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+ 18 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/WindowsController/KMProductCompareWC.swift

@@ -1588,6 +1588,18 @@ import Combine
         return true
+    private func _dmgCanPurchase(state: KMCompareTableType, tag: Int) -> Bool {
+        let isStandardAnnualSubscription = tag == 1
+        if state == .dmg_Base && isStandardAnnualSubscription && discountType == .advancedYearSubscribeTrialingCancel {
+            let member = KMMemberInfo.shared
+            if member.is_advanced_year_subscribe() && member.is_trailing() {
+                showAlert(message: NSLocalizedString("You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires.", comment: ""))
+                return false
+            }
+        }
+        return true
+    }
     private func _appstorePurchaseGetProduct(state: KMCompareTableType, tag: Int, isPurchaseSwitch: Bool) -> IAPProduct? {
         var product: IAPProduct?
         if state == .lite_Base {
@@ -1814,10 +1826,15 @@ import Combine
 //            addWaitingView(to: window?.contentView ?? NSView())
+            if _dmgCanPurchase(state: model.state, tag: sender.tag) == false {
+                return
+            }
             if _appstoreCanPurchase(product: product) == false {
             model.appstorePurchaseAction(sender.tag, discountType: discountType_) { [weak self] success, msg in
                 guard let self = self else { return }

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4809,3 +4809,4 @@
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "احصل على عرض خاص - 6 أشهر متقدمة";
 "What is your problem?" = "هل تريد أن تعرف ما إذا كان هذا هو الحال؟";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "أنت في نسخة تجريبية مجانية مدتها 7 أيام. يرجى شراء المنتج بعد انتهاء صلاحيته.";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3173,3 +3173,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "Da Sie zuvor PDF Reader Pro abonniert hatten, unterbreiten wir Ihnen jetzt ein Sonderangebot.        ";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "Sonderangebot erhalten";
 "What is your problem?" = "Was ist der Unterschied zwischen der Leistung und der Leistung der Batterie?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "Sie befinden sich in einer 7-tägigen kostenlosen Testversion. Bitte kaufen Sie das Produkt, nachdem es abgelaufen ist.";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4345,3 +4345,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. ";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos";
 "What is your problem?" = "What is your problem?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires.";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3253,3 +3253,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "Debido a que anteriormente estaba suscrito a PDF Reader Pro, ahora le ofrecemos una oferta especial.";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "Oferta especial - Avanzado 6 meses";
 "What is your problem?" = "¿Qué pasa si no puedo pagar el alquiler?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "Estás en una prueba gratuita de 7 días. Compre el producto después de que caduque.";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3139,3 +3139,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "Parce que vous étiez auparavant abonné à PDF Reader Pro, nous vous proposons désormais une offre spéciale.    ";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "Offre spéciale - Avancé 6 mois";
 "What is your problem?" = "Est-ce que je peux me permettre de le faire ?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "Vous bénéficiez d'un essai gratuit de 7 jours. Veuillez acheter le produit après son expiration.";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3049,3 +3049,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "Poiché in precedenza eri abbonato a PDF Reader Pro, ora ti offriamo un'offerta speciale.";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "Offerta Speciale - Avanzato 6 Mos";
 "What is your problem?" = "Che problema hai riscontrato?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "Sei in una prova gratuita di 7 giorni. Si prega di acquistare il prodotto dopo la scadenza.";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3329,3 +3329,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "以前に PDF Reader Pro を購読したことがある方に、特別オファーを提供いたします。";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "特別オファーを入手する";
 "What is your problem?" = "あなたはこの質問に遭遇しましたか?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "7 日間の無料トライアル中です。有効期限が切れたらご購入ください。";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3211,3 +3211,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "Omdat u eerder geabonneerd was op PDF Reader Pro, doen wij u nu een speciale aanbieding.";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "Ontvang speciale aanbieding";
 "What is your problem?" = "Wat is de reden dat je een slechte dag hebt gehad?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "Je bevindt je in een gratis proefperiode van 7 dagen. Koop het product nadat deze is verlopen.";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3265,3 +3265,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "Ponieważ wcześniej subskrybowałeś program PDF Reader Pro, oferujemy teraz specjalną ofertę.";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "Skorzystaj z oferty specjalnej";
 "What is your problem?" = "Czy jest jakaś różnica między tymi dwoma?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "Masz 7-dniowy bezpłatny okres próbny. Po jego wygaśnięciu prosimy o zakup produktu.";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4728,3 +4728,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "Como você já era assinante do PDF Reader Pro, agora estamos oferecendo uma oferta especial para você.";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "Oferta Especial - Avançado 6 Meses";
 "What is your problem?" = "Você é o único que pode me ajudar?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "Você está em um teste gratuito de 7 dias. Por favor, compre o produto depois que ele expirar.";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3199,3 +3199,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "Поскольку ранее вы были подписаны на PDF Reader Pro, мы делаем для вас специальное предложение.";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "Специальное предложение";
 "What is your problem?" = "Вы хотите узнать больше?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "Вы находитесь в 7-дневном бесплатном пробном периоде. Пожалуйста, приобретите продукт после его окончания.";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4246,3 +4246,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "由于您之前订阅过PDF Reader Pro,因此我们现在向您提供特别优惠。";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "获取特别优惠 - 高级版6个月";
 "What is your problem?" = "您遇到了什么问题?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "您正处于7天免费试用期内,请在免费试用到期后购买此产品。";

+ 1 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4379,3 +4379,4 @@
 "Because you were previously subscribed to PDF Reader Pro, we are now delivering a special offer to you. " = "由於您之前訂閱過PDF Reader Pro,因此我們現在向您提供特別優惠。";
 "Get Special Offer - Advanced 6 Mos" = "取得特別優惠 - 高級版6個月";
 "What is your problem?" = "您遇到了什麼問題?";
+"You are in a 7-day free trial. Please purchase the product after it expires." = "您正在享有7天免費試用,試用期結束後可購買此產品。";