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+ 2 - 5
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Purchase/DMG/KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController.xib

@@ -146,17 +146,15 @@
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@@ -206,8 +204,7 @@
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+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4685,3 +4685,8 @@
 "Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "افتح WeChat وامسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة ضوئيًا";
 "The coupon code has expired." = "لقد انتهت صلاحية القسيمة الخاصة بك.";
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "لقد تم استخدام قسيمتك، يرجى تغيير رمز القسيمة.";
+//"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "من خلال تقديم هذا الطلب، أوافق على%@ سياسة الخصوصية %@وشروط الخدمة لمنتجات الاشتراك";
+//"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "هل أنت طالب أو أستاذ؟ %@  احصل على عرض خاص  هل تريد شراء كميات كبيرة؟ %@  يرجى الاتصال بنا.";
+//"Get Special Offer" = "يرجى الاتصال بنا.";
+//"Contact Us" = "احصل على عرض خاص";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/de.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3051,3 +3051,8 @@
 "Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Öffnen Sie WeChat und scannen Sie den QR-Code";
 "The coupon code has expired." = "Ihr Gutschein ist abgelaufen.";
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Ihr Gutschein wurde verwendet. Bitte ändern Sie den Gutscheincode.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "Mit dem Absenden dieser Bestellung stimme ich den Datenschutzbestimmungen %@ und Nutzungsbedingungen %@ für Abonnementprodukte zu";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "Sind Sie Student oder Professor? %@ / Möchten Sie einen Mengenkauf? %@";
+"Get Special Offer" = "Erhalten Sie ein Sonderangebot";
+"Contact Us" = "Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns.";

+ 5 - 4
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4203,13 +4203,9 @@
 "Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License.";
 "Input license code previously activated the app" = "Input license code previously activated the app";
 "By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products" = "By submitting this order, I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for subscription products";
-"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products";
 "Continue to Pay" = "Continue to Pay";
 "1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)";
 "Pay sum" = "Pay sum";
-"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@.";
-"Get Special Offer" = "Get Special Offer";
-"Contact Us" = "Contact Us";
 "Applied" = "Applied";
 "Please enter a coupon code." = "Please enter a coupon code.";
 "Please enter your email for license receiving." = "Please enter your email for license receiving.";
@@ -4222,3 +4218,8 @@
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code.";
 "Purchased" = "Purchased";
 "Successfully" = "Successfully";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@.";
+"Get Special Offer" = "Get Special Offer";
+"Contact Us" = "Contact Us";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/es.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3133,3 +3133,8 @@
 "Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Abra WeChat y escanee el código QR";
 "The coupon code has expired." = "Tu cupón ha caducado.";
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Su cupón ha sido utilizado, cambie el código del cupón.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "Al enviar este pedido, acepto la Política de privacidad %@ y los Términos de servicio para productos %@ de suscripción.";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "¿Eres estudiante o profesor? %@ / ¿Quiere una compra por volumen? %@";
+"Get Special Offer" = "Obtenga una oferta especial";
+"Contact Us" = "Por favor contáctenos.";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3016,3 +3016,8 @@
 "Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Ouvrez WeChat et scannez le code QR";
 "The coupon code has expired." = "Votre coupon a expiré.";
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Votre coupon a été utilisé, veuillez modifier le code promo.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "En soumettant cette commande, j'accepte la politique de confidentialité %@ et les conditions d'utilisation %@ des produits par abonnement.";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "Êtes-vous étudiant ou professeur? %@ / Vous souhaitez un achat en volume ? %@";
+"Get Special Offer" = "Obtenez une offre spéciale";
+"Contact Us" = "Veuillez nous contacter.";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/it.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -2930,3 +2930,8 @@
 "Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Scansiona il codice QR con WeChat";
 "The coupon code has expired." = "Il codice coupon è scaduto.";
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Il codice coupon è stato utilizzato, modifica il codice coupon.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "Inviando questo ordine, accetto l'Informativa sulla privacy %@ e i Termini di servizio %@ per i prodotti in abbonamento";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "Sei uno studente o un professore? %@ / Desideri un acquisto a volume? %@";
+"Get Special Offer" = "Ottieni un'offerta speciale";
+"Contact Us" = "Per favore Contattaci.";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3209,3 +3209,8 @@
 "Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "WeChatでQRコードをスキャン";
 "The coupon code has expired." = "クーポンコードの有効期限が切れました。";
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "クーポンコードは使用されていますので、クーポンコードを変更してください。";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "この注文を送信することにより、サブスクリプション製品のプライバシー ポリシー %@ とサービス利用規約 %@ に同意します";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "あなたは学生ですか、それとも教授ですか?特別オファーを入手 %@ / 大量購入したいですか?お問い合わせください %@";
+"Get Special Offer" = "特別オファーを入手";
+"Contact Us" = "お問い合わせください.";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3089,3 +3089,8 @@
 "Could not find a removable watermark in this document. If you see a watermark, it was not added with PDF Reader Pro and therefore cannot be detected." = "Er is geen verwijderbaar watermerk gevonden in dit bestand. Als u een watermerk ziet, is dit niet toegevoegd met PDF Reader Pro en kan het daarom niet worden gedetecteerd.";
 "Are you sure you want to remove the watermark?" = "Weet u zeker dat u het bestandswatermerk wilt verwijderen?";
 "Experience Now" = "Ervaar nu";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "Door deze bestelling te plaatsen, ga ik akkoord met %@ en de %@ voor abonnementsproducten";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "Ben je student of hoogleraar? %@ / Wilt u een volumeaankoop? %@";
+"Get Special Offer" = "Ontvang een speciale aanbieding";
+"Contact Us" = "Neem contact met ons op.";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3146,3 +3146,8 @@
 "Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Otwórz WeChat i zeskanuj kod QR";
 "The coupon code has expired." = "Twój kupon wygasł.";
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Twój kupon został wykorzystany. Zmień kod kuponu.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "Przesyłając to zamówienie, wyrażam zgodę na Politykę prywatności %@ i Warunki korzystania z usług %@ produktów subskrypcyjnych";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "Jesteś studentem lub profesorem? %@ / Chcesz dokonać zakupu zbiorczego? %@";
+"Get Special Offer" = "Skorzystaj z oferty specjalnej";
+"Contact Us" = "Skontaktuj się z nami.";

