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+ 2 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/AIInfo/AIUserInfoController/AIUserInfoController.swift

@@ -187,7 +187,8 @@ import Cocoa
         self.emptyShowAIBtn.title = NSLocalizedString("Show AI robot icon", comment: "")
         self.emptyShowAIBtn.state = AIInfoManager.default().showAIIcon ? .on : .off
+        self.emptyShowAIBtn.isHidden = true
     func updateCreditsViewUI() -> Void {

+ 34 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2797,3 +2797,37 @@
 /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94"; */
 "Summary" = "Zusammenfassung";
+"AI Tools"="KI-Tools";
+"Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="Steigern Sie die Effizienz mit AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread und AI Rewrite";
+"AI Summarize"="KI zusammenfassen";
+"AI Rewrite"="KI-Umschreibung";
+"AI Proofread"="KI-Korrekturlesen";
+"AI Translate"="KI-Übersetzung";
+"Save as"="Speichern als";
+"Select the AI tool"="Wählen Sie das KI-Tool aus";
+"Current File"="Aktuelle Datei";
+"Start (1 credit)"="Start (1 Credit)";
+"File size: 10M or less"="Dateigröße: 10 MB oder weniger";
+"Please upload a file under 10M"="Bitte laden Sie eine Datei unter 10 MB hoch";
+"You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Sie können das aktuelle Dokument zusammenfassen oder auf „Auswählen“ klicken, um andere Dateien zusammenzufassen.";
+"Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="Das Wiederherstellen kostet 1 Credit. Möchten Sie es wiederholen?";
+"Redo (1 credit)"="Wiederholen (1 Credit)";
+"Copy Successfully!"="Kopieren erfolgreich!";
+"Save as Text"="Als Text speichern";
+"Save as PDF"="Als PDF speichern";
+"Enter or paste content here..."="Geben Sie hier Inhalte ein oder fügen Sie sie ein...";
+"The translation is canceled."="Die Übersetzung wird abgebrochen.";
+"Start" = "Start";
+"Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="Steigern Sie die Produktivität mit dem KI-Assistenten.";
+"Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Fassen Sie die aktuelle Datei zusammen oder klicken Sie auf „Auswählen“, um andere Dateien zusammenzufassen.";
+"Clear session"="Sitzung löschen";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Der gesamte KI-Inhalt wird entfernt. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Sitzung löschen möchten?";
+"Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="Fassen Sie die aktuelle Datei zusammen oder klicken Sie auf „Andere Dateien auswählen“.";
+"Clear session"="Sitzung löschen";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Der gesamte KI-Inhalt wird entfernt. Möchten Sie die Sitzung wirklich löschen?";
+"Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "Tipp: 1 Credit pro 10.000 Zeichen";

+ 34 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2888,3 +2888,37 @@
 /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94"; */
 "Summary" = "Resumen";
+"AI Tools"="Herramientas de IA";
+"Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="Aumente la eficiencia con AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread y AI Rewrite";
+"AI Summarize"="Resumen de IA";
+"AI Rewrite"="Reescritura de IA";
+"AI Proofread"="Corrección de IA";
+"AI Translate"="Traductor AI";
+"Save as"="Guardar como";
+"Select the AI tool"="Seleccione la herramienta de IA";
+"Current File"="Archivo actual";
+"Start (1 credit)"="Inicio (1 crédito)";
+"File size: 10M or less"="Tamaño del archivo: 10M o menos";
+"Please upload a file under 10M"="Sube un archivo de menos de 10 M";
+"You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Puede resumir el documento actual o hacer clic en \"Elegir\" para resumir otros archivos.";
+"Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="Rehacer costará 1 crédito. ¿Quieres rehacerlo?";
+"Redo (1 credit)"="Rehacer (1 crédito)";
+"Copy Successfully!"="¡Copia con éxito!";
+"Save as Text"="Guardar como texto";
+"Save as PDF"="Guardar como pdf";
+"Enter or paste content here..."="Ingrese o pegue el contenido aquí...";
+"The translation is canceled."="La traducción está cancelada.";
+"Start" = "Comenzar";
+"Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="Libere la productividad con el asistente de IA.";
+"Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Resuma el archivo actual o haga clic en \"Elegir\" para resumir otros archivos.";
+"Clear session"="Borrar sesión";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Se eliminará todo el contenido de IA. ¿Está seguro de que desea borrar la sesión?";
+"Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="Resuma el archivo actual o haga clic en elegir otros archivos.";
+"Clear session"="Borrar sesión";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Se eliminará todo el contenido de IA. ¿Está seguro de que desea borrar la sesión?";
+"Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "Consejo: 1 crédito por cada 10.000 caracteres";

