@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+// KMNBaseViewController.swift
+// PDF Reader Pro
+// Created by tangchao on 2023/5/5.
+import Cocoa
+// 基类 [抽象类]
+class KMNBaseViewController: NSViewController {
+ // 是否需要菜单
+ var needMenu = false {
+ didSet {
+ if (self.needMenu) {
+ self.addMenu(to: self.view)
+ } else {
+ self.removeMenu(to: self.view)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ deinit {
+ Swift.debugPrint(self.className + " 已释放")
+ self.removeNotifations()
+ }
+ override func viewDidLoad() {
+ super.viewDidLoad()
+ if (self.needMenu) {
+ self.addMenu(to: self.view)
+ } else {
+ self.removeMenu(to: self.view)
+ }
+ self.addNotifations()
+ }
+ // Noti
+ func addNotifations() { }
+ func removeNotifations() {
+ NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self)
+ }
+ func km_add_office_multi(fileUrls: [URL], completionBlock:@escaping ([String])->Void) -> Void {
+ var fileUrlStrings: [String] = []
+ let dispatchGroup = Dispatch.DispatchGroup()
+ for (index, fileUrl) in fileUrls.enumerated() {
+ let filePath = fileUrl.path
+ let folderPath = "convertToPDF_\(index).pdf"
+ let savePath: String? = folderPath.kUrlToPDFFolderPath() as String
+ if (savePath == nil) {
+ continue
+ }
+ dispatchGroup.enter()
+ KMConvertPDFManager.convertFile(filePath, savePath: savePath!) { success, errorDic in
+ if errorDic != nil || !success || !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: savePath!) {
+ dispatchGroup.leave()
+ if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: savePath!) {
+ try?FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: savePath!)
+ }
+ let alert = NSAlert.init()
+ alert.alertStyle = .critical
+ var infoString = ""
+ if errorDic != nil {
+ for key in (errorDic! as Dictionary).keys {
+ infoString = infoString.appendingFormat("%@\n", errorDic![key] as! CVarArg)
+ }
+ }
+ alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString("Please install Microsoft Office to create PDFs from Office files", comment: "")
+ alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Failed to Create PDF", comment: "")
+ alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("OK", comment: ""))
+ alert.runModal()
+ return
+ }
+ if !savePath!.isPDFValid() {
+ dispatchGroup.leave()
+ let alert = NSAlert()
+ alert.alertStyle = .critical
+ alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("An error occurred while opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired.", comment: "")
+ alert.runModal()
+ return
+ }
+ fileUrlStrings.append(savePath!)
+ dispatchGroup.leave()
+ }
+ }
+ dispatchGroup.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
+ completionBlock(fileUrlStrings)
+ }
+ }
+ // MARK: - Open Password Files
+ private var lockedFiles: [URL] = []
+ func km_open_pdf_multi(type: KMPasswordInputWindowType = .open, progressBlock: ((_ index: Int, _ params: Any...)->Void)? = nil, completionBlock:@escaping ([CPDFDocument])->Void) {
+ NSPanel.km_open_pdf_multi_success(self.view.window!, panel: nil) { urls in
+ self.km_add_pdf_multi(fileUrls: urls, type: type, progressBlock: progressBlock, completionBlock: completionBlock)
+ }
+ }
+ func km_open_file_multi(type: KMPasswordInputWindowType = .open, progressBlock: ((_ index: Int, _ params: Any...)->Void)? = nil, completionBlock:@escaping ([CPDFDocument])->Void) {
+ NSPanel.km_open_multi_success(self.view.window!) { panel in
+ var array: [String] = []
+ for fileType in KMConvertPDFManager.supportFileType() {
