@@ -8,27 +8,330 @@
import Cocoa
import PDFKit
-class KMBatchOperateWindowController: KMBatchOperateBaseWindowController{
+let kBatchOperateToolbarIdentifier = "kBatchOperateToolbarIdentifier"
+let kBatchOperateToolbar_ConvertIdentifier = "kBatchOperateToolbar_ConvertIdentifier"
+let kBatchOperateToolbar_MergeIdentifier = "kBatchOperateToolbar_MergeIdentifier"
+let kBatchOperateToolbar_CompressIdentifier = "kBatchOperateToolbar_CompressIdentifier"
+let kBatchOperateToolbar_OCRIdentifier = "kBatchOperateToolbar_OCRIdentifier"
+let kBatchOperateToolbar_SecurityIdentifier = "kBatchOperateToolbar_SecurityIdentifier"
+let kBatchOperateToolbar_WatermarkIdentifier = "kBatchOperateToolbar_WatermarkIdentifier"
+let kBatchOperateToolbar_BackgroundIdentifier = "kBatchOperateToolbar_BackgroundIdentifier"
+let kBatchOperateToolbar_HeadFooterIdentifier = "kBatchOperateToolbar_HeadFooterIdentifier"
+let kBatchOperateToolbar_BatesIdentifier = "kBatchOperateToolbar_BatesIdentifier"
+final class KMBatchOperateWindowController: KMBatchOperateBaseWindowController, NSWindowDelegate, KMCustomButtonViewPopDelegate, KMCustomButtonViewPopDataSource, NSToolbarDelegate{
+ func numberOfLine(inCustomViewButtonPop button: KMCustomViewButton!) -> Int {
+ return 2
+ }
+ func string(forCustomViewButtonPop button: KMCustomViewButton!, index: Int) -> String! {
+ if button.isEqual(self.convertToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Create PDF", comment: "")
+ } else {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Export to other format", comment: "")
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.securityToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Set Passwords", comment: "")
+ } else {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Remove Security", comment: "")
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.watermarkToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Add Watermark", comment: "")
+ } else {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Remove Watermark", comment: "")
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.backgroundToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Add Background", comment: "")
+ } else {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Remove Background", comment: "")
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.headerfooterToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Add Header & Footer", comment: "")
+ } else {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Remove Header & Footer", comment: "")
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.batesToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Add Bates Numbers", comment: "")
+ } else {
+ return NSLocalizedString("Remove Bates Numbers", comment: "")
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ func needInsertSeperateLine(_ button: KMCustomViewButton!, index: Int) -> Bool {
+ return false
+ }
+ func needHightLightLine(_ button: KMCustomViewButton!, index: Int) -> Bool {
+ if button.isEqual(self.convertToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ if self.operateType == .CreatePDF {
+ return true
+ }
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ if self.operateType == .Convert {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.securityToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ if self.operateType == .AddPassword {
+ return true
+ }
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ if self.operateType == .RemovePassword {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.watermarkToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ if self.operateType == .AddWatermark {
+ return true
+ }
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ if self.operateType == .RemoveWatermark {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.backgroundToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ if self.operateType == .AddBackground {
+ return true
+ }
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ if self.operateType == .RemoveBackground {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.headerfooterToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ if self.operateType == .AddHeaderFooter {
+ return true
+ }
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ if self.operateType == .RemoveHeaderFooter {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.batesToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ if self.operateType == .AddBates {
+ return true
+ }
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ if self.operateType == .RemoveBates {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ func customViewButton(_ button: KMCustomViewButton!, didSelect index: Int) {
