@@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ struct KMPDFAnnotationSignatureType: OptionSet {
let KMPDFDynamicStampDateStyleKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_date_style"
let KMPDFDynamicStampDateStyleKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_date_style"
let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
-@available(macOS 13.0, *)
-@objcMembers class KMAnnotationStampViewController: NSViewController, NSTextViewDelegate, NSComboBoxDelegate {
+@objcMembers class KMAnnotationStampViewController: NSViewController, NSTextViewDelegate, NSComboBoxDelegate, NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource {
- var _annotations: [CPDFAnnotation]?
weak var pdfView: CPDFListView?
weak var pdfView: CPDFListView?
var isClickSignatureList: Bool = false
var isClickSignatureList: Bool = false
+ var isContinuousAddStamp: Bool = false
+ var isImageStamp: Bool = false
+ var annotationModel: CPDFAnnotationModel?
@IBOutlet weak var mainViewBox: NSBox!
@IBOutlet weak var mainViewBox: NSBox!
@IBOutlet weak var createStampView: NSView!
@IBOutlet weak var createStampView: NSView!
@@ -100,16 +101,14 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
@IBOutlet weak var leftImageView: NSImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var leftImageView: NSImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var rightImageView: NSImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var rightImageView: NSImageView!
- var _annotation: KMAnnotationStamp!
var _stampType: KMCreateStampType!
var _stampType: KMCreateStampType!
var annotationStampType: KMAnnotationStampCreateType!
var annotationStampType: KMAnnotationStampCreateType!
- var selectedStamp: KMAnnotationStamp!
- var standardStamps: [KMAnnotationStamp]!
- var customStamps: [KMAnnotationStamp]!
- var dynamicStamps: [KMAnnotationStamp]!
+ var selectedStamp: CStampObject!
+ var standardStamps: [CStampObject]!
+ var customStamps: [CStampObject]!
+ var dynamicStamps: [CStampObject]!
var dynamicStampNeedsAuthor: Bool!
var dynamicStampNeedsAuthor: Bool!
var dateFormatterString: String!
var dateFormatterString: String!
var dateStyleArray: [String]!
var dateStyleArray: [String]!
@@ -125,12 +124,12 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
- // Remove observers for specific key paths
- let keys = ["string", "rotation", "imageAlpha"]
- for key in keys {
- self.annotation.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: key)
+ if ((annotationModel?.annotation) != nil) && annotationModel?.annotations.count == 1 {
+ let keys = ["string", "rotation", "imageAlpha"]
+ for key in keys {
+ self.annotation.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: key)
+ }
dateComboBox.delegate = nil
dateComboBox.delegate = nil
contentTextView.delegate = nil
contentTextView.delegate = nil
@@ -147,50 +146,9 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
// Do view setup here.
// Do view setup here.
- if pdfView!.isCreatAnnotation {
- mainViewBox.contentView = createStampView
- noCustomStampLabel.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
- leftImageView.wantsLayer = true
- rightImageView.wantsLayer = true
- leftImageView.layer?.backgroundColor = KMAppearance.Layout.b15_1Color().cgColor
- rightImageView.layer?.backgroundColor = KMAppearance.Layout.b15_1Color().cgColor
- if let image = annotation.image {
- annotationStampType = .signature
- emptyImageView.image = NSImage(named: KMImageNameEmptySign)
- emptyLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Click \"New Signature\" button below to create a signature.", comment: "")
- emptyLabel.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h2Color()
- noCustomStampLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("No Signatures", comment: "")
- initCreateSignatureView()
- } else {
- dateComboBox.type = .none
- dateComboBox.comboxRect = dateComboBox.bounds
- authorTextField.backgroundColor = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
- authorTextField.wantsLayer = true
- dateComboBox.wantsLayer = true
- authorTextField.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0
- authorTextField.layer?.cornerRadius = 1.0
- dateBox.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
- dateBox.fillColor = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
- annotationStampType = .type_default
- emptyImageView.image = NSImage(named: KMImageNameEmptyStamp)
- initCreateStampView()
- switch pdfView!.toolBarCreateAnnotationMenuItem {
- case Int(KMCreateStampType.standard.rawValue):
- stampType = .standard
- case Int(KMCreateStampType.custom.rawValue):
- stampType = .custom
- case Int(KMCreateStampType.dynamic.rawValue):
- stampType = .dynamic
- default: break
- }
- }
+ if annotationModel?.annotations != nil {
+ mainViewBox.contentView = clickStampView
+ initClickStampView()
} else {
} else {
if isClickSignatureList {
if isClickSignatureList {
mainViewBox.contentView = createStampView
mainViewBox.contentView = createStampView
@@ -204,8 +162,49 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
noCustomStampLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("No Signatures", comment: "")
noCustomStampLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("No Signatures", comment: "")
} else {
} else {
- mainViewBox.contentView = clickStampView
- initClickStampView()
+ mainViewBox.contentView = createStampView
+ noCustomStampLabel.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h1Color()
+ leftImageView.wantsLayer = true
+ rightImageView.wantsLayer = true
+ leftImageView.layer?.backgroundColor = KMAppearance.Layout.b15_1Color().cgColor
+ rightImageView.layer?.backgroundColor = KMAppearance.Layout.b15_1Color().cgColor
+ if isImageStamp {
+ annotationStampType = .signature
+ emptyImageView.image = NSImage(named: KMImageNameEmptySign)
+ emptyLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Click \"New Signature\" button below to create a signature.", comment: "")
+ emptyLabel.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h2Color()
+ noCustomStampLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("No Signatures", comment: "")
+ initCreateSignatureView()
+ } else {
+ dateComboBox.type = .none
+ dateComboBox.comboxRect = dateComboBox.bounds
+ authorTextField.backgroundColor = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+ authorTextField.wantsLayer = true
+ dateComboBox.wantsLayer = true
+ authorTextField.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0
+ authorTextField.layer?.cornerRadius = 1.0
+ dateBox.borderColor = KMAppearance.Interactive.s0Color()
+ dateBox.fillColor = KMAppearance.Layout.l1Color()
+ annotationStampType = .type_default
+ emptyImageView.image = NSImage(named: KMImageNameEmptyStamp)
+ initCreateStampView()
+ switch pdfView!.toolBarCreateAnnotationMenuItem {
+ case Int(KMCreateStampType.standard.rawValue):
+ stampType = .standard
+ case Int(KMCreateStampType.custom.rawValue):
+ stampType = .custom
+ case Int(KMCreateStampType.dynamic.rawValue):
+ stampType = .dynamic
+ default: break
+ }
+ }
@@ -223,32 +222,15 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
// MARK: Set & Get
// MARK: Set & Get
- var annotations: [CPDFAnnotation] {
- set {
- _annotations = newValue
- _annotation = (_annotations?.first as? KMAnnotationStamp) ?? KMAnnotationStamp()
- }
+ var annotations: [KMAnnotationStamp] {
get {
get {
- return _annotations!
