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19 arquivos alterados com 981 adições e 21 exclusões
  1. 26 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Account/Controller/AccountInputController.swift
  2. 77 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Account/Controller/AccountProfileController.swift
  3. 6 17
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Account/Controller/AccountRightController.swift
  4. 27 1
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Account/Window/AccountCenterWindowController.swift
  5. 12 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Appearance/Image.xcassets/Account/KMImageNameAccountRefreshLoading.imageset/Contents.json
  6. 65 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Appearance/Image.xcassets/Account/KMImageNameAccountRefreshLoading.imageset/Frame 1000001887-2.pdf
  7. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings
  8. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
  9. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
  10. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
  11. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings
  12. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings
  13. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings
  14. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings
  15. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings
  16. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings
  17. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
  18. 60 3
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
  19. 59 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

+ 26 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Account/Controller/AccountInputController.swift

@@ -117,6 +117,12 @@ class AccountInputController: NSViewController {
             if idx == 1 { //切换登录
             } else if idx == 2 { // 注册
+                let state = self?._isConnectionAvailable() ?? false
+                if !state {
+                    self?._showHud(msg: NSLocalizedString("Unable to connect to server, please check your connection.", comment: ""))
+                    return
+                }
                 guard let email = params.first as? String, email.isEmpty == false else {
                     let string = NSLocalizedString("Please enter an email address.", comment: "")
@@ -167,6 +173,12 @@ class AccountInputController: NSViewController {
             if idx == 1 { //切换注册
             } else if idx == 2 { // 登陆
+                let state = self?._isConnectionAvailable() ?? false
+                if !state {
+                    self?._showHud(msg: NSLocalizedString("Unable to connect to server, please check your connection.", comment: ""))
+                    return
+                }
                 guard let email = params.first as? String, email.isEmpty == false else {
                     let string = NSLocalizedString("Please enter an email address.", comment: "")
@@ -217,4 +229,18 @@ class AccountInputController: NSViewController {
         let pred = NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", regex)
         return pred.evaluate(with: email)
+    private func _isConnectionAvailable() -> Bool {
+        if Reachability.forInternetConnection().currentReachabilityStatus().rawValue == 0 {
+            return false
+        }
+        return true
+    }
+    private func _showHud(msg: String) {
+//        if let data = self.view {
+//            _ = CustomAlertView(message: msg, from: data, with: .black)
+            CustomAlertView.alertView(message: msg, fromView: self.view, withStyle: .black)
+//        }
+    }

+ 77 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Account/Controller/AccountProfileController.swift

@@ -7,6 +7,55 @@
 import Cocoa
+class AccountLoadingView: NSView {
+    private lazy var contentBox_: NSBox = {
+        let view = NSBox()
+        view.boxType = .custom
+        view.titlePosition = .noTitle
+        view.contentViewMargins = .zero
+        view.borderWidth = 0
+        return view
+    }()
+//    private lazy var titleLabel_: NSTextField = {
+//        let view = NSTextField(labelWithString: "")
+//        view.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 16)
+//        view.textColor = KMAppearance.titleColor()
+//        return view
+//    }()
+    private lazy var iconIv_: NSImageView = {
+        let view = NSImageView()
+        view.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameAccountRefreshLoading")
+        return view
+    }()
+    convenience init() {
+        self.init(frame: .init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 160, height: 118))
+        self.initSubviews()
+    }
+    override func awakeFromNib() {
+        super.awakeFromNib()
+        self.initSubviews()
+    }
+    func initSubviews() {
+        self.addSubview(self.contentBox_)
+        self.contentBox_.km_add_inset_constraint()
+        self.contentBox_.contentView?.addSubview(self.iconIv_)
+        self.iconIv_.km_add_size_constraint(size: .init(width: 40, height: 40))
+        self.iconIv_.km_add_centerX_constraint()
+        self.iconIv_.km_add_centerY_constraint()
+        self.contentBox_.fillColor = .black
+        self.contentBox_.cornerRadius = 10
+    }
 class AccountProfileController: NSViewController {
     @IBOutlet weak var headerBox: NSBox!
     @IBOutlet weak var mainBox: NSBox!
@@ -32,6 +81,11 @@ class AccountProfileController: NSViewController {
     private var unSubwinC_: AccountUnsubscribeWindowController?
     private var pwdChangedwinC_: AccountPwdChangedWindowController?
