@@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@
"This PDF document's user permissions does not allow annotation modifications." = "此文档的文档权限不允许注释修改.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
-"This document has a permission password." = "该文档包含权限密码";
+"This document has a permission password." = "该文件包含权限密码。";
"Automatically Resize" = "自动调整大小";
@@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@
"Click Here to Import Images" = "点击这里插入图片";
"New From Clipboard" = "使用剪贴板的內容新增笔记";
-"This document contains interactive form fields." = "该文件包含交互式Form表单";
+"This document contains interactive form fields." = "该文件包含交互式Form表单。";
"Disable Highlight Effect" = "关闭高亮效果";
"Highlight Form Fields" = "高亮表单域";
"Feedback"= "意见回馈";
@@ -2640,7 +2640,7 @@
"Table not found" = "未检测到表格";
"needs to access this path to continue. Click Allow to continue." = "需要访问此路径才能继续,请点击允许。";
-"This document has a permission password." = "该文档包含权限密码。";
+"This document has a permission password." = "该文件包含权限密码。";
"Enter Password" = "输入密码";
"Please enter the password to unlock this" = "请输入密码后解锁该文档";
"Password" = "密码";
@@ -4221,8 +4221,8 @@
"By Time - Descending"="按时间降序";
"First Page"="首页";
"Last Page"="尾页";
-"There are unapplied redactions in this file"="包含未应用的密文";
-"This document contains scanned pages and requires OCR recognition for editing"="本文件包含扫描页面,请使用OCR功能将其转换为可编辑页面。";
+"There are unapplied redactions in this file"="该文件包含未应用的密文。";
+"This document contains scanned pages and requires OCR recognition for editing"="该文件包含扫描页面,请使用OCR功能将其转换为可编辑页面。";
"Insert From File"="从文件插入";
"Insert Blank Page"="插入空白页";
"Insert From Scanner"="从扫描仪插入";
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"Less than 7 items selected; compression quality may be affected" = "选中项少于7个,可能影响压缩质量(提示弹窗)";
"Save and Compress" = "保存并压缩";
"" = "";
-"The document contains scanned pages and requires OCR extraction to be enabled before the pages can be edited." = "检测到该文档内包含扫描档页面,需要开启OCR提取后才能对页面中内容进行编辑";
+"The document contains scanned pages and requires OCR extraction to be enabled before the pages can be edited." = "检测到该文件内包含扫描档页面,需要开启OCR提取后才能对页面中内容进行编辑。";
"Please select the area that needs OCR and click the “OCR” button to start" = "请选择需要 OCR 的区域,单击 “OCR ”按钮开始";
"OCR Settings" = "OCR设置";
"Page Range" = "页面范围";
@@ -4662,3 +4662,30 @@
"Multiple Pages with Outlines"="多页带大纲";
"There are unapplied settings, do you want to apply them?"="有未保存的变动,您要应用此变动吗?";
"Powerful PDF printer allows to print PDF from any computer without much hassle"="轻松将PDF打印成纸质版。";
+"Layer Order"="图层顺序";
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+"Crop page"="";
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+"Smaller font"="字号减小";
+"Properties panel"="属性面板";
+"Failed to open the Office document. Please install Microsoft Office first."="Office文档打开失败,请先安装微软Office软件。";