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Merge branch 'develop_PDFReaderProNew' of git.kdan.cc:Mac_PDF/PDF_Office into develop_PDFReaderProNew

# Conflicts:
#	PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/Signature/KMSignatureWindowController.swift
liujiajie hace 11 meses
Se han modificado 35 ficheros con 1858 adiciones y 1944 borrados
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                     superRect?.size.width = (self?.rightMessageVC.view.frame.size.width)! + 8
+                    if self?.rightToolbarItemView.superview != nil {
+                        let viewRect = self?.rightToolbarItemView.superview?.frame
+                        if (superRect?.origin.x)! + (superRect?.size.width)! > (viewRect?.origin.x)! + (viewRect?.size.width)!{
+                            let offsetValue = ((superRect?.origin.x)! + (superRect?.size.width)! - (viewRect?.origin.x)! - (viewRect?.size.width)! )
+                            superRect?.origin.x -= offsetValue
+                        }
+                    }
                     self?.rightToolbarItemView.frame = superRect!;
                 var rect = self.rightMessageVC.view.frame;

+ 2 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Home/ViewController/KMHomePopViewController.swift

@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ typealias popCellViewDownCallback = (_ downEntered: Bool, _ count: String) -> Vo
     // MARK: Private
     func updateUI() {
+        customBox.fillColor = background
         var widthMax: Float = 0;
         let subViews: [NSView] = self.customBox.contentView!.subviews
         for subView in subViews {

+ 18 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Home/ViewController/customViewController/KMDesignSelect.swift

@@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ class KMSelectCell: NSTextFieldCell {
     var createFilePopover: NSPopover = NSPopover.init()
     var popoverBehavior: NSPopover.Behavior = .semitransient
     var popViewController: KMHomePopViewController?
+    var popViewControllerBackground: NSColor?
+    var popViewControllerTextColor: NSColor?
+    var popViewControllerEnterFillColor: NSColor?
     init(withType type: SelectType) {
         super.init(nibName: "KMDesignSelect", bundle: nil)
@@ -414,6 +417,8 @@ class KMSelectCell: NSTextFieldCell {
         textField.isEditable = editable
 //        textField.placeholderString = placeholderString
         textField.lineBreakMode = lineBreakMode
+        popViewController?.updateUI()
     func removeAllItems() {
@@ -445,6 +450,19 @@ class KMSelectCell: NSTextFieldCell {
             } else {
                 vc = KMHomePopViewController()
+            if (self.popViewControllerBackground != nil) {
+                vc?.background = self.popViewControllerBackground!
+            }
+            if self.popViewControllerBackground != nil {
+                vc?.textColor = self.popViewControllerTextColor!
+            }
+            if self.popViewControllerBackground != nil {
+                vc?.enterFillColor = self.popViewControllerEnterFillColor!
+            }
             let _ = vc?.initWithPopViewDataArr(items)
             self.popViewController = vc

+ 23 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFTools/PageEdit/Controller/KMPDFEditViewController.swift

@@ -149,7 +149,12 @@ class KMPDFEditViewController: KMPDFThumbViewBaseController {
 //        self.thumbnailView.dragMoveEffectAnimated = true
 //        self.thumbnailView.collectionView.backgroundColor(NSColor.km_init(hex: "#CED0D4"))
         self.thumbnailView.collectionView.wantsLayer = true
-        self.thumbnailView.collectionView.layer?.backgroundColor = KMAppearance.PDFViewBackgroundColor().cgColor
+//        self.thumbnailView.collectionView.layer?.backgroundColor = KMAppearance.PDFViewBackgroundColor().cgColor
+        if KMAppearance.isDarkMode() {
+            self.thumbnailView.collectionView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#5F5F60").cgColor
+        } else {
+            self.thumbnailView.collectionView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#DADBDE").cgColor
+        }
         self.thumbnailSizeView.wantsLayer = true
         self.thumbnailSizeView.layer?.backgroundColor = KMAppearance.Layout.b80Color().cgColor
@@ -253,7 +258,7 @@ class KMPDFEditViewController: KMPDFThumbViewBaseController {
             indexs.sort(){$0 < $1}
             self.toolBar.setPageRangeString(KMPageRangeTools.newParseSelectedIndexs(selectedIndex: indexs))
-            if let view = self.listView { // 存储阅读视图的当前页面索引
+            if self.listView != nil { // 存储阅读视图的当前页面索引
                 if indexs.count != 0 {
                     self._listViewCurrentIndex = indexs.last!
@@ -261,6 +266,22 @@ class KMPDFEditViewController: KMPDFThumbViewBaseController {
+    override func interfaceThemeDidChanged(_ appearance: NSAppearance.Name) {
+        super.interfaceThemeDidChanged(appearance)
+        self.thumbnailView.collectionView.wantsLayer = true
+        if KMAppearance.isDarkMode() {
+            self.thumbnailView.collectionView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#5F5F60").cgColor
+        } else {
+            self.thumbnailView.collectionView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#DADBDE").cgColor
+        }
+        Task { @MainActor in
+            let ips = self.thumbnailView.selectionIndexPaths
+            self.thumbnailView.collectionView.reloadData()
+            self.thumbnailView.selectionIndexPaths = ips
+        }
+    }
     // MARK: Private Methods
     private func getSelecteIndex() -> Int {

+ 5 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFTools/PageEdit/View/KMPageEditThumbnailItem.swift

@@ -146,7 +146,11 @@ class KMPageEditThumbnailItem: NSCollectionViewItem {
 //                 self.backgroundView.layer?.borderColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#1770F4").cgColor
                  self.pageTextLabel.textColor = .white
                  self.pageTextLabel.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.systemBlue.cgColor
-                 self.pageBox.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(white: 192.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+                 if KMAppearance.isDarkMode() {
+                     self.pageBox.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(white: 84.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+                 } else {
+                     self.pageBox.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(white: 192.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+                 }
              } else {
 //                 self.backgroundView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor
 //                 self.backgroundView.layer?.borderColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/OC_Tool/KMOCToolClass.swift

@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class KMOCToolClass {
                 let dic: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [
                     .font: NSFont(name: "SFProText-Regular", size: 14.0)!,
-                    .foregroundColor: NSColor(red: 0.145, green: 0.149, blue: 0.161, alpha: 1),
+//                    .foregroundColor: NSColor(red: 0.145, green: 0.149, blue: 0.161, alpha: 1),
                     .paragraphStyle: paragraphStyle
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class KMOCToolClass {
                 // Highlight string
                 let highlightDic: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [
-                    .backgroundColor: NSColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.9, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0)
+                    .backgroundColor: KMAppearance.KM_FFF700_Color60()
                 if attributed.length > tRange.length + tRange.location {

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/PDFListView/AppKitCategories/CPDFListEditAnnotationViewController.swift

@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class CPDFListEditAnnotationViewController: NSViewController, NSTextViewDelegate
             box?.borderColor = NSColor.white
             self.contentTextView.insertionPointColor = NSColor.black
-        box?.fillColor = NSColor.white
+        box?.fillColor = KMAppearance.KMColor_Layout_L1()
         var i = 0
         for color in KMAnnotationPropertiesColorManager.manager.anchoredNoteColors {

+ 2 - 3
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/LeftSide/KMLeftSideEmptyFileViewController.swift

@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ class KMLeftSideEmptyFileViewController: NSViewController {
         self.notCreateOutLine.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("No outlines", nil)
         self.notCreateOutLine.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
         self.emptyAnnotationLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("No Annotations",nil)
-        self.emptyAnnotationLabel.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+//        self.emptyAnnotationLabel.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+        self.emptyAnnotationLabel.textColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#94989C")
         self.emptySnapLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("To create snapshot select an area in contents, right click it and select \"Snapshot\" .",nil)
         self.emptySnapLabel.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h2Color()
         self.snapshotNotCreatedLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("No Snapshots", nil)
@@ -74,8 +75,6 @@ class KMLeftSideEmptyFileViewController: NSViewController {
         self.emptyAnnotationView.layer?.backgroundColor = .clear
         self.emptyOutlineView.wantsLayer = true
         self.emptyOutlineView.layer?.backgroundColor = .clear
-        var ss: [Int] = [Int](repeating: 0, count: 0)
     override func viewDidLoad() {

+ 10 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/LeftSide/KMLeftSideViewController+Action.swift

@@ -160,8 +160,16 @@ extension KMLeftSideViewController {
     override func interfaceThemeDidChanged(_ appearance: NSAppearance.Name) {
-        self.updateViewColor()
-        self.leftView.interfaceThemeDidChanged(appearance)
+        Task { @MainActor in
+            self.updateViewColor()
+            self.leftView.interfaceThemeDidChanged(appearance)
+            if self.type.methodType == .Search {
+                if self.findPaneState == .singular {
+                    self.findTableView.reloadData()
+                }
+            }
+        }

+ 6 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/LeftSide/View/KMSegmentedControl.swift

@@ -109,7 +109,12 @@ class KMSegmentedControl: NSControl {
                 if action == .enter {
-                    cbtn.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(hex: "DFE1E5").cgColor
+                    if KMAppearance.isDarkMode() {
+                        cbtn.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(hex: "282A2D").cgColor
+                    } else {
+                        cbtn.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(hex: "DFE1E5").cgColor
+                    }
                 } else if action == .exit {
                     cbtn.layer?.backgroundColor = .clear

