Bladeren bron


wanjun 6 maanden geleden

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Purchase/DMG/KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController.swift

@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
                 oneLicenseLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Manually renew at USD 14.99", comment: "")
         } else {
-            pdfReaderProLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("I have a coupon ?", comment: "")
+            pdfReaderProLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("PDF Reader Pro for Mac", comment: "")
             prmiumLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Premium and PDF to Office Converter", comment: "")
             oneLicenseLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("One License for One Mac. One Time Purchase.", comment: "")
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
         amountView2.isHidden = true
         amountView3.isHidden = true
-        couponButton.title = NSLocalizedString("PDF Reader Pro for Mac", comment: "")
+        couponButton.title = NSLocalizedString("I have a coupon?", comment: "")
         couponButton.setTitleColor(color: NSColor(named: "KMPurchaseCouponColor")!, font: NSFont.SFProTextRegularFont(14))
         coupomTextField.placeholderString = NSLocalizedString("Enter your coupon code and Apply it", comment: "")
         applyButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Apply", comment: "")

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2992,3 +2992,62 @@
 "Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "In dieser Datei wurde kein entfernbares Wasserzeichen gefunden. Wenn Sie ein Wasserzeichen sehen, wurde es nicht mit PDF Reader Pro hinzugefügt und kann daher nicht erkannt werden.";
 "Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Dateiwasserzeichen löschen möchten?";
 "Experience Now" = "Jetzt erleben";
+"Free" = "Kostenlose Version";
+"Permanent" = "Premium-Version";
+"Premium" = "Standardausgabe";
+"Apply" = "Anwendung";
+"Billing Information" = "Bestellinformationen";
+"Discount" = "Rabatt";
+"Email to receive license code" = "E-Mail, die zum Empfangen von Seriencodes verwendet wird";
+"Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut";
+"Email could not be null." = "Die E-Mail-Adresse darf nicht leer sein";
+"Extended Device Access" = "Upgrade-Paket für Berechtigungen für mehrere Geräte";
+"Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "Ein Seriencode kann auf zwei Geräten gleichzeitig aktiviert werden.";
+"Support Mac or Windows device" = "Unterstützte Aktivierungsplattformen: Windows/Mac";
+"I have a coupon?" = "Habe ich einen Gutschein?";
+"List Price" = "Bestellpreis";
+"Name" = "Name";
+"PDF to Office Pack" = "PDF-zu-Office-Konvertierungspaket";
+"One time purchase" = "Machen Sie einen einmaligen Kauf und erhalten Sie unbegrenzte Konvertierungen in mehrere Formate für immer.";
+"Payment Method" = "Zahlungsart";
+"PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "PDF Reader Pro für Windows";
+"Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "Standardversion + PDF-Konvertierungspaket";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Ein Seriencode unterstützt ein Gerät und eine dauerhafte Lizenz wird einmalig erworben.";
+"Premium version" = "Standardausgabe";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Ein Seriencode unterstützt ein Gerät und eine dauerhafte Lizenz wird einmalig erworben.";
+"Your Order" = "Ihre Bestellung";
+"Total" = "gesamt";
+"Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "Die Testversion ist abgelaufen. Upgraden Sie auf die dauerhaft lizenzierte Pro-Version";
+"By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "Indem Sie sich für eine kostenlose Testversion bewerben, stimmen Sie der Datenschutzvereinbarung zu";
+"Payment is being verified..." = "Zahlungsinformationen werden überprüft...";
+"The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "Die aktuelle Bestellseite ist geschlossen. Wenn Sie erfolgreich bezahlt haben, überprüfen Sie bitte den aktuellen Status der Bestellung in Ihrer E-Mail.";
+"AI Add-on" = "KI-Tools";
+"Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "Persönlicher Monatsplan. Manuelle Erneuerung.";
+"PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "PDF Reader Pro AI-Toolkit";
+"50 credits for 30 days" = "50 Equity-Punkte, verfügbar innerhalb von 30 Tagen";
+"Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "Manuelle Verlängerung, 99 Yuan pro Monat";
+"PDF to Office" = "PDF-zu-Office-Konvertierungspaket";
+"Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "Konvertieren Sie PDF offline in Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint (.pptx).";
+"and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "und andere Formatdateien. Kaufen Sie einmalig eine Dauerlizenz";
+"License Code" = "Seriennummer";
+"Not Found?" = "nicht gefunden?";
+"Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die Informationen korrekt sind oder ob das Netzwerk abnormal ist.";
+"The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "Der Gutscheincode ist ungültig, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.";
+"Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "Bitte geben Sie den richtigen Lizenzcode ein. So rufen Sie eine Lizenz ab.";
+"Input license code previously activated the app" = "Geben Sie den Lizenzcode für die zuvor aktivierte Anwendung ein.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "Durch das Absenden dieser Bestellung stimme ich den Datenschutzbestimmungen und Nutzungsbedingungen für Abonnementprodukte zu";
+"Continue to Pay" = "Zahlen Sie weiter";
+"1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "Ein Seriencode aktiviert zwei Desktop-Geräte (Mac und Windows)";
+"Pay sum" = "Zahlungsbetrag";
+"Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "Klicken Sie hier, um einen Bildungsrabatt zu beantragen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, um Mengenrabatte zu beantragen.";