+    private var loadingView_: AccountLoadingView = {
+        let view = AccountLoadingView()
+        return view
+    }()
     convenience init() {
         self.init(nibName: "AccountProfileController", bundle: MainBundle)
@@ -96,7 +150,9 @@ class AccountProfileController: NSViewController {
     @objc func refreshAction() {
         if let token = KMDataManager.ud_string(forKey: kAccountTokenKey), token.isEmpty == false {
             let header = ["Token" : token]
+            self.showLoading()
             KMHTTP.OEM_POST(urlString: kURLAPI_oemGetPermissions, parameter: nil, headers: header) { success, dataDict, err in
+                self.hideLoading()
                 if success == false {
@@ -146,6 +202,7 @@ class AccountProfileController: NSViewController {
+                        KMDataManager.ud_set("", forKey: kAccountTokenKey)
                 } else {
 //                    self.gotoSignin()
@@ -215,4 +272,24 @@ class AccountProfileController: NSViewController {
+    func showLoading() {
+        if let _ = self.loadingView_.superview {
+            self.hideLoading()
+        }
+        let view = self.loadingView_
+        self.view.addSubview(view)
+        let viewFrame = self.view.frame
+        var frame = view.frame
+        frame.origin.x = (viewFrame.size.width-frame.size.width)*0.5
+        frame.origin.y = (viewFrame.size.height-frame.size.height)*0.5
+        view.frame = frame
+    }
+    func hideLoading() {
+        self.loadingView_.removeFromSuperview()
+    }

+ 6 - 17
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Account/Controller/AccountRightController.swift

@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ extension AccountRightController: NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource {
         if datas.count == 0 {
             return 1
-        return 1 + self.rightDatas.count + 1 + self.expiredDatas.count
+        let expiredCnt = self.expiredDatas.isEmpty ? 0 : (1 + self.expiredDatas.count)
+        return 1 + self.rightDatas.count + expiredCnt
     func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? {
@@ -66,18 +67,11 @@ extension AccountRightController: NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource {
             return cell
-        if let model = self.rightDatas.safe_element(for: row) as? AccountRightInfoModel { // 权益
+        if let model = self.rightDatas.safe_element(for: row-1) as? AccountRightInfoModel { // 权益
             var cell = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: "titleCell"), owner: nil) as? AccountRightCellView
             if cell == nil {
                 cell = AccountRightCellView()
-            let model = AccountRightInfoModel()
-   = "xxxx"
-            model.automatically_subscribe = 1
-            model.total_num = 2
-            model.surplus_num = 2
-            model.status = 1
-            model.failure_time_text = "2021"
             cell?.model = model
             cell?.itemClick = { [weak self] idx, params in
@@ -93,17 +87,12 @@ extension AccountRightController: NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource {
         if cell == nil {
             cell = AccountRightCellView()
-        let model = AccountRightInfoModel()
- = "xxxx"
-        model.automatically_subscribe = 0
-        model.total_num = 2
-        model.surplus_num = 2
-        model.status = 2
-        model.failure_time_text = "2021"
+        let model = self.expiredDatas.safe_element(for: row-2-self.rightDatas.count) as? AccountRightInfoModel
         cell?.model = model
         cell?.itemClick = { [weak self] idx, params in
             if idx == 1 { // renew
-                KMTools.openURL(urlString: model.buy_url)
+                KMTools.openURL(urlString: model?.buy_url ?? "")
         return cell

+ 27 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Account/Window/AccountCenterWindowController.swift

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class AccountCenterWindowController: NSWindowController {
     @IBOutlet weak var contentBox: NSBox!
     private lazy var rightDatas_: [String] = {
-        return [NSLocalizedString("Handle PDF Documents with Al", comment: ""),
+        return [NSLocalizedString("Handle PDF Documents with AI", comment: ""),
                 NSLocalizedString("Unlimited file conversion", comment: ""),
                 NSLocalizedString("PDF text and image editing", comment: ""),
                 NSLocalizedString("Batch PDF processing", comment: ""),
@@ -94,6 +94,12 @@ class AccountCenterWindowController: NSWindowController {
                 KMDataManager.ud_set(data, forKey: kAccountTokenKey)
+            let state = self._isConnectionAvailable()
+            if !state {
+                self._showHud(msg: NSLocalizedString("Unable to connect to server, please check your connection.", comment: ""))
+                return
+            }
             let header = ["Token" : model.token ?? ""]
             KMHTTP.OEM_POST(urlString: kURLAPI_oemGetPermissions, parameter: nil, headers: header) { success, dataDict, err in
                 if success == false {
@@ -122,6 +128,12 @@ class AccountCenterWindowController: NSWindowController {
                 KMDataManager.ud_set(data, forKey: kAccountTokenKey)
+            let state = self._isConnectionAvailable()
+            if !state {
+                self._showHud(msg: NSLocalizedString("Unable to connect to server, please check your connection.", comment: ""))
+                return
+            }
             let header = ["Token" : model.token ?? ""]
             KMHTTP.OEM_POST(urlString: kURLAPI_oemGetPermissions, parameter: nil, headers: header) { success, dataDict, err in
                 if success == false {
@@ -188,4 +200,18 @@ class AccountCenterWindowController: NSWindowController {
     @objc private func _closeAction() {
+    private func _isConnectionAvailable() -> Bool {
+        if Reachability.forInternetConnection().currentReachabilityStatus().rawValue == 0 {
+            return false
+        }
+        return true
+    }
+    private func _showHud(msg: String) {
+        if let data = self.window?.contentView {
+//            _ = CustomAlertView(message: msg, from: data, with: .black)
+            CustomAlertView.alertView(message: msg, fromView: data, withStyle: .black)
+        }
+    }

+ 12 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Appearance/Image.xcassets/Account/KMImageNameAccountRefreshLoading.imageset/Contents.json

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  "images" : [
+    {
+      "filename" : "Frame 1000001887-2.pdf",
+      "idiom" : "universal"
+    }
+  ],
+  "info" : {
+    "author" : "xcode",
+    "version" : 1
+  }

+ 65 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Appearance/Image.xcassets/Account/KMImageNameAccountRefreshLoading.imageset/Frame 1000001887-2.pdf

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+1 0 obj
+  << >>
+2 0 obj
+  << /Filter /FlateDecode
+     /Length 3 0 R
+  >>
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+  << /Annots []
+     /Type /Page
+     /MediaBox [ 0.000000 0.000000 40.000000 40.000000 ]
