소스 검색

Merge branch 'develop_PDFReaderProNew' of git.kdan.cc:Mac_PDF/PDF_Office into develop_PDFReaderProNew

tangchao 1 년 전
51개의 변경된 파일47142개의 추가작업 그리고 3963개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/de.lproj/Main.strings
  2. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/es.lproj/Main.strings
  3. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/fr.lproj/Main.strings
  4. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/it.lproj/Main.strings
  5. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/ja.lproj/Main.strings
  6. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/nl.lproj/Main.strings
  7. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/pl.lproj/Main.strings
  8. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/ru.lproj/Main.strings
  9. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/zh-Hans.lproj/Main.strings
  10. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/zh-Hant.lproj/Main.strings
  11. 8 8
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard
  12. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/de.lproj/Main.strings
  13. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/es.lproj/Main.strings
  14. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/fr.lproj/Main.strings
  15. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/it.lproj/Main.strings
  16. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/ja.lproj/Main.strings
  17. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/nl.lproj/Main.strings
  18. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/pl.lproj/Main.strings
  19. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/ru.lproj/Main.strings
  20. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/zh-Hans.lproj/Main.strings
  21. 396 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/zh-Hant.lproj/Main.strings
  22. 1 1
      PDF Office/PDF Master/AppDelegate.swift
  23. 2 3
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard
  24. 1 1
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Batch/WindowController/KMBatchOperateLeftViewController.swift
  25. 1 1
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Common/Tools/KMTools.swift
  26. 2 2
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Home/View/HomeContentView/QucikTools/Model/KMQucikToolsModel.swift
  27. 1 1
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFTools/AddHeaderFooter/VC/KMBatchOperateAddHeaderFooterViewController.swift
  28. 1 1
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFTools/Watermark/Controller/KMBatchOperateAddWatermarkViewController.swift
  29. 9 9
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/LeftSide/KMLeftSideViewController+Action.swift
  30. 2558 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
  31. 1 1
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
  32. 2674 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
  33. 2470 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings
  34. 2470 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings
  35. 2737 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings
  36. 2731 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings
  37. 2686 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings
  38. 2610 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
  39. 2973 3864
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
  40. 3738 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings
  41. 1182 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/de.lproj/Main.strings
  42. 1182 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/es.lproj/Main.strings
  43. 1182 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/fr.lproj/Main.strings
  44. 1182 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/it.lproj/Main.strings
  45. 1182 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/ja.lproj/Main.strings
  46. 1182 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/nl.lproj/Main.strings
  47. 1182 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/pl.lproj/Main.strings
  48. 1182 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/ru.lproj/Main.strings
  49. 821 71
      PDF Office/PDF Master/zh-Hans.lproj/Main.strings
  50. 1182 0
      PDF Office/PDF Master/zh-Hant.lproj/Main.strings
  51. 89 0
      PDF Office/PDF Reader Pro.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/de.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "1b7-l0-nxx"; */
+"1b7-l0-nxx.title" = "Find";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Lower"; ObjectID = "1tx-W0-xDw"; */
+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Raise"; ObjectID = "2h7-ER-AoG"; */
+"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "2oI-Rn-ZJC"; */
+"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Spelling"; ObjectID = "3IN-sU-3Bg"; */
+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "3Om-Ey-2VK"; */
+"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "3rS-ZA-NoH"; */
+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Tighten"; ObjectID = "46P-cB-AYj"; */
+"46P-cB-AYj.title" = "Tighten";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "4EN-yA-p0u"; */
+"4EN-yA-p0u.title" = "Find";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Enter Full Screen"; ObjectID = "4J7-dP-txa"; */
+"4J7-dP-txa.title" = "Enter Full Screen";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Quit PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "4sb-4s-VLi"; */
+"4sb-4s-VLi.title" = "Quit PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Edit"; ObjectID = "5QF-Oa-p0T"; */
+"5QF-Oa-p0T.title" = "Edit";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy Style"; ObjectID = "5Vv-lz-BsD"; */
+"5Vv-lz-BsD.title" = "Copy Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "About PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "5kV-Vb-QxS"; */
+"5kV-Vb-QxS.title" = "About PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Redo"; ObjectID = "6dh-zS-Vam"; */
+"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Correct Spelling Automatically"; ObjectID = "78Y-hA-62v"; */
+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "8mr-sm-Yjd"; */
+"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Substitutions"; ObjectID = "9ic-FL-obx"; */
+"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Copy/Paste"; ObjectID = "9yt-4B-nSM"; */
+"9yt-4B-nSM.title" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Main Menu"; ObjectID = "AYu-sK-qS6"; */
+"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Preferences…"; ObjectID = "BOF-NM-1cW"; */
+"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tLeft to Right"; ObjectID = "BgM-ve-c93"; */
+"BgM-ve-c93.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save As…"; ObjectID = "Bw7-FT-i3A"; */
+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "F2S-fz-NVQ"; */
+"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro DMG Help"; ObjectID = "FKE-Sm-Kum"; */
+"FKE-Sm-Kum.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "Fal-I4-PZk"; */
+"Fal-I4-PZk.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Substitutions"; ObjectID = "FeM-D8-WVr"; */
+"FeM-D8-WVr.title" = "Substitutions";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bold"; ObjectID = "GB9-OM-e27"; */
+"GB9-OM-e27.title" = "Bold";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Format"; ObjectID = "GEO-Iw-cKr"; */
+"GEO-Iw-cKr.title" = "Format";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "GUa-eO-cwY"; */
+"GUa-eO-cwY.title" = "Use Default";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Font"; ObjectID = "Gi5-1S-RQB"; */
+"Gi5-1S-RQB.title" = "Font";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "H1b-Si-o9J"; */
+"H1b-Si-o9J.title" = "Writing Direction";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "H8h-7b-M4v"; */
+"H8h-7b-M4v.title" = "View";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Text Replacement"; ObjectID = "HFQ-gK-NFA"; */
+"HFQ-gK-NFA.title" = "Text Replacement";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "HFo-cy-zxI"; */
+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "HyV-fh-RgO"; */
+"HyV-fh-RgO.title" = "View";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Subscript"; ObjectID = "I0S-gh-46l"; */
+"I0S-gh-46l.title" = "Subscript";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open…"; ObjectID = "IAo-SY-fd9"; */
+"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Open…";
+/* Class = "NSWindow"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "IQv-IB-iLA"; */
+"IQv-IB-iLA.title" = "Window";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Justify"; ObjectID = "J5U-5w-g23"; */
+"J5U-5w-g23.title" = "Justify";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "J7y-lM-qPV"; */
+"J7y-lM-qPV.title" = "Use None";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Revert to Saved"; ObjectID = "KaW-ft-85H"; */
+"KaW-ft-85H.title" = "Revert to Saved";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show All"; ObjectID = "Kd2-mp-pUS"; */
+"Kd2-mp-pUS.title" = "Show All";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bring All to Front"; ObjectID = "LE2-aR-0XJ"; */
+"LE2-aR-0XJ.title" = "Bring All to Front";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Ruler"; ObjectID = "LVM-kO-fVI"; */
+"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tLeft to Right"; ObjectID = "Lbh-J2-qVU"; */
+"Lbh-J2-qVU.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy Ruler"; ObjectID = "MkV-Pr-PK5"; */
+"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "NMo-om-nkz"; */
+"NMo-om-nkz.title" = "Services";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "Nop-cj-93Q"; */
+"Nop-cj-93Q.title" = "\tDefault";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Minimize"; ObjectID = "OY7-WF-poV"; */
+"OY7-WF-poV.title" = "Minimize";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Baseline"; ObjectID = "OaQ-X3-Vso"; */
+"OaQ-X3-Vso.title" = "Baseline";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Hide PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "Olw-nP-bQN"; */
+"Olw-nP-bQN.title" = "Hide PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Previous"; ObjectID = "OwM-mh-QMV"; */
+"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Stop Speaking"; ObjectID = "Oyz-dy-DGm"; */
+"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bigger"; ObjectID = "Ptp-SP-VEL"; */
+"Ptp-SP-VEL.title" = "Bigger";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Fonts"; ObjectID = "Q5e-8K-NDq"; */
+"Q5e-8K-NDq.title" = "Show Fonts";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Zoom"; ObjectID = "R4o-n2-Eq4"; */
+"R4o-n2-Eq4.title" = "Zoom";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tRight to Left"; ObjectID = "RB4-Sm-HuC"; */
+"RB4-Sm-HuC.title" = "\tRight to Left";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Superscript"; ObjectID = "Rqc-34-cIF"; */
+"Rqc-34-cIF.title" = "Superscript";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select All"; ObjectID = "Ruw-6m-B2m"; */
+"Ruw-6m-B2m.title" = "Select All";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Jump to Selection"; ObjectID = "S0p-oC-mLd"; */
+"S0p-oC-mLd.title" = "Jump to Selection";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "Td7-aD-5lo"; */
+"Td7-aD-5lo.title" = "Window";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Capitalize"; ObjectID = "UEZ-Bs-lqG"; */
+"UEZ-Bs-lqG.title" = "Capitalize";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Center"; ObjectID = "VIY-Ag-zcb"; */
+"VIY-Ag-zcb.title" = "Center";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Hide Others"; ObjectID = "Vdr-fp-XzO"; */
+"Vdr-fp-XzO.title" = "Hide Others";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Italic"; ObjectID = "Vjx-xi-njq"; */
+"Vjx-xi-njq.title" = "Italic";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Edit"; ObjectID = "W48-6f-4Dl"; */
+"W48-6f-4Dl.title" = "Edit";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Underline"; ObjectID = "WRG-CD-K1S"; */
+"WRG-CD-K1S.title" = "Underline";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "New"; ObjectID = "Was-JA-tGl"; */
+"Was-JA-tGl.title" = "New";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste and Match Style"; ObjectID = "WeT-3V-zwk"; */
+"WeT-3V-zwk.title" = "Paste and Match Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find…"; ObjectID = "Xz5-n4-O0W"; */
+"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Find…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find and Replace…"; ObjectID = "YEy-JH-Tfz"; */
+"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
+"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Start Speaking"; ObjectID = "Ynk-f8-cLZ"; */
+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Left"; ObjectID = "ZM1-6Q-yy1"; */
+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paragraph"; ObjectID = "ZvO-Gk-QUH"; */
+"ZvO-Gk-QUH.title" = "Paragraph";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Print…"; ObjectID = "aTl-1u-JFS"; */
+"aTl-1u-JFS.title" = "Print…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "aUF-d1-5bR"; */
+"aUF-d1-5bR.title" = "Window";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Font"; ObjectID = "aXa-aM-Jaq"; */
+"aXa-aM-Jaq.title" = "Font";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "agt-UL-0e3"; */
+"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Use Default";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Colors"; ObjectID = "bgn-CT-cEk"; */
+"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Show Colors";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "bib-Uj-vzu"; */
+"bib-Uj-vzu.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Selection for Find"; ObjectID = "buJ-ug-pKt"; */
+"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "c8a-y6-VQd"; */
+"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "cDB-IK-hbR"; */
+"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Selection"; ObjectID = "cqv-fj-IhA"; */
+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
+"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Lower Case"; ObjectID = "d9M-CD-aMd"; */
+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
+"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
+"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste"; ObjectID = "gVA-U4-sdL"; */
+"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Quotes"; ObjectID = "hQb-2v-fYv"; */
+"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Document Now"; ObjectID = "hz2-CU-CR7"; */
+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "hz9-B4-Xy5"; */
+"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smaller"; ObjectID = "i1d-Er-qST"; */
+"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Baseline"; ObjectID = "ijk-EB-dga"; */
+"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "jBQ-r6-VK2"; */
+"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tRight to Left"; ObjectID = "jFq-tB-4Kx"; */
+"jFq-tB-4Kx.title" = "\tRight to Left";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Format"; ObjectID = "jxT-CU-nIS"; */
+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Sidebar"; ObjectID = "kIP-vf-haE"; */
+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "oas-Oc-fiZ"; */
+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Loosen"; ObjectID = "ogc-rX-tC1"; */
+"ogc-rX-tC1.title" = "Loosen";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete"; ObjectID = "pa3-QI-u2k"; */
+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save…"; ObjectID = "pxx-59-PXV"; */
+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Next"; ObjectID = "q09-fT-Sye"; */
+"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Page Setup…"; ObjectID = "qIS-W8-SiK"; */
+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Spelling While Typing"; ObjectID = "rbD-Rh-wIN"; */
+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "tXI-mr-wws"; */
+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "tlD-Oa-oAM"; */
+"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "uQy-DD-JDr"; */
+"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Cut"; ObjectID = "uRl-iY-unG"; */
+"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Cut";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Style"; ObjectID = "vKC-jM-MkH"; */
+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Ruler"; ObjectID = "vLm-3I-IUL"; */
+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Right"; ObjectID = "wb2-vD-lq4"; */
+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
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+"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/es.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
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+"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
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+"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
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+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
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+"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
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+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
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+"4EN-yA-p0u.title" = "Find";
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+"4J7-dP-txa.title" = "Enter Full Screen";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Quit PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "4sb-4s-VLi"; */
+"4sb-4s-VLi.title" = "Quit PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"5kV-Vb-QxS.title" = "About PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Redo"; ObjectID = "6dh-zS-Vam"; */
+"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Correct Spelling Automatically"; ObjectID = "78Y-hA-62v"; */
+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "8mr-sm-Yjd"; */
+"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
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+"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