+"Applied" = "Angewandt";
+"Please enter a coupon code." = "Bitte geben Sie den Gutscheincode ein.";
+"Please enter your email for license receiving." = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein, um den Seriencode zu erhalten.";
+"Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "Der Zahlungsstatus wurde noch nicht ermittelt. Wenn die Zahlung abgeschlossen ist, überprüfen Sie bitte den Seriencode aus Ihrer E-Mail.";
+"Postcode" = "Postleitzahl";
+"Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "Nachdem Sie die Zahlung abgeschlossen und die Software erfolgreich aktiviert haben, überprüfen Sie bitte Ihre E-Mails auf Bestelldetails.";
+"Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "Öffnen Sie Alipay und scannen Sie den QR-Code";
+"Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Öffnen Sie WeChat und scannen Sie den QR-Code";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "Ihr Gutschein ist abgelaufen.";
+"The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Ihr Gutschein wurde verwendet. Bitte ändern Sie den Gutscheincode.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4158,3 +4158,62 @@
 "" = "";
 "Experience Now" = "Experience Now";
 "USD" = "USD";
+"Free" = "Free";
+"Permanent" = "Permanent";
+"Premium" = "Premium";
+"Apply" = "Apply";
+"Billing Information" = "Billing Information";
+"Discount" = "Discount";
+"Email to receive license code" = "Email to receive license code";
+"Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "Invalid Email address. Please try again.";
+"Email could not be null." = "Email could not be null.";
+"Extended Device Access" = "Extended Device Access";
+"Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices.";
+"Support Mac or Windows device" = "Support Mac or Windows device";
+"I have a coupon?" = "I have a coupon?";
+"List Price" = "List Price";
+"Name" = "Name";
+"PDF to Office Pack" = "PDF to Office Pack";
+"One time purchase" = "One time purchase";
+"Payment Method" = "Payment Method";
+"PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "PDF Reader Pro for Windows";
+"Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "One license for one device. One time purchase.";
+"Premium version" = "Premium version";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "One license for one device. One time purchase.";
+"Your Order" = "Your Order";
+"Total" = "Total";
+"Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version";
+"By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy.";
+"Payment is being verified..." = "Payment is being verified...";
+"The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox.";
+"AI Add-on" = "AI Add-on";
+"Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "Individual monthly plan. Manually renew.";
+"PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "PDF Reader Pro AI Tools";
+"50 credits for 30 days" = "50 credits for 30 days";
+"Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "Manually renew at USD 14.99";
+"PDF to Office" = "PDF to Office";
+"Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)";
+"and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "and more offline. It's one time purchase.";
+"License Code" = "License Code";
+"Not Found?" = "Not Found?";
+"Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error.";
+"The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "The coupon code is invalid. Please try again.";
+"Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License.";
+"Input license code previously activated the app" = "Input license code previously activated the app";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products";
+"Continue to Pay" = "Continue to Pay";
+"1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)";
+"Pay sum" = "Pay sum";
+"Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us.";
+"Applied" = "Applied";
+"Please enter a coupon code." = "Please enter a coupon code.";
+"Please enter your email for license receiving." = "Please enter your email for license receiving.";
+"Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license.";
+"Postcode" = "Postcode";
+"Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details.";
+"Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "Scan QR Code with Alipay";
+"Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Scan QR Code with WeChat";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "The coupon code has expired.";
+"The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3074,3 +3074,62 @@
 "Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "No se encontró ninguna marca de agua extraíble en este archivo. Si ve una marca de agua, no se agregó con PDF Reader Pro y, por lo tanto, no se puede detectar.";
 "Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar la marca de agua del archivo?";
 "Experience Now" = "Experimenta ahora";
+"Free" = "Versión gratuita";
+"Permanent" = "versión prémium";
+"Premium" = "Edición estándar";
+"Apply" = "solicitud";
+"Billing Information" = "Información del pedido";
+"Discount" = "descuento";
+"Email to receive license code" = "Correo electrónico utilizado para recibir códigos de serie.";
+"Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "Dirección de correo electrónico no válida, inténtelo de nuevo";
+"Email could not be null." = "La dirección de correo electrónico no puede estar vacía";
+"Extended Device Access" = "Paquete de actualización de permisos para múltiples dispositivos";
+"Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "Se puede activar un código de serie en dos dispositivos al mismo tiempo.";
+"Support Mac or Windows device" = "Plataformas de activación compatibles: Windows/Mac";
+"I have a coupon?" = "¿Tengo un cupón?";
+"List Price" = "precio del pedido";
+"Name" = "Nombre";
+"PDF to Office Pack" = "Paquete de conversión de PDF a Office";
