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niehaoyu 7 months ago

+ 10 - 10
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Purchase/DMG/Verification/KMVerificationWindowController.m

@@ -604,15 +604,15 @@ static KMVerificationWindowController *_currentWindowController = nil;
     if (license.length <= 0) {
-    if ([license hasPrefix:@"AI-"]) {
-        NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Activation Error", nil)
-                                         defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Try Again", nil)
-                                       alternateButton:nil
-                                           otherButton:nil
-                             informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel.", nil), nil];
-        [alert runModal];
-        return;
-    }
+//    if ([license hasPrefix:@"AI-"]) {
+//        NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Activation Error", nil)
+//                                         defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Try Again", nil)
+//                                       alternateButton:nil
+//                                           otherButton:nil
+//                             informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"To activate the AI license code, click “AI Tools” on the toolbar, then tap “My AI Credit” from the right panel.", nil), nil];
+//        [alert runModal];
+//        return;
+//    }
     if (![self isConnectionAvailable]) {
         NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Connection Error", nil)
                                          defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", nil)
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ static KMVerificationWindowController *_currentWindowController = nil;
         } else {
             blockSelf.activityAlertViewController.alertTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Successful Activation!", nil);
-            blockSelf.activityAlertViewController.alertMessage = NSLocalizedString(@"Congrats! You are eligible to enjoy all advanced features (excluding AI) in PDFull.", nil);
+            blockSelf.activityAlertViewController.alertMessage = NSLocalizedString(@"Congrats! You are eligible to enjoy all advanced features in PDFull.", nil);
             [blockSelf setContentView:blockSelf.activityAlertViewController.view];

+ 1 - 1
PDF Office/PDF Master/Class/Purchase/IAPProductsManager.m

@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ NSString * const KMIAPSubscriptionLoadedNotification = @"KMIAPSubscriptionLoaded
                 NSString *informative = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n%@\n\n%@\n\n%@\n\n",
                                          NSLocalizedString(@"—》If you already completed the payment, simply click the \"Restore Previous Purchase\" button directly from the upgrade page to enable all the advanced features at no cost to you.", nil),
                                          NSLocalizedString(@"—》Due to Apple needs to confirm your purchase info, you may be required to sign in with your Apple ID. When you restore your purchase, make sure you use the same Apple ID that you previously used.", nil),
-                                         NSLocalizedString(@"—》Once you see the \"Restore Successfully\" message, you will be able to access the AI tools include AI translate, AI summarize, AI proofread and AI rewrite.", nil)];
+                                         NSLocalizedString(@"—》Once you see the \"Restore Successfully\" message, you will be able to access the advanced features, including PDF to Office, and more.", nil)];
             } else {
                 NSString *informative = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n%@\n\n%@\n\n%@\n\n",
                                          NSLocalizedString(@"—》If you already completed the payment, simply click the \"Restore Previous Purchase\" button directly from the upgrade page to enable all the advanced features at no cost to you.", nil),