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+"9yt-4B-nSM.title" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
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+"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
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+"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "F2S-fz-NVQ"; */
+"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
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+"FeM-D8-WVr.title" = "Substitutions";
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+"HFQ-gK-NFA.title" = "Text Replacement";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+"HyV-fh-RgO.title" = "View";
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+"I0S-gh-46l.title" = "Subscript";
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+"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Open…";
+/* Class = "NSWindow"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "IQv-IB-iLA"; */
+"IQv-IB-iLA.title" = "Window";
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+"J7y-lM-qPV.title" = "Use None";
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+"Kd2-mp-pUS.title" = "Show All";
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+"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
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+"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
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+"NMo-om-nkz.title" = "Services";
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+"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
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+"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
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+"Ptp-SP-VEL.title" = "Bigger";
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+"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Find…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find and Replace…"; ObjectID = "YEy-JH-Tfz"; */
+"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
+"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
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+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
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+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
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+"aXa-aM-Jaq.title" = "Font";
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+"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Use Default";
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+"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Show Colors";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "bib-Uj-vzu"; */
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+"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
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+"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
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+"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Selection"; ObjectID = "cqv-fj-IhA"; */
+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
+"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
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+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
+"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
+"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste"; ObjectID = "gVA-U4-sdL"; */
+"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
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+"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
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+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
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+"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
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+"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
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+"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
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+"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
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+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
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+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"ogc-rX-tC1.title" = "Loosen";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save…"; ObjectID = "pxx-59-PXV"; */
+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save…";
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+"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
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+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Spelling While Typing"; ObjectID = "rbD-Rh-wIN"; */
+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "tXI-mr-wws"; */
+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "tlD-Oa-oAM"; */
+"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
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+"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Cut";
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+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
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+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "xrE-MZ-jX0"; */
+"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/fr.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "1b7-l0-nxx"; */
+"1b7-l0-nxx.title" = "Find";
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+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Raise"; ObjectID = "2h7-ER-AoG"; */
+"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
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+"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
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+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "3Om-Ey-2VK"; */
+"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "3rS-ZA-NoH"; */
+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Tighten"; ObjectID = "46P-cB-AYj"; */
+"46P-cB-AYj.title" = "Tighten";
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+"4EN-yA-p0u.title" = "Find";
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+"4J7-dP-txa.title" = "Enter Full Screen";
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+"4sb-4s-VLi.title" = "Quit PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"5Vv-lz-BsD.title" = "Copy Style";
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+"5kV-Vb-QxS.title" = "About PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Redo"; ObjectID = "6dh-zS-Vam"; */
+"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Correct Spelling Automatically"; ObjectID = "78Y-hA-62v"; */
+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "8mr-sm-Yjd"; */
+"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
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+"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
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+"9yt-4B-nSM.title" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
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+"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
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+"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
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+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
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+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"HFQ-gK-NFA.title" = "Text Replacement";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+"HyV-fh-RgO.title" = "View";
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+"I0S-gh-46l.title" = "Subscript";
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+"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Open…";
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+"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
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+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
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+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
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+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
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+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
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+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
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+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
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+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save…";
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+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
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+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
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+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
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+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
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+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
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+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
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+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
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+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
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+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
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+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
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+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
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+"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/it.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
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+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"1b7-l0-nxx.title" = "Find";
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+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
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+"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
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+"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
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+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
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+"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
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+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
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+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
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+"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
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+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
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+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
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+"FKE-Sm-Kum.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG Help";
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+"FeM-D8-WVr.title" = "Substitutions";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+"HyV-fh-RgO.title" = "View";
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+"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
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+"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
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+"NMo-om-nkz.title" = "Services";
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+"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
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+"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
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+"Ptp-SP-VEL.title" = "Bigger";
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+"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Find…";
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+"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
+"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
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+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
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+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
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+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
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+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
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+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
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+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
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+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save…";
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+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
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+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
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+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
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+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/ja.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
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+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
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+"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
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+"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
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+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
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+"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
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+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
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+"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
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+"NMo-om-nkz.title" = "Services";
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+"Olw-nP-bQN.title" = "Hide PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
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+"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
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+"Ruw-6m-B2m.title" = "Select All";
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+"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
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+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
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+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
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+"ZvO-Gk-QUH.title" = "Paragraph";
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+"aTl-1u-JFS.title" = "Print…";
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+"aUF-d1-5bR.title" = "Window";
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+"aXa-aM-Jaq.title" = "Font";
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+"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Use Default";
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+"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Show Colors";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "bib-Uj-vzu"; */
+"bib-Uj-vzu.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Selection for Find"; ObjectID = "buJ-ug-pKt"; */
+"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
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+"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "cDB-IK-hbR"; */
+"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Selection"; ObjectID = "cqv-fj-IhA"; */
+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
+"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Lower Case"; ObjectID = "d9M-CD-aMd"; */
+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
+"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
+"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste"; ObjectID = "gVA-U4-sdL"; */
+"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Quotes"; ObjectID = "hQb-2v-fYv"; */
+"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Document Now"; ObjectID = "hz2-CU-CR7"; */
+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "hz9-B4-Xy5"; */
+"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
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+"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
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+"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "jBQ-r6-VK2"; */
+"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
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+"jFq-tB-4Kx.title" = "\tRight to Left";
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+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Sidebar"; ObjectID = "kIP-vf-haE"; */
+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "oas-Oc-fiZ"; */
+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save…"; ObjectID = "pxx-59-PXV"; */
+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Next"; ObjectID = "q09-fT-Sye"; */
+"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Page Setup…"; ObjectID = "qIS-W8-SiK"; */
+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Spelling While Typing"; ObjectID = "rbD-Rh-wIN"; */
+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