+"One time purchase" = "Realice una compra única y obtenga conversiones ilimitadas a múltiples formatos para siempre.";
+"Payment Method" = "Método de pago";
+"PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "Lector de PDF Pro para Windows";
+"Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "Versión estándar + paquete de conversión de PDF";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Un código de serie admite un dispositivo y se compra una licencia permanente una vez.";
+"Premium version" = "Edición estándar";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Un código de serie admite un dispositivo y se compra una licencia permanente una vez.";
+"Your Order" = "tu pedido";
+"Total" = "total";
+"Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "La prueba ha caducado, actualice a la versión Pro con licencia permanente";
+"By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "Al solicitar una prueba gratuita, acepta el acuerdo de privacidad";
+"Payment is being verified..." = "Verificando información de pago...";
+"The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "La página del pedido actual está cerrada. Si ha pagado correctamente, verifique el estado actual del pedido en su correo electrónico.";
+"AI Add-on" = "herramientas de inteligencia artificial";
+"Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "Plan mensual personalizado. Renovación manual.";
+"PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "Kit de herramientas de IA de PDF Reader Pro";
+"50 credits for 30 days" = "50 puntos de capital, disponibles dentro de 30 días";
+"Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "Renovación manual, 99 yuanes al mes.";
+"PDF to Office" = "Paquete de conversión de PDF a Office";
+"Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "Convierta PDF a Word (.docx), Excel, (.xlsx), PowerPoint (.pptx) sin conexión";
+"and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "y otros archivos de formato. Compre una licencia permanente una vez";
+"License Code" = "código de serie";
+"Not Found?" = "¿extraviado?";
+"Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "Verifique si la información es correcta o si la red es anormal.";
+"The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "El código de cupón no es válido, inténtalo de nuevo.";
+"Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "Introduzca el código de licencia correcto. Cómo recuperar una licencia.";
+"Input license code previously activated the app" = "Ingrese el código de licencia para la aplicación previamente activada.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "Al enviar este pedido, acepto la Política de privacidad del producto de suscripción y los Términos de servicio.";
+"Continue to Pay" = "continuar pagando";
+"1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "Un código de serie activa dos dispositivos de escritorio (Mac y Windows)";
+"Pay sum" = "Monto del pago";
+"Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "Haga clic aquí para solicitar un descuento educativo. Comuníquese con nosotros para solicitar descuentos por compras al por mayor.";
+"Applied" = "Aplicado";
+"Please enter a coupon code." = "Por favor ingrese el código de cupón.";
+"Please enter your email for license receiving." = "Ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir el código de serie.";
+"Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "El estado del pago aún no se ha obtenido. Si el pago se ha completado, verifique el código de serie de su correo electrónico.";
+"Postcode" = "código postal";
+"Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "Después de completar el pago y activar exitosamente el software, revise su correo electrónico para obtener detalles del pedido.";
+"Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "Abre Alipay y escanea el código QR";
+"Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Abra WeChat y escanee el código QR";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "Tu cupón ha caducado.";
+"The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Su cupón ha sido utilizado, cambie el código del cupón.";

+ 58 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2958,3 +2958,61 @@
 "" = "";
 "Experience Now" = "Expérimentez maintenant";
+"Free" = "Version gratuite";
+"Permanent" = "Version premium";
+"Premium" = "Édition standard";
+"Apply" = "application";
+"Billing Information" = "Informations sur la commande";
+"Discount" = "rabais";
+"Email to receive license code" = "E-mail utilisé pour recevoir les codes de série";
+"Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "Adresse e-mail invalide, veuillez réessayer";
+"Email could not be null." = "L'adresse e-mail ne peut pas être vide";
+"Extended Device Access" = "Package de mise à niveau des autorisations multi-appareils";
+"Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "Un code de série peut être activé sur deux appareils en même temps.";
+"Support Mac or Windows device" = "Plateformes d'activation prises en charge : Windows/Mac";
+"I have a coupon?" = "Ai-je un coupon ?";
+"List Price" = "prix de la commande";
+"Name" = "Nom";
+"PDF to Office Pack" = "Package de conversion PDF vers Office";
+"One time purchase" = "Effectuez un achat unique et obtenez des conversions illimitées vers plusieurs formats pour toujours.";
+"Payment Method" = "Mode de paiement";
+"PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "Lecteur PDF Pro pour Windows";
+"Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "Version standard + package de conversion PDF";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Un code de série prend en charge un appareil et une licence permanente est achetée une seule fois.";
+"Premium version" = "Édition standard";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Un code de série prend en charge un appareil et une licence permanente est achetée une seule fois.";
+"Your Order" = "votre commande";
+"Total" = "total";