+ 34 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2759,3 +2759,37 @@
 /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94"; */
 "Summary" = "Récapitulatif";
+"AI Tools"="Outils d'IA";
+"Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="Gagnez en efficacité avec AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread et AI Rewrite";
+"AI Summarize"="Résumé de l'IA";
+"AI Rewrite"="Réécriture de l'IA";
+"AI Proofread"="Relecture IA";
+"AI Translate"="Traduction par l'IA";
+"Save as"="Enregistrer sous";
+"Select the AI tool"="Sélectionnez l'outil IA";
+"Current File"="Fichier actuel";
+"Start (1 credit)"="Début (1 crédit)";
+"File size: 10M or less"="Taille du fichier : 10 Mo ou moins";
+"Please upload a file under 10M"="Veuillez télécharger un fichier de moins de 10 Mo";
+"You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Vous pouvez résumer le document actuel ou cliquer sur « Choisir » pour résumer d'autres fichiers.";
+"Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="Refaire coûtera 1 crédit. Voulez-vous le refaire ?";
+"Redo (1 credit)"="Refaire (1 crédit)";
+"Copy Successfully!"="Copiez avec succès !";
+"Save as Text"="Enregistrer sous forme de texte";
+"Save as PDF"="Enregistrer au format PDF";
+"Enter or paste content here..."="Entrez ou collez le contenu ici...";
+"The translation is canceled."="La traduction est annulée.";
+"Start" = "Commencer";
+"Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="Libérez la productivité avec l’assistant AI.";
+"Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Résumez le fichier actuel ou cliquez sur « Choisir » pour résumer les autres fichiers.";
+"Clear session"="Effacer la session";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Tout le contenu de l'IA sera supprimé. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer la session ?";
+"Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="Résumez le fichier actuel ou cliquez sur Choisir d'autres fichiers.";
+"Clear session"="Effacer la session";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Tout le contenu de l'IA sera supprimé. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer la session ?";
+"Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "Astuce : 1 crédit pour 10 000 caractères";

+ 34 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2685,3 +2685,37 @@
 /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94"; */
 "Summary" = "Riepilogo";
+"AI Tools"="Strumenti di intelligenza artificiale";
+"Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="Ottieni efficienza con AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread e AI Rewrite";
+"AI Summarize"="AI Riassume";
+"AI Rewrite"="Riscrittura dell'intelligenza artificiale";
+"AI Proofread"="Correzione bozze AI";
+"AI Translate"="AI Traduci";
+"Save as"="Salva come";
+"Select the AI tool"="Seleziona lo strumento AI";
+"Current File"="File corrente";
+"Start (1 credit)"="Inizio (1 credito)";
+"File size: 10M or less"="Dimensione del file: 10 milioni o meno";
+"Please upload a file under 10M"="Carica un file inferiore a 10 milioni";
+"You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="È possibile riepilogare il documento corrente o fare clic su \"Scegli\" per riepilogare altri file.";
+"Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="La rifacimento costerà 1 credito. Vuoi rifarlo?";
+"Redo (1 credit)"="Ripeti (1 credito)";
+"Copy Successfully!"="Copia con successo!";
+"Save as Text"="Salva come testo";
+"Save as PDF"="Salva come PDF";
+"Enter or paste content here..."="Inserisci o incolla il contenuto qui...";
+"The translation is canceled."="La traduzione è annullata.";
+"Start" = "Inizio";
+"Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="Scatena la produttività con l'assistente AI.";
+"Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Riepiloga il file corrente o fai clic su \"Scegli\" per riepilogare altri file.";
+"Clear session"="Sessione chiara";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"=" Tutto il contenuto AI verrà rimosso. Sei sicuro di voler cancellare la sessione?";
+"Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="Riepilogare il file corrente o fare clic su Scegli altri file.";
+"Clear session"="Sessione chiara";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Tutto il contenuto AI verrà rimosso. Sei sicuro di voler cancellare la sessione?";
+"Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "Suggerimento: 1 credito ogni 10.000 caratteri";