+ return annotationModel?.annotations as! [KMAnnotationStamp]
var annotation: KMAnnotationStamp {
var annotation: KMAnnotationStamp {
- set {
- if _annotation.isEqual(newValue) {
- let keys = ["string", "rotation", "imageAlpha"]
- for key in keys {
- _annotation.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: key)
- }
- _annotation = newValue
- for key in keys {
- _annotation.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: key, options: [.new, .old], context: nil)
- }
- }
- }
get {
get {
- return _annotation
+ return annotationModel?.annotation as! KMAnnotationStamp
@@ -405,7 +387,12 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
annotationLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Note", comment: "")
annotationLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Note", comment: "")
annotationLabel.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
annotationLabel.textColor = KMAppearance.Layout.h0Color()
- let opacity = annotation.imageAlpha
+ var opacity = 1.0
+ if annotationModel?.annotations != nil {
+ if annotation is KMAnnotationStamp {
+ opacity = Double((annotation as! KMAnnotationStamp).imageAlpha)
+ }
+ }
opacitySlider.floatValue = Float(opacity)
opacitySlider.floatValue = Float(opacity)
opacityComboBox.stringValue = String(format: "%d%%", Int(opacity * 100))
opacityComboBox.stringValue = String(format: "%d%%", Int(opacity * 100))
@@ -454,16 +441,20 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
contentTextView.wantsLayer = true
contentTextView.wantsLayer = true
- contentTextView.string = annotation.contentStr
+ if annotationModel?.annotations != nil {
+ contentTextView.string = annotation.contentStr
+ }
contentTextView.textColor = NSColor.labelColor
contentTextView.textColor = NSColor.labelColor
contentTextView.layer?.borderWidth = 0.5
contentTextView.layer?.borderWidth = 0.5
contentTextView.layer?.cornerRadius = 1.0
contentTextView.layer?.cornerRadius = 1.0
contentTextView.delegate = self
contentTextView.delegate = self
contentTextView.isEditable = false
contentTextView.isEditable = false
- sampleImageView.image = annotationImage()
+ sampleImageView.image = annotationModel?.annotationImage
- opacityBox.isHidden = annotation.image == nil
+ if annotationModel?.annotations != nil {
+ opacityBox.isHidden = annotation.image == nil
+ }
opacityBoxTopLayoutConstraint.constant = opacityBox.isHidden ? 16 : 96
opacityBoxTopLayoutConstraint.constant = opacityBox.isHidden ? 16 : 96
@@ -492,6 +483,9 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
func createStandardTypeStamp() {
func createStandardTypeStamp() {
+ createStampTableView.delegate = self
+ createStampTableView.dataSource = self
leftImageView.isHidden = true
leftImageView.isHidden = true
rightImageView.isHidden = false
rightImageView.isHidden = false
@@ -507,7 +501,6 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
footBox.isHidden = true
footBox.isHidden = true
@@ -604,13 +597,13 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
if standardStamps != nil {
if standardStamps != nil {
} else {
} else {
- self.standardStamps = []
+ standardStamps = []
- for i in 0..<28 {
- let stamp = KMAnnotationStamp(withBounds: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 480, 90))
- stamp.customStampType = KMAnnotationStampType(rawValue: i)
- self.standardStamps?.append(stamp)
+ KMStampManager.defaultManager.stamps.enumerated().forEach { (index, obj) in
+ if (obj.stampCategoryType == .standard) {
+ standardStamps?.append(obj)
+ }
@@ -618,22 +611,15 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
if self.customStamps != nil {
if self.customStamps != nil {
} else {
} else {
- self.customStamps = []
+ customStamps = []
- for s in KMStampManagerNew.shareManager.stamps {
- let stamp = KMAnnotationStamp(withBounds: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 480, height: 90))
- if s.isImageStamp {
- stamp.image = NSImage(contentsOfFile: s.imagePath)
- } else {
- stamp.setCustomStampString(s.string, dateString: s.subString)
- stamp.stampColor = KMAnnotationStampColorType(rawValue: s.color)
+ KMStampManager.defaultManager.stamps.enumerated().forEach { (index, obj) in
+ if (obj.stampCategoryType == .text || obj.stampCategoryType == .image) {