+     /Resources 1 0 R
+     /Contents 2 0 R
+     /Parent 5 0 R
+  >>
+5 0 obj
+  << /Kids [ 4 0 R ]
+     /Count 1
+     /Type /Pages
+  >>
+6 0 obj
+  << /Pages 5 0 R
+     /Type /Catalog
+  >>
+0 7
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+0000000034 00000 n
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+<< /ID [ (some) (id) ]
+   /Root 6 0 R
+   /Size 7

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4733,3 +4733,62 @@
 "Are you sure to delete all comment replies?" = "هل أنت متأكد من حذف جميع الردود على التعليقات؟";
 "Note State" = "ولاية";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="Faça login para uma avaliação gratuita de 7 dias";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="Manipule documentos PDF com IA";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="Conversão ilimitada de arquivos";
+"PDF text and image editing"="Edição de texto e imagens em PDF";
+"Batch PDF processing"="Processamento de PDFs em lote";
+"Advanced PDF management"="Gerenciamento avançado de PDFs";
+"PDF annotations"="Anotações em PDF";
+"Create&fill forms"="Criação e preenchimento de formulários";
+"PDF Protect"="Proteção de PDF";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="Tecnologia avançada de OCR";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="Registre-se no AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="Já possui uma conta? Faça o login";
+"Email Address"="Endereço de e-mail";
+"Create Account"="Criar conta";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="Ao criar uma conta, concordo que li e aceitei os Termos de Uso e a Política de Privacidade.";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="Fazer login no AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="Não tem uma conta? Registrar-se";
+"Forgot Password?"="Esqueceu sua senha?";
+"The email address has been registered."="O endereço de e-mail foi registrado.";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="O tamanho da senha deve ter de 6 a 16 caracteres.";
+"Please enter an email address."="Digite um endereço de e-mail.";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="Digite um endereço de e-mail válido.";
+"Please enter a password."="Digite uma senha.";
+"Please enter the correct password."="Digite a senha correta.";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="Não é possível conectar-se ao servidor, verifique sua conexão.";
+"The account doesn't exist."="A conta não existe.";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="Sua senha foi alterada. Faça login novamente.";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="Você tentou por 6 dias.";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="Compre e desbloqueie todos os recursos";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="Plano de 1 mês (2 dispositivos)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="Plano de 1 ano (2 dispositivos)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="Plano vitalício (3 dispositivos)";
+"Buy Now"="Compre agora";
+"Rights and Interests"="Direitos e interesses";
+"Get Benefits"="Obter benefícios";
+"In Subscription"="Na assinatura";
+"Cancel Subscription"="Cancelar assinatura";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="Tem certeza de que deseja cancelar a assinatura?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="Após cancelar a janela de assinatura, você não poderá aproveitar os benefícios de associação e os serviços VIP fornecidos pelo produto a partir do próximo ciclo.";
+"I'm Sure"="Tenho certeza";
+"I‘ll think about it"="Pense novamente";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="Tem certeza de que deseja sair?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="Sua conta foi conectada em outro dispositivo. Se você não solicitar o login, altere sua senha.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3102,3 +3102,62 @@
 "Note State" = "Zustand";
 "View Bookmarks" = "Lesezeichen anzeigen";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="Anmelden für eine kostenlose 7-Tage-Testversion";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="PDF-Dokumente mit AI bearbeiten";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="Unbegrenzte Dateikonvertierung";
+"PDF text and image editing"="PDF-Text- und Bildbearbeitung";
+"Batch PDF processing"="Stapelverarbeitung von PDF-Dateien";
+"Advanced PDF management"="Erweiterte PDF-Verwaltung";
+"PDF annotations"="PDF-Anmerkungen";
+"Create&fill forms"="Formulare erstellen und ausfüllen";
+"PDF Protect"="PDF-Schutz";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="Erweiterte OCR-Technologie";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="Anmeldung für AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="Sie haben bereits ein Konto? Einloggen";
+"Email Address"="E-Mail Adresse";
+"Create Account"="Konto erstellen";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="Durch die Erstellung eines Kontos erkläre ich, dass ich die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie gelesen und akzeptiert habe.";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="Bei AnyRecover ID anmelden";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="Sie haben noch kein Konto? Anmelden";
+"Forgot Password?"="Passwort vergessen?";
+"The email address has been registered."="Die E-Mail Adresse wurde registriert.";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="Das Passwort muss 6-16 Zeichen lang sein.";
+"Please enter an email address."="Bitte geben Sie eine E-Mail-Adresse ein.";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.";
+"Please enter a password."="Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort ein.";
+"Please enter the correct password."="Bitte geben Sie das richtige Passwort ein.";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="Die Verbindung zum Server kann nicht hergestellt werden, bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung.";
+"The account doesn't exist."="Das Konto existiert nicht.";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="Ihr Passwort wurde geändert. Bitte melden Sie sich erneut an.";
+"Hi,XXX"="Hallo, XXXX";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="Sie haben es 6 Tage lang ausprobiert.";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="Kaufen und alle Funktionen freischalten";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="1-Monats-Plan (2 Geräte)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="1-Jahres-Plan (2 Geräte)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="Lifetime-Plan (3 Geräte)";
+"Buy Now"="Jetzt kaufen";
+"Rights and Interests"="Rechte und Interessen";
+"Get Benefits"="Vorteile erhalten";
+"Expires:"="Läuft ab:";
+"In Subscription"="Im Abonnement";
+"Cancel Subscription"="Abonnement kündigen";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Abonnement kündigen möchten?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="Wenn Sie das Abo-Fenster kündigen, können Sie ab dem nächsten Zyklus die Vorteile der Mitgliedschaft und die VIP-Services des Produkts nicht mehr nutzen.";