+ 34 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2951,3 +2951,37 @@
 // Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94";
 "Summary" = "概要";
+"AI Tools"="AIツール";
+"Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="AI翻訳、AI要約、AI校正、AIリライトで効率を上げる ";
+"AI Summarize"="AIサマリー";
+"AI Rewrite"="AIリライト";
+"AI Proofread"="AI校正";
+"AI Translate"="AI翻訳";
+"Save as"="名前を付けて保存";
+"Select the AI tool"="AIツールを選択します";
+"Current File"="現行ファイル";
+"Start (1 credit)"="スタート(1単位)";
+"File size: 10M or less"="ファイルサイズ:10M以下";
+"Please upload a file under 10M"="10M 未満のファイルをアップロードしてください";
+"You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="現在のドキュメントを要約するか、「選択」をクリックして他のファイルを要約することができます。";
+"Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="やり直しには1クレジットかかります。やり直しますか?";
+"Redo (1 credit)"="やり直し(1クレジット)";
+"Copy Successfully!"="コピー成功!";
+"Save as Text"="テキストとして保存";
+"Save as PDF"="PDFとして保存";
+"Enter or paste content here..."="ここにコンテンツを入力または貼り付け...";
+"The translation is canceled."="翻訳はキャンセルされます。";
+"Start" = "始める";
+"Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="AI翻訳、AI要約、AI校正、AIリライトで効率を上げる ";
+"Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="現在のファイルを要約するか、「選択」をクリックして他のファイルを要約します。";
+"Clear session"="セッションをクリアする";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"=" すべての AI コンテンツが削除されます。セッションをクリアしてもよろしいですか?";
+"Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="現在のファイルを要約するか、「他のファイルを選択」をクリックします。";
+"Clear session"="セッションをクリアする";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="すべての AI コンテンツが削除されます。セッションをクリアしてもよろしいですか?";
+"Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "ヒント: 10,000 文字ごとに 1 クレジット";

+ 34 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2962,3 +2962,37 @@
 /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94"; */
 "Summary" = "Samenvatting";
+"AI Tools"="AI-hulpmiddelen";
+"Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="Ontgrendel efficiëntie met AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread en AI Rewrite";
+"AI Summarize"="AI Samenvatten";
+"AI Rewrite"="AI herschrijven";
+"AI Proofread"="AI proeflezen";
+"AI Translate"="AI Vertalen";
+"Redo"="Opnieuw doen";
+"Save as"="Opslaan als";
+"Select the AI tool"="Selecteer de AI-tool";
+"Current File"="Huidig ​​bestand";
+"Start (1 credit)"="Begin (1 studiepunt)";
+"File size: 10M or less"="Bestandsgrootte: 10M of minder";
+"Please upload a file under 10M"="Upload een bestand kleiner dan 10 miljoen";
+"You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="U kunt het huidige document samenvatten of op “Kiezen” klikken om andere bestanden samen te vatten.";
+"Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="Opnieuw doen kost 1 credit. Wil je het opnieuw doen?";
+"Redo (1 credit)"="Opnieuw (1 credit)";
+"Copy Successfully!"="Kopieer succesvol!";
+"Save as Text"="Opslaan als tekst";
+"Save as PDF"="Opslaan als PDF";
+"Enter or paste content here..."="Voer hier de inhoud in of plak deze...";
+"The translation is canceled."="De vertaling is geannuleerd.";
+"Start" = "Begin";
+"Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="Ontketen productiviteit met AI-assistent.";
+"Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Vat het huidige bestand samen of klik op “Kiezen” om andere bestanden samen te vatten.";
+"Clear session"="Duidelijke sessie";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Alle AI-inhoud wordt verwijderd. Weet u zeker dat u de sessie wilt wissen?";
+"Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="Vat het huidige bestand samen of klik op andere bestanden kiezen.";
+"Clear session"="Duidelijke sessie";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Alle AI-inhoud wordt verwijderd. Weet u zeker dat u de sessie wilt wissen?";
+"Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "Tip: 1 credit voor elke 10.000 tekens";