+ self.customStamps?.append(obj)
- self.customStamps?.append(stamp)
if let customStamps = self.customStamps, customStamps.count > 0 {
if let customStamps = self.customStamps, customStamps.count > 0 {
} else {
} else {
@@ -648,35 +634,11 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
- let tRevisedStamp = KMAnnotationStamp(withBounds: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 480, 90))
- tRevisedStamp.dateString = setDynamicStampDateString(withDateStyle: dateFormatterString)
- tRevisedStamp.setCustomStampString("REVISED", dateString: tRevisedStamp.dateString)
- tRevisedStamp.stampColor = .RedColor
- dynamicStamps.append(tRevisedStamp)
- let tReviewedStamp = KMAnnotationStamp(withBounds: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 480, 90))
- tReviewedStamp.dateString = setDynamicStampDateString(withDateStyle: dateFormatterString)
- tReviewedStamp.setCustomStampString("REVIEWED", dateString: tReviewedStamp.dateString)
- tRevisedStamp.stampColor = .GreenColor
- dynamicStamps.append(tReviewedStamp)
- let tReceivedStamp = KMAnnotationStamp(withBounds: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 480, 90))
- tReceivedStamp.dateString = setDynamicStampDateString(withDateStyle: dateFormatterString)
- tReceivedStamp.setCustomStampString("RECEIVED", dateString: tReceivedStamp.dateString)
- tReceivedStamp.stampColor = .GreenColor
- dynamicStamps.append(tReceivedStamp)
- let tApprovedStamp = KMAnnotationStamp(withBounds: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 480, 90))
- tApprovedStamp.dateString = setDynamicStampDateString(withDateStyle: dateFormatterString)
- tApprovedStamp.setCustomStampString("APPROVED", dateString: tApprovedStamp.dateString)
- tApprovedStamp.stampColor = .GreenColor
- dynamicStamps.append(tApprovedStamp)
- let tConfidentialStamp = KMAnnotationStamp(withBounds: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 480, 90))
- tConfidentialStamp.needExchangeFontSize = true
- tConfidentialStamp.setCustomStampString(dynamicStampNeedsAuthor ? authorTextField.stringValue : "", dateString: "CONFIDENTIAL")
- tConfidentialStamp.stampColor = .RedColor
- dynamicStamps.append(tConfidentialStamp)
+ KMStampManager.defaultManager.stamps.enumerated().forEach { (index, obj) in
+ if (obj.stampCategoryType == CPDFStampType.init(rawValue: CPDFStampTypeDynamic)!) {
+ dynamicStamps?.append(obj)
+ }
+ }
func setDynamicStampDateString(withDateStyle dateStyleString: String) -> String {
func setDynamicStampDateString(withDateStyle dateStyleString: String) -> String {
@@ -800,7 +762,9 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
imageStampButtonLayer.isHidden = true
imageStampButtonLayer.isHidden = true
textStampButtonLayer.isHidden = true
textStampButtonLayer.isHidden = true
- addButtonLayer.isHidden = true
+ if addButtonLayer != nil {
+ addButtonLayer.isHidden = true
+ }
func isDamageImage(_ image: NSImage, imagePath path: String) -> Bool {
func isDamageImage(_ image: NSImage, imagePath path: String) -> Bool {
@@ -906,14 +870,14 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
@IBAction func opacitySliderAction(_ sender: Any) {
@IBAction func opacitySliderAction(_ sender: Any) {
for tAnnotation in self.annotations {
for tAnnotation in self.annotations {
let opacity = self.opacitySlider.floatValue
let opacity = self.opacitySlider.floatValue
- self.pdfView?.setStampAnnotation((tAnnotation as! KMAnnotationStamp), forImageAlpha: CGFloat(opacity))
+ self.pdfView?.setStampAnnotation((tAnnotation), forImageAlpha: CGFloat(opacity))
@IBAction func opacityComboBoxAction(_ sender: Any) {
@IBAction func opacityComboBoxAction(_ sender: Any) {
for tAnnotation in self.annotations {
for tAnnotation in self.annotations {
let opacity = CGFloat(self.opacityComboBox.intValue) / 100
let opacity = CGFloat(self.opacityComboBox.intValue) / 100
- self.pdfView?.setStampAnnotation((tAnnotation as! KMAnnotationStamp), forImageAlpha: CGFloat(opacity))
+ self.pdfView?.setStampAnnotation((tAnnotation ), forImageAlpha: CGFloat(opacity))
@@ -978,28 +942,17 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
// }
// }
// }
// }
- if let annotationImage = self.annotation.image {
- let selectSignature: KMSignature = self.signatures[index] as! KMSignature