+ array.append(fileType)
+ }
+ panel.allowedFileTypes = KMTools.pdfExtensions + array
+ } completion: { urls in
+ self.km_add_file_multi(fileUrls: urls, type: type, progressBlock: progressBlock, completionBlock: completionBlock)
+ }
+ }
+ func km_add_pdf_multi(fileUrlStrings: [String] ,type: KMPasswordInputWindowType = .open, progressBlock: ((_ index: Int, _ params: Any...)->Void)? = nil, completionBlock:@escaping ([CPDFDocument])->Void) {
+ var urls: [URL] = []
+ for string in fileUrlStrings {
+ urls.append(URL(fileURLWithPath: string))
+ }
+ self.km_add_pdf_multi(fileUrls: urls, type: type, progressBlock: progressBlock, completionBlock: completionBlock)
+ }
+ func km_add_pdf_multi(fileUrls: [URL] ,type: KMPasswordInputWindowType = .open, progressBlock: ((_ index: Int, _ params: Any...)->Void)? = nil, completionBlock:@escaping ([CPDFDocument])->Void) {
+ var results: [CPDFDocument] = []
+ self.lockedFiles.removeAll()
+ var index = 0
+ for url in fileUrls {
+ let document = CPDFDocument(url: url)
+ if (document!.isLocked) {
+ self.lockedFiles.append(url)
+ continue
+ }
+ if let _document = document {
+ results.append(_document)
+ }
+ index += 1
+ if let _callback = progressBlock {
+ _callback(index, ((document != nil) ? document : CPDFDocument()) as Any, url)
+ }
+ }
+ if (self.lockedFiles.count == 0) {
+ completionBlock(results)
+ return
+ }
+// if let _callback = progressBlock {
+// _callback(0, results)
+// }
+ self._openPasswordWindow_loop(fileUrl: self.lockedFiles.first!, type: type) { params in
+ index += 1
+ if (params.count <= 2) { // 参数错误
+ if let _callback = progressBlock { // 回调进度
+ _callback(index)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ let fileUrl = params[0] as! URL
+ let result = params[1] as! KMPasswordInputWindowResult
+ let password = params[2] as? String
+ if (result == .cancel) {
+ if let _callback = progressBlock { // 回调进度
+ _callback(index, CPDFDocument() as Any, fileUrl, result)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ let document = CPDFDocument(url: fileUrl)
+ if let _password = password { // 将文档进行解密
+ document?.unlock(withPassword: _password)
+ }
+ if let _callback = progressBlock { // 回调进度
+ _callback(index, document as Any, fileUrl, result, password as Any)
+ }
+ // 将文档加入返回数据
+ if let _document = document {
+ results.append(_document)
+ }
+ } completionBlock: {
+ completionBlock(results)
+ }
+ }
+ func km_add_file_multi(fileUrls: [URL] ,type: KMPasswordInputWindowType = .open, progressBlock: ((_ index: Int, _ params: Any...)->Void)? = nil, completionBlock:@escaping ([CPDFDocument])->Void) {
+ var pdfUrls: [URL] = []
+ var imageUrls: [URL] = []
+ var officeUrls: [URL] = []
+ for url in fileUrls {
+ let type = url.pathExtension.lowercased()
+ if (KMTools.isPDFType(type)) {
+ pdfUrls.append(url)
+ }
+ if (KMTools.isImageType(type)) {
+ imageUrls.append(url)
+ }
+ if (KMTools.isOfficeType(type)) {
+ officeUrls.append(url)
+ }
+ }
+ if (officeUrls.count == 0) {
+ self.km_add_pdf_multi(fileUrls: pdfUrls, type: type, progressBlock: progressBlock) { documents in
+ var index = documents.count
+ var _documents: [CPDFDocument] = []
+ for imageUrl in imageUrls {
+ index += 1
+ let document = CPDFDocument()
+ let image = NSImage(contentsOfFile: imageUrl.path)
+// document?.insertPage(image!.size, withImage: imageUrl.path, at: 0)
+ document?.km_insertPage(image?.size ?? .zero, withImage: imageUrl.path, at: 0)
+ _documents.append(document!)
