@@ -429,6 +429,8 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
payExplainLabel.allowsEditingTextAttributes = true
payExplainLabel.allowsEditingTextAttributes = true
payExplainLabel.textColor = NSColor.black
payExplainLabel.textColor = NSColor.black
payExplainLabel.font = NSFont.SFProTextRegularFont(11.0)
payExplainLabel.font = NSFont.SFProTextRegularFont(11.0)
+ discountPriceLabel1.isHidden = true
let localizedString = NSLocalizedString("By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products", comment: "")
let localizedString = NSLocalizedString("By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products", comment: "")
let privacyPolicy = NSLocalizedString("Privacy Policy", comment: "")
let privacyPolicy = NSLocalizedString("Privacy Policy", comment: "")
let termsOfService = NSLocalizedString("Terms of Service", comment: "")
let termsOfService = NSLocalizedString("Terms of Service", comment: "")
@@ -529,24 +531,24 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
// Mac & Win 双平台高级永久 119.99 美金,黑五订单
// Mac & Win 双平台高级永久 119.99 美金,黑五订单
// AI 年订阅 125.99 美金,带免费试用
// AI 年订阅 125.99 美金,带免费试用
- var tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ var tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 4 {
if product_Info.cycle == 4 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 3 {
if product_Info.cycle == 3 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/half a year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/half a year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 2 {
if product_Info.cycle == 2 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/quarter, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/quarter, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 1 {
if product_Info.cycle == 1 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/monthly, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/monthly, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 0 {
if product_Info.cycle == 0 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@, One time purchase.", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f, One time purchase.", comment: "")
- let fullString = String(format: tipsString, showOrgPriceString())
+ let fullString = String(format: tipsString, insting ?? 0)
prmiumLabel.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, fullString)
prmiumLabel.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, fullString)
original1 = Float(showOrgPriceString()) ?? 0
original1 = Float(showOrgPriceString()) ?? 0
@@ -563,24 +565,24 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
// Mac & Win 双平台高级永久 119.99 美金
// Mac & Win 双平台高级永久 119.99 美金
// AI 月订阅 14.99 美金
// AI 月订阅 14.99 美金
- var tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ var tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 4 {
if product_Info.cycle == 4 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 3 {
if product_Info.cycle == 3 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/half a year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/half a year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 2 {
if product_Info.cycle == 2 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/quarter, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/quarter, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 1 {
if product_Info.cycle == 1 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/monthly, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/monthly, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 0 {
if product_Info.cycle == 0 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@, One time purchase.", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f, One time purchase.", comment: "")
- let fullString = String(format: tipsString, showOrgPriceString())
+ let fullString = String(format: tipsString, insting ?? 0)
prmiumLabel.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, fullString)
prmiumLabel.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, fullString)
original1 = Float(showOrgPriceString()) ?? 0
original1 = Float(showOrgPriceString()) ?? 0
@@ -592,23 +594,23 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
if _product_code == "advanced-permanent" {
if _product_code == "advanced-permanent" {
// Mac & Win 双平台高级永久 119.99 美金
// Mac & Win 双平台高级永久 119.99 美金
- var tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ var tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 4 {
if product_Info.cycle == 4 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 3 {
if product_Info.cycle == 3 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/half a year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/half a year, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 2 {
if product_Info.cycle == 2 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/quarter, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/quarter, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 1 {
if product_Info.cycle == 1 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@/monthly, auto-renewal", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f/monthly, auto-renewal", comment: "")
if product_Info.cycle == 0 {
if product_Info.cycle == 0 {
- tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2@, One time purchase.", comment: "")
+ tipsString = NSLocalizedString("%.2f, One time purchase.", comment: "")
- let fullString = String(format: tipsString, showOrgPriceString())
+ let fullString = String(format: tipsString, insting ?? 0)
prmiumLabel.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, fullString)
prmiumLabel.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, fullString)
original1 = Float(showOrgPriceString()) ?? 0
original1 = Float(showOrgPriceString()) ?? 0
@@ -617,17 +619,7 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
discount = listPrice - paySum
discount = listPrice - paySum
- originalPriceLabel1.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, String(format: "%.2f", discount1))
- if String(format: "%.2f", original1) == String(format: "%.2f", discount1) {
- discountPriceLabel1.isHidden = true
- } else {
- discountPriceLabel1.isHidden = false
- let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, String(format: "%.2f", original1)))
- attributedString.addAttribute(.strikethroughStyle, value: NSNumber(value: NSUnderlineStyle.single.rawValue), range: NSMakeRange(0, attributedString.length))
- attributedString.addAttribute(.strikethroughColor, value: NSColor(named: "KMPurchaseDiscountColor") as Any, range: NSMakeRange(0, attributedString.length))
- discountPriceLabel1.attributedStringValue = attributedString
- }
+ originalPriceLabel1.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, String(format: "%.2f", insting ?? 0))
lastPriceLabel1.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, String(format: "%.2f", listPrice))
lastPriceLabel1.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, String(format: "%.2f", listPrice))
discountLabel1.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, String(format: "%.2f", discount))
discountLabel1.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, String(format: "%.2f", discount))
@@ -1277,7 +1269,6 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
func showSinglePriceString()->String { //单价
func showSinglePriceString()->String { //单价
- let preferredLanguage = Locale.preferredLanguages.first ?? "en"
var priceString = product_Info.individualPriceString ?? ""
var priceString = product_Info.individualPriceString ?? ""
if NSLocalizedString("USD", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: "") == "CN" {
if NSLocalizedString("USD", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: "") == "CN" {
priceString = product_Info.individualCnyPriceString ?? ""
priceString = product_Info.individualCnyPriceString ?? ""