- if selectSignature != nil {
- self.pdfView?.isCreatAnnotation = false
- self.pdfView?.addAnnotation(with: selectSignature)
- }
- } else {
- switch stampType {
- case .standard:
- self.selectedStamp = self.standardStamps[index]
- case .dynamic:
- self.loadDynamicStamps()
- self.selectedStamp = self.dynamicStamps[index]
- case .custom:
- self.selectedStamp = self.customStamps[index]
- }
- if let selectedStamp = self.selectedStamp {
- pdfView?.isCreatAnnotation = false
- pdfView?.addAnnotation(with: selectedStamp)
- }
- }
+ var stampLists: [CStampObject] = []
+ switch stampType {
+ case .standard:
+ stampLists = standardStamps
+ case .dynamic:
+ stampLists = dynamicStamps
+ case .custom:
+ stampLists = customStamps
+ }
+ let stamp: CStampObject = stampLists[index]
+ pdfView?.setAddStamp(stamp, keepToolModel: false)
@IBAction func addButtonAction(_ sender: NSButton) {
@IBAction func addButtonAction(_ sender: NSButton) {
@@ -1052,7 +1005,11 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
if filePath.pathExtension.lowercased() == "pdf" {
if filePath.pathExtension.lowercased() == "pdf" {
if let pdf = CPDFDocument(url: url), pdf.isEncrypted {
if let pdf = CPDFDocument(url: url), pdf.isEncrypted {
let passwordWC = PasswordWindowController(windowNibName: "PasswordWindowController")
let passwordWC = PasswordWindowController(windowNibName: "PasswordWindowController")
- passwordWC.fileURL = URL(filePath: filePath)
+ if #available(macOS 13.0, *) {
+ passwordWC.fileURL = URL(filePath: filePath)
+ } else {
+ }
passwordWC.beginSheetModal(for: myself.view.window!) { [weak self] password in
passwordWC.beginSheetModal(for: myself.view.window!) { [weak self] password in
self!.addImageStamp(withSecurityPDFFilePath: filePath, password: password, removeBGColor: (accessoryCtr.selectedButton.state == .on))
self!.addImageStamp(withSecurityPDFFilePath: filePath, password: password, removeBGColor: (accessoryCtr.selectedButton.state == .on))
@@ -1229,7 +1186,7 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
if annotationStampType == .type_default {
if annotationStampType == .type_default {
- var stamp: KMAnnotationStamp?
+ var stamp: CStampObject?
switch stampType {
switch stampType {
case .standard:
case .standard:
stamp = standardStamps[row]
stamp = standardStamps[row]
@@ -1258,7 +1215,7 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
- cellView.sampleImageButton.image = stamp?.stampImage()
+ cellView.sampleImageButton.image = stamp?.stampPreImage()
cellView.closeButton.tag = row
cellView.closeButton.tag = row
cellView.closeButton.target = self
cellView.closeButton.target = self
cellView.closeButton.action = #selector(tableCellCloseButton_Click(_:))
cellView.closeButton.action = #selector(tableCellCloseButton_Click(_:))
@@ -1300,24 +1257,17 @@ let KMPDFDynamicStampNeedAuthorKey1 = "km_pdfview_dynamic_stamp_need_author"
@objc func tableViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
@objc func tableViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
- if let image = annotation.image {
- let selectSignature = self.signatures[createStampTableView.selectedRow] as! KMSignature
- pdfView!.isCreatAnnotation = false
- pdfView!.addAnnotation(with: selectSignature)
- } else {
- if stampType == .standard {
- selectedStamp = standardStamps[createStampTableView.selectedRow]
- } else if stampType == .dynamic {
- loadDynamicStamps()
- selectedStamp = self.dynamicStamps[createStampTableView.selectedRow]
- } else if stampType == .custom {
- selectedStamp = self.customStamps[createStampTableView.selectedRow]
- }
- if let selectedStamp = self.selectedStamp {
- pdfView!.isCreatAnnotation = false
- pdfView!.addAnnotation(with: selectedStamp)
- }
- }
+ var stampLists: [CStampObject] = []
+ switch stampType {
+ case .standard:
+ stampLists = standardStamps
+ case .dynamic:
+ stampLists = dynamicStamps
+ case .custom:
+ stampLists = customStamps
+ }
+ let stamp: CStampObject = stampLists[createStampTableView.selectedRow]
+ pdfView?.setAddStamp(stamp, keepToolModel: false)
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, rowViewForRow row: Int) -> NSTableRowView? {
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, rowViewForRow row: Int) -> NSTableRowView? {