@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+// KMDrawView.h
+// KMDrawViewDemo
+// Created by zhudongyong on 13-9-23.
+// Copyright (c) 2013年 kdanmobile. All rights reserved.
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import "LineProcessTypes.h"
+#import "Recognise.h"
+#import "ESRenderTypes.h"
+#import "KMDrawViewTypes.h"
+#import "ESContextTypes.h"
+#import "TextureTypes.h"
+#import "ESShaderTools.h"
+#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
+#if kDigitPenEnable
+#import "PenManager.h"
+#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
+#import "UIImage+Mac.h"
+#import "UIColor+Mac.h"
+#import "UIView+Mac.h"
+@protocol KMDrawViewDelegate;
+typedef float (^ParameterAdjust)(float originValue);
+@interface KMDrawView : UIView
+#if kDigitPenEnable
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIView *touchRefView;//手势点转换View
+#pragma mark - Normal
+/** 当前控件被缩放比例
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGSize scale;
+/** 当前控件初始数据大小
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGSize bufferSize;
+/** 默认自动校准被Cancel的Line,Default is true.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL adjustCancelLine;
+/** 触点越界(超过KMDrawView边界),是否需要关闭线条渲染,Default is true.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL shoudCancelDrawForPointBounds;
+/** 触点是否越界
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL pointBounds;
+#if PreModelEnable
+/** 效果预览模式,涂抹等效果时也能看到相应笔刷效果
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL isDebug;
+/** 硬件压感控制
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL enableDevicePress;
+/** 压感常规值 (0,1), `enableDevicePress` 为YES时生效。
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float normalPress; //default is 0.9
+#if EnableRecogition
+#pragma mark - Shape Recognize
+/** 设置是否开启图形识别功能,默认为关闭状态。
+ @note 目前该功能尚不可用,建议不要开启。
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL enableRecogition; //图形识别开关
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) float recogPointScale; //Scale
+/** 设置图形识别种类`ShapeType`,默认支持ShapeTypeLine(直线)、ShapeTypeTriangle(三角形)、ShapeTypeCircle(圆)、
+ ShapeTypeEllipse(椭圆)、ShapeTypeDiarec(矩形)、ShapeTypeArrow(箭头)、ShapeTypeParallelogram(平行四边形)
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) ShapeType shapesMark; //图形种类
+/// 笔刷类型
+#pragma mark - Brush Type Setting
+@property (nonatomic) ESBrushType brushType;
+#pragma mark - 柳叶笔高斯模糊边缘半径
+@property (nonatomic) float gaussianRadius;
+/// 混合模式
+#pragma mark - Blend Type Setting
+@property (nonatomic) ESLayerBlendType blendType;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *blendFragmentShaderString;
+#pragma mark Shaders
+//主线 顶点着色器
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *baselineVertexShaderString;
+//主线 片段着色器
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *baselineFragmentShaderString;
+//子线 顶点着色器
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *sublineVertexShaderString;
+//子线 片段着色器
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *sublineFragmentShaderString;
+/// 常用参数
+#pragma mark - Common Parameters Setting
+@property (nonatomic, retain) UIColor *renderColor;
+//不透明度, [0, 1], default is 1.
+@property (nonatomic) float opacity;
+/** 线半径
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float radius;
+//流量, [0, 1], default is 1.