+ 8 - 8
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/AnnotationProperty/KMGeneralAnnotationViewController.swift

@@ -2012,9 +2012,9 @@ let KMColorPickerViewHeight: CGFloat = 64
                 } else if tAnnotation is KMSelfSignAnnotationFreeText {
                     let newAnnotation = (tAnnotation as! KMSelfSignAnnotationFreeText)
                     if let font = newAnnotation.font {
-                        if let fontSize = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.size) as? String {
+                        if let fontSize = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.size) as? Int {
                             let attributeFontDescriptor = NSFontDescriptor(fontAttributes: [NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.family: familyString, NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.face: styleString])
-                            if let newFont = NSFont(descriptor: attributeFontDescriptor, size: fontSize.stringToCGFloat()) {
+                            if let newFont = NSFont(descriptor: attributeFontDescriptor, size: CGFloat(fontSize)) {
                                 newAnnotation.font = newFont
@@ -2105,11 +2105,11 @@ let KMColorPickerViewHeight: CGFloat = 64
                     if tAnnotation is CPDFFreeTextAnnotation {
                         let newAnnotation = (tAnnotation as! CPDFFreeTextAnnotation)
                         if let font = newAnnotation.font {
-                            if let fontSize = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.size) as? String,
+                            if let fontSize = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.size) as? Int,
                                let familyString = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.family) as? String {
                                 let attributeFontDescriptor = NSFontDescriptor(fontAttributes: [NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.family: familyString, NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.face: styleString])
-                                if let newFont = NSFont(descriptor: attributeFontDescriptor, size: fontSize.stringToCGFloat()) {
+                                if let newFont = NSFont(descriptor: attributeFontDescriptor, size: CGFloat(fontSize)) {
                                     newAnnotation.font = newFont
@@ -2117,11 +2117,11 @@ let KMColorPickerViewHeight: CGFloat = 64
                     } else if tAnnotation is KMSelfSignAnnotationFreeText {
                         let newAnnotation = (tAnnotation as! KMSelfSignAnnotationFreeText)
                         if let font = newAnnotation.font {
-                            if let fontSize = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.size) as? String,
+                            if let fontSize = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.size) as? Int,
                                let familyString = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.family) as? String {
                                 let attributeFontDescriptor = NSFontDescriptor(fontAttributes: [NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.family: familyString, NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.face: styleString])
-                                if let newFont = NSFont(descriptor: attributeFontDescriptor, size: fontSize.stringToCGFloat()) {
+                                if let newFont = NSFont(descriptor: attributeFontDescriptor, size: CGFloat(fontSize)) {
                                     newAnnotation.font = newFont
@@ -2132,11 +2132,11 @@ let KMColorPickerViewHeight: CGFloat = 64
             } else {
                 if annotationType == .freeText || annotationType == .signText || annotationType == .signDate {
                     let font = NSFont(name: (annotationModel?.fontName())!, size: (annotationModel?.fontSize())!) ?? NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16)
-                    if let fontSize = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.size) as? String,
+                    if let fontSize = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.size) as? Int,
                        let familyString = font.fontDescriptor.object(forKey: NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.family) as? String {
                         let attributeFontDescriptor = NSFontDescriptor(fontAttributes: [NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.family: familyString, NSFontDescriptor.AttributeName.face: styleString])
-                        if let newFont = NSFont(descriptor: attributeFontDescriptor, size: fontSize.stringToCGFloat()) {
+                        if let newFont = NSFont(descriptor: attributeFontDescriptor, size: CGFloat(fontSize)) {

+ 61 - 6
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/AnnotationProperty/ViewController/KMFillSignTextPanel.swift

@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ class KMFillSignTextPanel: KMPropertiesPanelSubViewController {
     func initializeUI() {
-        previewBox.borderColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#DFE1E5")
+        previewBox.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
         previewBox.borderWidth = 1.0
-        previewBox.fillColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#FFFFFF")
+        previewBox.fillColor = KMAppearance.KMColor_Layout_L1()
         previewBox.cornerRadius = 4.0
         fontLabel.font = NSFont.SFProTextSemiboldFont(12.0)
@@ -170,6 +170,17 @@ class KMFillSignTextPanel: KMPropertiesPanelSubViewController {
         fontNameVC.addItems(withObjectValues: fontNames)
         fontNameVC.selectItem(at: 0)
         fontNameVC.delete = self
+        fontNameVC.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontNameVC?.background = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.background_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.background_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.textColor_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.textColor_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.popViewControllerBackground = KMAppearance.Layout.bgColor()
+        fontNameVC?.popViewControllerTextColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+        fontNameVC?.popViewControllerEnterFillColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontNameVC?.updateUI()
         let fontnames = annotationModel.fontName().components(separatedBy: "-")
         let currentFont: NSFont?
@@ -185,6 +196,17 @@ class KMFillSignTextPanel: KMPropertiesPanelSubViewController {
         fontWeightVC.addItems(withObjectValues: styles)
         fontWeightVC.selectItem(at: 0)
         fontWeightVC.delete = self
+        fontWeightVC.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontWeightVC?.background = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontWeightVC?.background_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontWeightVC?.background_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontWeightVC?.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontWeightVC?.textColor_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontWeightVC?.textColor_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontWeightVC?.popViewControllerBackground = KMAppearance.Layout.bgColor()
+        fontWeightVC?.popViewControllerTextColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+        fontWeightVC?.popViewControllerEnterFillColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontWeightVC?.updateUI()
         fontSizeBox.fillColor = .clear
         fontSizeBox.contentView = fontSizeVC.view
@@ -192,6 +214,17 @@ class KMFillSignTextPanel: KMPropertiesPanelSubViewController {
         fontSizeVC.addItems(withObjectValues: ["8pt", "9pt", "10pt", "11pt", "12pt", "14pt", "16pt", "18pt", "20pt", "22pt", "24pt", "26pt", "28pt", "36pt", "48pt", "72pt"])
         fontSizeVC.selectItem(at: 0)
         fontSizeVC.delete = self
+        fontSizeVC.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.background = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.background_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.background_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.textColor_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.textColor_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.popViewControllerBackground = KMAppearance.Layout.bgColor()
+        fontSizeVC?.popViewControllerTextColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.popViewControllerEnterFillColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.updateUI()
         leftAlignBox.fillColor = .clear
         leftAlignBox.contentView = leftVC.view
@@ -211,8 +244,10 @@ class KMFillSignTextPanel: KMPropertiesPanelSubViewController {
         rightVC.action = #selector(fontAlignAction(_:))
         rightVC.image = NSImage(named: "icon_propertybar_fontAlign_right")!
-        customBox.borderColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#DFE1E5")
-        fillCustomBox.borderColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#DFE1E5")
+//        customBox.borderColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#DFE1E5")
+//        fillCustomBox.borderColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#DFE1E5")
+        customBox.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fillCustomBox.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
         customColorBox1.fillColor = .clear
         customColorBox1.contentView = customVC1.view
         customVC1.mainBox.cornerRadius = customVC1.mainBox.frame.width/2
@@ -232,7 +267,6 @@ class KMFillSignTextPanel: KMPropertiesPanelSubViewController {
         fillOpacity.action = #selector(showOpacityView(_:))
         fillOpacity.image = NSImage(named: "KMImagePropertPanelOpacityButtonImage")!
-        customBox.borderColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#DFE1E5")
         fillColorBox1.fillColor = .clear
         fillColorBox1.contentView = colorVC1.view
         colorVC1.target = self
@@ -288,6 +322,17 @@ class KMFillSignTextPanel: KMPropertiesPanelSubViewController {
         dateTypeVC.addItems(withObjectValues: self.dateTypes)
         dateTypeVC.selectItem(at: 0)
         dateTypeVC.delete = self
+        dateTypeVC.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        dateTypeVC?.background = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        dateTypeVC?.background_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        dateTypeVC?.background_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        dateTypeVC?.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        dateTypeVC?.textColor_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        dateTypeVC?.textColor_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        dateTypeVC?.popViewControllerBackground = KMAppearance.Layout.bgColor()
+        dateTypeVC?.popViewControllerTextColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+        dateTypeVC?.popViewControllerEnterFillColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        dateTypeVC?.updateUI()
         showTimeBox.fillColor = .clear
         showTimeBox.contentView = showTimeVC.view
@@ -296,12 +341,22 @@ class KMFillSignTextPanel: KMPropertiesPanelSubViewController {
         showTimeVC.target = self
         showTimeVC.action = #selector(showTimeAction(_:))
         showTimeVC.state = .Norm
+//        showTimeVC.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+//        showTimeVC?.background = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+//        showTimeVC?.background_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+//        showTimeVC?.background_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        showTimeVC?.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        showTimeVC?.textColor_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        showTimeVC?.textColor_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        showTimeVC?.textColor_sel = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        showTimeVC?.textColor_checked = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        showTimeVC?.updateUI()
     func initLocalization() {
         fontLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Font", comment: "")
         fillLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Fill Color", comment: "")
-        dateTypeLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Date Type", comment: "")
+        dateTypeLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Date", comment: "")
         showTimeVC.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Show Time", comment: "")