+"I'm Sure"="Ich bin sicher";
+"I‘ll think about it"="Ich werde es mir überlegen";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sich abmelden möchten?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="Ihr Konto wurde bereits auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet. Wenn Sie die Anmeldung nicht anfordern, ändern Sie bitte Ihr Passwort.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4265,3 +4265,62 @@
 "Note State" = "State";
 "View Bookmarks" = "View Bookmarks";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="Handle PDF Documents with AI";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="Unlimited file conversion";
+"PDF text and image editing"="PDF text and image editing";
+"Batch PDF processing"="Batch PDF processing";
+"Advanced PDF management"="Advanced PDF management";
+"PDF annotations"="PDF annotations";
+"Create&fill forms"="Create&fill forms";
+"PDF Protect"="PDF Protect";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="Advanced OCR technology";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="Sign Up for AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="Already have an account? Log in";
+"Email Address"="Email Address";
+"Create Account"="Create Account";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="Log in to AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="Don't have an account? Sign up";
+"Forgot Password?"="Forgot Password?";
+"The email address has been registered."="The email address has been registered.";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="Password length must be 6-16 characters.";
+"Please enter an email address."="Please enter an email address.";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="Please enter a valid email address.";
+"Please enter a password."="Please enter a password.";
+"Please enter the correct password."="Please enter the correct password.";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="Unable to connect to server, please check your connection.";
+"The account doesn't exist."="The account doesn't exist.";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="Your password has been changed. Please login again.";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="You have tried it for 6 days.";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="Purchase and unlock all features";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="1-Month Plan (2 Devices)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="1-Year Plan (2 Devices)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)";
+"Buy Now"="Buy Now";
+"Rights and Interests"="Rights and Interests";
+"Get Benefits"="Get Benefits";
+"In Subscription"="In Subscription";
+"Cancel Subscription"="Cancel Subscription";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle.";
+"I'm Sure"="I'm Sure";
+"I‘ll think about it"="I‘ll think about it";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="Are you sure you want to log out?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3184,3 +3184,62 @@
 "Note State" = "estado";
 "View Bookmarks" = "Ver marcadores";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="Inicie sesión para una prueba gratuita de 7 días";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="Manipule documentos PDF con AI";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="Conversión ilimitada de archivos";
+"PDF text and image editing"="Edición de texto e imágenes en PDF";
+"Batch PDF processing"="Procesamiento de PDF por lotes";
+"Advanced PDF management"="Gestión avanzada de PDF";
+"PDF annotations"="Anotaciones en PDF";
+"Create&fill forms"="Crear y rellenar formularios";
+"PDF Protect"="Protección de PDF";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="Tecnología OCR avanzada";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="Registrarse en AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="¿Ya tiene una cuenta? Iniciar sesión";
+"Email Address"="Correo electrónico";
+"Create Account"="Crear cuenta";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="Al crear una cuenta, acepto haber leído y aceptado las Condiciones de uso y la Política de privacidad.";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="Iniciar sesión en AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="¿No tienes una cuenta? Registrarse";
+"Forgot Password?"="¿Olvidaste la contraseña?";
+"Login"="Iniciar sesión";
+"The email address has been registered."="La dirección de correo electrónico ha sido registrada.";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="La contraseña debe tener entre 6 y 16 caracteres.";
+"Please enter an email address."="Introduzca una dirección de correo electrónico.";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="Introduzca una dirección de correo electrónico válida.";
+"Please enter a password."="Introduzca una contraseña.";
+"Please enter the correct password."="Por favor, introduzca la contraseña correcta.";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="No se puede conectar al servidor, por favor compruebe su conexión.";
+"The account doesn't exist."="La cuenta no existe.";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="Su contraseña ha sido cambiada. Por favor, conéctese de nuevo.";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="Lo has probado durante 6 días.";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="Compra y desbloquea todas las funciones";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="Plan de 1 mes (2 dispositivos)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="Plan anual (2 dispositivos)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="Plan de por vida (3 dispositivos)";
+"Buy Now"="Comprar ahora";
+"Rights and Interests"="Derechos e Intereses";
+"Get Benefits"="Obtener beneficios";
+"In Subscription"="En suscripción";
+"Cancel Subscription"="Cancelar suscripción";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="¿Está seguro de que desea cancelar la suscripción?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="Una vez cancelada la suscripción, no podrá disfrutar de las ventajas de afiliación ni de los servicios VIP que ofrece el producto a partir del siguiente ciclo.";
+"I'm Sure"="Estoy seguro";
+"I‘ll think about it"="Me lo pensaré";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="¿Seguro que quieres darte de baja?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="Su cuenta ha sido iniciada en otro dispositivo. Si no solicita el inicio de sesión, cambie su contraseña.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3064,3 +3064,62 @@
 "Note State" = "État";
 "View Bookmarks" = "Afficher les favoris";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="Connectez-vous pour un essai gratuit de 7 jours";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="Traiter les documents PDF avec AI";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="Conversion illimitée de fichiers";
+"PDF text and image editing"="Édition de textes et d'images au format PDF";
+"Batch PDF processing"="Traitement des PDF par lots";
+"Advanced PDF management"="Gestion avancée des PDF";