+@property (nonatomic) float flow;
+/** 点延迟
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger trackNum;
+#pragma mark - Smudge Parameters
+@property (nonatomic) float moistQuantity;
+@property (nonatomic) float loadQuantity;
+@property (nonatomic) float mixQuantity;
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL smudgeControl;
+@property (nonatomic) float smudgeControlValue;
+/// 笔刷纹理
+#pragma mark - Texture
+@property (nonatomic) TextureType textureType;
+@property (nonatomic) float hardness;
+/** 矢量笔刷相关控制参数
+ TextureTypeNormal 无
+ TextureTypeCircle 无
+ TextureTypeRing 圆环半径
+ TextureTypeRectangle 宽高比
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float textureControlValue;
+ */
+//@property (nonatomic, retain) UIImage *textureImage;
+@property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *textureImages;
+/** X 方向翻转
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL flipX;
+/** Y 方向翻转
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL flipY;
+#pragma mark - Mask
+/// 遮罩
+/** 是否允许遮罩
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL needMaskTexture;
+/** 遮罩纹理
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float maskScale;
+/** 遮罩纹理
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *maskImage;
+#pragma mark - Base Setting
+/** 是否开启点间距控制,关闭则仅画获取到的Touch点
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL pointsDistanceEnabled;
+/** 点间距 [0.01, n]
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float pointsDistance;
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL smoothEnabled;
+/** 速度敏感因子
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float speedSencitive;
+/** 触控灵敏度
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float sensitivity;
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL colorFul;
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) ESLineProcessType lineProcessType;
+#pragma mark - 控制
+#pragma mark 尺寸控制
+/** 最小半径
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float minRadius;
+/** 最小半径
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float maxRadius;
+/** 初始半径
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float startRadius;
+/** 起始点控制
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float strokeControlValue;
+/** 线条结束点半径
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float endRadius;
+/** 半径抖动,(0, 1]
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float radiusTingle;
+/** 半径控制
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) LPControlParams radiusControl;
+#pragma mark 位置控制
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL disTwoAxes;
+@property (nonatomic) float distribution;
+/** 散布控制
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) LPControlParams distributionControl;
+#pragma mark 渲染数量控制
+@property (nonatomic) float distributionCount;
+@property (nonatomic) float distributionCountTingle;
+@property (nonatomic) LPControlParams distributionCountControl;
+#pragma mark - 角度控制
+//***************** 线半径 *****************
+/** 纹理角度, [-M_PI, M_PI], default is 0.0 .
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float radian;
+/** 线条初始方向
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL startRadianEnable;
+/** 纹理方向跟随线条方向
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL moveRadianEnable;
+//***************** Flip Tingle *****************
+/** X 方向翻转抖动
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL flipXTingle;
+/** Y 方向翻转抖动
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL flipYTingle;
+//***************** 角度控制 *****************
+/** 角度抖动, [0, 1], default is 0.0 .
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float radianTingle;
+@property (nonatomic) LPControlParams radianControl;
+#pragma mark - 圆度控制
+/** 圆度, (0.1, 1], default is 1.0 .
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float roundness;
+/** 圆度抖动,(0, 1],default is 0.0 .