+ 2 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/EditPDF/KMEditImagePropertyViewController.swift

@@ -115,8 +115,10 @@ class KMEditImagePropertyViewController: NSViewController {
         let isDarkModel = KMAdvertisementConfig.isDarkModel()
         if isDarkModel {
             self.backgroundView.backgroundColor(NSColor.km_init(hex: "#252526"))
+            self.noBackgroundView.backgroundColor(NSColor.km_init(hex: "#252526"))
         } else {
             self.backgroundView.backgroundColor(NSColor.km_init(hex: "#FAFAFA"))
+            self.noBackgroundView.backgroundColor(NSColor.km_init(hex: "#F7F8FA"))

+ 51 - 8
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/EditPDF/KMEditPDFTextPropertyViewController.swift

@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ class KMEditPDFTextPropertyViewController: NSViewController {
         centerAlignmentVC?.action = #selector(centerAlignmentAction)
         centerAlignmentVC?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameEditPDFAlignCenter")!
         centerAlignmentVC?.image_sel = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameEditPDFAlignCenterSelect")!
+        centerAlignmentVC?.updateUI()
         rightAlignmentVC = KMDesignPropertySelector.init(withType: .Icon_Btn)
         rightAlignmentBox.contentView = rightAlignmentVC?.view
@@ -195,23 +196,28 @@ class KMEditPDFTextPropertyViewController: NSViewController {
         rightAlignmentVC?.action = #selector(rightAlignmentAction)
         rightAlignmentVC?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameEditPDFAlignRight")!
         rightAlignmentVC?.image_sel = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameEditPDFAlignRightSelect")!
-        //font
-//        var fontNameArray: [String] = []
-//        for font in CPDFAnnotationModel.supportFonts() {
-//            let fontName = (font as? NSDictionary)!.allKeys.first
-//            fontNameArray.append(fontName as! String)
-//        }
+        rightAlignmentVC?.updateUI()
         var fontNameArray = KMEditPDFTextManager.manager.fetchTextFontNames()
         fontNameVC = KMDesignSelect.init(withType: .PopButton)
-        fontNameVC?.isScrollPop = true
+//        fontNameVC?.isScrollPop = true
         fontNameBox.contentView = fontNameVC?.view
         fontNameBox.fillColor = NSColor.clear
         fontNameVC?.addItems(withObjectValues: fontNameArray)
         fontNameVC?.selectItem(at: 0)
         fontNameVC?.delete = self
+        fontNameVC?.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontNameVC?.background = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.background_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.background_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.textColor_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.textColor_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontNameVC?.popViewControllerBackground = KMAppearance.Layout.bgColor()
+        fontNameVC?.popViewControllerTextColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+        fontNameVC?.popViewControllerEnterFillColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontNameVC?.updateUI()
         let styleArray = defaultFontStyles //KMEditPDFTextManager.manager.fetchFontStyleWithFontName(fontName: fontName)
         fontStyleVC = KMDesignSelect.init(withType: .PopButton)
@@ -220,6 +226,17 @@ class KMEditPDFTextPropertyViewController: NSViewController {
         fontStyleVC?.addItems(withObjectValues: styleArray)
         fontStyleVC?.selectItem(at: 0)
         fontStyleVC?.delete = self
+        fontStyleVC?.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontStyleVC?.background = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontStyleVC?.background_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontStyleVC?.background_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontStyleVC?.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontStyleVC?.textColor_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontStyleVC?.textColor_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontStyleVC?.popViewControllerBackground = KMAppearance.Layout.bgColor()
+        fontStyleVC?.popViewControllerTextColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+        fontStyleVC?.popViewControllerEnterFillColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontStyleVC?.updateUI()
         fontSizeVC = KMDesignSelect.init(withType: .PopButton)
         fontSizeBox.contentView = fontSizeVC?.view
@@ -228,6 +245,17 @@ class KMEditPDFTextPropertyViewController: NSViewController {
         fontSizeVC?.addItems(withObjectValues: self.supportFontSize())
         fontSizeVC?.selectItem(at: 0)
         fontSizeVC?.delete = self
+        fontSizeVC?.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.background = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.background_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.background_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.textColor_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.textColor_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.popViewControllerBackground = KMAppearance.Layout.bgColor()
+        fontSizeVC?.popViewControllerTextColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.popViewControllerEnterFillColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        fontSizeVC?.updateUI()
         textPresuppositionVC = KMDesignSelect.init(withType: .PopButton)
@@ -236,6 +264,17 @@ class KMEditPDFTextPropertyViewController: NSViewController {
         textPresuppositionVC?.addItems(withObjectValues: KMEditPDFTextManager.manager.updateTextPresuppositionFontNameArray())
         textPresuppositionVC?.selectItem(at: 0)
         textPresuppositionVC?.delete = self
+        textPresuppositionVC?.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        textPresuppositionVC?.background = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        textPresuppositionVC?.background_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        textPresuppositionVC?.background_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+        textPresuppositionVC?.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        textPresuppositionVC?.textColor_hov = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        textPresuppositionVC?.textColor_focus = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+        textPresuppositionVC?.popViewControllerBackground = KMAppearance.Layout.bgColor()
+        textPresuppositionVC?.popViewControllerTextColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+        textPresuppositionVC?.popViewControllerEnterFillColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+        textPresuppositionVC?.updateUI()
         textPresuppositionResetVC = KMDesignPropertySelector.init(withType: .Icon_Btn)
         resetTextPresuppositionBox.contentView = textPresuppositionResetVC?.view
@@ -469,6 +508,10 @@ extension KMEditPDFTextPropertyViewController {
         let vc: KMHomePopViewController = KMHomePopViewController().initWithPopViewDataArr(popViewDataArr)
+        vc.background = KMAppearance.Layout.bgColor()
+        vc.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
+        vc.enterFillColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
         vc.disItems = disItems
         let createFilePopover: NSPopover = NSPopover.init()
         createFilePopover.contentViewController = vc

+ 11 - 3
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/EditPDF/Manager/KMEditPDFTextManager.swift

@@ -126,10 +126,18 @@ extension KMEditPDFTextManager {
     func updateTextFontNames(listView: CPDFListView?) -> [String] {
         if textFontNames.count == 0 {
-            if listView != nil {
-                textFontNames = listView!.getEditFontList() as? [String] ?? []
-                textFontNames.sort()
+            var fontNameArray: [String] = []
+            for font in CPDFAnnotationModel.supportFonts() {
+                let fontName = (font as? NSDictionary)!.allKeys.first
+                fontNameArray.append(fontName as! String)
+            textFontNames = fontNameArray
+//            if listView != nil {
+//                textFontNames = listView!.getEditFontList() as? [String] ?? []
+//                textFontNames.sort()
+//            }
         return textFontNames

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/KMLinkAnnotationPropertyEmptyController.swift

@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ class KMLinkAnnotationPropertyEmptyController: KMRightSideEmptyVC {
         let titleLabelY: CGFloat = 12
         self.titleLabel.frame = NSMakeRect(titleLabelX, NSHeight(self.view.bounds)-titleLabelH-titleLabelY, NSWidth(self.view.bounds)-titleLabelX, titleLabelH)
         self.titleLabel.autoresizingMask = [.width, .minYMargin]
-        self.titleLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Link", comment: "")
+        self.titleLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Link", comment: "") 
-        self.emptyImageView.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNamePropertyLinkEmpty")
+        self.emptyImageView.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameEmptyLink")
     override func initLocalization() {

+ 6 - 6
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/KMRightSideEmptyVC.xib

@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<document type="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.Cocoa.XIB" version="3.0" toolsVersion="22155" targetRuntime="MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl="none" useAutolayout="YES" customObjectInstantitationMethod="direct">
+<document type="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.Cocoa.XIB" version="3.0" toolsVersion="21507" targetRuntime="MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl="none" useAutolayout="YES" customObjectInstantitationMethod="direct">
         <deployment identifier="macosx"/>
-        <plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="22155"/>
+        <plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="21507"/>
         <capability name="documents saved in the Xcode 8 format" minToolsVersion="8.0"/>
-        <customObject id="-2" userLabel="File's Owner" customClass="KMRightSideEmptyVC" customModule="PDF_Master" customModuleProvider="target">
+        <customObject id="-2" userLabel="File's Owner" customClass="KMRightSideEmptyVC" customModule="PDF_Reader_Pro" customModuleProvider="target">
                 <outlet property="emptyImageView" destination="9PW-14-bKa" id="O4X-3K-alP"/>
                 <outlet property="emptyLabel" destination="cwY-ba-Aw0" id="DWG-LH-t2p"/>
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
                         <customView translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="6q6-Ub-zoO">
                             <rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="168" height="40"/>
-                                <textField focusRingType="none" horizontalHuggingPriority="251" verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="cwY-ba-Aw0">
+                                <textField horizontalHuggingPriority="251" verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="cwY-ba-Aw0">
                                     <rect key="frame" x="-2" y="0.0" width="172" height="32"/>
                                     <textFieldCell key="cell" alignment="center" title="Label" id="o6y-4P-ieZ">
                                         <font key="font" usesAppearanceFont="YES"/>
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
                                         <constraint firstAttribute="width" constant="128" id="6bs-H0-K2b"/>
                                         <constraint firstAttribute="height" constant="128" id="f0J-uF-Caz"/>
-                                    <imageCell key="cell" refusesFirstResponder="YES" alignment="left" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" image="icon_btn_viewbtn_icon_empty_nomarkup" id="dKj-bI-Pbr"/>
+                                    <imageCell key="cell" refusesFirstResponder="YES" alignment="left" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" image="KMImageNameEmptyProperty" id="dKj-bI-Pbr"/>
@@ -81,6 +81,6 @@
-        <image name="icon_btn_viewbtn_icon_empty_nomarkup" width="128" height="128"/>
+        <image name="KMImageNameEmptyProperty" width="140" height="140"/>