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+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Ruler"; ObjectID = "vLm-3I-IUL"; */
+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
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+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/nl.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
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+"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "2oI-Rn-ZJC"; */
+"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
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+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
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+"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "3rS-ZA-NoH"; */
+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
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+"4J7-dP-txa.title" = "Enter Full Screen";
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+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
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+"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
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+"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
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+"9yt-4B-nSM.title" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
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+"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
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+"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "F2S-fz-NVQ"; */
+"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
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+"FKE-Sm-Kum.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG Help";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Open…";
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+"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
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+"Olw-nP-bQN.title" = "Hide PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
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+"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
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+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
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+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
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+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
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+"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
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+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "oas-Oc-fiZ"; */
+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"ogc-rX-tC1.title" = "Loosen";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save…"; ObjectID = "pxx-59-PXV"; */
+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save…";
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+"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Page Setup…"; ObjectID = "qIS-W8-SiK"; */
+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Spelling While Typing"; ObjectID = "rbD-Rh-wIN"; */
+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "tXI-mr-wws"; */
+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "tlD-Oa-oAM"; */
+"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "uQy-DD-JDr"; */
+"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Cut"; ObjectID = "uRl-iY-unG"; */
+"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Cut";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Style"; ObjectID = "vKC-jM-MkH"; */
+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Ruler"; ObjectID = "vLm-3I-IUL"; */
+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Right"; ObjectID = "wb2-vD-lq4"; */
+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "xrE-MZ-jX0"; */
+"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/pl.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro DMG"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "1b7-l0-nxx"; */
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+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "3Om-Ey-2VK"; */
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+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "3rS-ZA-NoH"; */
+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Tighten"; ObjectID = "46P-cB-AYj"; */
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+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "4EN-yA-p0u"; */
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+"5kV-Vb-QxS.title" = "About PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Redo"; ObjectID = "6dh-zS-Vam"; */
+"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Correct Spelling Automatically"; ObjectID = "78Y-hA-62v"; */
+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "8mr-sm-Yjd"; */
+"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
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+"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
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+"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
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+"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "F2S-fz-NVQ"; */
+"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro DMG Help"; ObjectID = "FKE-Sm-Kum"; */
+"FKE-Sm-Kum.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG Help";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Open…";
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+"IQv-IB-iLA.title" = "Window";
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+"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
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+"Lbh-J2-qVU.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
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+"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
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+"NMo-om-nkz.title" = "Services";
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+"Nop-cj-93Q.title" = "\tDefault";
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+"OY7-WF-poV.title" = "Minimize";
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+"Olw-nP-bQN.title" = "Hide PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Previous"; ObjectID = "OwM-mh-QMV"; */
+"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Stop Speaking"; ObjectID = "Oyz-dy-DGm"; */
+"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
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+"Ptp-SP-VEL.title" = "Bigger";
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+"Q5e-8K-NDq.title" = "Show Fonts";
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+"RB4-Sm-HuC.title" = "\tRight to Left";
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+"Rqc-34-cIF.title" = "Superscript";
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+"Ruw-6m-B2m.title" = "Select All";
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+"S0p-oC-mLd.title" = "Jump to Selection";
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+"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Find…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find and Replace…"; ObjectID = "YEy-JH-Tfz"; */
+"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
+"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
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+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Left"; ObjectID = "ZM1-6Q-yy1"; */
+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
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+"aXa-aM-Jaq.title" = "Font";
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+"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Use Default";
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+"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Show Colors";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "bib-Uj-vzu"; */
+"bib-Uj-vzu.title" = "File";
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+"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "c8a-y6-VQd"; */
+"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "cDB-IK-hbR"; */
+"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Selection"; ObjectID = "cqv-fj-IhA"; */
+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
+"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
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+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
+"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
+"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste"; ObjectID = "gVA-U4-sdL"; */
+"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
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+"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
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+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
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+"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
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+"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
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+"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
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+"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
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+"jFq-tB-4Kx.title" = "\tRight to Left";
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+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Sidebar"; ObjectID = "kIP-vf-haE"; */
+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "oas-Oc-fiZ"; */
+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Loosen"; ObjectID = "ogc-rX-tC1"; */
+"ogc-rX-tC1.title" = "Loosen";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete"; ObjectID = "pa3-QI-u2k"; */
+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save…"; ObjectID = "pxx-59-PXV"; */
+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Next"; ObjectID = "q09-fT-Sye"; */
+"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
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+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "tXI-mr-wws"; */
+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "tlD-Oa-oAM"; */
+"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
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+"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Cut"; ObjectID = "uRl-iY-unG"; */
+"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Cut";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Style"; ObjectID = "vKC-jM-MkH"; */
+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Ruler"; ObjectID = "vLm-3I-IUL"; */
+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Right"; ObjectID = "wb2-vD-lq4"; */
+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "xrE-MZ-jX0"; */
+"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/ru.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
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+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
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+"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
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+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
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+"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
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+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
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+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
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+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
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+"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
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+"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
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+"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
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+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
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+"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
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+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
+"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
+"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
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+"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
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+"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
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+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
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+"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
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+"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
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+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
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+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"ogc-rX-tC1.title" = "Loosen";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
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+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save…";
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+"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
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+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
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+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
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+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "tXI-mr-wws"; */
+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
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+"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
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+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
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+"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/zh-Hans.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
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+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"1b7-l0-nxx.title" = "Find";
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+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Raise"; ObjectID = "2h7-ER-AoG"; */
+"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
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+"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
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+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
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+"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
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+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
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+"46P-cB-AYj.title" = "Tighten";
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+"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
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+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
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+"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
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+"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
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+"9yt-4B-nSM.title" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
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+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
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+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "F2S-fz-NVQ"; */
+"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
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+"HFQ-gK-NFA.title" = "Text Replacement";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+"HyV-fh-RgO.title" = "View";
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+"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Open…";
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+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
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+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
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+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
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+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
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+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
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+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
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+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
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+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master DMG/zh-Hant.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
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+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG";
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+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
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+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
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+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
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+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"FKE-Sm-Kum.title" = "PDF Reader Pro DMG Help";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+ 8 - 8
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/de.lproj/Main.strings