+ if button.isEqual(self.convertToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ self.createPDF(sender: "")
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ self.convertPDFToOtherFormat(sender: "")
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.securityToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ self.setPDFPassword(sender: "")
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ self.removePDFPassword(sender: "")
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.watermarkToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ self.addWatermark(sender: "")
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ self.removeWatermark(sender: "")
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.backgroundToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ self.addBackgroud(sender: "")
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ self.removeBackground(sender: "")
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.headerfooterToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ self.addHeaderFooter(sender: "")
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ self.removeHeaderFooter(sender: "")
+ }
+ } else if button.isEqual(self.batesToolbarItemView) {
+ if index == 0 {
+ self.addBates(sender: "")
+ } else if index == 1 {
+ self.removeBates(sender: "")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lazy var convertToolbarItemView: KMCustomViewButton = {
+ let item = KMCustomViewButton.init(frontImage: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBatchConvert"), back: nil, title: NSLocalizedString("Convert", comment: ""), type: .batchToolbar)
+ item.addTarget(self, action: #selector(convertPDFToOtherFormat(sender:)))
+ self.window?.contentView?.addSubview(item)
+ return item
+ }()
+ lazy var mergeToolbarItemView: KMCustomViewButton = {
+ let item = KMCustomViewButton.init(frontImage: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBatchMerge"), back: nil, title: NSLocalizedString("Merge", comment: ""), type: .batchToolbar)
+ item.addTarget(self, action: #selector(convertPDFToOtherFormat(sender:)))
+ self.window?.contentView?.addSubview(item)
+ return item
+ }()
+ lazy var compressToolbarItemView: KMCustomViewButton = {
+ let item = KMCustomViewButton.init(frontImage: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBatchOptimize"), back: nil, title: NSLocalizedString("Compress", comment: ""), type: .batchToolbar)
+ item.addTarget(self, action: #selector(convertPDFToOtherFormat(sender:)))
+ self.window?.contentView?.addSubview(item)
+ return item
+ }()
+ lazy var ocrToolbarItemView: KMCustomViewButton = {
+ let item = KMCustomViewButton.init(frontImage: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBatchConvertOCR"), back: nil, title: NSLocalizedString("OCR", comment: ""), type: .batchToolbar)
+ item.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ocr(sender:)))
+ self.window?.contentView?.addSubview(item)
+ return item
+ }()
+ lazy var securityToolbarItemView: KMCustomViewButton = {
+ let item = KMCustomViewButton.init(frontImage: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBatchSafe"), back: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBtnTriDownNor"), title: NSLocalizedString("Security", comment: ""), type: .batchToolbar)
+// item.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ocr(sender:)))
+ item.delegate = self
+ item.dataSource = self
+ self.window?.contentView?.addSubview(item)
+ item.mas_makeConstraints { make in
+ make?.center.equalTo()(self.window?.contentView)
+ }
+ return item
+ }()
+ lazy var watermarkToolbarItemView: KMCustomViewButton = {
+ let item = KMCustomViewButton.init(frontImage: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBatchWatermark"), back: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBtnTriDownNor"), title: NSLocalizedString("Watermark", comment: ""), type: .batchToolbar)
+ item.delegate = self
+ item.dataSource = self
+ self.window?.contentView?.addSubview(item)
+ item.mas_makeConstraints { make in
+ make?.center.equalTo()(self.window?.contentView)
+ }
+ return item
+ }()
+ lazy var backgroundToolbarItemView: KMCustomViewButton = {
+ let item = KMCustomViewButton.init(frontImage: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBatchBackground"), back: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBtnTriDownNor"), title: NSLocalizedString("Background", comment: ""), type: .batchToolbar)
+ item.delegate = self
+ item.dataSource = self
+ self.window?.contentView?.addSubview(item)
+ item.mas_makeConstraints { make in