+"Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "La période d'essai a expiré, passez à la version Pro sous licence permanente";
+"By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "En postulant pour un essai gratuit, vous acceptez l'accord de confidentialité";
+"Payment is being verified..." = "Vérification des informations de paiement...";
+"The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "La page de commande en cours est fermée. Si vous avez payé avec succès, veuillez vérifier l'état actuel de la commande dans votre e-mail.";
+"AI Add-on" = "Outils d'IA";
+"Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "Forfait mensuel personnel. Renouvellement manuel.";
+"PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "Boîte à outils PDF Reader Pro IA";
+"50 credits for 30 days" = "50 points d'équité, disponibles dans les 30 jours";
+"Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "Renouvellement manuel, 99 yuans par mois";
+"PDF to Office" = "Package de conversion PDF vers Office";
+"Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "Convertir un PDF en Word (.docx), Excel, (.xlsx), PowerPoint (.pptx) hors ligne";
+"and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "et d'autres fichiers de format. Achetez une licence permanente une fois";
+"License Code" = "code de série";
+"Not Found?" = "pas trouvé ?";
+"Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "Veuillez vérifier si les informations sont correctes ou si le réseau est anormal.";
+"The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "Le code promo n'est pas valide, veuillez réessayer.";
+"Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "Veuillez saisir le code de licence correct. Comment récupérer une licence.";
+"Input license code previously activated the app" = "Saisissez le code de licence de l'application précédemment activée.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "En soumettant cette commande, j'accepte la politique de confidentialité et les conditions d'utilisation des produits d'abonnement.";
+"Continue to Pay" = "Continuez à payer";
+"1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "Un code de série active deux appareils de bureau (Mac et Windows)";
+"Pay sum" = "Montant du paiement";
+"Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "Cliquez ici pour demander une réduction pour l'éducation. Veuillez nous contacter pour demander des réductions sur les achats en gros.";
+"Applied" = "Appliqué";
+"Please enter a coupon code." = "Veuillez entrer le code du coupon.";
+"Please enter your email for license receiving." = "Veuillez entrer votre adresse e-mail pour recevoir le code de série.";
+"Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "Le statut du paiement n'a pas encore été obtenu. Si le paiement a été effectué, veuillez vérifier le code de série figurant sur votre e-mail.";
+"Postcode" = "code postal";
+"Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "Après avoir effectué le paiement et activé avec succès le logiciel, veuillez vérifier votre courrier électronique pour les détails de la commande.";
+"Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "Ouvrez Alipay et scannez le code QR";
+"Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Ouvrez WeChat et scannez le code QR";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "Votre coupon a expiré.";
+"The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Votre coupon a été utilisé, veuillez modifier le code promo.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2871,3 +2871,62 @@
 "Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "Nessuna filigrana rimovibile trovata in questo file. Se vedi una filigrana, non è stata aggiunta utilizzando PDF Reader Pro e pertanto non può essere rilevata.";
 "Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare la filigrana del file?";
 "Experience Now" = "Sperimenta ora";
+"Free" = "Gratuito";
+"Permanent" = "Permanente";
+"Premium" = "Premio";
+"Apply" = "Fare domanda a";
+"Billing Information" = "Informazioni di fatturazione";
+"Discount" = "Sconto";
+"Email to receive license code" = "E-mail per ricevere il codice di licenza";
+"Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "Indirizzo e-mail non valido. Riprova.";
+"Email could not be null." = "L'e-mail non può essere nulla.";
+"Extended Device Access" = "Accesso esteso al dispositivo";
+"Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "Ottieni l'accesso al tuo piano su un massimo di 2 dispositivi.";
+"Support Mac or Windows device" = "Supporta dispositivi Mac o Windows";
+"I have a coupon?" = "Ho un buono?";
+"List Price" = "Prezzo di listino";
+"Name" = "Nome";
+"PDF to Office Pack" = "Pacchetto da PDF a Office";
+"One time purchase" = "Acquisto una tantum";
+"Payment Method" = "Metodo di pagamento";
+"PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "Lettore PDF Pro per Windows";
+"Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "Versione permanente (con PDF in Office Pack)";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Una licenza per un dispositivo.";
+"Premium version" = "Versione premium";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Una licenza per un dispositivo.";
+"Your Order" = "Il tuo ordine";
+"Total" = "Totale";
+"Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "Prova scaduta, passa alla versione Pro";
+"By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "Richiedendo la prova gratuita, confermi di accettare la presente Informativa sulla privacy.";
+"Payment is being verified..." = "Il pagamento è in fase di verifica...";
+"The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "La pagina dell'ordine corrente è chiusa, se hai pagato con successo, controlla lo stato attuale del tuo ordine nella tua casella di posta.";
+"AI Add-on" = "Componente aggiuntivo dell'IA";
+"Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "Piano mensile individuale. Rinnova manualmente.";