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+"Rqc-34-cIF.title" = "Superscript";
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+"Ruw-6m-B2m.title" = "Select All";
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+"UEZ-Bs-lqG.title" = "Capitalize";
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+"VIY-Ag-zcb.title" = "Center";
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+"Vdr-fp-XzO.title" = "Hide Others";
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+"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Find…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find and Replace…"; ObjectID = "YEy-JH-Tfz"; */
+"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
+"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
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+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
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+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paragraph"; ObjectID = "ZvO-Gk-QUH"; */
+"ZvO-Gk-QUH.title" = "Paragraph";
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+"aTl-1u-JFS.title" = "Print…";
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+"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Use Default";
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+"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Show Colors";
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+"bib-Uj-vzu.title" = "File";
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+"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
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+"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
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+"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
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+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
+"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Lower Case"; ObjectID = "d9M-CD-aMd"; */
+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
+"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
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+"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Quotes"; ObjectID = "hQb-2v-fYv"; */
+"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
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+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
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+"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
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+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
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+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
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+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
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+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save";
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+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
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+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
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+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
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+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
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+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
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+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
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+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
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+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/es.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
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+"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
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+"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
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+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
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+"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Lower Case"; ObjectID = "d9M-CD-aMd"; */
+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
+"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
+"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste"; ObjectID = "gVA-U4-sdL"; */
+"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Quotes"; ObjectID = "hQb-2v-fYv"; */
+"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Document Now"; ObjectID = "hz2-CU-CR7"; */
+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
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+"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
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+"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
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+"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "jBQ-r6-VK2"; */
+"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
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+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Sidebar"; ObjectID = "kIP-vf-haE"; */
+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "oas-Oc-fiZ"; */
+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
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+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save";
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+"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Page Setup…"; ObjectID = "qIS-W8-SiK"; */
+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
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+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
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+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
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+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
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+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
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+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/fr.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
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+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
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+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
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+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
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+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
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+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "tlD-Oa-oAM"; */
+"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "PDF Reader Pro"; ObjectID = "uQy-DD-JDr"; */
+"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "PDF Reader Pro";
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+"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Cut";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Style"; ObjectID = "vKC-jM-MkH"; */
+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Ruler"; ObjectID = "vLm-3I-IUL"; */
+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Right"; ObjectID = "wb2-vD-lq4"; */
+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
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+"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/it.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro";
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+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
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+"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
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+"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
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+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
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+"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
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+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
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+"4EN-yA-p0u.title" = "Find";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Enter Full Screen"; ObjectID = "4J7-dP-txa"; */
+"4J7-dP-txa.title" = "Enter Full Screen";
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+"4sb-4s-VLi.title" = "Quit PDF Reader Pro";
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+"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
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+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "8mr-sm-Yjd"; */
+"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
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+"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
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+"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "F2S-fz-NVQ"; */
+"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
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+"FeM-D8-WVr.title" = "Substitutions";
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+"HFQ-gK-NFA.title" = "Text Replacement";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "HyV-fh-RgO"; */
+"HyV-fh-RgO.title" = "View";
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+"I0S-gh-46l.title" = "Subscript";
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+"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Open…";
+/* Class = "NSWindow"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "IQv-IB-iLA"; */
+"IQv-IB-iLA.title" = "Window";
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+"J7y-lM-qPV.title" = "Use None";
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+"KaW-ft-85H.title" = "Revert to Saved";
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+"Kd2-mp-pUS.title" = "Show All";
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+"LE2-aR-0XJ.title" = "Bring All to Front";
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+"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
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+"Lbh-J2-qVU.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy Ruler"; ObjectID = "MkV-Pr-PK5"; */
+"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
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+"NMo-om-nkz.title" = "Services";
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+"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Stop Speaking"; ObjectID = "Oyz-dy-DGm"; */
+"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bigger"; ObjectID = "Ptp-SP-VEL"; */
+"Ptp-SP-VEL.title" = "Bigger";
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+"Rqc-34-cIF.title" = "Superscript";
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+"Ruw-6m-B2m.title" = "Select All";
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+"S0p-oC-mLd.title" = "Jump to Selection";
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+"Td7-aD-5lo.title" = "Window";
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+"UEZ-Bs-lqG.title" = "Capitalize";
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+"VIY-Ag-zcb.title" = "Center";
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+"Vdr-fp-XzO.title" = "Hide Others";
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+"W48-6f-4Dl.title" = "Edit";
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+"WRG-CD-K1S.title" = "Underline";
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+"Was-JA-tGl.title" = "New";
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+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find…"; ObjectID = "Xz5-n4-O0W"; */
+"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Find…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find and Replace…"; ObjectID = "YEy-JH-Tfz"; */
+"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
+"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Start Speaking"; ObjectID = "Ynk-f8-cLZ"; */
+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Left"; ObjectID = "ZM1-6Q-yy1"; */
+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
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+"aUF-d1-5bR.title" = "Window";
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+"aXa-aM-Jaq.title" = "Font";
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+"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Use Default";
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+"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Show Colors";
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+"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "c8a-y6-VQd"; */
+"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "cDB-IK-hbR"; */
+"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Selection"; ObjectID = "cqv-fj-IhA"; */
+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
+"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Lower Case"; ObjectID = "d9M-CD-aMd"; */
+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
+"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
+"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste"; ObjectID = "gVA-U4-sdL"; */
+"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Quotes"; ObjectID = "hQb-2v-fYv"; */
+"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
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+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "hz9-B4-Xy5"; */
+"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smaller"; ObjectID = "i1d-Er-qST"; */
+"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
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+"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "jBQ-r6-VK2"; */
+"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
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+"jFq-tB-4Kx.title" = "\tRight to Left";
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+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Sidebar"; ObjectID = "kIP-vf-haE"; */
+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "oas-Oc-fiZ"; */
+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Loosen"; ObjectID = "ogc-rX-tC1"; */
+"ogc-rX-tC1.title" = "Loosen";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save"; ObjectID = "pxx-59-PXV"; */
+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Next"; ObjectID = "q09-fT-Sye"; */
+"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Page Setup…"; ObjectID = "qIS-W8-SiK"; */
+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Spelling While Typing"; ObjectID = "rbD-Rh-wIN"; */
+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "tXI-mr-wws"; */
+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "tlD-Oa-oAM"; */
+"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
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+"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "PDF Reader Pro";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Cut"; ObjectID = "uRl-iY-unG"; */
+"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Cut";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Style"; ObjectID = "vKC-jM-MkH"; */
+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Ruler"; ObjectID = "vLm-3I-IUL"; */
+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Right"; ObjectID = "wb2-vD-lq4"; */
+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "xrE-MZ-jX0"; */
+"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/ja.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "1b7-l0-nxx"; */
+"1b7-l0-nxx.title" = "Find";
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+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Raise"; ObjectID = "2h7-ER-AoG"; */
+"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "2oI-Rn-ZJC"; */
+"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Spelling"; ObjectID = "3IN-sU-3Bg"; */
+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "3Om-Ey-2VK"; */
+"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "3rS-ZA-NoH"; */
+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
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+"46P-cB-AYj.title" = "Tighten";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "4EN-yA-p0u"; */
+"4EN-yA-p0u.title" = "Find";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Enter Full Screen"; ObjectID = "4J7-dP-txa"; */
+"4J7-dP-txa.title" = "Enter Full Screen";
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+"4sb-4s-VLi.title" = "Quit PDF Reader Pro";
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+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
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+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
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+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
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+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
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+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
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+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/nl.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
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+"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
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+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
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+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
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+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
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+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/pl.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
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+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
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+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"WeT-3V-zwk.title" = "Paste and Match Style";
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+"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Find…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find and Replace…"; ObjectID = "YEy-JH-Tfz"; */
+"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
+"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
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+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
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+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paragraph"; ObjectID = "ZvO-Gk-QUH"; */
+"ZvO-Gk-QUH.title" = "Paragraph";
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+"aTl-1u-JFS.title" = "Print…";
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+"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Use Default";
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+"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Show Colors";
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+"bib-Uj-vzu.title" = "File";
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+"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
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+"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
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+"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
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+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
+"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Lower Case"; ObjectID = "d9M-CD-aMd"; */
+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
+"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
+"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
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+"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Quotes"; ObjectID = "hQb-2v-fYv"; */
+"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
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+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
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+"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
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+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
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+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
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+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
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+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
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+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
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+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
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+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
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+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
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+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
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+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/ru.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
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+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
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+"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
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+"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
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+"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
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+"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
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+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
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+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
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+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save";
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+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
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+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
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+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
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+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
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+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
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+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
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+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
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+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/zh-Hans.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "3Om-Ey-2VK"; */
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+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
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+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
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+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
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+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
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+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
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+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save";
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+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
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+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
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+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
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+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
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+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
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+"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Cut";
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+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
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+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
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+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Right"; ObjectID = "wb2-vD-lq4"; */
+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "xrE-MZ-jX0"; */
+"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Substitutions"; ObjectID = "z6F-FW-3nz"; */
+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 396 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master Pro/zh-Hant.lproj/Main.strings