+ 5 - 3
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/Signature/KMSignatureAnnotationViewController.m

@@ -42,11 +42,14 @@ KMSigntureViewItemDelegate>
     [self setup];
     [self updateLanguage];
+    [self insertSignatureButton_Click:nil];
 - (void)setup {
     self.signatureLabel.font = [NSFont SFProTextSemiboldFont: 14.0];
-    self.signatureLabel.textColor = [NSColor km_initWithHex:@"#252629" alpha:1];
+    self.signatureLabel.textColor = [KMAppearance KMColor_Layout_H0];
+//    [NSColor km_initWithHex:@"#252629" alpha:1];
     self.emptyTipLabel.font = [NSFont SFProTextRegularFont: 14.0];
     self.emptyTipLabel.textColor = [NSColor km_initWithHex:@"#616469" alpha:1];
@@ -249,8 +252,7 @@ KMSigntureViewItemDelegate>
 - (void)deleteAllCustomizeStamp {
     NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
-    alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString(@"All signatures will disappear from the list", nil);
-    alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString(@"All signatures will disappear from the list", nil);
+    alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure to delete all signatures?", nil);
     [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Delete", nil)];
     [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil)];
     if ([alert runModal] != NSAlertFirstButtonReturn) { /// 取消

+ 14 - 14
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/Signature/KMSignatureAnnotationViewController.xib

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<document type="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.Cocoa.XIB" version="3.0" toolsVersion="22154" targetRuntime="MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl="none" useAutolayout="YES" customObjectInstantitationMethod="direct">
+<document type="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.Cocoa.XIB" version="3.0" toolsVersion="21507" targetRuntime="MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl="none" useAutolayout="YES" customObjectInstantitationMethod="direct">
         <deployment identifier="macosx"/>
-        <plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="22154"/>
+        <plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="21507"/>
         <capability name="documents saved in the Xcode 8 format" minToolsVersion="8.0"/>
@@ -30,19 +30,19 @@
                                 <button verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="KUF-xf-qzQ">
                                     <rect key="frame" x="195" y="17" width="16" height="16"/>
-                                    <buttonCell key="cell" type="bevel" bezelStyle="rounded" image="signlist_add" imagePosition="only" alignment="center" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="nVD-Gp-kLW">
-                                        <behavior key="behavior" pushIn="YES" lightByBackground="YES" lightByGray="YES"/>
-                                        <font key="font" metaFont="system"/>
-                                    </buttonCell>
                                         <constraint firstAttribute="height" constant="16" id="Po6-HM-leo"/>
                                         <constraint firstAttribute="width" constant="16" id="mwE-re-iZv"/>
+                                    <buttonCell key="cell" type="bevel" bezelStyle="rounded" image="signlist_add" imagePosition="only" alignment="center" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="nVD-Gp-kLW">
+                                        <behavior key="behavior" pushIn="YES" lightByBackground="YES" lightByGray="YES"/>
+                                        <font key="font" metaFont="system"/>
+                                    </buttonCell>
                                         <action selector="insertSignatureButton_Click:" target="-2" id="mFv-NR-mrz"/>
-                                <textField focusRingType="none" horizontalHuggingPriority="251" verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="2BZ-Qt-bmp">
+                                <textField horizontalHuggingPriority="251" verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="2BZ-Qt-bmp">
                                     <rect key="frame" x="14" y="17" width="62" height="16"/>
                                     <textFieldCell key="cell" lineBreakMode="clipping" title="Signature" id="d1y-xG-Jfy">
                                         <font key="font" usesAppearanceFont="YES"/>
@@ -86,13 +86,13 @@
                         <box borderType="none" title="Box" titlePosition="noTitle" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="ban-ci-oTA">
-                            <rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="227" height="415"/>
+                            <rect key="frame" x="-3" y="-4" width="233" height="421"/>
                             <view key="contentView" id="dqW-kL-zjA">
-                                <rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="227" height="415"/>
+                                <rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="233" height="421"/>
                                 <autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" widthSizable="YES" heightSizable="YES"/>
                                     <customView translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="7KQ-E7-UO5">
-                                        <rect key="frame" x="30" y="-5" width="168" height="220"/>
+                                        <rect key="frame" x="33" y="1" width="168" height="220"/>
                                             <imageView horizontalHuggingPriority="251" verticalHuggingPriority="251" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="ODp-k8-Vi6">
                                                 <rect key="frame" x="20" y="92" width="128" height="128"/>
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
                                                     <constraint firstAttribute="width" constant="128" id="Otw-eg-ksB"/>
                                                     <constraint firstAttribute="height" constant="128" id="vXx-j3-fAR"/>
-                                                <imageCell key="cell" refusesFirstResponder="YES" alignment="left" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" image="nosign" id="rfd-We-aPr"/>
+                                                <imageCell key="cell" refusesFirstResponder="YES" alignment="left" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" image="KMImageNameEmptySign" id="rfd-We-aPr"/>
-                                            <textField focusRingType="none" horizontalHuggingPriority="251" verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="Tbj-Oa-HOw">
+                                            <textField horizontalHuggingPriority="251" verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="Tbj-Oa-HOw">
                                                 <rect key="frame" x="39" y="68" width="90" height="16"/>
                                                 <textFieldCell key="cell" lineBreakMode="clipping" title="No Signatures" id="K2k-0V-W78">
                                                     <font key="font" metaFont="system"/>
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
                                                     <color key="backgroundColor" name="textBackgroundColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
-                                            <textField focusRingType="none" horizontalHuggingPriority="251" verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="vd7-mZ-jin">
+                                            <textField horizontalHuggingPriority="251" verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="vd7-mZ-jin">
                                                 <rect key="frame" x="-2" y="18" width="172" height="48"/>
                                                     <constraint firstAttribute="width" constant="168" id="WK4-mV-ZGn"/>
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
-        <image name="nosign" width="128" height="128"/>
+        <image name="KMImageNameEmptySign" width="140" height="140"/>
         <image name="signlist_add" width="16" height="16"/>

+ 909 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/Signature/KMSignatureWindowController.swift