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float roundnessTingle;
+/** 最小圆度,[0, 1], default is 0.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float minRoundness;
+/** 圆度控制
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) LPControlParams roundnessControl;
+#pragma mark - 流量控制
+/** 最小流量, [0, 1], default is 0.01
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float minFlow;
+/** 最大流量, [0, 1], default is 0.01
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float maxFlow;
+/** 流量抖动, [0, 1], default is 0.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float flowTingle;
+/** 流量控制
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) LPControlParams flowControl;
+/** 衰减,[0,1000]
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float decay;
+#pragma mark - 纹理控制
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL textureTingleEnabled;
+@property (nonatomic) LPControlParams textureControl;
+#pragma mark - 颜色控制
+@property (nonatomic, retain) UIColor *backRenderColor;
+/** 前景/背景动态, [0, 1], default is 0
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float colorTingle;
+/** 颜色抖动控制
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) LPControlParams colorControl;
+#pragma mark - HSB 抖动
+/** hue 抖动, [0, 1], default is 0.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float hueTingle;
+/** 饱和度抖动, [0, 1], default is 0.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float saturationTingle;
+/** 亮度抖动, [0, 1], default is 0.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) float brightnessTingle;
+#pragma mark - 双重画笔
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL repeatedlyRenderEnabled;
+@property (nonatomic, retain) UIImage *slTextureImage;
+// radius
+@property (nonatomic) float slRadius;
+// pointsDistance
+@property (nonatomic) float slPointsDistance;
+// distribution
+@property (nonatomic) float slDistribution;
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL slDistbTwoAxes;
+@property (nonatomic) float slDistbCount;
+@property (nonatomic) ESRadiusRelationType slRadiusRelationType;
+@property (nonatomic) float relationValue;
+#pragma mark - Undo
+/** 被修改过的标志(自上次保存后,是否有执行过编辑、画点、贴图等操作)
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL edited; //上次Mark后是否被编辑过
+/** 是否开启自动Mark功能,默认为NO
+ @note 开启后,`EAGLView`将自动保存每一笔操作
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL autoMark; //是否自动Mark,默认为NO
+/** 是否需要绘制Touches Cancel的线条
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL needCancelLine; //AutoMark为真是起作用
+/** Mark 图片的时间间隔,默认为0,即每一笔结束都将执行
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) float markTimeInterval;//保存时间间隔,默认为0秒
+/** 设定Undo 缓存文件目录,默认为“/Library/Cache/TempDirectory”,在Reset/变更目录/程序结束后,将清空该目录
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *tempDirectory;//undo redo缓存文件存储目录
+@property (nonatomic, assign) id<KMDrawViewDelegate> delegate;
+- (void)setBaselineVertexShaderString:(NSString *)baselineVertexShaderString
+ fragmentShaderString:(NSString *)baselineFragmentShaderString;
+- (void)setSublineVertexShaderString:(NSString *)sublineVertexShaderString
+ fragmentShaderString:(NSString *)sublineFragmentShaderString;
+- (void)clear;
+- (void)clearOnline:(BOOL)online;
+- (void)clearWithColor:(UIColor*)color online:(BOOL)online;
+@interface KMDrawView (KMDrawViewDrawing)
+- (BOOL)isLining;
+/// 画线
+/** 绘制指定数目的一组点
+ */
+- (CGRect)drawPoints:(LPPoint*)points count:(NSUInteger)count;
+- (CGRect)drawPoints:(LPPoint*)points count:(NSUInteger)count layerType:(ESRenderLayerType)layerType;
+/** 开始绘一条线
+ @param point CGPoint类型,所捕获的点坐标
+ @param pressure float类型,所捕获的点对应的压力值
+ @param altitude float类型,所捕获的点对应的触控笔斜度值
+ @param online 是否在线渲染,当为YES时,渲染出来即可见
+ */
+- (void)drawingWithBeginPoint:(CGPoint)point
+ pressure:(float)pressure
+ altitude:(float)altitude
+ online:(BOOL)online;
+- (void)drawingWithBeginPoint:(CGPoint)point;