+"PDF annotations"="Annotations PDF";
+"Create&fill forms"="Création et remplissage de formulaires";
+"PDF Protect"="Protection des PDF";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="Technologie OCR avancée";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="S'inscrire à AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="Vous avez déjà un compte ? S'identifier";
+"Email Address"="Adresse e-mail";
+"Password"="Mot de passe";
+"Create Account"="Créer un compte";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="En créant un compte, je reconnais avoir lu et accepté les conditions d'utilisation et la politique de confidentialité.";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="Se connecter à AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="Vous n'avez pas de compte ? S'inscrire";
+"Forgot Password?"="Oublié le mot de passe ?";
+"The email address has been registered."="L'adresse e-mail a été enregistrée.";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="Le mot de passe doit être composé de 6 à 16 caractères.";
+"Please enter an email address."="Veuillez saisir une adresse électronique.";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="Veuillez saisir une adresse électronique valide.";
+"Please enter a password."="Veuillez saisir un mot de passe.";
+"Please enter the correct password."="Veuillez saisir le mot de passe correct.";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="Impossible de se connecter au serveur, veuillez vérifier votre connexion.";
+"The account doesn't exist."="Le compte n'existe pas.";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="Votre mot de passe a été modifié. Veuillez vous connecter à nouveau.";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="Vous avez essayé pendant 6 jours.";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="Acheter et débloquer toutes les fonctionnalités";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="Plan d'un mois (2 appareils)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="Plan d'un an (2 appareils)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="Plan à vie (3 appareils)";
+"Buy Now"="Acheter";
+"Rights and Interests"="Droits et intérêts";
+"Get Benefits"="Obtenir des avantages";
+"Expires:"="Expire :";
+"In Subscription"="Dans l'abonnement";
+"Cancel Subscription"="Annuler l'abonnement";
+"Available:"="Disponible :";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous désabonner ?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="Après avoir annulé la fenêtre d'abonnement, vous ne pourrez plus bénéficier des avantages liés à l'adhésion et des services VIP fournis par le produit à partir du cycle suivant.";
+"I'm Sure"="Je suis sûr";
+"I‘ll think about it"="Détrompez-vous";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter ?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="Votre compte a été connecté sur un autre appareil. Si vous ne demandez pas la connexion, veuillez modifier votre mot de passe.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2981,3 +2981,62 @@
 "Note State" = "stato";
 "View Bookmarks" = "Visualizza i segnalibri";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="Accedi per una prova gratuita di 7 giorni";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="Gestite i documenti PDF con AI";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="Conversione illimitata dei file";
+"PDF text and image editing"="Modifica di testo e immagini in PDF";
+"Batch PDF processing"="Elaborazione PDF in batch";
+"Advanced PDF management"="Gestione avanzata dei PDF";
+"PDF annotations"="Annotazioni in PDF";
+"Create&fill forms"="Creazione e compilazione di moduli";
+"PDF Protect"="Protezione dei PDF";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="Tecnologia OCR avanzata";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="Iscriviti a AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="Avete già un account? Accedi";
+"Email Address"="Indirizzo e-mail";
+"Password"="Password di accesso";
+"Create Account"="Creare un account";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="Creando un account, dichiaro di aver letto e accettato le Condizioni d'uso e l'Informativa sulla privacy.";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="Accedi a AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="Non hai un account? Iscriviti";
+"Forgot Password?"="Hai dimenticato la password?";
+"The email address has been registered."="L'indirizzo e-mail è stato registrato.";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="La lunghezza della password deve essere di 6-16 caratteri.";
+"Please enter an email address."="Inserire un indirizzo e-mail.";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="Inserire un indirizzo e-mail valido.";
+"Please enter a password."="Inserire una password.";
+"Please enter the correct password."="Inserire la password corretta.";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="Impossibile connettersi al server, verificare la connessione.";
+"The account doesn't exist."="L'account non esiste.";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="La password è stata modificata. Effettuare nuovamente il login.";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="Hai provato per 6 giorni.";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="Acquista e sblocca tutte le funzioni";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="Piano di 1 mese (2 dispositivi)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="Piano di 1 anno (2 dispositivi)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="Piano a vita (3 dispositivi)";
+"Buy Now"="Acquista ora";
+"Rights and Interests"="Diritti e interessi";
+"Get Benefits"="Ottenere vantaggi";
+"In Subscription"="In abbonamento";
+"Cancel Subscription"="Annullamento dell'abbonamento";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="Sei sicuro di voler annullare l'abbonamento?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="Dopo aver annullato la finestra di abbonamento, non sarà possibile usufruire dei vantaggi dell'iscrizione e dei servizi VIP forniti dal prodotto a partire dal ciclo successivo.";
+"I'm Sure"="Sono sicuro";
+"I‘ll think about it"="Ci penserò";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="Sei sicuro di volerti cancellare?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="Il suo account è stato registrato su un altro dispositivo. Se non si richiede l'accesso, si prega di cambiare la password.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3259,3 +3259,62 @@
 "Note State" = "州";
 "View Bookmarks" = "ブックマークを表示する";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="ログインして7日間無料体験";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="AIでPDF文書を扱う";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="無制限のファイル変換";
+"PDF text and image editing"="PDFテキストと画像の編集";
+"Batch PDF processing"="バッチPDF処理";
+"Advanced PDF management"="高度なPDF管理";
+"PDF annotations"="PDF注釈";
+"Create&fill forms"="フォームの作成と記入";