+"PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "Strumenti AI di PDF Reader Pro";
+"50 credits for 30 days" = "50 crediti per 30 giorni";
+"Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "Rinnova manualmente a 14,99 USD";
+"PDF to Office" = "PDF in ufficio";
+"Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "Esporta PDF in Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint (.pptx)";
+"and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "e altro ancora offline. È un acquisto una tantum.";
+"License Code" = "Codice di licenza";
+"Not Found?" = "Non trovato?";
+"Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "Controlla se le informazioni sono errate o se la rete è in errore.";
+"The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "Il codice coupon non è valido. Riprova.";
+"Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "Inserisci il codice di licenza corretto. Come recuperare la licenza.";
+"Input license code previously activated the app" = "Inserisci il codice di licenza precedentemente attivato l'app";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "Inviando questo ordine, accetto l'Informativa sulla privacy e i Termini di servizio per i prodotti in abbonamento";
+"Continue to Pay" = "Continua a pagare";
+"1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "1 codice di licenza per attivare 2 PC (Mac e Windows)";
+"Pay sum" = "Pagare la somma";
+"Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "Sei uno studente o un professore? Ottieni un'offerta speciale / Desideri un acquisto in volume Contattaci?";
+"Applied" = "Applicato";
+"Please enter a coupon code." = "Inserisci un codice coupon.";
+"Please enter your email for license receiving." = "Inserisci la tua email per ricevere la licenza.";
+"Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "Lo stato del pagamento non è disponibile, se hai completato il pagamento, controlla la tua email per la licenza.";
+"Postcode" = "Codice postale";
+"Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "Acquista con successo e il software è attivato Controlla la tua email per i dettagli dell'ordine.";
+"Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "Scansiona il codice QR con Alipay";
+"Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Scansiona il codice QR con WeChat";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "Il codice coupon è scaduto.";
+"The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Il codice coupon è stato utilizzato, modifica il codice coupon.";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3150,3 +3150,62 @@
 "" = "";
 "" = "";
 "Experience Now" = "今すぐ体験してください";
+"Free" = "無料";
+"Permanent" = "永続";
+"Premium" = "プレミアム";
+"Apply" = "適用する";
+"Billing Information" = "請求情報";
+"Discount" = "割引";
+"Email to receive license code" = "ライセンスコードを受け取るための電子メール";
+"Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "メールアドレスが無効です。もう一度試してください。";
+"Email could not be null." = "電子メールを null にすることはできません。";
+"Extended Device Access" = "拡張デバイスアクセス";
+"Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "最大 2 台のデバイスでプランにアクセスできます。";
+"Support Mac or Windows device" = "Mac または Windows デバイスをサポート";
+"I have a coupon?" = "クーポンはありますか?";
+"List Price" = "定価";
+"Name" = "名前";
+"PDF to Office Pack" = "PDF から Office パックへ";
+"One time purchase" = "1回限りの購入";
+"Payment Method" = "支払方法";
+"PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "Windows 用 PDF リーダー プロ";
+"Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "永続版 (PDF to Office Pack 付き)";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "1 つのデバイスに対して 1 つのライセンス。 1回限りの購入。";
+"Premium version" = "プレミアムバージョン";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "1 つのデバイスに対して 1 つのライセンス。 1回限りの購入。";
+"Your Order" = "ご注文";
+"Total" = "合計";
+"Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "試用期間が終了しました。Pro バージョンにアップグレードしてください";
+"By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "無料トライアルに申し込むと、このプライバシー ポリシーに同意したことになります。";
+"Payment is being verified..." = "支払いを確認中です...";
+"The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "現在の注文ページは閉じています。支払いが完了した場合は、メールボックスで現在の注文ステータスを確認してください。";
+"AI Add-on" = "AIアドオン";
+"Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "個人向け月額プラン。手動で更新します。";
+"PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "PDF リーダー プロ AI ツール";
+"50 credits for 30 days" = "30 日間 50 クレジット";
+"Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "14.99 ドルで手動更新";
+"PDF to Office" = "PDF から Office へ";
+"Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "PDF を Word(.docx)、Excel (.xlsx)、PowerPoint(.pptx) にエクスポート";
+"and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "さらにオフラインでも。 1回限りの購入です。";
+"License Code" = "ライセンスコード";
+"Not Found?" = "見つかりません?";
+"Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "情報が間違っていないか、ネットワークに異常がないか確認してください。";
+"The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "クーポンコードが無効です。もう一度試してください。";
+"Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "正しいライセンス コードを入力してください。ライセンスを取得する方法。";
+"Input license code previously activated the app" = "以前にアプリをアクティベートしたライセンス コードを入力してください";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "この注文を送信することにより、サブスクリプション製品のプライバシー ポリシーとサービス利用規約に同意します";
+"Continue to Pay" = "支払いを続ける";
+"1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "1 つのライセンス コードで 2 台の PC をアクティベートできます。 (MacおよびWindows)";
+"Pay sum" = "支払額";
+"Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "あなたは学生ですか、それとも教授ですか?特別オファーを入手 / 大量購入したいですか?お問い合わせください。";
+"Applied" = "適用済み";
+"Please enter a coupon code." = "クーポンコードを入力してください。";
+"Please enter your email for license receiving." = "ライセンスを受け取るための電子メールを入力してください。";
+"Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "支払いステータスが表示されません。支払いが完了している場合は、メールでライセンスを確認してください。";
+"Postcode" = "郵便番号";
+"Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "購入が完了すると、ソフトウェアがアクティベートされます。ご注文の詳細についてはメールをご確認ください。";
+"Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "AlipayでQRコードをスキャン";