@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
+"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
+"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "PDF Reader Pro";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "1b7-l0-nxx"; */
+"1b7-l0-nxx.title" = "Find";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Lower"; ObjectID = "1tx-W0-xDw"; */
+"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Raise"; ObjectID = "2h7-ER-AoG"; */
+"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "2oI-Rn-ZJC"; */
+"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Spelling"; ObjectID = "3IN-sU-3Bg"; */
+"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "3Om-Ey-2VK"; */
+"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "3rS-ZA-NoH"; */
+"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Tighten"; ObjectID = "46P-cB-AYj"; */
+"46P-cB-AYj.title" = "Tighten";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "4EN-yA-p0u"; */
+"4EN-yA-p0u.title" = "Find";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Enter Full Screen"; ObjectID = "4J7-dP-txa"; */
+"4J7-dP-txa.title" = "Enter Full Screen";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Quit PDF Reader Pro"; ObjectID = "4sb-4s-VLi"; */
+"4sb-4s-VLi.title" = "Quit PDF Reader Pro";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Edit"; ObjectID = "5QF-Oa-p0T"; */
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+"5Vv-lz-BsD.title" = "Copy Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "About PDF Reader Pro"; ObjectID = "5kV-Vb-QxS"; */
+"5kV-Vb-QxS.title" = "About PDF Reader Pro";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Redo"; ObjectID = "6dh-zS-Vam"; */
+"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Correct Spelling Automatically"; ObjectID = "78Y-hA-62v"; */
+"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "8mr-sm-Yjd"; */
+"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Substitutions"; ObjectID = "9ic-FL-obx"; */
+"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Copy/Paste"; ObjectID = "9yt-4B-nSM"; */
+"9yt-4B-nSM.title" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Main Menu"; ObjectID = "AYu-sK-qS6"; */
+"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Preferences…"; ObjectID = "BOF-NM-1cW"; */
+"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tLeft to Right"; ObjectID = "BgM-ve-c93"; */
+"BgM-ve-c93.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save As…"; ObjectID = "Bw7-FT-i3A"; */
+"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
+"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
+"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "F2S-fz-NVQ"; */
+"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "PDF Reader Pro Help"; ObjectID = "FKE-Sm-Kum"; */
+"FKE-Sm-Kum.title" = "PDF Reader Pro Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "Fal-I4-PZk"; */
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+"FeM-D8-WVr.title" = "Substitutions";
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+"GEO-Iw-cKr.title" = "Format";
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+"GUa-eO-cwY.title" = "Use Default";
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+"Gi5-1S-RQB.title" = "Font";
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+"H1b-Si-o9J.title" = "Writing Direction";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "H8h-7b-M4v"; */
+"H8h-7b-M4v.title" = "View";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Text Replacement"; ObjectID = "HFQ-gK-NFA"; */
+"HFQ-gK-NFA.title" = "Text Replacement";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "HFo-cy-zxI"; */
+"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "HyV-fh-RgO"; */
+"HyV-fh-RgO.title" = "View";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Subscript"; ObjectID = "I0S-gh-46l"; */
+"I0S-gh-46l.title" = "Subscript";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open…"; ObjectID = "IAo-SY-fd9"; */
+"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Open…";
+/* Class = "NSWindow"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "IQv-IB-iLA"; */
+"IQv-IB-iLA.title" = "Window";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Justify"; ObjectID = "J5U-5w-g23"; */
+"J5U-5w-g23.title" = "Justify";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "J7y-lM-qPV"; */
+"J7y-lM-qPV.title" = "Use None";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Revert to Saved"; ObjectID = "KaW-ft-85H"; */
+"KaW-ft-85H.title" = "Revert to Saved";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show All"; ObjectID = "Kd2-mp-pUS"; */
+"Kd2-mp-pUS.title" = "Show All";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bring All to Front"; ObjectID = "LE2-aR-0XJ"; */
+"LE2-aR-0XJ.title" = "Bring All to Front";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Ruler"; ObjectID = "LVM-kO-fVI"; */
+"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tLeft to Right"; ObjectID = "Lbh-J2-qVU"; */
+"Lbh-J2-qVU.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy Ruler"; ObjectID = "MkV-Pr-PK5"; */
+"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "NMo-om-nkz"; */
+"NMo-om-nkz.title" = "Services";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "Nop-cj-93Q"; */
+"Nop-cj-93Q.title" = "\tDefault";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Minimize"; ObjectID = "OY7-WF-poV"; */
+"OY7-WF-poV.title" = "Minimize";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Baseline"; ObjectID = "OaQ-X3-Vso"; */
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+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Hide PDF Reader Pro"; ObjectID = "Olw-nP-bQN"; */
+"Olw-nP-bQN.title" = "Hide PDF Reader Pro";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Previous"; ObjectID = "OwM-mh-QMV"; */
+"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Stop Speaking"; ObjectID = "Oyz-dy-DGm"; */
+"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bigger"; ObjectID = "Ptp-SP-VEL"; */
+"Ptp-SP-VEL.title" = "Bigger";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Fonts"; ObjectID = "Q5e-8K-NDq"; */
+"Q5e-8K-NDq.title" = "Show Fonts";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Zoom"; ObjectID = "R4o-n2-Eq4"; */
+"R4o-n2-Eq4.title" = "Zoom";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tRight to Left"; ObjectID = "RB4-Sm-HuC"; */
+"RB4-Sm-HuC.title" = "\tRight to Left";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Superscript"; ObjectID = "Rqc-34-cIF"; */
+"Rqc-34-cIF.title" = "Superscript";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select All"; ObjectID = "Ruw-6m-B2m"; */
+"Ruw-6m-B2m.title" = "Select All";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Jump to Selection"; ObjectID = "S0p-oC-mLd"; */
+"S0p-oC-mLd.title" = "Jump to Selection";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "Td7-aD-5lo"; */
+"Td7-aD-5lo.title" = "Window";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Capitalize"; ObjectID = "UEZ-Bs-lqG"; */
+"UEZ-Bs-lqG.title" = "Capitalize";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Center"; ObjectID = "VIY-Ag-zcb"; */
+"VIY-Ag-zcb.title" = "Center";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Hide Others"; ObjectID = "Vdr-fp-XzO"; */
+"Vdr-fp-XzO.title" = "Hide Others";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Italic"; ObjectID = "Vjx-xi-njq"; */
+"Vjx-xi-njq.title" = "Italic";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Edit"; ObjectID = "W48-6f-4Dl"; */
+"W48-6f-4Dl.title" = "Edit";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Underline"; ObjectID = "WRG-CD-K1S"; */
+"WRG-CD-K1S.title" = "Underline";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "New"; ObjectID = "Was-JA-tGl"; */
+"Was-JA-tGl.title" = "New";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste and Match Style"; ObjectID = "WeT-3V-zwk"; */
+"WeT-3V-zwk.title" = "Paste and Match Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find…"; ObjectID = "Xz5-n4-O0W"; */
+"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Find…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find and Replace…"; ObjectID = "YEy-JH-Tfz"; */
+"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
+"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Start Speaking"; ObjectID = "Ynk-f8-cLZ"; */
+"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Left"; ObjectID = "ZM1-6Q-yy1"; */
+"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paragraph"; ObjectID = "ZvO-Gk-QUH"; */
+"ZvO-Gk-QUH.title" = "Paragraph";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Print…"; ObjectID = "aTl-1u-JFS"; */
+"aTl-1u-JFS.title" = "Print…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "aUF-d1-5bR"; */
+"aUF-d1-5bR.title" = "Window";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Font"; ObjectID = "aXa-aM-Jaq"; */
+"aXa-aM-Jaq.title" = "Font";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "agt-UL-0e3"; */
+"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Use Default";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Colors"; ObjectID = "bgn-CT-cEk"; */
+"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Show Colors";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "bib-Uj-vzu"; */
+"bib-Uj-vzu.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Selection for Find"; ObjectID = "buJ-ug-pKt"; */
+"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "c8a-y6-VQd"; */
+"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "cDB-IK-hbR"; */
+"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Selection"; ObjectID = "cqv-fj-IhA"; */
+"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
+"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Lower Case"; ObjectID = "d9M-CD-aMd"; */
+"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
+"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
+"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
+"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste"; ObjectID = "gVA-U4-sdL"; */
+"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Quotes"; ObjectID = "hQb-2v-fYv"; */
+"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Document Now"; ObjectID = "hz2-CU-CR7"; */
+"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "hz9-B4-Xy5"; */
+"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smaller"; ObjectID = "i1d-Er-qST"; */
+"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Baseline"; ObjectID = "ijk-EB-dga"; */
+"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "jBQ-r6-VK2"; */
+"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tRight to Left"; ObjectID = "jFq-tB-4Kx"; */
+"jFq-tB-4Kx.title" = "\tRight to Left";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Format"; ObjectID = "jxT-CU-nIS"; */
+"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Sidebar"; ObjectID = "kIP-vf-haE"; */
+"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
+"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
+"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "oas-Oc-fiZ"; */
+"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Loosen"; ObjectID = "ogc-rX-tC1"; */
+"ogc-rX-tC1.title" = "Loosen";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete"; ObjectID = "pa3-QI-u2k"; */
+"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save"; ObjectID = "pxx-59-PXV"; */
+"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Next"; ObjectID = "q09-fT-Sye"; */
+"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Page Setup…"; ObjectID = "qIS-W8-SiK"; */
+"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Spelling While Typing"; ObjectID = "rbD-Rh-wIN"; */
+"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
+"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
+"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
+"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "tXI-mr-wws"; */
+"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "tlD-Oa-oAM"; */
+"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "PDF Reader Pro"; ObjectID = "uQy-DD-JDr"; */
+"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "PDF Reader Pro";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Cut"; ObjectID = "uRl-iY-unG"; */
+"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Cut";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Style"; ObjectID = "vKC-jM-MkH"; */
+"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Ruler"; ObjectID = "vLm-3I-IUL"; */
+"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
+"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
+"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
+/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
+"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Right"; ObjectID = "wb2-vD-lq4"; */
+"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
+"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
+"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
+"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "xrE-MZ-jX0"; */
+"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
+/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Substitutions"; ObjectID = "z6F-FW-3nz"; */
+"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/AppDelegate.swift