+"PDF Protect"="PDFプロテクト";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="高度なOCR技術";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="AnyRecoverにサインアップ";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="アカウントをお持ちですか? ログイン";
+"Email Address"="メールアドレス";
+"Create Account"="アカウントの作成";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="アカウントを作成することで、私は利用規約とプライバシーポリシーを読み、承諾したことに同意します。";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="AnyRecover IDにログイン";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="アカウントをお持ちでないですか? 登録する";
+"Forgot Password?"="パスワードをお忘れですか?";
+"The email address has been registered."="メールアドレスが登録されました。";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="パスワードの長さは6-16文字です。";
+"Please enter an email address."="メールアドレスを入力してください。";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="有効なメールアドレスを入力してください。";
+"Please enter a password."="パスワードを入力してください。";
+"Please enter the correct password."="正しいパスワードを入力してください。";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="サーバーに接続できません。接続を確認してください。";
+"The account doesn't exist."="アカウントが存在しません。";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="パスワードが変更されました。もう一度ログインしてください。";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="あなたは6日間試してみました。";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="購入し、すべての機能をアンロックする";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="1ヶ月プラン(2デバイス)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="1年プラン(2デバイス)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="ライフタイムプラン(3デバイス)";
+"Buy Now"="今すぐ購入";
+"Rights and Interests"="権利と特典";
+"Get Benefits"="特典を受ける";
+"In Subscription"="購読中";
+"Cancel Subscription"="サブスクリプションのキャンセル";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="本当に購読を解除しますか?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="退会されますと、次のサイクルから会員特典やVIPサービスをご利用いただけなくなります。";
+"I'm Sure"="もちろん";
+"I‘ll think about it"="考えてみる";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="本当にログアウトしますか?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="あなたのアカウントは別のデバイスでログインされています。ログインを要求しない場合は、パスワードを変更してください。";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3140,3 +3140,62 @@
 "Note State" = "staat";
 "View Bookmarks" = "Bekijk bladwijzers";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="Log in voor een gratis proefversie van 7 dagen";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="PDF-documenten verwerken met AI";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="Onbeperkt bestanden converteren";
+"PDF text and image editing"="PDF-tekst en afbeeldingen bewerken";
+"Batch PDF processing"="Batchverwerking van PDF-bestanden";
+"Advanced PDF management"="Geavanceerd PDF-beheer";
+"PDF annotations"="PDF-annotaties";
+"Create&fill forms"="Formulieren maken en vullen";
+"PDF Protect"="PDF-beveiliging";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="Geavanceerde OCR-technologie";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="Aanmelden voor AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="Hebt u al een account? Aanmelden";
+"Email Address"="E-mailadres";
+"Create Account"="Account aanmaken";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="Door een account aan te maken, ga ik ermee akkoord dat ik de Gebruiksvoorwaarden en het Privacybeleid heb gelezen en geaccepteerd.";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="Aanmelden bij AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="Hebt u geen account? Aanmelden";
+"Forgot Password?"="Wachtwoord vergeten?";
+"The email address has been registered."="Het e-mailadres is geregistreerd.";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="Het wachtwoord moet 6-16 tekens lang zijn.";
+"Please enter an email address."="Voer een e-mailadres in.";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="Voer een geldig e-mailadres in.";
+"Please enter a password."="Voer een wachtwoord in.";
+"Please enter the correct password."="Voer het juiste wachtwoord in.";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="Kan geen verbinding maken met de server, controleer uw verbinding.";
+"The account doesn't exist."="De account bestaat niet.";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="Uw wachtwoord is gewijzigd. Log opnieuw in.";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="Je hebt het 6 dagen geprobeerd.";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="Koop en ontgrendel alle functies";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="1-maandenplan (2 apparaten)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="1-jarig plan (2 apparaten)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="Levenslang plan (3 apparaten)";
+"Buy Now"="Nu kopen";
+"Rights and Interests"="Rechten en belangen";
+"Get Benefits"="Voordelen";
+"In Subscription"="In abonnement";
+"Cancel Subscription"="Abonnement opzeggen";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="Weet je zeker dat je je wilt afmelden?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="Na het opzeggen van het abonnementsvenster kun je vanaf de volgende cyclus niet meer genieten van de voordelen van het lidmaatschap en de VIP-services die het product biedt.";
+"I'm Sure"="Ik weet het zeker";
+"I‘ll think about it"="Denk nog eens na";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="Weet je zeker dat je je wilt afmelden?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="Je account is aangemeld op een ander apparaat. Als u de aanmelding niet aanvraagt, wijzig dan uw wachtwoord.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3196,3 +3196,62 @@
 "Note State" = "państwo";
 "View Bookmarks" = "Zobacz zakładki";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="Zaloguj się, aby uzyskać 7-dniowy bezpłatny okres próbny";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="Obsługa dokumentów PDF za pomocą AI";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="Nieograniczona konwersja plików";
+"PDF text and image editing"="Edycja tekstu i obrazów PDF";
+"Batch PDF processing"="Przetwarzanie wsadowe plików PDF";
+"Advanced PDF management"="Zaawansowane zarządzanie plikami PDF";
+"PDF annotations"="Adnotacje PDF";
+"Create&fill forms"="Tworzenie i wypełnianie formularzy";
+"PDF Protect"="Ochrona plików PDF";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="Zaawansowana technologia OCR";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="Zarejestruj się w AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="Masz już konto? Zaloguj się";
+"Email Address"="Adres e-mail";
+"Create Account"="Utwórz konto";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="Tworząc konto, zgadzam się, że przeczytałem i zaakceptowałem Warunki użytkowania i Politykę prywatności.";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="Zaloguj się do AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="Nie masz konta? Zarejestruj się";
+"Forgot Password?"="Zapomniałeś hasła?";
+"Login"="Zaloguj się";
+"The email address has been registered."="Adres e-mail został zarejestrowany.";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="Hasło musi składać się z 6-16 znaków.";
