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wangshuai 3 mesi fa

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/en.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
 "Password cannot exceed 30 characters." = "Password cannot exceed 30 characters.";
 "1-Year AI Tools Giveaway" = "1-Year AI Tools Giveaway";
-"Free for the first year, then automatically renew at $125.99 annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "Free for the first year, then automatically renew at $125.99 annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime.";
+"Free for the first year, then automatically renew at %@ annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "Free for the first year, then automatically renew at %@ annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime.";
 "Service Agreement" = "Service Agreement";
 "Invalid token or token has expired." = "Invalid token or token has expired.";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/zh-Hans.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 "Password cannot exceed 30 characters." = "密码不能超过30个字符。";
 "1-Year AI Tools Giveaway" = "赠送您一年AI";
-"Free for the first year, then automatically renew at $125.99 annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "首年0元,到期自动续费818.9元/年,可随时取消";
+"Free for the first year, then automatically renew at %@ annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "首年0元,到期自动续费%@元/年,可随时取消";
 "Service Agreement" = "服务协议";
 "Invalid token or token has expired." = "无效的token或者token已过期。";

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/Assets/zh-Hant.lproj/MemberCenterLocalizable.strings

@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 "Password cannot exceed 30 characters." = "密碼不能超過30個字元。";
 "1-Year AI Tools Giveaway" = "贈送您一年AI";
-"Free for the first year, then automatically renew at $125.99 annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "首年0元,到期自動續約818.9元/年,可隨時取消";
+"Free for the first year, then automatically renew at %@ annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime." = "首年0元,到期自動續約%@元/年,可隨時取消";
 "Service Agreement" = "服務協議";
 "Invalid token or token has expired." = "無效的token或token已過期。";

+ 14 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/MemberCenter/WindowsController/KMFreeGetAIWC.swift

@@ -49,8 +49,21 @@ class KMFreeGetAIWC: NSWindowController {
     // MARK: Private Method
     private func languageLocalized() -> Void {
+        var productPrice = ""
+        productPrice = KMProductModel.shared.getProductPrice(.pdfReaderProStandard_dmg)
+        productPrice = IAPProductsManager.default().aiAllAccessPack12month_lite.price()
+        productPrice = IAPProductsManager.default().aiAllAccessPack12month_pro.price()
+        let firmString = NSLocalizedString("Free for the first year, then automatically renew at %@ annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime.", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: "")
+        let fireFullString = String(format: firmString, productPrice)
         titleLabel1.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("1-Year AI Tools Giveaway", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: "")
-        subTitle1.stringValue = String(format: " · %@", NSLocalizedString("Free for the first year, then automatically renew at $125.99 annually. You can cancel your subscription anytime.", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: ""))
+        subTitle1.stringValue = String(format: " · %@", fireFullString)
         subTitle2.stringValue = String(format: " · %@", NSLocalizedString("Free for the first year, then auto-renewal at $125.99 per year. You can cancel your subscription anytime.", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: ""))
         subTitle3.stringValue = String(format: " · %@", NSLocalizedString("Pick up free AI Tools before 23:59:00, or it will be invalid", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: ""))
         aitoolsLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Get 1-Year AI Tools with $0", tableName: "MemberCenterLocalizable", comment: "")