@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate, iRateDelegate{
         accountRefreshItem?.tag = kKMMainMenuAccountRefreshItemTag
-        _ = PDFOfficeMenu?.insertItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Restore Previous Purchase ", comment: ""), action: #selector(restoreSubscriptions), target: self, at: 1)
+        _ = PDFOfficeMenu?.insertItem(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Restore Previous Purchase", comment: ""), action: #selector(restoreSubscriptions), target: self, at: 1)
         if let items = PDFOfficeMenu?.items {
             for menu in items {

+ 2 - 3
PDF Office/PDF Master/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<document type="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.Cocoa.Storyboard.XIB" version="3.0" toolsVersion="22505" targetRuntime="MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl="none" useAutolayout="YES">
+<document type="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.Cocoa.Storyboard.XIB" version="3.0" toolsVersion="22155" targetRuntime="MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl="none" useAutolayout="YES">
         <deployment identifier="macosx"/>
-        <plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="22505"/>
+        <plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="22155"/>
         <capability name="documents saved in the Xcode 8 format" minToolsVersion="8.0"/>
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@
                                         <menuItem title="One License for Mac and Windows" id="q57-EY-4x7">
-                                            <modifierMask key="keyEquivalentModifierMask"/>
                                                 <action selector="crossPlatformAction:" target="Voe-Tx-rLC" id="uZH-TE-fAS"/>