+ 34 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2900,3 +2900,37 @@
 /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94"; */
 "Summary" = "Podsumowanie";
+"AI Tools"="Narzędzia AI";
+"Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="Odblokuj wydajność dzięki AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread i AI Rewrite";
+"AI Summarize"="Podsumowanie AI";
+"AI Rewrite"="Przepisz AI";
+"AI Proofread"="Korekta AI";
+"AI Translate"="Tłumacz AI";
+"Save as"="Zapisz jako";
+"Select the AI tool"="Wybierz narzędzie AI";
+"Current File"="Aktualny dokument";
+"Start (1 credit)"="Rozpocznij (1 kredyt)";
+"File size: 10M or less"="Rozmiar pliku: 10M lub mniej";
+"Please upload a file under 10M"="Prześlij plik o rozmiarze mniejszym niż 10M";
+"You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Możesz podsumować bieżący dokument lub kliknąć „Wybierz”, aby podsumować inne pliki.";
+"Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="Ponowienie będzie kosztować 1 kredyt. Czy chcesz to powtórzyć?";
+"Redo (1 credit)"="Powtórz (1 kredyt)";
+"Copy Successfully!"="Skopiuj pomyślnie!";
+"Save as Text"="Zapisz jako tekst";
+"Save as PDF"="Zapisz jako plik PDF";
+"Enter or paste content here..."="Wpisz lub wklej tutaj treść...";
+"The translation is canceled."="Tłumaczenie zostało anulowane.";
+"Start" = "Początek";
+"Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="Uwolnij produktywność dzięki asystentowi AI.";
+"Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Podsumuj bieżący plik lub kliknij „Wybierz”, aby podsumować inne pliki.";
+"Clear session"="Wyczyść sesję";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Cała zawartość AI zostanie usunięta. Czy na pewno chcesz wyczyścić sesję?";
+"Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="Podsumuj bieżący plik lub kliknij wybierz inne pliki.";
+"Clear session"="Wyczyść sesję";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Cała zawartość AI zostanie usunięta. Czy na pewno chcesz wyczyścić sesję?";
+"Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "Wskazówka: 1 kredyt za każde 10 000 znaków";

+ 34 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2825,3 +2825,37 @@
 /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94"; */
 "Summary" = "Основные";
+"AI Tools"="Инструменты искусственного интеллекта";
+"Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="Повысьте эффективность с помощью AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread и AI Rewrite.";
+"AI Summarize"="ИИ подводит итоги";
+"AI Rewrite"="Переписывание ИИ";
+"AI Proofread"="Корректура ИИ";
+"AI Translate"="AI-переводчик";
+"Save as"="Сохранить как";
+"Select the AI tool"="Выберите инструмент искусственного интеллекта";
+"Current File"="Текущий файл";
+"Start (1 credit)"="Старт (1 кредит)";
+"File size: 10M or less"="Размер файла: 10 МБ или меньше.";
+"Please upload a file under 10M"="Пожалуйста, загрузите файл размером менее 10M.";
+"You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Вы можете суммировать текущий документ или нажать «Выбрать», чтобы суммировать другие файлы.";
+"Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="Переделка будет стоить 1 кредит. Хотите переделать?";
+"Redo (1 credit)"="Повторить (1 кредит)";
+"Copy Successfully!"="Скопируйте успешно!";
+"Save as Text"="Сохранить как текст";
+"Save as PDF"="Сохранить как PDF";
+"Enter or paste content here..."="Введите или вставьте сюда содержимое...";
+"The translation is canceled."="Перевод отменен.";
+"Start" = "Начинать";
+"Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="Повысьте производительность с помощью помощника искусственного интеллекта.";
+"Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="Обобщите текущий файл или нажмите «Выбрать», чтобы суммировать другие файлы.";
+"Clear session"="Очистить сеанс";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Весь контент ИИ будет удален. Вы уверены, что хотите очистить сеанс?";
+"Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="Обобщите текущий файл или нажмите «Выбрать другие файлы».";
+"Clear session"="Очистить сеанс";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="Весь контент ИИ будет удален. Вы уверены, что хотите очистить сеанс?";
+"Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "Совет: 1 кредит за каждые 10 000 символов.";