+"Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "WeChatでQRコードをスキャン";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "クーポンコードの有効期限が切れました。";
+"The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "クーポンコードは使用されていますので、クーポンコードを変更してください。";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3087,3 +3087,62 @@
 "Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "W tym pliku nie znaleziono usuwalnego znaku wodnego. Jeśli widzisz znak wodny, oznacza to, że nie został on dodany przy użyciu programu PDF Reader Pro i dlatego nie można go wykryć.";
 "Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć znak wodny pliku?";
 "Experience Now" = "Doświadcz teraz";
+"Free" = "Wersja darmowa";
+"Permanent" = "Wersja premium";
+"Premium" = "Wersja standardowa";
+"Apply" = "aplikacja";
+"Billing Information" = "Informacje o zamówieniu";
+"Discount" = "rabat";
+"Email to receive license code" = "Adres e-mail używany do otrzymywania kodów seryjnych";
+"Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "Nieprawidłowy adres e-mail, spróbuj ponownie";
+"Email could not be null." = "Adres e-mail nie może być pusty";
+"Extended Device Access" = "Pakiet aktualizacji uprawnień dla wielu urządzeń";
+"Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "Jeden kod seryjny można aktywować na dwóch urządzeniach jednocześnie.";
+"Support Mac or Windows device" = "Obsługiwane platformy aktywacyjne: Windows/Mac";
+"I have a coupon?" = "Czy mam kupon?";
+"List Price" = "cena zamówienia";
+"Name" = "Nazwa";
+"PDF to Office Pack" = "Pakiet konwersji plików PDF do pakietu Office";
+"One time purchase" = "Dokonaj jednorazowego zakupu i uzyskaj nieograniczoną liczbę konwersji do wielu formatów na zawsze.";
+"Payment Method" = "Metoda płatności";
+"PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "Czytnik PDF Pro dla systemu Windows";
+"Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "Wersja standardowa + pakiet do konwersji PDF";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Jeden kod seryjny obsługuje jedno urządzenie, a stałą licencję kupuje się raz.";
+"Premium version" = "Wersja standardowa";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Jeden kod seryjny obsługuje jedno urządzenie, a stałą licencję kupuje się raz.";
+"Your Order" = "Twoje zamówienie";
+"Total" = "całkowity";
+"Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "Wersja próbna wygasła, uaktualnij do wersji Pro z stałą licencją";
+"By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "Ubiegając się o bezpłatny okres próbny, zgadzasz się z umową o ochronie prywatności";
+"Payment is being verified..." = "Weryfikuję informacje o płatności...";
+"The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "Bieżąca strona zamówienia jest zamknięta. Jeśli pomyślnie dokonałeś płatności, sprawdź aktualny status zamówienia w swoim e-mailu.";
+"AI Add-on" = "Narzędzia sztucznej inteligencji";
+"Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "Osobisty plan miesięczny. Ręczne odnowienie.";
+"PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "Zestaw narzędzi PDF Reader Pro AI";
+"50 credits for 30 days" = "50 punktów kapitałowych, dostępnych w ciągu 30 dni";
+"Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "Ręczne odnowienie, 99 juanów miesięcznie";
+"PDF to Office" = "Pakiet konwersji plików PDF do pakietu Office";
+"Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "Konwertuj pliki PDF do formatu Word (.docx), Excel, (.xlsx), PowerPoint (.pptx) w trybie offline";
+"and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "i inne pliki w formacie. Kup stałą licencję raz";
+"License Code" = "kod seryjny";
+"Not Found?" = "nie znaleziono?";
+"Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "Sprawdź, czy informacje są prawidłowe lub czy sieć działa nieprawidłowo.";
+"The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "Kod kuponu jest nieprawidłowy. Spróbuj ponownie.";
+"Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "Proszę wprowadzić poprawny kod licencyjny. Jak odzyskać licencję.";
+"Input license code previously activated the app" = "Wprowadź kod licencyjny dla wcześniej aktywowanej aplikacji.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "Przesyłając to zamówienie, zgadzam się z Polityką prywatności produktów subskrypcyjnych i Warunkami korzystania z usługi";
+"Continue to Pay" = "Kontynuuj płacenie";
+"1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "Jeden kod seryjny aktywuje dwa urządzenia stacjonarne (Mac i Windows)";
+"Pay sum" = "Kwota płatności";
+"Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "Kliknij tutaj, aby ubiegać się o zniżkę edukacyjną. Skontaktuj się z nami, aby ubiegać się o rabaty przy zakupie hurtowym.";
+"Applied" = "Stosowany";
+"Please enter a coupon code." = "Proszę wpisać kod kuponu.";
+"Please enter your email for license receiving." = "Aby otrzymać kod seryjny, wpisz swój adres e-mail.";
+"Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "Status płatności nie został jeszcze uzyskany. Jeśli płatność została zrealizowana, sprawdź kod seryjny w wiadomości e-mail.";
+"Postcode" = "kod pocztowy";
+"Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "Po dokonaniu płatności i pomyślnej aktywacji oprogramowania sprawdź pocztę e-mail, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje o zamówieniu.";
+"Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "Otwórz Alipay i zeskanuj kod QR";
+"Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Otwórz WeChat i zeskanuj kod QR";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "Twój kupon wygasł.";
+"The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Twój kupon został wykorzystany. Zmień kod kuponu.";

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3020,3 +3020,62 @@
 "Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "В этом файле не обнаружено удаляемых водяных знаков. Если вы видите водяной знак, значит, он не был добавлен с помощью PDF Reader Pro и поэтому не может быть обнаружен.";