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Batch/WindowController/KMBatchOperateLeftViewController.swift

@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class KMBatchOperateLeftViewController: NSViewController,NSTableViewDelegate,NST
         self.lockFileIndex = 0
         self.progressInt = 0
-        self.selectFileButton.title = NSLocalizedString(" Add Files", comment: "")
+        self.selectFileButton.title = " " + NSLocalizedString("Add Files", comment: "")
         self.selectFileButton.wantsLayer = true
         self.selectFileButton.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0
         self.selectFileButton.layer?.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.m0Color().cgColor

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Common/Tools/KMTools.swift

@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ extension KMTools {
     @objc class func getAppName() -> String {
         #if VERSION_PRO
-        return "PDF Reader Pro Pro"
+        return "PDF Reader Pro"
         return "PDF Readre Pro"

+ 2 - 2
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Home/View/HomeContentView/QucikTools/Model/KMQucikToolsModel.swift

@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ extension KMQucikToolsModel {
         default: string = ""
-        return string
+        return KMLocalizedString(string, nil)//string
     func subTitleString() -> String {
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ extension KMQucikToolsModel {
         default: string = ""
-        return string
+        return KMLocalizedString(string, nil)//string
     func iconImage(_ isHight: Bool = false) -> NSImage {

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFTools/AddHeaderFooter/VC/KMBatchOperateAddHeaderFooterViewController.swift

@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class KMBatchOperateAddHeaderFooterViewController: KMBatchOperateBaseViewControl
         NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(batchFilesCountNotification(notification:)), name: NSNotification.Name("KMBatchFilesCountNotification"), object: nil)
     func localizedLanguage() {
-        self.addButton.title = KMLocalizedString("  Add Template", nil)
+        self.addButton.title = "  " + KMLocalizedString("Add Template", nil)
         self.actionButton.title = KMLocalizedString("Apply", nil)
         self.titleLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("Apply", nil)

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFTools/Watermark/Controller/KMBatchOperateAddWatermarkViewController.swift

@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ class KMBatchOperateAddWatermarkViewController: KMBatchOperateBaseViewController
 extension KMBatchOperateAddWatermarkViewController {
     private func _localizedlanguage() {
-        self.addButton.title = KMLocalizedString("  Add Template", nil)
+        self.addButton.title = "  " + KMLocalizedString("Add Template", nil)
         self.addButton.imageHugsTitle = true
         self.fileButton.title = KMLocalizedString("File", nil)
         self.actionButton.title = KMLocalizedString("Apply", nil)

+ 9 - 9
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/PDFWindowController/Side/LeftSide/KMLeftSideViewController+Action.swift

@@ -145,33 +145,33 @@ extension KMLeftSideViewController {
             showAnnotationItem?.submenu = subMenu
-            let exportAnnotationsItem = menu.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Export Annotations…", tableName: "MainMenu", comment: ""), action: nil, target: self)
+            let exportAnnotationsItem = menu.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Export Annotations…", comment: ""), action: nil, target: self)
             let subMenu2 = NSMenu()
-            var t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("PDF", tableName: "MainMenu", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
+            var t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("PDF", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
             t2?.representedObject = self.noteOutlineView
             t2?.tag = 0
-            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("PDF Bundle", tableName: "MainMenu", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
+            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("PDF Bundle", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
             t2?.representedObject = self.noteOutlineView
             t2?.tag = 1
-            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("PDF Reader Pro Edition Notes", tableName: "MainMenu", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
+            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("PDF Reader Pro Edition Notes", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
             t2?.representedObject = self.noteOutlineView
             t2?.tag = 2
-            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Notes as Text", tableName: "MainMenu", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
+            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Notes as Text", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
             t2?.representedObject = self.noteOutlineView
             t2?.tag = 3
-            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Notes as RTF", tableName: "MainMenu", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
+            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Notes as RTF", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
             t2?.representedObject = self.noteOutlineView
             t2?.tag = 4
-            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Notes as RTFD", tableName: "MainMenu", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
+            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Notes as RTFD", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
             t2?.representedObject = self.noteOutlineView
             t2?.tag = 5
-            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Notes as FDF", tableName: "MainMenu", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
+            t2 = subMenu2.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Notes as FDF", comment: "Menu item title"), action: #selector(exportAnnotationNotes), target: self)
             t2?.representedObject = self.noteOutlineView
             t2?.tag = 6
             exportAnnotationsItem?.submenu = subMenu2
-            let removeAllAnnotationsItem = menu.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Remove All Annotations", tableName: "MainMenu", comment: ""), action: #selector(leftSideEmptyAnnotationClick_DeleteAnnotation), target: self)
+            let removeAllAnnotationsItem = menu.addItem(title: NSLocalizedString("Remove All Annotations", comment: ""), action: #selector(leftSideEmptyAnnotationClick_DeleteAnnotation), target: self)
             removeAllAnnotationsItem?.representedObject = self.noteOutlineView
             NSMenu.popUpContextMenu(menu, with: NSApp.currentEvent!, for: button!, with: nil)

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 2558 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3764,7 +3764,7 @@
 //new ux Add
 "Upgrade to Pro" = "Upgrade to Pro";
-"Settings" = "Settings";
+"Settings..." = "Settings...";
 ", Total %ld Pages" = ", Total %ld Pages";
 "Landscape pages" = "Landscape pages";
 "Portrait pages" = "Portrait pages";

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 2674 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 2470 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 2470 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 2737 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 2731 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 2686 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 2610 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 2973 - 3864
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 3738 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 1182 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/de.lproj/Main.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 1182 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/es.lproj/Main.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 1182 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/fr.lproj/Main.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 1182 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/it.lproj/Main.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 1182 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/ja.lproj/Main.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 1182 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/nl.lproj/Main.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 1182 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/pl.lproj/Main.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 1182 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/ru.lproj/Main.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 821 - 71
PDF Office/PDF Master/zh-Hans.lproj/Main.strings

파일 크기가 너무 크기때문에 변경 상태를 표시하지 않습니다.
+ 1182 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/zh-Hant.lproj/Main.strings

+ 89 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Reader Pro.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