@@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
+//  KMSignatureWindowController.swift
+//  PDF Reader Pro
+//  Created by lizhe on 2023/10/10.
+import Cocoa
+var recentlyFonts: [String] = []
+class KMSignatureColorButton: NSButton {
+    var circleColor: NSColor?
+    var drawImage: NSImage?
+    override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
+        super.init(frame: frameRect)
+        wantsLayer = true
+        layer?.cornerRadius = 12
+        layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        layer?.borderWidth = 1.5
+    }
+    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
+        super.init(coder: coder)
+        wantsLayer = true
+        layer?.cornerRadius = 12
+        layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        layer?.borderWidth = 1.5
+    }
+    override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
+        super.draw(dirtyRect)
+        if let circleColor = circleColor {
+            let path = NSBezierPath(ovalIn: NSRect(x: 3, y: 3, width: dirtyRect.size.width - 6, height: dirtyRect.size.height - 6))
+            circleColor.set()
+            path.fill()
+        } else if let drawImage = drawImage {
+            drawImage.draw(in: NSRect(x: 3, y: 3, width: dirtyRect.size.width - 6, height: dirtyRect.size.height - 6), from: NSZeroRect, operation: .sourceOver, fraction: 1.0)
+        }
+    }
+class KMSignatureButton: NSButton {
+    override func menu(for event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
+        let menu = NSMenu(title: "")
+        let deleteItem = menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Delete", comment: ""), action: #selector(deleteSignature), keyEquivalent: "")
+        deleteItem.target = self
+        let exportItem = menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Export", comment: ""), action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
+        let submenu = NSMenu()
+        let pngItem = submenu.insertItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("PNG", comment: ""), action: #selector(export(_:)), keyEquivalent: "", at: 0)
+        pngItem.tag = 0
+        let jpgItem = submenu.insertItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("JPG", comment: ""), action: #selector(export(_:)), keyEquivalent: "", at: 1)
+        jpgItem.tag = 1
+        let pdfItem = submenu.insertItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("PDF", comment: ""), action: #selector(export(_:)), keyEquivalent: "", at: 2)
+        pdfItem.tag = 2
+        exportItem.submenu = submenu
+        return menu
+    }
+    @objc private func deleteSignature() {
+        NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name("kKMSignatureDeleteNotification"), object: NSNumber(value: self.tag))
+    }
+    @objc private func export(_ sender: NSMenuItem) {
+        let index = self.tag
+        let type = sender.tag
+        let signatureManager = KMSignatureManager()
+        signatureManager.loadAllSignatureList()
+        let signature = signatureManager.signatureList[index]
+        let image = signature.pathsImage
+        if type == 0 {
+            if let tiffData = image.tiffRepresentation,
+               let imageRep = NSBitmapImageRep(data: tiffData) {
+                imageRep.size = image.size
+                if let imageData = imageRep.representation(using: .png, properties: [:]) {
+                    let savePanel = NSSavePanel()
+                    savePanel.allowedFileTypes = ["png"]
+                    savePanel.beginSheetModal(for: self.window!) { response in
+                        if response.rawValue == NSApplication.ModalResponse.OK.rawValue,
+                           let url = savePanel.url {
+                            do {
+                                try imageData.write(to: url, options: .atomic)
+                                NSWorkspace.shared.selectFile(url.path, inFileViewerRootedAtPath: "")
+                            } catch {
+                                // Handle error
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else if type == 1 {
+            if let tiffData = image.tiffRepresentation,
+               let imageRep = NSBitmapImageRep(data: tiffData) {
+                imageRep.size = image.size
+                if let imageData = imageRep.representation(using: .jpeg, properties: [:]) {
+                    let savePanel = NSSavePanel()
+                    savePanel.allowedFileTypes = ["jpg"]
+                    savePanel.beginSheetModal(for: self.window!) { response in
+                        if response.rawValue == NSApplication.ModalResponse.OK.rawValue,
+                           let url = savePanel.url {
+                            do {
+                                try imageData.write(to: url, options: .atomic)
+                                NSWorkspace.shared.selectFile(url.path, inFileViewerRootedAtPath: "")
+                            } catch {
+                                // Handle error
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            let pdf = CPDFDocument()
+            let signatureImagePath = (NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0] as NSString).appendingPathComponent("signatureImage.png")
+            if let tiffData = image.tiffRepresentation {
+                try? tiffData.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: signatureImagePath), options: .atomic)
+            }
+            pdf!.insertPage(image.size, withImage: signatureImagePath, at: 0)
+            let savePanel = NSSavePanel()
+            savePanel.allowedFileTypes = ["pdf"]
+            savePanel.beginSheetModal(for: NSApp.mainWindow!) { response in
+                if response.rawValue == NSApplication.ModalResponse.OK.rawValue,
+                   let url = savePanel.url {
+                    do {
+                        try pdf!.write(to: url)
+                        NSWorkspace.shared.selectFile(url.path, inFileViewerRootedAtPath: "")
+                    } catch {
+                        // Handle error
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+var windowController_signature: KMSignatureWindowController?
+@objcMembers class KMSignatureWindowController: NSWindowController, KMDrawViewDelegate, KMSelectPopButtonDelegate, KMChangeSignatureTextDelegate {
+    @IBOutlet weak var cancelBtton: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet weak var applyButton: NSButton!
+    var cancelButtonVC: KMDesignButton!
+    var applyButtonVC: KMDesignButton!
+    @IBOutlet weak var clearButton: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet var signTypeView: NSView!
+    @IBOutlet weak var inputButton: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet weak var drawingButton: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet weak var pictureButton: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet var signTypeBackView: NSView!
+    @IBOutlet weak var trackpadLabel: NSTextField!
+    @IBOutlet weak var contentBox: NSBox!
+    @IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: NSTextField!
+    // Keyboard
+    @IBOutlet var inputView: NSView!
+    @IBOutlet weak var keyboardView: KMPDFSignatureTextView!
+    @IBOutlet weak var fontBox: NSPopUpButton!
+    @IBOutlet var keyboardColorBtn1: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet var keyboardColorBtn2: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet var keyboardColorBtn3: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet var keyboardColorBtn4: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet var keyboardColorSelView: NSView!
+    @IBOutlet weak var textColorButton: KMSignatureColorButton!
+    var fontVC: KMDesignSelect!
+    var fontValues: [String] = []
+    var fontDefaultValue: String = "Helvetica"
+    // Draw
+    @IBOutlet var drawingView: NSView!
+    @IBOutlet weak var drawView: KMDrawView!
+    @IBOutlet weak var trackpadButton: NSButton!
+    var trackpadButtonVC: KMDesignButton!
+    @IBOutlet var drawSizeBox: NSPopUpButton!
+    @IBOutlet var colorBGView: NSView!
+    @IBOutlet var drawColorSelView: NSView!
+    @IBOutlet var drawColorBtn1: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet var drawColorBtn2: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet var drawColorBtn3: NSButton!
+    @IBOutlet var drawColorBtn4: NSButton!
+    var drawSizeVC: KMDesignSelect!
+    var drawSizeValues = ["1.0","2.0","4.0","6.0","8.0"]
+    var drawSizeDefaultValue: String = "2.0"
+    @IBOutlet var drawTipView: NSView!
+    @IBOutlet var drawTipLabel: NSTextField!
+    // Picture
+    @IBOutlet var pictureView: NSView!
+    @IBOutlet weak var pictureBackView: KMPDFSignatureImageView!
+    @IBOutlet var pictureClearBackBtn: NSButton!
+    var pictureClearBackBtnVC: KMDesignButton!
+    @IBOutlet weak var pictureHelpButton: KMCoverButton!
+    var selectedSignature: KMSignature!
+    var selectItem: NSMenuItem!
+    var type: KMPDFSignatureType! {
+        didSet {
+            self.setType(type)
+        }
+    }
+    var handler: ((KMSignature) -> Void)!
+    var popover: NSPopover!
+    override func windowDidLoad() {
+        super.windowDidLoad()
+        weak var weakSelf = self
+        self.type = .text
+        self.cancelBtton.title = ""
+        self.cancelButtonVC = KMDesignButton(withType: .Text)
+        self.cancelBtton.addSubview(self.cancelButtonVC.view)
+        self.cancelButtonVC.view.frame = self.cancelBtton.bounds
+        self.cancelButtonVC.view.autoresizingMask = [.width, .height]
+        self.cancelButtonVC.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "")
+        self.cancelButtonVC.target = self
+        self.cancelButtonVC.action = #selector(dismissSheet(_:))
+        self.cancelButtonVC.button(type: .Sec_Icon, size: .m)
+        self.clearButton.target = self
+        self.clearButton.action = #selector(clearButton_Click(_:))
+        self.clearButton.isHidden = true
+        self.applyButton.title = ""
+        self.applyButtonVC = KMDesignButton(withType: .Text)
+        self.applyButton.addSubview(self.applyButtonVC.view)
+        self.applyButtonVC.view.frame = self.applyButton.bounds
+        self.applyButtonVC.view.autoresizingMask = [.width, .height]
+        self.applyButtonVC.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Save", comment: "")
+        self.applyButtonVC.target = self
+        self.applyButtonVC.action = #selector(applyButton_Click(_:))
+        self.applyButtonVC.button(type: .Cta, size: .m)
+        self.applyButtonVC.enabled = false
+        self.contentBox.wantsLayer = true
+        self.contentBox.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor
+        self.contentBox.borderType = .noBorder
+        self.inputButton.isBordered = false
+        self.drawingButton.isBordered = false
+        self.pictureButton.isBordered = false
+        // Keyboard
+        self.inputView.wantsLayer = true
+        self.inputView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.white.cgColor
+        self.keyboardView.wantsLayer = true
+        self.keyboardView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 247/255.0, green: 248/255.0, blue: 250/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        self.keyboardView.changeSignatureTextCallback = { isTrue in
+            if isTrue {
+                weakSelf?.clearButton.isHidden = false
+                weakSelf?.clearButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Clear", comment: "")
+            } else {
+                weakSelf?.clearButton.isHidden = true
+            }
+        }
+        keyboardColorBtn1.wantsLayer = true
+        keyboardColorBtn2.wantsLayer = true
+        keyboardColorBtn3.wantsLayer = true
+        keyboardColorBtn4.wantsLayer = true
+        keyboardColorBtn1.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        keyboardColorBtn2.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 252/255.0, green: 31/255.0, blue: 31/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        keyboardColorBtn3.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 39/255.0, green: 60/255.0, blue: 98/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        keyboardColorBtn4.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 148/255.0, green: 152/255.0, blue: 156/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        let cornerRadius: CGFloat = 10.0
+        keyboardColorBtn1.layer?.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
+        keyboardColorBtn2.layer?.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
+        keyboardColorBtn3.layer?.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
+        keyboardColorBtn4.layer?.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
+        keyboardColorBtn1.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        keyboardColorBtn2.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        keyboardColorBtn3.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        keyboardColorBtn4.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        keyboardColorSelView.wantsLayer = true
+        keyboardColorSelView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 206/255.0, green: 208/255.0, blue: 212/255.0, alpha: 0.6).cgColor
+        keyboardColorSelView.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0
+        keyboardColorSelView.layer?.borderColor = NSColor(red: 206/255.0, green: 208/255.0, blue: 212/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        keyboardColorSelView.layer?.cornerRadius = 4.0
+        keyboardColorSelView.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        self.colorTextButtonAction(self.keyboardColorBtn1)