 "Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить водяной знак файла?";
 "Experience Now" = "Опыт сейчас";
+"Free" = "Бесплатная версия";
+"Permanent" = "Премиум-версия";
+"Premium" = "Стандартное издание";
+"Apply" = "приложение";
+"Billing Information" = "Информация о заказе";
+"Discount" = "скидка";
+"Email to receive license code" = "Электронная почта, используемая для получения серийных кодов";
+"Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "Неверный адрес электронной почты, попробуйте еще раз";
+"Email could not be null." = "Адрес электронной почты не может быть пустым";
+"Extended Device Access" = "Пакет обновления разрешений для нескольких устройств";
+"Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "Один серийный код может быть активирован на двух устройствах одновременно.";
+"Support Mac or Windows device" = "Поддерживаемые платформы активации: Windows/Mac.";
+"I have a coupon?" = "Есть ли у меня купон?";
+"List Price" = "цена заказа";
+"Name" = "Имя";
+"PDF to Office Pack" = "Пакет преобразования PDF в Office";
+"One time purchase" = "Совершите единоразовую покупку и получите неограниченное количество конвертаций в несколько форматов навсегда.";
+"Payment Method" = "Способ оплаты";
+"PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "PDF Reader Pro для Windows";
+"Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "Стандартная версия + пакет конвертации PDF";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Один серийный код поддерживает одно устройство, а постоянная лицензия приобретается один раз.";
+"Premium version" = "Стандартное издание";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "Один серийный код поддерживает одно устройство, а постоянная лицензия приобретается один раз.";
+"Your Order" = "ваш заказ";
+"Total" = "общий";
+"Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "Срок действия пробной версии истек. Обновите версию Pro с постоянной лицензией.";
+"By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "Подавая заявку на бесплатную пробную версию, вы соглашаетесь с соглашением о конфиденциальности.";
+"Payment is being verified..." = "Проверка платежной информации...";
+"The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "Текущая страница заказа закрыта. Если вы успешно оплатили, пожалуйста, проверьте текущий статус заказа на своей электронной почте.";
+"AI Add-on" = "Инструменты искусственного интеллекта";
+"Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "Персональный ежемесячный план. Ручное продление.";
+"PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "PDF Reader Pro, набор инструментов искусственного интеллекта";
+"50 credits for 30 days" = "50 баллов капитала, доступные в течение 30 дней";
+"Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "Продление вручную, 99 юаней в месяц.";
+"PDF to Office" = "Пакет преобразования PDF в Office";
+"Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "Конвертируйте PDF в Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint (.pptx) в автономном режиме.";
+"and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "и другие форматы файлов. Приобретите постоянную лицензию один раз";
+"License Code" = "серийный код";
+"Not Found?" = "не найдено?";
+"Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "Пожалуйста, проверьте, верна ли информация или сеть неисправна.";
+"The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "Код купона недействителен, попробуйте еще раз.";
+"Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "Пожалуйста, введите правильный лицензионный код. Как восстановить лицензию.";
+"Input license code previously activated the app" = "Введите лицензионный код ранее активированного приложения.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "Отправляя этот заказ, я соглашаюсь с Политикой конфиденциальности продукта по подписке и Условиями обслуживания.";
+"Continue to Pay" = "Продолжать платить";
+"1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "Один серийный код активирует два настольных устройства (Mac и Windows).";
+"Pay sum" = "Сумма платежа";
+"Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "Нажмите здесь, чтобы подать заявку на скидку на образование. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, чтобы подать заявку на получение скидки при оптовой покупке.";
+"Applied" = "Применяемый";
+"Please enter a coupon code." = "Пожалуйста, введите код купона.";
+"Please enter your email for license receiving." = "Пожалуйста, введите свой адрес электронной почты, чтобы получить серийный код.";
+"Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "Статус платежа еще не получен. Если платеж был завершен, проверьте серийный код, указанный в вашей электронной почте.";
+"Postcode" = "почтовый индекс";
+"Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "После завершения платежа и успешной активации программного обеспечения проверьте свою электронную почту для получения подробной информации о заказе.";
+"Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "Откройте Alipay и отсканируйте QR-код.";
+"Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Откройте WeChat и отсканируйте QR-код.";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "Срок действия вашего купона истек.";
+"The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Ваш купон использован, измените код купона.";

+ 58 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4059,3 +4059,61 @@
 "Experience Now" = "立即体验";
 "USD" = "CNY";
+"Free" = "免费版";
+"Permanent" = "高级版";
+"Premium" = "标准版";
+"Apply" = "应用";
+"Billing Information" = "订单信息";
+"Discount" = "优惠";
+"Email to receive license code" = "用于接收序列码的邮箱";
+"Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "邮箱地址无效,请重试";
+"Email could not be null." = "邮箱地址不能为空";
+"Extended Device Access" = "多设备权限升级包";
+"Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "一个序列码可同时在两台设备上激活使用。";
+"Support Mac or Windows device" = "支持激活平台:Windows/Mac";
