

tangchao 10 ヶ月 前

+ 3 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Preference/Window/KMPreferenceController.swift

@@ -140,6 +140,9 @@ private let NIBNAME_KEY = "nibName"
         NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(preferenceDidChangeNotification), name: KMPreferenceManager.didChangeNotification, object: nil)
         NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(preferenceDidChangeNotification), name: KMPreferenceManager.didChangeNotification, object: nil)
+        self.resetBtn.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values", comment: "")
+        self.resetAllBtn.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("Revert all preferences to their original values", comment: "")
     @IBAction func changeFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
     @IBAction func changeFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) {

+ 8 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2748,3 +2748,11 @@
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 Kredit für jeweils 10.000 Zeichen; Nicht mehr als 10 m eines Dokuments.";
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 Kredit für jeweils 10.000 Zeichen; Nicht mehr als 10 m eines Dokuments.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Dieser KI -Lizenzcode wurde von einem anderen Gerät aufgenommen. Bitte verwenden Sie ein anderes.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Dieser KI -Lizenzcode wurde von einem anderen Gerät aufgenommen. Bitte verwenden Sie ein anderes.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihren PDF Reader Pro AI -Lizenzcode über die E -Mail, die Sie beim Kauf angegeben haben.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihren PDF Reader Pro AI -Lizenzcode über die E -Mail, die Sie beim Kauf angegeben haben.";
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
+"Revert all preferences to their original values" = "Alle Einstellungen auf Originalwerte zurücksetzen";
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492"; */
+"Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "Alle angezeigten Einstellungen auf Originalwerte zurücksetzen";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@
-//MARK: PreferenceWindow
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
 /* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
 /* Class = "NSButton"; ibShadowedToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
 "Revert all preferences to their original values" = "Revert all preferences to their original values";
 "Revert all preferences to their original values" = "Revert all preferences to their original values";

+ 8 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2841,3 +2841,11 @@
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 crédito por cada 10,000 caracteres; No más de 10 m de un documento.";
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 crédito por cada 10,000 caracteres; No más de 10 m de un documento.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Este código de licencia de IA ha sido tomado por otro dispositivo, use otro.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Este código de licencia de IA ha sido tomado por otro dispositivo, use otro.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Confirme su código de licencia PDF Reader Pro AI a través del correo electrónico que proporcionó al comprar.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Confirme su código de licencia PDF Reader Pro AI a través del correo electrónico que proporcionó al comprar.";
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
+"Revert all preferences to their original values" = "Revertir todas las preferencias a sus valores originales";
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492"; */
+"Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "Revertir todas las preferencias mostradas a sus valores originales";

+ 8 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2711,3 +2711,11 @@
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 crédit pour 10 000 caractères; Pas plus de 10 m de document.";
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 crédit pour 10 000 caractères; Pas plus de 10 m de document.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Ce code de licence AI a été repris par un autre appareil, veuillez en utiliser un autre.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Ce code de licence AI a été repris par un autre appareil, veuillez en utiliser un autre.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Veuillez confirmer le code de licence PDF Reader Pro AI via l'e-mail que vous avez fourni lors de l'achat.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Veuillez confirmer le code de licence PDF Reader Pro AI via l'e-mail que vous avez fourni lors de l'achat.";
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
+"Revert all preferences to their original values" = "Réinitialiser toutes les préférences à leurs valeurs d’origine";
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492"; */
+"Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "Réinitialiser les préférences affichées à leurs valeurs initiales";

+ 8 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2637,3 +2637,11 @@
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 credito per ogni 10.000 caratteri; Non più di 10 m di documento.";
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 credito per ogni 10.000 caratteri; Non più di 10 m di documento.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Questo codice di licenza di intelligenza artificiale è stato assorbito da un altro dispositivo, per favore usa un altro.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Questo codice di licenza di intelligenza artificiale è stato assorbito da un altro dispositivo, per favore usa un altro.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Conferma il codice di licenza PDF Reader Pro AI tramite l'e -mail fornita al momento dell'acquisto.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Conferma il codice di licenza PDF Reader Pro AI tramite l'e -mail fornita al momento dell'acquisto.";
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
+"Revert all preferences to their original values" = "Reimposta tutte le preferenze ai loro valori originali";
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492"; */
+"Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "Reimposta tutte le preferenze correntemente visualizzate ai loro valori originali";