+        // Draw
+        self.drawView.delegate = self
+        self.drawView.wantsLayer = true
+        self.drawView.strokeRadius = CGFloat(((self.drawSizeDefaultValue as? NSString) ?? "0") .floatValue)
+        self.drawView.layer?.cornerRadius = 4.0
+        self.drawView.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        self.drawView.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0
+        self.drawView.layer?.borderColor = NSColor(red: 223/255.0, green: 225/255.0, blue: 229/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        self.drawView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 247/255.0, green: 248/255.0, blue: 250/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        drawColorBtn1.wantsLayer = true
+        drawColorBtn2.wantsLayer = true
+        drawColorBtn3.wantsLayer = true
+        drawColorBtn4.wantsLayer = true
+        drawColorBtn1.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 37/255.0, green: 38/255.0, blue: 41/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        drawColorBtn2.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 252/255.0, green: 31/255.0, blue: 31/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        drawColorBtn3.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 39/255.0, green: 60/255.0, blue: 98/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        drawColorBtn4.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 148/255.0, green: 152/255.0, blue: 156/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        drawColorBtn1.layer?.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
+        drawColorBtn2.layer?.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
+        drawColorBtn3.layer?.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
+        drawColorBtn4.layer?.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
+        drawColorBtn1.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        drawColorBtn2.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        drawColorBtn3.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        drawColorBtn4.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        drawColorSelView.wantsLayer = true
+        drawColorSelView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 206/255.0, green: 208/255.0, blue: 212/255.0, alpha: 0.6).cgColor
+        drawColorSelView.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0
+        drawColorSelView.layer?.borderColor = NSColor(red: 206/255.0, green: 208/255.0, blue: 212/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        drawColorSelView.layer?.cornerRadius = 4.0
+        drawColorSelView.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        self.drawColorBtnClicked(self.drawColorBtn1)
+        for pxSize in ["0.5", "1.0", "1.5", "2.0", "2.5", "3.0"] {
+            let attrited: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [.font: NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)]
+            let string = NSAttributedString(string: pxSize, attributes: attrited)
+            let item = NSMenuItem()
+            item.attributedTitle = string
+            self.drawSizeBox.menu?.addItem(item)
+        }
+        self.drawSizeBox.selectItem(at: 1)
+        self.drawSizeBox.title = "1.0 pt"
+        // Picture
+        self.pictureView.wantsLayer = true
+        self.pictureView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.white.cgColor
+        self.pictureBackView.wantsLayer = true
+        self.pictureBackView.layer?.cornerRadius = 4.0
+        self.pictureBackView.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        self.pictureBackView.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0
+        self.pictureBackView.layer?.borderColor = NSColor(red: 223/255.0, green: 225/255.0, blue: 229/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        self.pictureBackView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 247/255.0, green: 248/255.0, blue: 250/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        self.pictureBackView.changeSignatureImageCallback = { isTrue in
+            if isTrue {
+                weakSelf?.applyButtonVC.enabled = true
+            } else {
+                weakSelf?.applyButtonVC.enabled = false
+            }
+            if let image = weakSelf?.pictureBackView.signatureImage {
+                weakSelf?.clearButton.isHidden = false
+                weakSelf?.clearButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Reselect", comment: "")
+            } else {
+                weakSelf?.clearButton.isHidden = true
+            }
+        }
+        self.trackpadLabel.isHidden = true
+        self.drawTipView.isHidden = true
+        self.keyboardView.delegate = self
+        self.drawView.changeDrawCallback = { isTrue in
+            if isTrue {
+                weakSelf?.applyButtonVC.enabled = true
+            } else {
+                weakSelf?.applyButtonVC.enabled = false
+            }
+        }
+        self.drawView.touchEndCallback = { isClear in
+            if isClear {
+                weakSelf?.clearButton.isHidden = true
+            } else {
+                weakSelf?.clearButton.isHidden = false
+                weakSelf?.clearButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Clear", comment: "")
+            }
+        }
+        self.inputButton_Click(self.inputButton)
+        self.pictureHelpButton.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameHelpNormal")
+        self.pictureHelpButton.toolTip = "Remove white background from images"
+        self.pictureHelpButton.action = #selector(showHelpTip(_:))
+        self.pictureHelpButton.coverAction = { button, action in
+            if action == .enter {
+                button.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameHelpHover")
+                // [weakSelf showHelpTip:button]
+            } else if action == .exit {
+                button.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameHelpNormal")
+                // [weakSelf dismissHelpTip]
+            }
+        }
+        localizedString()
+        setupUI()
+    }
+    func setupUI() {
+        let fontName = "SFProText-Regular"
+        titleLabel.font = NSFont(name: "SFProText-Semibold", size: 16)
+        titleLabel.textColor = NSColor(red: 37/255.0, green: 38/255.0, blue: 41/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
+        signTypeView.wantsLayer = true
+        signTypeView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 223/255.0, green: 225/255.0, blue: 229/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        signTypeView.layer?.cornerRadius = 4.0
+        signTypeView.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        signTypeBackView.wantsLayer = true
+        signTypeBackView.layer?.cornerRadius = 2.0
+        signTypeBackView.layer?.masksToBounds = true
+        signTypeBackView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.white.cgColor
+        for button in [inputButton, drawingButton, pictureButton] {
+            button?.setTitleColor(NSColor(red: 37/255.0, green: 38/255.0, blue: 41/255.0, alpha: 1.0))
+            button?.font = NSFont(name: fontName, size: 12)
+        }
+        let fonts = CPDFAnnotationModel.supportFonts().compactMap { ($0 as AnyObject).allKeys.first }
+        self.fontValues = fonts
+        // Input
+        fontVC = KMDesignSelect(withType: .Combox)
+        fontBox.superview?.addSubview(fontVC.view)
+        fontVC.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
+        fontVC.view.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: fontBox.leftAnchor).isActive = true
+        fontVC.view.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: fontBox.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
+        fontVC.view.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 200).isActive = true
+        fontBox.isHidden = true
+        fontVC.delete = self
+        fontVC.addItems(withObjectValues: fontValues)
+        fontVC.stringValue = fontDefaultValue
+        // Drawing
+        drawSizeVC = KMDesignSelect(withType: .Combox)
+        drawingView.addSubview(drawSizeVC.view)
+        drawSizeVC.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
+        drawSizeVC.view.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: drawSizeBox.leftAnchor).isActive = true
+        drawSizeVC.view.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: drawSizeBox.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
+        drawSizeVC.view.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 85).isActive = true
+        drawSizeBox.isHidden = true
+        drawSizeVC.delete = self
+        var drawSizes = [String]()
+        for value in drawSizeValues {
+            drawSizes.append("\(value) pt")
+        }
+        drawSizeVC.addItems(withObjectValues: drawSizes)
+        drawSizeVC.stringValue = "\(String(describing: drawSizeDefaultValue)) pt"
+        trackpadButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Trackpad", comment: "")
+        trackpadButton.setTitleColor(NSColor.clear)
+        trackpadButtonVC = KMDesignButton(withType: .CheckBox)
+        trackpadButton.addSubview(trackpadButtonVC.view)
+        trackpadButtonVC.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Trackpad", comment: "")
+        trackpadButtonVC.state = .Norm
+        trackpadButtonVC.checkbox_radio(imageHeight: NSLayoutConstraint())
+        trackpadButtonVC.target = self
+        trackpadButtonVC.action = #selector(trackpadButton_Click)
+        var rect = trackpadButtonVC.view.frame
+        rect.origin.y = rect.origin.y - 8
+        trackpadButtonVC.view.frame = rect
+//        trackpadButtonVC.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
+//        trackpadButtonVC.view.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: trackpadButton.leftAnchor).isActive = true
+//        trackpadButtonVC.view.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: drawSizeVC.view.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
+//        trackpadButtonVC.view.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 120).isActive = true
+//        trackpadButton.isHidden = true
+        drawTipView.wantsLayer = true
+        drawTipView.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 189/255.0, green: 223/255.0, blue: 253/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+        drawTipLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Press any key to disable the touchpad", comment: "")
+        drawTipLabel.textColor = NSColor(red: 37/255.0, green: 38/255.0, blue: 41/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
+        drawTipLabel.font = NSFont(name: "SFProText-Regular", size: 14)
+        // Picture
+        pictureBackView.emptyTipLbl.textColor = NSColor(red: 148/255.0, green: 152/255.0, blue: 156/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
+        pictureBackView.emptyTipLbl.font = NSFont(name: fontName, size: 14)
+        pictureClearBackBtn.title = NSLocalizedString("Clear background", comment: "")
+        pictureClearBackBtn.setTitleColor(.clear)
+        pictureClearBackBtnVC = KMDesignButton(withType: .CheckBox)
+        pictureClearBackBtn.addSubview(pictureClearBackBtnVC.view)
+        pictureClearBackBtnVC.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Clear background", comment: "")
+        pictureClearBackBtnVC.state = .Norm
+        pictureClearBackBtnVC.checkbox_radio(imageHeight: NSLayoutConstraint())
+        pictureClearBackBtnVC.target = self
+        pictureClearBackBtnVC.action = #selector(pictureClearBackBtnAction(_:))
+        pictureClearBackBtnVC.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
+        pictureClearBackBtnVC.view.mas_makeConstraints { make in
+            make?.edges.equalTo()
+        }
+    }
+    func setType(_ type: KMPDFSignatureType) {
+//        self.type = type
+        var rect = self.signTypeBackView.frame
+        if type == .text {
+            rect.origin.x = 1
+        } else if type == .ink {
+            rect.origin.x = 2 + 75
+        } else if type == .image {
+            rect.origin.x = 2 + 75 * 2
+        }
+        rect.origin.y = (self.signTypeBackView.superview!.frame.height - self.signTypeBackView.frame.height) / 2.0
+        self.signTypeBackView.frame = rect
+        self.clearButton.isHidden = true
+        if type == .text {
+        } else if type == .ink {
+        } else if type == .image {
+            if self.pictureBackView.signatureImage != nil {
+                self.clearButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Reselect", comment: "")
+                self.clearButton.isHidden = false
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
+        dismissHelpTip()
+    }
+    func localizedString() {
+        self.titleLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Create Signature", comment: "")
+        self.trackpadButton.title = (NSLocalizedString("Trackpad", comment: ""))
+        self.clearButton.title = (NSLocalizedString("Clear", comment: ""))
+        self.trackpadLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Press \"esc\" to disable the Trackpad.", comment: "")
+        let selectorFonts = ["Mistral", "Bradley Hand", "Brush Script MT", "SignPainter", "Edwardian Script ITC", "American Typewriter", "Baoli SC", "Snell Roundhand", "Apple Chancery", "Monotype Corsiva"]
+        let fonts = NSFontManager.shared.availableFontFamilies
+        for fontName in fonts {
+            let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [.font: NSFont(name: fontName, size: 12.0)!]