+ if let _callback = progressBlock { // 回调进度
+ _callback(index, document as Any, imageUrl)
+ }
+ }
+ completionBlock(documents + _documents)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ self.km_add_office_multi(fileUrls: officeUrls) { [unowned self] fileUrlStrings in
+ var officeDocuments: [CPDFDocument] = []
+ var index = 0
+ for fileUrlString in fileUrlStrings {
+ index += 1
+ let document = CPDFDocument(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: fileUrlString))
+ officeDocuments.append(document!)
+ if let _callback = progressBlock { // 回调进度
+ _callback(index, document as Any, URL(fileURLWithPath: fileUrlString))
+ }
+ }
+ self.km_add_pdf_multi(fileUrls: pdfUrls) { documents in
+ var index = documents.count + officeDocuments.count
+ var _documents: [CPDFDocument] = []
+ for imageUrl in imageUrls {
+ index += 1
+ let document = CPDFDocument()
+ let image = NSImage(contentsOfFile: imageUrl.path)
+// document?.insertPage(image!.size, withImage: imageUrl.path, at: 0)
+ document?.km_insertPage(image!.size, withImage: imageUrl.path, at: 0)
+ _documents.append(document!)
+ if let _callback = progressBlock { // 回调进度
+ _callback(index, document as Any, imageUrl)
+ }
+ }
+ completionBlock(officeDocuments + documents + _documents)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // MARK: - ProgressBlock Params Fetch
+ func fetchProgressBlockParamsForDocument(params: Any...) -> CPDFDocument? {
+ return params.first as? CPDFDocument
+ }
+ func fetchProgressBlockParamsForFileUrl(params: Any...) -> URL? {
+ if (params.count < 2) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return params[1] as? URL
+ }
+ func fetchProgressBlockParamsForResult(params: Any...) -> KMPasswordInputWindowResult? {
+ if (params.count <= 2) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return params[2] as? KMPasswordInputWindowResult
+ }
+ func fetchProgressBlockParamsForPassword(params: Any...) -> String? {
+ if (params.count <= 2) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return params.last as? String
+ }
+ func fetchProgressBlockParamsIsPasswordFile(params: Any...) -> Bool {
+ if (params.count <= 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ // MARK: - Open Password Window
+ // 留意:
+ // -会直接弹密码弹窗,不会判断文档是否加密
+ // -在使用前最好判断下文件是否已加密
+ func openPasswordWindow(fileUrlString: String, type: KMPasswordInputWindowType = .open, completionBlock:@escaping (KMPasswordInputWindowResult, String?)->Void) {
+ self.openPasswordWindow(fileUrl: URL(fileURLWithPath: fileUrlString), type: type, completionBlock: completionBlock)
+ }
+ func openPasswordWindow(fileUrl: URL, type: KMPasswordInputWindowType = .open, completionBlock:@escaping (KMPasswordInputWindowResult, String?)->Void) {
+ KMPasswordInputWindow.openWindow(window: self.view.window!, type: type, url: fileUrl, callback: completionBlock)
+ }
+ func openPasswordWindow_success(fileUrlString: String, type: KMPasswordInputWindowType = .open, completionBlock:@escaping (String)->Void) {
+ self.openPasswordWindow_success(fileUrl: URL(fileURLWithPath: fileUrlString), type: type, completionBlock: completionBlock)
+ }
+ func openPasswordWindow_success(fileUrl: URL, type: KMPasswordInputWindowType = .open, completionBlock:@escaping (String)->Void) {
+ KMPasswordInputWindow.success_openWindow(window: self.view.window!, url: fileUrl, callback: completionBlock)
+ }
+ fileprivate func _openPasswordWindow_loop(fileUrl: URL, type: KMPasswordInputWindowType, progressBlock: ((_ params: Any...)->Void)?, completionBlock:@escaping ()->Void) {
+ KMPasswordInputWindow.openWindow(window: self.view.window!, type: type, url: fileUrl) { [weak self] result, password in
+ // 将结果返回
+ if let _callback = progressBlock {
+ _callback(fileUrl, result, password as Any)
+ }
+ // 进行下一个
+ self?.lockedFiles.removeFirst()
+ if let _fileUrl = self?.lockedFiles.first {
+ self?._openPasswordWindow_loop(fileUrl: _fileUrl, type: type, progressBlock: progressBlock, completionBlock: completionBlock)
+ } else {
+ completionBlock()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // MARK: - Progress Window
+ var progressC: SKProgressController?