@@ -6475,6 +6475,16 @@
 		BB6013872AD3A3CB00A76FB2 /* CPDFWidgetAnnotation+PDFListView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "CPDFWidgetAnnotation+PDFListView.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		BB60138B2AD3A94200A76FB2 /* CPDFSignatureAnnotation+PDFListView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "CPDFSignatureAnnotation+PDFListView.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		BB60138F2AD3AFF000A76FB2 /* NSPopover+KMExtension.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "NSPopover+KMExtension.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BB61A9C42B8C691600CFC10B /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/Main.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BB61A9C62B8C693400CFC10B /* zh-Hant */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hant"; path = "zh-Hant.lproj/Main.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BB61A9C82B8C693D00CFC10B /* nl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = nl; path = nl.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BB61A9CA2B8C694600CFC10B /* fr */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = fr; path = fr.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BB61A9CC2B8C694E00CFC10B /* de */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = de; path = de.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BB61A9CE2B8C695500CFC10B /* it */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = it; path = it.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BB61A9D02B8C696200CFC10B /* ja */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ja; path = ja.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BB61A9D22B8C696900CFC10B /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BB61A9D42B8C697000CFC10B /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BB61A9D62B8C697800CFC10B /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		BB61F2112B59120F00777E27 /* KMScroller.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = KMScroller.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		BB6347AD2AF1F0A400F5438E /* KMBatchOperateConvertViewController.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = KMBatchOperateConvertViewController.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		BB6347AF2AF1F0BB00F5438E /* KMBatchOperateConvertViewController.xib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; path = KMBatchOperateConvertViewController.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@@ -6887,6 +6897,36 @@
 		BBD4267E2B4FCF1500AC8660 /* KMTextFieldCell.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = KMTextFieldCell.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		BBD512A02B0DE86C005BFE8A /* KMBotaLeftView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = KMBotaLeftView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		BBD54ED32A1CBD720012A230 /* NSView+KMExtension.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "NSView+KMExtension.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4832B881E2100369F7D /* zh-Hant */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hant"; path = "zh-Hant.lproj/Main.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4842B881E2200369F7D /* zh-Hant */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hant"; path = "zh-Hant.lproj/Main.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4852B881E2200369F7D /* zh-Hant */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hant"; path = "zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4872B881E5C00369F7D /* nl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = nl; path = nl.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4882B881E5D00369F7D /* nl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = nl; path = nl.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4892B881E5E00369F7D /* nl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = nl; path = nl.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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+		BBD6D48C2B881E7700369F7D /* fr */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = fr; path = fr.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D48D2B881E7800369F7D /* fr */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = fr; path = fr.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D48F2B881E8400369F7D /* de */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = de; path = de.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4902B881E8500369F7D /* de */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = de; path = de.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4912B881E8600369F7D /* de */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = de; path = de.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4932B881E9700369F7D /* it */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = it; path = it.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4942B881E9800369F7D /* it */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = it; path = it.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4952B881E9800369F7D /* it */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = it; path = it.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4972B881EA200369F7D /* ja */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ja; path = ja.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4982B881EA300369F7D /* ja */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ja; path = ja.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4992B881EA400369F7D /* ja */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ja; path = ja.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D49B2B881EB700369F7D /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D49C2B881EB700369F7D /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D49D2B881EB800369F7D /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D49F2B881EC800369F7D /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4A02B881EC800369F7D /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4A12B881EC900369F7D /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4A32B881EDC00369F7D /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4A42B881EDC00369F7D /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4A52B881EDD00369F7D /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4A62B881F0A00369F7D /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4A92B881F2B00369F7D /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/Main.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		BBD6D4AB2B881F3200369F7D /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/Main.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		BBD922292B50D50900DB9585 /* iRate.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = iRate.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		BBD9222A2B50D50A00DB9585 /* iRate.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = iRate.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		BBD9222E2B50D60000DB9585 /* KMRateWindowController.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = KMRateWindowController.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@@ -13270,6 +13310,15 @@
+				"zh-Hant",
+				nl,
+				fr,
+				de,
+				it,
+				ja,
+				pl,
+				ru,
+				es,
 			mainGroup = BBFBE6B128DD7B97008B2335;
 			productRefGroup = BBFBE6BB28DD7B97008B2335 /* Products */;
@@ -18340,6 +18389,16 @@
 			isa = PBXVariantGroup;
 			children = (
 				ADED71DC29B57C01005EEC0A /* en */,
+				BBD6D4852B881E2200369F7D /* zh-Hant */,
+				BBD6D4892B881E5E00369F7D /* nl */,
+				BBD6D48D2B881E7800369F7D /* fr */,
+				BBD6D4912B881E8600369F7D /* de */,
+				BBD6D4952B881E9800369F7D /* it */,
+				BBD6D4992B881EA400369F7D /* ja */,
+				BBD6D49D2B881EB800369F7D /* pl */,
+				BBD6D4A12B881EC900369F7D /* ru */,
+				BBD6D4A52B881EDD00369F7D /* es */,
+				BBD6D4A62B881F0A00369F7D /* zh-Hans */,
 			name = Localizable.strings;
 			sourceTree = "<group>";
@@ -18348,6 +18407,16 @@
 			isa = PBXVariantGroup;
 			children = (
 				BBFBE6C428DD7B98008B2335 /* Base */,
+				BB61A9C42B8C691600CFC10B /* zh-Hans */,
+				BB61A9C62B8C693400CFC10B /* zh-Hant */,
+				BB61A9C82B8C693D00CFC10B /* nl */,
+				BB61A9CA2B8C694600CFC10B /* fr */,
+				BB61A9CC2B8C694E00CFC10B /* de */,
+				BB61A9CE2B8C695500CFC10B /* it */,
+				BB61A9D02B8C696200CFC10B /* ja */,
+				BB61A9D22B8C696900CFC10B /* pl */,
+				BB61A9D42B8C697000CFC10B /* ru */,
+				BB61A9D62B8C697800CFC10B /* es */,
 			name = Main.storyboard;
 			sourceTree = "<group>";
@@ -18356,6 +18425,16 @@
 			isa = PBXVariantGroup;
 			children = (
 				BBFBE6F528DD7C21008B2335 /* Base */,
+				BBD6D4832B881E2100369F7D /* zh-Hant */,
+				BBD6D4872B881E5C00369F7D /* nl */,
+				BBD6D48B2B881E7600369F7D /* fr */,
+				BBD6D48F2B881E8400369F7D /* de */,
+				BBD6D4932B881E9700369F7D /* it */,
+				BBD6D4972B881EA200369F7D /* ja */,
+				BBD6D49B2B881EB700369F7D /* pl */,
+				BBD6D49F2B881EC800369F7D /* ru */,
+				BBD6D4A32B881EDC00369F7D /* es */,
+				BBD6D4A92B881F2B00369F7D /* zh-Hans */,
 			name = Main.storyboard;
 			sourceTree = "<group>";
@@ -18364,6 +18443,16 @@
 			isa = PBXVariantGroup;
 			children = (
 				BBFBE72428DD7C43008B2335 /* Base */,
+				BBD6D4842B881E2200369F7D /* zh-Hant */,
+				BBD6D4882B881E5D00369F7D /* nl */,
+				BBD6D48C2B881E7700369F7D /* fr */,
+				BBD6D4902B881E8500369F7D /* de */,
+				BBD6D4942B881E9800369F7D /* it */,
+				BBD6D4982B881EA300369F7D /* ja */,
+				BBD6D49C2B881EB700369F7D /* pl */,
+				BBD6D4A02B881EC800369F7D /* ru */,
+				BBD6D4A42B881EDC00369F7D /* es */,
+				BBD6D4AB2B881F3200369F7D /* zh-Hans */,
 			name = Main.storyboard;
 			sourceTree = "<group>";