+        DistributedNotificationCenter.default().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(_themeChanged), name: NSApplication.interfaceThemeChangedNotification, object: nil)
 //        if (KMWelcomeWindowController.welcomeHasShow() == false) {
 //            //AI 版本禁掉首次开启帮助文档
@@ -101,30 +119,62 @@ import Cocoa
     override func layoutSubviews() {
-        if let button = (self.window as? CTBrowserWindow)?.standardWindowButton(.closeButton) {
-            button.frame = NSMakeRect(button.frame.minX, 0, button.frame.width, button.frame.height)
-        }
-        if let button = (self.window as? CTBrowserWindow)?.standardWindowButton(.zoomButton) {
-            button.frame = NSMakeRect(button.frame.minX, 0, button.frame.width, button.frame.height)
-        }
-        if let button = (self.window as? CTBrowserWindow)?.standardWindowButton(.miniaturizeButton) {
-            button.frame = NSMakeRect(button.frame.minX, 0, button.frame.width, button.frame.height)
-        }
+//        if let button = (self.window as? CTBrowserWindow)?.standardWindowButton(.closeButton) {
+//            button.frame = NSMakeRect(button.frame.minX, 0, button.frame.width, button.frame.height)
+//        }
+//        if let button = (self.window as? CTBrowserWindow)?.standardWindowButton(.zoomButton) {
+//            button.frame = NSMakeRect(button.frame.minX, 0, button.frame.width, button.frame.height)
+//        }
+//        if let button = (self.window as? CTBrowserWindow)?.standardWindowButton(.miniaturizeButton) {
+//            button.frame = NSMakeRect(button.frame.minX, 0, button.frame.width, button.frame.height)
+//        }
     // MARK: Dark&Light
-    func addObserverForAppearanceChange() -> Void {
-        window?.contentView!.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "effectiveAppearance", options: .new, context: nil)
-    }
+//    func addObserverForAppearanceChange() -> Void {
+//        window?.contentView?.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "effectiveAppearance", options: .new, context: nil)
+//    }
-    func removeObserverForAppearanceChange() -> Void {
-        window?.contentView!.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "effectiveAppearance")
-    }
+//    func removeObserverForAppearanceChange() -> Void {
+//        window?.contentView?.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "effectiveAppearance")
+//    }
-    override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
-        if keyPath == "effectiveAppearance" {
-            updateViewColor()
+//    override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
+//        if keyPath == "effectiveAppearance" {
+//            self.updateViewColor()
+//        }
+//    }
+    @objc private func _themeChanged(_ sender: Notification) {
+        if let data = self.window?.appearance?.name, data == .darkAqua {
+            self.window?.appearance = .init(named: .aqua)
+        } else {
+            self.window?.appearance = .init(named: .darkAqua)
+        }
+        Task { @MainActor in
+//            self.interfaceThemeDidChanged(self.window?.appearance?.name ?? .aqua)
+            self.updateViewColor()
+//            _themeChanged
+//            let selector = NSSelectorFromString("_themeChanged:")
+//            let mainWindow = self.window
+//            var responder = mainWindow?.firstResponder
+//            while (responder != nil) {
+//                KMPrint("res: \(responder)")
+//                if self.isEqual(to: responder) {
+//                    responder = responder?.nextResponder
+//                    continue
+//                }
+//                if let res = responder?.responds(to: selector), res {
+//                    responder?.perform(selector, with: sender)
+//                }
+//                responder = responder!.nextResponder
+//            }

+ 3 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Common/Category/NSObject+KMExtension.swift

@@ -671,6 +671,9 @@ extension NSApplication {
+@objc protocol KMInterfaceThemeChangedProtocol: NSObjectProtocol {
+    @objc optional func interfaceThemeChanged(_ appearance: NSAppearance.Name)
 // MARK: - NSOutlineView

+ 7 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/LeftSide/KMLeftSideViewController.swift

@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class KMLeftSideViewController: KMSideViewController {
         KMPrint("KMLeftSideViewController deinit.")
+        DistributedNotificationCenter.default().removeObserver(self)
     override var nibName: NSNib.Name? {
@@ -1123,6 +1124,8 @@ extension KMLeftSideViewController {
             self.snapshotSearchField.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.224, green: 0.235, blue: 0.243, alpha: 1)
             self.outlineSearchField.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.224, green: 0.235, blue: 0.243, alpha: 1)
             self.noteSearchField.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.224, green: 0.235, blue: 0.243, alpha: 1)
+//            self.leftView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.922, green: 0.925, blue: 0.941, alpha: 1).cgColor
+//            self.leftView.layer?.backgroundColor =
         } else {
             self.leftListView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.988, green: 0.992, blue: 1, alpha: 1).cgColor
             self.snapshotNormalView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.988, green: 0.992, blue: 1, alpha: 1).cgColor
@@ -1144,7 +1147,11 @@ extension KMLeftSideViewController {
             self.snapshotSearchField.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.922, green: 0.925, blue: 0.941, alpha: 1)
             self.outlineSearchField.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.922, green: 0.925, blue: 0.941, alpha: 1)
             self.noteSearchField.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.922, green: 0.925, blue: 0.941, alpha: 1)
+//            self.leftView.layer?.backgroundColor = .white
+        self.leftView.wantsLayer = true
+        self.leftView.layer?.backgroundColor = KMAppearance.controlBackgroundColor().cgColor
     private func _hasContainString(_ searchString: String, rootOutline outline: CPDFOutline) -> Bool {

+ 100 - 4
PDF Office/PDF Reader Pro.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/kdanmobile.xcuserdatad/xcdebugger/Breakpoints_v2.xcbkptlist

@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
             filePath = "PDF Master/Class/ChromiumTabs/KMBrowserWindowController.swift"
             startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
             endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
-            startingLineNumber = "2146"
-            endingLineNumber = "2146"
+            startingLineNumber = "2196"
+            endingLineNumber = "2196"
             landmarkName = "savePDFSettingToDefaults(_:)"
             landmarkType = "7">
@@ -526,8 +526,8 @@
             filePath = "PDF Master/Class/Common/Category/NSObject+KMExtension.swift"
             startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
             endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
-            startingLineNumber = "805"
-            endingLineNumber = "805"
+            startingLineNumber = "808"
+            endingLineNumber = "808"
             landmarkName = "uniqueChewableItemsDirectoryURL()"
             landmarkType = "7">
@@ -548,5 +548,101 @@
             landmarkType = "7">
+      <BreakpointProxy
+         BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
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+            continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
+            filePath = "PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/LeftSide/KMLeftSideViewController.swift"
+            startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
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