+"I have a coupon?" = "我有优惠券?";
+"List Price" = "订单价";
+"Name" = "姓名";
+"PDF to Office Pack" = "PDF to Office转档包";
+"One time purchase" = "一次性购买,即可永久无限制地转换多种格式。";
+"Payment Method" = "支付方式";
+"PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "PDF Reader Pro for Windows";
+"Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "标准版+PDF转档包";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "一个序列码支持一台设备,一次购买永久授权。";
+"Premium version" = "标准版";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "一个序列码支持一台设备,一次购买永久授权。";
+"Your Order" = "您的订单";
+"Total" = "总计";
+"Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "试用已过期,升级至永久授权Pro版本";
+"By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "申请免费试用,代表您同意隐私协议";
+"Payment is being verified..." = "正在验证支付信息…";
+"The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "当前订单页面已关闭,如果您已成功付款,请在您的邮箱中查看订单的当前状态。";
+"AI Add-on" = "AI工具";
+"Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "个人包月计划。手动续费。";
+"PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "PDF Reader Pro AI工具包";
+"50 credits for 30 days" = "50权益点,30天内可用";
+"Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "手动续费,每月99元";
+"PDF to Office" = "PDF to Office转档包";
+"Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "离线将PDF转换成Word(.docx), Excel,(.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)";
+"and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "等其他格式文件。一次购买永久授权";
+"License Code" = "序列码";
+"Not Found?" = "未找到?";
+"Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "请检查信息是否正确或者网络是否异常。";
+"The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "优惠劵代码无效、请重试。";
+"Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "请输入正确的许可证代码。如何检索许可证。";
+"Input license code previously activated the app" = "输入先前激活应用程序的许可证代码。";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "通过提交此订单,我同意订阅产品的隐私政策和服务条款";
+"Continue to Pay" = "继续支付";
+"1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "一个序列码可激活两台桌机设备(Mac和Windows)";
+"Pay sum" = "支付金额";
+"Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "点击此处申请教育折扣。申请批量采购折扣请联系我们。";
+"Applied" = "已应用";
+"Please enter a coupon code." = "请输入优惠券码。";
+"Please enter your email for license receiving." = "请输入邮箱,用于接收序列码。";
+"Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "暂未获取到支付状态,若已完成支付,请从邮箱查收序列码。";
+"Postcode" = "邮编";
+"Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "完成支付并成功激活软件,订单详情请前往邮箱查看。";
+"Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "打开支付宝扫描二维码";
+"Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "打开微信扫描二维码";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "您的优惠券已过期。";
+"The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "您的优惠券已被使用,请更换优惠券码。";

+ 59 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4190,3 +4190,62 @@
 "" = "";
 "" = "";
 "Experience Now" = "立即體驗";
+"Free" = "免費版";
+"Permanent" = "高級版";
+"Premium" = "標準版";
+"Apply" = "應用";
+"Billing Information" = "訂單資訊";
+"Discount" = "優惠";
+"Email to receive license code" = "用於接收序號的信箱";
+"Invalid Email address. Please try again." = "郵件地址無效,請重試";
+"Email could not be null." = "郵件地址不能為空";
+"Extended Device Access" = "多設備權限升級包";
+"Get access to your plan on up to 2 devices." = "一個序列碼可同時在型號設備上啟動使用。";
+"Support Mac or Windows device" = "支援啟動平台:Windows/Mac";
+"I have a coupon?" = "我有優惠券嗎?";
+"List Price" = "訂單價";
+"Name" = "姓名";
+"PDF to Office Pack" = "PDF 到 Office 轉檔包";
+"One time purchase" = "一次性購買,即可永久無限制地轉換多種格式。";
+"Payment Method" = "支付方式";
+"PDF Reader Pro for Windows" = "適用於 Windows 的 PDF 閱讀器專業版";
+"Permanent version (with PDF to Office Pack)" = "標準版+PDF轉檔包";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "一個序號支援一台設備,一次購買永久授權。";
+"Premium version" = "標準版";
+"One license for one device. One time purchase." = "一個序號支援一台設備,一次購買永久授權。";
+"Your Order" = "您的訂單";
+"Total" = "總共";
+"Trial Expired, Upgrade to Pro Version" = "已過期,升級至永久授權Pro版本";
+"By applying for free trial, you confirm that you agree this Privacy Policy." = "申請免費試用,代表您同意隱私權協議";
+"Payment is being verified..." = "正在驗證付款資訊...";
+"The current order page is closed, if you have paid successfully, please check the current status of your order in your mailbox." = "目前訂單頁面已關閉,如果已成功付款,請在您的郵箱中查看訂單的當前狀態。";
+"AI Add-on" = "人工智慧工具";
+"Individual monthly plan. Manually renew." = "個人包月計劃。";
+"PDF Reader Pro AI Tools" = "PDF Reader Pro AI工具包";
+"50 credits for 30 days" = "50權益點,30可用";
+"Manually renew at USD 14.99" = "手動續費,每月99元";
+"PDF to Office" = "PDF 到 Office 轉檔包";
+"Export PDF to Word(.docx), Excel (.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)" = "離線將PDF轉換成Word(.docx), Excel,(.xlsx), PowerPoint(.pptx)";
+"and more offline. It's one time purchase." = "等其他格式文件。";
+"License Code" = "序列碼";
+"Not Found?" = "未找到?";
+"Please check if the information is wrong or the network is error." = "請檢查資訊是否正確或網路是否異常。";
+"The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "優惠劵代碼無效、請重試。";
+"Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "請輸入正確的許可證代碼。";
+"Input license code previously activated the app" = "輸入先前啟動應用程式的許可證代碼。";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "提交此訂單,我同意訂閱產品的隱私和服務政策條款";
+"Continue to Pay" = "繼續支付";
+"1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "一個序號可啟動突變桌機設備(Mac和Windows)";
+"Pay sum" = "支付金額";
+"Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "點擊此處申請教育折扣。";
+"Applied" = "已申請";
+"Please enter a coupon code." = "請輸入優惠券碼。";
+"Please enter your email for license receiving." = "請輸入郵箱,用於接收序號。";
+"Payment status is not available, if you have completed the payment, please check your email for the license." = "暫未取得到支付狀態,若已完成支付,請從信箱查收序號。";
+"Postcode" = "郵編";
+"Purchase successfully and the software is activated. Please check your email for order details." = "完成付款並成功啟動軟體,訂單詳情請前往郵箱查看。";
+"Scan QR Code with Alipay" = "打開支付寶掃描二維碼";
+"Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "打開微信掃描二維碼";
+"The coupon code has expired." = "您的優惠券已過期。";
+"The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "您的優惠券已被使用,請更換優惠券碼。";