+ 5 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4605,3 +4605,8 @@
 "Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Abra o WeChat e escaneie o código QR";
 "The coupon code has expired." = "Seu cupom expirou.";
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Seu cupom foi utilizado, altere o código do cupom.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "Ao enviar este pedido, concordo com a Política de Privacidade %@ e os Termos de Serviço %@ para produtos de assinatura";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "Você é aluno ou professor? %@ / Quer uma compra por volume? %@";
+"Get Special Offer" = "Obtenha oferta especial";
+"Contact Us" = "Entre em contato conosco.";

+ 6 - 0
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3079,3 +3079,9 @@
 "Scan QR Code with WeChat" = "Откройте WeChat и отсканируйте QR-код.";
 "The coupon code has expired." = "Срок действия вашего купона истек.";
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "Ваш купон использован, измените код купона.";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "Отправляя этот заказ, я соглашаюсь с Политикой конфиденциальности %@ и Условиями обслуживания продуктов %@ по подписке.";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "Вы студент или профессор? %@ / Хотите оптовую закупку? %@";
+"Get Special Offer" = "Получите специальное предложение";
+"Contact Us" = "Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами.";

+ 5 - 4
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4102,14 +4102,10 @@
 "The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "优惠劵代码无效、请重试。";
 "Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "请输入正确的许可证代码。如何检索许可证。";
 "Input license code previously activated the app" = "输入先前激活应用程序的许可证代码。";
-"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "通过提交此订单,我同意订阅产品的%@和%@";
 "Continue to Pay" = "继续支付";
 "1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "一个序列码可激活两台桌机设备(Mac和Windows)";
 "Pay sum" = "支付金额";
 "Are you a student or a professor? Get Special Offer / Want a volume purchase? Please Contact Us." = "点击此处申请教育折扣。申请批量采购折扣请联系我们。";
-"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "点击此处%@。申请批量采购折扣请%@。";
-"Get Special Offer" = "申请教育折扣";
-"Contact Us" = "联系我们";
 "Applied" = "已应用";
 "Please enter a coupon code." = "请输入优惠券码。";
 "Please enter your email for license receiving." = "请输入邮箱,用于接收序列码。";
@@ -4122,3 +4118,8 @@
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "您的优惠券已被使用,请更换优惠券码。";
 "Purchased" = "购买";
 "Successfully" = "成功";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "通过提交此订单,我同意订阅产品的%@和%@";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "点击此处%@。申请批量采购折扣请%@。";
+"Get Special Offer" = "申请教育折扣";
+"Contact Us" = "联系我们";

+ 5 - 3
PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4234,12 +4234,9 @@
 "The coupon code is invalid. Please try again." = "優惠劵代碼無效、請重試。";
 "Please enter right license code. How to Retrieve License." = "請輸入正確的許可證代碼。";
 "Input license code previously activated the app" = "輸入先前啟動應用程式的許可證代碼。";
-"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "提交此訂單,我同意訂閱產品的%@和%@";
 "Continue to Pay" = "繼續支付";
 "1 license code to activate 2 PCs. (Mac and Windows)" = "一個序號可啟動突變桌機設備(Mac和Windows)";
 "Pay sum" = "支付金額";
-"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "點擊此處%@。申請批量採購折扣%@。";
-"Get Special Offer" = "獲得特別優惠";
 "Contact Us" = "聯絡我們";
 "Applied" = "已申請";
 "Please enter a coupon code." = "請輸入優惠券碼。";
@@ -4253,3 +4250,8 @@
 "The coupon code has been used, please change your coupon code." = "您的優惠券已被使用,請更換優惠券碼。";
 "Purchased" = "購買";
 "Successfully" = "成功";
+"By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products" = "提交此訂單,我同意訂閱產品的%@和%@";
+"Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@." = "點擊此處%@。申請批量採購折扣%@。";
+"Get Special Offer" = "獲得特別優惠";
+"Contact Us" = "聯絡我們";