+"Please enter an email address."="Wprowadź adres e-mail.";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="Wprowadź prawidłowy adres e-mail.";
+"Please enter a password."="Wprowadź hasło.";
+"Please enter the correct password."="Wprowadź prawidłowe hasło.";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="Nie można połączyć się z serwerem, sprawdź połączenie.";
+"The account doesn't exist."="Konto nie istnieje.";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="Twoje hasło zostało zmienione. Zaloguj się ponownie.";
+"Hi,XXX"="Cześć , XXX";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="Próbowałeś przez 6 dni.";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="Kup i odblokuj wszystkie funkcje";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="Plan 1-miesięczny (2 urządzenia)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="Plan 1-roczny (2 urządzenia)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="Plan dożywotni (3 urządzenia)";
+"Buy Now"="Kup teraz";
+"Rights and Interests"="Prawa i korzyści";
+"Get Benefits"="Uzyskaj korzyści";
+"In Subscription"="W subskrypcji";
+"Cancel Subscription"="Anuluj subskrypcję";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="Czy na pewno chcesz zrezygnować z subskrypcji?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="Po anulowaniu okna subskrypcji nie będziesz mógł korzystać z korzyści członkostwa i usług VIP zapewnianych przez produkt od następnego cyklu.";
+"I'm Sure"="Jestem pewien";
+"I‘ll think about it"="Zastanowię się";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="Czy na pewno chcesz się wylogować?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="Twoje konto zostało zalogowane na innym urządzeniu. Jeśli nie chcesz się zalogować, zmień hasło.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4654,3 +4654,62 @@
 "Are you sure to delete all comment replies?" = "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir todas as respostas aos comentários?";
 "Note State" = "estado";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="Faça login para uma avaliação gratuita de 7 dias";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="Manipule documentos PDF com IA";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="Conversão ilimitada de arquivos";
+"PDF text and image editing"="Edição de texto e imagens em PDF";
+"Batch PDF processing"="Processamento de PDFs em lote";
+"Advanced PDF management"="Gerenciamento avançado de PDFs";
+"PDF annotations"="Anotações em PDF";
+"Create&fill forms"="Criação e preenchimento de formulários";
+"PDF Protect"="Proteção de PDF";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="Tecnologia avançada de OCR";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="Registre-se no AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="Já possui uma conta? Faça o login";
+"Email Address"="Endereço de e-mail";
+"Create Account"="Criar conta";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="Ao criar uma conta, concordo que li e aceitei os Termos de Uso e a Política de Privacidade.";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="Fazer login no AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="Não tem uma conta? Registrar-se";
+"Forgot Password?"="Esqueceu sua senha?";
+"The email address has been registered."="O endereço de e-mail foi registrado.";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="O tamanho da senha deve ter de 6 a 16 caracteres.";
+"Please enter an email address."="Digite um endereço de e-mail.";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="Digite um endereço de e-mail válido.";
+"Please enter a password."="Digite uma senha.";
+"Please enter the correct password."="Digite a senha correta.";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="Não é possível conectar-se ao servidor, verifique sua conexão.";
+"The account doesn't exist."="A conta não existe.";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="Sua senha foi alterada. Faça login novamente.";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="Você tentou por 6 dias.";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="Compre e desbloqueie todos os recursos";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="Plano de 1 mês (2 dispositivos)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="Plano de 1 ano (2 dispositivos)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="Plano vitalício (3 dispositivos)";
+"Buy Now"="Compre agora";
+"Rights and Interests"="Direitos e interesses";
+"Get Benefits"="Obter benefícios";
+"In Subscription"="Na assinatura";
+"Cancel Subscription"="Cancelar assinatura";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="Tem certeza de que deseja cancelar a assinatura?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="Após cancelar a janela de assinatura, você não poderá aproveitar os benefícios de associação e os serviços VIP fornecidos pelo produto a partir do próximo ciclo.";
+"I'm Sure"="Tenho certeza";
+"I‘ll think about it"="Pense novamente";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="Tem certeza de que deseja sair?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="Sua conta foi conectada em outro dispositivo. Se você não solicitar o login, altere sua senha.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3129,3 +3129,62 @@
 "Note State" = "состояние";
 "View Bookmarks" = "Просмотр закладок";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="Войдите в систему, чтобы получить 7-дневную бесплатную пробную версию";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="Работа с документами PDF с помощью искусственного интеллекта";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="Неограниченное преобразование файлов";
+"PDF text and image editing"="Редактирование текста и изображений в PDF";
+"Batch PDF processing"="Пакетная обработка PDF-файлов";
+"Advanced PDF management"="Расширенное управление PDF-файлами";
+"PDF annotations"="Аннотации к PDF";
+"Create&fill forms"="Создание и заполнение форм";
+"PDF Protect"="Защита PDF";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="Передовая технология распознавания символов";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="Зарегистрируйтесь в AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="У вас уже есть учетная запись? Войти";
+"Email Address"="Адрес электронной почты";
+"Create Account"="Создать аккаунт";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="Создавая учетную запись, я соглашаюсь с тем, что прочитал и принял Условия использования и Политику конфиденциальности.";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="Войти в AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="У вас нет учетной записи? Зарегистрируйтесь";
+"Forgot Password?"="Забыли пароль?";
+"The email address has been registered."="Адрес электронной почты был зарегистрирован.";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="Длина пароля должна составлять 6-16 символов.";
+"Please enter an email address."="Пожалуйста, введите адрес электронной почты.";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="Пожалуйста, введите действительный адрес электронной почты.";