+ 8 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2904,3 +2904,11 @@
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "10,000文字ごとに1クレジット。ドキュメントの10m以下。";
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "10,000文字ごとに1クレジット。ドキュメントの10m以下。";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "このAIライセンスコードは別のデバイスによって取り上げられています。別のデバイスを使用してください。";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "このAIライセンスコードは別のデバイスによって取り上げられています。別のデバイスを使用してください。";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "購入時に提供された電子メールを介して、PDF Reader Pro AIライセンスコードを確認してください。";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "購入時に提供された電子メールを介して、PDF Reader Pro AIライセンスコードを確認してください。";
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
+// Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491";
+"Revert all preferences to their original values" = "全ての項目を元の値に戻す";
+// Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492";
+"Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "現在表示されている項目を全て元の値に戻る";

+ 8 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2913,3 +2913,11 @@
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 krediet voor elke 10.000 tekens; Niet meer dan 10m van een document.";
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 krediet voor elke 10.000 tekens; Niet meer dan 10m van een document.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Deze AI -licentiecode is overgenomen door een ander apparaat, gebruik een andere.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Deze AI -licentiecode is overgenomen door een ander apparaat, gebruik een andere.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Bevestig uw PDF Reader Pro AI -licentiecode via de e -mail die u hebt verstrekt bij het kopen.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Bevestig uw PDF Reader Pro AI -licentiecode via de e -mail die u hebt verstrekt bij het kopen.";
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
+"Revert all preferences to their original values" = "Herstel alle standaardinstellingen naar hun oorspronkelijke waarden";
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492"; */
+"Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "Herstel alle nu zichtbare standaardinstellingen naar hun oorspronkelijke waarden";

+ 8 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2853,3 +2853,11 @@
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 kredyt na każde 10 000 znaków; Nie więcej niż 10 m dokumentu.";
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 kredyt na każde 10 000 znaków; Nie więcej niż 10 m dokumentu.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Ten kod licencji AI został podjęty przez inne urządzenie, proszę użyć innego.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Ten kod licencji AI został podjęty przez inne urządzenie, proszę użyć innego.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Potwierdź swój kod licencji czytnika PDF Pro za pośrednictwem podanego poczty e -mail podczas zakupu.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Potwierdź swój kod licencji czytnika PDF Pro za pośrednictwem podanego poczty e -mail podczas zakupu.";
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
+"Revert all preferences to their original values" = "Przywraca wszystkie ustawienia do wartości domyślnych";
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492"; */
+"Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "Przywraca wszystkie obecnie pokazywane ustawienia do wartości domyślnych";

+ 8 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2778,3 +2778,11 @@
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 кредит на каждые 10 000 символов; Не более 10 м документа.";
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "1 кредит на каждые 10 000 символов; Не более 10 м документа.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Этот код лицензии AI был построен другим устройством, пожалуйста, используйте другое.";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "Этот код лицензии AI был построен другим устройством, пожалуйста, используйте другое.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Пожалуйста, подтвердите свой лицензионный код PDF Reader Pro AI по электронной почте, которое вы предоставили при покупке.";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "Пожалуйста, подтвердите свой лицензионный код PDF Reader Pro AI по электронной почте, которое вы предоставили при покупке.";
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
+"Revert all preferences to their original values" = "Вернуть все настройки к стандартным значениям";
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492"; */
+"Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "Вернуть все показанные настройки к стандартным значениям";

+ 8 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3816,3 +3816,11 @@
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "每10,000字符消耗1个权益点,文档不超过10M。";
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "每10,000字符消耗1个权益点,文档不超过10M。";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "该序列码已被另一台设备使用,请更换AI序列码。";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "该序列码已被另一台设备使用,请更换AI序列码。";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "请前往您购买时提供的邮箱,确认PDF Reader Pro AI序列码。";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "请前往您购买时提供的邮箱,确认PDF Reader Pro AI序列码。";
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
+"Revert all preferences to their original values" = "撤消所有的选项设置为原始值";
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492"; */
+"Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "撤消所有当前显示的选项设置为原始值";

+ 8 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3945,3 +3945,11 @@
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "每10,000字符消耗1個權益點,文檔不超過10M。";
 "1 credit for every 10,000 characters; No more than 10M of a document. " = "每10,000字符消耗1個權益點,文檔不超過10M。";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "該序列碼已被另一台設備使用,請更換AI序列碼。";
 "This AI license code has been taken up by another device, please use another one." = "該序列碼已被另一台設備使用,請更換AI序列碼。";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "請前往您購買時提供的郵箱,確認PDF Reader Pro AI序列碼。";
 "Please confirm your PDF Reader Pro AI license code through the email you provided when purchasing." = "請前往您購買時提供的郵箱,確認PDF Reader Pro AI序列碼。";
+//MARK: - PreferenceWindow
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "491"; */
+"Revert all preferences to their original values" = "回存所有偏好設定至原始值";
+/* Class = "NSButton"; gToolTip = "Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values"; ObjectID = "492"; */
+"Revert all currently shown preferences to their original values" = "回存所有目前顯示的偏好設定至原始值";