+- (void)drawingWithBeginPoint:(CGPoint)point
+ online:(BOOL)online;
+- (void)drawingWithBeginPoint:(CGPoint)point
+ pressure:(float)pressure
+ online:(BOOL)online;
+/** 获取到一个TouchMove消息
+ @param point CGPoint类型,所捕获的点坐标
+ @param pressure float类型,所捕获的点对应的压力值
+ @param altitude float类型,所捕获的点对应的触控笔斜度值
+ @param online 是否在线渲染,当为YES时,渲染出来即可见
+ */
+- (void)drawingWithMoveToPoint:(CGPoint)point
+ pressure:(float)pressure
+ altitude:(float)altitude
+ online:(BOOL)online;
+- (void)drawingWithMoveToPoint:(CGPoint)point;
+- (void)drawingWithMoveToPoint:(CGPoint)point
+ online:(BOOL)online;
+- (void)drawingWithMoveToPoint:(CGPoint)point
+ pressure:(float)pressure
+ online:(BOOL)online;
+/** 获取到一个TouchEnd消息
+ @param point CGPoint类型,所捕获的点坐标
+ @param pressure float类型,所捕获的点对应的压力值
+ @param altitude float类型,所捕获的点对应的触控笔斜度值
+ @param online 是否在线渲染,当为YES时,渲染出来即可见
+ */
+- (void)drawingWithEndPoint:(CGPoint)point
+ pressure:(float)pressure
+ altitude:(float)altitude
+ online:(BOOL)online;
+- (void)drawingWithEndPoint:(CGPoint)point;
+- (void)drawingWithEndPoint:(CGPoint)point
+ online:(BOOL)online;
+- (void)drawingWithEndPoint:(CGPoint)point
+ pressure:(float)pressure
+ online:(BOOL)online;
+#pragma mark - Image
+@interface KMDrawView (Image)
+/// 获取图片
+- (UIImage*)image;
+/** 获取指定区域图片
+ @param rect 设定待获取图片的区域
+ @return 获取指定区域的图片
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (UIImage*)imageWithRect:(CGRect)rect;
+/** 获取指定区域图片
+ @param rect 设定待获取图片的区域
+ @return 获取指定区域的图片
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (CGImageRef)newCGImageWithRect:(CGRect)rect;
+/** 获取指定区域图片数据,获取指定区域的图片数据,RGBA类型
+ @param data Input 指定待读入的数据地址
+ @param rect 设定待获取图片数据的区域
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (void)readData:(void*)data rect:(CGRect)rect;
+- (void)readData:(void*)data bufferRect:(CGRect)rect;
+///** 获取RGB数据, pix * 3
+// @param data Input 指定待读入的数据地址
+// @param rect 设定待获取图片数据的区域
+// @return 获取指定区域的图片数据,RGBA类型
+// @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+// */
+//- (void)readRGBData:(void*)data rect:(CGRect)rect;
+///** 获取Alpha数据 pix * 1
+// @param data Input 指定待读入的数据地址
+// @param rect 设定待获取图片数据的区域
+// @return 获取指定区域的图片数据,RGBA类型
+// @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+// */
+//- (void)readAlphaData:(void*)data rect:(CGRect)rect;
+/// 贴(设置)图片
+/** 用Cover方式在原有图像上面贴图
+ @param image 待贴图的图片,如果图片为空,则不会做任何事情。
+ @param rect 待贴图的位置及区域
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (void)drawImage:(UIImage*)image inRect:(CGRect)rect;
+/** 采用Cover方式使用Image数据在原有图像上面贴图
+ @param imageData 待贴图的图片的数据,是从`CGContextRef`拿出来的RGBA bytes数据,如果数据为空,则不会做任何事情。
+ @param dataSize 待贴图的图片的尺寸(宽、高)。
+ @param rect 待贴图的位置及区域
+ @note 在不考虑其它(图片转数据)因素,同样大小的图片,采用`drawData:dataSize:rect:`方法效率比`drawImage:rect:`更好。例如内嵌的`ImageUndoManager`采用数据比采用`UIImage`快近20倍。
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (void)drawData:(unsigned char*)imageData dataSize:(CGSize)dataSize inRect:(CGRect)rect;
+/** 采用Cover方式使用Image在原有图像上面贴旋转图
+ @param image 待贴图的图片,如果image为空,则不会做任何事情。
+ @param size 待贴图的区域的大小。
+ @param center 待贴图的中心位置。
+ @param radian 图片旋转角度。如果角度为 0 时,效果同`drawImage:rect:`。
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (void)drawImage:(UIImage *)image inSize:(CGSize)size atCenter:(CGPoint)center radian:(float)radian;
+- (void)drawImage:(UIImage *)image inSize:(CGSize)size atCenter:(CGPoint)center radian:(float)radian anchorPoint:(CGPoint)archoPoint;
+/** 采用Cover方式使用Image数据在原有图像上面贴旋转图
+ @param imageData 待贴图的图片的数据,是从`CGContextRef`拿出来的RGBA bytes数据,如果数据为空,则不会做任何事情。
+ @param dataSize 待贴图的图片的尺寸(宽、高)。
+ @param size 待贴图的区域的大小。
+ @param center 待贴图的中心位置。
+ @param radian 图片旋转角度。如果角度为0时,效果同`drawData:dataSize:rect:`。
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (void)drawData:(unsigned char*)imageData dataSize:(CGSize)dataSize inSize:(CGSize)size atCenter:(CGPoint)center radian:(float)radian;
+/** 用Replace方式替换原图