+ func showProgressWindow(message: String = "") {
+ if (self.progressC != nil) {
+ self.hiddenProgressWindow()
+ }
+ let progressC = SKProgressController()
+ progressC.window?.backgroundColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#36383B")
+ progressC.window?.contentView?.wantsLayer = true
+ progressC.window?.contentView?.layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.km_init(hex: "#36383B").cgColor
+ progressC.progressField.textColor = NSColor.white
+ progressC.showClose = false
+ progressC.message = message
+ self.progressC = progressC
+ self.view.window?.beginSheet(progressC.window!)
+ }
+ func hiddenProgressWindow() {
+ if let _progressC = self.progressC {
+ if let _window = _progressC.window {
+ self.view.window?.endSheet(_window)
+ }
+ self.progressC = nil
+ }
+ }
+ // MARK: - Menu Add & Remove
+ public func addMenu(to view: NSView?) {
+ if let menuView = view {
+ self.addMenu(to: menuView)
+ return
+ }
+ self.addMenu(to: self.view)
+ }
+ public func removeMenu(to view: NSView?) {
+ if let menuView = view {
+ self.removeMenu(to: menuView)
+ return
+ }
+ self.removeMenu(to: self.view)
+ }
+ private func addMenu(to view: NSView) {
+ // 先移除
+ self.removeMenu(to: view)
+ let menu = NSMenu()
+ menu.delegate = self
+ view.menu = menu
+ }
+ private func removeMenu(to view: NSView) {
+ view.menu?.delegate = nil
+ view.menu = nil
+ }
+ // MARK: - Document isDocumentEdited
+ public func setDocumentEditedState(window: NSWindow? = nil) {
+ var _win = window
+ if (_win == nil) {
+ _win = self.view.window
+ }
+ guard let _window = _win else {
+ return
+ }
+ guard let _document = NSDocumentController.shared.document(for: _window) else {
+ return
+ }
+ self.setDocumentEditedState(document: _document)
+ }
+ public func setDocumentEditedState(url: URL? = nil) {
+ if let _url = url {
+ KMTools.setDocumentEditedState(url: _url)
+ } else {
+ self.setDocumentEditedState(window: self.view.window)
+ }
+ }
+ public func setDocumentEditedState(document: NSDocument) {
+ km_synchronized(document) {
+ if let _document = document as? KMMainDocument {
+ _document.km_updateChangeCount(.changeDone)
+ } else {
+ document.updateChangeCount(.changeDone)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public func clearDocumentEditedState(window: NSWindow? = nil) {
+ var _win = window
+ if (_win == nil) {
+ _win = self.view.window
+ }
+ guard let _window = _win else {
+ return
+ }
+ guard let _document = NSDocumentController.shared.document(for: _window) else {
+ return
+ }
+ self.clearDocumentEditedState(document: _document)
+ }
+ public func clearDocumentEditedState(url: URL? = nil) {
+ if let _url = url {
+ KMTools.clearDocumentEditedState(url: _url)
+ } else {
+ self.clearDocumentEditedState(window: self.view.window)
+ }
+ }
+ public func clearDocumentEditedState(document: NSDocument) {
+ km_synchronized(document) {
+ if let _document = document as? KMMainDocument {
+ _document.km_updateChangeCount(.changeCleared)
+ } else {
+ document.updateChangeCount(.changeCleared)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+extension KMNBaseViewController: NSMenuDelegate, NSMenuItemValidation {
+ func validateMenuItem(_ menuItem: NSMenuItem) -> Bool {
+ return true
+ }
+ func menuNeedsUpdate(_ menu: NSMenu) {
+ menu.removeAllItems()
+ }