+            let attributedString = NSAttributedString(string: fontName, attributes: attributes)
+            let item = NSMenuItem()
+            item.attributedTitle = attributedString
+            self.fontBox.menu?.addItem(item)
+        }
+        var fontName: String? = nil
+        if recentlyFonts.count < 1 {
+            for name in selectorFonts {
+                if fonts.contains(name) {
+                    fontName = name
+                    break
+                }
+            }
+            if let fontName = fontName {
+                recentlyFonts.append(fontName)
+            }
+        } else {
+            fontName = recentlyFonts.first
+        }
+        self.keyboardView.fontName = self.fontDefaultValue ?? ""
+        for (index, fontName) in recentlyFonts.enumerated() {
+            let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [.font: NSFont(name: fontName, size: 12.0)!]
+            let attributedString = NSAttributedString(string: fontName, attributes: attributes)
+            let item = NSMenuItem()
+            item.attributedTitle = attributedString
+            self.fontBox.menu?.insertItem(item, at: 1 + index)
+        }
+        let sep = NSMenuItem.separator()
+        self.fontBox.menu?.insertItem(sep, at: recentlyFonts.count + 1)
+        self.selectItem = self.fontBox.menu?.item(at: 1)
+        self.selectItem?.state = .on
+        self.inputButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Keyboard", comment: "")
+        self.drawingButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Trackpad", comment: "")
+        self.pictureButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Image", comment: "")
+    }
+    @objc func showHelpTip(_ sender: NSButton) {
+        if self.popover != nil {
+            dismissHelpTip()
+            return
+        }
+        let pop = NSPopover()
+        self.popover = pop
+        let controller = KMSignatureHelpViewController()
+        pop.contentViewController = controller
+        controller.tipString = NSLocalizedString("Remove white background from images", comment: "")
+        pop.setValue(true, forKey: "shouldHideAnchor")
+        pop.show(relativeTo: NSMakeRect(0, -8, sender.bounds.width, sender.bounds.height), of: sender, preferredEdge: .maxY)
+    }
+    func dismissHelpTip() {
+        self.popover?.close()
+        self.popover = nil
+    }
+    @IBAction func inputButton_Click(_ sender: Any) {
+        self.contentBox.contentView = self.inputView
+        self.type = .text
+    }
+    @IBAction func drawingButton_Click(_ sender: Any) {
+        self.contentBox.contentView = self.drawingView
+        self.type = .ink
+    }
+    @IBAction func pictureButton_Click(_ sender: Any) {
+        self.contentBox.contentView = self.pictureView
+        self.type = .image
+    }
+    @objc func clearButton_Click(_ sender: Any) {
+        if self.type == .image {
+            self.pictureBackView.reSelectImage()
+        } else if self.type == .ink {
+            self.drawView.clearImage()
+        } else if self.type == .text {
+            self.keyboardView.clearImage()
+        }
+        self.applyButtonVC.enabled = false
+    }
+    @objc func applyButton_Click(_ sender: Any) {
+        let signature = KMSignature()
+        if self.type == .text {
+            if let image = self.keyboardView.signatureImage() {
+                signature.pathsImage = image
+                signature.signatureType = .text
+                let signatureManager = KMSignatureManager()
+                signatureManager.loadAllSignatureList()
+                signatureManager.addSignature(signature)
+                signatureManager.saveSingaturesToFile()
+            } else {
+                let alert = NSAlert()
+                alert.alertStyle = .critical
+                alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Unable to add new signatures. Please try again.", comment: "")
+                alert.runModal()
+                return
+            }
+        } else if self.type == .image {
+            if let image = self.pictureBackView.signatureImage() {
+                signature.pathsImage = image
+                signature.signatureType = .image
+                let signatureManager = KMSignatureManager()
+                signatureManager.loadAllSignatureList()
+                signatureManager.addSignature(signature)
+                signatureManager.saveSingaturesToFile()
+            } else {
+                let alert = NSAlert()
+                alert.alertStyle = .critical
+                alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Unable to add new signatures. Please try again.", comment: "")
+                alert.runModal()
+                return
+            }
+        } else {
+            if let image = self.drawView.signatureImage() {
+                signature.addPath(self.drawView.drawBezierPath)
+                signature.signatureType = .ink
+                signature.signatureColor = self.drawView.drawColor
+                signature.pathsImage = image
+                let signatureManager = KMSignatureManager()
+                signatureManager.loadAllSignatureList()
+                signatureManager.addSignature(signature)
+                signatureManager.saveSingaturesToFile()
+            } else {
+                let alert = NSAlert()
+                alert.alertStyle = .critical
+                alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Unable to add new signatures. Please try again.", comment: "")
+                alert.runModal()
+                return
+            }
+        }
+        self.selectedSignature = signature
+        dismissSheet(nil)
+    }
+    @IBAction func trackpadButton_Click(_ sender: Any) {
+        if self.trackpadButtonVC.state == .Checked {
+            self.trackpadButtonVC.state = .Norm
+            self.trackpadLabel.isHidden = true
+            self.drawTipView.isHidden = true
+            self.drawView.isAcceptsTouch = false
+        } else {
+            self.trackpadButtonVC.state = .Checked
+            self.trackpadLabel.isHidden = true
+            self.drawTipView.isHidden = false
+            self.drawView.isAcceptsTouch = true
+            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3.0) {
+                self.drawTipView.isHidden = true
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @IBAction func boxItemClicked_Font(_ sender: Any) {
+        if let name = self.fontBox.selectedItem?.title {
+            self.fontBox.title = name
+            self.keyboardView.fontName = name
+            if recentlyFonts.contains(name) {
+                if let index = recentlyFonts.firstIndex(of: name) {
+                    recentlyFonts.remove(at: index)
+                    self.fontBox.menu?.removeItem(at: index + 1)
+                }
+            }
+            if recentlyFonts.count > 0 {
+                recentlyFonts.insert(name, at: 0)
+            } else {
+                recentlyFonts.append(name)
+            }
+            if recentlyFonts.count > 5 {
+                recentlyFonts.removeLast()
+                self.fontBox.menu?.removeItem(at: recentlyFonts.count)
+            }
+            let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [.font: NSFont(name: name, size: 12.0)!]
+            let attributedString = NSAttributedString(string: name, attributes: attributes)
+            let item = NSMenuItem()
+            item.attributedTitle = attributedString
+            self.fontBox.menu?.insertItem(item, at: 1)
+            self.selectItem?.state = .off
+            self.selectItem = self.fontBox.menu?.item(at: 1)
+            self.selectItem?.state = .on
+        }
+    }
+    @IBAction func colorTextButtonAction(_ sender: Any) {
+        if let button = sender as? NSButton {
+            if button == self.keyboardColorBtn1 || button == self.keyboardColorBtn2 || button == self.keyboardColorBtn3 || button == self.keyboardColorBtn4 {
+                if let color = NSColor(cgColor: button.layer!.backgroundColor!) {
+                    self.keyboardView.keyboardColor = color
+                    var rect = self.keyboardView.frame
+                    rect.origin.y = button.frame.midY - 16
+                    rect.origin.x = button.frame.midX - 16
+                    rect.size.width = 32
+                    rect.size.height = 32
+                    self.keyboardColorSelView.frame = rect
+                }
+            } else {
+                NSColorPanel.shared.setTarget(self)
+                NSColorPanel.shared.setAction(#selector(keyboardColorPanelColorDidChange(_:)))
+                NSColorPanel.shared.orderFront(nil)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @IBAction func drawColorBtnClicked(_ sender: NSButton) {
+        if sender == self.drawColorBtn1 || sender == self.drawColorBtn2 || sender == self.drawColorBtn3 || sender == self.drawColorBtn4 {
+            if let color = NSColor(cgColor: sender.layer!.backgroundColor!) {
+                self.drawView.drawColor = color
+                var rect = self.drawColorSelView.frame
+                rect.origin.y = sender.frame.midY - 16
+                rect.origin.x = sender.frame.midX - 16
+                rect.size.width = 32
+                rect.size.height = 32
+                self.drawColorSelView.frame = rect
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @IBAction func drawSizeBtnClicked(_ sender: NSPopUpButton) {
+        let name = self.drawSizeBox.selectedItem?.title
+        self.drawSizeBox.title = name ?? ""
+        let array = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0]
+        let index = self.drawSizeBox.indexOfSelectedItem - 1
+        self.drawView.strokeRadius = array[index]
+    }
+    @objc @IBAction func pictureClearBackBtnAction(_ sender: NSButton) {
+        var clearBack = true
+        if self.pictureClearBackBtnVC.state == .Checked {
+            self.pictureClearBackBtnVC.state = .Norm
+            clearBack = false
+        } else {
+            self.pictureClearBackBtnVC.state = .Checked
+            clearBack = true
+        }
+        self.pictureBackView.clearBackground = clearBack
+    }
+    @objc func keyboardColorPanelColorDidChange(_ sender: Any) {
+        self.textColorButton.layer?.borderColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor
+        let color = NSColorPanel.shared.color
+        let red = CGFloat(color.redComponent)
+        let green = CGFloat(color.greenComponent)
+        let blue = CGFloat(color.blueComponent)
+        let alpha = CGFloat(color.alphaComponent)
+        self.keyboardView.keyboardColor = color
+        self.textColorButton.layer?.borderColor = NSColor(red: 33.0/255.0, green: 124.0/255.0, blue: 234.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor
+    }
+    func drawViewDidFinishTouchMode(_ view: KMDrawView) {
+        self.trackpadButtonVC.state = .Norm
+        self.trackpadLabel.isHidden = true
+        self.drawTipView.isHidden = true
+    }
+    func changeSignatureText(_ isTrue: Bool) {
+        self.applyButtonVC.enabled = isTrue
+    }
+    @objc func didEndSheet(_ sheet: NSWindow?, returnCode: Int, contextInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
+        if contextInfo != nil && self.handler != nil {
+            self.handler!(self.selectedSignature)
+        }
+    }
+    func beginSheetModal(for window: NSWindow?, completionHandler handler: ((KMSignature) -> Void)?) {
+        windowController_signature = self
+        if window != nil {
+            window!.beginSheet(self.window!) { ModalResponse in
+                if self.selectedSignature != nil {
+                    self.handler?(self.selectedSignature)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self.handler = handler
+    }
+    @objc func dismissSheet(_ sender: Any?) {
+        windowController_signature = nil
+        if sender != nil {
+            NSApp.endSheet(self.window!, returnCode: 0)
+        } else {
+            NSApp.endSheet(self.window!, returnCode: 1)
+        }
+        self.window?.orderOut(self)
+    }
+    func km_comboBoxSelectionDidChange(_ obj: KMDesignSelect) {
+        if obj == fontVC {
+            var index = fontVC.indexOfSelectedItem
+            if index < 0 {
+                index = 0
+            }
+            keyboardView.fontName = fontVC.items[index]
+        } else if obj == drawSizeVC {
+            var index = drawSizeVC.indexOfSelectedItem
+            if index < 0 {
+                index = 0
+            }
+            drawView.strokeRadius = CGFloat((drawSizeValues[index] as! NSString).floatValue)
+        }
+    }
+    func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView, shouldSelect tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem?) -> Bool {
+        return true
+    }
+    func tabView(_ tabView: NSTabView, didSelect tabViewItem: NSTabViewItem?) {
+        var isImage = false
+        if tabView.indexOfTabViewItem(tabViewItem!) == 0 {
+            self.type = .text
+            if self.keyboardView.signatureImage() != nil {
+                isImage = true
+            }
+        } else if tabView.indexOfTabViewItem(tabViewItem!) == 1 {
+            self.type = .ink
+            if self.drawView.signatureImage() != nil {
+                isImage = true
+            }
+        } else if tabView.indexOfTabViewItem(tabViewItem!) == 2 {
+            self.type = .image
+            if self.pictureBackView.signatureImage() != nil {
+                isImage = true
+            }
+        }
+        if isImage {
+            self.applyButtonVC.enabled = true
+        } else {
+            self.applyButtonVC.enabled = false
+        }
+    }