+ @param image 待贴图的图片,如果图片为空,则不会做任何事情。
+ @param rect 待替换的位置及区域
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (void)setImage:(UIImage*)image inRect:(CGRect)rect;
+- (void)setImage:(UIImage*)image inBufferRect:(CGRect)bufferRect;
+/** 采用Replace方式使用Image数据替换指定区域的图片
+ @param imageData 待贴图的图片的数据,是从`CGContextRef`拿出来的RGBA bytes数据,如果数据为空,则不会做任何事情。
+ @param dataSize 待贴图的图片的尺寸(宽、高)。
+ @param rect 待贴图的位置及区域
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (void)setData:(unsigned char*)imageData dataSize:(CGSize)dataSize inRect:(CGRect)rect;
+- (void)setData:(unsigned char*)imageData
+ dataSize:(CGSize)dataSize
+ inRect:(CGRect)rect
+ isUndo:(BOOL)undo;
+/** 采用Replace方式使用Image替换原有旋转矩形区域内的图
+ @param image 待贴图的图片,如果image为空,则不会做任何事情。
+ @param size 待贴图的区域的大小。
+ @param center 待贴图的中心位置。
+ @param radian 图片旋转角度。如果角度为0时,效果同`setImage:rect:`。
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (void)setImage:(UIImage *)image inSize:(CGSize)size atCenter:(CGPoint)center radian:(float)radian;
+/** 采用Replace方式使用Image数据替换旋转矩形区域内的图
+ @param imageData 待贴图的图片的数据,是从`CGContextRef`拿出来的RGBA bytes数据,如果数据为空,则不会做任何事情。
+ @param dataSize 待贴图的图片的尺寸(宽、高)。
+ @param size 待贴图的区域的大小。
+ @param center 待贴图的中心位置。
+ @param radian 图片旋转角度。如果角度为0时,效果同`setData:dataSize:rect:`。
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (void)setData:(unsigned char *)imageData dataSize:(CGSize)dataSize inSize:(CGSize)size atCenter:(CGPoint)center radian:(float)radian;
+#pragma mark - UndoManager
+@interface KMDrawView (UndoManager)
+/* 标记当前图片
+ */
+- (NSData*)markAction;
+/* 最新Mark的图片
+ */
+- (UIImage*)currentImage;
+/** 检测是否可以Undo
+ @return 可以Undo则返回YES,反之返回NO
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (BOOL)canUndo;
+/** 撤销上一步操作
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (NSData*)undo;
+/** 检测是否可以Redo
+ @return 可以Redo则返回YES,反之返回NO
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (BOOL)canRedo;
+/** 重做最后一次撤销的操作
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (NSData*)redo;
+/** 重置 Undo Manager
+ @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later.
+ */
+- (NSData*)resetUndoManager;
+- (NSData*)loadUndoManager;
+#if EnableRecogition
+#pragma mark - Recogition
+@interface KMDrawView (Recogition)
+- (void)freeShapeMemory:(OutputShape)shape;
+- (BOOL)drawShape:(OutputShape)shape;
+#pragma mark - DataSave
+@interface KMDrawView (DataSave)
+#pragma mark - Radius Adjust
+@interface KMDrawView (Radius)
+- (float)inRadiusForRadius:(float)radius;
+- (float)radiusForInRadius:(float)inRadius;
+@interface KMDrawView (BrushSetting)
+- (void)resetParams;
+- (BOOL)resetWithParams:(NSArray*)params
+ version:(int32_t)version;
+- (BOOL)resetWithKBRPath:(NSString*)kbrPath;
+#pragma mark - KMDrawViewDelegate
+@protocol KMDrawViewDelegate <NSObject>
+/// 触控点控制
+//Begin 点修正
+- (CGPoint)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView shouldDrawBegin:(CGPoint)point;
+//Move 点修正
+- (CGPoint)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView shouldDrawMove:(CGPoint)point;
+//End 点修正
+- (CGPoint)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView shouldDrawEnd:(CGPoint)point;
+/// 触控点反馈
+- (void)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView willDrawBegin:(CGPoint)point;
+- (void)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView didDrawBegin:(CGPoint)point;
+- (void)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView willDrawMove:(CGPoint)point;
+- (void)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView didDrawMove:(CGPoint)point;
+- (void)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView willDrawEnd:(CGPoint)point;
+- (void)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView didDrawEnd:(CGPoint)point;
+/// Undo/Redo 状态反馈
+- (void)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView didUpdateUndoStatus:(BOOL)enable;
+- (void)drawView:(KMDrawView *)drawView didUpdateRedoStatus:(BOOL)enable;