+ make?.center.equalTo()(self.window?.contentView)
+ }
+ return item
+ }()
+ lazy var headerfooterToolbarItemView: KMCustomViewButton = {
+ let item = KMCustomViewButton.init(frontImage: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBatchHeaderandfooter"), back: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBtnTriDownNor"), title: NSLocalizedString("Header & Footer", comment: ""), type: .batchToolbar)
+ item.delegate = self
+ item.dataSource = self
+ self.window?.contentView?.addSubview(item)
+ item.mas_makeConstraints { make in
+ make?.center.equalTo()(self.window?.contentView)
+ }
+ return item
+ }()
+ lazy var batesToolbarItemView: KMCustomViewButton = {
+ let item = KMCustomViewButton.init(frontImage: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBatchBates"), back: NSImage(named: "KMImageNameUXIconBtnTriDownNor"), title: NSLocalizedString("Bates Numbers", comment: ""), type: .batchToolbar)
+ item.delegate = self
+ item.dataSource = self
+ self.window?.contentView?.addSubview(item)
+ item.mas_makeConstraints { make in
+ make?.center.equalTo()(self.window?.contentView)
+ }
+ return item
+ }()
+ lazy var toolbarItemViews: NSMutableArray = {
+ let arr = [self.convertToolbarItemView,
+ self.mergeToolbarItemView,
+ self.compressToolbarItemView,
+ self.ocrToolbarItemView,
+ self.securityToolbarItemView,
+ self.watermarkToolbarItemView,
+ self.backgroundToolbarItemView,
+ self.headerfooterToolbarItemView,
+ self.batesToolbarItemView
+ ]
+ return NSMutableArray(array: arr)
+ }()
+ override var operateType: KMBatchOperationType?{
+ willSet{
+ }
+ didSet {
+ if operateType == oldValue{
+ return
+ }else{
+ super.operateType = operateType
+ }
+ for i in 0..<self.toolbarItemViews.count {
+ let btn = self.toolbarItemViews[i] as! KMCustomViewButton
+ btn.isSelected = false
+ }
+ switch operateType {
+ case .CreatePDF:
+ self.convertToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ case .Convert:
+ self.convertToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ case .Merge:
+ self.mergeToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ case .Compress:
+ self.compressToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ case .OCR:
+ self.ocrToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ case .AddPassword,.RemovePassword:
+ self.securityToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ case .AddWatermark,.RemoveWatermark:
+ self.watermarkToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ case .AddBackground,.RemoveBackground:
+ self.backgroundToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ case .AddHeaderFooter,.RemoveHeaderFooter:
+ self.headerfooterToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ case .AddBates,.RemoveBates:
+ self.batesToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ default :
+ self.convertToolbarItemView.isSelected = true
+ }
+ (self.contentViewController as! KMBatchOperateSplitViewController).switchToOperateType(operateType!)
+ }
+ }
static let sharedWindowController: KMBatchOperateWindowController = {
let wc = KMBatchOperateWindowController(windowNibName: "KMBatchOperateWindowController")
let actualWindow = wc.window as! KMBatchWindow
actualWindow.isBatch = true
-// wc.switchToOperateType(operateType: .Convert, files: <#T##KMBatchOperateFile#>)
-// if IAPProductsManager.defaultManager().isAvailableAdvancedPDFToOffice {
-// wc.switchToConvertType(.WordAdvance)
-// } else {
-// wc.switchToConvertType(.WordStandard)
-// }
+ wc.switchToOperateType(.Convert, files:KMBatchOperateManager.defaultManager.files!)
+// [IAPProductsManager defaultManager].isAvailableAdvancedPDFToOffice? KMConvertWithPDFType_WordAdvance:KMConvertWithPDFType_WordStandard
+ wc.switchToConvertType(convertType: .WordStandard)
return wc
- func switchToOperateType(operateType: KMBatchOperationType, files:KMBatchOperateFile) {
+ override func switchToOperateType(_ operateType: KMBatchOperationType, files: [KMBatchOperateFile]) {
+ super.switchToOperateType(operateType, files: files)
+ self.operateType = operateType
func updateViewColor() {
@@ -41,13 +344,241 @@ class KMBatchOperateWindowController: KMBatchOperateBaseWindowController{
if let themeView = self.window?.contentView?.superview {
for subView in themeView.subviews {
if NSStringFromClass(type(of: subView)) == "NSTitlebarContainerView" {
- subView.layer?.backgroundColor = color.cgColor
+ subView.layer?.backgroundColor = color.cgColor
+ func windowShouldClose(_ sender: NSWindow) -> Bool {
+ if self.operateType == .Compress {
+ let vc: KMBatchOperateRightViewController = (self.contentViewController as! KMBatchOperateSplitViewController).rightPropertiesViewController!