+"Please enter a password."="Пожалуйста, введите пароль.";
+"Please enter the correct password."="Пожалуйста, введите правильный пароль.";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="Невозможно подключиться к серверу, пожалуйста, проверьте соединение.";
+"The account doesn't exist."="Учетная запись не существует.";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="Ваш пароль был изменен. Пожалуйста, войдите в систему снова.";
+"Hi,XXX"="Привет, ХХХ";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="Вы пытались это сделать в течение 6 дней.";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="Приобретите и разблокируйте все функции";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="1-месячный план (2 устройства)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="Годовой план (2 устройства)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="Пожизненный план (3 устройства)";
+"Buy Now"="Купить сейчас";
+"Rights and Interests"="Права и интересы";
+"Get Benefits"="Получить преимущества";
+"In Subscription"="В подписке";
+"Cancel Subscription"="Отменить подписку";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="Вы уверены, что хотите отказаться от подписки?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="После отмены окна подписки вы не сможете пользоваться преимуществами членства и VIP-услугами, предоставляемыми продуктом, начиная со следующего цикла.";
+"I'm Sure"="Уверен";
+"I‘ll think about it"="Я подумаю";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="Вы уверены, что хотите выйти из системы?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="Ваша учетная запись была зарегистрирована на другом устройстве. Если вы не запрашиваете вход, пожалуйста, измените пароль.";

+ 60 - 3
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3870,7 +3870,6 @@
 "Please reset the font weight via the drop-down box" = "请通过下拉框重设字重";
 "General Properties" = "属性";
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 "If you have already purchased PDFull for Mac, you should find your license in an email confirmation." = "如果您已经购买 PDFull for Mac版本,请至确认邮件中查阅您的序列码。";
 "Congrats! You are eligible to enjoy all available features in PDFull." = "恭喜! 您可以开始享用PDFull中的所有可用功能。";
 "Thank you for trying PDFull" = "感谢您试用 PDFull !";
@@ -3981,7 +3980,7 @@
 "Feedback for PDFull" = "反馈";
 "Automatically save a PDFull Edition notes file with the same file name whenever you save a PDF file" = "保存 PDF 时,自动使用相同名称保存 PDFull Edition 笔记";
 "From Image"="从图像";
 "Measuring tools" = "测量工具";
@@ -4187,4 +4186,62 @@
 "Note State" = "状态";
 "View Bookmarks" = "查看书签";
->>>>>>> develop_PDFReaderProNew
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="登录即可免费试用 7 天";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="使用 AI 处理 PDF 文档";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="无限文件转换";
+"PDF text and image editing"="PDF 文本和图像编辑";
+"Batch PDF processing"="批量处理 PDF";
+"Advanced PDF management"="高级 PDF 管理";
+"PDF annotations"="PDF 注释";
+"Create&fill forms"="创建和填写表格";
+"PDF Protect"="PDF 保护";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="高级 OCR 技术";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="注册 AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="已有帐户?登录";
+"Email Address"="电子邮件地址";
+"Create Account"="创建帐户";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="通过创建帐户,我同意我已阅读并接受使用条款和隐私政策。";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="登录 AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="没有帐户?注册";
+"Forgot Password?"="忘记密码?";
+"The email address has been registered."="电子邮件地址已注册。";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="密码长度必须为 6-16 个字符。";
+"Please enter an email address."="请输入电子邮件地址。";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="请输入有效的电子邮件地址。";
+"Please enter a password."="请输入密码。";
+"Please enter the correct password."="请输入正确的密码。";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="无法连接到服务器,请检查您的连接。";
+"The account doesn't exist."="帐户不存在。";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="您的密码已更改。请重新登录。";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="您已试用 6 天。";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="购买并解锁全部功能";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="月计划(2台设备)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="年计划(2台设备)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="终身计划(3台设备)";
+"Buy Now"="立即购买";
+"Rights and Interests"="权益";
+"Get Benefits"="获得权益";
+"In Subscription"="订阅中";
+"Cancel Subscription"="取消订阅";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="确定取消订阅吗?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="取消订阅期后,从下一个周期起,您将无法享受产品提供的会员权益和VIP服务。";
+"I'm Sure"="我确定";
+"I‘ll think about it"="再想想";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="确定退出吗?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="您的账号已在其他设备登录,如未请求登录,请修改密码。";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4299,3 +4299,62 @@
 "Note State" = "狀態";
 "View Bookmarks" = "查看書籤";
+"Log in for a 7-Day Free Trial"="登入可獲得 7 天免費試用";
+"Handle PDF Documents with AI"="用AI處理PDF文檔";
+"Unlimited file conversion"="無限制的檔案轉換";
+"PDF text and image editing"="PDF文字和圖像編輯";
+"Batch PDF processing"="批次PDF處理";
+"Advanced PDF management"="先進的 PDF 管理";
+"PDF annotations"="PDF註釋";
+"Create&fill forms"="建立並填寫表格";
+"PDF Protect"="PDF保護";
+"Advanced OCR technology"="先進的OCR技術";
+"Sign Up for AnyRecover"="註冊 AnyRecover";
+"Already have an account? Log in"="已經有帳戶?登入";
+"Email Address"="電子郵件";
+"Create Account"="建立帳戶";
+"By creating account, I agree that I have read and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy."="建立帳戶即表示我同意已閱讀並接受使用條款和隱私權政策。";
+"Log in to AnyRecover ID"="登入 AnyRecover ID";
+"Don't have an account? Sign up"="沒有帳戶?註冊";
+"Forgot Password?"="忘記密碼?";
+"The email address has been registered."="該電子郵件地址已註冊。";
+"Password length must be 6-16 characters."="密碼長度必須為 6-16 個字元。";
+"Please enter an email address."="請輸入電子郵件地址。";
+"Please enter a valid email address."="請輸入有效的電子郵件地址。";
+"Please enter a password."="請輸入密碼。";
+"Please enter the correct password."="請輸入正確的密碼。";
+"Unable to connect to server, please check your connection."="無法連接到伺服器,請檢查您的連接。";
+"The account doesn't exist."="該帳戶不存在。";
+"Your password has been changed. Please login again."="您的密碼已更改。請重新登入。";
+"You have tried it for 6 days."="您已經嘗試了 6 天。";
+"Purchase and unlock all features"="購買並解鎖所有功能";
+"1-Month Plan (2 Devices)"="月度計劃(2 台設備)";
+"1-Year Plan (2 Devices)"="年度計畫(2 設備)";
+"Lifetime Plan (3 Devices)"="終身計劃(3 台設備)";
+"Buy Now"="立即購買";
+"Rights and Interests"="權益";
+"Get Benefits"="獲得權益";
+"In Subscription"="訂閱中";
+"Cancel Subscription"="取消訂閱";
+"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?"="您確定要取消訂閱嗎?";
+"After canceling the subscription window, you will not be able toenjoy the membership benefits and VIP services provided by theproduct from the next cycle."="取消訂閱窗口後,您將無法在下一個週期享受該產品提供的會員權益和VIP服務。";
+"I'm Sure"="我確定";
+"I‘ll think about it"="再想想";
+"Are you sure you want to log out?"="您確定要退出嗎?";
+"Your account has been logged in on another device. If you do not request the login, please change your password."="您的帳戶已在其他裝置上登入。如果您不要求登錄,請更改您的密碼。";