+ 34 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3864,3 +3864,37 @@
 /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94"; */
 "Summary" = "摘要";
+"AI Tools"="AI工具";
+"Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="AI概括,AI翻译,AI重写,AI校对帮助您高效处理文档。";
+"AI Summarize"="AI概括";
+"AI Rewrite"="AI重写";
+"AI Proofread"="AI校对";
+"AI Translate"="AI翻译";
+"Save as"="另存为";
+"Select the AI tool"="请选择AI工具";
+"Current File"="当前文档";
+"Start (1 credit)"="开始(1权益点)";
+"File size: 10M or less"="文档大小:10M以内";
+"Please upload a file under 10M"="请选择10M以内的文档";
+"You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="您可以概括当前文档,也可以点击“选择”来概括其他文件。";
+"Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="重做将消耗1个权益点,您确定要重做吗?";
+"Redo (1 credit)"="重做(1权益点)";
+"Copy Successfully!"="复制成功!";
+"Save as Text"="另存为Text";
+"Save as PDF"="另存为PDF";
+"Enter or paste content here..."="请输入或粘贴文本...";
+"The translation is canceled."="本次翻译已取消";
+"Start" = "开始";
+"Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="AI概括,AI翻译,AI重写,AI校对帮助您高效处理文档。";
+"Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="您可以概括当前文档,也可以点击“选择”来概括其他文件。";
+"Clear session"="清除会话";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="所有AI内容将会被清除。你确定要清除会话吗?";
+"Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="您可以概括当前文档,也可以点击“选择”来概括其他文件。";
+"Clear session"="清除会话";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="所有AI内容将会被清除。你确定要清除会话吗?";
+"Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "提示:每10,000字符消耗1个权益点。";

+ 34 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3995,3 +3995,37 @@
 /* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "Summary"; ObjectID = "94"; */
 "Summary" = "摘要";
+"AI Tools"="AI工具";
+"Unlock efficiency with AI Translate, AI Summarize, AI Proofread, and AI Rewrite "="AI概括,AI翻譯,AI重寫,AI校對幫助您有效率地處理文件。";
+"AI Summarize"="AI概括";
+"AI Rewrite"="AI重寫";
+"AI Proofread"="AI校對";
+"AI Translate"="AI翻譯";
+"Save as"="另存為";
+"Select the AI tool"="請選擇AI工具";
+"Current File"="目前文檔";
+"Start (1 credit)"="開始(1權益點)";
+"File size: 10M or less"="文件大小:10M以內";
+"Please upload a file under 10M"="請選擇10M以內的文檔";
+"You can summarize the current document or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="您可以概括目前文檔,也可以點選「選擇」來概括其他文件。";
+"Redoing will cost 1 credit. Do you want to redo it?"="重做將消耗1個權益點,您確定要重做嗎?";
+"Redo (1 credit)"="重做(1權益點)";
+"Copy Successfully!"="複製成功!";
+"Save as Text"="另存為Text";
+"Save as PDF"="另存為PDF";
+"Enter or paste content here..."="請輸入或貼上文字...";
+"The translation is canceled."="本次翻譯已取消";
+"Start" = "開始";
+"Unleash productivity with AI assistant."="AI概括,AI翻譯,AI重寫,AI校對幫助您有效率地處理文件。";
+"Summarize the current file or click “Choose” to summarize other files."="您可以概括目前文檔,也可以點選「選擇」來概括其他文件。";
+"Clear session"="清除會話";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="所有AI內容將會被清除。你確定要清除會話嗎?";
+"Summarize the current file or click choose other files."="您可以概括目前文檔,也可以點選「選擇」來概括其他文件。";
+"Clear session"="清除會話";
+"All the AI content will be removed. Are you sure you want to clear the session?"="所有AI內容將會被清除。你確定要清除會話嗎?";
+"Tip: 1 credit for each 10,000 characters" = "提示:每10,000字元消耗1個權益點。";