+ let compress = vc.compressViewController
+ var begin = false
+ for info in compress!.files! {
+ if info.status == KMBatchOperateStatus.processing {
+ begin = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if begin {
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.alertStyle = .critical
+ alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Do you want to cancel compressing?", comment: "")
+ alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString("Documents which have been compressed will still be retained.", comment: "")
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Cancel Compressing", comment: ""))
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Continue compressing", comment: ""))
+ alert.beginSheetModal(for: self.window!, completionHandler: { (response) in
+ if response == .alertFirstButtonReturn {
+ compress!.cancelBatchOperation()
+ self.close()
+ } else if response == .alertSecondButtonReturn {
+ compress!.beginBatchOperation()
+ }
+ })
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ override func windowDidLoad() {
+ super.windowDidLoad()
+ if #available(macOS 11.0, *) {
+ self.window?.toolbarStyle = NSWindow.ToolbarStyle.expanded
+ }
+ self.updateViewColor()
+ self.window?.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
+ // self.toolbarItemViews
+ DispatchQueue.main.async {
+ self.configuToolbar()
+ }
+ NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(themeChanged(notification:)), name: NSNotification.Name("AppleInterfaceThemeChangedNotification"), object: nil)
+ }
+ @objc func themeChanged(notification: NSNotification) {
+ DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.3) {
+ self.updateViewColor()
+ }
+ }
+ func configuToolbar() {
+ let toolbar = NSToolbar(identifier: kBatchOperateToolbarIdentifier)
+ toolbar.delegate = self
+ self.window?.toolbar = toolbar
+ toolbar.allowsUserCustomization = false
+ toolbar.displayMode = .iconOnly
+ }
+ @objc func convertPDFToOtherFormat(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .Convert
+ }
+ @objc func createPDF(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .CreatePDF
+ }
+ @objc func merge(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .Merge
+ }
+ @objc func compress(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .Compress
+ }
+ @objc func ocr(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .OCR
+ }
+ @objc func setPDFPassword(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .AddPassword
+ }
+ @objc func removePDFPassword(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .RemovePassword
+ }
+ @objc func addWatermark(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .AddWatermark
+ }
+ @objc func removeWatermark(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .RemoveWatermark
+ }
+ @objc func addBackgroud(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .AddBackground
+ }
+ @objc func removeBackground(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .RemoveBackground
+ }
+ @objc func addHeaderFooter(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .AddHeaderFooter
+ }
+ @objc func removeHeaderFooter(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .RemoveHeaderFooter
+ }
+ @objc func addBates(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .AddBates
+ }
+ @objc func removeBates(sender: Any) {
+ self.operateType = .RemoveBates
+ }
+ func toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [NSToolbarItem.Identifier] {
+ let arr = [NSToolbarItem.Identifier.flexibleSpace,
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_ConvertIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier.flexibleSpace,
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_CompressIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier.flexibleSpace,
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_SecurityIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier.flexibleSpace,
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_WatermarkIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier.flexibleSpace,
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_BackgroundIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier.flexibleSpace,
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_HeadFooterIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier.flexibleSpace,
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_BatesIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier.flexibleSpace
+ ]
+ return arr
+ }
+ func toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [NSToolbarItem.Identifier] {
+ let arr = [
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_ConvertIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_CompressIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_SecurityIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_WatermarkIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_BackgroundIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_HeadFooterIdentifier),
+ NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: kBatchOperateToolbar_BatesIdentifier)
+ ]
+ return arr
+ }
+ func toolbar(_ toolbar: NSToolbar, itemForItemIdentifier itemIdentifier: NSToolbarItem.Identifier, willBeInsertedIntoToolbar flag: Bool) -> NSToolbarItem? {
+ let item = NSToolbarItem(itemIdentifier: itemIdentifier)
+ if itemIdentifier.rawValue == kBatchOperateToolbar_ConvertIdentifier {
+ item.view = self.convertToolbarItemView
+ item.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Convert", comment: "")