+ 3 - 3
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/RightSide/Signature/KMSigntureViewItem.swift

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Cocoa
     func tableViewMenu() {
         let menu = NSMenu()
-        let item = menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Export stamp", comment: ""), action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
+        let item = menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Output", comment: ""), action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
         let tSubMenu = NSMenu()
         var tMenuItem = tSubMenu.insertItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("PNG", comment: ""), action: #selector(exportCustomizeStamp(_:)), keyEquivalent: "", at: 0)
         tMenuItem.tag = 0
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ import Cocoa
         item.submenu = tSubMenu
-        menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Delete stamp", comment: ""), action: #selector(deleteCustomizeStamp), keyEquivalent: "")
-        menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Delete All stamp", comment: ""), action: #selector(deleteAllCustomizeStamp), keyEquivalent: "")
+        menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Remove", comment: ""), action: #selector(deleteCustomizeStamp), keyEquivalent: "")
+        menu.addItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Remove All", comment: ""), action: #selector(deleteAllCustomizeStamp), keyEquivalent: "")
         self.view.menu = menu

+ 1 - 7
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Toolbar/KMToolbarController.swift

@@ -180,7 +180,6 @@ class KMToolbarController: NSViewController {
         toolbarType = .None
         mainToolBarView?.toolbarType = .Main
-        addObserverForAppearanceChange()
         NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(selectedShapAnnotationChangeNotification(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name.init(rawValue: "KMSelectedShapAnnotationChangeNotification"), object: nil)
         NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(PDFChangedNotification(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name.init(rawValue: "PDFChangedNotification"), object: nil)
@@ -248,12 +247,6 @@ class KMToolbarController: NSViewController {
-    // MARK: Dark&Light
-    func addObserverForAppearanceChange() -> Void {
-    }
     // MARK: -
     // MARK: Public Methods
@@ -584,6 +577,7 @@ class KMToolbarController: NSViewController {
+        self.childToolBarView?.interfaceThemeDidChanged(appearance)

+ 8 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Toolbar/KMToolbarViewController.swift

@@ -554,6 +554,12 @@ class KMToolbarViewController: NSViewController, NSTextFieldDelegate {
         self.toolbar?.appearance = .init(named: appearance)
+        self.bottomLine.wantsLayer = true
+        if KMAppearance.isDarkMode() {
+            self.bottomLine.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#393B3E", alpha: 1).cgColor
+        } else {
+            self.bottomLine.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#0000001A").cgColor
+        }
@@ -1589,7 +1595,7 @@ extension KMToolbarViewController {
     private func _setupEditItem(_ item: KMToolbarItemView?) {
         let identifier = item?.itemIdentifier
         if identifier == KMToolbarAddTextEditPDFItemIdentifier {
-            item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameMainToolFreeText")
+            item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameButtonEidtPDFText")
             item?.target = self
             item?.btnTag = CAnnotationType.addText.rawValue
             item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Add Text", comment: "")
@@ -1597,7 +1603,7 @@ extension KMToolbarViewController {
             item?.boxImagePosition = .imageLeft
             item?.btnAction = #selector(changeAnnotationMode)
         }  else if identifier == KMToolbarAddImageEditPDFItemIdentifier {
-            item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameMainToolEditImage")
+            item?.image = NSImage(named: "KMImageNameButtonEidtPDFImage")
             item?.target = self
             item?.btnTag = CAnnotationType.addImage.rawValue
             item?.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Add Image", comment: "")

+ 2 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/ViewController/KMMainViewController+UI.swift

@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ extension KMMainViewController {
+        self.pdfEditController?.interfaceThemeDidChanged(appearance)
         self.mianSplitView.superview?.wantsLayer = true
 //        let sView = self.listView.documentView()
         if KMAppearance.isDarkMode() {

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/InfoPlist.strings

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
   Created by wanjun on 2023/4/27.
-NSHumanReadableCopyright = "© 2014-2023 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.";
+NSHumanReadableCopyright = "© 2014-2024 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.";

+ 414 - 347
PDF Office/PDF Reader Pro.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/lizhe.xcuserdatad/xcdebugger/Breakpoints_v2.xcbkptlist

@@ -3075,160 +3075,72 @@
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