+ let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Convert", comment: ""), action: #selector(convertPDFToOtherFormat(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menuItem.target = self
+ item.menuFormRepresentation = menuItem
+ } else if itemIdentifier.rawValue == kBatchOperateToolbar_MergeIdentifier {
+ item.view = self.mergeToolbarItemView
+ item.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Merge", comment: "")
+ let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Merge", comment: ""), action: #selector(merge(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menuItem.target = self
+ item.menuFormRepresentation = menuItem
+ } else if itemIdentifier.rawValue == kBatchOperateToolbar_CompressIdentifier {
+ item.view = self.compressToolbarItemView
+ item.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Compress", comment: "")
+ let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Compress", comment: ""), action: #selector(compress(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menuItem.target = self
+ item.menuFormRepresentation = menuItem
+ } else if itemIdentifier.rawValue == kBatchOperateToolbar_OCRIdentifier {
+ item.view = self.ocrToolbarItemView
+ item.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("OCR", comment: "")
+ let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: NSLocalizedString("OCR", comment: ""), action: #selector(ocr(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menuItem.target = self
+ item.menuFormRepresentation = menuItem
+ } else if itemIdentifier.rawValue == kBatchOperateToolbar_SecurityIdentifier {
+ item.view = self.securityToolbarItemView
+ let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Security", comment: ""), action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
+ let menu = NSMenu()
+ menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Set Passwords", comment: ""), action: #selector(setPDFPassword(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Remove Security", comment: ""), action: #selector(removePDFPassword(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menuItem.submenu = menu
+ menuItem.target = self
+ item.menuFormRepresentation = menuItem
+ } else if itemIdentifier.rawValue == kBatchOperateToolbar_WatermarkIdentifier {
+ item.view = self.watermarkToolbarItemView
+ let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Watermark", comment: ""), action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
+ let menu = NSMenu()
+ menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Add Watermark", comment: ""), action: #selector(addWatermark(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Remove Watermark", comment: ""), action: #selector(removeWatermark(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menuItem.submenu = menu
+ menuItem.target = self
+ item.menuFormRepresentation = menuItem
+ } else if itemIdentifier.rawValue == kBatchOperateToolbar_BackgroundIdentifier {
+ item.view = self.backgroundToolbarItemView
+ let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Background", comment: ""), action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
+ let menu = NSMenu()
+ menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Add Background", comment: ""), action: #selector(addBackgroud(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Remove Background", comment: ""), action: #selector(removeBackground(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menuItem.submenu = menu
+ menuItem.target = self
+ item.menuFormRepresentation = menuItem
+ } else if itemIdentifier.rawValue == kBatchOperateToolbar_HeadFooterIdentifier {
+ item.view = self.headerfooterToolbarItemView
+ let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Header & Footer", comment: ""), action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
+ let menu = NSMenu()
+ menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Add Header & Footer", comment: ""), action: #selector(addHeaderFooter(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Remove Header & Footer", comment: ""), action: #selector(removeHeaderFooter(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menuItem.submenu = menu
+ menuItem.target = self
+ item.menuFormRepresentation = menuItem
+ } else if itemIdentifier.rawValue == kBatchOperateToolbar_BatesIdentifier {
+ item.view = self.batesToolbarItemView
+ let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Bates Numbers", comment: ""), action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
+ let menu = NSMenu()
+ menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Add Bates Numbers", comment: ""), action: #selector(addBates(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Remove Bates Numbers", comment: ""), action: #selector(removeBates(sender:)), keyEquivalent: "")
+ menuItem.submenu = menu
+ menuItem.target = self
+ item.menuFormRepresentation = menuItem
+ }
+ return item
+ }
+ func showIsConvertingHint() {
+ let texHintWindowController = KMTextHintWindowController(windowNibName: "KMTextHintWindowController")
+ self.window?.beginSheet(texHintWindowController.window!)
+ }
+ func windowDidBecomeKey(_ notification: Notification) {
+ for i in 0..<self.toolbarItemViews.count {
+ var btn = self.toolbarItemViews[i] as! KMCustomViewButton
+ btn.enable = true
+ }
+ }
+ func windowDidResignKey(_ notification: Notification) {
+ for i in 0..<self.toolbarItemViews.count {
+ let btn = self.toolbarItemViews[i] as! KMCustomViewButton
+ btn.enable = false
+ }
+ }